December 8, 2011

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December 8, 2011

Ke Alaka i Volume 98: Issue 11


Graduation Time Seniors share wisdom to students


‘Tis the Season Keeping Christ in Christmas 8

Ke Alaka i

Table of Contents

December 8, 2011 • Volume 98: Issue 11 Kent carollo


ed i t or - i n - ch i e f

advis o r

DEWEY KEITHLY hea d p hot og ra p h e r COPY EDITORS


Kel sey R oye r Amy H a n s o n M a r i ssa E l d e r

L in ds ay B an c ro ft Jame s C h o i Jo an Yau



M ei Y i n Dewey Ke i t h ly B a r t Jo l l ey

Mic h ae l Gulde n Ste ph an ie T s e C o n o r Riley A n n e N e ls o n

MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS Na t ha n Pa cke r, E l l e n Wyn n , Taylo r Rippy, Am b re e K l e m m , A n d rew Lyo n , A us tin Fa c er, C a m ro n S to ck f o rd, Gis e lle Ramire z , M a ken z i e H e a d , N a ta l i e Drewe r y, Ab i gay l e B u t l e r, C a me ro n Ko b e r INTERNS S uza nn e T u ttl e Phi l l i p A n d r u s

AD MANAGER A aro n Knuds e n

E-mail: Ad Information: Phone: (808) 675-3694 Fax: (808) 675-3491 Office: Campus, Aloha Center 134



Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762

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E d i t o r i a l , p h o to s u bmis s io n s & dis tr ibut i on i n qu i r i e s : ke a l a k ai@ byuh .e du. To sub scr i be t o th e R S S FEED o r to view a d d i t i o n a l a r ti cl e s , go to ke alak ai.byuh . ed u.


Marcus Lobendahn, a business finance and accounting major from New Zealand, will be the graduation speaker for December 2011. Photo by Dewey Keithly

Ke Alaka‘i

[page 4]

[page 10]

De c e mber gradu at es share t hei r ex per i e n c e s at BYU -Hawai i

[page 8]

El ect i on i n Egy pt makes sh i f t towa rd democracy

[page 15]

B Y U-H awai i O hana share how t hey keep C h r is tmas cent ered arou nd Chr i st



Mika Nesbit created these costumes and wigs for her senior art show. Called “Let Them Eat Cake,” each piece had a unique name and look imitating Marie Antoinette with a modern twist. To read an article about her, turn to page 16. Photo by Dewey Keithly

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is hosting an ugly sweater 9 BYUHSA Christmas dance for the fall closing social. The dance will be from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. in the Cannon Activities Center. Besides the dance, students can make sugar cookies, gingerbread houses and enjoy hot chocolate. The cost is $1 for students and $3 for community.

NOTE WORTHY news headlines


will take place in the 17 Graduation Cannon Activities Center. The




guest speaker will be Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. The ceremony begins at 9 a.m.. There will also be a ground breaking for a new building on campus at 1:30 p.m. The 25th Annual Christmas Concert at the LDS Honolulu Tabernacle in Honolulu Hawaii. All invited either the 17th or the 18th at 7 p.m. Enjoy carols and Christmas music. Admission is free.

the week in


“C hr i stmas is what we m a ke o f it . Despi te all the distract io n s , we ca n see to it that Chr is t is t h e cen ter of our celebration.” -Presi de nt T homas S. M o n s o n , t he presi dent of the LD S C hu rch a t t h e Dec . 4 Chr istmas f ires id e. “I f we are only willing t o o p e n o u r hea r ts and minds to th e s p ir it o f C hr i st m as we will reco g n ize wo n der f u l things happenin g a ro u nd u s tha t will direct of re d irect ou r a tt enti on to the sublim e.” -Presi de nt D ieter F. Uc h t d o rf , s econd counselor in the F irs t Pre s idency of the LD S Church a t t h e Dec . 4 Chr istmas f ires id e. “T he l esson is not that we ca n have su ch mar velous ex p er ien ces whenever we wish f or t he m , n o r tha t they will come eve n wh e n we f eel great need f or the m , T h e les son i s simply that God kn ows ou r ever y need, that he loves u s , a n d tha t he watches over us .” -Presi de nt Henr y B. Eyr in g, f irs t cou nselor in the First P re s id en cy of t he LD S Church at the D e c. 4 C hr i st m as f ireside..

Attendees work on lap tops at the Ike Kuokoa launch event on Monday, Nov. 28, at the Iolani Palace in Honolulu. Ike Kuokoa is an initiative to transcribe 60,000 digitally scanned pages into typescript that can be searched online. Photo by AP

