September 12, 2013
Ke Alaka i Volume 105: Issue 1
A Lasting Legacy: Community celebrates Ipo Thompson’s life 10
Country Rides and Grinds: Laie’s newest hangout spot 14
PCC Olympics: Alumni and students battle for gold 18
Ke Alaka i
Photo of the Week
September 12, 2013 • Volume 105: Issue 1 Editor-in-chief
Jef f M cLe o d
L e e an n L amb e r t
Art Director M a ke n z i e H e a d COPY EDITORs
Tuc ke r G r i m s h aw A ust i n M e l d r u m Hom e r Wo l m a n
Make n z ie H e ad Kyo ko H as e gawa Mo rgan Bo uwh uis Ste ph an ie L ian g
PHOTOGRAPHERs M a t t M cD o n a l d Kyoko H a s e gawa S t ep h a n i e Li a n g MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS Tucker Grimshaw, Austin Meldrum, Homer Wolman, Rebecca Sabalones, Keryna Monson, Alyssa Walhood
INTERN M a . V i s Ta g u ba
AD MANAGER Sh aro n Wo n g
PCC Parade in Laie
E-mail: ke a l a k a i @ byuh .e du Ad Information: ke a l ak aiads @ gmail.c o m Phone: ( 8 0 8 ) 6 7 5 - 3 6 9 4 Fax: ( 8 0 8 ) 6 7 5 - 3 4 9 1 Office: C a mp u s , A l o ha C e n te r 134 NEWS CENTER
Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762
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Inoke Suguturaga, the Fijian village manager, marches with the Fijian village group during the PCC’s 50th Anniversary Parade on Sept. 7. Photo by Kyoko Hasegawa
Ke Alaka‘i
Table of Contents [page 4 & 5]
A traditional Polynesian basket used at the “Going Coconuts Relay” during an early morning Olympics event for Polynesian Cultural Center employees and alumni as part of the 50th anniversary celebration. Photo by Kyoko Hasagawa
[page 14 & 15] New bike and f ood hangout spot in Laie
[page 10 & 11] Ref lecting on the lif e of Laie’s Auntie Ipo
[page 18 & 19] PCC Olympics celebrate cultural games
Share with us your photo of the week and we may feature it in our next issue. e-mail us at
All students invited to Little Circle at 9 p.m. for “Wipe Out” themed Opening Social hosted by BYUHSA. Prepare for water activities. Refreshments will be provided. Standards and Honor Code will be enforced.
Come and enjoy a free movie showing of “The Blind Side” in the McKay Building Little Theater from 7-11 p.m. Food and drink are allowed and there is plenty of free parking.
Learn about study strategies, grade point average, support resources and academic standing at the McKay Center Little Theater from 9-10 p.m.
news headlines
Students look forward to using the newly dedicated Heber J. Grant Building. Photo by Mei Yin.
the week in
“This appeals court decision is a tremendous victory for privacy rights. It means Google can’t suck up private communications from people’s Wi-Fi networks and claim their Wi-Spying was exempt from federal wiretap laws.”
--John M. Simpson, Consumer Watchdog’s privacy project director talking about federal appeals court ruling saying that Google wrongly gathered personal information and online activities as part of its Street View mapping project
"I have three messages. One is, we should never, ever give up. Two is, you’re never too old to chase your dream. Three is, it looks like a solitary sport, but it is a team.” -Diana Nyad said after completing her 53 hour swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage.
Building will help missionary work, promote peace The Heber J. Grant building will be a valuable asset towards missionary work and be a symbol for peace, said Elder Russell M. Nelson, of the Quorum of the Twelve. Students, faculty, and Laie community members gathered on Sept. 8, for the dedication of the new building. Nelson addressed the audience in the building and on a live stream, which was broadcast to the Cannon Activities Center and online. During his remarks, he addressed missionary work and said the valuable asset the HGB will be towards the spreading of the Gospel. BYU-Hawaii exists to assist in promoting international peace, said Elder Nelson. Before the dedicatory prayer, Elder Nelson described the confusion that comes from life and answered the question of this uncertainty with, “It’s really quite simple. We have a Father in Heaven who loves us and he wants us to come home.” During the dedicatory prayer, Elder Nelson expressed gratitude to Heavenly Father and dedicated the building to Jesus Christ. He described the building as a house of learning and blessed it that it would stand against weather and vandals. Towards the end of the prayer, he prayed to “dedicate [Heber J. Grant Building] as a symbol of our united testimony, that thou art our God…” Elder Paul P. Johnson, from the Quorum of the Seventy and the commissioner
of CES, addressed the audience and discussed the development of the HGB as a multipurpose building. He explained how the budget for the new building was established. He said, “In fact, part of the budget was approved by CES and another part was a approved by the Presiding Bishopric.” Like the building, “we were not designed for one thing. We have the ability for multiple things,” remarked Johnson. Before Elder Nelson and Johnson’s addresses, President of the Laie YSA 2 Stake Phillip McArthur, Academics Vice President Max Checketts, and BYUH President Steven Wheelwright, shared their messages and focused on Heber J. Grant and the meaning behind the building’s name. In Oct. 1919, Heber J. Grant dedicated the Laie Hawaii Temple. President McArthur encouraged students to remember the “broad and sweeping view of Grant.” Vice President Checketts shared stories of Heber J. Grant. The foundation of buildings was the focal point of Wheelwright’s remarks. He encouraged the audience to “build upon the Savior.” McArthur’s wife, Elaine, who is also an adjunct professor at BYUH, said, “I love the gathering of the Saints. This is a gathering place.” She paused and looked around the building and remarked, “These are physical blessings for a spiritual purpose.” - T U CKE R GRIMSHAW September 12, 2013
Elder Russell M. Nelson, of the Quorum of the Twelve, addresses the audience during the CES Devotional at the BYUH Cannon Activities Center on Sept. 8. Photo by Kyoko Hasegawa
Elder Nelson gives CES Devotional at CAC LDS Apostle implores members to set high standards
