February 9, 2012
Ke Alaka i Volume 99: Issue 4
Valentine’s Day Observing the holiday whether relishing a relationship or surviving singlehood
Fairy tales How real love compares
Ke Alaka i
Table of Contents
February 2, 2012 • Volume 99: Issue 4 Kent carollo
ed i t or - i n - ch i e f
advis o r
DEWEY KEITHLY hea d p hot og ra p h e r COPY EDITORS
Kel sey R oye r, A my C a rl st o n , M a r i s s a E l d er, Tay l o r R i p py
L in ds ay B an c ro ft Jame s C h o i, Alex L e n g, Jas o n B row n
M ei Y i n Dewey Ke i th ly Ba r t Jol l ey
Mic h ae l Gulde n Ste ph an ie T s e C o n o r Riley
MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS Na t ha n Pa cke r, E l l e n Wy n n , An drew Lyo n , C a m ron S to ck f o rd , G i s e lle Ramire z , Make n zi e H ea d , N a ta l i e D rewe r y, C ame ro n Ko b e r, A b i gay l e B u tl e r, K a s h a B an dman n , Mo rgan B ouwhu i s , A a ro n C o f f ey INTERNS S uza nn e T u ttl e Phi l l i p A n d r u s
AD MANAGER Aaro n Knuds e n
[page 14]
B Y UH SA G ot Tal ent compet i t i on
Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762
P r in t Se r vic e s
E d i t o r i a l , p h o to s u bmis s io n s & dis tr ibut i on i n qu i r i e s : ke a l a k ai@ byuh .e du. To sub scr i be t o th e R S S FEED o r to view a d d i t i o n a l a r ti cl e s , go to ke alak ai.byuh . ed u.
Ivan and Maddie Goldtooth enjoy a picnic together. Photo by Bart Jolley
How t o i mpress you r dat e o n a bud ge t
[page 18]
L ove an d f ai r y t al es
E-mail: kealakai@byuh.edu Ad Information: kealakaiads@gmail.com Phone: (808) 675-3694 Fax: (808) 675-3491 Office: Campus, Aloha Center 134
Ke Alaka‘i
[page 4] [page 8]
Members of the Reckon’ Krew perform in the annual “Got Talent” competition on Friday, Feb. 3. Photo by Monique Saenz
Best and wor st pi cku p l i ne s
Robert R. Holland D.C., L.M.T.
Specializing in Medical Massage and Soft Tissue
Rehabilitation for Whiplash Injury, Neck Pain and Back Pain No Fault Insurance Accepted KAHUKU-NORTHSHORE 56-119 Pualalea Street TEL:293-0122
will have a Valentine’s Day 10 BYUHSA dance on Feb. 10 at 9 p.m in the Old Gym. This is a Sadie Hawkins dance so girls ask the guys.
Men’s and women’s basketball will play Notre Dame De Namur (Belmont, Northern California). Lady Seasiders will play at 5 p.m. and Men’s basketball team will play at 7:30 p.m. Wear red and support Seasider athletics. Admission is $5 per person, free for BYUH students with ID.
Day is Feb. 14. Do 14 Valentine’s something special for your sweetheart or for yourself! There is a couple’s smoothie challenge at 12:10 p.m. In the Seasider Snackbar, a couple, two straws and one smoothie, all for $1.00. Enter to win by signing up at any register by Friday Feb. 10.
the week in
“I t ’s been a wild game. I t ’s bee n a wi l d season,” -El i Ma nning, who won h is s econ d S u per Bowl MVP on Feb. 6, le a d i ng t he Giants to a 21- 17 vict o r y tha t provided a pulsati n g f inis h to a n NFL season that s t a r t ed wit h tu r moi l and a lockout. “T he Book of Mormon is t he m os t ef f ect ive book available t o h e lp you t ea ch of the Lord. I t is a t a ngi bl e si gn to the world t h a t t h e promi sed gather ing of I s ra el ha s begu n.” -El der R ussell M. N elso n o f t he Qu or u m of the Twelve A p o s t les spoke dur ing a jubilee t o com memorate 50 years of m is s ion a r y tra i ni ng. “Alway s dedicated, alway s res o l u t e a nd always respect ed , s he is a sou rce of wisdom and con t inu i t y. Al l my lif e, and f or t h e live s of most people in this cou nt r y, she ha s always been th e re f o r u s . Today, and this year, in t he 60t h a nniver sar y of her reig n , we h ave the c ha nce to say than k yo u .” -Pr i me Minister D avid Ca m e ron o f Br i ta i n p raised Queen E liz a bet h on her 60th anniversar y of he r rei gn.
