September 27, 2012

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September 27, 2012

Ke Alaka i Volume 101: Issue 4


Focusing on the Family: TVA family day provides fun for all 6

Bringing the Love: Irie Love and Rebel Souljahz perform at PCC 8

Community Contributors: How individuals built up the Laie community 12

Ke Alaka i

Table of Contents

September 27, 2012 • Volume 101: Issue 4 Editor-in-chief


M a r i ssa E l d e r

L e e an n L amb e r t



Na t ha ni e l Wa s d e n A b i gayl e B u t l e r Martin Milius

H e idi Po pple to n Allie Gardin e r



B a r t Jol l ey Za c h Ko n e ck i M a t t M cD o n a l d

Mic h ae l Gulde n Ste ph an ie T s e Make n z ie H e ad Reb e c c a H aw s Wh itn ey Yun

MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISTS G i sel l e R a mi re z , M a ke n z ie H e ad, Mo rgan B ouwhu i s , Li s a T u t tl e, Ma. V is O. Tagub a, Ter i na C h r i s t y, S t e p h a ny Fran c e, C love r C heng, M a tth ew B l e d s o e, Amy Kun ih iro, Dyl a n W i l cox , E th a n To l e do, Ale c Bar n ey, Jef f M c L e o d , S y d n ey O de ll, Zo e Saf e e r, Je n ni f er H e r re ra INTERNS M ei Y i n Phi l l i p A n d r u s

AD MANAGER Matth ew Ble ds o e

[page 10]

Stude n ts su spended f or f i ght i ng on campu s



Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762

P r in t Se r vic e s

E d i t o r i a l , p h o to s u bmis s io n s & dis tr ibut i on i n qu i r i e s : ke a l a k ai@ byuh .e du. To sub scr i be t o th e R S S FEED o r to view a d d i t i o n a l a r ti cl e s , go to ke alak ai.byuh . ed u.


Irie Love performs with the Rebel Souljaz at the Gateway special event venue at the Polynesian Cultural Center to a crowd of about 500 people. Photo by Bart Jolley

i Lead become requ i red f or so m e stud e n t empl oyees

[page 15]

N e la Otuaf i mu si cal f i re packs st ake cent er

E-mail: Ad Information: Phone: (808) 675-3694 Fax: (808) 675-3491 Office: Campus, Aloha Center 134

Ke Alaka‘i

[page 5] [page 7]



Intramurals employees, Tim Watson, left and right, Nathan McDonald, play ping pong during the campus competition. Photo by Zach Konecki

Vol l ey bal l def eat s No. 1 3 t h ra n ke d sch o o l i n t he nat i on

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Society broadcast from Salt 29 Relief Lake City for all sisters in the YSA


1st Stake. Light lunch in the BYUH Stake Center in the cultural hall at 1 p.m. and then 2 p.m. watch the broadcast live.

NOTE WORTHY news headlines

men’s soccer team takes on 29 BYUH Notre Dame de Namur at 12:30 p.m.

“Screen on the Green” is 29 BYUHSA’s scheduled to show the movie “Brave”



in a Pac West Conference game. Free for BYUH students with IDs.

free outside at the Little/Flag Circle. Plenty of free popcorn. Showings at 7 and 9:30 p.m.


the week in


“Men a nd women of inte g r it y, cha ra c t er, and pur pose h ave ever recognized a powe r hig he r t ha n t he mselves and have s o u g ht t hrou gh prayer to be g u id e d by su ch power,” -Presi dent T homas S. M o n s o n t a lki ng a b out the power of p raye r. “S y mb ols are a dramatic a nd e ff ect ive teaching device f o r t ho s e who have the Spir it and a s t o n e o f stu mbl i n g and rock of o f f e n s e f o r t hose who do not. An u nd e rs t a nd i ng of go spel symbols en h a n ces bot h testimony and the a bilit y t o bea r i t . Symbolism has ever be e n t he l a nguage of prophe cy a n d prophets. It is the lang u a ge o f t he gospel , the means of co m m u nica t i on bet ween Saints of a ll a ges .” -El der H. R oss Workma n, La i e Hawaii Temple pre s id en t , spea ki ng at the Sept. 1 8 d evo t ion a l on c a mpus.

“T he sher if f called me a n d t o ld me he had a strange st o r y t o t e ll me. He said that a f isherm a n wa s ou t on Pr iest Lake, and I p ret t y mu ch knew exactly wha t he wa s goi ng t o say at that poi n t . I wa s l i ke: ‘ Let me guess, they f ou nd my f i nger s in a f ish’.” -Ha a ns Galassi, 31, of Co lbe r t , Wa sh. , t alking about hi s f in ge r f ou nd i n a trout that wa s on e o f f ou r he lost in a wakeboa rd in g a cci dent t hree months ea rlie r.

