October 20, 2011

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October 20, 2011

Volume 98: Issue 6


Family Finances: Study finds parents are

7 Midnight Madness: Basketball begins 8 giving $$$ to adult children

Summer to Remember: 10 students work alongside Cook Islanders 16

Ke Alaka i

Table of Contents

October 20, 2011 • Volume 98: Issue 6 Kent carollo


ed i t or - i n - ch i e f

advis o r

DEWEY KEITHLY hea d p hot og ra p h e r COPY EDITORS


Kel sey R oye r Amy H a n s o n

L in ds ay B an c ro ft Jame s C h o i Jo an Yau



M ei Y i n Dewey Ke i t h ly B a r t Jo l l ey

Mic h ae l Gulde n Ste pan ie T s e C o n o r Riley A n n e N e ls o n

MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS Na t ha n Pa cke r, A a ro n P uzey, Elle n Wyn n , M a r i ss a E l d e r, Tay l o r Rippy, A mb re e Klem m , A n d rew Lyo n , A us tin Fac e r, C amro n S t oc kf o rd , G i s e l l e R a m ire z , Make n z ie Hea d , N a t a l i e D rewe r y INTERNS S uza nn e T u ttl e Phi l l i p A n d r u s

AD MANAGER A aro n Knuds e n

BYU-Hawaii men’s soccer team plays a home game in Laie. Photo by Bart Jolley

[page 4]

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Summe r Semest er of 2 0 1 2 t o i ncl u de t wo s e s s io n s wi t h some “br i dge” cl asses

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I I PP Su mmi t t o happen on ca m p us th e l a st week of Oct ober

[page 13]

Po litic al hot t opi c: Def i ni t i on of Chr i st i an is dis c ussed si nce Mi t t Romney i s r u nni ng

Rent goes u p i n Lai e and a ro un d th e Un i te d St at es as wel l


E-mail: kealakai@byuh.edu Ad Information: kealakaiads@gmail.com Phone: (808) 675-3694 Fax: (808) 675-3491 Office: Campus, Aloha Center 134



Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762

P r in t Se r vic e s

E d i t o r i a l , p h o to s u bmis s io n s & dis tr ibut i on i n qu i r i e s : ke a l a kai@ byuh .e du. To sub sc r i be to th e R S S FEED o r to view a d d i t i o n a l a r ti cl e s , go to ke alak ai.byuh . ed u.


Nkosi Stewart, a 6-foot, 7-inch sophomore from St. Vincent in the Caribbean, goes for a slam dunk during Midnight Madness in the Cannon Activities Center on Oct. 14. Photo by Mei Yin


Ke Alaka‘i

Robert R. Holland D.C., L.M.T.


Specializing in Medical Massage and Soft Tissue

Rehabilitation for Whiplash Injury, Neck Pain and Back Pain No Fault Insurance Accepted KAHUKU-NORTHSHORE 56-119 Pualalea Street TEL:293-0122



Mini Olympics 22 BYUH 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Little Circle


(CAC if raining). Student event only. No registration fees. Sign ups will be at the Library entrance until Oct. 20, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Prizes for winners: Coupons to Kahuku Grill.

NOTE WORTHY news headlines

2011 Focus Film debut of 22 BYUH “The Girl Who Cried Wolf” 7:30,

VS .

with Barbara Barrington 23 Fireside Jones. 7-8:15 p.m. in the CAC.

A well-known author, Jones is a friend of BYUH and donates any profits from her books to the university. Bring your scriptures. Sunday best please.



8:30 & 9:30 p.m. Free in the McKay Auditorium. Come see BYUH students act in campus film.

the week in


“ T he value of genui ne gold is r i si ng. T he need f or ge nu ine gol d is growing mo re a cu t e in t he home and f amily a nd t h e bu si ness and politica l wo rld . I u rge you to ref ine the q u a lit i es o f honesty and in t e g r it y in order that you may r is e u p a nd t a ke your prophesie d p la ce a s ‘ l ea ders ever ywhere ’.” - El der Whiting at devot ion a l “ O u r team looks really go o d . We have good retur n ing a n d i nsi de players. Our s t ren g t h i s going to be our s ho o t e rs a nd our speed.” T he goa ls f or t he team this year a re “t o be a s good as we can b e, a n d d o wel l , if not better th a n la s t yea r.” - C oach Ken Wagne r a bo u t t his year’s Men’s Baske t ba ll Tea m “ We have the lowes t nu m be r of ki ds who are unin s u red o f a ny s tate in Amer ica . Yo u have t he highest.” -Pres idential candid a t e M it t Romney to Gov. R ick Pe r r y a t a n O ct. 18 debate c o m p a r in g t he health care progra m in Ma ssachusetts to Tex a s .



