September 2, 2010
Ke Alaka i Volume 93: Issue 2
Maori competition Laie dancers win PCC Te Manahua
Faculty wins prize Book acknowledges women with extraordinary experiences 4
Jerome Kaka, Maori dancer from Laie, performs at Te Manahua. Photo by Sam Sukimawa
Table of Contents
Ke Alaka i September 2 2010 • Volume 93: Issue 2
Amanda hansen edi tor-i n - c h ie f
Aissa Mitton art director
Sam Sukimawa photo editor
Copy Editors N i col e C lark Bl ake Ba x te r
podcasters Keith Borgholthaus Brian Poppleton Bart Jolley
Marketing Ch ri stop h e r M an n in g
art & graphics E m i l y Me a r n s
STAFF WRITERS Ca r r i e C ollin gridge , Margaret J o hns o n, A m y H a ns o n, Tr i j s ten Leach , Geof f Lo, Jam es C ho i , J es s e Ma ns ci l l , B r i a n Popple t on, V ikt or Bez ha ni , Kel s ey E l d er
PHOTOGRAPHERS Le isa Tapia, S am S u ki m a w a INTERN Ai ssa M itton
web design A i s s a Mi t t o n
Ad manager C h ristoph e r Ma n n i n g Email: AD INFO: KEALAKAIADS@GMAIL.COM Phone: ( 8 0 8 ) 6 7 5 - 3 6 9 4 Fax: (80 8 ) 6 7 5 - 3 4 9 1 Office: C am pu s A loh a C e n t e r R o o m 1 34 News Center Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762
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Edi tori al , ph oto su bm issions & d i s t r i b u t i o n i n qu i r i es: k e alak ai. by u h .e du . T o s u b s c r i b e t o t h e R S S FEE D or to v ie w addi t i o n a l a r t i c l e s , g o t o keal akai. by u h .e du .
Faculty members win major award for their publication on the women of the Pacific.
Local Laie group wins the title at Maori dance competition.
Student Hoon Lee tells how his conversion to the LDS church is shaping his life. After three days away from home a local parrot is successfully recaptured.
Dr. Kinghorn teaches in Marshall Islands Dr. Edward Kinghorn, chair of the Psychology Department at BYU-Hawaii, is teaching classes in the Marshall Islands this summer as part of a partnership program to help educate teachers. “I am teaching a course of human growth and learning for the BYUH Department of Education. I won’t be back on campus until September,” said Kinghorn. BYUH has been working with the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) since the early 1990s, and the School of Education has been involved with the project since 2005, which is a degree-completion process for teachers. This project gives teachers with associate’s degrees, usually from the College of the Marshall Islands (Majuro) or University of Guam, an opportunity to earn bachelor’s degrees. Dr. John Bailey, dean of the College of Human Development and Education at BYUH, is the director of the teacher-training program in the Marshall Islands. “Principals from RMI came to [the BYUH] campus to get leadership courses to assist them in their work,” said Bailey about the program. BYUH assists the “Ministry of Education in the RMI by teaching education courses there in Majuro each summer and assisting their teachers to come to campus to complete their degrees in their last year.” Jenny Jarom works for the Ministry of Education in RMI where she coordinates “the in-service programs by assisting these teachers to get admitted into the educational courses offered at the three institutions,” she said. “Afterwards, I prepare their certificates and licenses based on their completed levels of education.” The partnership program has had about 40 people graduate thus far, said Bailey. “About 8-to-12 teachers come each year. Several of the graduates are principals of major elementary or high schools. One is now a judge. Another is the clerk of the Parliament. One early graduate served as the RMI ambassador to the [United Nations] in the mid 1990s,” said Bailey. “Our education system benefits a lot from this partnership process,” said Jarom. “The students get a good education from a qualified teacher who has earned their higher education levels through these higher institutions. At the same time, these teachers get salary increments,” said Jarom. “We are very much appreciative of the opportunity given to the Ministry by BYUH. It is a great pleasure working closely with Dr. Bailey and his staff. I look forward to a closer working relationship between our MOE and BYUH,” said Jarom. - C ARRIE COLLINGRIDGE
Ke Alaka‘i
The Farmer’s Market is moving from the Seasider to Aloha Center Romm 155-165 beginning Fall Semester 2010. Held every other Friday on regular staff and student pay days, the Farmer’s Market will continue to provide the BYU-Hawaii ohana and community food from food safety certified. The ballots are in and the name has been chosen for the soap that the biochemistry lab has produce for campus use. The winning name is Seasider Shine, which was the suggestion of Emily Judson.She named it Seasider Shine “because it enhances pride in our university and has a nice ring to it” said Judson.There were four different names for students and faculty to vote on. Within a few month, Housing, food services, and bathrooms around campus plan on putting the soap to use. Photo by Sam Sukimawa
Ahoy mates! Celebrate the end of the term at BYUHSA’s pirate-themed Closing Social, Sept. 3. Doors to the game room will open at 8 p.m., where there will be unlimited access to all games, including bowling, ping pong and guitar hero. The Aloha Center Mall will open one hour later, for a dance party with deejay, and karaoke in the Seasider. “I’m a Mormon” is a new link on the LDS Church’s website, where you can watch videos posted by mem-
bers of the church from all over the world that show their testimonies, faith promoting stories, conversion stories, as well as the ability to cope with everyday life challenges by applying LDS gospel principles.
