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THE EQUINOX The student voice of Keene State College
Vol. 68, Issue #21 Thursday, March 10, 2016
Inspiring Conversations in Education Conference
The truth behind free speech at KSC
KSC’s Outstanding Women of New Hampshire
RED LIGHT KSC policies receive negative free speech rating MACKENZIE CLARKE
Senior reporter
Red Light Schools:
Keene State College has A “red light” institution has at received a “red light rating” least one policy that both clearly for one of its policies by and substantially restricts freedom The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education of speech. A “clear” restriction is (FIRE). FIRE is an organione that unambiguously infringes zation whose mission is to on what is or should be protected “defend and sustain indiexpression. In other words, the vidual rights at America’s colleges and universities.” threat to free speech at a red light The FIRE organization institution is obvious on the face reviews policies in public of the policy and does not and private schools and gives depend on how the policy them a rating based on violations against the First Amendis applied.
ment: green light, yellow light or red light. According to FIRE, KSC received a red light for it’s discrimination and discriminatory harassment policy and a yellow light for it’s event planning. FIRE staff member Shelby Emmett also reported about her testimony before the New Hampshire House of Education Committee on a bill (HB 1561) that protects freedom of expression at New Hampshire public colleges and universities by prohibiting the use of unconstitutional “free speech zones.” “Students are permitted to engage in free speech activities only on the Student Center Lawn and inside the Young Student Center Atrium – and only when scheduled in advance,” Emmett stated about KSC in her Feb. 4, report. “Prior restraint on student expression is wrong and presumptively unconstitutional at public institutions like UNH Green Light Schools: [University of New Hampshire] and KSC. Worse, If a college or university’s policies these policies limit students’ do not seriously imperil speech, that ability to quickly respond to recent events or to speech college or university receives a “green with which they disagree,” light.” A green light does not indicate Emmett stated in her artithat a school actively supports free cle regarding the hearing. expression. It simply means that FIRE The following ratings
is not currently aware of any serious threats to students’ free speech rights in the policies on that campus.
speech policies. A green light policy is granted if a college or university’s policies do not seriously
Section A: News .................1-3
Section B: A&E ..................1-4
Opinions ...........4-5
Student Life ......6-10
Associated Collegiate Press
KSC Nursing Program approved on probation
Managing ExEcutivE Editor
because we don’t know that the two years that we’ve already put in here will be worth anything anywhere else,” Rocheleau said. Connelly said that there are currently 57 sophomore students in the nursing program when previously the program only accepted 48. However, after meeting with the NH BON, the board has instructed KSC to cut the sophomore class to 32 students. Along with the cut, new academic criteria have been added for entrance into the nursing program after the sophomore class.
Keene State College’s nursing program has been awaiting full approval from the New Hampshire Board of Nursing (BON) since 2011, and this year the program’s approval will remain on probation until February of 2017. Once the year long probation is up, the college will have the opportunity to present new information and ask the NH BON for a six-month approval extension according to KSC Director of Nursing Dr. Thomas Connelly. According to New Hampshire National CounThe criteria were given cil Licensure Examination- to students and parents at Registered Nurse (NCLEX) the sophomore meeting Reports, in 2013 Keene State and include: College had 77.78 percent of • Earn a 3.4 overall GPA from classes In 2014 only 48.28 percent of taken at Keene State graduates passed the state two years. nelly said this past spring • Earn a 3.25 GPA the percentages increased in science classes to 63 percent, and that the taken at Keene State goal is to reach the state and national average of 85 pertwo years. cent. • Since the program is on above on the Test of probation, Connelly said in Essential Academic an open meeting with the Skills (TEAS V). sophomore class nursing • Successful complemajors on Tuesday, March tion of basic math8, “We are waiting on the ematic competency. seniors to graduate and be • A maximum of 32 successful on that exam the students admitted to the nursing will hit or achieve higher cohort as juniors maintain high cent] then our rising juniors touch learning and will give us two years of pedagogy. data to petition to the board • Sophomores will for full approval.” start the program in KSC senior and nursing fall of 2016. major Bridgette Normandin said that, as a senior, she During the sophomore feels there is a lot of pres- meeting, students and sure on her class to do well. parents raised concerns However, KSC sophomore that it’s possible for more and nursing major Diana than 32 students to meet Rocheleau said the uncer- the new criteria. Connelly tain future of the nursing responded that in the case - of ties students would then more the class the most. be looked at individually in “Everything they’ve told regard to their academics us is an assumption right and schedules. now, everything is a ‘what Many students were if’ statement; nothing is concerned that they would solid. It’s just frustrating have not have the option
Inside Stories
imperil speech, according to The- see what is in [the policy] that is problematic.” does not indicate that a school “I think there is probably some actively supports free expression. language that they feel we’re It simply means that FIRE is not being too explicit about,” she said. currently aware of any serious KSC junior Nicole Mowat threats to students’ free speech learned about this red light rating rights in the policies on that in her Information Policy class campus,” the website stated. while researching freedom of Yellow light ratings are given to speech and expression. policies that “restrict a more limMowat said she was unaware ited amount of protected expres- of the red and yellow light ratsion or, by virtue of their vague ings that Keene State holds. “It wording, could too easily be used is a little concerning that our to restrict protected expression. school does not consider this An example of a yellow light issue a bigger deal,” Mowat said, policy would be “posters contain- “Keene State prohibits spontaneing references to alcohol or drugs” ous assembling which basically because it “unambiguously prohibits [students] expression restricts speech on the basis of through protesting if there are content and viewpoint, but its issues students disagree with.” scope is very limited,” according Mowat said she believes this to FIRE. policy “limits student voice on A “red light” institution has at least one policy that both clearly information on campus.” Mowat and substantially restricts free- said, “This shows that [KSC] has dom of speech. A “clear” restric- a lack of commitment to students’ tion is one that “unambiguously expressive rights.” infringes on what is or should be Corcoran said it’s imporprotected expression. In other tant “not to be actively soliciting words, the threat to free speech people” or making them uncomat a red light institution is obvious fortable. “I think that if within the on the face of the policy and does context of appropriateness of not depend on how the policy is people expressing themselves applied,” FIRE stated. is not frowned upon but as long Azhar Majeed has been a staff as it’s done in a way that doesn’t member at FIRE since 2007. He infringe upon other peoples’ said FIRE looks through as many rights,” she said. public schools policies as possiCorcoran said it is important ble to “protect the First Amend- that one student’s ability of free ment Rights of students.” speech isn’t going to infringe “These are basic policies that upon another’s ability to have a regulate student conduct and safe environment. speech, to see restricted codes is KSC is the only school in troubling…it worries us,” Majeed N.H. that has received a red light said. He said that students or pro- speech code category rating fessors can “submit a case” to compared to Dartmouth College FIRE for further investigation into and University of New Hampshire, a policy. “We can’t promise we which received a yellow light, and can help, but we can look at it,” Plymouth State, which received a Majeed said. green light. Special Assistant to the Pres“KSC only has one policy that ident Human Resources Carol has a red light rating, so [adminCorcoran said KSC was aware istration] really just needs to of the ratings they had received change this one speech code to from FIRE in September. She get rid of their red light rating,” said she believes it is important Majeed said. “for any person to be aware of Title IX Discrimination and what their rights are.” Harassment Coordinator Jeffrey As for the red light rated dis- Maher was not aware of when crimination and discriminatory KSC received the red light rating. harassment policy, Corcoran said “I don’t know when that policy was administration has been “trying to
Men’s Basketball advances to Sweet 16
Light Up the Sky
A5: NH Lawmakers Debate Nipple Bill A8: STI testing necessary in college B2: Senior Music Recital: Adam Rhan B8: Owls Basketball wins LEC honors
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News / A2
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Conference breaks the ‘ICE’
Student presenters introduce the Inspiring Conversations in Education Conference last Saturday during the annual event. The conference was made up of sessions that connected college with careers.
Inspiring Conversations in Education Conference discusses life after college DOROTHY ENGLAND
Equinox Staff
The conference featured a raffle with prizes including coffee and school supplies.
Last Saturday, March 5, the Inspiring Conversations in Education Conference held sessions on opportuniOLIVIA SCHIAFFO ties and experiences to help bridge the gap between KSC SENIOR college and professional life. The conference included live music and food, and was free to attendees. It lasted start students’ careers. “I don’t think their careers start from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. once they graduate; I think their careers start now,” helped organize the event said that, while this confer- Hucks said. Hucks said he wants KSC students to be really preence was mainly geared for education majors, anyone pared for the real world. “I want them…to see them“I think it’s really just about getting people to talk to selves as contributors in whatever educational setting they decide to work in, to see themselves as leaders and opportunity to talk to other professionals besides their to be able to hit the ground running,” Hucks said. Hucks said that there aren’t a lot of opportunities professors and I think that this is really about getting people contact so they can network…and reach their for college students to reach out to professionals. “We haven’t had these conversations to identify the things potential of success.” that we are doing well and the areas we need to improve,” Hucks said. helped her with conference planning. KSC Senior Catherine Tewell said the ICE confer“I want to support and help and believe in more ence helped her personally realize what she was doing - well and what she needed to work on. “It’s almost like a mini critique [of] yourself and other ite had been Educational Counselor for Upward Bound people are contributing to it that you wouldn’t otherKyle Virgin’s. “He said, ‘It’s okay if you don’t know, you need to wise hear,” Tewell said. Tewell said it was motivating to hear people who had trust what’s unknown and just go for it.’ I feel like that’s a lesson for everyone, not just people who want to work gone through the same ordeal she’s currently in and how they got through it. “You have people who went here, who had the same aspirations as an undergrad that you’ve had, and who are now…out to say, we are here to help you because we care about you and we’ve been in your shoes. It really shows a lot about Keene State,” Tewell said.
“I wanted a place for students to have a space to talk about practice, a space to share, to hear, to develop the skill sets from the start...I don’t think their careers start once they graduate; I think their careers start now.”
Students at one of the sessions held at the I.C.E. conference.
RED LIGHT Cont. from A1
created, I don’t know how long it’s been in existence,” Maher said about KSC’s discrimination and discriminatory harassment policy. As for the yellow light rating for event planning, Maher said he knows speech “can be restricted based upon reasonable
time place and manner restrictions.” “The legal standard is the restrictions have to be reasonable, have to relate to time, place and manner and they have to be content and viewpoint neutral,” he said. He continued, “I think what we’re striving for with these policies is to try to create a culture of inclusion and success for our students so that an individual or group isn’t targeted with hateful speech, and I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad
thing.” “In many ways, I think Although FIRE’s web- our policies have been to site claims the policy rat- help make a safe enviings were last updated on ronment for everyone and yet you don’t want said she was unaware to be infringing upon of which policies were people’s constitutional “problematic.” rights,” she said. Corco“What wasn’t clear to ran said she and other me until very recently administration hope to have a response to these objecting to,” she said. policy allegations before Corcoran said she the term is over. doesn’t believe that these MacKenzie Clarke policies were made post can be contacted at mclarke@kscequinox. that FIRE has reached out com to KSC in the past during
“I want to support and help and believe in more people.”
their students. “I feel like we are really one of [these] schools who are concerned about our undergraduate students – who they are and where they [want to] go,” Tewell said. “She talked a lot about how it’s important to be empasympathy and empathy which is really big for me,” Tewell said, “I’m very empathetic, I’m very emotionally involved so for me it’s hard to take that step back and say, ‘okay you don’t always have to agree with the parents or their choices.’”
