Oct 15, 2009

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Ke Alaka

October 15, 2009 Volume 90: Issue 4 BYUH Campus News The Leader

Graduate school workshop 11 Dreams Interpretation and theory


Letter to the editor Behavior on the streets of Laie


Irish Lugo, sophomore from the Philippines, won So You Think You Can Sing at BYU-Hawaii in the Cannon Activities Center Saturday night. Photo by Ryan Bagley

Table of Contents


Ke Alaka

9M^YLO\ # x @YV_WO # $ 3]]_O

JORDAN FLAKE editor-�in -�c h ie f

AMANDA HANSEN art director

ryan bagley photo e ditor


Copy Editors Sa m A k in ak a Jok k e Kok k on e n La n e a M ille r Ga brie ll S abalon e s

podcasters Chris Manning Brian Poppleton Keith Borgholthaus William Babcock

Marketing Melody C h ian g L Bl ak e B ax te r

art & graphics Rachel Au Ieong Kent Carrollo


News Updates: Earthquakes, Nobel Prize, BYUH Men’s Golf, and more.


Worldwide LDS News: Santa Biblia released! What does this mean to our students?


Leonard’s Malasada Truck: How much do you love it?


Your Dreams... What do your international friends say about them?


Irish thinks she can sing, and the judges do too. Read about the final night of performances.

STAFF WRITERS Nic o l e H a m i l t o n , H e m a l o t o T a t a f u , V i k t o r Be z h a n i , A m y H a n s o n , S u z a n n e T u t t l e , J e s s e Sp a r k s , D a v i d B u r r o w s , A s h l e n Q u i r a n t e , D u s t i n Ge d d e s , K y l e H o w a r d , T r i j s t e n L e a c h , Mc k e n s i e D u r e n , C a r r i e C o l l i n g r i d g e , B e n H a l e , Keith M arc e lin o PHOTOGRAPHERS Nath an Wil l i a m s , A i s s a Mi t t o n INTERN Ka th le e n M ajdali

web design N a n a ko H a y a s h i

RIÀFH PDQDJHU S iste r K a r e n H e m e n w a y Email: kealakai@byuh.edu Phone:   ( 8 0 8 ) 6 7 5 -� 3694 Fax:   ( 80 8 ) 6 7 5 -�3 6 9 5 2IÀFH Cam pu s Al o h a C e n t e r R o o m 1 34

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Ke Alaka’i

News Museum Co nt inuat ion

Natural History Museum Students at Brigham Young University-Hawaii might be surprised to find out that a wolf, a bear, a Musk Ox, and other exotic animals are closer than they think. The museum has over 11,000 specimens ranging from birds to reptiles. Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his “efforts to strengthen international diplomacy,” only nine months into his presidency. Obama is the forth president of the U.S. to receive this award.

Family History Center Volunteers at the Laie Family History Center are ready and waiting to help both students and community members begin to record or further the genealogical research President Kimball asked of members in 1967.

Men’s Golf Seasiders shot a team score of 305 on the par 72 layout to defeat UH-Hilo, Hawaii Pacific, and Chaminade in the final match of the season, saving their best for last.

Earthquake in the South Pacific A series of three large magnitude earthquakes struck 183 miles northwest of Vanuatu off the island of Santo and thousands of people in the South Pacific were affected by a series of such earthquakes.

“All our animals are real,” said Ling Shih, a curator at the museum and a junior in biology from China. “The room is divided into four seasons,” Shih explained about the different displays. The museum has thousands of specimens ranging from birds to reptiles. The museum provides a learning outlet for school groups from around Hawaii. “Thousands of kids come every year,” said Brett Carrington, a BYUH senior studying biology who provides specimen preparation for the museum. “The museum offers a lot of opportunity to learn about Hawaii.” The museum only hires students who are knowledgeable about the specimens that are displayed. Students often work and study there as the biology and zoology classes are heavily integrated into the museum. “I have classes here sometimes,” said Shih. The public is welcome at the Museum of Natural History and nonprofit groups receive free admission. Tours and lectures are offered by appointment. The museum is open from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. Inquiries can be made at 808-675-3816 or on the Website (http:// academics.byuh.edu/nhmuseum/). -‐ C A R R I E C O L L I N G R I D G E