NOTEWORTHY NAME: CELESTE KETCHER WHY SHE’S NOTEWORTHY: After working for three years in the International Student Services office, Celeste Ketcher, from Brisbane, Australia, and a senior majoring in EXS, headed up last week’s “Summer Olympics.” She and a team of four supervisors plan and oversee the campus cultural associations. The idea for the Summer Olympic games came to her at an EXS graduation banquet, she said. turned to action after PhotoInspiration by Kallie Roderick she received permission to lead the project as a summer internship combined with her ISS employment. With hard work and careful planning, the Summer Olympics embodied Ketcher’s idea. She hopes the Summer Olympics will be added “to the cultural traditions such as FoodFest and Cultural Night.” HER TAKE: “One of the professors who spoke [at an EXS banquet] said, ‘Look for the needs in your area and fulfill them. By doing this, you will be successful.’ I felt that the BYUH Summer Olympics would be another avenue where students, alumni,faculty, staff and community members could embrace culture and learn of the diversity found within sports. Therefore, the sports chosen were specifically targetted to represent the school population and the many countries from around the world.” -KE LSE Y E LDE R G o o nlin e to Kea l a ka i . by uh. ed u Fo r f u r t her infor ma t i o n .
september 2, 2010
Campus the Princess of Tonga, and many ordinary women who also have extraordinary stories. “This experience, for me, is not just take, take, take, but it is giving and contributing; acknowledging that every woman has her own rich story,” said Ram. All of the women agreed that the project, although academic in nature, is very Debbie Hippolite Wright, Rose Ram, Anna Marie Christiansen and Sanoma Goodwill, are spiritually based. They shared the story of four women who authored ‘Narratives and Images of the Pacific Island Women. ‘ visiting a small community of immigrants Photos by Monique Saenz and Sam Sukimawa in London, originally from a tiny island in the Pacific. Ram had made contact with the head of the group beforehand, who told her that the researchers would need to develop a relationship with these women before they would share their lives. Upon arriving, Hipwomen themselves are very much a part of ‘Narratives and Images of Pacific Island polite Wright noted that one of the women Women,’ authored by women BYUH faculty the project; when we interview them the first looked remarkably familiar. She discovered time, we tell them they are the number one members, was awarded the Adele Mellen that twenty years prior they had worked editor ... We send the transcript back to each together on a research project at BYUH, her Prize for Distinguished Contribution to woman, to let her review it. We want to keep alma mater. Scholarship. It has already been placed in more than 65 academic libraries and universi- the woman in charge of what happens to her The woman was LDS and had been voice.” ties around the world. inactive for several years. Hippolite Wright Hippolite Wright explained that Debbie Hippolite Wright, vice pres- told the woman, “The Lord has sent us all ident for Student Development and Services, several years ago she and a couple other the way from BYUH to remind you that Rose Ram, Outreach Librarian of the Joseph professors discussed the need to engage and he loves you and he needs you back.” The talk about women in a systematic, intellectual F. Smith Library, and Kathleen Ward, emeriwoman began meeting with the missionaries tus ICS professor, worked together to publish manner. They began teaching a Multicultural again, returning to church, and sharing the the collection of women’s voices from various Women’s Studies class, in which students gospel with her friends. Pacific Islands in 2005. Wright and Ram have were assigned to interview a woman in their This was one of many experiences family or the community, process and trannow paired with English professors Sanoma that has assured these women they are doing scribe what they learned, and celebrate that Goodwill and Anna Marie Christiansen to God’s work. Hippolite Wright expressed, produce a second and third compilation—the woman’s life with the class in a creative way. “We cry with the ladies; we cry, and laugh, first