March 8, 2012
Ke Alaka i Volume 99: Issue 8
Treasure Hunt Using GPS to go on an adventure 6
SIFE in Tuvalu SIFE team helps prepare the future generation of Tuvalu 8
Ke Alaka i
Table of Contents
March 8, 2012 • Volume 99: Issue 8 Kent carollo
ed i t or - i n - ch i e f
advis o r
DEWEY KEITHLY hea d p hot og ra p h e r COPY EDITORS
Kel sey R oye r, A my Ca rl st o n , M a r i s s a E l d er, Tay l o r R i p py
L in ds ay B an c ro ft Jame s C h o i, Alex L e n g, Jas o n B row n
M ei Y i n Dewey Ke i th ly Ba r t Jo l l ey
Mic h ae l Gulde n Ste ph an ie T s e C o n o r Riley
MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS Na t ha n Pa cke r, E l l e n Wyn n , An drew Lyo n , C a m ro n S to ck f o rd , G i s e lle Ramire z , Make n zi e H ea d , N a ta l i e D rewe r y, C ame ro n Ko b e r, A b i gay l e B u tl e r, K a s h a B an dman n , Mo rgan B ouwh u i s , A a ro n C o f f ey INTERNS S uza nn e T u ttl e Phi l l i p A n d r u s
AD MANAGER Aaro n Knuds e n
[page 8]
An Eve ni ng of F i ne Ar t s recogni zes work do n e by BYU H f acu l t y
Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762
P r in t Se r vic e s
E d i t o r i a l , p h o to s u bmis s io n s & dis tr ibut i on i n q u i r i e s : ke a l a k ai@ byuh .e du. To sub s cr i be t o th e R S S FEED o r to view a d d i t i o n a l a r ti cl e s , go to ke alak ai.byuh . ed u.
Mika Bailey teaches in Tuvalu. BYU-Hawaii’s SIFE team visited Tuvalu to help solve problems the nation is facing as the atoll in slowly going under water. Photo by Bart Jolley
SI F E t eam v i si t s Tu val u an d wo rk s wi th st u dent s t here
[page 10]
Ge o c achi ng i s a moder n-day t reasu re hu nt
E-mail: Ad Information: Phone: (808) 675-3694 Fax: (808) 675-3491 Office: Campus, Aloha Center 134
Ke Alaka‘i
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After days of rain pouring down on Oahu, “Lake Laie” formed in the front field of the university. This shot was taken on the morning of March 5. Photo courtesy of Glenn Kau
Seasi der Spor t s U pdat es
Robert R. Holland D.C., L.M.T.
Specializing in Medical Massage and Soft Tissue
Rehabilitation for Whiplash Injury, Neck Pain and Back Pain No Fault Insurance Accepted KAHUKU-NORTHSHORE 56-119 Pualalea Street TEL:293-0122
N’ Wild Water Park trip. 10 Wet Fiji Club members pay $10 and
Japanese Club Talent Show in the Aloha Center Ballroom. 8 to 10 p.m.
NOTE WORTHY news headlines
students pay $20. Meet at Little Circle at 9 a.m., buses leave the Water Park at 4:30 p.m. and arrive back to BYUH at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the Aloha Center Front Desk.
play, “Lady Windermere’s 15 The Fan” by Oscar Wilde, will be per-
formed at 7:30 p.m. in the McKay Auditorium through March 17. Tickets available for $2, $3, and $5 at the Aloha Center front desk or the night of each performance.
the week in
“ Even though we migh t n o t be t o t a l ly cl e ar where the p a t h lea d s o r wha t l i es ahead, we are s u p p os e d t o ma ke choices, get o n wit h it , st ep i nto the darkness a n d lea r n a s we go. But as in all t h ing s , t he L ord has not left us wi t h o u t he lp a s we go f orward. He h a s p rovid e d a proc ess f or lear ning a nd g rowi ng.” -Ll oy d Baird in his March 6 Devot i onal. “ T he pr ice of freedom ha s bee n t oo hi gh and the conse q u e n ces o f nonpa r ticipation are too g re a t f o r a ny ci tizen to f eel that t hey ca n i gnore their responsib ilit y.” -El der Quentin L. Coo k o n t h e i mpor tance of getting invo lve d in pol i t i c al issues. “ I t ha s taught me that n o m a t t er how b a d or how great t h ing s a re goi ng i n your lif e, you have t o keep pushing and keep wo rk ing.” -Ja ke D astr up, senior E X S s t u d en t f rom Oregon, on what he lea r ne d f rom basketball.
