February 16, 2012
Ke Alaka i Volume 99: Issue 5
BYUH Arab club visits local mosque 6
HANDY HOW-TO’s Student-friendly instructions for day-to day tasks page 7
Sports update: Basketball, Softball, and Tennis 14
Ke Alaka i
Table of Contents
February 16, 2012 • Volume 99: Issue 5 Kent carollo
ed i t or -i n - ch i e f
advis o r
DEWEY KEITHLY hea d p hot ogra p h e r COPY EDITORS
Kel sey R oye r, A my Ca rl st on , M a r i s s a E l d er, Tay l o r R i p py
L in ds ay B an c ro ft Jame s C h o i, Alex L e n g, Jas o n B row n
M ei Y i n Dewey Ke i th ly Ba r t Jol l ey
Mic h ae l Gulde n Ste ph an ie T s e C o n o r Riley
MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS Na t ha n Pa cke r, E l l e n Wy n n , An drew Lyo n , C a m ron S to ck f o rd , G i s e lle Ramire z , Make n zi e H ea d , N a ta l i e D rewe r y, C ame ro n Ko b e r, A b i gay l e B u tl e r, K a s h a B an dman n , Mo rgan B ouwhu i s , A a ro n C o f f ey INTERNS S uza nne T u ttl e Phi l l i p A n d r u s
AD MANAGER Aaro n Knuds e n
[page 11]
B Y UH alumnu s Marcu s Lobendahn repres e n te d Lai e at i nt er nat i onal conf erence
Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762
P r in t Se r vic e s
E d i t o r i a l , p h o to s u bmis s io n s & dis tr ibut i on i n qu i r i e s : ke a l a k ai@ byuh .e du. To sub scr i be t o th e R S S FEED o r to view a d d i t i o n a l a r ti cl e s , go to ke alak ai.byuh . ed u.
Photo illustration by Michael Gulden. This issue focuses on basic instructions for a number of different useful tasks.
How t o repai r a su r f board
[page 12]
H ow to repel ant s and f i x you r car
E-mail: kealakai@byuh.edu Ad Information: kealakaiads@gmail.com Phone: (808) 675-3694 Fax: (808) 675-3491 Office: Campus, Aloha Center 134
Ke Alaka‘i
[page 4] [page 7]
As part of Spirit Week events on campus, students enjoyed a Tail Gate Party with free hot dogs and hamburgers before the basketball game on Feb. 10 outside the Cannon Activities Center. Photo by Dewey Keithly
How t o su r vive a shark at t a ck
Robert R. Holland D.C., L.M.T.
Specializing in Medical Massage and Soft Tissue
Rehabilitation for Whiplash Injury, Neck Pain and Back Pain No Fault Insurance Accepted KAHUKU-NORTHSHORE 56-119 Pualalea Street TEL:293-0122
Men’s and women’s basketball will play Dominican University of California (San Rafael, California). Lady Seasiders will play at 5 p.m. and Men’s basketball team will play at 7:30 p.m. Wear red and support Seasider athletics. Admission is $5 per person, free for BYUH students with ID.
Pianist Jon Schmidt and Cellist Steven Sharp Nelson will perform in the Cannon Activities Center. The preshow with Kaniela Kaulukukui--acoustic guitarist, Rachael Kanahele-vocalist and Bitna Lee--pianist begins at 7:30. Main show at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10, $8 for BYUH and PCC employees and $5 for students.
the week in
“T hose we love and ca re a bou t a re the key to helping us to d eve lop a sof t car ing tender he a r t . We mu st do our par t, we m u s t rea ch ou t, we must overcome t he n a t u ra l tendency to withhold f ee lin g s a n d a s we overcome those t e n d e n cie s we w i l l be the recipien t o f m a ny bl essi ngs.” -Ma x C hecketts, BYUH V ice P re s ident of Academics, in his D evoti ona l a ddress ‘Harden Not Yo u r Hea r ts, B e Hear t Smar t ’ o n Feb. 14. “As I gr ieve the loss of my fr ie n d a nd ‘ l i t tle sister,’ I don ’t f e e l it a p propr i a te to perf orm a t t his t im e. C ont i nu e to pray f or th e f a m ily.” -C ha ka K han, singer an d s o n g wr i t er, explained her s o r row f or the pa ssing of Whitney H o u s ton. Khan did not perf o rm in t h e tr i bu t e to Whitney Hous t on a t T h e Gra mmy Awards. “I know the gospel is tr u e. I t a nswer s a ll of lif e’s ques t ion s a n d probl em s that f ace us. -El der L. Tom Per r y sai d in t h e broa dc ast of the Worldwid e Lea d er shi p Training Meeting o n Feb. 11.