Virgin also introduced the conference in addition to his presentation. He said it felt amazing to see people walk out of his presentation and talk about it. “My topic was ‘I don’t know and that’s okay,’” Virgin
fessionals. “So to give someone access [on] how to be a profesthings [and] don’t be afraid of failure…you’ve got lots of sional, how to network, how to give a presentation; they support from teachers and mentors and people who are will exceed your wildest expectations,” Hucks said, “Success at any level has to do with caring.” behind you one hundred percent.” He said his favorite experience this year has been Dorothy England can be contacted at and seeing how they’ve been and giving each other advice. “It’s inspiring,” Virgin said. Virgin said that he got involved when he was Vice convinced him to become a part of the ICE conference. conference] bridges that generational gap between current teachers and students who are going to be teachers and this is where that happens,” Virgin said. Hucks said he helped organize this event from the start, four years ago. “I wanted a place for students to have a space to talk about practice, a space to share, to hear, to develop the skill sets from the start,” Hucks said. Hucks said he thinks this conference will help jump-
“I feel like we are really one of [these] schools who are concerned about our undergraduate students – who they are and where they [want to] go.”
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News / A3
NURSING Cont. from A1
to take certain required classes such as microbiology before ogy class in the summer to students who are unable to sign up for the course in fall of 2016. Connelly also advised students to look into the health scidegree after college if not accepted into the nursing program. Director of Academic and Career Advising Pat Halloran for students to come explore those options. said she was even considering transferring. have to wait it out and see what the juniors and seniors score
Reflects graduates of programs who tested in the calendar year (January through December) even if they did not graduate in that year.
Another issue that was brought up at the meeting was housing leases because of the alleged shortage of on-campus
Parents React to nursing changes When asked for comments about the meeting, many parents declined to comment or did not want their speak.
Saint Anselm
(Statistics from
munity college in town or lived in an apartment at a -
the program was on conditional approval but never
think they were as forthcoming with all the info that
lease with her daughter that they are now locked into. students and their parents in the fall so they could have housing. think we got thrown under the bus...and my daughter
Plymouth State
Keene State
security deposits or if the college could back them in getting out of a lease. Connelly said he had no answers for them since that is not his area of expertise, but said that he would Connelly said the motivation behind adding these two bring that issue to the attention of the college. courses came from student feedback and the fact that a large were brought to the attention of the college through post tion. Connelly said that previously nursing students only exit program reviews submitted by students. Class of 2015 took an accelerated ten-week medical surgical class in the nursing graduate Nicole Whitney, 27, who now works at summer, and student feedback showed that students wanted more time with this subject. really did take our input and change some of the things Along with adding the medical surgical course, Connelly said the college is currently search for a medical surgical faculty position as of January 2016. This information was announced at the sophomore meetsaid. the meeting for comment but was unable to comment since comment to be clear that the college has made the changes she was traveling. in the nursing program because they believe it will provide students with an even better education, and that they are dents and their families came to learn about the changes and not holding the seniors to any greater pressure or expectation that they do any class. ward to continuing the communication with the community. plementing their education because we think it will make Connelly said that some of the supplementing includes
sages will be clearly communicated to students and families. -
vices for students to utilize after graduation. Connelly said that 99 percent of students have chosen to take those elec-
Kendall Pope can be contacted at
‘KSC Cares’ aims to refer students to counseling center intervention of those situations so we can
Equinox Staff A new and improved program on campus -
friends who are concerned about a student play a critical role in supporting that student.
it easier for students to get help and receive early intervention. -
which it is, but the front line is really the faculty and the friends of those students before it will ever be the Counseling Center. We really look to those friends and to those facports underneath the students who do in fact
semester and is an extension of a pre-existing cern. between the two programs is that the committee is hoping to receive more referral forms from students and faculty members regarding a student who they are concerned about.
said. vices the Counseling Center provides to atrisk students. ing, cognitive evaluations, personality and psycho-diagnostic evaluations. We have a
come to their attention in the old process for too-late situations.
have earlier information that our outreach
A hand reaches out to a student in need of some help.
cerns are about a particular student.
is under no legal obligation to withhold this - information from the student who they have concerns about.
which meets every Tuesday.
focused on well-being, resilience building and prevention work so there are a ton of programs, activities and initiatives that get launched out of the Counseling Center in that
Director of Center for Health and Wellpurpose of the program is to provide a means for early intervention of at-risk students mation she hears most from faculty about a through collaboration with campus depart- student they are concerned about. has more to do with illness, missed classes
Counseling Center, Center for Health and to communicate best to the college commu-
at that information and say ‘did we already know this, did we not know this, do we know other things besides this and how that might
if they got concerns about a student and the Atkins could not be reached for comment by merman said. deadline. While the referral form does ask for a tions where students need help and support. form can be utilized by anyone who has con-
According to the Director of the Counsel-
The referral form asks for information
about it and then the next thing we know, they are failing or they had to drop a course. Hopefully this will be a way to get some early
CAMPUS SAFETY report log
Week of: Feb. 29 Monday, February 29 1:54 a.m. Madison Lot: Blue light activation, no response on phone, dispatched officer to area. Officer states no one in area all apears clear 2:28 a.m. Carle Hall: Fire alarm activation, unknown reason for activation, fire department cleared the building and gave permission for students to re-enter building Tuesday, March 1 7:28 a.m. Zorn Dining Commons: Female passed out 12:13 p.m. Holloway Hall: Overheard radio call to Holloway Hall for a male who drank 2 cups of bleach. Male transported to CMC 1:21 p.m. Zorn Dining Commons: Radio call of ambulance call to the building for a 53 male who went for a run and does not recognize anyone 1:38 p.m. Owls Nest 9: Report of female with a locked knee. Transported to CMC Wednesday, March 2 9:38 p.m. Butler Court: RA reports graffiti on a third floor wall, next to room 312 Friday, March 4
as electives for students this year, as well as a prepaid
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Center has two full-time nurse practitioners, two nurses and two medical assistants who have a great deal of experience in college health and who work closely with the Counseling Center to support students in need.