NOTE WORTHY news headlines
President Barack Obama announced tough new sanctions on Iran’s Central Bank Monday amid increased tensions over Tehran’s nuclear program and the specter of an Israeli attack on the Islamic republic. Photo by AP
The European Union attempts to block the sale of Iranian crude oil
The European Union is trying to block the sale of Iranian crude oil by imposing sanctions within the nations of the EU that would block the import of Iranian crude oil. Iran is also threatening to retaliate by closing the Strait of Hormuz, through which a fifth of the world’s crude oil is transported. The EU is imposing the sanctions as a way to get Iran to resume talks about Iran’s growing nuclear projects. Iran has been testing nuclear technology, and supposedly nuclear weapons, which they have signed treaties pledging they would never try to gain. Other nations have joined in with the EU on their sanctions. The United States enacted sanctions in December which were aimed at Iran’s central bank, and would cripple their ability to sell petroleum abroad, but delayed implementing these sanctions for at least six months for fear of heavily heightened gas prices in a poor global economy. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Secretary of the Department of Treasury Timothy Geithner welcomed the EU sanctions, and released a statement which said, “It’s another strong step in the inter-
national effort to dramatically increase the pressure on Iran.” Some nations have refused the sanctions, such as China and India, who together account for roughly 34 percent of Iran’s exports, which is a little more than what Europe imports from Iran. India’s finance minister Pranab Mukherjee said in a statement, “It is not possible for India to take any decision to reduce the import from Iran drastically because, after all, the countries which can provide the requirement of the emerging economy, Iran is an important country among them.” Roughly 80 percent of Iran’s foreign revenue comes from oil exports. Producing 4 million barrels of oil per day, Iran is the second largest producer in OPEC, and accounts for about three percent of the world’s crude oil. Some nations have condemned the sanctions. Russia’s Foreign Ministry released a statement that said they believed the sanctions were a “severe mistake likely to worsen tensions.” Other nations like Japan have stayed out of the situation altogether. - C am e ron Kobe r February 9, 2012
Reckon’ Krew takes 1st place at campus talent contest
and each gave individual commentary specific for each of the performers. Nef is a pre-professional biology major who is also working for the school as an RA; besides being a Religion professor, Sharp is a professional This year’s campus-wide talent show “Got The “Got Talent” contestants had Talent” had a wide variety of entertainment, been practicing their routines since the con- magician; and “Uncle“ Benny is a profesbut the dance group “Reckon’ Krew” won clusions of auditions the week before. One by sional musician who is well known on Oahu. The talent show began with a hint first place judged by the applause of the audi- one, they stepped on stage and performed for of humor as Adrienne Cardoza, a sophomore ence. Second place went to another dance the crowd. TESOL major from Ohio, played “Mary Had group called “Insta Kookys.” Roommates and co-workers, Phil a Little Lamb” on the recorder with her nose, While the audience in the CanAndrus, a BYU-Hawaii alumnus who is innon Activities Center cheered loudly during terning at the Ke Alaka‘i, and Kent Carollo, and Kayla Nilson, a sophomore in English from Washington, did a dance in costume the show on Friday, Feb. 3, contestants sat a senior in biology from Idaho who is the under a decorated pillowcase. backstage awaiting the chance to deliver editor of the Ke Alaka‘i, emceed “Got Tal“I’ve been playing the recorder their talents to a screaming crowd. The show ent.” The dynamic duo spotlighted individual with my nose for about two years now,” said started at 9 p.m. and lasted till almost midtalent as well as groups of students wanting night as 16 individuals and groups performed to show the school what they’ve been doing Cardoza, “and I tried out because I thought it would be funny. At first, we didn’t get in, everything from magic tricks to dance moves to develop their talents. and then they called three days before and and from singers to belly dancers. The judges, Religion Professor asked if my friend Kayla and I would be Students, faculty, and community Daniel Sharp, BYUH student Tiffany Nef, members filled the seats all the way up to the and “Uncle” Benny Kai were representatives the opening act for ‘Got Talent,’ I thought top of the arena. of faculty, students, and community members it would be hilarious and a lot of fun. The 4
Ke Alaka‘i
whole time I was hoping the audience could see that I was playing it with my nose.” Slight technical difficulties were encountered during the Indian Dance performance of Rani Anandan and her sister, Radhika. “That’s not the first time that has happened to us during performances so we just kept our cool and it worked out.” said Rani Anandan, a junior in ICS from American Samoa. Despite initial problems and a short intermission, the duo was able to complete their dance. “We had fun. We had a good time,” said Rani Anandan, “We’ve been dancing for 10 years now. We started dancing for flag day celebrations back home in 2000. We didn’t do it to win. We just wanted to have a good time.” Another set of performers were magicians Camron Stockford, an undeclared freshman from Oregon, and his partner, Joshua Mason, a freshman psychology major from Oklahoma. They said they hoped to win the hearts of the audience through a deceptive cup-and-ball logic game. “We practiced for about a week and a half before the show,” said Stockford. “I thought I was going to be a lot more nervous than I was, but I knew that once I got up there any nervousness would go away. We were just in it for the fun of it, and whether we won or lost, we had tons of fun. We enjoyed it.” -MAKENZIE HEAD & ANDREW LYON
Clockwise from top left: Contestant Tia Leapai fronts the band “Midnight.” Uncle Benny, Tiffany Nef, and Daniel Sharp judge contestants. Hector Periguin performs an interpretive dance. Josh and Camron Stockford entertain with sleight of hand. Second place winners, the Instakookys dance crew, are a red riot on stage at BYU-Hawaii’s got talent competition. Radhika Anandan channels Bollywood onto the CAC stage during her performance. Opposite: (from left) Ma’a Paango, Matt Lotomau, Courtney McCarthy and Leataataofiti “Princess” Grohse, perform in the winning Reckon’ Crew. Photos by Monique Saenz.
