March 14, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

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March 14, 2013

Ke Alaka i Volume 102: Issue 9


Newly elected Fisihetau and Campbell win BYUHSA jobs 8

Got Talent winners Students vote for sax quartet 10

Make dreams a reality Business experts will show you how 15

Ke Alaka i

Photo of the Week

March 14, 2013 • Volume 102: Issue 9 Editor-in-chief


M a r i ssa E l d e r

L e e An n L amb e r t

Head Photographer

Art Director

M ei Y i n

Mic h ae l Gulde n



Martin Milius Jef f M c L e o d M a kenz i e H e a d

AJ Eddy Allie Gardin e r



M a t t M cD o n a l d E m i ly Wa d d e l l Kyoko H a s e gawa

B e c c a H aw s Ste ph an ie T s e Make n z ie H e ad

MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS Lisa Tuttle, Jeff McLeod, Sydney Odell, Clover Cheng, Stephany France, Dylan-Sage Wilcox, Alec Barney, Ethan Toledo, Robinia Tan, Jennifer Herrera, Matt Bledsoe, Martin Milius, Tucker Grimshaw, Megan Tiritilli, Hailey Gardiner, Austin Meldrum. INTERNS M ei Y i n M a Vi s Ta g u ba

AD MANAGER Matth ew B le ds o e


Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762

Publisher P r in t Se r vic e s

E d i t or i a l , p h o to s u bmis s io n s & dis tr ibut i on i n qu i r i e s : ke a l a k ai@ byuh .e du. To sub sc r i be to th e R S S FEED o r to view a d d i t i o n a l a r ti cl e s , go to ke alak ai.byuh . ed u.


Newly elected BYUHSA President John Fisihetau, and Vice President Raife Campbell, pose for a photo in front of the McKay Foyer. They won a runoff election on March 7. Photo by Kyoko Hasegawa


Ke Alaka‘i

Table of Contents [page 5] How the media is inf luencing women

[page 8]

E-mail: ke a l a k a i @ by u h .e du Ad Information: ke a l a k aiads @ gmail.c o m Phone: ( 8 0 8 ) 6 7 5 - 3 6 9 4 Fax: ( 8 0 8 ) 6 7 5 - 3 4 9 1 Office: C a m p u s , A l o h a C e n te r 134


Photo of the week: Comet PanSTARRS (left) appears to the left of a slim crescent moon in Tuesday March 12 evening’s western sky. The comet rounded the sun on Sunday and is now visible low in the western evening sky. Photo by AP

T he new BYUHSA presidency

[page 11] Winner named f or Got Talent

[page 15] Business exper ts to speak at Empower Your Dreams

Share with us your photo of the week and we may feature it in our next issue. e-mail us at







The Polynesian Cultural Center continues to celebrate its golden jubilee in 2013 with the opening of “Hawaiian Journey.” Hawaii residents can get in for the $15 Hawaii Experience that includes General Admission to the seven villages around the lagoon. A Mini Missionary Training Center event will be held at the BYUH Stake Center on March 16. The theme is “Preparing to Serve.” The event is for all prospective missionaries, both young men and young women and RM’s (return missionaries).It will be held from 6:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.. BYUHSA will sponsor a St. Patrick’s Day dance on March 16. The dance will run from 9 to 11:30 p.m. in the Aloha Center Mall. Admission is a $1 for BYUH students.




the week in


“He’s a good guy to me. He’s my friend. I don’t condone what he does.” -Denis Rodman said concerning his relationship with the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, according to the Associated Press.

“This is for all of the gentlemen of a certain age.” -53 year old musher, Mitch Seavey, stated after becoming the oldest winner of Alaska’s Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, according to the Associated Press “In Hawaii it’s blatantly obvious that we’ve been putting off some of our most important policy decisions. Special interests have cornered the market on elections...” -Kory Payne of Voter-Owned Hawaii stated concerning campaign reforms, according to the Associated Press

NOTE WORTHY news headlines

Google co-founder Sergey Brin wears Google Glass glasses at an event in San Francisco, on Feb. 20. The interactive glasses cost about $1,500. Photo by AP

Google Glass: The newest mobile technology Mobile technology has jumped eons over the past 10 years and the newest edition to the mobile tech community is Google Glass. It is a pair of interactive glasses people can wear that works somewhat like a smart phone. “We started Project Glass to build technology that’s seamless, beautiful and empowering; to share the world through your eyes; to get answers and updates, instantly; to be there when you need it, and out of your way when you don’t,” says Google Glass info. Mackenzie McLeod, a junior in art from California, said of the glasses, “I feel like Google Glass is what I envisioned when I was a kid, and it is such crazy technology. Google is making is so many crazy dreams into reality.” The project was introduced in 2012. The first shipments of Google Glass are expected to roll out early this year. “My vision when we started Google 15 years ago was that eventually you wouldn’t have to have a search query at all — the information would just come to you as you needed it,” Google co-founder, Sergey Brin said in a recent TED talk. “This is the first form factor that can deliver that vision.”