1:37 a.m. Sidewalks: Multiple calls about a group of males being obnoxious and loud 7:40 a.m. Holloway Hall: 18-year-old male, possible diabetic issue 9:05 a.m. Student Center Lot: Vehicle struck parked car 1:40 p.m. Owl’s Stadium: Stadium maintenance crew reporting door kicked in at baseball field. No maintenance equipment missing. Carpentry asked to respond to fix door so it will secure. Baseball office also called and asked if someone wants to respond to make sure nothing is missing. No baseball things missing 5:45 p.m. Carle Hall: Student passed out in shower and would like to be checked out 6:56 p.m. Art Center: The odor of something burning in the main theater Saturday, March 5 4:44 p.m. Zorn Dining Commons: DC staff called to report that several students who appeared to be intoxicated were causing a scene inside the facility. DC staff asked if Campus Safety could remove the students
Jacob Knehr can be contacted at
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Opinions / A4
Thursday, March 10, 2016
The truth behind free speech at KSC
KSC received a red light indicating a violation of free speech FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) has given Keene zens of the United States? State College the speech code rating of red. According to the FIRE webpage, We ask that administration stop running this college like a corporation clearly and substantially restricts freedom of speech.” An article on the FIRE website by Shelby Emmett posted on Feb. 4, stated, ties only on the Student Center Lawn and inside the Young Student Center Atrium and only when scheduled in advance.” This is a clear violation of the First Amendment. As paying students of this institution, we should not stand for these types of restrictions. Just because we applied to KSC and decided to get our educations here does not mean that we signed our constitutional rights away. In a way, we are glad that this red light was brought to our attention; it’s a good thing FIRE called the college out on this restriction. As a liberal arts college, we believe our school should be based on an exchange of ideas. Everyone should be able to organize. After all, isn’t that our rights as citi-
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Photo Editor Tim Smith
Ads Manager Mary Curtin
institutions like UNH and KSC. Worse, these policies limit students’ ability to quickly respond to recent events or to speech with which they disagree.” Ultimately, our policy here at KSC is unfair and not a realistic policy to abide by. To control what students say and control when and where they It seems as though these types of restrictions are trying to put the school say it is infringing upon our rights to freedom of speech. above the law. Just because we are students here does not mean that we It is our hope that KSC can soon become a school with a green light. But should be a slave to the college’s ideologies. The fact that we are expected even the green light may not mean students are entirely safe to say what to schedule something in advance just to speak our minds is unreasonable to us. The Equinox wants to express our frustrations about these rules and policies do not seriously imperil speech, that college or university receives regulations. We support and believe in being the voice of the people. We don’t ports free expression. It simply means that FIRE is not currently aware of believe this is logical way for us as students to live our lives here. Restrict- any serious threats to students’ free speech rights in the policies on that ing speech to one public space and denying it in other public spaces is not campus.” right by any means. The same article written by Emmett talked about UNH Freedom of speech is not something we as students should have to think - twice about. We should be able to rest assured that we can organize freely dent expression is wrong and presumptively unconstitutional at public and speak our minds without any major restrictions by the school.
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Reproduction of The Equinox in whole or part in any form written, broadcast or electronic without written permission of The Equinox is prohibited. The Equinox is published each Thursday during the academic year by the editorial board of The Equinox, which is elected every spring by the members of the editorial board and acts as joint publisher of the paper. The Equinox serves as the voice of the students of Keene State College and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the faculty, the staff and/or the administration. One copy of The Equinox is available free each week. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Inserting items into printed copies of The Equinox is considered theft of services and will result in prosecution.
The Equinox exists to promote the free flow of information, to protect the First Amendment, to stimulate high standards in the practice of journalism and to foster excellence among student journalists.
229 Main Street Keene, N.H. 03435 Circulation 2,000
EDITORIAL POLICY The Equinox is a designated public forum. Student editors have full editorial control over the entire content of the paper. All articles and opinion pieces are assigned, written and edited by students without censor by administrators, faculty or staff. The Equinox is published Thursdays during the academic year with dates immediately preceding and following holidays omitted. The advertising deadline is 5 p.m. on the Friday prior to publication. The Equinox reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. Advertising is not accepted until it appears in the paper. Letters to the editor must be written exclusively to The Equinox and are due by noon on the Friday prior to publishing. All letters must include name and phone number for verification. The Equinox reserves the right to edit for style and length, and refuse any letters to the editor. For clarification and additional information on any above policies call 358-2414. The Equinox business office is open Monday-Friday from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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Opinions / A5
Thursday, March 10, 2016
New Hampshire lawmakers debate the Nipple Bill
The meaning of happiness
Equinox Staff
“Nipple Bill” received no support in House committee LIZZIE ZELENKA
Equinox Staff Miley Cyrus explained to Jimmy Kimmel last August that her father would “maybe rather me not have my tits out all the time, but he'd rather me have my tits out and be a good person than have a shirt on and be a bitch.” The Free the Nipple Campaign was inspired 2014. taboo surrounding females having the freedom to go topless whenever they please. A a wide release, thus greatly limiting her audience. The Free the Nipple Campaign was born in December of 2013. A Republican lawmaker in New Hampshire had warned the court that before making a decision on the “Nipple Bill,” as they call it, the controversy surrounding the topic should be taken into consideration. Russian Today reported that House Bill 1525 was Brian Gallagher (Republican Rep.), his reasoning being “...on behalf of moms and dads, grandparents, with young children, that felt
as though this kind of behavior in public places that all people are entitled to share is not the direction that the live-free-or-die state wants to embrace.” The reason women’s nipples have been censored is because our society has sexualized breasts. Both women and men share the same breast anatomy. I do not understand why our society has to be so afraid of the female breast. Part of the reasoning may be due to the fact that people seem to associate breasts with pornography. Women’s bodies are being sexualized all the time. This is not fair. Breasts are part of the human body for both sexes. The fact that men are free to walk around shirtless while women cannot do so without being judged is a form of gender discrimination. If a woman wants to be topless, let her be topless. I believe there are far greater issues that we should be focused on today, like the fact that we seem to have a mass shooting on a weekly basis. If a woman wants to breastfeed her baby in public, let her do so. That woman is not hurting you by doing so in anyway. It’s not as if someone has forced you to watch her! Let women feed their babies where they please.
Our society should not be able to say that a woman on a billboard looking “sexy” for an advertisement is okay, but then turn around and say that the same woman cannot breastfeed her baby in public. The double standard of this issue needs to end. Society should not be able to pick and choose when they want to see breasts. Women have been giving birth and breast-feeding their babies since the beginning of time. This is nothing new. Lizzie Zelenka can be contacted at EDITORS NOTE: According to the Union Leader, the “nipple bill” that was proposed in NH to prohibit women from sun-bathing topless on state beaches received no support in a House committee on Feb. 23. The House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted 18-0 to recommend the full House kill HB 1525 when it votes later this month.