February 9, 2012
Judge Uale is the first family court judge in the United States of Samoan descent. Photo by Bart Jolley
Judge, BYUH alumnus says get involved in politics & vote
“If you don’t do anything at all, I would recommend to you that you vote. Get yourself in the political process,” Judge Bode Uale admonished students. The BYU-Hawaii alumnus spoke to students and faculty Feb. 3 about his life as a lawyer and judge. Judge Uale is the first family court judge in the United States to be of Samoan descent. He spoke on the responsibility he has felt throughout his life to help those within his culture to receive a fair legal process, especially during his five years as a public defender. Uale, also currently serving as the Honolulu Stake President, spoke on his desire as a family court judge to help people understand the importance of eternal families. He also mentioned his desire to support children as they make difficult transitions after their parents divorce. BYUH students were able to benefit significantly from the lecture. Maria Agurto, a senior political science major, mentioned how the event interested her. “I’m actually really excited because I want to do family law. It got me really excited and reassured me that this is what I want to do.” Kilapoe Sheppard, a freshmen political science major from Samoa, left excited as well by the lecture saying, “It motivated me that I can be a judge too.” Students were able to grow a realization that a career in law by no means has to be conflictive with their activity in the church. Uale also mentioned life growing up in Laie saying that he witnessed the town grow from its sugar plantation roots. “My grandparents helped build the PCC as well as the Church College.” Ke Alaka‘i
He told the story of first imagining himself as a lawyer saying the inspiration came one day while attending Laie Elementary as a child. That day there was a career day where students would have the opportunity to meet people of different professions. Upon seeing the attorney there, he became very impressed. He remembered, “The lawyer was smooth and came with his three-piece suit. I was impressed by that guy and I thought that’s what I want to be. I wrote on a piece of paper that I wanted to be a lawyer and I kept that paper. It stuck with me.” He spoke about his life saying that after graduating from BYUH however, he felt he was done with his schooling. He always had the goal of being a lawyer but he managed to slightly loose focus. He cited that the support of his wife was ultimately what got him to law school. He said those interested in a law degree ought to improve their writing and speaking skills. “Know how to talk. What would help are more English classes,” he noted. Uale finished the lecture with questions from students. He also talked to students about internship opportunities over the summer. The event provided options for students to pursue as they think about their futures studying law. -ABIGAYLE BUTLER
-Cameron KOBER
LOVE Stories
Paris Spillane & Robert Clavel
Love stories are not just seen in the movies, but are all around us and happen every day. A love story can develop over the course of many years or in a blink of an eye. Paris Spillane, a senior student majoring in business management and English from Colorado, agrees. Spillane describes her story as being a “whirlwind romance.” Spillane married her husband, Robert Clavel, after a one month engagement. Clavel is a junior from California majoring in international cultural studies. Spillane and Clavel met each other through their schooling. Spillane was Clavel’s tutor for an online intercultural communications class. “So yes, we officially met online,” Spillane joked. A few weeks into the class, Spillane and Clavel bumped into each other on campus. After recognizing her as his tutor, Clavel introduced himself and they began simply talking for a brief moment. Soon after, Clavel e-mailed Spillane for her office hours to get help on questions regarding the class. Little did she know, his question wasn’t the typical educational question. Clavel met Spillane during office hours and asked, “I just had a quick question for you...could I take you out this weekend?” Spillane said, “I about died! That was definitely not what I was expecting.” Their connection didn’t take long as Spillane mentioned. “After that, we have been together every day since.” The last day of finals this past December, Spillane was flying home for the break. To her disappointment, Clavel had
leader, her family was close with the elders. Faivore however, left the area to go live with her auntie for a few months. When she came home, he had transferred. “I got another boyfriend. We dated for six months and as it turns out, my boyfriend’s brother was the missionary from my ward. I didn’t think much of it, but it was a strange coincidence.” She soon broke up with her boyfriend but they remained friends. That is how she got invited to his family birthday party and was reunited with the missionary she met almost a year ago. They began dating only two months later. Two years went by and they fell in love. He proposed in May of 2010 and they we married a month later in June. “We talked about getting married, and I knew a proposal was coming, but it was still a complete surprise.” He was working at PCC and he asked her to come get him. She thought he might propose in the village but he didn’t. “I had never been on a canoe ride and he knew I wanted to go on one, so his canoe pusher friend helped him plan, and then pushed us down the river. My husband proposed under a bridge, and of course I said yes.” Faivore is not a romantic, and she does not believe in soul mates. She does believe in doing everything possible for lasting Astric Faivore and her husband love. “If you like a person or love a person, and you are comfortable with them, it can Writer’s note: The girl who told me this work out. The most important thing to do story does not want her real name to be used now is to prepare yourself to meet who you so this is her middle name and maiden name. are looking for. If they are preparing them Astric Faivore, a junior majoring selves, by doing all the right things, you can in accounting from Tahiti, has an incredibly live happily together.” unique and romantic love story. She met her They have been married now for a husband when he was on his mission, serving year and a half, and have a brand new little in her home ward. baby boy. “When I met my husband, I knew “I don’t believe in love at first I wanted a priesthood holder and a returned sight,” Faivore said. “Besides, as a missionary missionary. But one of the most important he was off limits. But I thought he was cute things to me is that he makes me laugh every and that was that.” She didn’t see him often day. And he still does.” -NATALIE DREWERY but because her dad was the ward mission tests to take so he wouldn’t be able to see her off. She left for the airport with friends and while standing in the security line ready to fly away, she said, “All of a sudden this stud walks up out of nowhere in a grey suit with a bouquet of roses.” Clavel got down on one knee in slow motion and said, “I’m so nervous. I couldn’t let you leave this island without me asking you one question...” Spillane dropped to her knees and said “Yes” about a thousand or so times while everyone in the terminal cheered. The proposal came fast and the wedding came faster, but Spillane said, “It didn’t take me too long after to figure it out and realize that it’s not always about fireworks or theatrical displays of love in a relationship.” She continued, “When it is actually right and you’ve found the person you’re supposed to be with for eternity, you feel at complete peace and it just keeps getting better.” It didn’t take Clavel long to know either. A few weeks after they started to date he walked her home past the temple. They talked about their families and their own desires for the future, and he said, “Then it hit me, boom. There’s my girl.” Paris and Robert were married in the Newport Beach Temple on Saturday Feb. 4, 2012.