interviewing Pacific Island LDS women, Some arranged music, others drew pictures, and sometimes we’ve been known to sing.” and the next featuring Pacific Island women and many wrote stories. In the words of a woman from After reading through those narra- Papa New Guinea, as relayed to Ram, “We’re in diasporas, or those who live away from tives they knew, Hippolite Wright says, “We all here to help each other along the path of home. have to get more. There is so much richness life.” Through the art of storytelling, these The faculty stressed the colhere; we have to get it out to the world.” laboration involved in the project, between women are doing just that. Since that time they have gaththemselves, mentored student researchers and ered the stories of noble women, including -AMY HANSON the storytellers. As Ram emphasized, “The
Women’s voices heard in faculty manuscript
Ke Alaka‘i
‘Every Meal is an Opportunity’ With happy strains of Latino music drifting through the open doors and the deep rumble of conversation from a throng of customers coming from within, the Cafe certainly made Thursday’s lunch a great opportunity for fun and memories. Lunchtime on Thursday, Aug. 26, was a success, thanks to the collaboration of Food Services and the Latino club. The fish tacos reigned as the food of choice, as students continuously flocked to the serving station from the lunch’s open to close. “It’s like taking a trip right down to Mexico,” said Taylor Lord, a junior in ICS from Canada.
Other favorites included the Hawaiian fruit salsa, chips and pollo con queso, and of course the flan. Activities were put on by the Latino club, headed by Diana Ruiz, a freshmen in anthropology from Mexico. Salsa dancing and musical chairs captured the attention and participation of the crowd. Andres Mijia, a senior in EXS from Ecuador, was in charge of the music. “The Latino Club asked me to take care of the music,“ he said, his head bobbing to the beat of a salsa track. “We always have a lot of fun.”
The Food Services employees also enjoyed the cultural event. “It’s always so fun to see the different foods and activities from around the world, ” said Jason Muaui, an undeclared freshman and server from Laie, Hawaii. “One of the benefits of working in the Cafe is seeing all different people and making friends with people from everywhere,” said Muaui. The Latino Lunch Festival lived up to the motto shouting from the T-shirts of employees and customers alike, that read, “every meal is an opportunity.”
Photo by Sam Sukimawa
New temple website informs local saints With the rededication of the Laie Hawaii Temple, community members can be easily updated on its progress and upcoming events with a new website, This website contains all of the information about the open house, cultural celebration, and newsletter as well as contact information and frequently asked questions. “I think it’s useful because I can always go back and see everything I don’t remember. Also, for us we can share the information with others,” said Wingha Choi,
senior in international cultural studies from Hong Kong. The Open House will start Oct. 22 and will continue on specific dates through Nov. 13. The specific times vary for each day. The tours are free and provide people the opportunity to see inside the temple and walk through it before it is dedicated. A cultural celebration will be performed by the youth of the community Nov. 20 at the BYU-Hawaii Cannon Actives Center. There will be two performances that are by invitation only, but they will be broadcasted to all meetinghouses via satellite. It will be a celebration of dance and music to show appreciation for the culture and history of Hawaii. More information will be provided on the website. “Everything is on there. All of the
information is organized in one place. It’s a good reference tool,” said Sharisse Barber, junior in elementary education from Iowa. The website contains a downloadable pdf file of the “Temple Times Newsletter.” It is a monthly publication to share information with community members. Everyone is invited to read it and all are encouraged to share it with those less-active. The July and August newsletters are currently available on the website. “They need to spread the word more about the website,” said Meghan Harrison, senior in English from Idaho, “but it’s great for people who don’t know about the church.” The website will be continually updated as information becomes available, so keep logging on for the latest news. -NICOLE CLARK