New Zealand will take on France in the finals of rugby’s World Cup on Oct. 23. Photos by AP

Rematch: New Zealand to take on France in Rugby World Cup final this weekend


he Rugby World Cup is down from 20 teams from around the globe to four teams: New Zealand verses France in the finals on Oct. 23, and Australia verses Wales in the bronze match on Oct. 21. Say the words “World Cup” in the United States, and a vision is quickly conjured of 22 men or women scurrying around a soccer field for 90 minutes. Say the same phrase in New Zealand, and you’re bound to get a picture of 30 players grinding their way through 80 minutes of a rugby union match. The All Blacks of New Zealand, once-again the top-ranked squad in the world, will look to overcome a history of fading down the stretch at the World Cup. They will play France in this year’s final after losing in 2007 to France in the quarterfinals. John Bailey, a professor of Education at BYU-Hawaii and a native of New Zealand, said the game is regarded differently across the globe. “It’s great to see all the excitement caused by the World Cup being on television, and it’s spreading appeal to people who don’t know much about the game.”

He added there is a real difference in passion in those teams representing countries where rugby is less of a game and more of a cultural tradition. Bailey said, “You’ll see in the later rounds, the countries where rugby is more highly regarded, will usually end up on top.” Thomas Davidson, a sophomore in business from Australia, couldn’t be more excited about the World Cup, “This is Australia’s year!” He continued, “I’ve been trying to watch every one of their games so far during the cup. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, but I really hope they do great in the cup.” For anyone interested in watching rugby for the first time, a lack of familiarity with the sport shouldn’t be a reason to discount it. The Rugby World Cup is one of the top five premier sporting events in the world. Even if the only part of the competition you watch is the final (5 a.m. Eastern, Oct. 23), seeing one of the world’s oldest sports is not an opportunity that should be passed up. - Aaro n Puze y and The AP octoBER 20, 2011


2012 Summer Semester to include bridge courses over two sessions Beginning Summer 2012, there will no longer be terms at BYU-Hawaii. Previously, the months between Winter and Fall semesters have been divided into three terms: Spring Term, Summer Term, and First Term. The new academic calendar will replace these terms with a Summer Semester. Jennifer Lane, Associate Academic vice president for Curriculum, stated, “The new semester is designed to make the summer months more used and more useful for everyone. We want to serve as many students as possible with the restrictions given.” This new Summer Semester will differ from the other two semesters. Summer Semester will be divided into two seven-week sessions, separated by a five-week Summer Break. Students will have the option of taking “bridge classes,” which will last the entire 14 weeks, or taking condensed classes that are designed to be completed within one of the

seven-week periods. Students will be able to mix and match their classes, both on campus and online, in order to create some combination of 12 credits.

“We want to serve as many students as possible.”

-Jennifer Lane, Academic Associate VP

The five-week break will better coordinate with grade school and high school summer breaks so that students and staff will be more able to spend vacation with their families. “Think of it as a semester with lots and lots of block classes,” 26 Lane said. 26

F 6 13 20 27

April S M T W 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 F 24 25 29 30

S 7 14 21 28

T 5 12 GS 26

S 4 11 18 25

F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14 21 28

June Jan. 23 Registration Begins Apr. Add/DropT DeadlineW (Bridge Session S 25 M T & 1stFSession) S May 10 Withdrawal begins as W or WF (1st Session) May 23 Withdraw Deadline (1st Session) 1 2 May 24 Withdrawal begins as W or WF (Bridge Session) 3 4 5 Summer 6 Break 7 1S 9 June 9th - July 15th 10 12 14 15 16 July 18 11 Add/Drop Deadline13 (2nd Session) Withdraw Deadline (Bridge Session) July 23 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Aug. 2 Withdrawal begins as W or WF (2nd Session) Aug. 15 25 Withdraw Deadline27 (2nd Session) 24 26 28 29 30 April 23rd - August 31st

F 3 10 17 24


22 16 F 17 24 18 25 GS 26 20 27 21 28 15 - Ambre e Kle mm 29 30 22 F 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Summer Semester

S F S 15 2 1S 9 1216 15 22 23 1930 29 26

Classes offered during the Summer Semester and “bridge classes” will vary from department to department and professor to professor. Some professors are only contracted to teach for part of the Summer Semester, and therefore are more likely to offer session classes. Other professors, however, may feel their courses will be better suited for a full 14 weeks, and will choose to offer their courses as bridge classes. These decisions are currently being made and will be available on the university’s “mapper” system soon so that students can take these changes into account while registering for Winter Semester courses. With this new calendar, every semester will begin on a Monday and end on a Friday, giving students a solid first week of classes in which they can adjust there schedules according to the newApril add/drop policies. It also allows three days for final exams, during Fall T rather W T F S andSWinterMsemesters, April than the previous 2 3have in4 the current 5 6calendar. 7 two1days students S M T W T F S During 8 the9Summer 10 Semester, 11 each 12 professor 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 teaching classes 17 will determine their 20 own 21 15 18 12 GS 8 16 9 10 11 13 14 exam schedules.

