April 26, 2012

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April 26, 2012

Ke Alaka i 2012 Commencement Largest graduating class in years 6

SIFE National Competition BYUH team to compete in Missouri 4

Shave ice for missionary funds Family sells shave ice to save money for son’s mission 5

Volume 100: Issue 1


Ke Alaka i

Table of Contents

April 26, 2012 • Volume 100: Issue 1 Kent carollo


ed i t or -i n - ch i e f

advis o r

DEWEY KEITHLY hea d p hot ogra p h e r COPY EDITORS


M a r i ssa E l d e r

L in ds ay Ban c ro ft C h r is Wo rk man



M ei Y i n Dewey Ke i th ly B a r t Jol l ey

Mic h ae l Gulde n

MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS G i sel l e R a mi re z , M a ke n z ie H e ad, C ame ro n Kob er, A bi gay l e B u t l e r, Kas h a N ah o ’o lewa, M orga n B o u wh u i s , A a ro n C o f f ey, Ma. V is O. Ta g ub a , Li s a T u ttl e INTERNS S uza nne T u t tl e Phi l l i p A n d r u s

AD MANAGER A aro n Knuds e n

[page 10]

L o c al f am i ly sel l s shave i ce t o pay f or son’s mis s io n



Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762

P r in t Se r vic e s

E d i t o r i a l , p h o to s u bmis s io n s & dis tr ibut i on i n qu i r i e s : ke a l a k ai@ byuh .e du. To sub scr i be t o th e R S S FEED o r to view a d d i t i o n a l a r ti cl e s , go to ke alak ai.byuh . ed u.


Marina Kanono smiles on her graduation day. Photo by Phil Andrus

Al u mnu s Mi chael Crowe pur sue s a ca re e r i n act i ng af t er gradu at i on

[page 12]

BY U-H awai i gradu at es i t s l argest cl ass i n ye ars

E-mail: kealakai@byuh.edu Ad Information: kealakaiads@gmail.com Phone: (808) 675-3694 Fax: (808) 675-3491 Office: Campus, Aloha Center 134

Ke Alaka‘i

[page 5] [page 6]



Tia Tukumoeatu Crichton, Ailua Annmarie Leota, Asomaliu Laulu and Resa Loretta Fiti on Graduation day, April 14, outside the Cannon Activities Center. Photo by Phil Andrus

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BYU-Hawaii’s Opening Social. Textbook sales start at 7 p.m. followed by activities and a dance in the Aloha Center Ballroom.

NOTE WORTHY news headlines

Island Wide Mormon 28 Annual Helping Hands Hawaii Service


Project. Contact your Bishop for when and where to meet. There will be a free showing of the movie “Remember the Titans” at 7 p.m. and at 9:30 p.m. in the Little Theatre.






will be a cross current con04 There cert at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. The concert, “A Pacific-Caribbean Fantasy” will feature Jeff Narell, Internationally Acclaimed Steel Pan Artist and members of the BYUH Music Department Faculty Improve Ensemble.



the week in


“For ma ny Latter- day S a int wo m en , stay i ng at home to rais e child re n i s l ess a lif estyle choice t h a n rel i gi ou s one — a divine ly - a p p reci a ted sacr if ice that br ing s wit h i t bl essings, empowerm e n t a n d spi r i t u al prestige.” -Mc Kay Coppins expla in e d h ow rel i gi on was signif ican t f a ct or in Ann Romney’s choice to be a s t ay a t-home mom. “You may look bef ore yo u t o a br i ght , clear future. Yo u a re living i n t hese days by divine a p p oint ment. Your capacity to a chieve is ref l ect e d today in this m om en t . And ma ny more such m om en t s lie a hea d f or you.” -S i ster Elaine S. D alton s a id t o BYU-Hawaii graduates a t t h e com mencement ceremony. “Bef ore I came to this s cho o l, I wa s not a practicing Mu s lim . I ha d never been to a Muslim s cho o l. W hen I came here, I saw a ll t he s e rel i gi ou s people who were s u ccessf u l and I thought ‘I wa n t t o be l i ke t hem . I want to bas e my lif e on pr i nciples, you can’t f a il t h is way.’ ” -BY UHS A President Mus t a p ha E l Akka r i s aid in an inter view wit h T he S a l t Lake Tr ibune.