NOTE WORTHY news headlines
If you click on the tab “Online Magazine” on home page of kealakai.byuh.edu, you can view PDFs of the Ke Alaka‘i from over the past few years. Screen shot by Phil Andrus
How to use the Ke Alaka‘i Website? Beyond the Ke Alaka‘i being printed each week, you can find more and longer articles, photos and video on its Website at kealakai. byuh.edu. Here are some tips of how to navigate the Website: 1. On the home page of kealakai. byuh.edu, there is a menu bar across the top of the page with links to individual sections: Campus, Community, National, World, Life & Entertainment, Opinion, Sports, Photos, Video, and Online Magazine. The Photos section includes events held on and off campus, but this is the place you can go to see pictures of you and your friends. The Video section has video of everything from events on campus to world news from a campus viewpoint. It also includes the new “Daily Dose,” which gives you all the news of the day in about 2 minutes, and a new video feature called “Spin” where members of the BYU-Hawaii ohana give their insight into current events. The Online Magazine section includes PDFs of past issues of the printed Ke Alaka‘i you can access anytime. 2. Just below the main menu bar is
a secondary bar. It contains ad information, a letters to the editor form, how to contact the staff, and a link to an archive of information uploaded to the site over the past six years. 3. Underneath the menu bars are links to the stories most recently uploaded to the Website. Click on the links or the rotating banner photos and they will take you directly to the latest stories, photos or video. 4. Scroll down the page to the individual sections and you can adjust the number of stories you see in each section to suit your interests. 5. Besides uploaded stories, photos, video, etc., of the right hand side of the main page there is usually a poll you can participate in, links to blogs, and a list of the most popular features on the Website. 6. You can make comments on any of the uploaded materials by scrolling to the bottom of each file and typing in your response. Responses on the Ke Alaka‘i Website are reviewed before being posted. You can also contact the Ke Alaka‘i staff at kealakai@byuh.edu, or check out its facebook page and Youtube channel as well.
-le e ann lambe rt
February 16 , 2012
ested in working in Hedge funds or private equity,” Lobendahn said. “It isn’t a place to receive guaranteed job offers or interviews. But when you have the opportunity to put your best foot forward on a stage in front of top professionals from around the world, make the most of it.” Loberdahn took his own advice, and went to the competition for the experience. Coming from BYUH, Loberdahn was overwhelmed with the caliber of students who were in attendance and also the speakers they had lined up to address the conference. The speakers were exceptional, with top names from the Hedge fund and private equity industry. This was the first year the conference incorporated a “Best December BYU-Hawaii graduate Marcus Lobendahn presents at the Trade Idea” contest where delegates were invited to submit their LSEAIC in London. Photo courtesy of Marcus Lobendahn. best trade idea from which three would be chosen to present at the conference in front of their peers. Loberdahn entered the contest and was chosen as one of three presenters to share his Trade Idea Alumnus represents BYUH at international conference and won the whole contest. The prize for winning the contest was dinner at Benares Marcus Lobendahn, a recent BYU-Hawaii graduate, is a man of courRestaurant in Mayfair, London where Loberdahn joined 20 other age and great ideas. Lobendahn attended the London School of EcoHedge fund managers for a Drobny Global dinner. nomics Alternatives Investments Conference (LSEAIC) held in London. Loberdahn said he made great contacts at this dinner LSEAIC is the largest student conference on Hedge Funds within the Hedge Fund industry and is currently working on securand Private Equity. For the 2012 conference, there were 4,580 applica- ing a job with one of the managers he met. Loberdahn mentioned, tions from students from more than 200 universities and 123 nation“Something I feel proud about is the fact that for the future duraalities for the limited 350 spots. The top schools were represented by tion of this conference BYUH will always be the first school to have students, such as Columbia Business School, Harvard Business School, won the Best Trade Idea Competition. After presenting my Best London Business School, University of Oxford, Helsinki School of Trade Idea, one of the delegates said to me, “How did you learn so Economics, Yale and now BYUH, thanks to Lobendahn’s hard work. much about investments in Hawaii?” Not sure if that can be taken “This conference is a great way to network for anyone inter- as a complement, but I will.” - Ka sha Bandmann
To London and Back
Filled with the spirit Marshall Islands Mission President meets with students
President Thomas Shaw and his wife, Sharon, from the Marshall Islands Mission, came to BYU-Hawaii on Sunday, Feb. 5 and held a fireside with the people from the Marshall Islands and the men and women who served LDS missions there. Missionaries who came home from the Marshall Islands in the last few months had the opportunity to see their mission president once again at the event held at the President Wheelwright’s home. People laughed and reminisced about their missions and the living in the islands. After singing “I am a Child of God,” Sister Sharon Shaw said Heavenly Father wants his children to achieve greatness. She said if they had a stamp on the bottom of their feet stating who created them, we would see Heavenly Father’s name. She said the Lord is trying to refine them, help them be the best they can be, and stressed they will never be alone. Heavenly Father will never leave you. Ke Alaka‘i
Then as Elder Shaw stood to speak, everyone in the home became silent. As he expressed how much he loved the Marshallese people, their culture and customs, and those present felt the spirit grow. He said the people of the islands have humility, patience and are teachPresident and Sister Shaw. Photo able. President Shaw encouraged courtesy Church News. those there to take advantage of the opportunity to study at BYUH and to take advantage of being here on earth. He said they need to be more than they ever thought they could be. Continuing on the theme his wife spoke on, he said at one point everyone on earth knew why they were here: to have the chance to choose right from wrong, to progress, and to become more like Heavenly Father. He reminded them in the pre-earth life they had chosen to be on Heavenly Father’s team.