Volunt e e r t y p is t s a re wo rk ing t o m a ke Hawa iia n - la ng u a ge ava ila ble o n li n e An initiative called Ike Kuokoa has been launched to make Hawaiian-language newspapers searchable online, involving thousands of volunteer typists who will transcribe 60,000 digitally scanned pages. Without volunteers, this would cost about $2.1 million to make the pages web-accessible. The project is expected to be completed July 31, 2012, which coincides with Hawaiian Restoration Day. This day commemorates the end of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s brief occupation by Great Britain. “With no money, no funding, and nothing but our desire, we thought, let’s ask Hawaii to help us,” said Kaui Sai-Dudoit, who is the outreach program manager. The initiative has received 1,300 volunteers already and will need approximately 3,000 volunteers to complete the project. Volunteers from all across the world from Hawaii to Japan to Holland to all over the U.S. mainland have given their time. It takes a volunteer approximately three hours to type one page or about 2,220 words. The Ike Kuokoa has influenced students and faculty at BYU-Hawaii. Senior in Hawaiian studies and language from Wa-

hiawa, Fara-Mone’ Akhay, spoke about the project and showed her excitement for the cause. “Language is the root of any culture,” she said. “Olelo Hawaii (Hawaiian Language) is the way in which Hawaiians are able to learn about who they are because through the language our eyes are opened to understand how our kupuna (ancestors) felt about and saw the world around them.” Akhay has participated and contributed to the initiative. Akhay said the effort to preserve language and culture and make it more readily available is remarkable. Statistically, about 95 percent of Hawaiians today do not speak the native language. There is no computer software program that is precise enough to handle the Hawaiian language and that has been the reason it has not been made available until now. Everyone is encouraged to help — knowledge of the Hawaiian language is not necessary. Akhay said, “The fact that Hawaiians from all over are joining together to accomplish this work is a success in itself.” Volunteers can sign up or receive more information at http://www.awaiaulu. org. - Natalie Dre we ry december 8, 2011




THE CLASS OF Business major Marcus Lobendahn to be graduation student speaker


Business Finance and Accounting

The college experience at BYU-Hawaii is designed to “help people through school and help people after school,” according to graduation speaker Marcus Lobendahn. Lobendahn, a business finance and accounting major, was born in Honolulu but raised in New Zealand. He will be speaking along with Elder Jeffrey Holland, who is a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, at commencement on Dec. 17. “When people think about the student graduation speaker, they often think of the smartest person graduating,” Lobendahn said. “I don’t think that was my case,” he said with a laugh. “With me, I think I was chosen because I was highly involved.” When asked what his advice would be to other students who had more time in their schooling, he said, “Above all have fun with it.” Lobendahn did not mean slack off in class. He explained, “It is a privilege to go to school here. There are great teachers and awesome beaches and both should be visited.” Lobendahn came to BYUH after attending a school in New Zealand. “The school here is much smaller and gives you a chance to get to know your professors. Here we have one teacher for every 30 students rather than one to every 300. Take advantage of it,” Lobendahn said. Networking and becoming involved in the events and activities offered at school that shaped Lobendahn’s college experience into something unique and valuable. “I just put myself out there” he said when asked how he was able to have so many experiences during his schooling. “I took part in everything I could; Great Ideas Exchange, SIFE and most anything around my major.” This is the same advice he gave for students who still have these opportunities before graduating. He spoke about the importance of time management and the importance of liking what you are studying. “You really have to like it,” he said about his activities and major. “Find what is available and then prioritize your time, prioritizing is the key.” This prioritizing did not always come naturally to Lobendahn. He mentioned being overwhelmed by activities and school and having commitments overlap. Lobendahn also talked about looking beyond college and seeking a job. “I wish I would have started job hunting earlier even as early as my sophomore year. I guess we just have to always do our best in everything we take on.”

-Au stin Face r


Ke Alaka‘i

Megan Weaver says BYUH has changed her Although Megan Weaver, a BYUH senior in TESOL education, will return home to Idaho, she will leave a lasting mark at BYU-Hawaii. While she attended the university, Weaver helped to implement a service center on campus, which continues to grow. BYUH alumnae, Emily Judson Sinkovic came up with the idea for a service center on campus when she served in BYUHSA. Weaver worked under Sinkovic as an executive director and has continued her vision after she left. The student service center works with the McKay Center, BYUH Service, SIFE, and the Willes Center for Entrepreneurship to coordinate service projects. The service center has also worked with the Vineyard, the LDS Church’s service opportunity online. They have used BYUH students to help translate text into their native languages for the church. The service center has also worked with the Give and Take event, which allows students to give and take things household items that they might need. The service center will continue working towards becoming a more permanent part of BYUH. “We are taking steps and looking to other universities for ideas. We want to make a student center that works for our university. We hope to have a career fair during fall semester so students can learn more and get more involved,” Weaver said. Weaver is grateful for the opportunities that she has had while attending BYUH. Since she has been involved in the student service center and BYUHSA, she has learned skills that she will take into her career. “Working with people and working inside a big organization has helped me a lot. I’ve also had to present ideas and proposals many times,” said Weaver. Weaver said she is going to miss BYUH but is excited for the future. She will be helping her family back home by taking care of her niece and grandmother and tutoring English on the side. Weaver advises new students to “get involved and be informed. Those are two things that will help students be happier at BYU-Hawaii.” Laie and BYUH will always have a special place in Weaver’s heart. She said BYUH is “one of those places that changed me for the better.” -S u z a nne Tut t le


TESOL Education

Left: Marcus Lobendahn, a senior in business finance from New Zealand, will be the student speaker at Graduation. Right: Megan Weaver, a senior in TESOL from Idaho, is also graduating in December. Photos by Bart Jolley and Dewey Keithly december 8, 2011