The newly opened Kansas City Missouri Temple by night. Photo courtesy of lds.org.

during the winter of 1838 and 1839. Second is the number of members who will be using it,” says to the report. The article also quoted William R. Walker, executive director of the The Kansas City Missouri Temple is of great Temple Department for the church, about the significance to the members of the LDS faith importance of the temple. “It’s a great day because of its Church history and the 45,000 for us, the church returning to Missouri in a magnificent way to where the prophet Joseph LDS who will use it. The LDS Church’s once walked,” said Walker. 137th temple is open to public from April After the church was organized 7-28 and will be dedicated on May 6 by in April 1830, the Prophet Joseph Smith President Thomas S. Monson. called missionaries to travel to the borders of The First Presidency announced Western Missouri to preach the gospel to Naplans for Kansas City Missouri Temple on tive Americans in Kansas. After the prophet October 4, 2008. The First Presidency said arrived in Independence in July 1831, he the Kansas City temple is considered the designated the areas as a gathering place for church’s second temple in Missouri and the members. Later after tension between 67th in the United States. Mormonnews.org reported the temple will serve 45, 000 Latter- the saints and locals escalated, the governor issued an extermination order for Mormons. day Saints in 126 congregations throughout “Latter-day Saints all over the world Kansas, Missouri and small parts of Oklahoma and Arkansas. The Deseret News also know the history here. This is indeed a very reported that as many as 75,000 visitors from significant and historical event in the history of our church, that a temple would be built 46 states were expected to visit and take a in this part of Missouri,” Walker explained. tour inside the temple. For more information about the The Kansas City Star reported why Kansas City Missouri Temple, visit: http:// Kansas City, Missouri is significant among the members of the church. “First, it’s located www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/mormononly a few miles from Liberty, where church kansas-city-missouri-temple-open-house. prophet Joseph Smith Jr. was imprisoned -Ma. Vis Tagu ba

Kansas City Missouri Temple is near jail where prophet was held

April 26, 2012


BYU-Hawaii SIFE team to represent university at national competition BYU-Hawaii’s SIFE team took first place at the regional competition SIFE team and attendees (from left to right): Vice President Bill Neal, Derek Hall, Grant Gwinn, Liana Tan, Skyler Chambers, Melinda in Hollywood, Calif., and is on its way to Nationals in Kansas City, Pike, Kevin Castle, Asia Rikard, Jared Nelson, Nick Bramwell, Kaleb Mo. The team competed against more than 35 other SIFE teams Valdez, and Mustapha El Akkari. Photo by Kaleb Valdez from different universities. There are 1,600 active SIFE chapters, and BYUH has consistently ranked in the top 10. Each team is assigned to uniforms. The team makes quite an impression on people, they said, a league with five or six other schools, and each league has a panel of and all the schools know about the “Mormons from Hawaii.” During the presentation, the team had a glitch happen 10 judges who score the teams on: when the projector wasn’t hooked up correctly and so they didn’t •Economic, social, entrepreneurial, and environmental fachave the video they had prepared for the competition. Kaleb Valdez, tors their projects impacted; a senior recently graduated in University Studies and a part of the •The sustainability of their efforts, and; team, said, “We are limited to 15 minutes of prep (where he sets it •How well they empowered their “target audiences” by up), 1 minute for the team to enter and get set on stage, judges to transferring a useful skill and knowledge, establishing a renewable review our report, and then 23 minutes to project, or providing a meaningful service. present. Afterward, we have 7 minutes of Lowell Nash, a member of the I feel we have a strong shot at question and answer with the judges. I’m university’s SIFE team, said, “This year winning the national competition so glad the team rehearsed so much that our team’s portfolio covered all of these we didn’t need the visual cues from our areas very well, and I feel we have a and continuing on to the World video, and we rehearsed our presentation strong shot at winning the national comCup, which is an international with just our smiling faces and the annual petition and continuing on to the World competition between the national reports.” Cup, which is an international competition between the national SIFE winners SIFE winners from every country Valdez went on to say, “Our team continues to refine their script, refresh our from every country.” -Lowell Nash parts, and rehearse as a team. You might Team members said they resee us wandering around campus, mutterhearsed for hours and hours, sometimes ing to ourselves, we are just memorizing, so be nice.” meeting in pajamas late at night, to memorize and deliver word-for For a full list of SIFE projects, and to see what else SIFE word their presentation, working to articulate everything just right, is up to, visit sife.byuh.edu. There’s always room for more people. and practicing in front of full-length mirrors to check their posture You don’t have to be a business major, and SIFE need all the help it and body language. The team really gelled together, SIFE members can to move the projects forward. The SIFE group meets Wednesday said, and came to know one another, seeing each other’s weaknesses evenings from 7 to 8:30, and if you come and introduce yourself, they and working together to make them into strengths. SIFE members said they are one of the only Hawaiian schools at these competitions, can help you get registered to participate in competitions and help with the projects too. and that they wear their traditional Seasider red leis and matching - Kasha Naho’ ole wa