- KAsha Bandmann
BYUH senior creates carpool group To cut back on the hassle of traveling around the islands for students without cars, and to help ease the burden of gas fare for students with cars, student Sedge Downing, a senior from Texas majoring in music came up with the idea to create a carpool group on Facebook. The group, called Carpool @ BYU-Hawaii, is for students traveling around the island with empty seats, and wiling to take others, as well as for students who need to get around the island, but do not want to, or do not have the money for the bus. “It’s pretty much open to people who are students and have a Facebook account, we want it to stay relatively small, that way it stays away from riding with strangers,” Downing said, “we want it to be with people you already trust, or are friends with.” EJ Hernandez, a senior from the Philippines majoring in business management and an additional admin for the Carpool @ BYUH page, said “As administers we monitor the page. We can add people, or remove people from the group for abusing it, as well as control how people post to make sure that nothing inappropriate is posted, or that nobody abuses the page. We can also post announcements for everyone to see.” The process of using the page for drivers and riders is different. Drivers post the itinerary of where they are going and when, as well as how many seats they have available, and riders in need will post in comments where they have to go and when. Riders looking for rides check the posts for itineraries that fit their schedules as well, if no itineraries are found to match then riders post their own needs.
Riders are expected to help pay for gas, as it says in the description of the page. “This is to help ease the driver’s burdens, and help keep this away from being a chauffeur service,” said Downing. Hernandez said “It’s a great idea... I have friends here, but I have trouble asking them to go out of their way for a ride, but this way you can get rides with people already going to the same places you are going.” Downing said he got the idea from seeing the Sell Your Stuff @ BYU-Hawaii page on Facebook. Having used it multiple times, Downing said he thought a carpooling page would also be beneficial for students. Carpool @ BYU-Hawaii currently has about 430 members, compared to Sell Your Stuff page, which has almost 1,800 members. “We want it to grow so more people will use it,” said Downing, “but we want it to also stay somewhat small, and limited to students who need it most.” - C AMRON ST OCKFORD
Photos by Michal Zacharzewski
Adele claims six Grammys The 54th Grammy awards had various performances and also a special tribute to the late Whitney Houston by Jennifer Hudson. Houston died the night prior to the Grammys. The singer Adele won each of the six categories she was nominated. At 23, she is the youngest singer to win Album, Record and Song of the Year, known as “The Big Three.” She tied singer Beyonce’s record for Grammys in 2010 and also British musician Eric Clapton’s record in 1993. The Foo fighters won five Grammys. They won Best Rock Album for ‘Wasting Light’ and Best Long Form Music Video for ‘Foo Fighters: Back And Forth.’ Kanye West won Best Rap Album for ‘My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.’ Lady Antebellum’s ‘Own The Night’ won for Best Country Album. Performances at the event included Coldplay, Rhianna, Adele, Bruno Mars, Alicia Keys & Bonnie Raitt, Chris Brown, Kelly Clarkson and Jason Aldean. Kelsi Cooper, a junior in communications from Idaho, said, “I really enjoyed the Grammys this year. I am a huge Kelly Clarkson fan and loved when she sang with Jason Aldean. I love their performance of ‘Don’t You Wanna Stay.’ It was great.” To get more information about the 2012 Grammys, watch videos and see a full list of the winners go to http://www.grammy.com/. - SUZANNE TUTTLE
Photos by AP
Adele Awards: Won six Grammys including Record of the Year The Foo Fighters Awards: Won five Grammys including Best Rock Album Skrillex Awards: Best Dance Recording and Best Dance/Electronica Album Bon Iver Awards: Best Alternative Music Album Chris Brown Awards: Best R&B Album for his album F.A.M.E.
Taylor Swift Awards: Best Country Solo Performance for ‘Mean’ February 16, 2012
Adhna Martin, Gwendoline Vang, Alexcia Niumatalolo, Barbara Shelton, and Sarah Chandler went to a mosque in Honolulu. Photo Courtesy of Alexcia Niumatalolo
BYUH Arab Club members visit mosque in Honolulu Members of the BYU-Hawaii Arab club expanded their understanding of the world when they traveled to one of the only Muslim mosques on the Hawaiian Islands earlier this month. In an attempt to strengthen inter-faith relationships and increase awareness of Islamic culture, the Arab club invited all students on campus to join them on their trip. More than 40 tired, yet eager, young men and women gathered at the front of the Little Circle early on Feb. 4 to wait for the bus that would take them to the mosque in Honolulu. Once on the bus, the women of the group, who had either received or brought scarves of their own, learned how to tie the scarves over their hair in order to show respect to members of the Islam faith. “I think it says a lot about the character of our students that they were willing to wake up early and spend their Saturday learning about another religion,” said Barbara Shelton, a junior in political science from Saudi Arabia, president of the Arab club. Once at the mosque, students were met by Muslim Imam (Islamic Community 6
Ke Alaka‘i
Leader), Dr. Ismail Elshikh. Imam Ismail memorized the Koran and become a Hafidh by the age of ten, and he now holds a B.A. of Islamic Da’awah from Al-Ashar University and a Ph D. in Islamic studies. Ismail has been serving at the Honolulu mosque since 2003. The community leader was more than willing to answer questions from the visiting students and faculty. After an in depth Q and A, Imam Ismail took participants on a tour of the mosque—a renovated residency, complete with men’s and women’s prayer halls, a Wudu area, and Da’wa Center. The tour concluded outside the mosque, where students took a group picture with Imam Ismail in front of the main entrance. Josh Mason, a sophomore in psychology and music from Oklahoma, is the treasurer of the Arab Club. He attended the mosque trip as both an Arab club representative and also as someone very interested in Islamic religion. “One of my best friends back home is Muslim, so I learned a lot from him before this trip. I liked the fact that the Imam didn’t condemn others for believing