Japan Coast Guard vessels sail along with Chinese surveillance ship Haijian No. 66, third left, near disputed islands called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, seen in background, in the East China Sea, on Sept. 24,. Photo by AP/ Kyodo News

Japan and China both claim island The face of dissatisfaction with China’s Communist Party is the face of the man synonymous with it: Mao Zedong. Portraits of the revolutionary leader often led packs of demonstrators in protest over Japan’s effort last week to bolster its hold on islands claimed by China. Many signs were held by protesters born after his death 36 years ago. “Mao Zedong was tough. He never backed down when it came to the national interests,” said Lu Lei, a Beijing salesman who went to the Japanese Embassy with his friends to protest. “Our current government is spineless. If Mao were alive, we would have already attacked Japan.” Protesters held up signs that touched on broader social issues such as corruption, food safety, and the widening gap between poor and rich. “This movement has multiple purposes. Nationalism is only part of the protests,” said Zheng Yongnian, director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore. “More people are angry about the current government, and they wanted to use this opportunity to vent.” The government, normally inclined to crush protests, allowed these displays of

public anti-Japanese fury. This is in order to gain leverage in its latest tiff with Tokyo over small, uninhabited East China Sea Islands called the Senkaku. Japan controls the islands and purchased them from their private owners last week. China responded with furious rhetoric. Both countries have sent patrol ships to the waters surrounding the islands, and there is no sign of progress in resolving the dispute between the economic powerhouses. Allowing the protests carries risks for China, as protesters can bend the intended message. They sent a quiet critique with a sign seemingly hard for the government to quarrel with: “Chairman Mao, we are missing you very much.” Many Chinese are worried about the chairman’s re-emergence. His most ardent supporters tend to be stridently nationalistic and advocate an authoritarian populism. Wang Zheng, a teacher in Beijing, said the public remembers Mao as a resolute man who showed no ambiguity on sovereignty issues. “Our government has been spineless on many things - Diaoyu being one of them.” - Am y Ku nihiro and ap September 27, 2012


TAKING IT TO THE TABLE Intramurals open with ping pong


he first sport of the intramural season took BYU-Hawaii students by storm with a tournament put on by the Ping Pong Club. “It was a great turn out. A lot of kids that attend here are good at ping pong and got the opportunity to get to know other kids that are just as good,” said Ezra Stevenson (Big Red), a senior in Pacific Island Studies. Also students now know there are ping pong tables for use in the old gym, other than just the Hales,” said Stevenson. “The best thing about BYUH Intramurals is the opportunity to meet other students from all parts of the world, to socialize, have fun, and take a break from homework,” said tournament champion Pheobe Pacis, a senior studying political science. “Table tennis is my second religion; to win feels amazing, but the friendships I have been able to create,would still mean more than any prize,” she said. The other winner was Manase Palemani from Tonga.

Ping pong is not the only intramural event that has taken place around campus. A badminton tournament, as well as a racquetball tournament, were held Sept. 22. Still to come is flag-football, volleyball, soccer and more. Expectations are high for these games. Student Head of Intramurals Joseph Broadhead, described what he loves about these games. He said intramurals are important because they foster “good sportsmanship, competitiveness, being able to come out and strive to meet new people, [while] remembering standards of the university. We are here to strengthen ourselves not only our spiritual bodies, but our physical bodies as well. Our bodies are a temple and we want to keep them in great condition.” - ALEC BARNEY

Above: Byron Elton returns a serve at the first intramural activity of the Fall 2012 Semester. Top right: Tim Watson gets ready to serve. Photos by Zack Konecki