Mustapha El Akkari with Kesa Kaufusi (left), and Jin Choi with Colton Brunson (right), were announced as the winners of the primary BYUHSA presidential elections on March 2.
BYUHSA candidates down to 2 teams The BYUHSA election has narrowed down the BYUHSA candidates to the team of Jin Choi and Colton Brunson and also Mustapha El Akkari and Kesa Kaufusi. This year, 2012, was the first year the voting was done online. 1,163 or 42 percent of the students voted online, which was an increase from the 1,060 students who voted last year. BYUHSA Vice President Chak Wong said, “I think that the online voting was a success. There was a picture of the candidates so student voters knew who they were voting for. We are working on putting
their platforms next to them when people are voting online next year.” The question and answer was also more interactive this year. About 80 people at the event who were able to text questions for the candidates to answer. There was also a game portion of the question and answer where candidates were asked trivia questions about different cultures, the student body and BYU-Hawaii. Students will vote on March 8 and 9 again online to decide which team will lead BYUHSA during the 2012-13 year. -Su zanne Tu tt le
Some tension has surfaced on facebook forums in regard to BYU-Hawaii’s nine-semester policy. The policy states in the General Catalog: “Students are expected to graduate with a maximum of nine semesters in residence and it is expected that they attend at least one Summer semester....Students who fail to make progress because of repeated failures will still need to finish within the given allotment of semesters, but they may need to graduate with a different major or with an Associate’s degree.” The policy also says fully online coursework or internships can be exceptions. Student concern about the policy, and those who have experienced its enforcement, has sparked the founding of a Facebook group meant to serve as a forum for students. The group’s founder, Eunice Tan, said; “I started the group because some of my friends are affected by the nine semesters and were forced to graduated with a University Studies [degree].” There will be a forum in the Auditorium at 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 8. There -ke lse y roye r will also be a President’s Q&A on March 19 at 11 a.m. in ACR 155/165. t Ge ed olv Inv
March 8, 2012
A painting by Jeff Merrill depicts the “laborers in the field” parable. It was part of “An Evening withe the Fine Arts” event featuring artwork and performances by Fine Arts faculty. Also pictured is Dwight Miller’s photography and Jacob Jackson’s ceramics. Photo by Bart Jolley
BYUH Fine Arts faculty display their talents The second annual faculty art show hosted by the BYU-Hawaii Fine Arts Department, “An Evening with the Fine Arts,” was marked on Friday, March 2 in the McKay Auditorium. Starting at 6 p.m. and continuing into the evening, the Fine Arts faculty were available for questions and interpretations of their art. The evening’s crescendo was a live presentation of several pieces of music orchestrated by Fine Arts faculty members. The faculty art show in the lobby of the McKay Auditorium will stay on display for the next week. One of the larger pieces in the show is an oil painting labeled “Laborers in the vineyard” by Professor Jeff Merrill, who is from Idaho. “I started about a year ago,” he said, “and it’s actually not quite finished, but close enough to hang for the show.” The piece is done in oil on a stretched canvas and Merrill said he has a LDS Church art purchaser who he wants to show the finished product with hopes of having it placed in a temple. All around on the walls of the lobby are the photographs 4
Ke Alaka‘I
by Professor Dwight Miller, originally from California. One photo in particular he pointed out shows his approach to art. “You always have to be ready,” Miller said pointing to a photograph titled “Paving Paradise.” He continued, “If you don’t take the time to look and notice, you’ll walk right by.” Miller said he found this photograph while walking to campus after a rainstorm and noticing the colors of oil and water in a puddle in the parking lot. Throughout the lobby there are three-dimensional sculptures on display created by locally grown Laie resident Professor Jacob Jackson. Jackson pointed out one massive ceramic piece with intricate blue flowers all over