something slightly different from Islamic religion. It was really fun. I hope that the school can offer even more future opportunities for students to learn about religions around the world,” Mason expressed. Following their experience at the Mosque, the BYUH group took the bus to an Egyptian and Mediterranean cuisine restaurant, Pyramid, and enjoyed a buffet style meal while they discussed their cultural experience. Mike Snow, a freshman in social work from Utah, was also a part of the mosque trip. “I went because I thought it sounded like a good cultural experience, and I wanted learn about other religions around the world. I liked learning about the similarities between our church and Islamic religion. It’s cool because there really are other religions out there that have a lot of truth in them; all over the world there are people who take what truth they have and try to do good with it. I just felt a lot of love for everybody and their differences in the world. I thought -Make nzie He ad
HANDY HOW-TO’s pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves, garlic or Bay leaves in areas of known ant Repel ants activity. Many plants give off a strong scent Hawaii is one of the few places on Earth to repel ants and other insects in the wild, believed to have no native ant species. Today, and it works just as well in your home. however, it is home to at least 57 different 4. Leave cucumber and citrus peelings in species of ants. areas of known ant activity because the peels You can use one of these precauare toxic to the types of fungi that ants feed tions around your own home to prevent on, so ants avoid them. encountering these dreaded predators. 5. Mix together equal parts Borax and 1. Try wiping down your counter tops, syrup, jelly, or sugar. Then, place in areas of cupboards and any other places where you’ve known ant activity. Borax damages both the spotted ants with a 50-50 mixture of vinegar ants’ digestive systems and their outer skeland water. Repeat throughout the day to etons, resulting in death. This method will maintain the efficacy. Ants hate the smell of also work effectively on cockroaches. vinegar, and it removes the scent trails that 6. Fill a cookie sheet or shallow pan with they use to get around. just enough water to cover its surface. Place 2. Draw a line of chalk or sprinkle baby whatever food you need to keep away from powder across areas ants enter your house. ants on a plate or container and then place Talcum powder is found in both chalk and that container in the pan. The water acts as baby powder and is a natural ant repellent. a moat preventing ants from infesting your 3. You can sprinkle cinnamon, mint, chili food. - An d rew Lyon
Fix your car Keeping your cars in top shape can sometimes be difficult. If you do not check your fluids frequently enough, as well as replace them, serious damage can be incurred on your engine, and in some cases it may even seize up and stop working. You should change your oil every 3,000 miles, or monthly. To do this: 1. Locate the dipstick on the side of the engine block (usually yellow) 2. Remove the dipstick carefully, so as not to get oil everywhere 3. Using a clean towel of some kind, wipe off the dip stick 4. Re-insert the dipstick into its original position, then pull it out again 5. Near the tip you should see lines that cross over each other and form many X’s. If
the oil line is anywhere in this area, your oil level is good. If the oil level is below that area, your level of oil is low, and you need to fill it up more. To do this: 1. Locate the cap for the oil tank 2. Twist this cap to unscrew it 3. Place a funnel in the opening, and pour the oil your car requires* into the opening 4. Remove funnel and replace cap *To find out what kind of oil, and how much oil you need, look in your cars’ owners manual. Do NOT use any other oil other than that told in your owner’s manual, this will cause damage to your engine. If you do not have your owner’s manual, you can easily find one online using Google searches, as long as you know your cars’ make and model. Checking other fluids is important as well. Your engine coolant and windshield
Photo Illustration by Michael Gulden
wiper fluid are pretty straightforward. Fill the tanks up when they get to the “low” line, using the kind of fluids your owners manual says to use. Brake fluid is very important. 1. Locate the small tank with the cap labeled “brake fluid” or something similar. 2. If the fluid level seems low, fill it up with the type of brake fluid your owners manual says to use 3. There should be a line that says “maximum” or something similar. Fill up to this line, but NOT above it. To check your radiator fluid: 1. At the front of your cars’ engine you will see a small cap labeled “radiator” or something similar 2. Open this cap, if the fluid looks low it needs to be filled 3. Fill with the type of radiator fluid your owners manual says you need
- cam ron stockford February 16, 2012
Care for your hair Kawika Kau’i, a senior in exercise and sports science from Kauai, spoke of a 12 dollar hair cut experience while on his mission that motivated him to take hair grooming into his own hands. He realized that paying 12 dollars every time he needed a haircut was excessively out of the price range of any missionary. Kau’i has now been cutting his own hair since 2009 and has shared how guys should trim their own hair: 1. Get a set of clippers (Kawika suggests buying the brand Wahl), something to cover your shoulders with, and a mirror. 2. Set the clippers to #3 (this is the general number that people use, adjust the clip to desired length). The higher the clipper number the longer your hair length will be. 3. Keep in mind the motion of fade away, in an outward stroke (not up and down). 4. Never trim in a circle. Trim at a 45 degree angle from the front of the forehead to the back of the head. 5. In order to blend hair cut lines, raise the clipper lever to the highest level. Kau’i mentioned having some bad hair cut days, but with experience you learn how give yourself good haircuts. If you do not think you are capable, Kau’i does cut hair as a way to make extra money. Laura De La Fuente Rodriguez, a sophomore in psychology from Maryland, works at the Haircut Store in Laie. Laura shared some advice on how to treat your hair before and after going to the beach. The salt water dries out your hair very rapidly which High numbered clippers trim slightly, while low numbered clippers trim closely. Start high and work your way down.