september 2, 2010
L a i e - bas e d Te Ko h au u Haw a iiki wi n s Te Mana hua M a ori Competition Intense Maori dancing combined with beautiful Maori voices filled the Polynesian Cultural Center during the Te Manahua competition on Aug. 14. Winning the overall championship title was the Laie-based Te Kohau Hawaiiki group. The group competed against two groups from New Zealand and one from England. “Te Kohau Hawaiiki—founded four months ago and led by Iraia and Miriama Bailey, Alex and Shannon Galea’i, and Tama Halvorson—took first place; followed in second place overall by Ngati Ranana, a group comprised mostly of expatriate Maori living in London, England,” says information on the PCC Website about the competition. “Third-place overall honors went to Te Kura o Tongariro, a group of 22 students from Tongariro High School in Turangi, New Zealand. Nga Uri a Te-Wai-o-Taiki, an ‘urban marae’ group from the Glen Innes 6
Ke Alaka’i
Photos by Sam Sukimawa
suburb of Auckland, also competed in the aggregate division,” it continues, “while another Laie-based group, Te Hokioi, led by Seamus Fitzgerald—PCC Islands of Aotearoa manager—and Sonne Campbell, performed in support of the others but did not compete.” The crowds roared as the performers danced the haka in authentic costumes at PCC’s main theater. Todd Everett, junior in biology from Connecticut, said of the performers, “Some look pretty intimidating.” Many of the performers in the groups were high school students who practice every day after school. Groups were judged on their singing, stage presence, attire, and dance precision. This year the judges for the event were “all from New Zealand and widely recognized their own ‘kapa haka’ expertise,” says PCC information. Destiny Robinson, senior in history
from New Zealand, performed in the warmup group prior to the competition. She said, “Our purpose here today was just to support everyone and all the competing teams from around the world, especially those from home and show our finua.” Kiwi Biddle, a native Maori speaker from Opotiki, New Zealand, praised his fellow Ngati Ranana members “for their ‘mahi’—their hard work, and long journey,” says PCC information. “We let it all rip on the stage, and I was happy with our second-place finish. We were blown away by the Hawaii group. They were awesome.” – BRIAN PO PP LE TON
Community D r. G ood will, s t ud e n ts co lle c t h igh s p eci m en num b e r in Sai p a n Dr. Goodwill, the biology department chair, and four biology/biochemistry majors traveled to the island of Saipan June 3 through the 21 to conduct biology and biochemistry research. The team collected almost 390 different species, making the specimen count over 450 in fewer than three weeks. “The goal of the 2010 Saipan research team was to collect, analyze, document, and photograph marine specimens from Saipan and neighboring islands. The secondary goal of the team was to educate students in history and culture,” said Goodwill. The students on the research team included: Amanda Hansen, senior in biochemistry from Kansas; Kalie Johnson, junior in biology from Virgina; Lael Prince, senior in biology from Utah; and Ricarda Meincke, senior in biology and biochemistry from Germany. “It was very useful because we all had separate projects we were studying but we were able work on them together. To successfully complete our projects we had the help of local scientists like John Furey and Gary Denton. We had the chance to mingle with the locals, teach them about what we were collecting, and then let them help us,” said Prince. The team spent many hours in the field collecting specimens, which allowed the students to snorkel and dive at some of Saipan’s most diverse beaches, as well as visit historical WWII sites.
Top: Lael Prince, Amanda Hansen, Dr. Roger Goodwill, Kalie Johnson, and Rickarda Meincke stand in the city of Garapan in Saipan. Bottom Left: Hansen, Lael, and Johnson analyze and catalog specimens. Bottom Right: Prince climbs the old Japanese WWII lighthouse. Photos courtesy of Roger Goodwill.