G o o nlin e to Kealakai.byuh.edu Fo r fu r t her information.

october 15, 2009



An estimated four and half million Spanish speaking members now have access to the newly released LDS Spanish Bible. Photo by www.lds.org

Spanish bible released

works, and other study helps that will enhance understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Christian Gonzalez, junior in business from Santiago, Chile, said, “I think that it’s going to be a lot easier and faster to look up whatever you may be looking for. Moreover, all of the footnotes are linked to the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price and An estimated 4.5 million Spanish-speaking Latter-day Saint Church members now have Doctrine and Covenants, and so I think one can have a deeper study of the scriptures.” access to the newly released LDS edition of According to the LDS Church’s the Spanish Bible. online Newsroom, “The 2009 Latter-day In a letter to congregations of Spanish-speaking Latter-day Saints, the First Saint edition of the Spanish Bible is similar to the 1979 English LDS edition of the King Presidency of the LDS Church announced James Bible, which, with its cross-references the forthcoming Latter-day Saint edition of and study helps, made the scriptures much the Holy Bible in Spanish. The First Presidency letter states the more accessible to English-speaking Latternew version “contains new chapter headings, day Saints. This Spanish Bible project is one of the most significant scripture projects the footnotes, cross-references to all standard


Ke Alaka’i

Church has ever undertaken. The scriptural text of this new edition is based on the 1909 Reina-Valera Spanish Bible and is comparable in the dignity of its language to the King James Version of the Holy Bible in English.” Diana Morales Casarrubias, business and HTM senior from Cuernavaca, Mexico, said, “Now more people are going to be able to research better and use the new cross-references. It will be easier for them to understand what the Bible really means.” A member of the church’s Quorum of the Twelve also talked about the new bible. “This new edition of the Bible will promote gospel scholarship and a deeper appreciation of this marvelous, fundamental scripture,” said Elder D. Todd Christofferson. “We anticipate that it will lead Spanishspeaking church members to study the Bible regularly and that the excellent study aids will open the scriptures to greater understanding and that a more earnest application of scriptural teachings will follow.” Rodrigo Avalos Cruz, HTM senior from Mexico City, Mexico, said, “I think it’s great, especially for my parents who don’t speak English. Now they have the opportunity to read about all the changes and additions made by Joseph Smith in the English version.” He also said with the cross-references to other LDS literature, it will be great to connect all of them together. -‐ TRIJ STE N LE ACH

Go online to Ke a l a ka i . by uh . e d u for furt he r info r m at io n.

Ho’ ok ip a S o ci e ty o f f e r s helping hand at T urt le Bay Seafo o d Fe sti val BYU-Hawaii’s Ho’okipa Society helped out Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2 and 3 at Turtle Bay’s 5th Annual Seafood Festival by keeping shrimp trucks and other food stands well stocked up during the event. The opportunity was designed to help students who participated to gain experience in their chosen industry (HTM) and to make valuable connections with business owners and managers in the area. With Hawaii’s tourism industry suffering, internships and opportunities to rub shoulders with those in the field are valuable, even crucial, to student’s chances of finding employment after they leave BYU-Hawaii, said Sam Spurrier, Ho’okipa president and senior in HTM from Laie. “We need more experience outside of the classroom,” said Spurrier. “Volunteer-