Cut bangs along contour of thumb to get a nice rounded arc. Photo Illustration by Michael Gulden
can leave it looking dull and dead. She suggested these steps: 1. Before going to the beach, condition the ends of your hair with the conditioner that you regularly use. 2. After coming home, condition your hair again and wash out the salt water from your hair . 3. Perform a weekly conditioning treatment in your hair with your regular conditioner. Rodriguez suggested some useful products for your hair: -Moroccan Oil -Paul Mitchell ‘Super Skinny’ serum -‘It’s a 10’ Rodriguez suggested looking for products that will give your hair the moisture it needs after sun damage and salt water. When interviewed on a simple way to give yourself a haircut, she said, “Never give yourself a haircut. A trim is fine, but if you’re going to cut your own hair, you may as well not touch it.” The December 2011 issue of Real Simple Magazine shared a simple way to trim your bangs: 1. Gather your bangs in your nondominant hand while holding a pair of haircutting scissors in the other. 2. Pull the hair down until your thumbnail rests horizontally on the bridge of your nose, thumb pointing up. 3. Trim right around the tip of your thumb. This will give you a flattering, gently rounded arc from temple to temple. - GISELLE RAMIRE Z
Ke Alaka‘i
Photos by Bart Jolley
Fishtail braid 1. To begin, divide your hair straight down the middle and form two equal sections. 2. Pull a small strand from the outer-most section crossing over to join underneath the second section. You can choose to start from the left or right section. 3. Repeat Step 2 on the other side. 4. Continue repeating back and forth until you have reached the end of desired braid length and securely tie it with a hair elastic. Extra Tips: For more a more intricate braid, grab thinner sections of hair to cross over. This takes more time and effort, but will have a greater effect. You can dress up a fishtail braid even more by weaving ribbon with your hair or fastening with a colorful hair piece. - NATALIE DREWERY
Tie a bow tie Got a fancy event ahead? How fancy? Black tie fancy? How about bow tie fancy? Well, we’ve got you covered. Fashion won’t wait for you to learn how to pull off that Bill Nye the Science Guy look. Put away that clip-on tie because, fortunately for you, tying a bow tie is not as hard as you might think. And for those of you who think bow ties are only for tenured professors, think again. Bow ties are coming back in a big way. Zach Zimmerman, a senior biochemistry major from Texas, sticks with the
bow tie. He explained, “A guy that I talked to about wearing bow ties said that it was hard for him because Pee Wee Herman also wore a bow tie. But, he said, so did Winston Churchill. And so the bow tie was almost a challenge for him.” Zmmerman continued, “When he wore the bow tie, he knew that he had to have the personality that matched Winston Churchill, and not Pee Wee Herman.” So for those of you who also want to emulate the great British Prime Minister, here are the steps you need to do just that: 1. Place the tie slightly off center 2. Place the longer end over the smaller part.
3. Pull the tie up through the rest of the tie and lye the larger part across your shoulder. Shape the bow 4. Place the longer end over the shaped bow. 5. Fold the shaped side over the longer end 6. There is a little hole to the side. Tuck what remains of the longer side through the hole. 7. Shape the tie according to your needs by pulling the wings. Zimmerman also mentioned, “I came to church wearing a bow tie. And this lady was like, ‘Oh so that’s like the Mohawk of ties isn’t it?’”
Pictured: Zach Zimmerman. Photos by Bart Jolley
Make a lei Living in Hawaii, there is no shortage of leis to go around. We see them at most events, major and minor. Giving someone a lei is a sign of love and respect and making one is even more meaningful. Here’s how: 1. Gather together thin string, fishing line, or dental floss, a sewing needle, and around 50 flowers. You can make a lei out of any flowers you choose, but a popular choice is plumeria. There is an abundance of them on the trees all around Laie. 2. Thread the eye of your needle with the string. A basic lei is 40 inches, so measure the string to be about 45 inches. 3. String each flower directly through the center where there is a small tube-like hole. They will begin to stack up on each other so keep pushing the flowers down to the end of the string. 4. When you have used all your flowers or gotten to the end of your string (whichever comes first), remove the needle and tie the two ends together with a tight double knot. 5. Find someone who you think should be honored, and go ahead and give them a lei. If you enjoyed these tips, provided by Wikihow, check out the website at Wikihow.com.
-ABI G AYLE BUTLER February 16, 2012
Tube replacement
Repair a bike Students use bikes to get around campus, as well as traveling to other areas nearby. However, not many know how to properly keep their bike in good condition, which allows for longer life of your bike as well as easier riding. First of all, the spokes are what help support the frame of the wheel, as well as keep it aligned. Often these spokes break due to time or rust. Spokes have screws at their ends, which allows for easy replacement. To replace these: Spoke replacement
1. Use a spoke wrench, which is available for purchase at ACE Hardware for about $7, to unscrew them. If you do not have a spoke wrench, remove the tire, tube, and lining, and then unscrew them from the outside using a screwdriver. 2. Place the new spoke in place, and then screw it in place. Replacing tires and tubes is a very important skill to have, especially when you get a flat tire.