February 9, 2012
Ke Alaka‘i
ou wake up to birds gently pulling back the coverlet, chirping urgently at you as you cover your head with your pillow trying to savor the last vestiges of the dream they’ve interrupted. You let out a giggle and tell them that you were dreaming. In response to their chirps you say that you can’t tell them your dream. “Why ever not,” they tweet questioningly. “Well because if you tell a wish it won’t come true,” you croon. You carefully unbraid your hair and then burst out in rapturous song, “A dream is a wish…” Let’s face it, most of our mornings don’t usually go so smoothly as Cinderella’s. In fact, for most of us, reality seems to stand in stark contrast to the stories we’re told as children. Our trials tend not to wrap themselves up with the help of woodland creatures and a song or two, our friends are too busy to throw us our own private dinner show complete with musical number when we miss a meal, and “happily ever after” never just automatically happens after the wedding ceremony.
Left: Pictured, Taylor Aiono. Photos by Dewey Keithly
We wake up, already late, rush out the door with a pop-tart shoved in our mouth and spend the day going from one place to another. The closest any of us has come to singing softly as we let our hand rest pensively on the water is a crammed- in beach session in which we spend half our time putting on sunscreen and posing for Facebook photos. No, life certainly isn’t a fairytale—and what’s the deal with fairytales anyway? According to communications theorist Barnett Pearce, myths and stories are our way of explaining the unknown, making the wild and the (uncontrollable) seem less scary and more under our control—at least, they used to be. Nowadays we’ve got science, which in this context is also considered a story or narrative, to explain those things for us and certainly we seem to have dismissed plenty of our ancestor’s narratives. However, science doesn’t seem to have dispelled the idea that a great voice and furry friends equal a happily ever after. In fact, Disney’s latest movie about the Princess Rapunzel raked in over $500 million worldwide in 2010. But why do these stories still seem to mean something to us. It’s not like they are at all plausible; Take Snow White, for example. Sure we might be able to relate to the whole evil Queen being after you sort of thing but—re-
ally —that huntsmen just lets her go because she’s nice? And a group of ornery dwarves just up and lets her stay after breaking-and-entering into their home and letting squirrels lick their plates? There’s Belle who, at a glance, seems a little more down to earth until she starts talking to inanimate objects. And when is the last time a charming potential spouse walked up to you and said “If this shoe fits, I’m gonna marry you.”? No, the stories certainly aren’t giving us quality instructions. It’s surprising that the tales are even culturally relevant to us—the western versions were first published as early as the 1600s, and in the case of Cinderella, elements of the story can be traced back to both Greek and Chinese antiquity. It’s quite amazing that these stories hold so much weight so many years after their first appearance. Perhaps Pearce’s idea holds true, perhaps we are looking for an explanation of the mystery of love, or perhaps an explanation for why we don’t have it? The reality is that true love is better than the fairytales. The problem is that it’s hard to explain. Love is something that lasts a lifetime, but it’s also dynamic. There’s still day-to-day life to live and, February 9, 2012
Pictured (from left to right): Kelsi Cooper, Rachel Kent and Taylor Aiono. Photo illustrations by Dewey Keithly
truthfully, even love can become subject to the mundane. Perhaps if we bring reality to the forefront, and really try to pin down what makes love so great, then we won’t need fairytales to make sense of it all. I wish I could sum up what love is and why it’s important in the next paragraph, but obviously there’s reason humanity has heretofore found it beyond control.
Ke Alaka‘i
What I will say is this. Love is something that runs much deeper than a girl finding purpose in her life by becoming someone’s wife. Love is something we feel every day, for our family, for our coworkers, for our friends. Love is coming home exhausted and not being able to stop yourself from smiling because you know someone is wait-
ing there for you. Love is your husband flicking on Pandora and twirling you around the kitchen floor. Love is sacrificing what you want in order to meet someone else’s needs. Love is the simple, routine things you do that turn into a lifetime of never forgets. Most importantly love is real. Any storybook will tell you that. -Kelsey Royer
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Whether you want a valentine’s card for a friend or loved one, here are some easy and clever ways for you to say “I love you.”
You Da Bomb!
You color my world
Red cardstock, glue, scissors, 3 Rolos Candy, 2 pieces of black pipe cleaner
Cardstock, scissors, markers/ pens, and a colored pencil
1 Using the scissors, cut a heart out of your 2 3 4 5
cardstock Cut two small circles at both ends of the heart Write “You color my world” onto the heart and decorate Stick colored pencil through both holes of the heart Give to your valentine!
Wrap red cardstock around Rolos candy tube and use glue to keep secure. (all three tubes) Tie all three Rolos candy together with pipe cleaner Stick the last pipe cleaner in the middle of the three rolos to complete the look of dynamite.