Serving others is senior Penny Anae’s legacy


Social Work

Above: Penny Anae will graduate in December and then do an internship for the Provo, Utah school district. Photo by Bart Jolley


With BYU-Hawaii seniors graduating next week, the university will lose a lot more than just students. BYUH will lose leaders and doers, like Penny Anae, a social work major from Lubbock, Texas. Anae has capitalized on her BYUH experience and served the student body through BYUHSA and the Social Work Students Association. She’s hosted BYUHSA events, including BYUH Idol in the Cannon Activities Center, which was attended by more than 1,000 students. Anae told of her experiences at BYU-Hawaii in her own words. What made you choose to come to BYUH? I’ve always wanted to come to school in Hawaii. My dad grew up here and I’ve got family here. I thought it would be good to get in touch with my roots since my family is from here. What was your favorite thing about being in BYUHSA? Knowing I was a part of David O. McKay’s prophesy of the school. Chase[Carlston] and Mandy[Leuluai] always talked about that a lot. Interacting with students was fun and getting involved with faculty taught me a lot. Just being there, being a part of it. What has made you so interested in being involved? Chase and Mandy pointed me out and told me to apply. They told me because they wanted me to do it. They were my main motivators. It wasn’t until I got in it that I started getting really involved. What’s your favorite thing about this school? The spirit of things; everybody’s so nice, you can feel the spirit in class or when walking down the hallway, seeing people. I love how happy everybody is and it makes me happy. What have you learned from your various roles at BYUH? Basically that people are people; we’re all children of God. I’ve learned to be more culturally competent, more understanding of different cultures. It built my character learning about them. In any position here I’ve grown more of a love for people in general. What would you say to a student who might have a heavy load in school and is hesitant to take on responsibilities like you have had? Just do it, its worth it. You gain so much experience in time management and meeting people. I think getting involved puts more pressure on you but in the end it’s helped me so much. I grew as a person and I grew to learn new skills. I don’t think people should be hesitant. If a person has ideas or desires they should just do it. I was afraid too, it took Mandy and Chase to get me to do it, but it’s been great. Anae’s post graduation plans include an internship for the Provo School District, where she will work with families and children. -NATE P ACKER

Ke Alaka’i

Mele Kalikimaka

Hosted by Social Dance class BYU-Hawaii students took to the ballroom dance floor on Dec. 2 for the annual Mele Kalikimaka Ball, hosted by the Social Dance classes. Free tickets admitted couples to the event where they could enjoy an evening of dancing in a venue decked out in Christmas décor.

An Evening of Faith Educates students

“Twenty-five students gathered in GCB 185 on Dec. 2 to hear from three BYUH students speak about their experiences practicing a different faith for an event entitled “An Evening of Faith.” Afterwards, the group was invited to the Laie Temple to temple work or to enjoy the Visitor’s Center. Molly Terry, a junior ICS major from Washington and organizer of the event, said, “As Latter Day Saints, we often use the knowledge that our church holds the fullness of the gospel as a way to separate ourselves from, and even fear, the members of other religions, yet this separation is directly opposed to our doctrine.” She planned the event as part of the “We Believe” area of the McKay Center’s Peer Mentoring Program. She also said that learning about other faiths can help us come to love others and facilitate peace. All three presenters spoke highly of their previous faiths and shared what ele-

Students dance at the Mele Kalikimaka Ball. Photo by Dewey Keithly

Nathan McDonald, junior biology major from California, attended the ball, and said, “The ball was a blast. I wasn’t planning on attending before I met this sweet girl to take. It was fun to learn to Tango and enjoy good company. It was definitely a success.” Throughout the evening, guests ments of their former religions they continue to incorporate in their lifestyles as Latter-day Saints. “I feel more Buddhist than I’ve ever been in my entire life,” said senior education and EXS major from Sri Lanka, Indrajit Gunasekara, as he spoke of the Buddhist principles of responsibility, accountability and living a selfless life-style. Nagila Alencar, sophomore biology major from Brazil, spoke of gaining a love for the scriptures and selfless service as a Catholic saying “I learned to get to know the people and their stories in the Bible,” and“I felt really good and knew I was doing something good when I served.”Alencar also said that she was drawn to the LDS faith because of the principle of eternal marriages and families, a doctrine not held in the Catholic faith. “The true Muslim is the kind Muslim,” said Maxat Imangazinov, from Kazakhstan, wearing a traditional Muslim hat that he said served as a reminder that someone was always above him looking down on him. Karah Dorotheo, a sophomore ICS Humanities major from California attended

were treated to a variety of performances in several styles of ballroom dance. Social Dance students were required to perform for the event and provide two hours of service for the dance as part of the final for the class. Nana Mensah, senior in biology from Ghana, is in the class and before performing said, “I’m excited to dance. I like learning social dance. The Cha-cha is my favorite, but tonight I am dancing the Tango.” Some students, like Bethany Britton, freshman TESOL major from Canada, went to the event specifically to watch people show off their newly acquired skills. “I came to support my roommate who is performing tonight,” said Britton. The instructors of the Social Dance class are Allan and Elissa Oleole, who organize a dance at the end of each semester. -AMBREE KLEMM