1. Let all of the air out of the tube before doing anything else. This will make things easier. 2. To remove your tire, put a flat-head screwdriver between the rim of the wheel and the tire, and pop the tire out. 3. Slide the screwdriver around the wheel to pop the rest of the tire out. 4. Pull the deflated tube out. 5. If you are replacing the tire as well, remove the tire altogether, if not, proceed to step 8. 6. Check and make sure that there is lining along the rim of the wheel, this will help prevent wear on your tube, as well as that the holes in it line up with the hole on the wheel. 7. Place one side of the new tire along the wheel. 8. Place the new tube in the wheel rim; make sure it does not get twisted. 9. Put the rest of tire on the inside of the rim, once it gets to where there is little left to do, use the screwdriver to pry it in. 10. Inflate the new tube. 11. You can also use the old tube for extra lining and lengthen the life of your current tube. To do this, use scissors or a knife to cut the spout of the old tube out, then cut along the seam of the old tube. Then line the inside of the tire with the old tube, and place the new tube in between both linings. Chain fixes
Pictured: Various steps of bike repair. Photos by Amy Hanson.
Ke Alaka‘i
The chain is probably the most important part of the bike, as it is what causes motion. However, this can also be one of the trickiest things to fix. 1. To take off a chain in order to replace it or fix a broken link, take the back wheel off and slide it out, which will free the chain up for removal. 2. All bike chains have one link different than the others. Sometimes it is a different color, but it is always larger than the others, and a bit thicker too. 3. To undo this link, take an awl (or a small pick) and, holding the chain in place using pliers, place it over the rivets in the link. 4. Take a hammer, and hit the awl from above, and the link will pop apart. This is a lot easier said than done, but possible. 5. Remove the broken link. 6. To put the master link back on, place the rivets and sides back in place, and use pliers to press them together until they pop in. 7. Place the chain back on the gears, and put the wheel back in place. 8. If you did take off one link, make sure to put the back wheel closer to the gears to accompany the loss of one chain link. * *This only works for one missing link. For more than that, purchase a new chain.
area. Pushing down the ding will also help to give the resin a place to pool later. 2. Scrape the ding clean of any wax in its general area or that may have been jammed into the ding as to keep water out. 3. Sand down the immediate area around the ding with 100-220 grain sandpaper to roughen up the area so the resin can bond to it. (A mask should be worn to keep the fiberglass dust out of your lungs). Acetone can be used to make sure the area is completely clean.
If using Session Saver
Ding repair Dings are an inevitable part of surfing. Just about every decent break in any direction has a reef or rock bottom, and some spots can be shallow, so boards tend to get beat up pretty frequently in Hawaii. Knowing how to repair simple dings yourself allows you to get back out in the water faster and will keep your board watertight. Not all dings are simple, and the method shown here is intended for the impatient surfer who wants the repair done ASAP as to get back out in minutes. While not a permanent solution for your board, this method works great for a short time until you can get your board to a pro that can fix it properly as to maintain its integrity. Nick Jones, a Junior in EXS from California who runs Flash Ding Repair in Laie was kind enough to impart some professional knowledge on the subject. 1. First, you want to make sure the ding is dry. Let it sit out in the sun or bake in your car until its dry to the touch and no water comes out of it if you push on the damaged
4a. Mix the two-part epoxy and push the mix into and over the ding as to make it watertight. Session Saver will take about 15 minutes to cure and will even do so underwater, so you can go right back out. You’re done, apply and paddle back out! If using UV Resin
4b. (Solarez, etc.) Apply as to fill the ding and cover all the damaged area to a level higher than that of the board (that way you can sand it down later to the level of the board to keep the surface smooth). Using a Popsicle stick or a small piece of cardboard you can spread the resin on like jam and keep it more contained. Make sure there
are no air bubbles in your resin, they will let water in. (WARNING: Make sure you use Epoxy UV resin on an Epoxy board and Fiberglass UV Resin on a Fiberglass/Polyester board, the consequences of this mistake are major.) 5. Put the board out in direct sunlight for 5-10 minutes for the resin to harden. If it’s overcast, it may take longer. If it’s raining you’re out of luck. 6. After the resin is rock hard sand it down so that its level with the surface of the board. Be careful to not sand through the surrounding fiberglass near the ding. Once it’s sanded down you’re done! Remember, these fixes aren’t permanent. Both resins are designed to keep the board watertight for a limited period of time until the ding can be properly repaired. For your board’s well being, it needs to get fixed thoroughly, which requires cutting-out the damaged fiberglass, possibly some damaged foam, filling the area with resin and re-glassing the area as to restore the board’s strength and keep it permanently watertight. You can call Nick @ (808) 2925880 for professional repairs here in Laie.