ing is a good start for getting involved and gaining connections in the industry.” The annual event was intended to celebrate Hawaii’s rich farming and seafood heritage. This year it was split into two parts. On Friday evening, the festival showcased “Taste of the North Shore Shrimp Trucks,” and on Saturday, Turtle Bay presented their “Chef’s Under the Stars,” which featured unique dishes prepared by some of the resort’s top chefs. Derek Williams, a senior in HTM from Laie who attended the event, said, “besides the chance to serve, the food was absolutely amazing.” “But,” added Diana Morales Casarrubias, “the most important thing was to be part of a project where we could learn from professionals what it takes to host an event

like that.” Casarrubias is an HTM/business senior from Mexico who helped plan Ho’okipa’s involvement in the event. The Seafood Festival helps fulfill some of the club’s major goals, which include networking, the enhancement of professionalism, and experience. Casarrubias, who acts as treasurer for Ho’okipa, wanted to emphasize that involvement in the club is not only for HTM majors but also for anyone who would like to learn how to be professional, stay involved in their community and make valuable connections. “It’s a great club to learn, network, and have fun at the same time,” Casarrubias said. “It’s amazing how knowing people in this kind of industry can help your career.” -‐ DAVID BU RROWS

Stop, serve and recycle

Charli Crandell and Victoria Mansfield volunteer at the “Stop and Serve” booth in the Aloha Center. Recycling bins were painted by passing volunteers and prepared for use around campus. Photo by Aissa Mitton

The new “Stop and Serve” booth located in the Aloha Center offers students an opportunity to serve others in short increments. Tyson Hazard, a senior in mathematics from California, felt the new operation caters to students’ needs. “If students walk by and see stuff going on, we invite them to participate,” he said. “Many students do not have a lot of time to serve because of their schedule, but with this [Stop and Serve booth] they can sign up and serve for 10 minutes.” Currently, the booth is working on a recycling project, which will use the proceeds as a donation to those affected by the hurricanes in the Pacific. Calli Mechem, a senior in business from Arizona and representative of Students for International Development [SID], shared

the intended outcomes of the project. “We have noticed over the years that at FoodFest there has not been a lot of places for recycling, and a lot goes to waste. So we are making recyclable boxes in order to collect reusable refuse.” The earnings from recycling at the upcoming event are planned to go to Pacific/Asia too, Mechem said. Each week the booth will perform a service for a specific region or situation in need. Hazard said right now the work is being done for those hit by the hurricanes and that in the future there may be a need for blankets. The service booth, sponsored by BYUHSA, will be open on Monday through Friday every other week from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


october 15, 2009


The Malasadas truck comes once a month to Laie. Photo by Ryan Bagley

Laie Loves Leonard’s “The first time I had a malasada, one of my friends took me to the malasada truck and I just remember that it was so warm and so fresh. I’m just grateful for Leonard’s,” said Shelby Wood, a senior in IDS from Ohio. Leonard’s malasada truck, with its unmistakable red and white paint, is a wellknown destination of BYU-Hawaii students for its deep-fried, sugary treats. However, only a handful of students know the history

Rock climbing, gaming, some English intern hobbies Michelle Bang and Jon Marler are teaching freshman English courses this semester as part of a paid internship program offered by the English Department. The internship opportunity lets them create a theme for their given section, pick their own class materials, grade, teach and lead discussion in the classroom.

of the truck that visits Laie from time to time. Karen Correik, an employee of Leonard’s Hawaii, shared, “We are the original malasada in Hawaii and now well known throughout the country.” There are now other malasadaproducing companies throughout the island, yet none have existed as long as Leonard’s bakery and trucks.