The glasses will allow the user similar capabilities of smartphones, from taking pictures to sending messages, but it is completely hands free. The device works through advanced voice recognition – worn on your face, hence the glasses – enabling you to document and record what you see. There is a picture-taking mode where the glass will take a picture every five seconds. As with any new technology, the price for one of these runs the tab up roughly to $1,500. “Google Glass is being tested with plans for a finished product to be released into the mass market next year,” Andrew Keen wrote in a CNN article about Glass. Prototypes of the technology are being made and will be given to winners of a contest. “To qualify, well-heeled Google fanboys need to go to their Google+ or Twitter accounts and, in 50 words or less, using the hashtag #ifihadglass, explain how they would use Google Glass,” Keen’s article says. “We’re inviting a small group of explorers to help us discover the full potential of Glass. Follow us on our journey, and help us shape the future,” say Glass’ Google+ information. - D ylan - Sage Wilcox

March 14, 2013


could cost the state vulnerable species and cause billions of dollars in damage. Such risks will diminish if Guam’s air-drop strategy sucAn U.S. military ceeds. service member The solution to this headache, fitholds a Brown Tree Snake on Andersen tingly enough, is acetaminophen, the active Air Force Base on ingredient in painkillers like Tylenol. Unlike the island of Guam. The U.S. governmost snakes, brown tree snakes are happy ment is planning to eat prey that didn’t kill themselves, and to drop toxic mice they are highly vulnerable to acetaminophen, from helicopters to battle the snakes which is harmless to humans. that have decimat The upcoming mice drop is targeted ed Guam’s native bird population and to hit snakes near Guam’s infested Andersen could cause billions Air Force Base, which is surrounded by heavy of dollars of damfoliage. If compromised, it could offer the age if allowed to spread to Hawaii. snakes a potential ticket off the island. Using Photo by AP helicopters, the dead neonatal mice will be dropped by hand, one by one. Billany fully supports this strategy, “I think it’s a good idea. It definitely cannot hurt.” He told of past strategies aimed at the snakes. “I know that in the past they were thinking about using the mongoose to try and eat the snakes. But I guess they saw it happen in Australia where the mongooses lans to drop dead mice laced with pain- system and it messes up the whole environate all the snakes, but once the snakes killers over the Guam jungle canopy are mental balance.” were gone, the mongooses then became the in place to cure the headache of the brown Most of Guam’s native bird speproblem. I don’t think they want that. But tree snake. cies are extinct because of the snake, which [dropping toxic mice] is a good idea because Alex Billany, a freshman in market- reached the island’s thick jungles by hitching it is a way of not messing up the ecosystem ing is a native of Guam, said he grew up rides from the South Pacific on U.S. military while still killing the snakes.” dealing with the invasive brown tree snakes. ships shortly after World War II. There may U.S. government scientists have “Growing up, my mom would tell be 2 million of the reptiles on Guam now, been perfecting the mice-drop strategy for stories about Guam before the snakes were decimating wildlife, biting residents and even more than a decade with support from the an issue. She told stories about the tons knocking out electricity by slithering onto Department of Defense and the Department and tons of tropical birds everywhere, how power lines. of the Interior. she would wake up to their singing every The infestation and the toll it has To keep the mice bait from dropmorning,” Billany continued. “When I grew taken on native wildlife has tarnished Guam’s ping all the way to the ground, where it up, there weren’t any tropical birds. We had image as a tourist haven. “In Guam and in could be eaten by other animals or attract insnakes. My experience [growing up in Guam] Hawaii as well, tourism is a main industry. A sects as they rot, researchers have developed was entirely different than my mom’s. I never tropical island is a lot less appealing if there a flotation device with streamers designed to saw a single bird on the island, but snakes are no tropical birds and a lot of snakes. catch in the branches of the forest foliage, were everywhere. It was a part of life and That can affect tourism, the economy, and where the snakes live and feed. was kind of a nuisance.” the ecosystem. It’s a much bigger problem Experts say the impact on other The intrusive reptiles create havoc than just being annoying,” Billany added. species will be minimal, particularly since the for the ecosystem. Billany said, More than 3,000 miles away, snakes have themselves wiped out the birds “When the snakes eat all the birds, environmental officials in Hawaii have long that might have been most at risk. it takes out a huge player in the island’s eco- feared a similar invasion, which is estimated - Aust in Me ldru m & AP