Maxat Imangazinov speaks at the faithbuilding event on Dec. 2. Photo by Dewey Keithly

the event and said she enjoyed listening to the speakers because, “I am interested in all different cultures and religion is a part of culture. It was very edifying.” -AMBREE KLEMM december 8. 2011



C h ri s t



ne of our goals each year is to make Christ a central point of our Christmas celebration. Each Christmas Eve after the Wheelwright family finishes our Christmas dinner, we gather around the Christmas tree as Dad reads from St. Luke the story of the first Christmas so long ago. Initially our little girls were dressed in long makeshift dresses made from white sheets with tinsel wrapped around their tiny waists and our sons would be dressed in bathrobes with one of Dad’s neckties tied around their heads, holding a towel for their head coverings. The first years we used a dolly as the Christ child, but soon we used one of our own babies for that prized position. Now as our family has grown and multiplied, we unite all the children and grandchildren who are home for Christmas to participate in this same nativity story. Grandpa reads from Luke and with the reenactment much larger and the ages more widespread, we still finish our Christmas celebration with the beautiful story of Christ’s birth. - S is ter M a r g a r e t W h e e l w r i g h t



lder and Sister McKell, of the Honor Code Office, shared their experience with Christ at Christmas: ‘‘One tradition we had, that many people do on Christmas Eve, we have always read the beautiful story Ke Alaka‘i

of Christ’s birth. Our children and grandchildren through the years have played different parts as they have acted out the story. It is something they look forward to and the last thing we do before the kids go to bed. Hopefully, they go to bed thinking about the real reason we celebrate Christmas.” Elder and Sister McKell also encouraged students to give. “We start much earlier than Christmas Eve. Our family has focused on making Christmas a ‘giving’ holiday rather than a ‘getting’ one. Our family selects individuals or families to secretly give to during the month of December. Our daughters loved sneaking up to the houses after dark and leaving a gift at the door – sometimes night after night. We taught the importance of keeping our actions secret and trying to give a meaningful gift. It made them so happy to look around their classroom to see one of their peers wearing a shirt or sweater that we had left at their door. “The reward that we have received from these secret acts is that our children and grandchildren are continuing the ‘giving tradition.’ They truly have the spirit of

Christmas because they are excited about giving to others without being recognized. -Make nzie He ad


ani Anandan is a junior from American Samoa majoring in English, and has some very special Christmas traditions in her family that help keep Christ in Christmas, both of which came from family experiences and cultural tradition. One thing her family does every year is cook a huge meal, more than enough to feed the entire family. This meal is then divided in half, one half for the family, and the other half is shared with the neighbors. “It’s a Samoan tradition,” said Anandan, “that if you have plenty, you share with others. The idea is that everyone is taking care of each other. This is occasionally done throughout the year, but it is always done at Christmas, in the spirit of giving.” Another way Anandan and her family remember Christ during the Christmas season, is by picking a family in the ward, putting a care package of food and gifts together for them, and leaving it on their doorstep anonymously. “It started out about four years ago,” Anandan said. “There was a family in the ward that wasn’t well off, but that year, “We still finish our Christmas celebration the week of Christmas, the father of the famwith the beautiful story of Christ’s birth.” ily was in an accident and had to stay in the hospital. Staying in the hospital isn’t cheap.” -Sister Margaret Wheelwright Anandan’s father brought it to the

attention of the family, she said, and the family decided to give up their own gifts to the family. “It worked out pretty well. Their family had three girls and so did mine,” Anandan said. Since then, the Anandan family selects one family each years to give a gift basket. “I think it was a great idea,” Anandan said, “because it brought joy to others, which is what Christ wanted, and giving is what Christmas is all about.” - C a m e r on S t oc kf or d


lder and Sister Pehrson have developed many holiday traditions over the 44 years they’ve been married to keep the warm and inviting spirit of Christmas close during the holiday season. They smiled and laughed as they recalled the different traditions and memories they have shared. Sister Pehrson talked about a box they had sitting in the middle of the family room. Whenever anyone did something kind or loving, they would write what they did on a piece of paper and slip it in the box. These random acts of service became “gifts to baby Jesus.” She said, “All the kids and grandkids will run around making beds and being kind to each other. It’s wonderful!” Elder Pehrson finished the story. “On Christmas day, we would all gather together and open the box and read what everyone did. It’s nice because everyone is helping each other.” The Pehrson’s said they feel like giving gifts to the baby Jesus will bring the family closer. It’s a way to remember the true meaning of Christmas and show how much you love and care for your family, and for God. The Pehrson’s also love doing a live nativity scene. They feel like this is an impor-