Outside of class, when Marler is not spending time with his wife, Erika, he plays Dungeons and Dragons, video games, and is a self-proclaimed movie buff. He also enjoys theater, he said. In May he played “Humperdink” in the campus presentation of The Princess Bride. Bang said her hobbies and interests include “rock climbing, hiking, surfing, biking, training for a marathon, the beach, snorkeling, sports, [her] boyfriend, danc-

In 1946, Leonard and his wife, Margaret, moved to Honolulu and founded Leonard’s Bakery in 1952, according to leonardshawaii.com. Shortly after opening, Leonard’s mother recommended making malasadas for Shrove Tuesday, a Portuguese tradition for the Christian holiday. They were a huge hit, and malasadas became a tradition in Hawaii all its own. Leonard’s malasada truck has been visiting Laie for ten years. Students have come to love the doughy treats, like Shelly Ng, a senior in HTM from California. With a large smile she exclaimed, “I love malasadas! My favorite is haupia because it has a touch of island to it.” There are students that don’t feel the same about the red and white truck. Marilia Selli, a senior in political science from Brazil, said the truck’s arrival in town is not an event that drives her to the Laie Shopping Center. “I do like them, but I don’t go there just to get a malasada. If I am shopping at Foodland or something, I may stop and buy one.” The mobile trucks that sell malasadas also offer tickets for purchase as a fundraiser, collecting the proceeds for charity. Non-profit organizations then enter a raffle and the winner receives the money. -‐ KYLE H O W ARD

ing and travelling!” Of the enthusiastic new interns, Keith Peterson, English Department chair, said, “We chose students who we feel have potential in teaching . . . I’ve reviewed [the interns] syllabi and I’m excited for their students.” According to Peterson, four parttime English instructors recently left BYUHawaii for various reasons, thus leaving open spots for the internships. -‐ DAVID BU RROWS

Go online to Ke a l a ka i . by uh . e d u for furt he r info r m at io n.


Ke Alaka’i

Life & Entertainment Dancing to Na Drua reg g ae rhy th ms

Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Garner toast for a dinner scene in The Invention of Lying. Photo courtesy of Google

The Invention of lying “The Invention of Lying” starring Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Garner is a thought provoking comedy that falls short in the second half on what it promises during the first. Directed by Gervais and Matthew Robinson, the film depicts a world in which no one has ever thought to be dishonest, and the power that one man obtains when he “invents” lying. Gervais plays Mark Bellison, a writer for a film studio whose movies are simply an elderly gentleman sitting in a chair describing events in history—entertainment cannot be fiction because fabrication does not exist. Mark is hopelessly in love with Anna McDoogles, a terrifically beautiful but shallow woman played by Jennifer Garner. Although Anna enjoys spending time with Mark, she tells him she could never love him because their offspring would be “chubby with little stub noses.” Mark is in a slump, as his love for Anna is not returned, he is fired from his job because he fails to make the Black Plague interesting to viewers, and he cannot afford to pay his rent.

It is at the bank when he is withdrawing his last funds from his account that it first occurs to Mark to lie. He asks the teller to withdraw more money than the account holds, and the teller blames the error on the system, giving him the greater amount. Mark realizes that when every falsehood he utters is interpreted as truth, he can have whatever he wants. The film becomes more serious when Mark consoles his dying mother with notions of a paradisiacal afterlife. Soon Mark’s promise of “mansions for everyone” after death gets out and he becomes creator of the world’s first religion. Although “The Invention of Lying” is often comical, its love story is incapable of being anything but shallow in a world whose inhabitants consider genetic makeup before all else. Gervais’ attempt to tackle the establishment of religious conviction could be offensive to some and should be taken lightly. The film does, however, cause one to consider the great magnitude with which mendacity is woven into our lives. (PG-13, 100 minutes)

Reggae band, Na Dura, brought down the house at the CAC last Thursday night. “I love reggae beats,” said sophomore EXS major, Samuel K. K. Lowe, “anything you can dance to.” Lowe grew up in Honolulu in the same stake as two of the lead singers, Semi and Jona (a.k.a. J) Qoro. “They were my favorite part,” he said. Semi and Jona are twins and the origin of the band’s name: Na Drua is Fijian for ‘the twins’. Na Drua wasn’t the only group with local ties to perform that night. The opening acts, HiRiz and Tereiha, Desiree, and Syndi-Mei, also included locals. The lead singer and guitarist for HiRiz, Ka’imi Hanano’eau, graduated from BYU-Hawaii in 2006. “This is probably the most love you get, playing here,” Hanano’eau said about playing where he once attended school. Tereiha, Desiree, and Syndi-Mei are current students at BYUH who hail from New Zealand. Kelsie Ainge, a freshman with an undeclared major, said her favorite part was dancing. “It was cool,” she remarked.