Ke Alaka‘i






66 13 13 20 27 27

77 14 14 21 28 28


T 1 1 88 15 15 22 29 29

May W W 2 2 99 16 16 23 30 30







T F S S M 3 4 5 3 4 5 10 11 12 10 11 12 33 44 17 18 18 19 19 10 11 11 17 10 24Summer 25 26 Semester 17 18 31 24 25 31April 23rd - August 2431st 25

June T W T T W T



55 66 77 12 13 13 14 14 12 19 20 21 26 26 27 27 28 28

F 1 1 1S 1S 15 15 22 29 29

S 2 2 99 16 16 23 30 30

July August S M T W T F S S M T W T S M T W T F S SWF (1st M Session) T W T May 10 Withdrawal begins as W or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 Withdraw 4 12 5 Deadline 6 14 7(1st Session) 81 May 92 2310 11 13 5 6 7 81 92 15 2S 18 15 begins as W or12 (Bridge 8 May 9 2417 10 Withdrawal 11 19 12 20 13 21 14 5WF 13 6 14 7 Session) 8 16 9 22 28 19 20 15 23 2S 24 17 25 18 26 19 27 20 Summer 21 12 Break 13 21 14 22 15 23 16 29 26 22 30 23 31 24 25 26 27 28 19 27 20 28 21 29 22 30 23

F F 3 3 10 17 10 24 17 31 24

S S 4 4 11 18 11 25 18

Jan. 23

Registration Begins

Apr. 25

July August Add/Drop Deadline (Bridge Session & 1st Session)

June 9th - July 15th

29July 3018 31 Add/Drop Deadline (2nd Session) 26 27 28 29 30 31 July 23

Withdraw Deadline (Bridge Session)

Aug. 2

Withdrawal begins as W or WF (2nd Session)


and the belief that the Godhead is separate Aaron Vincent, a junior from instead of believing in the Trinity, as merit to Nevada, said, “Yes we are a cult. By definition label the LDS Church as a cult. He respond- a cult is a group with a central purpose or ed to the public reaction of his statement belief, and ours is Christ, but by definition when he said, “Rick Perry’s a Christian. He’s his church is a cult too.” an evangelical Christian, a follower of Jesus The LDS Church responded by sayChrist. Mitt Romney’s a good moral person, ing Christ is the center of the church, but but he is not a Christian. Mormonism is not would not comment further because this was Mitt Romney. Photo by AP Christianity. It has always been considered a a political event. cult by the mainstream of Christianity.” This discussion has caused mem Gov. Romney responded by challenging bers of the LDS Church to post their faith Gov. Perry to distance himself from Jeffress. on sites such as Facebook, in the form of a Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Perry refused to repudiate Jeffress, but said, picture which reads, “I am a member of The Church in Dallas, Texas, publicly accused the “I don’t think Mormonism is a cult. People Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I LDS Church of being a cult at the Values Vot- who endorse me, or people who work for me, am a Christian,” followed by an invitation to ers Summit in Washington D.C. last week. I respect their opinions and their work, but learn more about their beliefs at mormon.org. Prior to introducing GOP Presidential Candithat doesn’t mean I endorse everything they Now during debates the candidates date Gov. Rick Perry, Jeffress dissuaded the say.” are focusing more on the issues than religion. Jon 8250-272 Japanese Honolulu crowd from voting for Mitt Romney, stating BYU-Hawaii freshman Austin Syme, Huntsman, ex-Utah governor and Ambassador to BYUH that he is not a Christian. from Maryland, said about remarks made by China, joked 4.25 X 5.5during a debate that he will base Jeffress believes the Bible to be the Jeffress: “It was interesting that he labeled his arguments on the economy and issues and UPDATED only authoritative word of God, and uses the Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam, Mormonism not religion. Huntsman then turned to Gov. LDS Church’s belief in the Book of Mormon, all as cults. He basically said that any church Perry and chuckled, “Sorry, Rick.” Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price other than his was a cult.” - C am ro n Stock ford

Political hot topic: Defining Christianity

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Hawaii International Film Festival happening now through Oct. 23 Hugh Jackman in “Real Steel.” Photo by AP

Movie Review: ‘Real Steel’ has all-star cast and great action Charlie Kenton (Hugh Jackman) could have been a contender, but in the “near-future” world of “Real Steel,” the game of boxing has changed drastically. Resembling in no small way Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots from the 1960s, boxing is now done with one-ton machines controlled by programmers. Kenton is forced to go with the change of the times and is now a small-time fight promoter and robot “coach.” After a steady string of bad luck, Kenton is reluctantly teamed up with his alienated son Max (Dakota Goyo) to build and train a new robot. In an interesting spin on the classic film “Rocky,” this film takes the eye of the tiger to a whole new level. “Real Steel” presents the audience with an explosive amount of action as well as the standard prodigal father story line. With an all-star cast and impressive graphics, it delivered a refreshing escape. -A NDRE W LYON