“When ever anyone did something kind or loving, they would write what they did on a piece of paper and slip it in the box.” -Sister Pehrson

tant way to keep the focus on Christ every Christmas. The small children especially love getting involved because dressing up is so fun. All the girls and even some little boys fight over being Mary. Elder Pehrson said, “I was always the donkey until I got too old to ride Mary around on my back. Now I can’t be the donkey anymore.” Elder Pehrson offers advice to all the young couples who are just starting out. He said they should “consciously make a pattern or a plan to have traditions instead of just letting them happen. They become more meaningful that way.” - Ab igayle But ler


ith Christmas just around the corner, students and faculty members are busy getting ready for the big day. Traditional Christmas trees, lights, and gifts are indeed important, but religion teacher Professor Eric Marlowe stresses the importance of keeping Christ the focus point in Christmas celebrations. Marlowe is originally from North Carolina. He and his wife have four chil-

dren, three which attend Laie Elementary. “Attending the First Presidency Christmas fireside and my children’s school performances help me to remember Christ during Christmas,” Marlowe explained. “They help turn our thoughts toward our Savior and remember the true meaning behind Christmas.” The First Presidency focused upon Christ and all of the gifts he has given each and every one of us. They expressed that if each of us gives these gifts to others, we will be reminded of the Savior this Christmas season. In a 2010 Ensign, the Quorum of the Seventy also expressed their traditions to remember Christ during Christmas time. Elder Carlos A. Godoy, from Brazil, explained how his family writes their testimonies in copies of the Book of Mormon and send them to family and friends as gifts. He said it is a nice way to share the gospel and to remember that Christ is the most important part of the day. - Natalie Dre we ry



or more talks and videos centered on keeping Christ in Christmas, visit The 2011 First Presidency Christmas Devotional is now available online along with new videos depicting the birth of Jesus Christ. . To view the 2011 F i r st Pr esi d en cy C hris tmas Devotion a l, sca n th e barc ode with a s m a r t p h on e.

december 8, 2011



Egyptian women stand next to an election poster of Islamist candidate Mohammed Yousri Ibrahim, in Nasr City, a neighborhood of Cairo, Egypt, on Dec. 5. Photo by AP.

Egypt elections mark transition to democracy BYU-Hawaii History Professor Jim Tueller cautioned against misinterpreting the happenings in Egypt, as the country makes strides toward democracy. Since Hosni Mubarak was ousted, a military council has been in control of the country. While the council was able to safely oversee the elections, there is growing doubt as to its future plans. Recently, military officials chose a Mubarak-era prime minister to head the government throughout the next three months. However it is unlikely the leader, Kamal el-Ganzouri, will only serve for that small period of time. The elections have been met with further controversy outside of Egypt as early election results showed the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood had won as much as 45 percent of the parliamentary seats being voted on. If the Muslim Brotherhood were to gain control of parliament, it would have a better ability to move the country in a more religiously conservative direction as has been done in Tunisia and Morocco earlier this year. This could conceivably create more problems for the United States who had stable relations with the country under Mubarak. A growing worry within the United States is if the Islamist party takes significant control of the country it would likely lead to more difficult relationships between the two nations. Tueller spoke about the realities of the new government being formed. “The Muslim Brotherhood actually came out of an Egyptian context in the 1920s. It never was intended to be a political party, but with dictatorship and British colonialism, it became the only extra organization that people could draw from.” He noted American fears of the Muslim Brotherhood come from preconceived notions about Islam and terrorism, but that in Egypt it is seen as the conservative “safe” option. “I see the worry that some people have that Islam is going to take over Egypt, and I think, well 10

Ke Alaka‘i

Islam has already been part of Egypt for millennia and Egypt in another way is a very conservative society. They still consider family and women’s roles in ways that we would be really shocked by.” He also mentioned the biggest problems lie with the Muslim Brotherhood and their relationship with Israel. In speaking about the military, Tueller noted the United States and Egypt have long been political allies and much of their military has been trained by the United States. Furthermore, he mentioned Egypt is the second largest recipient of American aid mostly in military money. He said the military has such strong ties with the United States it is likely that in February when Barack Obama officially called for Mubarak to step down, many of the military leaders began to make a move towards forcing Mubarak to step down. He also wondered if that same U.S. influence could be used in persuading the military to step down from power if it refused to do so. Tueller remained hopeful for the situation however, saying, “I would think that Tahrir Square will be one of those things in 2011 that we will look back on in years to come and say that was a very important event for the Middle East.” Michael Brinton a sophomore from California, echoed the traditional fear felt amongst Americans about a rise of a religiously conservative party taking control in Egypt mentioning that such governments often lead to the loss of freedom. However, Jaimie Randals, a senior political science major from Wyoming, gave a different perspective. She said she had learned about Islam in a class, and noted it is similar to Mormonism in certain aspects. She said, “We are scared of the Muslim Brotherhood because it’s Islamic. America is a little bit ignorant about Islam and we can have preconceived notions about the religion.” Whatever the election’s results, the first session of Parliament is scheduled to take place in March of next year. These sessions will be focused around the drafting of a new constitution and lead to the first presidential elections that are currently scheduled for the end of next June. - CAmeron Kobe r and Th e Associate d P re ss

attacks, as well as those who lost their lives in the attacks, were honored for their service. On that day in 1941, the Japanese army attacked the naval base and created a pinnacle moment in influencing America to respond to World War II. The remembrance of the attacks, Veterans of the Pearl Harbor attack urged students on its 70th anniversary to take care lead by Hawaii PBS television President Leslie Wilcox, was done in a sacred and of America and keep in mind freedom isn’t solemn nature. An invocation from a Hawaifree. “Remember Pearl Harbor and keep ian spiritual advisor, Kahu Kau’ila, began the America alert,” said Jack Mammet from event. This was followed by a moment of Southern California, who worked at the silence marking the instant the attacks first Naval Hospital during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. “There is no such thing as freedom began. Several messages thereafter noted the without a cost. Please take care of my coun- importance of the events and our responsibility to always remember our history. try for me.” The veterans who experienced The attacks on Pearl Harbor were Pearl Harbor firsthand seemed pleased by famously decreed by U.S. President Franklin the event. The urgency for students to take Delano Roosevelt as part of “a date, which care of their country also came from Edward will live in infamy.” Seven decades later people from around the world joined together Boruck from Massachusetts, who likewise was a veteran of the attacks. He said, “Students at the once devastating scene to commemorate the service of those who fought. On Dec. need to make sure and continue studying so 7, some of the last remaining survivors of the we can keep progressing in the world.”