it. “These designs are actually crystals that form in the glaze at temperatures around 1,900 degrees Fahrenheit,” he said. Jackson also has several driftwood-based pieces on display. Another display is one that has been anticipated for weeks on campus by the cryptic posters reading, “Who is Ôd?” Professor Brandon Truscott, who also hails from California, and has been preparing this symbolically charged display for months. “It actually reads like a book from left to right, and you really have to see it to understand it,” Truscott cautioned. He said he plans to publish the series as a book and will only need to make a few stylistic changes to prepare it for printing. -AN DREW LYON
Oscar Wilde satire to open on campus
The Oscar Wilde play is full of drama and twists set in a Victorian era. Cast member Camron Stockford, a sophomore majoring in political science from Oregon, got cast late in the play but expressed his excitement for the production. “I am a big fan of Oscar Wilde’s ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan’ work. He provides amazing social commentary in a witty, satirical way that makes me is set in Victorian era laugh.” “With ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan’,” “Lady Windermere’s Fan,” the classic foursaid Stockford, “there is a lot of situational act comedy written by Oscar Wilde, will be brought to life as a vision of Director Gailyn humor and irony, which is always a delight for me.” Bopp for the Winter play at BYU-Hawaii. The cast and production crews are When Bopp was asked to direct the Winter play, she said she was thrilled at the working hard to bring the Victorian set to life with only a five-week turnaround time chance to produce Wilde’s four act comedy. from the hit winter musical, “The Sound of “This play contains great characters that reMusic.” The Victorian-style costumes will quire our cast to stretch themselves.” “I have always longed to be a part require elaborate details to set the tone and create dramatic impact for the characters. of the visually enticing production of ‘Lady Heading the costume design is Teryl Soren. Windermere’ and am excited to have the Liana Tan, an undeclared freshman chance to direct it.” from Utah, will be starring in the upcoming Bopp emphasized her appreciation play and is looking forward to the costumes. for her cast. “Our cast is amazing. Their willingness to try different things is incredible “When I first heard about the play, I was not familiar with it at all, but I really wanted and will be greatly appreciated.”
Ben Nelson and Makenzie Head practice for the upcoming Winter play “Lady Windermere’s Fan.” Photo by Dewey Keithly
to land a role because I wanted to wear the costumes.” Soren said she appreciates her students for continuing to work hard to accomplish everything in time. “Lady Windermere’s Fan” opens in the Mckay Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 15 and runs through March 17. You can buy tickets at the Aloha Center front desk or before each show at the auditorium box office. Admission is $2 for BYUH students with student ID, $3 for faculty and staff, and $5 for general admission. - n atalie dre we ry
DMBA official outlines student health insurance benefits Students learned more about the benefits and limitations of student insurance from a local administrator of the Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators on Thursday, March 1 in the Aloha Center. Tai Vuniwai, the administrator over DMBA, gave a presentation and also answered students questions. What follows are some of the main points covered in his presentation, but Vuniwai wanted all students to know this policy: “If its not an emergency, make sure you go to the Health Center [on campus] first.” Some of the other student insurance policies are: • Students who are in school and are taking eight or more units are automatically enrolled in the DMBA insurance. • International students must add all dependants to their plan while domestic students have the option to do so. • If you acquire a new dependent through marriage, birth or adoption you may enroll the new spouse or child within 60 days. • A student’s insurance ends the day before the beginning of the next semester after you graduate, withdraw or otherwise lose your continuing student status. However, if you would like to continue coverage, you may enroll in Extended Coverage for up to nine months afterward.