Guam to air-drop toxic mice to stop spread of invasive snakes



Ke Alaka‘i

Objectifying Women BYUH women: The media negatively influence women’s idea of beauty


edia advertisements on television seem to give the wrong idea about what beauty means to women, causing women to resort to cosmetic surgery, unhealthy dieting, and low self esteem says researchers. Women seem to be a constant target when it comes to being sexually objectified in advertisements, which subconsciously influence the minds of women, they say.

According to an article on by Irina Webster, “Only one in five women are satisfied with their body weight. Nearly half of all normal-weight women overestimate their size and shape. A distorted body image can lead to self-destructive behavior, like dieting or eating disorders.” Women compare themselves to people on the media who are often “perfected” by digitally altering images creating unrealistic and sometimes unhuman ideas on how women should look. “Personally, I highly dislike these ads, as they suggest to both women and men that those models are the epitome of what a woman should look like physically and what women should be able to offer,” said Hana Akina, a BYU-Hawaii alumnus from the Laie. “I try not to let the women portrayed in the media influence how I live my life and my level of self-esteem. I’ve been there already, and it isn’t worth comparing myself to them. I’m just trying to be the best person and woman that I can be, according to my own standards and how I feel that Heavenly Father wants me to be.” Media products are full of images of unhealthy, skinny women, who are portrayed as “beautiful” by magazines, TV, movies and other media products that cause women to exercise abnormal eating behaviors says researchers. “I think this is happening all over the world, and it’s just getting worse and worse in my country…people see less clothes or being naked as attractive,” said Kaman Pang, a senior in marketing from Hong Kong. “Women think that the more you are willing to show your body, the more attention you will get. I think that’s why the women today are focusing on losing weight….Do not follow the culture right now. I would just be myself and dress appropriately and you will definitely gain respect from people,” added Pang. According to analysts, the reason behind women being sexually objectified by media advertisement is strictly economic. “Product industries are assured growth and profits. It is estimated that the diet industry alone is worth $100 billion (U.S.) a year. This is a lot of

money and certainly worth their while to continue to foster the idea of emancipated women as being the norm,” says Webster. “Women want to look as good as the models in the ads,” said La Rue Querido, a graphic design sophomore from the Philippines. “I think the consequence of this is that we’re spending too much time and money on products that won’t really profit us in the long run....I feel sad about how most women rely on these products to look pretty. We should learn to love our natural selves.” Wi Wisanbannawit, a senior in TESOL from Bangkok, Thailand, said, “Mass media definitely influences women. In fact, everyone, regardless of gender and age…I do not really like it when media use women in the wrong way…This also leads some women to find themselves unattractive comparing to models in media. And many suffer from low self esteem, depression, and even some diseases.” Alopa Tuifua, an alumnae from Tonga, also commented on how the media influences women. “It gives girls false expectations and boys false hope...It’s not only us women who have been given this photoshopped image to live up to, but also men and what they look for. I believe that it comes down to a simple smile and just remembering that you don’t need to degrade yourself.” - Jennife r He rre ra

March 14, 2013


Tragedy in India

Bomb blasts hit BYUH student’s hometown of Hyderabad


yderabad, India, was the target of multiple bomb blasts killing more than 16 people and injuring more than 117. The BYU-Hawaii campus is home to some Hyderabad natives. The bombing occurred Feb. 21 and has become a priority in investigation in the Indian government. Bezaleel Coneykanth Pulla, a political science senior from Hyderabad, India, said he woke up in tears as he learned his city was under attack. “I am sure some of my close friends, associates, their families, and their friends are in that blast. I personally cannot do anything to stop this,” said Pulla. But his family was all accounted for and safe and so were his friends, Pulla said, which was a relief. Police have yet to find anyone of the bombings, which are the first major bombings in India since 2011. “Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. All acts of terrorism are unjustifiable regardless of their motivation,” said the Pakistan Foreign Ministry.