Ke Alaka‘i

EXS major from New Zealand, and close family friend of the Kaka’s. “There is nothing but good vibes when helping out because we all know the purpose behind the work we are doing.” Brown continued. Lei Kaka, the mother, said, “We wanted to find a way to bring the family together to learn how to work together and on their own. We used to clean the yard of a family here in Hawaii to have money to send our first son on his mission, but the house was sold and we were left with no other source of income to help our sons. We came up with the idea of selling shave ice for a good price so everyone could afford them and the family would enjoy it. We made everyone in the family agree they would help out on the days they were assigned to work the shave ice stand. The family has really come together and we have been able to pay for the next month’s mission bill for our son. Most of the time we pay the bishop in ones and fives, but all that matters is we can afford to send our sons to do the Lords work.” Lilia Kaka shown hard at work making shave ice at the Kaka home. Photo by Bart Jolley. “Our motivation to move forward with Lilia’s Shave Ice was our second son Laie family supports son serving on his George Jr., who left to serve a mission on mission through shave ice sales the March 3, 2012 for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the WisconsinThe Kaka family, who lives across the street direction to their house where you can try Milwaukee Spanish-speaking mission,” says from Temple View Apartments (TVA ), sells one of these treats. All of the profit that is the Lilia’s blog site. The family-run business shave ice three days a week to support their made goes to the son who is on a mission was established March 14, 2012 in front of son, George Jr., who is on his mission. The and then the rest is used to keep up with the Kaka residence on Naniloa Loop. Kaka family sells snow cones on the shave ice machine, The small business hasn’t only Wednesday and buying ice, and flavors. KA A K helped the Kaka’s fund their son’s mission Friday afternoons, “When people ask costs, Brown said, “It’s really helped me to and Saturday all why we do it and we day long. explain it is to pay for appreciate families and sacrifices. [I] know The prices their son’s mission, it that at the end of the day, family is there for are affordable, anygives them more of a you through it all and through the gospel we where from $1 to $4. motive to continue to can be together forever. “The love and support I feel You can get ice cream “When people ask come back. Not only are amongst their family is huge. And it’s such a and condensed milk with why we do it and we they satisfied because good feeling to be around. When we see misall the same great flavors explain it is to pay for it is delicious but also sionaries walking past we always invite them as other shave ice stores, their son’s mission, it they know where their to come get one, hoping that other families but for a cheaper price. gives them more of a money is going and are looking after our elder.” There is a motive to continue to in a way feel they are shave ice sign by campus come back.” also helping out,” said pointing you in the right - Kash a N ah o ’o lew a and P hillip An dru s -Mona-Jane Brown Mona-Jane Brown, an April 26, 2012


APRIL 2012

COMMENCEMENT BYU-Hawaii graduates its largest class in years


Ke Alaka‘i

Surrounded by families, friends and educators, more than 420 smiling students from more than 70 countries marched in filling the Cannon Activities Center for Winter 2012 Commencement. The ceremony on Saturday, April 14 served as a farewell to graduates but also celebrated their accomplishments, hard work, and perseverance at BYU-Hawaii. Mixed feelings of happiness and excitement were felt by the students as they waited for their time to walk from the ballroom to the CAC. Hongyiu Tsui, a senior graduate of social work from Hong Kong, said, “It is exciting. This is the end of the school and beginning of new life in a society.” Tingting Wu, a graduate of hospitality and tourism management from New York, also shared her life as a student at BYUH. “I will miss school, being a student, and the opportunity to be with people with same religion. I’m ready to go out and influence people for good. I want to share my knowledge because some people don’t know the opportunities of life,” she said. Katrina Sudario, a senior graduate of ICS communications from the Philippines, was grateful for her professors who supported her in school. “I’m grateful that I have reached this point in my life. I’m grateful for my professors who have instructed me and helped me to prepare for future endeavors. I’m graduating with my baby,” she happily mentioned. Sister Elaine S. Dalton, Young Women general president, addressed the graduating seniors with the student speaker, Danille Hitz, an elementary education major from Boise, Idaho. Sister Dalton emphasized the attitude of humility and great courage by telling the senior graduates to always remember who they are while keeping their eyes towards a brighter future. “It will take more than dreams to accomplish your work. Remember the little victories. Never, never, never give up! Dream big. Don’t lose sight of your dreams. Dream big and remember that your attitude is everything. Don’t get discouraged. Keep going. Put one foot in front of the other. We are taught that life is a competition. But I tell you, what matters in this life is more than winning. You are not ordinary but extraordinary. You are reserved to be on this earth. I see kings and queens in here. Remember who you are as you dream big and don’t get discouraged by the hills