• If you leave school for an accepted internship you are covered assuming you are returning to school thereafter. If you have found the internship yourself, you should talk to a Student Insurance representative to make sure you are covered. • Also, if you happen to get hurt during summer break or winter break, you are covered. “We need to be on the ball when it comes to our insurance,” said Omar Jackson, a senior in supply chain management from Florida. “We can’t just assume that everything taken care of. We need to know where to get it and how it works so we can be prepared.” Sung Jin Lim, a freshmen in accounting from Korea, said he came to the meeting to sort out how billing for student insurance is done. “The main reason we came was we went to the hospital because she had an operation,” he said. “We have lots of bills, and we wanted to see how much of it we would have to pay. We learned who was in charge of the bills and everything,” he added. More information can be found at or by going to the Student Insurance Office in the Aloha Center room 162. -NA TE P ACKER March 8, 2012
A 21st Century treasure hunt in your own back yard
Photo by Dewey Keithly
just think it’s interesting going out and finding things in different places that I wouldn’t have known were there otherwise. Plus it’s a little treasure hunt, and that’s fun.” GPS devices are easier to come by than they used to be. All smartphones have GPS capability. One can use programs such as Google Maps for Android phones and the Maps program for the iPhone to locate these points and direct you to them. Some compass apps may have this function as well. Daniel Graves, an undeclared sophomore from Utah, said, “I might go. I’ve done it before and sometimes it was fun, and sometimes it wasn’t. And being in Hawaii I could definitely see it being fun. But I wouldn’t do it alone. It would be fun to do with the right group.” Usually the geocaches will be
something small in size, like a pill bottle. The Website will tell you what the general size of the cache is when you are on the site. Inside the cache, there are usually some items and a log book. “It sounds boring,” said David Takasaki, an undeclared freshman from Utah. “I feel like the motivator at the end just isn’t good enough for me,” There are some general rules that geocachers are expected to abide by. Fill out the log book with your name and date that you found the cache, and later report your experience with finding it online. This will help provide feedback to others who may have trouble finding the cache. Another rule that is expected to be followed is if you take any of the items in the cache, then you should replace it with another item of equal or greater value. “It sounds kind of fun,” said Nick Ord, an undeclared sophomore from California. “I like doing things outdoors, and that seems like a cool, fun little adventure.”
Geocaching is a modern-day form of treasure hunting. But instead of using treasure maps with an X to mark the spot, hunters input latitude and longitude coordinates into a GPS and are led to the vicinity of the treasure known as a “cache.” In order to begin geocaching, obtain coordinates from an online Website like This Website does require a free account with its site in order to access its coordinates. The whole process takes about five minutes. Input your postal code, or the postal code of the area you want to search in, and the site will generate a list of cataloged caches in the general area. Click on the title of the one you want, and it will take you to a new page with all the information needed, such as description of the place to find the cache, size of the cache, and occasionally a hint. Sometimes the description and hint will be vague, and sometimes it will be blunt and tell you exactly where to look. Parker Lovett, a sophomore majoring in English from California, said, “I’ve done it before but not since I’ve been here. I 6
Ke Alaka‘i
- C am ron st ockford
Girl Scout Cookie
Girl Scout Cookies. “I’ve had a love affair with Samoas my entire life. Coconut and caramel does it for me, but short bread and chocolate is a bonus. Unfortunately I am out A survey done by The Girl Scouts Of Amer- of money at the moment, and I don’t think I ica unveiled, to the surprise of some cookie can buy any this year.” connoisseurs, Thin Mints as the most popu- Patricia Kwok, a senior majoring lar of the Girls Scout cookies, with Samoas in graphic design from Hong Kong used to taking the cake for second most popular and be a Girl Scout. “I was nervous to approach Tagalogs tagging along for third place. March people at first because I had just come to the is National Girl Scout Cookie month, which US but I got used to it and had fun. Selling means over 3.2 million girls ages 8-17 will be cookies is a good memory.” She continued, flooding the streets looking for sales. “I’ll always buy Girl Scout cookies to support Jacob Patterson, a San Francisco the little girls. They work hard and besides, I native traveling through Laie is crazy about love the Do-Si-Dos.”