Establishing our identity, purpose, and divine commission are central to our eternal progression, said Elder Russell M. Nelson, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in a worldwide CES Devotional broadcasted from Cannon Activities Center. On Sept. 8, Nelson addressed young men and women in his talk titled, “Youth of the Noble Birthright: What will you choose?” “You as youth of the noble birthright are literally sons and daughters of God, born as this particular time in the world’s history for a most sacred purpose. Although the moral and religious values of society seem to be weakening across the globe, youth of the church are to be standard bearers of the Lord and beacons of light to attract others to him. Your identity and purpose are unique,” said Elder Nelson. On his visit to Hawaii, Elder Nelson attended events for the PCC’s 50 anniversary, in addition to speaking at the CES Devotional and dedicating the newly completed Heber J. Grant Building. The CAC was again filled to capacity as students and community members eagerly awaited the opportunity to hear an apostle speak. “It was very sweet to know that even though we are on an island and we’re far away from everything, an apostle of the Lord came to talk to us. It showed that we are just as important the other BYU campuses,” said Shenia Jacobo, a junior from Arizona studying anthropology. The devotional also featured a special choir of BYU-Hawaii students led by Michael Belnap. “When I walked through the Ke Alaka‘i
door, I was just blown away by the power and beautiful music of the choir. They sounded so good. It sounded like they were singing with angels,” said Becca Boman, an undeclared sophomore from Pasadena, Calif. Before departing, Elder Nelson left an apostolic blessing upon those in attendance. He blessed that we may feast upon the words of Jesus Christ and apply what Jesus did do and would do. He also blessed participants that they may be able to obtain education and be blessed with health. Elder Nelson was called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 7, 1984. Born Sept. 9, 1924, Elder Nelson is the son of Marion C. and Edna Anderson Nelson. He and his wife, the former Dantzel White, have 10 children. Sister Nelson passed away in February 2005. In April 2006, he married Wendy L. Watson. An internationally renowned surgeon and medical researcher, Dr. Nelson received his B.A. and M.D. degrees from the University of Utah (1945, 47). Honorary scholastic societies include Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha. Elder Nelson has held numerous positions of responsibility in the church. Prior to his call to the Quorum of the Twelve, he was serving as a regional representative assigned to the Kearns Utah Region, says - Homer wolma n
PCC Lets Loose
PCC entertains with song and dance during PCC Alumni Talent Show Seventeen PCC alumni acts showcased their talents at the PCC Alumni Talent Show, in the Cannon Activities Center on Sept. 4. Terry Moeai, PCC alumna and emcee, said a lot of emotion was felt during the show and it was like a giant family reunion. He said hosting the show was an honor for both him and Sia Tonga, the show’s other emcee and 2006 BYUH alumnus. Before the show started, the CAC filled with travelers from around the world and Laie community members. The PCC recognized artists, dancers, and other PCC alumni with Living Treasure awards. The presidential award for outstanding achievement was presented to David Hanneman, a PCC historian, for his work at the PCC and he received standing applause. After the Living Treasure presentation, singers, dancers, and all kinds of acts took the CAC stage. For the alumni who could not travel to Hawaii, the event was streamed live over the Internet. There was even a fashion show presented by PCC alumni who walked on stage with a selection of “specially created costumes as Samoa Village manager Steve Laulu sang the Center’s own arrangement of “Love Boat,” said Mike Foley, a PCC alumnus. There is a brief synopsis of all the acts found on the PCC 50 official blog, which is located at The dance selections done by PCC leadership also received a standing ovation from the audience. Tereua Kainitoka, a sophomore from Kiribati studying international communication studies and a PCC tour guide, said, “It was surprising because my boss was up on stage. I couldn’t believe he could dance.” “It went great,” remarked Tonga. When asked about her favorite part, Tonga said, “The mangers, because we are so used to seeing them in a different situations. It was a great reminder about what we love at the PCC.” The finale included the song, “Have You Seen These Islands,” sung by Tonga. “The Finale represents the outreached hands of the PCC to the globe,” remarked Tonga before she started singing. As she began to sing, tour guides with flags entered the CAC representing the impact the PCC has had on the world. “My ears are ringing, but my heart is singing,” remarked Elder Cochran. According to Cochran, “One can’t explain the feeling that was felt in the CAC, and it’s a forever memory.” The excitement could still be felt well after the show was over, remarked Kainitoka. -T U C K E R G R I MSH AW
From top to bottom: Sisi and Jon Pututau perform Tau’olonga; Samoan quartet sing “This is the Way”; Kela Miller performs hula; Kalo Mataele-Soukop receives Living Treasure award. Photos by Kyoko Hasegawa september 12, 2013
PCC Parade in Laie Aloha spirit shines despite rain at the PCC’s 50th Anniversary Parade
he threat of steady rain didn’t stop the BYU-Hawaii and Polynesian Cultural Center ohana, community members, and visitors from dancing and cheering at the PCC’s 50th Anniversary Parade, in Laie Town on Saturday, Sept. 7. The event marked the gathering of families and friends and the end of the PCC anniversary celebration, said Kella Miller, the Laie Community Association vice president. There were about 10 colorful and well-decorated floats that snaked down Kulanui Street, represented by VIP’s including Elder Russell Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, his wife Wendy and BYUH and PCC administrators. The PCC village groups, local folks, PCC alumni, labor missionaries and other special units also joined the parade. The two-hour parade featured Kahuku High School marching band, American Savings Bank, National Principal winner Sheena Alaiasa, Christmas in Polynesia crew, BYUH student chapters such as the Indone-
Ke Alaka‘i
Top-left: Parade onlookers snap pictures as floats and marchers pass by. Right: Elementary cheerleaders, labor missionaries, Gunstock Ranch group, Iosepa Electric and Constructing company with a roasted pig on the back of its float join the PCC parade. Elder Nelson and other VIP’s stop by in a booth to watch the performances. Photos by Kyoko Hasegawa