because you are never alone,” Sis. Dalton said. Hitz advised her co-graduates to always do their best and be willing to do their part as sons and daughters of God. “We need to remember that we have great potential. I hope all of you will remember your potential as sons and daughters of God. Brothers and sisters we are never alone. I know that Heavenly Father will guide us in our endeavors. I know that if we persevere, if we remember who we are and pray to our Heavenly Father, we can overcome trials in life,” she stated. Coney Pulla, a graduate of political science from India, expressed her appreciation of the wonderful experience he gained while in school for the past three years. “My experience here at BYUHawaii has been really fascinating. I couldn’t have thought I would have achieved these dreams. I am grateful for Dr. Miller. After doing my project with him, I saw many opportunities. This career path will drive me towards my ambition in the future,” Pulla said. His plan after graduation is to apply for a master’s degree in public administration and work for UNESCO as a program implementation director. Some of the professors who also joined the graduates in the commencement shared their feelings about the seniors. Elder Craig Olson, a missionary and a religion teacher, cheerfully said, “I absolutely love it here. The reason is the students. That’s why we are here this commencement not just to walk with the students but to support them as well. It’s a great and incredible blessing to be here.” “We congratulate the graduates! Education is what the gospel all about. As it is stated in the Doctrine and Covenants, ‘the Glory of God is intelligence.’ We encourage all students to continue growing and learning and take care of themselves,” he further said. Sister Susanne Davis, a teacher in exercise sports science department, specializing in folk dance, said, “I am delighted to see some students graduating with a bright future and with the gospel. I am proud of them I see that they have great challenges as well as great blessings.” BYUH President Steven Wheelwright uttered in his last speech to the graduates the importance of becoming builders not only of a big future but also of God’s kingdom. “We have great faith in you and in your future. Remember that it is upon the word of our Redeemer that we are building a foundation.”

Opposite page: Lyndon Hansen with his wife Ashley and family after the commencement ceremony. Above, top to bottom: President Wheelwright and Sister Dalton, Margaret Sekona, and Kyle Wong. Photos by Phil Andrus.

-Ma . V is T aguba April 26, 2012


Helping to ease the transition to student life at BYU-Hawaii New Student Orientation volunteers welcome students with activities and helpful information


More than 200 new students have arrived on campus to begin the Summer 2012 Semester A at BYU-Hawaii. As is the custom, they are greeted with a week of activities to become acclimated to the BYUH life and culture and to make new friends. New Student Orientation includes a campus tour, job interviews, game night, a fireside, a talent show, introduction to campus offices, a day at the Polynesian Cultural Center, parent’s forum, dinners, a trip around the island, and more. NSO is run by student specialists and volunteers who said they care about their incoming classmates. Kariza Opeda, a junior majoring in hospitality and tourism from Las Vegas, was in charge of most of the activities. Opeda said she loves her job as an NSO specialist. “NSO is a great way for students to be welcomed to the BYUH ohana,” she said. “We provide opportunities for students to mingle and get to know each other. A lot of lasting friendships are made this first week, and we try to encourage people to step outside of their comfort zones and make new friends.” Jessica Mijangos, a freshman majoring in hospitality and tourism from Guatemala, said she has been enjoying the NSO activities. “My favorite part is meeting people from all over. Everything has been fun and relaxed and I look forward to living here.” Another new freshman, Taylor Sumkhuu, majoring in ICS from Mongolia, said, “I have Ke Alaka‘i