Amanda Mark, a senior majoring in political science from Seattle Washington, likes Thin Mints the most. “Mint and chocolate are two of my favorite flavors. If the girls come at the right time when I’m home and I have money, I will definitely get a box.” Kaha’i Polvado, a freshman majoring in biology from Laie, is another fan of Samoas. “When I eat the caramel and coconut I feel like I’m camping. I will always, always buy them.” Look for the girls in the little green vests outside Foodland to get your cookies on Friday and Saturday March 10 and 11 or go to - Abigayle Bu tle r
MARCH Tuesday 6 March
Wednesday 7 March
Thursday 8 March
9:00 p.m. ANITA HUMMEL, MONDORO SE Asia AC 155/165
7:00 p.m. JARED ARMSTRONG, OYU TOLGOI Mongolia AC 155/165
10 a.m.-1:00 p.m. CAREER FAIR Aloha Center Ballroom
8:00 p.m. MATTHEW WILLDEN, AMAZON India AC 155/165 9:00 p.m. MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL AC 155/165
1:30-3:00 p.m. GOLDMAN SACHS Information Session AC 155/165 2:00-4:00 p.m. NORDSTROM Information Session MCK 133
Friday 9 March
Monday 12 March
Thursday 15 March
12:00-1:00 p.m. NATIONAL COLLEGE OF NATURAL MEDICINE Information Session AC 155/165
NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL Interviews 9:00-11:00 a.m. Career Services 11 a.m.-5 p.m. ACR 101
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. DISNEY Information Session GCB 185
Thursday 22 March 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
GOLDMAN SACHS Pre-select Interviews Career Services
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. AL BARELA Resume Review Career Services
March 8, 2012
SIFE helps to educate children in Tuvalu
“Everybody knows that Tuvalu is sinking,” said Easter Niko, a junior in accounting from Niutao, Tuvalu. Rising sea levels and coral degeneration are causing a catastrophe for this low-lying island nation. Easter said he went back to Tuvalu in February with the BYU-Hawaii SIFE team to help empower his fellow Tuvaluans to solve the problems facing their nation. He said the SIFE team is not directly trying to counter the effects of climate change on Tuvalu, but “our approach is to educate the kids.” Niko continued: “We are not there to stop global warming. But if we educate the kids, when the island sinks, they have the knowledge they need to live and work in another country.” Ke Alaka‘i
The SIFE team worked on various projects on different islands in the Tuvalu archipelago. Among other projects, the SIFE team helped to train the people of Tuvalu in important areas of their society, ranging from social work to firefighting. They helped implement a tourism plan to jumpstart the economy of the tiny island nation and delivered donated laptop computers to Motufoua Secondary School. Lowell Nash is the Project Manager of the SIFE effort. He is a junior studying business from Ephrata, Wash. He said SIFE’s goal is to empower the people of Tuvalu to save their lands from the rising seas. “The Tuvaluan people will be the ones to save their island nation. They simply need to be
equipped with the right tools and education to protect their beautiful nation and people.” Easter elaborated on his by pointing out that every country has problems, but Tuvalu is unique in its lack of opportunity and resources. “Tuvalu is not the only place that has this problem. One of the reasons that Tuvalu is different is the opportunity the kids have is not the same as at other places. We have social problems in the U.S., but they have opportunities to work around it. But the people in Tuvalu do not have those resources.” Amy Foulk is another SIFE participant who went to Tuvalu. She is a sophomore studying biology from El Dorado Hills, Calif. She described Tuvalu as “very different
from anything, anyplace I’ve ever been.” She added, “You kind of feel like you are in a different world. There is no communication. You are isolated out there in the middle of nowhere.” Foulk explained SIFE’s purpose in Tuvalu as a mission of education. “We are trying to educate not only the children,” she said, “but the population as a whole on business and how to be proficient in today’s world and economy.” Kaleb Valdez, a senior studying Business from Colonia Juarez, Mexico, said the primary objective of BYUH’s SIFE program is the empowerment of the Tuvaluan people. “We want the Tuvaluans to tell us how to save Tuvalu. They know better than