-‐AM Y H AN SO N Na Drua twin sings his heart out. Photo by Ryan Bagley october 15, 2009



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Ke Alaka’i

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form BYU-Hawaii student body


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Go to the page 10 to learn more about the five i nter na ti o na l s tud e n t s f e at u r e d .

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October 15, 2009

World learns together in Laie Every student has a story MARIO CRNKOVIC is a senior in information systems and the only student attending BYU-Hawaii from Serbia. Although Crnkovic is not a member of the church, he originally came to BYUH on scholarship to play water polo. He played for a season in 2005 but the team was canceled in 2006. After that, he decided to stay and finish his education. Crnkovic said some of the difference between the education systems in the United States and Serbia is that in the latter you cannot choose which classes you would like to take and all finals are oral presentations. Crnkovic said he regularly goes home for the summers. After he graduates in December, Crnkovic plans on moving back to Europe to get his master’s degree.


Ke Alaka’i

GELU SHERPA is a senior in accounting and business management and represents Nepal here at BYUH. Sherpa has been all over the place for the sake of his education. He was born in Nepal, where his family still resides, and then moved to India for his high school education. After that, he moved to New York to start university. There, he met the missionaries and he was baptized into the LDS Church. The missionaries suggested that he go to a church school, so Sherpa took their recommendation and transferred to BYUH. Sherpa said that one difference about the education system in Nepal verses BYUH is that more of the exams are on the computer and research-based at the latter. Sherpa is able to return home to Nepal during the summer. SALISHA ALLARD is a sophomore in elementary education and the only student in attendance from Grenada in the Caribbean Sea. Allard ended up here at BYUH through a couple named Kari and Aaron Johnson. Right before Allard graduated from high school, Kari and Aaron were living in Granada while Aaron attended medical school. Kari was Allard’s Young Women’s leader and asked her if she was interested in attending BYUH. Keri and Aaron searched the mainland for someone who would be willing to sponsor her education and were successful. Allard does not know who this sponsor is but will get a chance to meet them at her graduation. Allard is working for BYUHSA services and loves her co-workers and enjoys the different cultures she’s experiencing. JANINE ROTHMUND is a senior in English from Switzerland. Although English is her major, it is not her native language. She speaks Swiss-German, German, and English, as well as some French and Tongan. Rothmund wanted to improve her

English skills at an English-speaking country once she graduated from high school. She decided to go to BYUH as it is inexpensive compared with other universities in America. In Switzerland, you choose your university major while still in high school. Rothmund decided to double major in accounting and computer science. But she realized she didn’t like working in an office and switched to English at BYUH. Rothmund is one who loves trying new things. She said she has enjoyed learning the fireknife dance, hula, playing the ukulele, and Polynesian dances, all of which she could not do Switzerland. SUMBEL STRIEGEL is a senior in elementary education and one of the only two students here at BYUH from Pakistan. After serving a mission in Singapore, Striegal wanted to further her education, but decided it would be hard to do in her native country. In Pakistan it is discouraged for women to gain an education and are often encouraged to remain solely the wife and caretaker of children. Also, because she was older and Christian, it would have been even more difficult for her to obtain an education in a Pakistani university. Sumbel’s brother attended BYUH and suggested she apply here. He helped her fill out her application and after trying for about a year, Striegal was able to attend BYUH. She is so grateful for the freedoms here in America. She said she does not take anything for granted because she does not have the freedom to gain an education and practice religion freely at home. Her family fully supports her gaining an education here at BYUH. Striegal has not returned home since starting her education, though her mother came out to Hawaii when Striegal’s son was born nine months ago. -‐ N I C O L E


