Architecture Design Portfolio

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A Compilation


Creative Works

Kealani Jensen Architecture Student Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

In Succession

P r e l u d e

P a r a s i t e D e s i g n V i l l a g e C l u b D e s i g n

E t u d e


I am in pursuit of a B. Arch at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo entering my second year of studies currently minoring in Art History dabbling in photography and watercolors passionate about my work

parasite an organism living in, with, or on another organism

(para)site to take context and meaning with an ajoining site or host

The parasite project challenges Freshmen to address site in design. The students are assigned a specific location or site and must create, using only their individual talents and skills, a response to the assigned site. The goal is to design an organism which attaches and lives through the host.


Design Village

What does it mean to create a dwelling? Design Village addresses the concept of dwelling as students must create a physical structure for one night in Poly Canyon. The structure must be transported by only the students with no outside help or technology. The dwelling must also be adaptable to a steep slope and protect from natural elements such as wind and rain. The dwelling thus becomes a response to necessity and design and a play of form and function.

Club Design

Club: Game Theory

This project poses an issue of a club-space on Cal Poly’s campus. The assigned club, Game Theory, demands a specific set of needs whether spatial, program, or experience related.

The Game Theory Club contains multiple fields of gaming, including: card/board, computer, and video. The club members expressed the desire for indirect lighting and a flexible space which could be changed for presentations and different events the club held. The design response thus became a play off of the rubix cube and the game cube with the focus held on a hi-tech space for these tech-minded gamers.

Design Concept The design concept for the Game Theory club derives not only from a cube but from a digital pixel. The entire dwelling is constructed from these “pixels� or cubes equipped with electropolymeric dynamic daylighting systems in order to let in light indirectly. The pixels move around and in the structure to construct the club house itself and the structure looks as if the pixels had eaten away at its host. The concept thus becomes the architecture in a physical and ideological sense and the club members may experience the engineering of gaming in a real setting.




Concept: Moving Pixel

Etude I dive into it. I experience design through seeing, making, and creating. It envelops me and thrives in my imagination, mind, and being. It is said you must have passion about design; I disagree. You must have passion in design.

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