we do what is wrong, and what is working.” Valdez said the rising generation in Tuvalu is the generation that is going to be most drastically affected by the rising tides. “Our biggest issue this year was the preschool. In 50 years or whenever it sinks, that generation of Tuvalu needs to make important decisions about whether they stay on island or whether they all leave. So we are trying to give them better education opportunities.” Through his efforts with BYUH’s SIFE, Valdez said the people of Tuvalu and their situation affected him. “Overall I was blown away by the hospitality and generosity of the people from the first time I went to that island. The whole Island comes out to greet you when we land. They literally give
you the clothes off their back, and I’ve had that happen to me. They don’t have much, but what they have, they share and give, and that is something that we can all learn from.” Valdez also said the vital nature of support from BYUH SIFE’s sponsors, “Hilton Garden Inn, Cardel Homes, and a host of our other sponsors and partners like Microsoft, the Benjamin Foundation, Lyndon Air Freight, and Flow, see the potential for good. They believe in our ability to make a difference, and they continue to pledge their support of such an incredible undertaking and such a rewarding experience.” -AA ron Coffe y
Left Page: Alexis Cruz teaches in Tuvalu. Above Right: Groundbreaking for the preschool. Below Right: SIFE members learn to dance from the people of Tuvalu. Below Left: Amy Foulk and Alexis Cruz pose with children and artwork. Above Left: Donated Laptops computers at Motufoua Secondary School. Photos by Bart Jolley.
March 8, 2012
From left to right: Seniors Ryo Tanaka, Jake Dastrup, Gary Satterwhite, and Jet Chang celebrate their last conference game together as BYUH Seasiders. Photo by Dewey Keithly
Seasiders’ seniors end season on a high note
Senior Night wrapped up on a high note as BYU-Hawaii handled conference rival Hawaii Pacific University 74-70 in the Cannon Activities Center on March 3. Senior Gary Satterwhite saved his best for last making six of seven 3-pointers in a career high 21-point performance. The Siders led the entire game thanks to a Jake Dastrup three in the first minute and a 10-0 run early in the first half. The out-of-rhythm first half ended with BYUH up comfortably 37-25. The lead extended in the second half to 18 points with 13 minutes to go. A combination of HPU heating up and BYUH cooling off led to that margin slowly shrinking until with 47 seconds left the Sea Warriors were within two points after a 9-0 run. As the crowd stood and held its breath HPU shot a potentially game-tying shot with six seconds left. It didn’t go and Dastrup grabbed the rebound and made two clutch free throws to close out the last regular season game with a win. “They’re hard to defend,” said Satterwhite afterwards. In the key to their win, he said, “I think more than anything we hit some shots, shooting a good field goal percentage.” Behind Satterwhite, Bracken Ke Alaka‘i
Funk had 19 points and 11 boards. To finish off their BYUH careers, Jet Chang had eight points and Dastrup had five points and six rebounds. Chang, Dastrup, Ryo Tanaka and Satterwhite most likely played their last games in Seasider jerseys in this game as the Regional Tournament is looking iffy. What did the men had to say about their experiences at BYUH and their futures elsewhere? “I think we have a couple offers overseas. New Zealand looks the most promising right now. If not I might stay here and be an assistant and help out,” said Dastrup. In regards to the season, he continued, “The way it ended was a little disappointing… if we don’t get invited to regional’s. Being ranked No. 3 in the country coming into the year and then not even making regional’s is a little disappointing, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love the guys and love the experiences.” Talking about his plans, Tanaka said, “I’m going back to Japan where I’m going to try to be a professional basketball player. If not, I want to be a teacher and teach math and English and coach basketball in Japan.”