Ke Alaka‘i

Children walk during a candlelight vigil to pay respects to the victims of twin bomb blasts in Hyderabad, India. Photo by AP

Pulla hopes his country will come together to fight this common enemy. “I can at least convey a message to my fellow Indians, students, members in India and everyone else to the world, that we are not going to back off at this time. We want to stand as much as united as we can to fight against the enemy rather than complaining about the political differences,” said Pulla. India is the center of a religious war between Hindus and Muslims, which may have possibly played a role in the bombing. Pulla said he took a terrorism class at BYUH and he learned after a bombing, terrorists release a message or explanation. However, there has been no such message since the bombing in India and the government has been playing it down, said Pulla. Previous to the bombing, cities in India were shut down and on strike against the government for two days. After the bombing, news stations directed the focus away from the strikes to the bombings, to unify the country, said Pulla. India civilians returned to work the next day. “What the government is doing is a painful thing,” said Pulla.

-Ale c Barne y

‘Idea Zoo’

Students work with mentors to gain marketing skills, compete for prize


o help students gain experience in marketing, as well as the joy of winning a prize sponsored by Target, the AMPS Club organized a competition on March 8. It was held at the Aloha Center Ballroom with the theme “Idea Zoo.” Inside the ballroom, pots of plants and flowers were placed everywhere around the room to make it seem like a jungle. Pictures of different animals on the walls and green tablecloths on the tables added to the jungle feeling. However, the decorations in the ballroom were not the only things that fit in to the theme. Students not only wore animal costumes, but they also painted their faces to mimic animals faces. “The theme doesn’t have anything to do with marketing. It’s just a fun title,” said Wong Li Hua, a senior in business management from Malaysia. “It’s really a fun event where students get together learning how to market. They also have the faculty to help them out.” The “Idea Zoo” was a competition with three people in a group, and since this event was sponsor by Target, the goal was to advertise Target to Spanish-speaking people with Spanish-speaking people helping students at the event. They had to build a Facebook page, print their marketing plan and then shoot a 5-minute video explaining their plan. Printer sand video cameras were provided and they were given the time from 7 p.m. till midnight to complete the tasks. There were also mentors with different expertise to give students advice on their marketing plan. “All graphic design is part of the advertising and advertising is to do a marketing research, “ said

Above: Students and mentors pause for a picture during the “Idea Zoo,” where student groups competed to produce a Facebook page targeting Spanish speakers. The event was put on by the AMPS Club and offered a prize of an iPad mini supplied by Target. Photos by Kyoko Hasegawa

Brandon Truscott, the chair of Visual Arts Department. He advised students by asking them the questions like, “How is the consumer going to buy their product? What is going to motivate them to tell their friend to go to their page?” Students who attended the competition were not only doing so for the marketing experience but they also were motivated by the prize of an iPad mini. One of the competitors, Aubrey Rasmussen, a senior majoring in graphic design from Texas, said she participated in the competition “because of the iPad mini” and it will also be “good on her resume.” Awards were to be given out later in the week. -Robinia Tan

March 14, 2013


The New


President and Vice President

John Fisihetau & Raife Campbell


Ke Alaka‘i

BYUHSA will have John Fisihetau and Raife Campbell as the new 2013-14 student leaders starting April 15. They won by just 25 votes against opponents Wonki Lee and Josaia Moimoi. In their campaign information, Fisihetau and Campbell describe themselves is service orientated and willing to work. They said their passion and commitment is to unite BYU-Hawaii students as “One Love, One Heart, One Ohana, meaning that students from over 75 countries can join together to create a better future, today.” They pledged to learn and love the needs and concerns of the student body; lead through a positive example and a desire to improve; and build each student to become their unique potential in order to strengthen their sphere of influence. “We are driven to serve, empowered by you, our peers to bring about positive change, and value each student’s important role in being a member of BYU-Hawaii’s Ohana,” says their campaign literature. Leading up to the final BYUHSA presidency elections, students had the chance to attend a final question and answer session with the two teams of candidates. Then for the two days after the Q&A, students were given the opportunity to vote, electing Fisihetau and Campbell. The Q&A took place on the stage side of the Aloha Center Ballroom on March 5. It began with a practice round, asking questions to all the candidates such as why they attend BYUH. Each candidate was given two minutes to respond. For the real Q&A, each of the candidates were given a single question to answer on the spot. The questions were all previously asked by students and each candidate was questioned about the various motives or actions they had or committed to do. The candidates each answered in turn laying bare their attitudes towards the subjects discussed. “The questions were much more direct than last week,” said Fisihetau, “which gave the candidates a little more teeth to dig in to answering all the questions.” Fisihetau said he appreciated the questions this week because they gave him the ability to get across more of what he wanted to really say. Lee agreed saying he “really liked the questions that we had because the right questions make us think. And we speak about

the questions with our heart.” He added later, “I think it was a great chance for the audience to understand who we really are and what we really are going to do.” After each of the candidates was asked their pre-determined questions, the time was given to the audience to ask the candidates whatever they wanted. Only one question was asked. It asked about what the candidates would do to address making all the various cultures on campus feel comfortable as one. -e t han t o ledo