Ke Alaka‘i

Four fighters suspended

the blessings that come from attending the Lord’s university,” said Vice President of Student Life Debbie Hippolite-Wright. She University has zero tolerance for violence also commented saying BYUH was founded on principals of promoting peace internaThe BYU-Hawaii Administration, on the Sept. 21. The fight, which occurred near recommendation of the Threat Assessment Hale 5, reminded students, faculty, and staff tionally and the best way to promote it is to live it. Committee (TAC), made the decision to one of the purposes of the Honor Code. According to Sister Mona Lee, a suspend four female BYUH students for “We want to encourage people to service missionary who volunteers at the fighting following a physical altercation on live a code of conduct so we can receive BYUH Office of Honor, there is a zero tolerance policy for physical violence. Meli Lesuma, also from the Office of Honor, shared Sister Lee’s view on the subject. According to Lesuma, if a student is involved in the violation of the Honor Code, such as assault or battery, or any other form of physical abuse, the report is investigated and relevant evidence is gathered. Once this is completed, the Honor Council reviews the case and an appropriate consequence is usually decided on using a graduated response system. The system provides guidelines for appropriate punishments for the Honor Code violation. University policy states in other cases, the Threat Assessment Committee (TAC) evaluates if physical injury or threats create a reasonable fear of injury. Lesuma said, generally, each case is evaluated based on the frequency and seriousness of the rule violations. If the violation is not serious, the committee administers a lower sanction and then graduates to a higher consequence if the infraction occurs again. However, in serious cases of assault and battery, students may be suspended on a first violation basis. Associate Vice President for Instruction Chad Compton, said, “I think it is important that we forewarn our students that if they engage in physical violence, they put at jeopardy their standing at the university just as we put at jeopardy our standing in the church if we engage in domestic violence.” -PHILLIP ANDRUS

September 27, 2012



Having fun, gaining information Services, Keiki Identification Card, a community service program that gives parents a laminated I.D. which is used to relocate children if they become lost, Parents and Children Together (PACT) program, free health and food program (WIC), 72 hour kit, Helping Hands Hawaii and other federal programs. “The event was put to show the It’s a way to bring children TVA community the resources that are together and mingle with available to them…and to be able to say families and friends, having thank you to what they do and show that good food and entertainment we are here for them,” said Huston Farnand games. sworth, TVA Residential Advisor (RA) from Arizona. - Cilati Seumanutafa TVA families shared what they TVA coordinators and residential enjoyed the most during the activity. “I assistants coordinated with the BYU-Hawaii enjoyed this event. It’s a way to bring chilResidential Life and Counseling Services dren together and mingle with families and to plan and put on an annual event for families to come together in an atmosphere friends, having good food and entertaindesigned to create good relationships among ment and games. [Bringing] family together residents and awareness of successful family and strengthening family relationships are what the church teaches, said Cilati relationships. With this goal, different programs Seumanutafa, a TVA resident and senior in elementary education from Tuvalu. and organizations in Hawaii set up their “I loved [the event] because it is a booths at the event area and informed fami- day that we can get together become aware lies of the possible benefits and help that of the different programs in the community. they could get for free. Such organizations [It is] also a good way to know different include the following: BYUH Counseling


amilies at the Temple View Apartments celebrated a day of fun, food, music, and games during the annual TVA family day on Saturday, Sept. 22. This event also served as an opportunity for TVA members to learn some resources that are available for the development of families and children.

families in TVA. I think it is fun especially for the kids. I signed in PACT and 72 hour kit programs to know how I could improve myself,” also commented Sina Hingano, a TVA resident from New Zealand. This event of play and bonding was not complete without country music group “Due West.” Parents and children enjoyed the music played by the group. “I love Due West. Their music is very appropriate and soothing for this event. I [also] like the jumping castle with kids. This is a real family thing as everything is free and provided,” expressed Seumanutafa. The activity ended with roars of excitement and cheers from the TVA residents during a raffle drawing. Tickets for the raffle were given to those who participated and won in the games provided. Various prizes for ticket raffles included a free haircut, tickets for the Taste of Asia concert, movie tickets, a large fan, a cooler, and dinner for four in an Italian restaurant at Turtle Bay.

-Ma Vis Tagu ba


Ke Alaka‘i

Top left: Ko and Narumi Uehara and their children enjoy the fun. Above: Zach Tilton exerts to hit the mark on the dunk tank at TVA Family Day on Sept. 22. Photos by Bart Jolley