Clockwise from top left: New students Taylor Sumkhuu, Jenna Jacob, Rubida Hermios, Ajko Kaneko and Ziliang Luo await a shuttle at the little circle on campus. New students pose for a group photo at the Pali Lookout on the circle island tour. (Left to right): Colton Brunson, Davis Kane, Micaela Jaramillo, Sarah Mae Aloc, Keona Eadie, May Haiola, Ana Carone, and Michael Maile, Volunteers for New Student Orientation, stop for a photo at Pearl Harbor. Photos courtesy of Kariza Opeda

been waiting to come to this school for two years. I am looking forward to all the learning that will take place and all the friends from around the world. I already know so many people.” Opeda said without student volunteers, NSO would cease to exist. Ana Carone, a math major from Brazil, said, “I volunteer for NSO because I love to meet the new students right away. There’s not much to do during break so this keeps me busy and it’s fun.” Another volunteer, Jefferson

Canann, a freshman majoring in marine biology from Texas, said, “Volunteering is so rewarding. NSO is a great organization and it is so much fun. My favorite part is the PCC tours or campus tours. I really recommend helping out.” Opeda said, “It really shows how much love we have on campus when students volunteer to help their future brothers and sisters.” If you want to volunteer next semester, visit http://student.byuh.edu/nso/ - Abigayle Bu tle r volunteer/form.

Lopez to serve as mission president in home country Marlo Lopez, who was recently released as a Stake High Councilor in the Honolulu Hawaii Stake, was called to serve as mission president in the Philippines Bacolod Mission. He and his wife, Memnet, will be attending the Mission Presidents Seminar at the Provo Missionary Training Center on June 24-27 and will be in the Philippines in July 1. “My wife and I are deeply humbled by this unexpected call. We are just ordinary people living out of ordinary circumstances. We put our trust in God that He will provide us the way to serve him well and live up to the divine expectations placed on us,” said Lopez of his new calling. President and Sister Lopez were both born in the Philippines. President Lopez is from Manila and Sister Lopez was originally from Sara, Iloilo, but migrated with her family to Guam when she was 10 years old. They are both BYU-Hawaii alumni who majored in biology and graduated in 1984. Lopez said he was thankful of the experiences he and his wife gained from studying at BYUH. “We’ve always considered our BYUH experience as critical training ground in all our church and community services. We’ve been so blessed to have such delightful, eternal friends at BYUH. Many of them are now members of the faculty and are in administrative and staff positions both at BYUH and PCC. It was truly an edifying ohana experience to be in the company of these good brothers and sisters and our dear professors who became not only our classroom teachers but also our divine mentors,” he said. For Lopez, his family is his happiness. He won’t forget the happy moments he and his wife shared here at BYUH. “We both just got back from serving our full time missions, and we first met when we were in the Student Financial Office applying for student loans. We found out that we were both biology majors and she thought that I was a pretty interesting species. We took the same biology classes and we worked in the Museum of Natural History and in the Science Learning Center. We studied together in the early mornings, dined in the cafeteria together, went to the temple together and did many more things together. Since we had been doing things together, we [thought] we might as well get married together,” he said with delight. He said they were blessed to have three sons: Jordan, Jershon and Jericho. Lopez then took his family to the Philippines after their graduation. He taught biology at De La Salle University while his wife attended the Far Eastern University Medical School. When they moved back to United States, he attended graduate programs at BYU-Provo and University of Utah and moved back to Guam after finishing his courses.

Above: Marlo Lopez and his wife, Memnet, are BYUH alumni who will be serving as a mission president and wife in the Philippines Bacolod Mission. Photo courtesy of Marlo Lopez

The Lopez couple has been active in fulfilling their callings in the church. Lopez served in the Philippine Cebu Mission when he was younger. Prior to his recent calling, Lopez also served in many different areas of the church. While in Manila, he was invited to join the Church Educational System and became director of the Manila Institute of Religion. When he came back to United States, he served as the first bishop of the McCully Ward for seven years. After that he served as the Country CES Director and became a counselor to four mission presidents for 11 years in the Micronesia Guam Mission which, according to him, was by far the longest calling he had in the church. Then he was called to be the director of the Honolulu Institute of Religion in Hawaii. Sister Lopez served in Chicago Illinois Mission before she came to BYUH. She had also served as a ward missionary for seven years and had taught seminary and in different women auxiliary organizations. President Lopez described his family as being serviceoriented. “We are a very missionary-minded family. My oldest son, Jordan is serving as Ward Mission Leader in his ward in Sacramento. My second son, Jershon, is also a Ward Mission Leader in his ward in Iowa. And my youngest son, Jericho, is teaching at the Provo MTC. And they are all returned missionaries,” he stated. President Lopez and his wife are excited to continue their mission and serve the people to the best of their abilities. “We are extremely happy to return home to serve our people. There are currently 17 missions in the Philippines and it is so exciting to be a part of the growth of the church there. We look forward to take part of the ‘harvest’ and to assist in strengthening the establishment of the church in our mission,” Lopez said. He continued, saying, “We are anxious to serve our Heavenly Father in the Philippines Bacolod Mission. We look forward to this new adventure in our lives. To our missionaries: We will love them, we will nurture them, and we will enjoy them like our very own sons and daughters.” -MA. VIS TAGUBA April 26, 2012