sian and Samoan clubs, PCC maintenance crew, Hawaiian Reserves, ‘Hukilau Beach Boyz Club,’ canoe boys, Hauula 5th and Laie 9th wards, and Laie Elementary School cheering group. Some of the groups that stood out in the parade were the Gunstock Ranch’s cowgirls and cowboys, PCC workers on horses, local residents and students wearing super hero costumes, BYUH original rugby team and the Iosepa Electric and Constructing company, which had a roasted pig on the back of its float. Viewers and attendees, who lined the streets of Laie, endured downpours and shared their thoughts and favorite parts of the parade. Bob and Susan Gourley, former service missionaries at PCC from Bountiful, Utah, traveled to Laie to be part of the center’s anniversary. “As far as the parade goes this morning, we had a little rain but no one had left. We really enjoyed the parade,” Bob Gourley said. “I’ve never seen a float with a roasted pig on the back of the float. It looks
that it’s about ready to be eaten. When they get down at the end of the parade route, they probably dive in to that pig,” he said with a laugh. Sister Gourley expressed her experiences at the PCC and said, “You can go out of the islands but the islands never go out to you.” Robert “Pati” Schwalger, one of the parade-goers and a BYUH and PCC alumnus from San Diego, Calif., also commented, “We’ve enjoyed it a lot. It’s been a lot of fun. We’ve been able to see a lot of people that we knew in the past, a lot of friends, a lot of families that are here… The fun about the parade part was just walking and seeing everybody that we know on the street, just singing some songs that we knew growing up back in Samoa and also here at the BYU-Hawaii. We really enjoyed this place. This is Polynesia.” Towards the end of the event, PCC coordinators led VIPs to an elevated booth on Naniloa Loop where they could view the
performances of some parade participants. One of the highlights of the parade was the offering of the roasted pig to Elder Nelson, where he humbly accepted it, and said, “I can share it with my family,” when people joked that he needed to eat the whole pig. Miller commented on the success of the event. She said, “I think one of the best things that has ever happened is that the mission that was set in PCC 50 years ago is the same mission that has been fulfilled as I speak as of today. One of the highlights is to
see that a lot of these people have come from back home to help their people and that I’ve seen it happened that has come true, what the mission is for PCC and for BYUH and for the community.” Alfred Grace, the PCC President, also shared his words of appreciation and gratefulness to the center and to those who became part of the celebration. “What a wonderful experience. Everyone has just pulled together as we expected to… This [PCC] is a place where we met our eternal companions.
This is a place where we started our families and gained our educations. The PCC helped put all of this together and provided us with a wonderful environment to grow and to nourish each other and to be examples to everybody who came and visited the PCC.” “We are just so grateful for Logo Apelu, the chief operating officer for PCC and chairman of 50th Anniversary Committee. He had done a fabulous job pulling all this together,” Grace added. - Ma. Vis Taguba
Stember 12, 2013
PCC Alumni show
Bittersweet performance glitters like gold
ormer night show dancers gathered together to share their love for the Polynesian Cultural Center and one another in the Golden and Silver alumni shows on Sept. 6 at the Pacific Theater. Since the opening of the Captain Cook Theater in 1963, the various night shows have entertained and shared the culture of the islands with millions of people worldwide. Benny Kai from Kahuku, an ambassador for the Hawaiian Luau and employee since 1970, said, “No words can describe the spirit” that was found in the Pacific Theater. This past June, Kai was diagnosed with cancer and said he scheduled everything around the PCC anniversary. According to him, “Even cancer would not keep me away.” Alumni performers have started rehearsing in the late hours on Tuesday night to perfect their performances and to make sure they portray the true night show spirit, said the performers. Sina Hanohano, a returning alumni who came back to dance in the night show, said, “Working here has changed my life by allowing me to learn the songs and dance of my culture. [It] has allowed me to develop and share my talents with people from all over the world.” Hanohano last worked for the center 10 years ago. She was there to celebrate both her 10-year reunion and the 50th anniversary. Since working for the center, Hanohano said she has moved over to the
PCC alumni rehearse for the Gold and Silver shows on the night show stage. Photo by Stephanie Liang
Ke Alaka‘i
Big Island and has been inspired to work on starting up a group over on the Big Island to perform. Another PCC alumnus William Numanga from the Cook Islands, also recounted how PCC has helped him throughout the years. “Working at the Polynesian Cultural Center has allowed me to finish off school debt free, and I’ve made lifelong friends. I used to be very shy before working at the center but this place allowed me to open up and become more of a people person,” he said. Numanga last worked for the Polynesian Cultural Center in 1999. Since working at PCC, Numanga said he has been able to acquire skills that have helped him greatly in both his personal life and professional life. He is now working as a career development manager at the BYUH Career and Alumni Services. Delsa Moe, the cultural presentation director at the PCC, said, the silver show included performers from, “This is Polynesia,” “Mana,” and “Horizons,” while the golden show included performers from all other night shows. According to the PCC 50 website, the golden years included dancers and musicians from the years 1963 to 1987. The silver years included alumni from 1988 to the present. Tetuanui Graham, a Hawaiian-Tahitian and a BYUH alumnus, said, “The ambiance was exciting and there was a lot