Ke Alaka‘i


he Hawaii International Film Festival, which began Thursday, Oct. 14, and runs through Sunday, Oct. 23, presents an opportunity for residents of the state of Hawaii, the nation, and the entire world to come together and experience independent films from over 46 countries. The festival will be show films at a few select venues like the Dole Cannery and Halekulani theatres in Honolulu and the Palace theatre in Hilo, in Honolulu and Waikiki. What began as a small project now draws an audience of more than 80,000 each year. Not only will a wide variety of films in many different languages be shown, but there will also be workshops, panels, parties and opportunities to meet the film makers themselves. For more information and to browse films and buy tickets, visit



Do you get $$$ help from parents?


ith a campus comprised of students from more than 70 countries, BYUHawaii’s student body brings an array of financial backgrounds and family relations to our university grounds. According to a recent survey conducted by the National Endowment for Financial Education, 59 percent of parents are providing financial support to their adult children once they are out of school. Students were asked what their parents’ policies are on family financial aid both during college and after graduation. “They want to help out, but they just can’t sometimes,” said Winona Isapela Palu, a sophomore from San Diego, Calif., double-majoring in biology and psychology. “I’m kind of an independent person myself so I don’t ask. It just creates more of a burden on my family. They never really talked about money policies, but if we asked, they’d probably help out. They’d ask how much and for what? But they’d help if they could.” The online survey looking at how much financial support parents are giving their adult children was conducted in May and comes from the National Endowment for Financial Education who worked with Forbes. com and Harris Interactive to do the study. When the question of “why?” was raised, parents responded with a variety of answers. Some parents (43 percent) say they help their children financially because they are “legitimately concerned” with the child’s financial well-being. Other parents (37 percent) say they don’t want their children to struggle financially the same way they had to struggle. And some parents (32 percent) say their children are worse off financially than they were when they left home.

Enbo Wang, a senior from Beijing, China, studying accounting and finance, said his parents help out with tuition. “I can put most of my salary towards paying for tuition, and they pay the rest. When I’m married, they’ll help me financially. It’s just a part of Chinese culture. I’m their only child.”

us money to learn how to pay back debts and be responsible,” she said. Parents are often in a psychologically vulnerable position when adult children ask for help, a New York-based psychologist and author Vivian Diller told Forbes. “Kids are hitting on their parents in that empty-nest period, when they’re ready to “They want to help out, move on but still feel the loss of being but they just can’t needed,” Diller said. “Psychologically, it’s important for parents to stop feeling needed sometimes.” -Winona Isapela Palu by their kids. They need to focus on their futures too.” -TAYLOR RIP P Y Reasons aside, what are children receiving from their parents? The survey revealed multiple ways moms and dads provide support to PARENTAL SUPPORT their adult children: 50% provide housing “For me, it’s a personal thing,” said sophomore Annabelle Phillips. The biology 48% help with living expenses major from Ohio shared her sentiment about 41% aid with transportation costs receiving financial help from her family. “It’s a last resort to ask for help. I was kind of 35% provide insurance coverage mad when my dad helped me realize that I 29% hand out spending money needed help because I’m low on money right now. It’s good because anything my dad 28% help with medical bills gives you, he expects back. He mostly gives S o u r c e : N at i o n al E n do w me n t f o r Fina ncia l Ed uca t ion October 20, 2011



Makes an Impression on Students Students celebrated the first official practice for the BYU-Hawaii basketball teams in the Cannon Activities Center on Friday, Oct. 14. Last season the men’s team made a run for the Division II Championship title, coming in a close second place to Ballarmine. Events of the night included the introduction of the men’s and women’s basketball teams, followed by brief, and often comical, videos to further introduce the players, and a short performance from the dance and cheer teams. The men’s team played a game in front of the audience where teams of two players competed to score two baskets from five different points on the threepoint line that was followed by a 20-minute scrimmage. The event of the night that had everyone raving was the dunk competition. Ben Crossland, a freshman from Utah, said, “My favorite part was the dunking competition for sure. Seeing those dudes dunk was awesome.” Coaches rated shots on a scale of 1 through 10. Each player was allowed two different dunks. From the beginning it was clear that the competition would be fierce as freshman Jasper Wieling, from the Netherlands, started out the competition with a straight forward intimidating slam, and earning the nickname “The Flying Dutchman” from the announcer. Other dunks of the night included a standing start slam dunk, a dunk over another player, and an alley-hoop dunk from the side of the basket, earning an automatic win for Sequan Lawrence, a sophomore from Maryland. Players, students and coaches are all excited for the upcoming season. Coach Ken Wagner commented on the new season by saying, “Our team looks really good. We have good returning and inside players. Our strength is going to be our shooters and our speed.” Freshman player from Utah, BJ Ford, said, “I’m very excited. This is my first time playing college basketball, and we have a lot of great guys. There really is no bad player on the team.” Slamdunk champion Sequan Lawrence said, “Last year we had a good run, and it’s one thing I will never forget... We still have a lot of work to do, but we’ll get it done.” This year the basketball team looks to aim high. Coach Wagner said the goals for the team this year are “to be as good as we can be, and do well, if not better than last year.” This year the Seasiders also have returning to the team last season’s top scorer Jet Chang, who scored a career high of 33 points against Grand Canyon University last season. -CAMRON ST OC KFORD