T h o u s a nd s gat he r at t h e P e a r l Ha r bor M emorial f or 70 th Anni ve rsary of a ttack on Pearl Harbor

He recalled the events of that day saying: “I heard the general say ‘Man your battle stations!’ Noting the closeness of the attacks he said, “I was saved by 30 seconds.” He continued by noting how back then there were no cellphones or e-mail so he could not tell his family that he was safe. Before he could get the word to his family, his brother had already enlisted to serve. Unfortunately, his brother was not as lucky and was killed in the line of duty during the war. Hawaii’s Senator Daniel Inouye best summed up the event saying it “honors all who sacrificed on December 7th 1941, and in World War II. It also ensured that future generations will never forget what happened at Pearl Harbor, and the resolve, resiliency and triumphant spirit of all of you.” The events concluded with the veterans of the attacks marching down the “Walk of Honor” past all of the soldiers stationed in the area at attention. Onlookers watched in awe as these heroes received this tribute. - Came ron Kobe r

Clockwise from top Left: Pearl Harbor survivor Herb Weatherwax during the memorial ceremony on Dec. 7. Pearl Harbor survivor walks to the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial on the 70th anniversary of the attack. Pearl Harbor survivor Mal Middlesworth prays during the Pearl Harbor memorial ceremony (Photos by AP). Pearl Harbor survivor Edward Borucki holds sign at the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Photo by Suzanne Tuttle

D ispl ay moves stu de n ts as Cl othe sl i ne Proje c t co me s to a close Students, faculty, and community members alike stood in awe as they viewed the almost 70 T-shirts marked by students and members of the Koolau community with commentary about domestic violence for the macro social work Clothesline Project. The project’s display, which began on Dec. 7, was organized and complied by social work senior Crystal Porter from Utah. Concerning her experiences with the project, Porter said, “Each student reacts differently depending on their personal experiences.

For some, it might draw back memories, some get emotional, and some choose not to read it.” She continued, saying, “For me, I’ve been working on this project since First Term. It went from the idea to the actual project…. that’s really what macro social work is all about, getting from one destination to the next.” Other students from the social work program were also involved with the project, spending time explaining display’s significance to those who passed by the clothesline. Senior social work student, Natalia Alston, from Utah said, “It’s been great. It’s bringing awareness and it educates students about women everywhere, even women here that are getting abused.” Concerning the project’s presence at BYU Hawaii, Alston

said, “People need to know that it does happen here and it shouldn’t be underground.” Non-social work majors were also moved by the display as they passed by in the hall. Garrett Jefferies, a freshman ICS major from Virginia said, “I know someone who has experienced abuse. I don’t know much but I know it has a very long term effect and it can be very damaging to relationships. Concerning the display, Jefferies said, “It’s a great way of showing it. It’s very sobering but it’s a good way to let people know what’s going on. If you or someone you love is experiencing abuse, call the BYU-Hawaii Counseling Center Crisis on Call number at 675-3911 for assistance.

-Marissa Elde r

Ortho R. Fairbanks artist visit

Ortho R. Fairbanks, a prominent LDS sculptor who has contributed many works to BYU-Hawaii’s campus, returned to visit on Nov. 21, escorted by his daughter Malia Allsop, and two of his grandchildren: Wesley Allsop, and current BYUH student, Kilee Fairbanks. Hand-in-hand with his granddaughter, he led his family around campus from one sculpture to another, relating the story behind each. The 86-year-old artist’s carved marble bust of President David O. McKay greets all who pass through the McKay building foyer. “I loved having my grandfather visit BYU-Hawaii,” said Fairbanks. “It was a very neat experience to walk hand-in-hand with him around campus, and to see his sculptures along with the art classrooms he used to teach in. I have always looked at his artwork on campus and have heard his stories, but to have him back in Hawaii visiting is an experience I will never forget.” Fairbanks made his return trip to the island simply to visit the place he grew to love, and to track down his pieces of art that still remain in Laie. “I have always admired my grandfather’s talent, and I hope that one day I will be able to live up to his name by pursuing a degree in art,” said Fairbanks. I am so proud to be his granddaughter. I will always remember the stories he has shared and the precious time we spent together at BYU-Hawaii.” Fairbanks worked as a professor of fine art on campus from 1960-1968, when BYU-Hawaii was still known as the Church College of Hawaii. He helped organize the first art exhibits on the campus and even helped instruct in the religion department. His work on campus includes two busts in the main foyer, one of President McKay and another of James Clissold, a bronze bust of Ralph Wooley in the library, and several landscape paintings.