of emotions of love and friendship.” Harvey Kim, a BYUH alumnus remarked, “It’s absolutely magical.” Former dancers pondered the prophetic words of President David O. McKay as they thought of the millions of lives the PCC has touched. “We are so isolated, but we can affect the world,” said Graham, who danced in the silver night show. She said, “I wish I could have danced in the gold show because my mom is in it.” Three generations of Graham’s family danced in the night show. The reunions found at the PCC 50 were numerous. “Some dancers danced when they were single, and now they are back with families,” remarked Kai. Kalo Mataele-Soukop, a member of the PCC board of directors for 21 years, went to school at the Church College of Hawaii, now called BYU-Hawaii, and has been in Hawaii since 1957. Soukop danced in the golden show, in the Tongan section, and said this of her experience, “We were told from our prophet, that not 100, not 1,000, but millions of people would visit the PCC.” She said that prophecy has come true. Soukop said, “I dedicate my life to the church, BYUH, PCC, and my parents because these things have given me everything.” - T ucker Grimshaw & Keryna monson
“Mixing Squamish Indian with their Maori roots was interesting,” said Stephanie Young, a social work senior from Oregon, speaking in regards to the Canadian performance. “I don’t know how traditional Maori felt about the culture combination but it was beautiful for me to watch and listen to.” Rangi Parker, from New Zealand, said, “I really appreciated how strong the men looked, and some of the women smiled and looked beautiful, which is how I think they should look.” Organizers of the event made sure Te Manahua happened the weekend before the PCC 50th Anniversary celebration week so that “so our alumni and guests can take advantage of both events,” said Seamus Fitzgerald in his interview on - ALYSSA WALHOO D
Maori Culture Day
Te Manahua competitions showcase Maori culture
he groups from New Zealand, Utah, and Canada competed and showed off their skills in performing Maori songs and dances at the Te Manahua festival at the Pacific Theater on Aug. 31. The overall winner of the contest was Te Awhiorange, a high school group from New Zealand. Competitors participated in poi-e, haka-hard, and large group performance. “The contest is in its 13th year, it started in 2000,” said Seth Casey, a senior manager of Marketing at the PCC. “It’s an actual competition and we have competitors from all over the world. There’s quite a few, locally, here in the community and from town. I believe one year we had some coming from Australia, New Zealand so it’s really an international competition.” The Canadian competitive group, Te Tini-a-Maui-Canada, sang the reggae hit, “Cool Down” by Kolohe Kai, in the Maori language. “The modern tunes were kind of a surprise, but every now and then you’ll get performing groups who are a little outside the box and it can be really nice,” said Casey.
Clockwise from left to right: A Traditional Maori war clubs hang on display; Wooden sculptures; Spectators and participants in the Maori Village; One of the Maori groups poses for photos after a performance. Photos by Stephanie Liang
september 12, 2013
An example of faith & love Her family and friends remember Auntie Ipo’s legacy at her passing
n empty chair was placed on the Polynesian Cultural Center stage in memory of local kupuna Auntie Ipolani Thompson on Sept. 5 at the Silver Alumni night show performance during the PCC’s 50th Anniversary celebration. Born on April 27, 1943, in Kahuku and raised in Laie, Vaiolini Ipolani Hiram Thompson passed away on Aug. 30, 2013 in Honolulu, one week before the special alumni show in which she was to perform. Her family and friends gathered on Sept. 9 for her funeral service in the Laie Hawaii Stake Center and remembered Auntie Ipo as a “one-of-a-kind woman” who exemplified the love of Christ in the service she did throughout her life. If there was a wedding, funeral, graduation, baptism, blessing, or any special event for her family or friends, she was always there, said speakers at her services. “Even a bar mitzvah,” joked Auntie Ipo’s niece Yasmin Hannemann. “Auntie did not discriminate.” Hannemann continued, “She was a great example of unconditional love and selfless service. Auntie had a powerful testimony. I am thankful that I can be a recipient of all her goodness.” Quoting Mosiah 2:17 that says when you are serving others, you are also serving god, Hannemann said, “I think that puts Auntie’s life into a nut shell. I hope her life continues to inspire you.” Her son, Matthew Thompson, said his mom could love immediately and unconditionally anyone from children to rebellious teenagers, and even motorcycle bikers, by “melting them” with love. One time his mom befriended a biker at the gas station by asking him, “Do you know why bikers don’t smile?” She went on to joke with him, “Because they have bugs in their teeth.” The biker ended up carrying all her groceries to her car for her, he said. “She could see right into your heart,” Matthew said, and when she talked with someone, “they were the most important person to her at the time.” Another son, Vernon Thompson, recounted a night when he was in high school. He had been out drinking beer and got home late past his curfew. Rather than go upstairs to give his mom and dad a kiss goodnight letting them know he got home safely, his snuck 10
Ke Alaka‘i
A portrait of Auntie Ipo Thompson and her husband, Jim. Photo Courtesy of the Thompson family
into his room and quietly got into bed. Not too long after, his mom came down to his room, turned on the light and asked him what was up. He admitted to her he didn’t go upstairs because he had beer on his breath and was ashamed. “But she hugged me and told me, ‘Don’t ever do that again because I don’t go to sleep until I know all my children are home safe,’” he said. She told him no matter what he did he should always come and see her when he got home. They hugged, told each other they loved each other, and she turned off the light to go back upstairs. “I was thinking I kinda got out of that easy when all of the sudden in the dark I got socked in the side of the head, and mom said, ‘Don’t drink beer anymore. I love you son,’ and went back upstairs.” It is because of his mom’s testimony of Jesus Christ and his atonement, Vernon said, and his own experiences, he knows that people can repent and become clean again. “Jesus Christ paid for our sins. If we come unto him, he can wash away our sins,” he said. Several speakers at her funeral services said Auntie Ipo loved the temple in Laie. She and her husband, Jim, who passed away about a year ago, were temple workers and she also played the organ in the temple chapel. “My mom thought Laie was the capital of Hawaii,” Matthew Thompson said, “because the temple is here. She had a relationship with the Savior.”