“After collection we would isolate, photograph, catalog, and preserve specimens by species. It was very educational because it was fun to see what diversity Saipan had and how it compared to Hawaii,” said Prince. Johnson was able to complete a total of 14 dives for the team, which allowed the collection of numerous species never before captured by a BYUH student. Hansen had the opportunity to visit
Dr. Gary Denton at the University of Guam, a leading researcher in trace metal toxicology, her area of study. “Denton helped me with the protocol for my 491 project. He assisted me in determining my proposal and experimental procedure. Because of the connection I established, I am able to keep in contact with Denton for further questions about my project,” said Hansen. -AMANDA HANSE N
September 2, 2010
oon’s Story
How Hoon Lee Found His Path to Truth Hoon Lee from South Korea, is a senior in information technology at BYU-Hawaii who plans to graduate in December and is a convert to the LDS Church. He first learned about the church when a sister missionary felt prompted to talk to him on the street, but it was the Christ-like examples of the members that made him want to join the church and serve a mission. He served his mission in Bussan, Korea, which he said was “the best mission in the world.” Leaving on his mission was not easy, he said, since his family did not support his decision. “[My parents] begged me politely not to go. I told them I was not going, but then I ran away.” A week later he wrote them a letter from the mission field. Becoming a member of the church did not come without adversity for Lee. He said his first call home to his mom was a difficult one. “She told me, ‘don’t call me mom!’ Then we cried. She missed me a lot.” Since his religious views clashed with those of the people in his village, in a sense, Lee felt he brought shame to his family. “Everyone in our village talked behind my parents backs,” he said. However, the rewards of faith appeared early on for Lee. While he was on
Ke Alaka‘i
his mission, his father joined the church. Lee got permission to go home and be the one to baptize his father, even though it was not in his area. Responding to why he thinks his father decided to investigate, Lee said, “I think he missed me.” Lee credits his dad for teaching him to be humble, which he believes enabled him to find his way to the church. “He is a good man. I love my dad. He is my hero,” Lee said. “The gospel has been refining my life. I see a lot of people whose Christ-like attributes I want to emulate. The gospel makes us better... That’s what I like about it.” Lee said he is happy he found his way to the truth, and that his path to the gospel has been a road of self-discovery. Lee had previous religious experiences with Buddhism, the Presbyterian church, and the Evangelical church. Coming from a household with mixed religious views, Lee was set up from the beginning to search for his own answers. “When I was a kid I went to a Presbyterian Church. [Later], my house was not Christian oriented. My mom was Buddhist and my dad did not believe anything. He was busy supporting us. My siblings are, you could say, atheist,” Lee said. Lee is the youngest of two sisters and one brother. As a teenager, Lee attended a technical high school. “It was for students who wanted to get a job instead of going to college,” he said.
One day, a girl from his village invited him to go somewhere and he accepted. “She told me, ‘there is somewhere I want to take you.’ She did not tell me where we were going. I got there, and it was [an Evangelical] church. I was surprised,” Lee said. Along with some other boys, Lee had an interview with the priest, in which he was asked if he believed in God and if he had faith. “I didn’t know if I believed, but I just said ‘Yes,’ because I wanted to go to church. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings,” said Lee. Lee had spent five years going to that church when he realized it was not helping him gain the life he wanted. “I found out that there is not much difference between people who have faith and beliefs, and normal people,” Lee said. The bad examples of some offended him and he started looking for a new way of life. “If Christians are like this, I would rather not be a Christian,” he said. “I stopped going to church.” Then during a six-month backpacking trip in Australia, Lee contemplated his purpose in life. “I realized that I really loved English so I decided to be an English tour guide,” he said. In searching for sources to improve his English, Lee talked one day to the sister missionaries. His initial impression of the missionaries was that they were “strange.” “I hoped that they would pass me
by without talking to me,” he recalled. One of the sister missionaries gave him a brochure and offered him free English lessons if he showed up to church, without knowing that he was trying to improve his English. “It was free English,” Lee said. “I thought I had nothing to lose, so why not give it a shot. I did not know that it was something that would change my life.” The sisters introduced him to the elders, and Lee said everything was different after that. “I spent every day with those guys. I felt really good with [them]. I did not realize it was the spirit. I wanted to be like them. In less than two months, I joined the church.” But it was the members Lee met when he was with the elders that left a major impression on him. “Families really loved their kids,” he said. “I thought, ‘This is what I want for my family.’ It was not a testimony of Joseph Smith, at first. I wanted to be like those guys. That is why I joined the church.” After returning home from his mission, he spent a year saving money and then came to BYUH. His plans after graduation are to “probably go back to Korea, get a job, get married, and help to build the kingdom of God,” he said. - C A R R I E C OL L I N G R I D G E