Campus Students benefit fr o m p r e -‐ g r a d u a t e s c h ool wo r ks h o p BYU-Provo’s Kristie Seawright spoke to students Wednesday, Oct. 7, during a workshop designed to inform and prepare BYU-Hawaii students interested in applying for graduate school. The workshop is one of several current and upcoming campus programs geared toward helping students who desire to continue their education in professional studies after graduation. “We are finding that, because of the economy, more students are applying for grad school now,” said Kim Austin, director of BYUH’s career services department. “We have many programs and other things going on to help prepare students to apply.” Seawright, who works with the Marriott School of Business, presented detailed information concerning what universities look for in grad school candidates and what students should remember when considering all of the various kinds of tests for admittance, what to put on their resumes and statements of intent, and what to do when seeking letters of recommendation. Students should do their best to show “that [they] can bring something unique to the university that [they’re] applying for,” Seawright said. “What would set you apart from the others applying? What makes you unique?” Seawright’s advice included writing concise, clear statements of intent which

explain how you are different and how your experiences and goals have shaped who you have become. On resumes, she said that it should be simple and straightforward so as to give the reader a quick view of who you are. While letters of recommendation are not written by candidates, they would help to choose someone for acceptance who would write about their good character, especially in regards to whatever program they are planning on entering, she said. “It’s quite a ride, but graduate school can open doors to experiences that will change your life and the lives of others,” Seawright said near the conclusion of her presentation. Reginal Lal, a sophomore in biochemistry from Fiji, attended the workshop relatively early in his undergraduate career in order to get a head start for his plans on attending medical school. “I learned a lot of tips and hints on how to impress the people who will look at my application,” Lal said. “Medical school is something that I really want to do and I should start preparing myself right now.” Jennifer Kajiyama, former BYUH valedictorian and J. Reuben Clark Law School graduate as of 2007, said that she began preparing for law school when she was a freshman. “You need to find out what your goals and dreams are,” Kajiyama said. “If you feel like grad school is something you would like to do, you can do what it takes to make it happen. For me it was a turning point.” Kajiyama recommended finding a mentor, anyone who knows the field that the student would like to enter. “They can help walk you through the entire process and provide

great letters of recommendation for you,” she said. Information about graduate school can be found on the career services website, including links to other universities, Kaplan practice admissions tests, and other information about resumes, letters of recommendation, and statements of intent. According to Austin there are many other programs and workshops including career fairs, a week-long simulation of law school entitled “Law Week” which usually occurs in the winter semester, a law fair on November 30, and visits and presentations by various prestigious universities such as Purdue, which visits on October 22. “Students really need to think things through early and find the best options for them,” said Austin.

-‐ D A V E


OCTOBER 15, 2009



DREAMS May Mean You wake up in the early hours of the morning from a troubling dream. You are unsure of its meaning, and you turn to your trusted roommate, all-knowing spouse, or a friend for help. With sincerity in their eyes, they will give you an interesting explanation that will either comfort or worry you more. If your roommate is Mai Fang Chen, a sophomore in accounting from Taiwan, she will tell you that you dreamed


Ke Alaka’i

because “you ate some weird stuff, like ice cream, before you went to bed”. Or if your roommate is Reydonoel Medio, a senior in information systems and business from the Philippines, he will tell you that you must have been “tired, so you just dream,” or “you want to get something and you long for it, so you dream [about] it.” If it was a bad dream, Eddie Alembo, an international IBM major from