His mom went into the hospital to have her knee replaced and ended up having complications and passing away. She was nervous about having the surgery, he said, but wanted to be able to travel and also serve a mission after getting it replaced. He said of her time in the hospital, “I knew if she got a glimpse of my dad, she wouldn’t come back.” Auntie Ipo and her husband’s relationship was exemplary, said several speakers at her services, and one couples hope to have themselves. He said his mom was also “proud of her Polynesian culture.” Her mother was Samoan and came from a family who moved to Laie shortly after the temple was built to be sealed together, and her father was a local from Hauula. She grew up in Laie one of 15 children in the Hiram ohana who all sang and played ukulele and guitar. Music was at the center of Auntie Ipo’s life and her family’s life. She was a noted kupuna in Laie moving back to Hawaii after her husband retired from the San Francisco Fire Department.
Auntie had a powerful testimony. I am thankful that I can be a recipient of all her goodness. -Yasmin Hannemann They lived on Laie Point in the Laie 3rd Ward, and her bishop, BYU-Hawaii Professor Brian Watkins said at her funeral services people on earth all have gifts given them, and Auntie Ipo’s gift was “charity, the true love of Christ.” He said, “I don’t think we’ll see many people like Sister Thompson.” “My mom was a celebrity,” said her daughter, Kelley Miranda, at the services, because growing up she organized school events, played sports with them even being picked by their friends first to be on their teams, and always there was music with her mom singing, playing the ukulele or dancing hula. Miranda said, “There was never a dull moment” around her whirlwind of a mother. “Every day was Christmas and Thanksgiving” because her mom made every day a special day. Miranda added that one of her cousins commented about her mom that she “was larger than life.” However, Hannemann said she was “more than larger than life” because “she was the life of the party.” Hannemann said a couple of weeks ago she was watching an auto race and could imagine her Auntie Ipo as one of the race car drivers. “She was on the go from the time she woke up. She was a busy, busy person going about her family’s business and Heavenly Father’s business.” -Leean n l ambert
August 8, 2013
Student & Alumni Social
Rain doesn’t dampen PCC anniversary event at BYUH
espite the rain, the BYU-Hawaii/PCC Alumni Celebration Social on Sept. 7, was a successful finale to close out the week’s activities, said those who attended. Students, alumni, and faculty came to enjoy music from Joe Mauai, and the alumni band Orkhid from 1985. The social was one of the final events for PCC’s 50th anniversary. Abigail Smith, a senior studying marine biology from Iowa, said, “I feel like you don’t hear a lot of jazzy tunes around here, lots of reggae, and I really enjoyed their vibe.” Orkhid played local hits, oldies that the audience could hum along to, and jazz-reggae beats. “Orkhid performed classic popular songs to over 100 people in attendance, as students, alumni and friends danced, sang, and munched on popcorn,” said Jake Hsu, the Career and Alumni Services Employer Relations manager. “Orkhid doesn’t play together often. Many of them
came from the mainland to play for this event,” he added. The band was set up on the steps of the Little Circle while the audience sat around the edges. People filled the middle of the Little Circle by sitting on lawn chairs and blankets on the grass. “It was really nice until it started raining,” commented Genevieve Bee, a senior in marine biology from Virginia. “About a half hour into the concert, it started sprinkling and people started running into the Aloha Center. The performers were still playing though and you could hear them laughing and being really positive.” The rain passed over quickly and the audience was able to watch the rest of the show in relative dryness. “Everyone enjoyed good music and company as they gave a final aloha to their local and visiting BYUH and PCC alumni,” said Hsu. - Alyssa W alho o d
Responsibilities of a ‘Holy Woman’ Sister Nelson challenges women to strive for holiness by setting goals and following the spirit
endy Watson Nelson, the wife of Elder Russell M. Nelson, challenged the members of the Relief Society to “take three days and choose three things that [they] will do differently” saying “[Ask] yourselves how would a holy woman act? What would a holy woman do?” at a fireside on Sunday night, Sept. 8, at the Laie Hawaii Stake Center. Emily Smithson, a BYUH alumna, said of the event, “She’s a real person. Sometimes when you think of General Authorities’ wives you think that they’re these perfect women, and she is amazing. But I think it’s cool that she shared real experiences.” Nelson told the story of one faithful, a holy woman, whose children watched television shows that were inappropriate and made it difficult for the spirit to reside in the home. She “was willing to do whatever it takes to keep her family safe.” The mother cut the cord of her children’s television, and when her sons taped the cord back together, she cracked the screen, Nelson shared. “Being holy does not mean being perfect. Being holy is not an unreachable goal,” said Nelson. She went on to say, “The only way we can be more holy is through the gifts of the Spirit.” To gain these gifts of the Spirit, one cannot just “genuflect and move on with their lives. It’s pleading with the heavens. It takes time,” she said. Rebekah Wasden, an English major from Hawaii, said, “I like a lot of the things she talked about. I like the Spirit. What I got from the fireside is even though you didn’t do what you wanted to do today doesn’t mean you can’t do it tomorrow.” Nelson also shared thoughts and experiences at the fireside and stressed her relationship to Hawaii. “In 1969, I flew here from Canada for a friend’s baptism,” she said. “I was a student at the University of Hawaii from 1970-1973. It took me several years to get over Hawaii.” Smithson said, “I really liked the fireside because Sister Nelson made it really personal and she really related to us.”