Pictured: Hoon Lee. Photo by Leisa Tapia September 2, 2010
Kevin Fronk: ‘A Man of Consistent Joy’ Soccer player Kevin Fronk, affectionately known as just “Fronk” by his peers, was born to proud parents, Brian and Shelly, on Oct. 26, 1986. It was on this day that the world would never be the same. Fronk brought with him a fierce work ethic and happy disposition that is hard to match. “I don’t think I have ever seen Fronk unhappy. He always has a smile on his face. He’s just a man full of consistent joy,” remarked friend, Sadie Simon, member of BYU-Hawaii’s Women’s soccer team. Responding to Sadie’s remark, Fronk said, “I just don’t have anything to complain about. Why worry about the small stuff?” Fronk grew up in California near Huntington Beach. It was there he honed his unbridled joy and determination. “I was always known as the rambunctious rebel growing up. I was always getting into trouble. I kept it cool though,” said Fronk. Such unruly behavior was what perhaps led to so many injuries in Fronk’s life. He has had his share of visits to the hospital. “I am pretty accident prone. I have had five surgeries, six broken bones, 22 different stitches, and probably dislocated my shoulder a dozen or so times. It’s been pretty gnarly!” Despite always being a nuisance to society, Fronk still admits he had to keep himself in line at times. “I am the oldest of four kids. I have one brother and two sisters. My parents always reminded me to be an example to them.” Growing up, Fronk fell in love with the sport of soccer. From a very young age he played in competitive clubs. He recalls his most memorable experience was to have the opportunity to play for ODP (Olympic Development Program) while he was young. “Participating in such a program taught me a lot about the game and definitely helped me gain a greater vision for myself as a player. It fueled my desire to continually push myself to be better,” said Fronk. Currently, Fronk plays for BYUH’s men’s soccer team and is right at the helm of the team, playing at the center midfield position. “I hope that I can contribute to the team’s success this season. I just want to win conference. That’s my goal.” Fronk loves to follow professional soccer as well. “I am huge fan of Barcelona FC. They play with such poise and class. I would love to one day meet Puyol, the center defender for the club. He plays with passion, every game. It’s inspiring!” Fronk served a mission for the LDS Church in Manaus, Bra-
Kevin Fronk attacks the ball during practice. Photo by Leisa Tapia
zil from 2006-2008. It was there he grew to love the people in Brazil. “Serving a mission was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I would even say it’s been one of the happiest times in my life up to this point. I loved Brazil and I love the people there,” said Fronk. It is this love that has helped him pursue an education in international business management. He hopes to be able to return to Brazil and use his language skills to live and serve in Brazil. While Fronk isn’t playing soccer or studying, he enjoys cooking and surfing. “I like to think of myself as a chef of sorts. I usually just throw some spices together and get lucky and it tastes good.” He added, “Living in Hawaii has been very ideal for me. I get to play soccer and surf.” The future is an open book for Fronk. “I am not sure where I will be in 10 years,” he said jokingly. “But seriously, hopefully I will be done with school, married, and on with life. Whatever life hands me, I’ll take it with a grin. I am excited for what lies ahead.” -J E SSE MANSCILL
Ke Alaka‘i
McKells serve BYUH with honor Going on a mission was a promise Elder and Sister McKell made to each other when they were married 41 years ago. Now they are the new missionary couple assigned to the Office of Honor. The McKells met in their 10th grade history class at Provo High School, but it wasn’t until their second years of school at BYU that they reconnected at a dance. They started dating and were married seven months later. Both graduated from Utah State, and afterwards they started a family and settled down in La Verkin, Utah. Elder McKell worked as a conservation officer with wildlife resources, and after their three daughters were in school, Sister McKell worked as a
teacher and then as a councilor at an alternative high school. When they saw the opening in the BYU-Hawaii Office of Honor, they turned in their papers. Although BYUH was their first choice, they were not guaranteed a spot here, so when their call came they were ecstatic. “We would have swam here!” said Elder McKell. Twelve days after receiving their call, Elder McKell was released from his calling as bishop in his home ward and they were in the MTC. They have already been here about a month. Elder and Sister McKell said they love working in the Office of Honor because of the spirit that is felt there. They believe Meli Lesuma brings that spirit. He is the most Christ-like person, said Elder and Sister McKell. Besides inputting ecclesiastical endorsements and working with students, Elder and Sister McKell are trying to educate