Congregation joins the choir

president had one last question for him: “Have you ever read The Book of Mormon from front to back?” A young Otuafi replied, the “right words,” which invites the Spirit. P e o pl e fi l l L ai e St ake “Well actually, no, I haven’t.” The president Otuafi shared many songs he perCe n ter for music al f ire side sonally wrote; he split the congregation into then looked at him and said, “Come see me when you’re done.” Because of that experiSinger, songwriter and producer Nela Otuafi two halves and explained the separate vocal ence, he was able to receive a testimony of led a special musical fireside entitled “The parts. Once the crowd knew the basics, memthe Book of Mormon and said, “[That] is Power of Music” at the Laie North Stake bers of the congregation naturally added in Center on Sunday, Sept. 23. Attendance was their own parts, to which Otuafi responded, something no one can ever take away from you!” high as the Stake Center overflowed with “Only in Laie do people throw in their own The fireside concluded with Otuafi people. Some sat on the very back stage of harmonies… I love it.” telling a personal story, “I found myself at the cultural hall just to listen to Otuafi’s In response to the question, ‘What a piano, but I couldn’t write the right song. words and music. inspired you to go this route with your muThe lesson that the Lord was trying to teach “Music is a very powerful form of sic?’ Otuafi replied, “It’s very simple. I heard me was: ‘Stop trying to write the song… just’s about taking the right a quote from President Hinckley: ‘Changed get out da way.’” Following the Lord’s counwords and the right melody and putting men change the world.’ Prior to this, I was sel, Otuafi wrote the inspiring song, “How them together to form inspired works,” said working for the church, and the Lord has Can I Be.” Otuafi ended the fireside singing Otuafi at the beginning of the fireside. opened every door since.” this song as a solo. Nela Otuafi was born in Laie, but Niki Otuafi, Otuafi’s wife, who Only in Laie do peolived in San Diego, Calif., for 20 years. He travels with him along with their children, ple throw in their own is married with five children and currently said concerning the fireside, “It’s a wonderful harmonies... I love it. resides in Los Angeles, Calif. He shared with opportunity. I kind of compare it to going the congregation that his goal for this year - Nela Otuafi to the temple. Every time I go to one of his was to give only “one fireside.” Otuafi joyful Through Otuafi’s direction, the con- firesides, I learn something new.” revealed that this fireside was No. 20-somegregation also sung the beloved hymns “The thing. - Step hany France Spirit of God,” “O, Come, All Ye Faithful,” Otuafi opened the night’s performances with his three daughters Alai, Kathy, and even “Popcorn Popping,” including all and Finau singing, “Lighthouse of the Lord,” the hand motions, which provided him with a demonstration that music has a physical and then transitioned into a duet, “Looking effect on us. All Around,” with daughter Alai. The con “Go home. Go through your iPods, gregation fell completely silent as the Holy go through your playlists, go through your Spirit accompanied the music. computers,” counseled Otuafi, he encouraged He engaged the audience’s participation right away by requesting everyone to people to carefully evaluate their music selections. He took time to make a special point raise their right hand and agree under oath to be the “choir” of the fireside. He believes regarding reggae music. He explained that he loves it, but at times it flaunts a lifestyle the only way to truly understand the power contrary to LDS standards. Otuafi advised, of music, is to feel it. “We need to be careful.” The congregation sung the chilOtuafi also said of full-time misdren’s primary hymn, “Love is Spoken Here,” sions and said to the young men, “I’m not under Otufai’s direction. After this number, going to try to convince you… I’m telling he shared that his favorite line is, “Her plea you: Go on your mission.” He told of an to the Father, quiets all my fears, And I am experience he had with his stake president thankful love is spoken here.” Otuafi testiduring an interview before he served his fied to the reality of those words and the Nela Otuafi and his wife and daughter pose for a photo after the Sept. 23 musical mission in Panama. According to all of the power with which they are sung because he fireside. Photo by Mei Yin. described, it includes the “right melody” with paperwork, he was ready to serve, but the

September 27, 2012



Irie Love Rebel Souljahz Pe r for mers stay to sign a ut og rap h s and ta ke photos

Local celebrity Irie Love and her well-known local band, Rebel Souljahz, performed popular reggae songs at the Polynesian Cultural Center at a concert held in their honor on Sept. 21 with approximately 500 people in attendance. Standing at 6’4 inches with heels on and known for her song “My Love” and her feature on Fiji’s “It is What it Is,” Love’s audience consisted of BYU-Hawaii students and local community members, the Star Advertiser, and local radio station 93.1 Da Pa`ina came out to the Gateway special event venue for the entertainment and live music. In a pre-show interview with band member Bubba Hodges, he said, “Big up to everybody from the eastside that came out. It’s been a while since the

Souljahz have been in town. We love this side. They hardly do big concerts on this side because it’s a far drive, so when they do throw events, its huge here especially at BYUH, everyone comes out. The response is always a big blessing for us .We feed off the energy of the crowd. When they are into it, it gets us into it.” During an interview following her performance, singer and songwriter Love shared that a singing at the PCC never crossed her mind. But she was grateful for the opportunity to reach a new crowd of all ages and also to perform at such an early time at 8 p.m. She said, “It was an amazing opportunity for me to reach a wider scale of my fans. I talked with so many kids today and it was awesome to be able to share my message and purpose and why I do this: to share love and to empower women, men

and children to follow their passions relentlessly and to love themselves for who they are.” Irie Love took the time to take pictures with all her fans and sign autographs for them. Her fans stood in line as she greeted each of them with a big smile and hugs. Pelefoni Soliai, born and raised in Laie and cousin of Will Su’a, had the opportunity to perform the song “Naughty Girl” by Fiji on stage with Rebel Souljahz. In an interview following his performance with the band, he shared, “I got a good spirit from the crowd. The energy they gave me was good. It means a lot to me that Rebel Souljahz came out tonight because

The crowd swinging to the music of Irie Love and the Rebel Souljahz. Photo by Bart Jolley.


