CAMPUS C O M M E N T S Wha t are you r favor i te pla ce s to v is i t in H a wa ii? BY XYRON LEVI CORPUZ Aua hi Aiu, a sophomore from Pearl City, Hawaii, majoring in marketing, said he loves to surf at Castles Beach and hike on the Friendship Gardens Trail and the Aiea Loop Trail. He said he also enjoys going on short road trips with four or five friends, such as driving from Laie to Costco.
Paolo Poblete, a senior from the Philippines studying biology, said he loves going to the Ala Moana Center because the shops there provide a way for him to destress. He said he tries to go there at least once a week because it is easily accessible via a two-hour bus ride.
Ei kimo’unga Pola’a pau, a junior from Tonga majoring in economics, said she enjoys going to Makapuu Lighthouse. Because it is an easy hike, she said she can dress up and take beautiful photos at the top. She also loves going to the BYUH Fitness Center to stay fit and healthy, she added.
Inosi Kini kini, a senior from Fiji studying psychology, said, “My favorite place to go here in Hawaii is Kapiolani.” He said he loves it there because of a cookie shop, called Edible, that sells a variety of cookies he loves to eat.
Ricky Ca llanta, a junior from the Philippines majoring in hospitality and tourism management, said he loves visiting Pear l Har bor because it is a place where he can lear n about the history of the island.
Adam Alcantar, a junior from Tennessee studying biochemistry, said he likes hiking and rock climbing at Three Peaks, a trail located on the windward side of the island near Kailua and Waimanalo. He also loves watching the sunsets near his wor kplace at Ko Olina, he sai d.
Graphics by Katie Mower. Photos by Mark Tabbilos.
M A RCH 2021 7