Papua New Guinea, will tell you it is a warning from your “ancestors telling [you] what is going to happen so [you] can try to avoid the places and people shown in the dream.” Similarly, Mike Okoth of Kenya, a senior in biology, will tell you that your ancestors are telling you what God wants you to know. And if you decide to ask Joan Engohang Ndong, a biology professor from Gabon in west central Africa, he will tell you that according to his culture, it is probably someone playing witchcraft against you. However, Jun Seong Kwon of South Korea, an instructional design and development major, will tell you that your bad dream is a “good luck” sign. He will tell you that you will probably “win the lotto” or something like that. Along the same line, Louena Helu, a senior in elementary education from Tonga, will tell you that a “dream

about funeral means it is going to be a wedding,” and the opposite is also true. Or if you ask Caley Mayhall of California, a junior in vocal studies, she will tell you that it is your “mind trying to work out problems unconsciously” such as talking to someone you can’t talk to in real life. Confused with all these explanations, you turn to Edward Kinghorn, department dean and professor of psychology, for scientific explanations. Kinghorn will explain that scientists have two major theories regarding the cause of dreams. First, scientists believe we dream to “stay psychologically healthy because dreams relive psychic tensions and stress”. Second, scientists believe that dreams “are random activity of the brain.” According to David G. Meyers and other well-known psychologists, another

theory states that dreams file away and consolidate our memories and learning. There are also some well-known facts about dreams providing by Meyers and his affiliates. For both men and women, bad dreams are not so uncommon since eight in ten dreams are marked by negative emotions. People commonly report nightmares after suffering from trauma. Smells, sounds, and other sensory stimuli can affect our dreams. Your roommate might not appreciate this, but if you lightly spray some water on their faces in the middle of the night, chances are they’ll dream something about water – a waterfall or rain, or even getting sprayed by a water hose. To remember a dream, Meyer’s text reads, get up and stay awake for a few minutes. -‐HE MALOTO TATAFU AND J OKKE KOKKONE N

OCTOBER 15, 2009



Irish lugo can sing Saturday night’s performance r e v e a l e d t he wi nner of So You Th ink You C a n Si ng a t BY U H Well, it finally arrived. The “So You Think You Can Sing” finale! Only six finalists remained to battle for the crown. The singers only had three songs to win over the judges. The night started out with an American Idol round. Irish came out chic and fancy with her rendition of Jordin Sparks “Tattoo.” Dallin and Chantal both spiced up the night singing “Beautiful Disaster” and “My Life Would Suck Without You” by Kelly Clarkson, respectively. Sarah, Nathan, and Sami filled the rest of the round with blazing hot Carrie Underwood remakes. In the second round, Nathan and Sarah, together, mimicked a scene from “The Little Mermaid” while singing a duet to “Kiss The Girl.” Maggie Harris said, “This was my favorite performance of the night. It was so quirky and goofy. Nathan sang so well and made me laugh so hard!” Dallin and Chantal were paired up to sing “Tale As Old As Time” from Beauty and the Beast, and Sami


Ke Alaka’i

and Irish finished the round soulfully with Hercules’ “I Won’t Say I’m In Love.” “1990’s” was the third and final theme of the night. Nathan hit it off with a high note and even brought some audience interaction to the table with “The Sun’s Goin’ Down On Me.” The judges agreed it was his best performance of the night. Chantal and Sarah both sang romantic Celine Dion songs, which the judges said were a little pitchy. Sone Naunau was a little disappointed with the judging. “They need to fire one of the judges. The performances were great, and I thoroughly enjoyed them!” After a short break to tally the judges points, host Jeff Geddes was back with the results. ”And the winner is… Irish!” No tears were shed this week and all the contestants gave praise to Irish for her victory. Jeffery Wright was ecstatic to see the results, “I was so happy Irish won! She did a fantastic job!” After winning, Irish graced the audi-

Above: Irish Lugo sings her song. Below: The six finalists of So You Think You Can Sing wait on stage before the winner is announced. Photos by Ryan Bagley

ence with a repeat of her last song, “How Do I Live.” She said, “I was so surprised. I thought Sammy would win. When they said she was first runner up, I thought they got our names mixed up! I am speechless but so excited! I can’t wait to sing as 2009’s winner next year!” -‐ M C K E N S I E D U R E N