Ke Alaka‘i

they’re well known and they took the time to come out to this small town.” Lanea Snow, a BYUH alumnae from Laie, had the opportunity to assist the performers while they prepared for the show, as well as following their performances. Snow shared, “They are all so nice and really humble. They all have beautiful personalities . . . It was nice having them come to the PCC.” A returning BYUH student, John Constantino, a sophomore in exercise and sports science from the Philippines, shared. “The whole environment adds to the effect of the music. I love Rebel Souljahz – they always put on a good show. I love PCC and rebel Souljahz and the combination of both is amazing.” - Giselle Ra mirez

September 27, 2012


Students becoming leaders iLead helps students learn and apply leadership skills


Created by David Lucero, Baagie Erdenebat, Jordan Berardy and Caroline Yu, iLead holds high hopes for BYU-Hawaii’s leadership developments within student employment. iLead is designed to make better leaders of student employees and teach them helpful skills for not only work and class, but also the real world as well as the LDS Church. First put together by Professor Peter Chan, iLead was a website where students could upload leadership videos; however, it was not complete. In 2011, the iLead team we have today was created to help develop the online program. iLead consists of two courses, each with three levels. There is an iLead Certificate course and an iLead for Employment course. The iLead Certificate course has always been available and is recommended for students. David Lucero, Director of Student Leadership, Activities and Service shares the team’s vision for iLead. “We envision that someday in the near future every BYUH student will have completed Level 1, most student leaders will have completed Level 2, and many will achieve the Level 3 Certificate,” he said. iLead has been designed to help our students learn to lead in more effective ways. As outlined on the iLead website, the purpose of the online program is to “strengthen and prepare students in the development of attributes, skills, and self confidence which will allow them to enhance their innate and learned leadership abilities and knowledge throughout their BYU-Hawaii experience and beyond.” The creators of iLead want students to be able to take what they learn through the program and apply it to more than just work and class here at BYUH. They want students to apply it beyond the University. Baagie Erdenebat, a prominent member of the iLead team, expressed, “We want them to become great leaders in communities and nations, wherever they may go. Foremost, we want them to be leaders in their homes.” Previously being voluntary and available for students as well as faculty members, the online program teaches many valuable principles that students find useful. Krystelle Dimaya, a senior in social work from the Philippines, has completed iLead One and Two in hopes to improve her leadership skills as a student worker at BYUHSA. She expressed, “It’s so helpful because it teaches me how to manage my time and, not only that, they also teach personal budgeting and leadership skills like how to be active and not passive.” Dimaya shared that she believes that these skills will be useful after college, especially once she enters the workforce. J. Jordan Berardy, a graduate intern for iLead and the Service Center explained that, “As of right now iLead is optional for students. However, in order to receive a promotion here at BYUH students are required to complete iLead for Employment, a modified Ke Alaka‘i

Inkou Lee, pictured above, is the media lead for BYUHSA. Photo by Phil Andrus

“It’s so helpful because it teaches me how to manage my time and, not only that, they also teach personal budgeting and leadership skills.” -Krystelle Dimaya version of iLead for student workers.” iLead is required for promotions because many employers value what iLead teaches the students. Not only employers value these things, but the students that participate as well. Berardy shared his vision for iLead: “I personally hope that iLead connects our students to the University’s mission and helps students put President McKay’s prophecy for the school into perspective.” Daniel Hou, a sophomore in computer science from China, was required to participate in iLead after receiving a promotion. Hou thought although it can be a little bit too much to handle during school, he believes “the readings and what they teach are helpful.” iLead has helped students learn to lead in their classes, at work, and at home. The program gets you a certificate and as Erdenebat said, “It is great to have any certificate, especially a leadership certificate.” Find the iLead program at