Ke Alaka‘i

Pablo Coro, from Chile, dunks the ball at Midnight Madness. Photo by Mei Yin


His accent is the greatest gift to mankind.” Even though he may or may not be a starting player this season, Wieling is expected to bring much talent to the team. “He’s young, he’ll learn,” Funk said about playing with Wieling. “He is learning that physicality is important. Before, if he had trouble with someone he could just stand on his toes and dunk, but he’s doing great, and plays very well.” Wieling is excited to play basketball for the Seasiders, and said, “We are looking great, all the players are very talented and work well together. We have a good shot at a run at the championship title this season.” The Seasiders will be playing their first pre-season games in the American Money Group Asia Pacific Tournament beginning on Nov. 8. - C AMRON STOCKFORD


Jasper Wieling is a freshman from the Netherlands who plays on the Seasiders team this year. Photo by Dewey Keithly

6 ’ 1 0’’

Gr iz z ly Bear




October 20, 2011

9 basket b all s

At 6-foot, 10-inches, BYUH freshman Jasper Wieling is a very welcome addition to the Seasider basketball team. Wieling came to BYUH from the town Best in the Netherlands, where he grew up playing basketball. “My parents got me started, actually,” said Wieling. “I tried a bunch of things, like judo, and I was never really good at them, so I tried basketball. Not only was I good at it, but I really enjoyed it as well.” Wieling plays center for the Seasiders, and previously played in his hometown amateur league, as well as on The Netherlands’ Under 18 and Under 20 international leagues. Both years on the Under 20 team, his team won the championship game. Wieling helped to lead The Netherlands Under 20 team to one of their wins by scoring 16 points plus getting 6 rebounds and 3 assists in his team’s 63-61 win. Off the court, Wieling is fun-loving and energetic. Assistant Coach David Evans described him as having “a great positive attitude. He’s a real nice guy, and people like being around him.” Friend and fellow-teammate, sophomore Bracken Funk, said about Wieling, “I love this guy. I have only known him for three weeks and I already know he will become my best friend in the universe.

Wiel ing



‘Tower of B abel’ L a ngu a ge Center re st a r ts newsletter


he Language Center at BYU-Hawaii is reaching out to different language speakers on campus. The “Tower of Babel” newsletter, distributed by the Language Center, promotes one language each month. The publication includes a list of movies available in the chosen language, interesting facts about the language, and a list of words along with pronunciations. The center hopes the letter will spark new interest in students to converse with those who speak other languages than their own. Jeannette Fukuzawa, director of the Language Center, said right now the featured languages are intended to highlight those from the Pacific Islands and Asia. She

said, “We have such a rich diversity here at BYUH.” The Language Center has seen a response to the “Tower of Babel” already, as students have come to express interest in the topic language. The students sign up for the language in the center and a tutor then contacts them to learn. Kalou Shute, a social work student from Nevada and employee at the Language Center, said, “There is more interest, not only in the topic language, but in other languages and culture.” The center offers other services in addition to language tutoring. It has a speech center branch to help students with oral presentations in any discipline. The Language Center is open Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Janice Lam holds the restarted center newsletter the “Tower of Babel.” Photo by Bart

The center is closed on Sunday and holidays and also from 11 a.m. to noon on Tuesday and Thursday. -Au stin Face r

Career Fair draws big names to ca mp us

Julia Becke drives the ball past two UH Hilo defenders. Photo by Mei Yin

Seasider volleyball beat Vulcans The BYU-Hawaii women’s volleyball team beat UH Hilo 3-0 on Oct. 15. The Seasider’s crushed the Vulcans with a .383 hitting percentage compared to Hilo’s .092. Lauren Hagemeyer, a junior from Colorado, commented on their success so far this season. “I believe our team has better skills and we are more athletic this year. We all mesh really well together.” Hagemeyer recorded 12 kills and hit a conference-best .524 for the past week. She is one of the Seasider’s captains this year and has received three PacWest Honors this season. The Seasider’s advance to an overall record of 12-3 and 9-1 in the PacWest. They continue to lead the conference. BYUH will face the Vulcans once again for a PacWest conference match on Oct. 22 in Hilo at 7 p.m. - Natalie d rewery 10