Some of the issues in their campaign literature that Fisihetau and Campbell said they hope to work on over the next year are: • Streamline BYU-Hawaii processes for students • Understand and be transparent about school regulations and methods such as student job training and I-Work • Create of a personal line of communication between students and leaders of the school through a newsletter, meetings, mix and mingle BBQ with the President’s Council in conjunction with NSO, and improve feedback and communication. • Help every student to do an internship, provide world-class seminar for students to learn to hold effective meetings, support sports teams by having each cultural club sponsor events, and hold a student Olympics • Work on Hale/Off-campus student housing conditions and regulations • Job creation through new ventures like a school radio station, on-campus dry cleaner and day-care system. • Work on reconstruction to make it consistent and user friendly

Left: Newly elected BYUHSA President John Fisihetau, and right, Vice President Raife Campbell, will begin their term as leaders of BYUHSA in April. Photos by Kyoko Hasegawa March 14, 2013


Top 5 ‘Got Talent’

Audience votes Saxidentals No.1 Students and faculty alike congregated in the Cannon Activities Center on March 9, for BYU-Hawaii’s Got Talent: Final Five show. The contestants in the final five acts competed for the champion spot, which was decided by a text vote from the audience. Results of the text vote are as follows: CHAMPION(S): Saxidentals A saxophone quartet including Derrick “Van” Calhoun on soprano sax, siblings Terina and Ian Christy on alto and tenor sax, and Benjamin Hoff on bass sax took the top prize. The quartet played “Trashin’ the Camp,” by Phil Collins from Disney’s “Tarzan. “The group included three drummers banging on various instruments including metal trash cans and congas. The audience clapped along to the rhythm during the performance, making the song enjoyable for everyone.

“We didn’t think anyone would really like us and our style. We aren’t the typical pop culture group. It was very satisfying to just move on to the top five. After finding out we had won first place, we were blown away,” said Ian Christy, a junior in graphic design from Laie. “We thought, ‘Oh... we just made it to the top five because the judges are fluent in music and know what they are doing and recognize talent.’ We all doubted we would win because once the student voters became the judges, in my mind it wasn’t a talent show anymore, it was a popularity contest. We were surprised and excited when we found out that we had taken first.” Runner-up: Dallin Coburn and Daniel Edwards The only duo of the show featured Coburn with vocals and ukulele, and Edwards on the bongos. They played a medley

consisting of “What Makes You Beautiful,” by One Direction, “Ehu Girl,” by Kolohe Kai, and “I Can Love You Like That,” by John Michael Montgomery. Edwards revealed his long-practiced talent through a bongo solo, placing his forehead on the drum while beating it with his hands. “Dan and I had a great time getting ready for the second round. We wanted to step things up, so we decided to do a medley and the response was great. We had so much fun performing and were really happy with the results. The Saxidentals rocked and deserved first place. A big thanks goes out to everyone for their love and support,” said Coburn, a sophomore from Nevada. 3rd Place: Instakookys The contemporary dance group of 15 members strut their stuff to a mix including “Technologic” by Daft Punk, “Boom!” by The Roots, and “Whoomp! (There It Is)”

Pictured below are the Saxidentals; top left to right: Dallin Coburn and Daniel Edwards, Instakookys, John Osel Diaz, and a member of the Sound Waves; bottom right: the entire Sound Waves group. Photos by Kyoko Hasegawa


Ke Alaka‘i

by Tag Team, among others. Their choreography varied between members showing off their individual capabilities and the united movements of the group as a whole. At one point, the team stood in a single file line and created a wave with their bodies. 4th Place: Sound Waves The men’s acapella chorale sung “Some Nights,” by FUN. JiHoon Kang was featured as a soloist, switching registers to sing in falsetto and wowing the crowd toward the end of the song. The number also included the beat boxing talents of Keanu Lee Chip Sao. Though the president of the group was not in attendance, the remaining 13 members worked hard to provide the audience with

another impressive performance. 5th Place: John Osel Diaz The electric guitarist played and sung, “Just the Way You Are,” by Bruno Mars. Diaz was accompanied by Aaron Knudsen on the bass and Joseph Bangal on the drums. After singing a few verses, Diaz broke into a solo, which riled students in the crowd immediately. His quick paced, graceful fingers combined with his genuine enjoyment facial expressions made his act a joy to watch and listen to. Participants in the competition received one month after the auditions to

prepare for the Top Ten show, where they were recommended to advance to the Final Five by judges. Those who were selected to perform in the Final Five show received a week and a half to prepare, and this time they were evaluated by their peers. Paige Pierson, a sophomore in ICS from Colorado, said, “I thought [the show] went well. I liked the variety of acts, though I felt like the contestants weren’t as prepared this time. It was still fun to watch.” - Ste ph any France