-Terina Christ y

Learning for eternity University’s computer lab brings BYU-Hawaii to the Philippines Chad Compton, associate academic vice president in BYU-Hawaii, said he visited the city of Manila in the Philippines to establish a computer lab within the Manila Philippines Institute of Religion (MPIR) to help the young single adults (YSA) obtain a higher education and become more marketable. “The lab is a gathering place. We have some YSA in the Philippines who we think they would go to college if they have the right opportunity and support; but they can’t because of economic issues. Online education would help them. Part of the priorities of the church is to help YSA to get as much as education as possible. We are trying a pathway that we have never tried before,” said Compton. From Aug. 31 to Sept. 5, Compton spent time with the YSA Institute teachers and local stake presidents to explain the concept behind the computer lab. “Internet and digital devices provide a dramatic change in communication. It drops the cost, but increases the need of new tools for instructional technologies and media,” he said. Since not all YSA can afford the cost to own a computer, the lab provides free new tools to students that allow them to gain an education. “They are now available to study with technologies, but still decrease the cost,” Compton said. For students who cannot afford college education, they can now earn an overseas college certificate or associate’s degree without leaving their country. A student can get a certificate from BYUH by earning 15 credits or qualify for an associate’s degree by earning 60 or more credits. Compton explained how the lab benefits both people within the Philippines as well as students planning to attend BYUH. Students can take advantage of the lab by taking credits online that work toward their nine-semester plan. Students can also improve their English skills and be exposed to the United States education system before setting foot on campus. Students will more confident as they prepare to transition into life in America. This Fall Semester 2012, there are 35 students taking online classes from the lab and the majority of them are taking at least two

online classes, which include EIL, religion, student development, biology, music, and ASL. In October 2012, senior couple missionaries will serve in the lab as mentors to assist the students. “Right now there are only institute teachers helping in the lab, but the church is planning to employ Filipino alumni from BYUH to help in the lab to provide technical and teaching supports to the students,” said Compton. “If we see success, we might build more labs. Our next plan might be to do something in China and New Zealand.” “If you are in the Philippines, you’ll probably notice how eager we are to continue our education by all means,” said Sid Francis Balubal, a Filipino sophomore who is majoring in psychology. “Filipino customs treasure education as a key to success. An online class is a great alternative if they [YSA in the Philippines] cannot afford to come here. Filipinos will always be grateful of any help rendered to them, especially if it is for their own benefit.” Agreeing with Balubal, Kit Alfonso Nadado, a sophomore majoring in English education who is also from the Philippines, said, “there are a lot of them [YSA] who dream of going to BYUH, but money is meager. Their parents cannot support them, so the dream remains just a dream.” He said it is a fulfillment of a dream to YSA in the Philippines to have this computer lab. Holding a different opinion, Eugene Aloc, another Filipino sophomore majoring in supply chain management, said, “I know the online class would save them [YSA] some money; but in the long run, it is still too expensive because they won’t get I-WORK scholarships.” He said without the I-WORK scholarship, it is too expensive for YSA in the Philippines to seek college education physically at BYUH or through online classes. “My point is that because of poverty, they [YSA] wouldn’t have the opportunity to have it [education],” said Aloc.

-Clove r cheng

September 27, 2012



Left: Charles Goo poses next to a plaque commemorating the influence his family on the community. Right: Ura Behling displays the fruits of her labor, the pareu cloth. Photos complied by Clover Cheng


ftentimes students see their community as being BYU-Hawaii and not the entire Laie community. But people in the community are part of the legacy of the university and the town Here are some community members that have contributed to the Laie and its rich history.

From a pioneer to a professional pareu maker


Ura Behling, known as Auntie Ura to community members, has lived in Laie for more than 45 years. Her son, Tom Mariteragi, is a BYU-Hawaii electrician and her daughter-in-law, Katai, works in the cafeteria. According to Behling, she moved from Tahiti in 1969, following a call from the LDS Church to serve as a labor missionary in the Polynesian Cultural Center. She worked as a dancer in the Tahitian village with two of her daughters. Se has worked as a nurse, a groundskeeper at the Polynesian Cultural Center, and now she is a professional pareu maker. Pareu means to “wrap you around” in Tahitian. Her pareus are made Ke Alaka‘i

of 35 percent cotton and 65 percent polyester cloth similar to a lava lava, which Tahitians use when they go to beach. She started her business back in 1989. Her main customers, besides BYUH students and Laie community members, included tourists from Waikiki and the PCC. She said “sometimes I just hang the product in my yard and people are attracted by the color. They are happy with the product, so they come back and order more. I love my job.”