2 3
*Add a coloring book with it if you want to do more
Hope you have a fan{TACHE}tic Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valent ine’s Day with candy canes Cardstock, markers/pens, glue, and two candy canes
Cardstock paper, glue, scissors, markers/pens, any kind of sucker
1 Use scissors to cut mustaches out of cardstock
Make a folded card out of cardstock
2 Cut a small hole in the middle of the mustache for
Glue candy canes to the front of the card forming a heart Personalize a message by using markers/pens
a lol ipop stick to fit through. With marker, write “Hope you have a fan{tache}tic Valentine’s Day! Give to your Valentine!
Happy Valentine’s Day
The multi-media center located within the Library has great resources and materials for all your Valentine’s Day needs! Ideas compiled by Natalie Drewery
February 9, 2012
CAMPUS COMMEN T Va l e n t i n e’s D a y e d i t i o n
Kyle Wong, a senior in accounting and business management from Hong Kong
Jace Bruestle, a senior in business management-HR from Utah
What makes you a desirable individual? Fun to be with, entertaining, hardworking, dedicated, intelligent, positive, and last but not least, future multimillionaire. What are your hobbies? Soccer, basketball, photography, music and long strolls on the beach under the moonlight. Describe your perfect date: Just a setting and location that I can actually get to know someone without interruption. Nothing fancy.
What makes you a desirable individual? I’m one of the few pure white boys who can dance like a Poly and I have a collection of many leather-bound books. What are your hobbies? I enjoy playing most sports. Anything that gets me outdoors is something that I’ll enjoy doing (Fishing, Hunting, Snowboarding, Wake boarding, Indian leg wrestling, etc.) Describe your perfect date: I would plan an activity that would be original to do, that way it would be outside the norm and could be more memorable.
Stacey Hettig, sophomore in hospitality and tourism management from Australia
Nana Mensah, senior in biology from Ghana
What do you look for in a guy? Swag and personality What is your best talent? Basketball Dream super power: I would fly because I can’t use my legs right now What is your favorite movie? “Love and Basketball” and “Selena”
What is your best physical feature? My smile What is your favorite physical feature on a guy? Tall boys What is your best talent? Drawing and I can write poems What do you look for in a guy who you are considering dating? Someone who is faithful and honors his priesthood
For more information and more students’ comments, go to kealakai.byuh.edu.
Matt Bledsoe, a senior in from California What makes you a desirable individual? I’ll go out of my way to see someone happy. I think I go the extra mile when it comes to making people smile. What are your hobbies? I am a surfer from the top of my head to my toes. I like hiking and being outside. I like any sport that involves a ball of some kind. I like to sing and play the guitar, but mostly for fun. Describe your perfect date: I love a good home-cooked meal with a candlelit setting, good conversation with a pretty view of the ocean or sky. -TAYLOR RIP P Y
Sara Ikonen, senior in political science from Finland Best physical feature: My happy smile What is your best talent? I can brighten up people’s day and make them smile Dream super power: I would fly What’s your favorite male physical feature? Athletic or a good dancer
LOVE Language L
ove languages have been prevalent in pop culture for years now, especially during Valentine’s Day. But what is a love language exactly? They originate from the book The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, and they’ve been used to help couples express love to each other all over the world. Each person has a specific love language they prefer, and when another person expresses it, it relays to that person that the other has love for them. The languages are:
I L o ve yo u ! xo xo
QUALITY TIME When a person speaks this language, they appreciate when another person spends time and energy focusing on them. Ku Kanakorn, a senior studying biochemistry from Thailand, said, “I enjoy doing activities together, not just eating or watching movies. Through interaction, I get a new perspective on a person.”
A person who demonstrates this isn’t necessarily materialistic. What they love is the thoughtfulness and energy spent on the gift. Megan Hansen, a sophomore from Kansas majoring in math said, “My [love language] is receiving gifts. Not expensive WORDS OF AFFIRMATION gifts but things like drawings. I grew up with 5 brothers so we never really said ‘I love you’ Saying “I love you” frequently among other kind words shows a person who a lot and we were always busy so we never favors this love language that they are loved. had much quality time together. But I loved getting things like pictures and friendship BYUH student Duncan Searcy, a freshman in EXS from Utah, said “I guess I like words bracelets so I can always remember how much they love me. of affirmation because when you have good communication you have trust. You know how the other person feels because they tell you.” Brianne Ramsay, a sophomore in English from Arizona, is similar. “I grew up in a family where we always said ‘I love you’ to each other like 10 times a day. When someone says ‘I love you’ to me, it just makes my whole day so much better.”
ACTS OF SERVICE When someone does something as an act of service to someone who demonstrates this love language, they appreciate the burden of anything being lifted off of them. It could be as simple as doing the dishes. Jayne Marostica, a BYU-H alumnae from Arizona, said, “Even if you don’t have much time, you can still let someone know you love them (through service). When I go home and all the laundry is done and folded, I know my husband didn’t do it just for him. He did it so that I have one less thing to worry about.”
PHYSICAL TOUCH This doesn’t necessarily mean kissing. Simple things like hugs and touches on the arm give this person comfort. The 5 love languages aren’t necessarily for significant others either. If you figure out the love language of a family member or good friend, you can better their lives by showing them your love and support by reciprocating their love language. -ELLEN WYNN February 9, 2012
IMPRESS on a budget
your dinner reservations or splurging on highUblepgrading end fare downtown isn’t necessary to pull off a memoradinner date. Here are a few low-cost tips that allow you to make the most of a meal without breaking the bank. Story by Kent Carollo
Ke Alaka’i
Pictured: Ivan and Maddie Goldtooth. Photo by Bart Jolley.