Sister Wendy Nelson is pictured with her husband Elder Russell M. Nelson at general conference. Photo by
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Country Rides & Grinds BYU-Hawaii alumnus Brett Lee creates hip new hangout for Laie community members
ombine a dash of ingenuity with a lot of hard work, and then add a massive flat screen TV with a vast menu of colorful mocktails, and you’ll have the formula for the hottest new hangout in town. Entrepreneur and BYUH Alumnus, Brett Lee used his experience as a student in Laie to provide just what Laie is missing; an answer to student’s transportation needs. Lee started a one-stop bike shop, which covers just about everything under the sun—from purchasing a new beach cruiser to repairing that rusty chain. He then fused the bike shop idea with the need for a student hangout spot and created Laie’s first hybrid lounge/bikeshop. It radiates the same classy vibe found in “The Great Gatsby” mixed with all the technological amenities of a swiss army knife. Here, owner and founder, Lee answers questions about the new shop.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish with
the shop? A: “We want to provide for the transportation needs of students in the Laie. Full service for mopeds and bikes. We understand the difficulty of transportation in the community, especially with students, and want 14
Ke Alaka‘i
to accommodate that as well as encourage ‘green’ modes of transportation. We want to provide reliable bikes at good prices, along with full services.”
Q: How did your experiences as a student in
Laie help spark this idea, or did it? A: “Well, I’ve experienced it [being a student in Laie] first-hand, and I know exactly what every student goes through in terms of their desire to get around. I see student after student at the bus stops trying to get around places like to Waimea Bay up to Haleiwa, and I see all of the broken down cars on the sides of the streets. They end up buying an $800 dollar moped that breaks down in a month, and usually can’t even get their cars to pass safety so they’re all driving around illegal cars. Believe it or not, when I first thought of the moped rental adventure center at Turtle Bay, my first idea actually was to open up a bike shop in Laie. So to be honest, with the success of the bike shop, I feel now that it is sort of my duty to give back to the community. I know it can help the needs of the students in terms of transportation and repairs, as well as providing quite a few jobs
for students. My first vehicle here was a beat up moped I got on Craigslist and it ran for probably three days and then stopped working and it never ran again. I hear story after story of students that do the same thing; they buy a cheap, beat-up, rusted moped on Craigslist that breaks down. They can’t go back to the owner, they can’t return it. Nobody really knows how to fix them around here. Over the last four years, I’ve determined that there is a large, growing demand for mopeds. Its almost more important, to precede the purchase of a moped, that they [a student] feel comfortable that they can get it. That’s what I’m trying to provide.”
Q: Is this different from your other business
ventures, maybe something a little bit closer to home? A: “I’ve put a lot of money and effort in this, mostly out of a passion and desire to provide a very nice, quality hang-out for the students. I definitely didn’t need to do that just to fix mopeds, but I feel like this is a needed atmosphere for the students to kind of give them a social hangout as well as a
Top: Country Rides & Grinds serves mocktails. Above, Shop empolyees can help with those tricky bike or moped repair. Photos by Stephanie Liang
comfortable setting. I hear so many stories of people just going to other people’s houses to hang out and I feel like this is a nice, clean place where people can socialize and just be people off-campus. It provides both, it allows people to get all their activities and transportation needs taken care of, and at the same time, we have the lounge and eating area to socialize, to eat their frozen yogurt and shave ice, and to just have fun.”
Q: Let’s talk for a minute about this idea of
having a hybrid shop. Where did this idea come from? What was your inspiration? A: “Actually, about two years ago, I looked at the option of putting a bike shop in the shopping center in Laie. We looked at a few units. But at the end of the day, I just felt like bikes alone weren’t going to cut it. I think that’s a large reason why we don’t have an existing bike shop now. We have to have a lot of customers to make it work. When I saw this location next to Cackle Fresh was available and it had a kitchen in it, I saw there was real potential with having a bike shop next to the bike path. The location where it is, is very conducive to like a neat, fun hang out area. I mean, I don’t need this much square-footage for just bikes. Its really evolved quite a bit from its initial inception, from what it was going to be, a small little smoothie and acai bowl place, but with the space and resources we had, and with the experience I’ve had with restaurants, I feel like it’s definitely feasible, I mean it’s turned into a pretty classy place.”
Q: Between the ‘Green’ transportation
ideas and these sorts of healthier foods; acai bowls, fruit smoothies, etc, is there sort of a health-conscious, environmentally-friendly attitude in the shop? Is there something you’re trying to promote in terms of efficiency or lifestyle? A: Definitely. We are really trying to align ourselves with the Envision Laie movement by keeping it ‘green’, reducing the impact of cars and traffic, by promoting more bikes,
mopeds, skateboards, etc. With the food side of it, because of all the exercisers that come over to the bike path to run, jog, or bike; the health side of it was definitely an important part because we provide something for the health-conscious people but at the same time, I won’t lie to you, the menu is not vegan or vegetarian, it’s not ‘healthy’ by any means. We’re going to have fun food as well like frozen yogurt, we’re going to have shave ice, candy apples, cotton candy, and even candy for the kids. So it’s not strictly a health food place. The idea is more to give a little bit of everything so that everybody is happy. The shop is designed to have a little of everything. We’ll have options like sugar-free shave ice. We will try to stay more on the healthier side but we will still have unhealthy things for the people who want it.