Should we do away with the attendance policy? BRIAN CLEMMENSON
Equinox Staff Over the course of my academic career here at Keene State College some professors have enforced the attendance policy and others have not. Let’s get straight to the issue; the attendance policy here at KSC has no place or value. Every student at KSC has heard this a lot during syllabus week. There is one section professors really emphasize from the KSC attendance policy, “A student who misses an excess of three weeks of classes prior to the eleventh week of the semester (for any reason whatsoever) must withdraw from the course.” If not, they will receive an F for the course. From my personal experiences, there are professors who copy and paste this quote right into their syllabus about the attendance policy. The main question is, why does Keene State and other colleges emphasize this so much? Many college students today should ask their parents if their professors took attendance when they were in college. I have asked this to both of my parents and the response has been no. Many other adults gave me the same response. Their response was something along the lines of, “if you did not go it was your choice, education and future.” Over the years there have been many debates on the subject of whether or not attendance should be taken. Some arguments for taking attendance are that students will learn the material, and when students get a job attendance will be mandatory. However, those arguments do not outweigh the reasons why attendance should not
be taken. A major problem here at KSC is that some teachers enforce the attendance policy and others do not. Many of the professors who do not enforce the policy are the older professors who think back to their college days when attendance wasn’t mandatory. However, there have been some younger professors who do not enforce attendance either. One professor who I have had for a number of courses does not take attendance and has said, “Everyone who doesn’t show up keeps burning the one hundred dollar bills.” That professor is absolutely right. While this professor does not take attendance, they know who is there and who is not in class when it comes time for grades. If a student does not want to come then let them make that choice. One thing that this institution needs to realize is that we are adults here. Therefore, we should be able to make our own decisions if we don’t attend class; our grades should not be penalized. The reason students should not be penalized for missing class is that, in the end, the grades will show if you attend class. I guarantee you a student will be lost when it comes time for an exam or a paper. Another wonderful part about the lovely KSC attendance policy is professors who make their own policies and do not follow the absences before 11 weeks. One time I found myself in a course where once you missed two classes your grade would drop a full letter. Hey buddy, college is a bowl full of germs. What happens if you get On a side note, I am a journalism major
weeks you get an F. The college policy clearly states if you get three full weeks of absences before the eleventh week in the semester, you receive an F or you have to withdraw from the course. The third wonderful reason why we should not have the attendance policy is because some professors take points out of Let’s say a student has a very bad cold and cough and decides to stay in bed to recover. Losing a point or two for those two absences an AB. That is just not fair for that student, but hey, let the student go to class, cough on everyone and get them sick. Remember though, you are getting penalized before getting to the magic number of six or three weeks of classes. The college really needs to reexamine this policy. If they will not take the current policy cations at the very least. How about if a student is sick and gets a doctor’s note, those absences are excused and dent gets a sick day or two? Also, how about a personal day if some crisis happens? Remember how we are adults here? Most jobs in the workforce that require a college degree give you sick time, which is paid, and you normally get a few personal days as well. Brian Clemmenson can be contacted at
“The college really needs to reexamine this policy. If they will not take the current policy away, the college needs to make at the very least.” BRIAN CLEMMENSON
“A student who misses an excess of three weeks of classes prior to the eleventh week of the semester (for any reason whatsoever) must withdraw from the course. The student must follow the regular withdrawal procedure.” KSC ATTENDANCE POLICY
What is the true meaning of happiness? Dear reader, Let me begin by acknowledging that a question as complex as this ent ways, and the accuracy of those answers depends on the person. To be brief, happiness is personal, but it generally means a sense of contentment or pleasure. That being said, as someone who is constantly asked, “How are you so happy all of the time?” I do have some ideas about the subject of being happy. First, I do believe that happiness is a choice. It is a choice to disregard the mean words of your haters. It is a choice to let disappointment have a bright side. Happiness requires accepting that many aspects of life are out of your control. It means taking the worst parts of your day pening. Happiness means choosing to keep moving forward, even when it seems all else is pushing you in the other direction. Happiness means releasing all that is negative and embracing positivity each chance you get. Happiness means feeling comfortable in your own skin. Perhaps the most essential characteristic a truly happy person has is a healthy level of self-esteem. It is necessary that you believe in yourself and trust in your own abilities. If you are striving to feel more comfortable in your own skin, challenge yourself to do things that make you feel out of your element. Participating in something that makes you very uncomfortable can make you grow in ways you never anticipated while boosting your ego in the process. At the end of the day, it is important to give yourself credit for all that you have done, so think to yourself, “I like me because I…” and complete the thought. Do not worry about being “conceited” doing this exercise. Sharing what you love about yourself boosts your self-esteem and in turn makes you feel happy. Say yes to new opportunities. An instant recipe for unhappiness is regret, therefore it only makes sense that participating in new activities will improve your happiness. Whether you are trying out a new hobby or a new restaurant, life needs some variety. Happiness means sharing your thoughts and opinions without hesitation. There is nothing more disheartening than feeling as though you do not have a voice. Share what you think with people. Happiness means leaving behind the frustrating parts of your day. Don’t dwell on things you can’t change. Life is full of sticky, annoying, uncomfortable, tricky and downright unpleasant situations, however, it is up to ourselves to change the conversation. Eliminate complaints from your vocabulary. Avoid bringing up yesterday’s cause of disappointment. Instead, speak about things that make you feel good. Do not fall into the trap of trying to please others. Indulge in what you love, refute what you don’t and always act on what will make you feel best rather than what someone else wants you to do. Happiness means embracing life. We only have one, so use it the very best you can! Wake up with the intent of living a happy day and the results just might surprise you. I live by the philosophy that every day can be the best day of my life; I encourage you to join in my approach. Stay happy, Arline
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Student Life / A6
Thursday, March 10, 2016
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Student Life / A7
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Cont. from A10
g n i d n a t s ut
“I think it has an important political and cultural, as well as a celebratory purpose.”