Ke Alaka‘i

From left: Artist, Ortho R. Fairbanks, his granddaughter Kilee Fairbanks, daughter Malia Allsop, and grandson Wesley Allsop at the bust of Ralph Wooley in the McKay library. Photo by Mei Yin.

Of all the pieces he has made, Fairbanks said without hesitation that the bust of President McKay was his favorite. “Just the fact that I could be in his presence made it my favorite.” President McKay posed for the rendering, but Fairbanks said the prophet did more than just sit still while he carved. “We spoke with one another during each session and it was just as comfortable as being with your own grandfather.” The bust was completed gradually during morning sessions with the prophet from six to eight a.m. “I would sculpt in the morning,” said Fairbanks, “and when the session was over I’d just wheel the sculpture into a closet until it was time to come back.” While in Hawaii, Fairbanks was also on the committee that selected sculptures to represent the state of Hawaii in the nation’s capitol building in Washington D.C. Fairbanks replicated the well-known figure of King Kamehameha on display in Honolulu, to send to the capitol for official state representation. His sculpture remains there today. -KENT CAROLLO

‘Gathering to La’ie’

Fred Woods and Riley Moffat at the book signing for the new book called “Gathering to La’ie.” Photos by Dewey Keithly

Professors team up to write book


he book “Gathering to La’ie” tells the history, legacy and testimonies of the people of the Laie community since its founding. “Laie has been a sacred spot for the Mormon people and supported by every Prophet since Brigham Young,” said lead author and BYUH Professor Riley Moffat. “It is a gathering place for the saints from those who settled here as early farmers to those who come to run the PCC” Co-author and BYU Provo Church History Professor Fred Woods said Moffat’s mother’s dream was “to see her son write a book about Laie.” Moffat’s mother was a former librarian at BYUH and his family first moved to the town of Laie when Moffat was only a young boy. “I was the only haole boy in the community,” Moffat said of his childhood, “but I kept my ears open and the stories I heard from the community members peaked my interest.” Moffat’s interest in history has fueled him during his teaching career at BYUH. His book shows both his academic skill and personal knowledge of the island. Moffat said the writing of the book had given him “an even greater appreciation of the spirit of [Laie] and the testimony of the elders in the community.” The book signing held at the BYUH Bookstore was accompanied by musical and traditional performances. “There has been great support from the community in writing this book,” said Woods. That support was evident as Kela Miller, Ipolani Thompson and Sisi Fong preformed musical numbers. BYUH Professor Kali Fermantez also led a group in The new book is on sale at the an oli chant written by BYUH BYUH Bookstore. alumnus Cy Bridges.


Sports Update

and mentally prepared for the season,” said Hooper. In the game just prior, BYU-Provo Hukilau Invitational beat Syracuse 83-59 sealing the Cougar’s The Hukilau Invitational Tournament ended undefeated record for their fourth year at the on Dec. 3 with a match up against BYUHukilau Invitational. BYU had four players Hawaii and Arizona. The Seasiders fought a score in the double digits with Kim Parker tough game against the Division 1 Wildcats, leading with 22 points, five rebounds, and six but ended up losing 78-61. assists. Senior Dani Peterson recorded her The Seasiders are now 0-4 for first-ever double double with 14 points and the year, sophomore guard from Molokai, 10 rebounds. BYU senior from Utah, Dani Danna-Lynn Hooper, recorded 15 points and Peterson, said she was pleased with their play had four assists to match her career high. throughout the Hukilau Invitational. “I enjoy Hooper, an exercise and sports science major coming back to the Hukilau Invitational each said, “Playing against Division I schools made year and glad to have been successful during me realize that Division 1 is a much faster my senior year here.” paced game.” The win puts Arizona with a Fans also enjoyed the opportunity The Seasiders play against the BYU Provo 7-1 record for the season. to watch the Seasiders and well-known Divi- last week. The Lady Seasiders hosted the annual Hukilau Tournament. Photo by Mei Yin “We faced higher competition, sion I teams play. Whitney Mierzejewski, ment. It was great to watch the teams play and if we can compete and execute against a junior elementary education major from these teams, then we should be physically Colorado, said, “I really enjoyed the tourna- here.” - NATALIE DREWERY

BYUH students cheer for Provo and UH A full spectrum of emotion was present for game spectators as University of Hawaii faced off against BYU in Provo on the Aloha Stadium field Dec. 3. The game ended in victory for the BYU Cougars with a 41-20 score. Fans came from all around the island, and even the mainland, to support the Cougars. That meant taking a car, riding the bus, or, in the case of some BYU fans in attendance, a six-hour plane ride. BYU-Hawaii students were among the riled crowds as they provided support for their teams, some for University of Hawaii and others for BYUH’s sister school. Hannah Palmer, a “true blue” BYU fan, said, “BYU Provo is my home team. I grew up cheering them on and I just wanted to support them.” Another BYUH student Brandon Kamimoto, a freshman in exercise science from Mililani, was cheering for University of Hawaii and didn’t particularly enjoy the outcome, “It was kind of