Q: In Hawaii and in this community there are currently a lot of ‘healthy lifestyle’ movements going on. Do you feel the need to be apart of that? A: Well, I am an entrepreneur, so by definition it is my job to evolve to the market. If I find that there is a huge demand for strictly green, healthy smoothies then we will definitely emphasize that and create a larger menu in that aspect. The great thing is that because it’s by the bike path, along with skateboards, surfboards, stand-up paddleboards, and kayaks; we encourage people to stay active. I want to be very open ended because I know there are a lot of people who want a little bit of it all. But, that’s largely why we chose frozen yogurt over ice cream, and other health items like acai bowls. I definitely want health-conscious people to feel comfortable here but I want to provide everyone with options. We don’t want people to think they can’t come here to get a good, nice meal. Q: What sets this shop apart from your
typical bike shop on the island or even back on the mainland? A: Once people see it, they’ll realize that this
shop is very minimalistic as far as your typical bike or surf shops. We are going to have a few bikes on display, a couple of surfboards on display, a couple of skateboards on display, but it’s not going to be full. The reason is that we want people to feel comfortable here, like it’s kind of a place for people to be and to hang out and to spend time, not necessarily only if they’re shopping for a bike. But we want them to know we can take care of all of their bike needs, and that goes for skateboards, surfboards. A big part of this, which is something I’m very proud of, with the lounge and the non-alcoholic bar that we have. The lounge area is going to be themed around the prohibition era, pushing the whole Teetotalism movement—teetotalers being people who abstained completely from alcohol which was very popular in the prohibition. We want to make a fun environment where it’s cool to not get into drinking and partying, where there is no pressure to get into the partying scene. you can just party here the clean way or something. We have a lot of option. We’re going to bring in live entertainers with music and dancing, and even have open mic nights to for the students. We might even get to a point where the lounge part of it is for members only, so people will pay a membership fee and then have exclusive access to it. It will be inexpensive though. Even though we have a bar-like set up, as you see with our shirts and hats and promotional items, we’re promotion a sort of ‘be in the world, but not of it’ thing.
Q: What else appeals to the students that
you want to mention. A: Yeah, through karaoke or open mic nights, eating area outdoors, picnic tables, only place anywhere close to here where you can enjoy the view while eating outdoors. - AU STIN ME LDRU M
September 12, 2013
Some of the original PCC labor missionaries gathered for a photo with some of the more recent senior service missionaries during the Polynesian Cultural Center's 50th Anniversary celebration on Sept. 3. Photo by Mike Foley
PCC remembers labor missionaries Labor missionary presentation preserves memories of workers
nizing an old friend, one uncle pointing out people and cried, “Oh Sione! Sione! Where are you?” Now 60 years older than the last time they saw each other, the two friends met on the floor of the stage and embraced, kissing each other on the cheek and slapping each other on The Hawaiian Journey Theater at Polynesian Cultural Center was the back. filled with laughter and excitement as early labor missionaries sang Sione Feinga picked up the microphone and said with his hymns, shared stories and once again met their longtime friends and arm around his old friend, “Hey, remember that one time you drove companions on Tuesday, Sept. 3, at the PCC Labor and Service Misthe cement truck into the cane field? They were not happy with you.” sionary presentation day. The event was presented by and to those labor missionaries The two friends continued to reminisce and tease each other as the audience nodded and laughed at their stories. who built the school in 1955 and also many worked on building the Laughter didn’t only fill the room but a serious note came PCC as well, according to the announcer John Muaina. “You guys as the speakers bore their testimonies. Haiku said of the PCC, “I love were young and healthy when you served,” said Mel Palmer to the this place. It has helped me grow spiritually. There were good men labor missionaries, “and none of us are young and healthy now.” Palmer is a current service missionary and one of the event’s speakers. here who helped me grow spiritually. I really don’t know how I could have added more to the PCC without my wife’s help.” “Hopefully we’ll be resurrected and look as young as you Marama Mete-Smith, from New Zealand, said, “There were guys,” Palmer joked with the audience. lots of women labor missionaries. They made things beautiful.” In Tione Haiku, a labor missionary in 1955, said, “I was installing equipment during the dedication of the school.” The audience semblance of their female forbears, aunties in muumuus of orange, pink, purple, and blue, “made things beautiful” again by singing laughed at Haiku’s jokes. He said, “A week before the dedication, I “Sweet is the Work.” was called into the Maori Village. ‘How would you like to work on “Called to Serve” inspired tears as the audience sang it for the theater?’ they asked. I was going to be released from my mission their closing song. The lyrics “chosen ever to witness for His name,” in a week and then, ‘You’re not going to be released!”’ As he and narrated perfectly the lives of the labor and service missionaries who, others talked, the room was full of laughter and nostalgia. as young and old, past and present missionaries, continue to serve During part of the presentation, a picture of the labor missionaries was projected onto the screen and people were called to their Heavenly Father. - Alyssa Walhood stand up when their names were called. At one point, after recog16
Ke Alaka‘i
Ye Stephanie Liang: A natural talent As she finished the final requirements for her bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree, Ye Stephanie Liang presented her work for the world to see in her art show entitled “A Hui Kaua.” Her show included eight oil-on-canvas paintings and one sculpture entitled “Eternal Love” set on display in the McKay Auditorium foyer from Aug. 27 to Sept. 3. Liang’s exhibit was one of several art exhibitions on campus. An aroma of fresh paint lingered in the air, while the muffled excitement of the patrons overtook the reverence of the exhibit. Liang’s captivating impressionistic style featured an array of art detailing the beauty of the Laie community. Her work depicted the Fijian Village at the Polynesian Cultural Center, coconut trees, and the Laie Hawaii Temple. Liang said, “Being an international student, I was scared and excited to be here. I grew up in the mountains of China with goats and other animals, and I have always loved nature. So when I came here, I really loved the natural beauty all around. It was inspirational to me as an artist.” Sherleen Cooper, a service missionary at the PCC, and a close friend of Liang, said, “I am very impressed. My favorite piece is “Before Dancing.” I feel like I can see my grandchildren in this painting. It looks so lifelike and so smooth.” When asked about her overall impressions of the show, she responded, “The atmosphere is beautiful and so are her paintings.” Cooper continued, “Stephanie is such a kind gentle person. I can see it in her painting.” Bishop Richard McBride, of the History Department, attended the art show. McBride, an expert in art history and one of Liang’s earliest art teachers, said, “She has a fresh, upbeat, positive, realistic style. She has a good eye for capturing the scene around her. It [her painting] has an uplifting feeling.” McBride said he knows Liang on a personal level and agrees that Liang’s personality is clearly reflected in her art. “We can see a lot of her as an individual in her work. Stephanie has a very upbeat positive personality. She is a recent convert and her cleanliness shows in her art. She is a very hard working person, and it shows in her attention to details.” Liang, unlike some beginning artists, was not concerned with how her work would be accepted. “I accept critiques,” she said. “I actually like hearing what people think I can do better or what I can fix here, what I can fix there. It makes me a better artist and helps me improve and I want to keep getting better.”