The Outstanding Women of New Hampshire is a lence Prevention Forrest Seymour is also a part of the subcommittee of the commission. Campus Commission on Diversity, Equity and IncluSeibert said the commission contacts newspapers, sion. Seymour said a sign that there were such great nominations this year was that two students were people throughout New Hampshire to nominate out- selected, which is unusual. standing women. “The mission has always been to both congratulate Once nominations come in, Seibert said the commis- women on their outstanding achievements whatever sion meets to create a scoring rubric, comes up with cri- the theme of the particular year is, but also to provide, teria for consistency, and legitimately scores the women highlight and promote role models for other women, who have been nominated. The commission collabo- given that in our society it’s still that women experience rates, tallies up the scores and works with the president Seymour continued, “This is about continuing to strength of recommendations, tenacity, inspiration, leadership, diversity, championship and impact of those nominated. Those who score highest in these categories are then recommended to the president and ultimately chosen by her. “A lot of committee work we do on campus is to solve problems or to address issues, but this is such a happy committee. This is such a wonderful, fun committee. When you get to go to the event, there’s such a spirit in the room and it’s a pleasure. I was just so proud of this
important value that women and all people have in our society. I think it has an important political and cultural, Roumimper will be hosting Social Justice Uncensored on April 22. The event will provide education on ways to take action in eliminating oppression and creating more inclusive, equitable and just communities. Also, the Outstanding Women of New Hampshire ceremony to honor these women will be held in Centennial Hall in the Alumni Center on March 24, at 7 p.m.
Assistant Director of Emotional Health Programming and Outreach and Coordinator of Sexual Vio-
Jessica Ricard can be contacted at
Caroline exploring the Plaza de Espana in Seville, Spain.
@KSCEQUINOX Template 022308 JJP
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Student Life / A8
Thursday, March 10, 2016
STI testing necessary on college campus NICK TOCCO
Equinox Staff was also the most common “The tough part is we have to get people in the door,” Coordinator of Wellness Education at the Elliot Center there are some misconceptions about STIs related to
a urine sample. As mentioned in Conlon’s article
Transmitted Infections (STIs).
most common misconcep-
Transmitted Disease (STD) among college students was
contracted with a condom. Giles said, “Half of men do not
she had seen more students visit the Wellness Center than ever. educating students about STI’s in sexual health discussion meetings called “Sex Chats and Aphrodisiacs,” which take
at Keene State, but also among people of the age group
toms,” when contracted with chla-
With both infections having a two
give a time and space for people to talk.” The KSC Center for Health -
with the use of antibiotics and is described as a STI as to get tested two weeks after having sex. - thews said, “I don’t think we can assume ent issues that people could have.” -
same testing at the end of the month. The center also
STI TESTING RESOURCES IN KEENE KSC Center for Health and Wellness Dartmouth Hitchcock Cheshire Medical Center
thews said, due to certain circumstances Infection Preventionist at Dartmouth Hitchcock Nick can be contacted at
Planned Parenthood
extent.” thinks sex is “taboo” to some, and
“Chlamydia is the number one sexually transmitted infection at Keene State, but also among people of the age group 18-24 years old.”
could be “the resilience of not using a condom.” for Planned Parenthood in Keene, Rene Giles, said that educated about safe sex.
opportunities for people to have a space and the time to with people who are knowledgeable.”
stood on the front lines
Living life to the fullest
Eating with THE EQUINOX
in. That has happened on a few occasions.
How to make: Taco Dip AMY DONOVAN
Copy Editor
too long. Both of these I was advised not -
Equinox Staff wild and be reckless, but what’s more Often times a person’s decision making
will love! Ingredients:
house. ting up a makeshift wrestling ring out of couch pillows and throw blankets, then and didn’t like the result. went at it until one of us said “uncle.” Even with all the bumps and bruises, I’d come home with bruises from the the time spent being a human rather than a patient was so much fun.
me to make more progress than I lecture. going to kill me.”
Seeing kids who have been through so much get just a glimpse of a real childhood and a real life.
salsa over the cream cheese. take the packet of cheddar cheese and begin sprinkling the
on being in college-prep courses instead of the slower-paced courses. -
no longer visible.
themselves. walker when I was in pain, when I was
the checkups to escape for a few hours. It gives them a moral boost.
these olives on top of the cheese. For the best results, place the olives apart from one another.
needs those moments. olives.
times.) able to do a few things that others not be able to, as I’ve talked about before. It also means that parents, doctors and teachers
things that we all have to do Take a break
7. Place the taco dip inside the oven for ten minutes,
I’ve experience a little piece of all the me.
or students. Which makes sense, if I didn’t have some sort of guidance growing up telling me that I needed to be a little extra cautious, there’s a good chance I would have The extra precaution is to keep me
inside a tortilla wrap.
Jacob Barrett can be contacted at
Amy Donovan can be contacted at AMY DONOVAN / COPY EDITOR
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Student Life / A9
Thursday, March 10, 2016
KSC alumna remembered by faculty members BROGAN WESSELL
Equinox Staff 2013 Alumna Jennifer Mcintosh
Mcintosh’s ideas of how to extend
riam of Jennifer’s recent death, KSC alumna Ali Hammel to create a in that moment and saw even more viewers that determination and
seen is a quartet that she would -
- movement within the chair and Ali olds, caused her to communicate alternative communication device felt Macintosh wished she could PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY KEENE STATE COLLEGE NEWSLINE AND JENNIFER MACINTOSH’S FAMILY MEMBERS
limitations and communicate with -
Above: Jennifer Mcintosh smiling on campus with her KSC apparel. Below: Ali Hammel, Jennifer Mcintosh and Sarina Kauffman in the dance studio about to rehearse their performance.