“It’s either grad school or play again,” said Satterwhite. “I’ve got one more year of eligibility after this so hopefully I can go play and finish up somewhere. So this is my Senior Night here, but hopefully I’ve got one more year left of basketball.” About his experience at BYUH, Satterwhite said, “Honestly, it’s changed my life. Not just the basketball part, but also being at this school has changed my life. Being a nonmember coming in here and being around such good people all the time, it’s changed my perspective on things. I’ve been a better person since and I’m gonna miss it.” Chang said speaking about his future and his interest in getting in the NBA, “I’ll work out, stay in shape, get ready for the future.” On his four years playing for BYUH he went on to say, “It was good. Hanging out with all my teammates, my coaches and all my friends; it’s been amazing.” Asking Coach Ken Wagner about the prospects of the team getting into Regionals, he said, “It’ll be real close. With the rankings, they have criteria like your overall record, your opponents overall winning percentage, your opponents’ opponents overall winning percentage, results versus common opponents, results versus ranked teams, etc. The tough thing on it is we could finish second in our conference and the third place could go ahead of us…But it’s a long-shot just because were kind of in a hole rankingwise. There’s six or seven teams that are about equal. If certain teams win, we won’t have a chance. But if the other teams do, we do have a chance.” When asked about team weaknesses, Wagner said, “Sharing the ball, and rebounding has been another crucial thing. Really one of the things that’s hurt us that I didn’t think would be an issue on a couple of our losses, we shot horribly from the free throw line. Like against Dixie, we shot five of 16 in the second half. A good shooting team usually doesn’t have that. And against Notre Dame, we shot 38 percent and lost on a last second shot.” -Nate packER
Washington scores 44 points, sets record despite loss to HPU The BYUH women’s basketball team finished its season March 3 with a match against Hawaii Pacific University. Despite the loss, Shayla Washington, a junior majoring in biology from Arizona, ended the season by setting a new all-time scoring mark for one game. Washington was able to convert 44 points to beat the old record of 40 points set by Latoya Wily in 2009 against HPU. The Seasiders were unable to claim the win as the Sea Warriors maintained a five-point lead and the final score ended 78-71 for the Sea Warriors. The Seasiders finished their season with records of 6-20 overall and 5-13 in the PacWest. “This season has been rough at times, but has been a great learning experience for me,” Washington said. She said her great coaches were able to get her through
Shayla Washington is at the free throw line during a game against HPU where she scored 44 points and set a new school record. Photo by Dewey Keithly
the ups and downs. “I feel like the lows of my season were preparing me for a major come up,” Washington said. “I am still in disbelief right now, but it’s a great feeling to end on.” Washington added 14 rebounds to compliment her scoring record for the night. Danna Lynn Hooper followed Washington with 10 points for the Seasiders and Taylor Mann added six points and seven rebounds. Lauryn Smith grabbed eight
rebounds and came up with four steals while Danyele Hoffman handed out 12 assists. Assistant Coach Mike Aronica said the women worked hard throughout the entire season and he was proud of them. “The season has been fun to watch,” said senior EXS student Kammi Hunt from Utah. “The girls always fought hard against each team and gave it their all.”
Softball stays strong despite rain The BYUH women’s softball team added two more wins to its record by sweeping Spokane Falls Community College on March 1 and improved to a 5-3 record. The Seasiders quickly took the first game in only five innings to ultimately win 9-1. Senior Brooke Perriton led the Seasider offense with two singles and one double to result in three runs. Ashley Hansen and Lindsay Robison also scored two runs to add to the scoring. Tiffanee Frampton, junior pitcher, also aided the Seasiders to victory as she threw four innings of one-hit shutout ball. The team’s efforts quickly sealed the first game. The second game was closer, but the Seasiders managed to hold strong for the 3-1 win. Sophomore Gabby Hawkins pitched a complete game and came up big for the Seasiders. She only allowed three hits the entire game and threw six strikeouts. Hawkins, an undeclared sophomore from Calif, commented on her success, saying, “I believe the key to my success is taking things day by day and game by game.” Head coach and Assistant Athletics Director Scott Lowe commented on his team. “This year’s team is a great group of young ladies that are not only very good players, but very good people that represent the school extremely well.” Due to weather conditions, Seasiders will now face Notre Dame de Namur in two double headers on March 7 and 9.
March 8, 2012