Stephanie Liang poses with her artwork hanging on display as part of her senior art show. Photos by Mei Yin and Sumika Yoza
-A usti n M eldrum September 12, 2013
PCC OLYMPICS 50th Anniversary event features games with a Polynesian twist as PCC alumni, employees compete
n the spirit of sports and fun, PCC Olympians gathered on the BYU-Hawaii soccer field early Wednesday morning, Sept. 4, to compete in a series of athletic events. Participants were grouped into teams according to their departments. The teams included Theatre, Food and Beverage, and Guest Service. There were 12 teams in total. The PCC Olympic games opened with teams walking on to the field introducing themselves. Following introductions, the teams warmed up to a Zumba dance routine led by Penny Toilolo. “I thought it was a very fun activity. It was my favorite part of the Olympics,” said Lily Wongwirahab, a junior studying graphic design from Thailand. Afterwards, each team participated in a cheer competition celebrating their unique PCC identity. Then, the real games began. Teams competed in a series of six creative events including a Muumuu relay, Volleyball, Balloon Barrow Relay, Going Coconuts, Dodgeball, and a Fruit Roll relay. One creative event, the Muumuu relay, had participants dress in a Muumuu, skip rope, put on fins, spin their heads on a baseball bat, and run back to the finish line. Kit Nadado, a junior studying English/TESOL from the Philippines, said, “Dodgeball was my favorite event because we won. Dodging the ball and hitting people that was a lot of fun.” Each of the events had two teams competing against each other with the winner receiving 100 points and the losing team receiving 50 points. Guest services team member Catherine Gentles, a freshman, studying psychology from Canada, said, “I think we’re going to win.
Ke Alaka‘i
We have a big team, we work really well together and we were born awesome.“ At the conclusion of the games, the Green Machine team emerged victorious winning all of their events. Green Machine was comprised of employees from the Samoan and Aoteroa villages. “The best part about the games is not whether you win or lose. It’s about being together. During work you just say hi and go back to whatever you were doing, but here we get to play and have fun and it brings us together,” said Andre Tauraa, a sophomore studying communications from Tahiti. - ho mer wo lman Participants run, jump, and throw to help their team claim the top prize during the PCC Olympics on Sept. 4 as part of the Center’s 50th Anniversary celebration. Photos by Kyoko Hasegawa
September 12, 2013
A community of cardboard Local children build homes from cardboard boxes A neighborhood society constructed entirely by children had just reached its peak—but then the rain came. The children of the Townhouse neighborhood on Naniloa Loop were nearly successful in creating a utopian society with the construction of their city called the Brown Houses. Made out of the recycled washing machine and dryer boxes, the Brown Houses sprawled out on a median in the middle of a neighborhood parking lot. Arwen Blimes, one of the townhouse children, said, “It used to be Box Town and we had some other suggestions, but people wanted the Brown Houses more. It started when there were these boxes by the recycling bin and someone brought them over and people thought it was cool and decided to make a whole town out of them.” Not only was the town created by the neighborhood children, but also a system of government was put in place, money was minted, and a legal system was enforced. “Brady Scott was elected president but he didn’t want to so he started the town newspaper,” said Sam Bradshaw, another citizen of the Brown Houses. “They had a vote and they voted my sister for vice president.” Eve McCarrey said of her experience living in the Brown Houses, “There was green paper money. For one dollar it was a picture of a box. For ten dollars there was a smiley face. For twenty dollars there was a picture of the address. People had shops or you just found money on the ground, that’s how you got money. There were contracts that you had sign to live in the Brown Houses.” McCarrey added, “The rules were you couldn’t make people cry and you couldn’t barge into people’s houses.” Bradshaw said, “If there was a problem, they [the President, Vice President and Secretary] would kind of resolve it. Sometimes there was a punishment of going into the Box of Shame.” An anonymous citizen biked past and yelled, “I got put in there twice!” Crime was rare, however, a small group of militant-minded young boys did threaten the safety of the town. “Somebody tried to make a tree house. It wasn’t really a tree house though. I was one of the people that was doing it and we were kind of using it as gun storage. We were using it to launch things at the boxes,” said an unrepentant Bradshaw. However, it was not crime or warfare that took down the Brown Houses. McCarrey said, “They tore them down because they were kind of all gross and it rained sometimes. All the parents thought it was kind of messy.” -A l y ssa wa lho o d
Local children came together to build a community out of cardboard. Photos courtesy of the Brown House residents
Ke Alaka‘i