“She understood the movement
there was Pat Martin, there was Ali it be snow or mud into the dance
students learn to be comfortable
uncomfortable in their own bodies
sure that her wheels were clean -
Both Ali Hammel and Pat Martin were contacted for comHammel was an individualized the viewer, so much more so when at KSC:
Brogan Wessell can be contacted at ones who learned more about the art of dance and themselves from ment was small but astute and Ali’s
Preparing for the work force while in college JACOB BARRETT
Equinox Staff and lecture halls often leaves little time for actual GEORGE AMARU / ART DIRECTOR
all those characteristics critical in a liberal arts educa-
course for credit, where students obtain credit for their
- ment allows an individual to learn more than a stu-
Jacob Barrett can be contacted at
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Check out Eating with THE EQUINOX on A8!
Student Life, A10 Thursday, March 10, 2016
“At the end of the day, it’s nice to have the recognition for the work that I’ve done. All the education, the learning and all the obstacles I’ve faced have been for educational purposes to help bring awareness to the community, to help my peers, my family, staff and students to understand that there are issues that people may not see that are really important and they’re happening in this community. So it feels good.” KYA ROUMIMPER KSC SENIOR
Senior, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Major Intern for The American Democracy Project Vice President of the Debate Club Sociology and psychology honors society
Senior, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Major Coordinator of education advocacy Alternative Break leader Phi Sigma Sigma executive board member
g n i d n a t s ut
Two KSC seniors receieve the Outstanding Women of New Hampshire award JESSICA RICARD
Equinox Staff
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Check out our satirical comedy column “HOOTS N’ HOLLERS” on B3!
A&E / B1
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Light up the stage
‘Light Up the Sky’ lit up the Redfern Arts Center’s Wright Theater from Tuesday, March 1, through Saturday, March 5.
Equinox Staff From Tuesday, March 1, through Saturday, March 5, in the Wright Theater of the Redfern Arts Center, ten Keene State College undergraduate students, along with three KSC alumni, lit up the stage as well as the hearts of everyone in the audience with their performance of the show Light Up the Sky, written by Moss Hart. According to the description on the Redfern Art Center website, the show is a “classic 1940s stage comedy.” The description goes on to state, “It’s an frailties of an obsessive group of show folk on the night when their new ‘artistic’ production opens in Boston on its way, hope-
fully, to Broadway.” Director of the show, KSC professor of theater and dance Dan Patterson, said that this production’s cast was a group of natural-born comedians. “It’s a great cast. They all knew a lot about comedic timing,” Patterson said, “They’re practically funny standing still.” Matthew McGinnis, a music education major at KSC, was one audience member who agreed with Patterson. “I was laughing through most of the show,” McGinnis said. The KSC sophomore said that he was originally drawn into the Wright Theater to see the show because he had so many friends performing in it. “A lot of my friends are theater majors, and I just like to support the department in
general,” McGinnis explained. “I would absolutely recommend that other KSC students come out to the Redfern to see shows,” McGinnis said, “I can’t believe that most of these actors are just undergrad students. It’s honestly amazing.” One such undergrad student was Megan Pereira, a senior theater major with a specialization in acting. Pereira, who has taken part in four KSC productions, described her role in Light Up the Sky as a larger-than-life kind of girl, like many of the other characters in the show. “My role is the wife of Sidney Black, the producer of the show within the play. My character, Frances, decided to invest some of her own money into the show and she is definitely not happy when it turns out the show is a complete disaster,” Pereira explained.
KSC senior Megan Pereira (left) lights up the stage during the show. The play was directed by Theatre and Dance professor Daniel Patterson. It was Patterson’s last production at the college.
Pereira, who originally came to KSC as a psychology major, said, “I didn’t begin acting until my second semester freshmen year of college…I have always had a love for performing so I decided to take an intro acting course my freshman year, taught by Doug Wilcox.” Pereira continued, “Perhaps he doesn’t know it, but I suppose I owe a great deal acting class help me realize I couldn’t just pursue acting as a hobby.” Pereira explains Light Up the Sky as a play that is “essentially about the people of the theatre, and how all the overblown ridiculous characters such as the, money loving producer, the over dramatic director, and the diva of a leading actress, react when they feel as though their show was a com-
plete bust.” While Pereira is about to graduate and begin her career in the real world, Patterson’s 37 years at KSC are coming to an end. “It’s a little sad to be doing my last show,” Patterson explained, “It’s been thirty-seven years…That’s more than half my life!” Of his post-KSC plans, Patterson said that he intends to keep working. “I’m not necessarily onto bigger and ent things.” As for what he’ll miss most from his time at KSC, he said, “I’ll miss the students... They’re what keep you young.” Jill Giambruno can be contacted at
According to the Redfern’s website, the show is “an affectionate look at the foibles and frailties of an obsessive group of show folk on the night” their production opens.
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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Recital showcases senior’s talent and creativity MATT BACON
Equinox Staff This past Saturday, March 5, the senior recital of Keene State College’s Music Performance major Adam Rhan occurred in the Alumni Recital Hall in the Redfern Arts Center. Being a percussionist, Rhan performed on a vari-
Equinox Staff What seemed as just a simple “beef” in hip-hop has actually brought race issues to the forefront of entertainment media. This week, in an interview with Elle Canada, Australian pop-star Iggy Azalea was asked how she felt about certain entertainers in the R&B and Hip-Hop community accusing her of cultural appropriation. Her response was, “I think the Azealia Banks ‘thing’ is what really started it all. We don’t like each other on a personal level, and that has gone on for many years – before the Black Lives Matter incident happened. So when I dismissed her, people started to think that I dismissed the whole movement, but I wasn’t trying to dismiss Black Lives Matter – I was trying to dismiss her because it’s our personal s**t” For those who don’t know, Iggy is referring to a feud she had with rapper Azealia Banks about a year ago. Banks said on air
pieces was unbelievable.” Following the snare drum pieces, Rhan moved to the timpani, and played three multi-movement solo pieces for the instrument. His selections included “Saeta,” composed by Elliot Carter, an eight-movement piece with many time changes throughout, intended to give a driving motion. Rhan played three selections from the piece as the composer’s notes direct. This was the beginning of Rhan’s shift into more progressive and experimental selections to perform. After the phone to play a piece he composed himself entitled “Orion’s Belt”. His notes for the piece state “[it] is written in free form and the tempo is slow but can be interpreted by each performer.” This expressive experimentation with song structure was a theme throughout the new few selections he had. Rhan played two pieces composed by
“That Iggy Azalea s**t isn’t better than any black girl that’s rapping today…The Grammys are supposed to be accolades of artistic excellence, Iggy Azalea is not excellent… “I have a problem with that fact that you're trying to put that music up against Hip-Hop, it’s cultural smudging of what black people have created for themselves…. Put her in the pop category, with Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and Lady GaGa. Just because she’s not singing doesn’t mean it's rap music.” Banks also commented on Iggy Azalea’s freestyle titled “D.R.U.G.S.,” where Azalea refers to herself as a “runaway slave master.” In the video for this song, Azalea simulates a whipping motion while saying this lyric. Banks accused Azalea of perpetuating slave culture in a genre of music that has fought so hard to create a space for African Americans in our society.