Although Crowe loves New York, he is also very fond of BYUH calling it “paradise.” He was able to use his experience here to gain a passion for film and acting through school productions and classes. Crowe added he loved the diversity of BYUH. “I love the slogan: enter to learn, go forth to serve. It is interesting to me how this profession has enabled me to, as an artist, be able to reach out and touch the lives of the people that come and watch me perform on stage or television. It is a golden opportunity to make and impact and change.” Crowe gave some advice to BYUH students. He said, “Take a chance, believe in your self, and believe in your talents. You know yourself better than anyone. I think most people don’t go after those things because they are fearful of the unknown or what someone is going to say. I think you need to throw that out the window and throw your heart over the fence and go for it and have the confidence that you really are great, and you really are colorful and you can make a difference when you find the things you are great and passionate at.” He also advised, “Don’t be afraid to fail and fall on your face and to put your heart out there. Go after the things you that are really important and the things that you really care about; it makes all the difference. It is those kinds of people the church needs and the BYUH Alumnus Michael Crowe in a scene from “Snow Angel,” one Lord needs in order for his mission to fulfill itsself.” of the roles he has played since graduating. Photo courtesy of Crowe said he has been able to find his passion for all of Michael Crowe his roles in theater and film. He loves every character that he plays. When he was asked to talk about his favorite character, he said, “I Alum moves to New York and is more than anything, my favorite character is always the one I’m working as an actor in TV and films think working on. The more you delve deeper into these character’s lives and walk in their shoes, you discover that each character brings someBYUH Alumnus Michael Crowe is making it big since graduating and is pursuing thing so magical into your life. It’s a visceral, life-changing experience. Different aspects of a character might resonate more than others, but his dream in acting. The Illinois native I think it’s impossible to choose a favorite.” is a jack-of-all-trades with a long list of -LISA TUTTLE achievements including U.S. Navy veteran, culinary artist, BYUH graduate in international business management. Crowe is furthering his education in a prestigious Bus pass on a budget acting school in New York, The Actors Temporary student rates available Studio Drama School. He has acted in various roles in television, for public transportation plays, and movies. He has been an actor in “Law and Order SVU,” The best bus pass deal of the summer is now available to stu“Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” “White Collar,” and “Snow Angel,” just dents who want a way to get around. U-Pass bus passes are on to name a few. In the “Snow Angel” production, he had a leading sale for $90 each and are usually sold for $240. The pass is good role. from May 1 until Aug. 31, 2012. Crowe said he believes God is able to place people where The sale starts April 17 and runs throughout May and they need to be. He said he made the big move to New York after June or until all bus passes are sold out. Tickets are ONLY sold going to school in Hawaii, which ended up being a great growing at the BYUH Student leadership Office (inside the Aloha Cenexperience. Crowe said, “It is such a great city to live in for creativity ter). The bus system is not responsible for loss, theft, destrucand finding something you are good at. It really forces you to look tion, or misplacement of the pass. The pass is invalid if altered within yourself to find your passion, to find your niche…It weeds out or mutilated. - kash a naho’ ole wa the men from the boys and the women from the girls.” 10