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies Ingredients

1 cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup creamy peanut butter 1 cup butter (two sticks) 2 eggs ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon vanilla 3 cups flower 1 package of chocolate chips


- Preheat oven to 325 degrees - Cream sugar and butter - Add eggs - Mix in dry ingredients - Add chocolate chips - Mix together - Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown -‐ S U Z A N N E


Peaches and Cream Muffins Directions

- Drain the canned peaches, setting aside 1 tablespoon of the juice for the filling. - Dice the peaches. - Combine 2 cups of the sugar, the flour, salt, baking powder, eggs, oil, and milk together in a large bowl. Gently fold in the peaches. - In a new bowl, mix together the cream cheese, ¾ cup of the sugar, almond extract, and peach syrup. - Grease or line the muffin tins.

- Fill tins half full with batter and drop a small spoonful of cream cheese filling on top. - Fill the muffin tins almost to the top with more batter, and sprinkle liberally with cinnamon sugar. - Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes. These muffins are best hot out of the oven! Store leftovers in a Tupperware or sealed bag. -‐ A M Y



2 ¾ cups sugar 4 cups flour ½ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 eggs ¾ cup oil 1 ½ cups milk 2 cups canned peaches in syrup 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 tablespoon peach juice (reserved from canned peaches) ½ cup cinnamon sugar

OCTOBER 15, 2009


Letter to Editor To B YUH s tu de n ts: Be good n e i g h b o r s , ke e p H onor Code

cooling. While you may just be enjoying your early morning run, your cell phone conversation, or your walk back to campus after a snack at Taco Bell, you may not realize that your conversations, songs, and laughter come wafting into our homes, and depending on After experiencing the enthusiasm of our the hour, wake us from our sleep. Please be visiting students over the years, I wish to considerate as you enjoy the beauty of our speak to you all at the beginning of this semester about a couple of things you can do community by keeping your voices low as you pass by our houses. to enhance the relationship between BYUH When you were accepted to this Students and the immediately surrounding university, you signed a Code of Honor, community. I speak to these items from several which includes guidance on how you should be dressed while a BYUH Student. This vantage points: I am a Laie resident who Honor Code is applicable to you ALL the lives on a street where students frequently walk by, I am a campus Bishop’s wife, I am time you are a BYUH Student: while on a landlord that rents to BYUH students, and campus, while off campus, while in Town, I work for a property management company during the week, and on the weekends. If you signed an off-campus housing contract, that also rents to BYUH Students. you once again signed that you would uphold Laie is a small town. Those of us who live here have a feeling for who is ‘local’ this Code. Additionally, your parents should and who are visiting students. Although you have been sent a letter before you left home, don’t know us, and we might not know you encouraging their support of our dress code by monitoring the clothing that you packed. personally, we know that you are BYUH And yet in spite of these efforts, some of students. You are not anonymous. And we also are familiar with the legacy of Laie, and you, especially the young women, continue the mission and Honor Code of the Univer- bringing with you clothing that you shouldn’t sity. Those of us who are employed with the even own. We in this community are trying university, or who are student landlords, have to raise our families to follow the Prophet’s guidance in how we dress, and yet we are pledged to uphold the Honor Code, just as continually subjected to seeing your scantilyyou have. I want to first discuss your behav- clad bodies on our streets, at our shopping ior on the streets of Laie and secondly, your center, and at our local beaches. Don’t think we don’t know you’re BYUH Students. Don’t adherence to the dress code portion of the think we don’t know that you should know Honor Code. better. Don’t think we don’t know you are Depending on where you come from, Laie may seem a veritable tropical para- breaking your word. So, while we welcome you to our dise. Part of this paradisiacal reality is that most homes here don’t have central air, and community and University, I encourage that rely upon open windows for ventilation and you show respect to our community, to the


University, and to yourselves by minding the level of your voices in the early morning and evening hours, and by dressing appropriately while in our community. -‐ A N N A L L R E D Thank you.

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Ke Alaka’i

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