TWO F A L L SPO R T S PRE V IE WS The players and coaches of the women’s volleyball team are preparing for a successful season in the PacWest Conference. Their first game will be Sept. 3 at the Sonoma State Invitational. There the team will face opponents like: Sonoma State, Chico State, San Francisco State, and Cal State Stanislaus. The team plans to be a contender for the conference title, and the new recruits look like they are going to help achieve this goal. “The team was clicking well from the first moments of practice. The recruits are integrating perfectly with the returning players,” said Tanza Burkoer, senior in exercise and sports science from Riverton,
Utah. Burkoer and the rest of the team are doing everything possible to be ready for the season, including morning practices, strength workouts and conditioning workouts. The coaches know how difficult it is to get a conference title, but they feel confident about the upcoming season. “The players are already working hard to achieve the goals we have set,” Coach Will Navalta said. “We will do anything possible to win the conference and qualify for the NCAA tournament.” The women’s soccer team is ready to return to the throne and win the PacWest Confer-
Brother and Sister McKell serve in the Office of Honor in the Aloha Center. Photo by Aissa Mitton
students and faculty about having honor so they can govern themselves. They want students to be able to recognize when they are breaking the Honor Code so they don’t have to be the “bad guys.” When the McKells are not working in the Honor Code office, they are sightseeing and getting to know the island. They hope to be knowledgeable and feel like locals by the time they leave the island. -NICOLE CLARK
ence this year. They already won their first game Aug. 26, 4-0, against Regis University from Colorado. The BYUH women’s soccer team came in second last season, which is making the coaches and players work harder than ever. Coach Carolyn Theurer has no doubt the team will be prepared for the upcoming season. “The core of last year’s team is coming back and the new recruits are solid, so we expect to win the conference and go to regionals,” Theurer said. For the team to achieve its goals, the third and fourth-year girls will need to bond with the new recruits, who Theurer believes will bring new energy and strength. -VIKTOR BE ZHANI
september 2, 2010
Community L ai e c o u p l e lures e sc a p e d p arrot h o m e w i t h p izza To an outsider, Marc Myer and his wife would have appeared to be sharing a romantic pizza picnic outside the Aloha Center on the morning of Aug 20. In reality, they were teaming up to lure Dani the macaw (parrot) back home. Dani escaped from the Myers Wednesday, Aug. 18 and was captured again on Friday, the 20. During her time away from home, Dani was spotted by many “hanging out around the Aloha Center,” said Myer. He reports Dani enjoys being around people and is naturally a curious bird, so she spent much of her time in public places. Larry Chua, a senior from the Philippines studying information technology, was lucky enough to be an eyewitness to the event. Chua was among many students who stopped to take pictures and admire the bird. “She [must have] felt like a star!” said Chua. “She took the opportunity to pose for pictures.” This was not the first time Dani escaped from the house, going out to explore the world. Since being rescued off the H3 five years ago, Dani has escaped about once a
Dani the macaw parrot escaped from the Myers and was lured back by pizza. Photo by Sam Sukiawa.
year. She does so by pushing out the window screens or opening door handles. “These macaws are just incredibly smart,” explained Myer. “We have to outsmart her, which is a hard thing to do.” Myer explained how they have had to childproof their house to keep Dani from causing havoc and breaking into medicine cabinets, something she has done before. Macaws also don’t generally learn as many words at the typical parrot, but they do learn the meanings of the words they learn. Dani knows names, such as Marc, and she can imitate laughter and a squeaking door. She can also beg, squawking out “cracker” when she is hungry. During her times of freedom, Dani has experienced some unique events for a bird. Last year, she was able to spend time in the recently closed Laie Temple. During the
Kite Festival Sep t . 25 2 -5 pm Field i n f ront o f s ta k e center 12
Ke Alaka‘i
week she was gone, it was reported that she spent three days meandering the construction site. “She was particularly fond of ordinance room three,” chuckled Myer, “she’s probably the only animal to have been through the temple!” One time when Dani escaped she was captured and held for ransom. Despite the fact that macaws are generally worth between $1,500 and $2,000, her captors agreed to return the precious bird in exchange for some pies. Now that Dani is safely back at home, the Myers will continue work on the 10 by 20 foot aviary they are constructing for her. Myer expressed his love for Dani and explained, “when you rescue an animal, you have to stand by them.” - M ARGARE T J ohnson
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