Ke Alaka‘i

Representatives from well-known companies such as Target, Disney, and Enterprise will be attending BYUHawaii’s Career Fair to talk with students and answer questions on Thursday, Oct. 27 in the Cannon Activities Center from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will also be representatives from the Army, University of Hawaii, and University of Phoenix for those pursing more schooling once they graduate from BYUH. Career Services student employee Tyler Lords, a senior majoring in social work form Utah, recommends students come prepared by dressing in business casual attire and having multiple copies of their resume to give to potential employers. Representatives from CBIZ, a professional services company, will be interviewing accounting majors on Thursday and continue the interviewing process through Friday. Likewise, Enterprise will be interviewing prospective future employees at the Career Fair as well. Lords also suggests in addition to fine-tuning their resumes, students should also prepare mentally in the event they land an interview with one of these companies. -Elle n Wynn

Barbara Barrington Jones speaks at a previous IIPP conference. Ke Alaka’i file photo

International Institute of Professional Protocol

Sign up for SIFE sponsored Executive Mentor’s Summit

SIFE will be holding its annual International Institute of Professional Protocol – Executive Mentor’s Summit the 27 through the 29 of October at the BYU-Hawaii campus Stake Center. “Barbara Barrington Jones’ International Institute of Professional Protocol teaches both the principles and practices that are critical to stand out in today’s challenging job market,” said President Wheelwright. “We are grateful to Barbara and the Barbara Barrington Jones Family Foundation for bringing this exceptional training on our campus, and know our students will benefit from their participation.” “The conference trains you how to get a job, write a resume and how to act in interviews. Once you get the job, the conference teaches you how to keep it and make good money,” said Skyler Chambers, SIFE’s IIPP team leader. Ten classes will be held over the course of three days at the Stake Center, beginning Thursday the 27 and ending Saturday the 29. Breakfast will be served each day of the conference at 7 a.m. for all registered participants. The event ends Saturday night with a fivecourse banquet and fashion show. The training for students and future business professionals includes the following seminars: Managing Your Image Barbara Barrington Jones, International Speaker/Author, says “You have 30 seconds to make a great first impression, so make it count!” When you present yourself with confidence, including polished table manners, people will be drawn to your energy. Find the power within your confident presence. Her Wardrobe Matters Fashion Consultant Diane Workman will help our women identify and discover how to buy basics that will enhance their wardrobe. Learn what

lengths, colors, patterns, accessories and styles will complement their looks and increase confidence. Ladies, Be Ready for your Interview Esthetician and Image Consultant Connie Greene shows you how personal grooming, make-up, and hairstyles can impact (or threaten) interviews, as well as everyday career decisions. Time for You to Get Ready MBA and Business Owner Cynthia Gambill will help you discover new ways of managing your time, and how to make tough decisions on scheduling your life between school, work, and play. What to Write and How to Say It William Woahn, CEO and President, teaches how to create resumes that demand attention. This class also teaches techniques that will get you hired during the interview. Suiting Him for Success Image Consultant Cindy Wakefield will share effective strategies to help young men look and act like future executives. Men, Details Do Matter Professional Speaker and Faculty Member, Wendy Adamson teaches how polishing one’s appearance does make all the difference and gives that crucial winning edge. Using Technology to Make (Not Break) Your Career

Employment Agency Consultant, Karen Eckel, will share important insights about the proper use of technology and social networking to maximize your professional presence on the Net. Communicating with Confidence Self-development instructor and Fashion Coordinator Sherry Jolley teaches one how to carry on a conversation with presidents and executives that one has never met. In this course one will learn how to highlight one’s best self and perfect social skills. Networking: It’s Who You Know Business owner and Officer of “Corporate Alliance” Tyler Gambill will teach you the importance of connecting with people and exchanging information and developing contacts to further your career. Twelve fully paid 10-day internships will be offered to interested students who participate in eight of the ten classes. Over 50 Utah businesses are participating in the search for qualified students, with the internships taking place in April during the school break. Once resumes have been submitted, companies will evaluate and high scoring students will be selected for interviews with a panel of faculty members and business moguls at a later date. Interested students can register online at http://iipp.ticketleap.com/iipp-conference/ or through the 26th in the Aloha Center. Registration will also be available the day-of in front of the Stake Center. The cost for the conference is $5. -Taylor Ripp y