Pictured are the steps to repair surfboard dings. Make sure the ding is completely dry and scraped clean of wax. Sand down the area around the ding apply resin or session saver. Photos by Dewey Keithly. February 16, 2012
How to Fend off a Shark 1. Hit him where it hurts. Your best chance of fending off a shark attack is pummeling a shark in its most sensitive areas. Contrary to popular belief, the shark’s nose is not the most sensitive area of its anatomy; aim for the eyes or gills. 2. Use a weapon if you have one. If you’re out spear fishing, if you have a diving knife, if all you’ve got is your swimming goggles, anything is better against the shark’s tough skin than your bare hands. That being said, don’t be shy if you’re caught without anything, just use your hands. 3. Make quick, sharp, repeated jabs in the sensitive areas. Sharks are lazy predators and will usually only follow through on an attack if they have the advantage, so making the shark unsure of its advantage will increase your chances of survival. If you don’t make quick, Photo Illustration by Michael Gulden straight jabs, your arms move very slowly and are much harder to control. HOW TO 4. Never give up. Keep pounding the shark’s eyes and gills. If you Survive a shark attack keep irritating the shark, he’ll eventually give up and leave to find Sharks have extremely well developed senses, and can detect sounds something easier to eat. and smells from prey from far away. Their eyesight is good as well. 5. Get out of the water as soon as possible. If one shark was attractAs sharks approach their prey, they can detect the faint electrical ed to you, chances are others are too. If you were bitten or scratched, fields given off by all living organisms using receptors on their snouts. seek medical attention. Using these senses, sharks can find prey at dusk, night and dawn, 6. Start coming up with the story you are going to tell the other which is when inshore species are generally believed to feed. students at the café. No one will be able to top your survival story. Any of the 40 species of sharks found near Hawaii may be potentially dangerous, but only a few species of Hawaiian sharks are How to Avoid an Attack known to attack people. These include the Tiger, Galapagos, Gray 1. Always stay in a group. Sharks are more likely to attack an indiReef and Scalloped Hammerhead. Tiger and Galapagos sharks are the vidual. Also, nearly 90 percent of all shark attacks are on males so it’s most aggressive. a good idea to stay in larger groups of females. Most of the attacks in Hawaii are from Tiger sharks accord- 2. Do not wander too far from shore. It isolates you and creates the ing to hawaiisharkencounters.com. Tigers are often attracted to stream additional danger of being too far from assistance should you have a mouths after heavy rains (like on the northern side of Hukilau Beach) close encounter. where inland fish and other animals are swept out to sea. Tiger 3. Avoid being in the water at night or during the twilight hours; sharks are also attracted to areas used by fishing boats (like Haleiwa), sharks are most active then and will have the advantage. which often trail fish remains and blood. Tigers will eat fish, lobsters, 4. Do not enter the water if you are bleeding. Need I expound? birds, turtles, dead animals, and even garbage. They seem to feed 5. Be cautious when the water is murky, like after a storm or heavy whenever a food source is present, but hunt mostly during night and rain. Also try to be sure you aren’t showing any uneven tan lines twilight hours. Tigers visit inshore waters in the fall and stay feeding (seriously)or wearing brightly colored swimming gear, because sharks through spring. see contrast particularly well. Shark attacks in Hawaiian waters are very rare, occurring 6. Avoid lying on the surface, where they may look like a seal to a at a rate of about two or three per year. Fatal attacks are even more shark. rare. Consider for a moment, however, that you are out in the ocean, A shark attack is a potential danger for anyone who visits surfing, swimming, or hunting with your new spear gun, when all of the ocean, but try to keep a wider perspective. Bees, wasps, and a sudden you get an uncomfortable feeling that you are not alone. snakes are responsible for more fatalities each year, and the risk of What do you do when you are confronted with a prehistoric predator death from lightning is around 1:84 thousand while being eaten by a that is half a ton divided into equal parts of teeth and muscle with shark is 1:11 million. It’s probably safe to get back in the water. only one thing on its mind . . .dinner? -ANDREW LYON
Ke Alaka‘i
Husk a coconut 1. Pick a ripe coconut. Coconuts that are brown in color are perfect for picking. 2. Second, find the front and back of the coconut. The pointed end of the coconut is the back, and rounded end is the front. The coconut itself rests about in the middle, so the rounded edge will give you more space to work with. 3. Use anything sharp such as a pick, or a sharpened stick stuck in the ground. Bash the side of the coconut, closer to the rounded end, down onto the sharp point, and through part of the husk. 4. Twist the coconut to the side to rip the husk off. Repeat until the husk is almost completely off, and it is possible to pull the coconut out on its own. 5. To crack the coconut, first find the “face” of the coconut. There are three spots, two small and one large. The two small spots are “eyes” and the larger one is the “mouth.” Between the eyes, there is a line running along the side of the coconut. 6. Once this line is found, use a rock, or the blunt end of a machete, or anything blunt with some weight to it, and use the rock or object to crack the coconut, perpendicular to this line. 7. Once the coconut is cracked, hold it sideways to save the juice, and continue to use the rock to crack along the existing crack you just made until the crack is completely around the coconut, or almost completely around it. If the crack does not connect on both ends, use your hand to pull apart the sides by twisting the two halves against each other. 8. Drink the water, or save it for later, and enjoy your coconut.