If cooking is not your forte, you can still have a memorable date by planning a destination dinner. Paliahu Tupola, a sophomore majoring in EXS and Hawaiian Studies from HI, said, “It doesn’t matter how the food tastes, if you like the guy, and it’s just you and him in a nice place, nothing else should matter.” Simply changing the setting of where you eat can turn nearly any meal from mundane to remarkable. Try swapping your dining table for a picnic table in the park, or ditching the table altogether and picnicking on a blanket. If rain dashes your plans of outdoor dining, build a fort inside and enjoy your meal there. Relocating from the traditional dinner table is a free method to keep things interesting for you and your date. Dani Laqeretabua, a Senior studying Elementary Education from Missouri, said, “Last Valentine’s Day we ordered dinner from a restaurant and ate in the back of the car. He decorated it with lights and even brought nice plates and silverware to eat with. He made it very special.”
Pictured: Maddie and Ivan Goldtooth. Photo by Bart Jolley
•Make your dinner memorable by relocating from the traditional kitchen table. This is a free method to add variety to an evening out.
DETAILS Attention to detail indicates thoughtfulness and originality. My mother always taught me that to ask a girl out and then ask her what she wants to do is a crime. Plan ahead. If you’re entertaining someone for the first time, find out if they have any food preferences, or more importantly, food allergies. Even brief conversation may indicate someone’s favorite color or ice cream flavor, details you can implement when planning your date. John Quindara, a sophomore studying business management from Waipahu, said, “details show how much effort you put into the date, that’s what makes the date original. It’s the little things that count.”
Along with personal details, pay attention to things like presentation. If there are napkins, fold them; if there are drinks, chill them. You can easily add a sound track to your date by making a custom play list as well. Your attention to the small specifics will demonstrate that you’ve given some thought to your date. Let them know you planned the date for them on purpose. •Pay attention to little details to leave a big impression: -Fold the napkins -Chill your drinks -Don’t forget dessert -Use garnishes -Learn if your date has any food allergies beforehand February 9, 2012
The first tip to impress is to focus on flavor. BYU-Hawaii students ranked the taste of the food their date prepares them as the most important feature of the meal. Shaun Laqeretabua, a senior studying music from Kahuku Hawaii said, “it doesn’t matter if the food looks pretty as long as it tastes good. It can look weird, but if it tastes great, seconds please.” To prepare a winning dish for your date, consider the following options. 1. Go with what you know. Use a familiar recipe that you’re comfortable making. This way you avoid the stress of wasted ingredients, improper preparation, and unexpected results. Try serving an old family recipe that you grew up with. This not only gives you confidence in your work, but also an opportunity to tell your date a little about yourself. 2. Venture into the unknown together. If you lack the moxie of a gourmet chef and shutter at the thought of trying to follow grandma’s filet minon recipe, prepare the meal with your date. You’ll relieve the stress of attempting perfection by sharing cooking responsibilities, and in the process get to know them better. Regardless of the route you take to create an impressive flavor, here are a few simple recipes to try.
Do you have an oven?
Do you have a stove?
Ke Alaka’i
Do you have a crock pot?
Clockwise from left: Margarita Pizza, Thai Stirfry, White Chicken Chili and take-out. Photos by Sara Barth, Mathilda Tan, Patty and Chris Anderson
Order take-out
Margherita pizza •3 medium tomatoes chopped in large chunks •1 tsp minced garlic •1/2 tsp kosher salt •1/4 tsp black pepper •1 Tb olive oil •1/3 cup loosely packed fresh basil leaves, julienne cut •Mozzarella cheese, shredded •Parmesan cheese, shredded
-Combine all ingredients except cheese and toss lightly. Roll out pizza dough to 12 inch circle and place on pan. Sprinkle 1 cup of mozzarella on dough. Spoon on tomato mixture and spread evenly over cheese. Sprinkle 1/4 cup Parmesan on top. Bake in preheated oven at 450 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until cheese starts to brown and crust is golden. Sprinkle additional 1-2 tablespoons of fresh basil over pizza before serving.
Thai stir fry •1 red onion, cut into thin wedges •2 tsp. cooking oil •1 cup green cabbage, chopped •1 cup carrots, shredded •4 green onions, sliced •1 Tbsp. grated ginger root •2 cloves garlic minced •2-3 chicken breasts cut into strips -Season chicken & grill. In skillet cook onion in hot oil
over medium heat until tender. Add remaining ingredients. Cook 2-3 minutes or until tender.
White Chicken Chili •1 can white beans •1 can black beans •1 can green chilis •1 can corn •1 can chick peas •1 cup chopped onions •2-3 cloves diced garlic •2 cooked chicken breasts, shredded
•1 packet of ranch dressing mix •1 cup sour cream or plain greek yogurt •Season with salt, pepper, cumen, and chili powder -Combine all ingredients in crock pot and let simmer for 3-4 hours. -Garnish with corn chips, cheese, cilantro and serve with corn bread.
Sweet peanut sauce
•1/4 cup creamy peanut butter •1/4 cup sugar •3 Tbsp. soy sauce •4 cloves of garlic minced •3 Tbsp. water •2 Tbsp. cooking oil -Cook in sauce pan on low to medium heat to dissolve sugar. Stir often and serve warm with the chicken wraps.