March 14, 2013



Fine Arts faculty display their talents


he two-week faculty art show in the McKay Auditorium displayed the works of art created by various members of the BYU-Hawaii faculty. The display, which started on March 1 had the theme of photographic interpolations. It is put on once every year and displays different forms and styles of artwork. One of the artists featured is Jeff Merrill. His semi-abstract portraits have side-by-side comparisons with the photos he used to recreate the images through various mediums. Some of his works include “Crown Jewel,” and a charcoal piece called “3 Degrees of Rembrandt.” Jay Merryweather brought in some classical looking works that leaned more towards Christianity and the LDS Church with his pictures, “First Parents,” “The Smiths,” and “Prophet.” “He got eyes, noses, mouths and arms all from different images and pieced them all together,” explained Brandon Truscott, the chair of the Visual Arts Department. “It looks like a classical, old, antique painting, but done in this way where he’s borrowing everybody else’s photograph.” The beard of the subject in “Prophet” came from a biker. Also included with Merryweather’s work was a set of three


Ke Alaka‘i

University photographer and BYU-Hawaii instructor Monique Saenz checks out the art exhibit featuring work done by BYUH faculty. Below: One of the pieces on display. Photos by Matt MacDonald

QR codes that would connect smart phone users to an animated painting with changing backgrounds or subjects. Bringing in work that is both simple and elegant, Monique Saenz used simple shapes and color to make a beautiful work with her “Interpolation of Form.” Saenz said, “While photographing at a busy and chaotic construction site, I encountered a pile of plastic PVC pipes along with some other interesting subject matters. The repetition of circles captured my attention, and I was immediately struck by the simple truth that sometimes the most ordinary things can be made extraordinary, simply by visualizing them in a new distinct way.” “I’m one that really loves simple yet beautiful things,” said Welina Mills, an undeclared freshman from Hauula. “These three pictures are actually very beautiful. They might just be regular pipes, but the way the artist portrayed them has a simple beauty to it.” Jacob Jackson also had his work highlighted although different for Merrill’s. Jackson took photographs of some of the local graffiti and made it symmetrical. He took those patterns and used them on different pieces of ceramics. Some of his pieces include “& Etc.,” “Circle 4,” and “@ Save.”

Truscott brought a “darker” series of pictures with “Dark Room Doom.” The set of 12 pictures shows a sort of before-and-after of their modeling of the dark room in McKay 168. Truscott said, “Before they came in and did the demolition, I just took some shots to document what it would look like.” He paired those he documented with the after pictures. Then he overlaid each picture with different letters to spell out the title of the series, “DARK ROOM DOOM.” The faculty art show ends on March 15. The student art show is scheduled to start on April 2.

-e than Tole do

understanding culture through music helps us to understand people and where Students gain insight about others by listening they come from.” Katie Kim, a junior in communito and performing music