Ke Alaka‘i

Provo MBA school names BYUH graduate Xie as one of 10 Eccles Scholars

Xie started the Chinese Club at BYU-Hawaii where he was able to help the club membership grow. The Wuhan, China, native worked in Cambodia as a logistic manager. He converted to the LDS Church and served a mission when he was 29. After his mission, he came to BYUH to gain a bachelor’s degree in supply chain management. He is spending the summer as an intern in Dallas, Texas, with Calense International. BYU-Hawaii alumnus Yin “Peter” Xie April 23 marked six years of living in the United States, says was named one of the 10 Eccles ScholXie. He and his wife are expecting a baby, they are planning to visit ars among first-year MBA students at BYU in Provo’s School of Business. Each New York where Xie served his LDS mission and recently they were recipient earns $9,000 for schooling costs, able to buy a car. “It makes me smile to count some of the events that have happened in the six years: new student orientation at BYUinternational projects, and global career exploration, says scholarship information. Hawaii, a mission, marriage in Salt Lake Temple, graduation from “I was very privileged to receive the most BYUH, a bicycle accident, admission to the BYU MBA program, and now a baby, a car and an internship. I am amazed at what the Lord Yin “Peter” Xie. Photo prestigious scholarship in the internacourtesy of BYU Provo tional business field at BYU’s Marriott has done for me, and I am grateful for all the experiences.” After his degree, he plans to go back to China. “In the BYU School,” says Xie in an e-mail to friends. MBA program,” Xie said, “I am being taught the right principles to He says the first year of MBA school was challenging for him, and at one point, the pressure got so bad he thought about quit- become rich both in body and spirit.” The Whitmore Center faculty Director Ervin Black says ting. But his wife, Eugenia, “encouraged me to use my faith, and we about the scholarship, “We encourage them to act as mentors and prayed together for some divine help.” Xie says he was able to complete a stressful part of the program adding he “witnessed the power resources to the university, students and stakeholders in the future of prayer and learned that God will not leave us alone when we strive and throughout their lives and careers.” -LISA TUTTLE to do his work.”

Ready for a job or an internship? Philippines CPA Employment Opportunities

Graduating students from the Philippines can send Philippines format resume to kespi@kpmg.com

Summer Internship in Honolulu April 30 www.fhwa.dot.gov

Deadline for students wanting to complete academic internship during the Summer break and/or Summer B is April 30 http://career.byuh.edu/students/internships

Information session Meet representatives from Samuel Merritt University on Monday, April 30, 1:00 p.m., MCK 127 to get more information on their health professional programs.

April 26, 2012


Students learn from world leader, the Dalai Lama


BYU-Hawaii students, as well as students across the island of Oahu, had the opportunity to hear from an influential world leader when the Dalai Lama visited Hawaii on April 14. The visit of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, launched the “Pillars of Peace Hawai’i: Building Peace on a Foundation of Aloha,” a program described by the Pillars of Peace Hawaii Website as, “aim[ed] to get people thinking about the role of peace and compassion in their daily lives.” The Pillars of Peace Hawaii organization introduced the Dalia Lama by stating, “His Holiness The Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent struggle for Tibet and received the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal in recognition of his ‘many enduring and outstanding contributions to peace, nonviolence, human rights and religious understanding, thinking about the role of peace and compassion in their daily lives.’” Savannah Pipkin, a junior in English from California, had the opportunity to attend this event and shared, “It was interesting hearing an authority of another religion speak that was not a general authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was cool to realize how much of what he was saying coincided with the gospel.” Pipkin added, “He talked about a lot of the attributes that a lot of members of the church try to implement in their lives. One of his main themes was how peace in the world begins within oneself. I really like how he talked about how we do not have to travel the world to solve the world’s problems. But we can start by building peace in our own communities.” Kanisha Bruce, a sophomore in biochemistry from Idaho, expressed, “My favorite part was when he talked about education. He said the purpose of education is to reduce the gap between appearance and reality. This is really relatable to me because I am majoring in biochemistry and it reassured me that all my hard work in school is paying off and will give me the experience I need to be successful.” Bart Jolley, a senior in business marketing from California, shared his favorite part of the celebration: “I loved when he talked about two different kinds of happiness. One kind of happiness comes from doing good as well as having strong personal relationships and another comes from material wealth. The first is real happiness and long lasting and the second is temporary.” Jolley added, “Being in his presence you could feel that he was a real great person and had a lot of love for his fellow men.” The Dalai Lama said he didn’t know until his latest trip to Hawaii what “aloha” meant. “The world aloha is very simple but the real meaning is quite vast. You need a lot of effort to implement the real meaning of aloha,” he told reporters on April 16 says the AP. Aloha means not only hello and goodbye in Hawaiian, but also love, -G i s e l le Ramirez compassion, mercy, kindness, and charity. Ke Alaka‘i

Above: His holiness, The Dalai Lama, is greeted by the people of Hawaii. Photo by AP.

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