“I love Laie. From the time I stayed here until today, Laie is always peaceful and beautiful. There are no bad people in Laie. You can walk in the middle of night and don’t worry about being hurt or killed. Laie is my home.” -Ura Behling

Goo’s Old Plantation Store Charles Goo was born and raised in Laie. His father, who passed away in 2008, was the owner of the Old Plantation Store, nicknamed the “Goo’s Store”. The Goo’s Store opened in 1913 and closed in 1946 for a short period of time. It was reopened in 1955 and remained the business until 1986. One half of the store was a snack bar and the half was a general store. It was located right across the street from the old Church College of Hawaii. Goo recalled “I was helping in the store since I was 9. Our main customers were students and community members. High school students liked to buy pake cake – a Chinese pie cake - for breakfast. There was no Foodland but only us and the Sam’s Store. I watched the store and sometimes people stole candy, but back then Laie was pretty small and I knew the kids who stole. Usually I told them to put the candy back. If not, I called the parents.” Goo’s father was praised by the community members as the “one man Relief society” for he provided and took care of the whole community. Goo said “my dad used

to extend credit to community family, which means they could buy things in credit. He had a card to record the names, dates and the amount of money people owned. Some never paid, but I would say most people were honest.” Charles Goo also worked for years at BYUH before retiring.

Johnny Lingo’s Father-in-Law

Joe Ah Quin is best known as the actor in the 1969 LDS Church movie “The Legend of Johnny Lingo.” He played the role of Mahana’s father. Ah Quin was born in 1935 in Hawaii and has lived in Laie for years. He was a singer for 30 years at the Moana Surfrider Hotel in Waikiki and used to teach music in Kahuku High School. “The actor of Johnny Lingo was actually older then me,” said Ah Quin. He recalled parts of the movie were filmed in Laie. “Johnny Lingo’s honeymoon hut was located in Hukilau Beach.” When the film director saw him, he asked Ah Quin to read the script. “While I was reading he said ‘You will be Mahana’s father!’ I was surprised I was chosen over the Waikiki professional actors.” Ah Quin went to BYU Provo with the actor of Johnny Lingo in 1954. “I went to college for one year, but then I ran out of money. So I served in the Navy in Japan for four years and came back to Laie for school. It was the Church College of Hawaii. I returned home on Dec. 17, 1958, the same date President McKay dedicated the campus. So there was no one who came and picked me up at the airport,” he said. Talking about his childhood life in Laie, he said, “When I was a child, men in the community would go down to the water and fish for four to five hours at Hukilau Beach. It was fun and exciting to see the fishes jump in the net. When the fishermen landed, they called everyone for help. They sent the rest of the fish to Honolulu, but first they would yell and get everybody lined up and share fish. We have nine kids in my family, and we could have 65 fishes per time. Sometimes we dried the fish on beach. I worked six to eight hours to dry the fish and prevented flies to lay eggs in the fish. We could eat the fish like candy. This was life.” -C l ove r C h e n g

Joe Ah Quin is a prominent community member and musician. Photo from Ke Alakai archives

September 27, 2012


Never giving up Ladies soccer team scores to win in the 86th minute

The Lady Seasiders are making it count late in games as they finished off Hawaii Pacific with an amazing header by MaKelle Yates off a corner kick by Kami Strait in the 86th minute, lifting the team to a 1-0 victory. This match was about as physical as they get, and both teams defenses were locked down tight trying to secure a victory. Standouts for the women’s team include Heather Conk, who seemed to be everywhere the ball was and possibly the most ferocious player on the field. Megan McCain recorded yet another shutout, and only needing to make one save the entire game. After the goal, the entire team rushed to congratulate Yates, and everyone on the bench and in the stands were on their feet cheering. The late goal lifted the team to an overall record of 4-1 and their second win in the conference. The women’s team followed up the their suspenseful play on Monday with last minute dramatics as they faced Fresno Pacific, coming up even as Terryn Solberg sent the equalizer to the back of the net on set piece from Kassy Binning in the 75th minute. The match went into double overtime and neither

team was able to capitalize, finishing with a final score of 1-1. Players felt frustrated and disappointed with the final outcome of a tie. Michele Stevens a senior from Portland Oregon, majoring in finance said, “On defense, we were trying to be tough and aggressive. The refs were definitely pretty whistle happy, but I think that as a team we stuck together and we have a tough defense. I think we were the more talented team and we should have won. We got unlucky with our shots, and we just need to work harder to put them into the back of the net.” This match heard 44 whistles from fouls and offsides calls by the refs, 30 of which came against BYUH. Coach Alex Reugner spoke of the 1-1 tie, “We have struggled all season so far coming out flat, and again we came out flat, but 15–20 minutes in we created a lot of good opportunities to score. Further into the season we will face tougher teams that won’t give us as many opportunities to score, so we need to capitalize when we have the chance.” In trying to come up with a solution for the team Coach Reugner commented, “We are still trying to figure it out, but it is something that my coaches and I are working on.” Terryn Solberg, a senior from Bakersfield majoring in exercise sport science, had two goals in the last three games. She shared her feelings after the match, “I feel like [my progression] is going pretty good, I’m lucky to be able put one away for the team. Everyone else does all the hard work, it’s nice to be the forward to put it away.” Terryn drew the foul just outside of the goal box leading to a free kick for the Seasiders. Kassy Binning’s set piece was right on the money and Terryn one-touched it into the net. The team has relished in the comeback fashion that they have adopted the last two games. Terryn while smiling continued, “We are pretty dangerous on set pieces, I didn’t expect [the ball] to come to me so it was nice to put it in.” The Seasiders stand at 4-1-1, and look to bounce back as they take on Notre Dame de Namur on Sept. 29 at 3 p.m. at home. -Matt bledsoe