Something portable •If you find yourself without a kitchen, or no interest in cooking for a date, order something to go. This approach may compromise the flavor factor, but will still allow you to maximize the location and details of your meal.
day to try something new. Hawaii Shark Encounters offers tours, and even a shark cage encounter for about $105, and Sky dive Hawaii offers skydiving for groups starting at $140 for a group of four to nine people. Because Valentine’s Day falls on a Tuesday this year, several students are just going to treat it like any other day. Ka’eo Everett, a sophomore from Kaneohe majoring in biochemistry said, “I’m just going to do normal stuff really. Study, school, work, homework, there’s no real reason to celebrate.” Other students view it as an opportunity. Ray Banks, a junior in marketing from Utah said, “I’m going to try and find a date et another year of the Valentine’s Day dichotomy. Couples love it, to go on. That way I can still celebrate. But if that doesn’t work out singles—not so much. To the bachelor or bachelorette, Valentine’s I will still go and study and just ignore the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day can be a day of dread or a day of fun activities. So what exactly Day.” can a single person do on Valentine’s Day to enjoy himself or herself Frey added, “I don’t think I would find a single girl to hang and pass time on this semi-awkward day of single awareness? out with, it might give her the wrong idea. But I’d definitely hang out “I say get some Ben & Jerry’s, get a chick-flick, and watch it with a single guy friend, maybe watch some movies, eat popcorn, or at your house alone if you’re a guy [laughing],” said Jordan Tesimale, go to the Temple if we are feeling particularly spiritual.” a junior in marketing from Virginia. Kayla White, a freshman from Idaho majoring in ICS com John Frey, a sophomore from Florida majoring in math edu- munications said, “I’ll probably watch a bunch of romantic comedies cation said, “Back home we called it Single’s Awareness Day. All the and chick flicks, eat chocolate, go to the beach, spend time with some single people got together and hung out. I usually just find another friends, hopefully some guy friends.” guy to hang out with so we can revel in our singularity.” - C AMro n ST OC KFORD & Nate P ack e r KJ Elledge, a junior in EXS from Oahu, said, “Just think of a girl that isn’t doing anything and take her out and make it your mission for her to have a good night.” Denise Burnett, a junior from Washington majoring in ICS communications, said, “You could make a fire and throw things from your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend in it. Also you could throw a singles party and make a lot of treats.” Alexa Maxwell, a junior in elementary education from Utah, said, “Make a lot of cookies and desserts. It’s like any other day but more hearts, more red. Paint your nails all cute, have girl night, do girly things. If you don’t have somebody, then it’s like friendship day.” Karla Antivilo, a sophomore studying elementary education from Chile, said, “We’re planning on just having a Valentines Day party with just a bunch of girls,” said “Decorate people’s doors and make valentines for each other. Instead of love it’s more like friendship-love for the girlfriends. Don’t just sit and lull in your self-pity.” Askmen.com listed some great ways to spend the day as a bachelor. The list included going out and treating yourself to something you like to do. Maggie Harris, a junior from Missouri majoring in English, said, “Just go do fun stuff all day. Surf, maybe watch some chick flicks. Last year we went and saw the Justin Bieber movie.” For the students looking to be more adventurous, take the
February 9, 2012
Students dish on the best and worst pick up lines
recent survey of BYU-Hawaii students showed what students thought to be the worst and best pick up lines and what goes into making a good or a bad pick-up line. Most guys don’t believe there is even such a thing as a good, working pick-up line. Men surveyed said that a good pickup line is polite, said with a good smile and is not over-done. It is a simple, unique and creative compliment that is humorous and well-spoken, making intentions easy to understand. Bad pick-up lines, according to guys, seem rehearsed and are not original. They sound forced, are not funny or are unclear. They may not seem casual, coming off to serious or overly dramatic. As it turns out, almost all girls actually do believe that there is such a thing as a good pick-up line. They listed the qualities of a good pick-up line as funny, not creepy, clean, having confident presentation and being to the point. Bad pick-up lines were dirty, hard to understand and blatantly corny. If the pick-up line is being said seriously, when the guy does not know it is a corny pick-up line, it comes off creepy and fails to invoke a proper response from women. Kelsey Badger, a junior from Washington majoring in social work, said, “If they
have to explain stuff to you, or they think the stupid ones are actually good, then they are not going to get my attention.” Using these criteria of what makes a good and bad pick-up line, ten pick up lines were chosen, five ones that met the “good” criteria, and five that met the “bad” criteria. Students then filled out an online survey listing their favorite three, and their most disliked three. This voting system determined which ones were the best and worst pick-up lines. When asked why they voted the way they did, students responded in a variety of ways. Aaron Drumright, a freshman from California, said, “‘Poof! I’m here! Now what are your other two wishes?’ is definitely my favorite. My ex-girlfriend liked it too. But now that I look back on it, my first wish is that I never met her.” Krista Archbold, a freshman majoring in graphic design, said, “The worst was the one where the guy challenges you to turn him down. That’s the worst because then the guy is guilting you into saying yes, or if you resist and say no you feel like a jerk. Also, it shows that he has no self-esteem which is a major turn off.”
Easy to make Valentine’s: Paper heart flowers
Making these simple Valentine’s is a snap. Photo by LeeAnn Lambert
Ke Alaka’i
These simple to make flowers are made from four heart-shaped pieces of paper taped together and then at the center of the flower is a candy lollipops. 1. Fold two 3-inch by 6-inch pieces of red or pink paper in half and cut into a heart-shape keeping one side of the hearts
pickup lines
Would you mind going for a jog next week? (34.4% best)
I don’t know if you’re beautiful or not, I haven’t gotten past your eyes. (34.4% best)
Could I join you? This place is getting real busy. (37.1% best) I’m like chocolate pudding: I look gross but I’m sweet as can be! (42.4% worst) I bet you $40 you aren’t going to turn me down. (51.5% worst)
Hi, I just wanted to give you the satisfaction of turning me down. Go ahead, say no. (54.5% worst)
WORST pickup lines attached at the fold - kind of like making paper dolls. This should give you two sets of hearts that are attached. 2. Tape your two sets of two hearts together on the sides and bottom making a four-petal flower shape and leaving a small hole in the bottom of the flower for your lollipop. 3. Insert the lollipop and if you would like to, use a marker to write your Valentine’s name on it.