cation from South Korea, was one of the performers who sang on behalf of the Korean Chapter. “Since we were singing a traditional ore than 130 students from song, we decided to wear our traditional various cultural backgrounds clothes to represent the culture,” said Kim, crowded into the Aloha Center on March referring to the womens’ elaborate costumes. 8 for an Intercultural Music Event hosted “It is a song that we sang during the time we by the McKay Center. The event aimed to were colonized by Japan. It reminded us of foster understanding through the medium of the spirit of Korea, our home.” performance. Representing the Indonesian Chap With performances in more than ter, Ezra Ksatrya, a senior in music, played 10 languages, representing countries like the piano for a song named “Indonesian Indonesia, Samoa and Canada, students had Heritage,” which holds a special meaning in the opportunity to hear both instrumental their culture. “I wish people could underand vocal ensembles, as well as a Fijian rap stand Indonesian, so they can understand the number. story behind the song,” he Ksatrya. “It really “Despite our many differences, we is a happy song.” all share a common language in music” said Halfway through the event, the eveCatherine Castillo, a junior in HTM from ning’s host invited students, who felt inspired Florida, who performed the FIFA World to come up and perform their cultural song. Cup hit song, “Waving Flag,” in Spanish Daniel LeBaron, an ICS senior from as part of a trilingual rendition alongside Utah, jumped at the chance to be on stage several friends. “Music truly is the universal performing a Yiddish song named “Shnirele language,” she said. Perele.” “It’s about time we had an informal McKae Joyner, a senior in ICS: cultural event like this” LeBaron said. “I was Humanities from Washington, was one of the glad I got to share something special about peacebuilders who put on this intercultural my Jewish heritage.” night. “I was inspired to expand this event, “It is sweet for us to see how simiwhich was originally a gospel forum last selar a lot of our music cultures are,” said Aria mester, in hopes that more people would be Een, a senior in music from Nevada. “It’s a able to perform a variety of pieces,” she said. great doorway to connect students from dif“Overall, I just knew this was an important ferent cultures.” project to take on. I love music, and I love - sydn ey o dell an d clove r che ng culture so this just seemed like a natural combination of those two ideas. Music truly The McKay Center sponsored a peacebuilding cultural music night on March 8 in the Aloha Center Mall. Top to bottom: Korean Chapter members wait to perform at the event; the Samoan sisters group sings; David Whippy from Fiji raps an original song; members of the Latino Club perform; and Keanu Lee beat boxes representing Tahiti. Photos by Kyoko Hasegawa March 14, 2013


Career Fair >> Students meet recruiters to learn about jobs & internships


o help students obtain opportunities and plan for the future, BYU-Hawaii Career Services sponsored the Career Fair held on March 7 in Aloha Center Ballroom. In the ballroom, booths of various job recruiters were filled with pamphlets, gifts, snacks, and even multimedia to attract students and faculty to their tables. It was an opportunity for students to network with international and local recruiters and learn about job requirements and how to apply for jobs. Alexi Burr, a senior majoring in business management from Florida, said, “Some of the things they offer here help you to network and start looking for the internships, volunteer opportunities, graduate programs in various schools like medical, law, and business, as well as just finding a job for after you graduate.” While companies often require degrees in a subject, GEICO insurance representatives said the company does not require a degree but it still prefers if the student has a degree. Jennifer Pietri, the human resources manager, said, “Students that apply at Geico really need to enjoy helping A participant in the Career Fair takes people because you are down information. helping people over the phone. So you need to be naturally nice and have a great attitude, very positive and friendly.” For graduate school, students need to have at least a 3.0 GPA or 80 in TOELF, as well as a specific bachelor degree to apply.


Ke Alaka‘i

Top: Representatives from Target talk with people at the Career Fair on March 7 in the Aloha Center Ballroom. Above: Joshua Riboldi speaks with a recruiter from Intrax. Photos by Matt MacDonald

On the contrary, recruitment into government services like police officers and the U.S. Army and Navy, only require a degree depending on the jobs graduates wish to apply for. Some police officers can apply with a valid driver’s license, a high school diploma, be over age 20, and permission from the U.S. government. However, some officers’ jobs require them to be in charge of technology and computers that require an IT degree. Stuart L. Worthius, the chair for BYU-Hawaii’s Computer Information Science Department, was also seen walking around observing the various booths and talking to the recruiter for some information. He said, “I want to see what job opportunities are out here so we can make sure our students get the best possible jobs and to make sure what we are teaching is relevant for the current job market.” However, Stacy Christensen, a sophomore in graphic design from Washington, said the Career Fair didn’t have job opportunities for people with her major. “I am a graphic design major,” she said. “[The fair] didn’t seem that helpful to me because they are not targeting people with my major.” -Robinia Tan

Left to right: Businessmen Scott Peterson, Mark Willes and Gary Crittenden will all be speaking at the conference and business plan competition.

Empower Your Dreams

2013 Empower Your Dreams Conference & New Venture Competition sponsored by the The Willes Center March 18 -21

Come listen to the business experts


hree LDS business experts will be speaking at the Empower Your Dreams and New Venture Competition next week. The Willes Center will be hosting the events. The keynote speaker, Elder Gary Crittenden, will speak on March 20 at 7 p.m.; Scott Petersen will speak on March 18 at 3 p.m.; and Mark H. Willes will speak on March 21 at 4 p.m. All the speeches will take place in the Aloha Center Ballroom. Richard Tanner, director of The Willes Center, said of Willes and Crittenden, “They are the best combination of spiritual speakers.” Willes will be speaking at the commencement ceremony of the competition. Willes is who The Willes Center is named after. He started his career as a business professor and then became president of General Mills. He later became the CEO of Times Mirror Company and publisher of the “Los Angeles Times.” He served as mission president of the Hawaii Honolulu Mission from 2001-2004 and as a chairman of the board for the Polynesian Cultural Center. Crittenden will be speaking on the first day of the conference, on the topic of “How Entrepreneurship Builds the King-