Men’s soccer falls short to Fresno Pacific The BYU-Hawaii men’s soccer team lost to Fresno Pacific on Sept. 24, 6-2 in a Pacific West Conference match in Laie. Fresno Pacific dominated the first half of the game, out-shooting the Seasiders 11-2 and taking a 5-1 lead into intermission that BYUH could not recover from. The Seasiders played a much stronger game in the second half, out-shooting the Sunbirds 12-1 after the break but didn’t have the scoring success to catch up. Zak Epplette scored the first-half goal for the Seasiders on a free kick in the 15th minute after Fresno Pacific had already 14

Ke Alaka‘i

taken a 2-0 lead. Epplette scored an assist on the Seasiders’ secondhalf goal on a pass to Chad Nahoolewa that Nahoolewa took and dribble in for a shot to the left corner of the goal. With the loss, the Seasiders fell to 1-2-1 for the season and 0-2-1 in the PacWest while the Sunbirds improved to 4-3 overall and 2-2 in the conference. BYUH will be in action again on Sept. 29 against Notre Dame de Namur in a Pacific West Conference match in Laie at 12:30 p.m.

- BYUH spo rts informat ion

Top left: Heather Conk chases after the ball during Mondays tie game against Fresno Pacific. Photo by Bart Jolley

Women’s Volleyball Dominates closest competitor The women’s volleyball team continues to extend its impressive sevengame winning streak on Sept. 24 in the Cannon Activity Center, beating out the No. 13th-ranked Grand Canyon Antelopes. The Lady Seasiders moved to 8-2 overall and 3-0 in conference. Win No. 6 of the streak came over Dixie State Friday night, Sept. 21, winning three straight games while holding the Dixie State’s Red Storm to just a .131 attack percentage. One of the standouts for the Seasiders was Lauren Hagemeyer, a senior majoring in exercise science and biology from Colorado, who on the eve of opening her mission call to Brazil, was “lights out!” said Nate Packer, a senior in finance from Newport Beach, Calif. Hagemeyer filled the stat sheet getting 14 kills, 5 assists and 4 digs. She scored the last point of the match and commented after the game, “We went into this game not fretting too much… but we still had to play our game because in volleyball it’s so easy to get momentum. [It’s] a big part of the game, and as long as we played our game we knew that we would do well, and that’s what we did.” But against Grand Canyon, the Seasiders continued to dominate as expected. The ladies took control of every game at the beginning and never looked back. Standouts from the game included Ying Chun Chen (Michelle), a sophomore majoring in exercise sports science from Taiwan. Chen has been on fire this season with 40 or more assists in four straight games leading up to Monday night’s victory over Grand Canyon in which she has 43 of the teams 51 assists. Chen is a major component to the team’s success and said after the 3-0 win over Grand Canyon, “I feel really good. At the beginning of our warm up, I felt like everyone was hyper and it made our game more exciting. Our defense is really good. So I do my best to assist them.” In preparing for the 13th-ranked school in the nation, Chen commented, “I think in our practice we focused a lot more on our defense, because before we lost a lot of points on defense and block-

ing. So in practice, coach had us focused on those things to prepare for Grand Canyon.” The Lady Seasiders are 12th in the nation and continue to climb up the national rankings. The possibility of nationals is very high for the women’s team. Chen continued, “I think we have a lot of opportunity, but if we don’t keep working on it, I think that we will lose it. If we work hard, it’s possible.” The Women’s volleyball team’s next home game is at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 5 in the CAC. -Matt bledsoe

Ying Chun Chen sets up teammate Jacquline Starbrick for a spike in Sept. 24 win over Grand Canyon. Photos by Zack Konecki and Bart Jolley September 27, 2012



Ke Alaka‘i

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