Ke Alaka‘i

Men’s Basketball

The BYU Cougars beat UH at Aloha Stadium on Dec. 3. Photo by AP

disappointing.... I had a feeling BYU would win though. I’ve cheered for University of Hawaii pretty much my whole life, since I started watching football, and I grew up here so I had to support my home team.” Aubree Pocock, a freshman in Elementary Education from Ohio, was there to cheer on the Cougars, “There were nine people in my group. We were in the section with all the BYU fans and everyone was just happy and having fun. At half time, UH was beating BYU, but then we came back.” - mc kenzie h ead

Playing on the road for the Seasider men lost 79-43 to Division I Long Beach State on Dec. 2 to fall to 1-5 for the season. The Seasiders trailed by just four, 32-28, at halftime but Long Beach State scored the first ten points of the second half and ran away from the Seasiders. Jet Chang scored 16 points to lead the Seasiders but no other BYU-Hawaii player scored more than five points. Bracken Funk pulled down nine rebounds in the loss. Long Beach State, now 4-3 for the season, had eight players score five points or more and was led by Larry Anderson with 16. T.J. Robinson had 14 rebounds and 12 points and Eugene Phelps had 14 points and 13 rebounds for Long Beach. BYUH will play UH-Hilo on Dec. 8 in an early season Pacific West Conference game in Hilo. The team’s next home game is on Dec. 10 against Seattle Pacific. - BYUH SPORTS INFORMATION

University is working to improve energy efficiently Sustainability and efficiently using energy is a growing concern at BYU-Hawaii. Since BYUH is located on an island it is imperative that students and BYUH utilizes the resources that they have. Les Harper has recently joined BYU-Hawaii as an Energy and Recycling Advisor for the campus. Before working at BYU-Hawaii he had a recycling company is Alberta, Canada. According to Harper, there has been a focus on the environment and energy conservation. Harper has been working to reduce energy and water and cost of the school. Harper has started S.W.A.T.T. (Special Waste Action and Technology Team). Harper said, “Our focus is reducing consumption of all sources. We want to reduce, reuse, and recycle. We also added another ‘r’ with the word arousal. We want to have the school wake up and help change their habits.” Harper wants students and faculty to know how important it is to turn off lights, computers, and reduce and reuse paper as much as possible. One of Harper’s recent projects was taking out 51 fluorescent tubes in one hallway of the Aloha Center. The hallway is still well lit, and many did not even notice the change. Just

that change can help the university save up to four thousand dollars a year. Many of the offices and rooms throughout campus are over lit and the air conditioning units are too low, explained Harper. Also, computers left overnight can cost the university a lot of money in energy. Even though it is important to save money for the university Harper wants to make things more sustainable for the environment of Hawaii as well. Hawaii burns crude oil for energy and it is important to reduce the amount burned as much as possible. There are little ways that everyone can decrease the amount of energy that they are using. Harper has four objectives: 1. To educate staff and students about the importance of recycling and energy 2. Training and teaching people 3. Replacing old objects with better and more energy efficient ones 4. Producing electricity and power on our own There will be a contest for someone who wants to make a logo of S.W.A.T.T. (Special Waste Action and Technology Team) and also have BYU-Hawaii incorporated. The winner will receive $25 to Kahuku Grill. To submit entries e-mail by Dec. 31. Also, if you want to get more involved or if you have suggestions feel free e-mail Harper.

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december 8. 2011


Senior Mika Nesbit created costumes for her senior art project. Photo by Dewey Keithly

Ma r ie Ant o i n e tte in spires ar t s h ow The McKay Auditorium foyer was transformed into a Georgian-era inspired dressing room created by Mika Nesbit for her senior art show. Called “Let Them Eat Cake,” each piece had a unique name and look imitating Marie Antoinette with a modern twist. The exhibit opened on Dec. 5 for the entire community to enjoy.

For as long as Nesbit can remember she has loved to sew. The combination of all her favorite things - history, fashion, and art - just feels natural. Virginia Rohm, Nesbit’s best friend, flew in from Virginia to see the show. “She’s always had an eye for design, since we were kids. To see her progress from putting things together to actually creating them is incredible.” Brooke Elsmore, a senior in political science from Arizona and Nesbit’s roommate, knows how hard she worked on the dresses. “Mika is very talented and inspiring, and I think she’ll go a long way because of how motivated she is.” In fact, Nesbit already has a job. She’ll be the wardrobe manager in costume design at the American Shakespeare Center. Her costume design teacher, Teryl Soren, also knows Nesbit will go very far. “Mika has an incredibly bright future ahead of her. She is gutsy, she takes risks, and she is self motived, determined, and extremely

disciplined.” Soren talked about the patience needed to be a seamstress and the creativity needed to be a designer. She said Nesbit has both. Genedel Glory, a sophomore majoring in secondary education and biology from Nevada, said of the exhibit, “It’s all very amazing. We got to see her progress all year and she’s worked so hard. Mika is a pioneer in design. No one else is quite like her.” She continues, “My favorite dress is ‘Gertrude’. The colors and details make it so interesting. I wouldn’t have patience for all those pleats.” For those interested in learning how to construct and alter costumes, Costume Design would be an ideal class to take. Students get to work with the Drama Department and create the wardrobes for all the school plays. Soren recommends taking the class. “Mika actually learned to sew here, and she’s grown leaps and bounds! It’s a true success. I hope other students pay attention and see that they can do things just like this.”


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