dom.” Tanner, who knows him personally, stated this of Crittenden, “He is considered to be on of the leading business professionals in the country let alone the church.” He continued, “He has integrity in the core of his bones, and he is one of my heroes, actually.” Shawn Tanner, Richard Tanner’s wife, stated, “People are really missing out if they don’t go to this.” Crittenden serves as an Area Authority in the Salt Lake Valley. He graduated from BYU in Provo in 1976 and Harvard Business School in 1979. Crittenden started his career at Bain and Company and went on to become the CFO of several large companies including Sears, Monsanto, American Express, and Citigroup. Crittenden is now a managing partner of Huntsman Gay Global Capital, a private equity firm headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif. He now resides in Salt Lake City with his wife of 37 years. Tim Zemp, a junior majoring in business finance from Canada and co-chairman of the Willes Center conference and competition, said of Crittenden, “He spoke at the 2011 LDS Business Conference in Park City, Utah, where top church officials and businessmen came to listen to him speak as

keynote speaker, and he floored everyone.” Petersen will be speaking in a pre-conference training entitled “Principles and Attributes of Successful leaders.” Petersen is the managing director for the BYU Marriott School’s Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology, whose program is rated third in the nation by the Princeton Review. Petersen serves on the board of directors for Health & Benefit Systems, one of the largest voluntary benefits companies for large corporations and hospitals in the country; APU Solutions, the market leader for salvage and alternative parts for the auto industry; and Millenniata, a technology company specializing in archival and long-term data storage. Petersen is a longtime entrepreneur, having harvested three businesses in addition to founding or partnering in his current businesses. According to the BYU Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, Petersen’s management philosophy includes, “Establishing an environment of honesty, integrity, trust, high performance, establishing clear expectations, providing consistent performance feedback, setting significant goals, and evaluating progress.” - Tucke r Grimshaw

March 14, 2013



Left: The BYUHawaii spirit and dance teams pose for a photo at one of the games this season. Photo courtesy BYUH

From the men’s point of view: Kouts, Mason, Johnson talk about their role on the cheer team


Kouts, a junior in biology from Mesa, Ariz. “I had a few friends already cheerleading. They enjoyed it and said that it would be fun so I gave it a try,” said Kouts. “Jon played hard to get,” added Mason. “It took Justin and me a while to persuade him. After a couple practices, he realized that it was going to be worth it, as we all did,” said Johnson. Besides being a good way to spend their leisure time, the three friends said they are really enjoying their time on the squad. Cheer is not as easy as I Kouts said he likes performing in front of a crowd and the pressure that comes with it. “It’s the thrill that gets my adrenaline imagine. Everyone should racing,” he said. While it may be thrilling, being a male cheerleader have mad respect for what is also hard work. “The role of the male cheerleader is to show the girls’ talthese girls do. ents off. We are there to throw the girls in the air and to help them -Jonathan Kouts do amazing tricks,” said Johnson. “I suddenly had all this free time and needed something to Kouts said, “Cheer is not as easy as I imagine. Everyone do,” he said because of the breakup. Johnson said he thought joining should have mad respect for what these girls do.” Although females the cheerleading team “it might be a fun way to meet new people are the stars of the squad, the male cheerleaders bring more to the and spend my time.” Then he decided to get his friends involved too, gym than tumble support. Johnson said with a laugh. “The boys really help support the team and bring us all “I really would have never joined the team if it weren’t for together as a one big family,” said Haley Bleazard, a sophomore in D.J. He was very convincing,” said Justin Mason, a rookie cheerleader biology from Cedar City, Utah. “It’s a lot more than just getting and sophomore in business from Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. the crowd riled up and the boys know that.” After joining the team and convincing one of his roommates - Blake ly Gu ll to join the squad, Johnson continued recruitment with Jonathan

redominantly a female sport, male cheerleaders are typically harder to find. However, four men found their way to the BYU-Hawaii campus and became cheerleaders, and it all started with a breakup. D.J. Johnson, a sophomore in intercultural peace building from Phoenix, Ariz., said he had just broken up with his girlfriend when he started contemplating joining the BYUH cheerleading team.


Ke Alaka‘i

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