October 20, 2011


BYU Hawaii’s Counseling Center participates in

National Depression Screening Day The BYU-Hawaii Counseling Center was bustling with students and Counseling Center staff, as free and informative screenings was administered for National Depression Screening Day, on Oct. 6. Students seeking help, information, and free treats were greeted by smiling Counseling Center interns and guidance counselors, assessed their mental health by analyzing the brief survey participants completed and presented with resources available to all students who may need extra assistance. “Depression is a very common health problem. By estimates, 16.5 percent of Americans will experience depression sometime during their life,” said Doug Marchant, the Counseling Center’s PhD intern from Utah. “We were able to screen approximately 300 students, which is twice as much as we were able to in the past,” said Marchant. “It’s nice to touch bases with students and help them see what treatment resources are available if they need it.” Student interns were also involved in the screening, aiding the center by passing out surveys and helping students whose brief survey scores indicated signs of depression, make appointments with the receptionist. “The Counseling Center offers a lot of mental resources [like] group therapy and individual therapy,” said Counseling Center Intern Andrew Alvarador. A junior majoring in psychology from California, Alvarador said he likes helping people as he serves as an academic probation counselor. Concerning the effectiveness of the survey screenings, he The truth about depression: said, “It’s making students more aware of the - Depression is the most common Counseling Center and basic mental health health condition awareness.” Marchant also found the screening - Depression affects mental and physical day as a great way to spread the word about health - Depression can affect academic success the Counseling Center. He said, “It’s helping with awareness, so students know where we’re - According to the National Institute of located and what we offer.” Mental Health, more than 17 million The Counseling Center is located in Americans develop depression each year McKay 181, across from the cafeteria. One of - More than 80 percent of people with its next big events will be a stress screening depression improve with treatment on Nov. 10. within one year

-Ma rissa Elde r


Ke Alaka‘i

Byung Cheol Kim studies in the Aloha Center. Photo by Dewey Keithly


Increases in Laie Over the past six months, the average price of off-campus housing has increased roughly 7 percent and students are starting to feel the impact of this change. Most increases are not within the control of the landlords, said a BYU-Hawaii Housing official, but students feel the situation still seems bleaker than it has in the last few years. “For about three years, the average has been $350 to $375 for double rooms and $375 to $400 for private rooms, but within the last six months those have gone up about $25,“ said John Kleoppel, the Off-Campus

Housing coordinator for BYUH. Kleoppel explained some reasons why there are rent increases right now. “One of the biggest reasons why rent is increasing is increases in utilities especially electric as well as increases in property tax. [Landlords] are basically trying to recoup costs because of the property tax and electric increases.” Kleoppel also pointed out that most landlords don’t make a profit off student renters, since most landlords use the rent collected to cover their mortgages. While the rent increases are understandable, students are still frustrated and working hard just to make ends meet. Sharon Mason, a senior studying history from Georgia, said, “My rent went up $30. It went from $350 to $380 a month. It just makes it harder because I have less spending money. That’s $120 a semester I don’t have to spend on fun activities.” Mason also added, “Even though I have a job, my check isn’t always as much as my rent is.”

This trend in rent is not only a problem in Hawaii, but also cities across the United States have experienced or are expected to experience increases in rental costs. CNN made this prediction early on in the year, stating in an online article, “Rent hikes have averaged less than 1 percent a year over the past decade, according to Commerce Department statistics that are adjusted for inflation. Now, [Peggy Alford, president of Rent.com] expects rents to spike 7 percent or so in each of the next two years.” For more information on how you can apply for rental assistance, visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Website at www.HUD.GOV.

-Ma rissa Elde r

Men’s soccer wins one, loses one in conference play The BYU-Hawaii men’s soccer team three-peated against the UHHilo Vulcans on Oct. 13 winning 3-0 but lost in a hard-fought match against conference leader Dixie State 1-0 on Oct. 17. That brings the Seasider’s record to 3-2-1 in the conference and 7-3-1 overall. Three-peat against Vulcans The team traveled to the Big Island for the conference match against UH Hilo and shut out the Vulcans for the Seasiders third consecutive win over UH Hilo this season. Despite the early morning travelling, the Seasiders played a tough game from start to finish. Both teams played very physical, which resulted in four yellow cards for the Vulcans and one for SPORTS UPDATE BYUH. Brett Waters got the Seasiders started in the 29th minute of play off a rebounded shot from Justin Allen. Allen had two goals of his own to secure the win in the 35th and The Lady Seasiders women’s soccer team played an exceptional game 65th minutes of play. Allen, a freshman from Utah, commented on the game: “Playing a versus UH-Hilo in Hilo on Oct. 13, putting in four goals to win the team three times in a season is usually very hard. But every time we game. UH Hilo trailed significantly behind only managing to put in played, we would try different formations and tactics. It made it hard one goal against BYUH keeper, Megan McCain. The win was the third against the Vulcans, and brought the team to 7-0-1 for the sea- for Hilo to know what to expect.” He credits the success of the team thus far to the team’s son and 4-0-1 in the PacWest. unity. “For the most part, we all get a long and there isn’t really any The game started out a bit slow with the number of shots cliques or separation of classes,” he said. “The seniors have accepted the Seasiders took on the opposing goal falling to a minimal two. Despite starting slow for the Lady Seasiders, things got interesting for and are friendly to all the lower classmen, which is rare for any team. We also have a lot of talent and everyone is capable to play solid Hilo when they aided in the Seasider win by scoring on themselves minutes.” seven minutes into the game. The Lady Seasiders then attacked the Vulcan goal more vigorously, netting two terrific shots before the half. Hard loss to Dixie State The Red Storm scored early against the Seasiders in the first One of the shots was a header put in by Natalie Drewery, her fourth minute on a controversial goal. The assistant referee made the defor the season. termining decision on the goal after Brandon Barfuss, freshman from Drewery, a senior majoring in HTM from Sandy, Utah, Michigan, made an amazing attempt to save the goal. said, “I think it was hard because the first part of the game we were The Seasider’s played a man down for most of the match going uphill and the sun was in our eyes. We kept pushing through when Kamuela Kamoe was ejected from the game in the 14th minthough, and then we got the goal and that gave us momentum.” ute of play. Despite the early red card, the Seasider’s matched the The second half favored the Seasiders even more than the first half Storm’s intensity. They were did. Senior Britt Edman turned up the heat and led the Seasiders in able to create goal-scoring opscoring. BYUH athletics reports, “Edman notched her sixth goal of portunities, but unfortunately the year off a pass from Sadie Kamoe in the 58th minute and then were unable to capitalize. tallied her seventh goal of the season following a Brenna Rhoades The Seasider’s will play next pass in the 72nd minute.” in a conference match against Brenna Rhoades, a senior studying EXS from California, California Baptist at home on commented on how this win will impact their future games: “It was Oct. 19. - NATALIE DREWERY a really good game for us, especially going into the next two weeks. We have three games this next week and three games the week after Left: Eric Lowe takes the ball that and this win will give confidence.” down the field. Top: Britt