- C am ron St ockford
Polynesian Cultural Center Samoan Village employee Leilua Scott demonstrates how to crack open a coconut. A how-to video can also be seen at kealakai.byuh.edu. Photo and video by James Choi
February 16, 2012
Sports Update
Basketball Seasiders win two and BYU-Hawaii narrowly lose one Notre Dame de Namur VS
The BYU-Hawaii men’s basketball team got a three-pointer from Pablo Coro on its first possession and never trailed as they defeated Notre Dame de Namur 92-75 on Feb. 10 in a Pacific West Conference game. The Seasiders hit 11 three-pointers in the game and led by double digits most of the way as they avenged an earlier loss to the Argonauts. The Seasiders shot 50 percent (3264) from the field, 44 percent (11-25) from beyond the arc, and 81 percent (17-21) from the free throw line in the win. They also out-rebounded the Argonauts 42-28 as they improved to 13-8 for the season and 10-2 in the PacWest. Seniors Jet Chang and Jake Dastrup scored 17 points apiece to lead the balanced attack for the Seasiders. Bracken Funk dropped in 16 points, snared a game-high eight rebounds, and handed out a game-high seven assists as well as blocking two shots in the win. Gary Satterwhite, who started tonight in place of Chang, tallied 13 points and dished out six assists, and Coro finished with eight points and five assists. Eighteen proved to be a lucky number for the Brigham Young University Hawaii men’s basketball team as they defeated Chaminade by that margin, 81-63, Feb. 8 in a Pacific West Conference road game. The Seasiders used three separate runs, scoring 18 points in each of them, to pull away from the Silverswords and remain tied for second place in the conference with a 9-2 conference mark. The game between Dixie and BYU-Hawaii was heated from start to the 69-70 finish on Feb. 4. Jake Dastrup narrowly missed an off-balance and potentially gamePictured: Junior Jake Dastrup helped the seasiders defeat Notre Dame de Namur. Photo by Dewey Keithly
Ke Alaka‘i
winning jumper at the buzzer. Missed free throws kept Dixie ahead and with 20 seconds left Zach Ngawaka’s steal restored optimism. The last possession culminated in a baseline jumper at the buzzer by Dastrup that went long. Dastrup hit six 3’s to lead with 22 points. Jet Chang had 16 and Bracken Funk had 14 points along with his 11 boards. When asked about the change in the second half, Funk said, “We took too many selfish shots coming out of the gates in the second half. Coming out like that and them going on a run like they did just murdered us. You can’t come out of halftime like that.” Addressing the 15-7 run that got BYUH back into the game in the secondhalf Bracken stated, “We had better ball movement. We ran our offense well; we shared the ball and got good looks as opposed to that one-pass-take-a-shot style. We moved the ball and got their defense out of rhythm and got our offense in rhythm.” He finished saying, “When we share and get everybody the ball we play a lot better and it transfers to defense as opposed to coming out and just yacking shots.” “It was a pretty heated game. I thought we would win, it was so close the whole time. The last few seconds were pretty intense and I’m feeling for the team right now. We’ve got to get our defense going a little better, stop these guys from dunking on us. We have to keep our composure out there,” said Tody Redd, a sophomore in business from Washington. - Nat e PAC KER & BY UH Spo rts information
BYU-Hawaii VS Pacific Lutheran
Victorious in the end The BYUH women’s softball team started its season with a split non-conference doubleheader against Pacific Lutheran University on Feb. 6. Through the rain and sun, the ladies played until the very end. The Lutes ended the game early 8-0, the Seasiders rallied back, winning the second game 5-4. Jazmin To’a, a sophomore majoring in EXS from Laie, is excited for the upcoming season. “These first games against Pacific Lutheran were games to see what we’re capable of.” She continued, “Those games made us realize that as a team we play until the very end.” Her comments showed true as heavy rain greeted both teams, which lead to slick and sloppy conditions in the first game. The Lutes took advantage of the situation in the opening inning. They managed to turn three walks and five hits into seven runs to ultimately seal the first game. After the weather cleared, both pitchers only allowed two hits for the rest of the game. Despite the early loss, the Seasiders came back to the diamond for a second shot at the Lutes. The Seasiders certainly came out for a fight. The game remained very close, but the Seasiders put forth a team effort to come up victorious.
Junior Haley Sones helps the softball team earn a victory against Pacific Lutheran University. Photo by Mei Yin
Haley Sones, a junior majoring in EXS from Mississippi, said, “We put that game behind us, and came out with guns blazing on the next game ready to fight.” To’a placed great emphasis on the importance of her team. She said, “Every single person on our team was a part of that win whether they were on the field or not.” The Seasiders came back from behind three times before eventually winning the second game 5-4 in the ninth inning. Sones, helped lead the team to victory as she laced a two-out double to center field to send To’a home for the winning run. Sone mentioned how the team is her family out here at school. She said, “We
BYU-Hawaii VS UC San Diego
Narrow loss to UC San Diego on road trip The 25th-ranked BYU-Hawaii men’s tennis team suffered a narrow, 5-4, defeat at the hands of tenth-ranked UC San Diego on Feb. 11 in Arizona. The Seasiders took two of the three doubles matches but managed to win just two of the six singles matches. Zevhan Zakharov and Martin Chojnacki earned an 8-5 win at number one doubles for BYU-Hawaii and C.J. Adamson and Andy Xing claimed an 8-5 win at the second doubles. Zakharov and Chojnacki scored wins at the top two singles slots for the Seasiders. -BYU H Spo r t s I n form at ion
have a lot of heart on this team complimented with talent. We all have good chemistry and we have great coaches that give up so much of their time for us.” Lauren Fielding, senior majoring in biology pre professional from Arizona, is also looking forward to her last season with the Seasiders. She said, “Another great aspect about the season is our schedule.” She mentioned, “Most of our games are on the weekend so our classmates and fans have the opportunity to support without missing classes.” For a complete schedule for the Seasiders, go to http://sports.byuh.edu/ node/417 - Natalie dre we ry
BYU-Hawaii VS Cal State-La and Montana State-Billings
Women’s Tennis defeats Cal State-LA and Montana State in Arizona
The BYU-Hawaii’s women’s tennis team finished its road trip with two more wins today in Arizona. The second-ranked Seasiders defeated 20th-ranked Cal State-LA 9-0 to start the day and followed that up with a 9-0 win over Montana State-Billings later in the day to improve to 8-0 for the season. The Seasiders swept the three doubles matches against Cal State-LA and then swept all six singles matches. They came back in the nightcap to do the same, while only losing a total of three games out of 87 played, against Montana State-Billings. BYU-Hawaii will play again on Feb. 22 against Hawaii Pacific in Laie at 2 p.m. February 16, 2012
Ke Alaka‘i