Being single according to Psychology: Prolif ic or Problematic? Valentine’s Day is one of the most emotionally charged holidays, with singles feeling positive and negative emotions about their relationship status. With people camped out on both sides of the emotional spectrum, psychologists believe it is necessary and appropriate to provide encouragement and research to help you manage singlehood whether you find it prolific or problematic. For those who see singlehood as problematic Keep your chin up…you’re getting smarter. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. People dislike singlehood because it is often associated with and accompanied by various forms of rejection and exclusion. According to an article on the Psychology Today website, getting rejected can make you smarter. Bella DePaulo, an author on multiple books about single life and visiting professor of psychology at UC Santa Barbara, explains a scientific study where, after writing about their past rejections, participants were quizzed on the meaning of various facial expressions. Concerning the study, De Paulo said, “The participants who had just relived a rejection or exclusion experience were better than the participants in the other two conditions at knowing which smiles were sincere and which were phony.” Rafael Ramos, a sophomore in computer science from Mexico City, believes rejection has made him smarter. He explained how things ended badly with a girl he dated because her past experience with men. He said, “I think it made me realize of how many times we lose opportunities, either because of our own fears, past experiences, or because we lose faith.” He continued, saying, “Guys [need to] realize it is not that hard and girls to see that past experiences mean nothing. Both have to learn to act and not let time go to waste by letting fear get in the way.”
For those who see singlehood as prolific Hop on the bandwagon! If you embrace staying single or promote a single lifestyle, you may feel alone, especially on a BYU campus. In all actuality, there’s a whole community of people like you and you can join the discussions on how to live a productive, single life. On the Psychology Today website, DePaulo, discusses how the single community is mobilizing and forming websites where singles can communicate about what single life is all about. She said, “I think a lot of singles like the idea of having one place where people can find lots of different bloggers who share positive perspectives on single life, and where we can gather other information and resources.” Don’t be afraid to draw on the experience from others to make singlehood a positive force for your life. Matthew Long, a former student from Ewa Beach said, “Currently I’m taken and…. don’t wish at all to be single. I guess, in my opinion, being single isn’t a bad thing but it isn’t quite a good thing either. Everybody wants somebody but there are always those who feel being single is more fun. For me, however, I feel it’s all a matter of preference.” -Marissa Elde r
Photo by Sanja Gjenero February 9, 2012
‘Amor de lejos, felices los cuatro’
Translation: ‘Long-distance relationships make four people happy’
So you live on an island, perhaps one in the middle of the largest ocean on the planet Earth. Not just that, but you attend a college on that island, and you still have another two years before graduation. You live in paradise, go surfing on the weekends and enjoy 75-degree weather year round. (Sound familiar?) Life is great, except you have one problem: Over the summer break, you went home to Augusta, Maine and fell in love. You feel like she (or he) is the love of your life. But, for whatever reason, your significant other cannot follow you back to enjoy your island experience with you. You literally cannot be farther away from that person and still live in United States territory. According to Google Maps, there are 5,789 miles separating you from the person you are meant to be with. It would take you 78 days and 6 hours to walk that distance. (Google Maps also advises to “Use caution,” as “the route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.”) With all of that in mind, whatever do you do? Never fear. You can rest assured that many of your fellow students share your pain. Long-distance relationships are often a reality for students in Laie, due to the remoteness of this island. Nowadays, due to the wonders of modern technology, maintaining a long-distance relationship is easier than ever before. Facebook, text messaging and Skype have made it possible to keep up with your relationship constantly. Imagine even 20 years ago, when the only way of communicating with your significant other would have been waiting for a letter to travel those 5,789 miles. Kaleb Valdez, a senior at BYUH, is currently in a longdistance relationship. He joked, “In Mexico they always say, ‘Amor de lejos, felices los cuatro.’” (Long-distance relationships make four people happy.) He also made sure to mention some precautions. “Be honest. If you are not that interested in that person, don’t get into a long-distance relationship. Know what you are getting into. You don’t want to be in a clingy, needy relationship, because you both have your own lives.” Ke Alaka‘i
He also wanted to make sure and note that despite the difficulties, he is very happy in his long-distance relationship and wouldn’t change it for the world. Valdez also stressed the importance of spontaneity in the communication, and not just texting or Skyping. “Change it up. Today we e-mailed and I’m thinking about snail mail.” Maria Agurto, a senior political science major, also mentioned the importance of communication in the relationship. She said, “Being honest is very important. You should also be willing to make time to call or text because communicating is very, very important in a long-distance relationship. Talk often. Send cards or gifts; we send each other cards all the time with something sweet written in them. Always say ‘I love you.’” Be there 5 miles or 5,000 miles between you and the one you love, don’t feel as if you have to give up. Nothing strengthens a relationship more than a good trial, even if that trial is the Pacific Ocean.
- Came ron Kobe r
Pictured: McKay Robertson Photo illustration by Dewey Keithly