Lady Seasiders best Vulcans



Ke Alaka‘i

Edman is between to Vulcans. Photos by Bart Jolly

-Taylor Rippy Photo byt MARCH 24, 2011


Interns seen as working part of Cook islands Government Te n B Y U - H a w a i i s t udents tr ave l for four -w e ek internship in Cook Islands

Political Science Professor Jon Jonassen headed a delegation of 10 student interns to work at government jobs in the Cook Islands in May. The purpose of the department’s visit was not only to work at government offices, but also to provide an outside perspective to what was happening in the Cook Islands. BYU-Hawaii students were able to present a projection of how they think the Cook Islands will progress over the next 50 years. “Students were not only to take the experience, but also to leave work behind,” said Jonassen. Upon arrival of their four-week expedition, the interns began work immediately at their assignments, oftentimes spending more than 10 hours per day at the office. Students had the opportunity to serve the government and have personal interaction with government authorities in the offices of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister (Opposition Party), Ministries of Justice, Foreign Affairs, Marine Resources, Tourism and Education. The BYUH interns had the once-ina-lifetime opportunity to meet Prime Minister 16

Ke Alaka‘i

Henry Puna. “Even the locals don’t readily get the chance to meet the prime minister,” said Rocky Siufanua, senior in Political Science from American Samoa. Hironui Johnston, a junior in Political Science from French Polynesia who worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said he loved the opportunity to help because he “was doing actual, real work. Melody Jonassen and I helped draft the annual report that was presented to the government. It hadn’t been done in 10 years because of how busy the office was.” Intern Brian Dawson, senior and double major in political science and Pacific Island studies from New York, was utilized for help in the Ministry of Marine Resources. “We were proactive every day. They did every thing they could to ensure that we had a real experience working in government. We also had a big impact on the younger generation,” he said as they were able meet with local youths, “and they got excited to come to school at BYUH.” Jonassen commented that government officials were “very gracious in allowing

Above: Hironui Johnston, Alysha May, Michael Gilger, Pulei Kafoa,
Lanea Snow, Rocky L. Siufanua, Seong-A Jo, Dr. Jonassen, Kulani Elliot and Melody Jonassen are pictured during their mock trial in the Cook Islands Parliament. Top right: The Honorable Prime Minister Henry Puna of the Cook Islands inquiring with BYUH students about their experience. Bottom right: Brian Dawson seen with Dr. Jonassen and the Honorable Teina Bishop, Minister of Tourism, Education, and Marine Resources. Photos Courtesy of Rocky Siufanua

us into the midst of their office. They didn’t see us as ‘just students’ nor as tourists, but as a working part of their offices.” During their time in the country, students performed Cook Islands Maori chants at the local college, in their offices, and at family home evenings with local members. This act, although challenging for most, served as a rite of passage to the local people and showed the commitment of BYUH students to understand and respect the Cook Islands culture. “I’m supportive of those kinds of things,” said Max Checketts, BYUH VicePresident for Academics. “Whenever students get involved with the job they will actually experience once they graduate, they tend to take the rest of their education more seriously because they start facing questions that they will face in a real job.”

-P hillip Andru s

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