piece titled “Prelude to Marimba” relied on player interpretation much like Rhan’s own work, but the second was an extremely experimental multi-instrument percussion piece played alongside an electronically recorded backing track. This piece, “Transmission from a Music Box” was written by Swist for Craig Bitterman to perform at SUNY
called “Used To Being Alone” over the beat of Iggy’s freestyle “D.R.U.G.S.” After releas“petty,” and said that music is the “sweetthest thing from petty. Following the news coverage of this feud, I noticed a lot of issues with how the media framed the stories. Most entertainment news outlets have used photoshopped, clean images of Azalea, but used
had been performed in New Hampshire. The piece was a swirling mass of sound, produced from not only a variety of drums, but bells, congas and even cryswas a showcase of imagination when applied to music, and Rhan passionately LUKE STERGIOU / SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER performed the over ten-minute long solo. Audience member Stephen Doherty Music Performance major Adam Rhan completed his senior recital on Saturday, March 5, in the Redfern Arts Center. said “Transmission from a Music Box” song is challenging for improvisation, but when [he] was twelve.” This moment, he formers Mark McCarthy on guitar, Chris was one of his favorite pieces, he was said, propelled him into the world of pro- Robinson on bass and Hannah Benoit on “really attracted to the complexity of the as tight as it was overwhelming. gressive music and inspired him as a musiinstrumentation and the depth of the cian. tion of the rock classic. was unlike anything I’ve seen per- progressive rock band Rush, Rhan took a Audience member Daniel Shecrallah Rhan’s recital showcased not only his formed by a percussionist before.” minute to thank the audience for attend- said he thought it was funny Rhan said professionalism and talent, but the skill Finally, Rhan moved to the drum set to ing the performance and said he hoped that because “[he] also fell in love with and hard work invested in KSC’s music - they were enjoying it, and to explain that department. okee” by Ray Noble, an up-tempo jazz tune “Rush [had] been a really big part of [his] featuring KSC professor Scott Mullett on life emotionally and musically since…[his] Matt Bacon can be contacted at solo improvisational saxophone and Adam Rhan on the drum kit and fellow
‘Zootopia’ scores a zoo-tastic win for Disney’s animation department give this much recognition to a
Equinox Staff While Disney may rule everything under the sun, it’s not wastand the Marvel Cinematic Universe are crushing it with critics and audiences alike, as expected. “Tangled” set the template for the Disney’s Second Renaissance and advanced from there, amounting to hit after hit with no end in mature project in quite some time. From a young age, Judy Hopps [Ginnifer Goodwin] always believed that she could help others despite her short stature. Through perseverance, -
Secret Life of Pets,” “Sing”), they’re not going away anytime soon. Yet, I doubt most of them will reach the complexity friendly movie ever constructed about bigotry. Unbeknownst to me before discrimination, sexism, stereotyping and use of narcotics. I was honestly not expecting to
Hip-hop ‘beef’ brings up the racial tensions in entertainment MATTHEW PEREIRA
solo snare drum were an example of the precision produced from the studio of Keene State College professor Christopher Swist. The second, “Two Episodes for Solo Snare Drum,” composed cased the dynamic and expressive playing Rhan is capable of. KSC alumnus Nicholas Votruba said he played with Rhan while he was a student playing in the school’s jazz ensembles and that “[he] knew he was a great
where predators and prey live united. As the new recruit, she’s not taken seriously, especially by her boss Chief Bogo [Idris Elba]. When Judy lands an impossible case, she’s given 48 hours to show some results. In order to retrieve the information she needs, Judy recruits the help of Nick Wilde [Jason Bateman], a sly, con artist fox that constantly throws trouble her way. When it’s revealed that this case threatens the very zens, the two of them race to uncover the conspiracy before it’s too late. The concept of anthropomorphic animals is not a new idea, and judging by the slate of ani-
everyday tasks of humans. But, to my astonishment, the messages came across loud and clear without being hammered in to the point of being preachy. Many of the mature themes in modern culture and serve as a damning commentary that the world desperately needed. In an pant, the release date couldn’t have been better. Judy Hopps is told early on that the world isn’t some type of fairy-tale musical; it’s a complicated system. While
their face. I felt as if Edgar Wright left Marvel’s “Ant-Man” to work on this production because the breakneck speed of the jokes is constant from the get-go. If you missed a gag because it went by too fast, it guarantees that you’ll have a great time discovering it upon a second
enjoyment with the animals, the adults might have a better overall experience. Much of the humor is aimed toward older audiences who can understand the complexity of the world Disney is commentating on. Sloths speaking one word at a time is amusing the bat, there’s an abundance of to children, but the idea that they humor throughout. Perfect casting comes in the their head. I mean, how else are form of Ginnifer Goodwin and you going to explain a yak voiced Jason Bateman, a buddy cop duo by a “relaxed” Tommy Chong that function as the perfect model colony to your children? in their own respect, yet neiAlthough, my favorite runther can work properly without ning gag, which is also seen in the other to keep them in check. the trailers, is a rat that clearly The banter between a rookie cop parodies Marlon Brando’s perand a portrayed common crimi- formance of Don Corleone in nal leads to witty dialogue that “The Godfather” to perfection. never ceases to make me chuckle. Anytime this rat was brought Even the most cynical humorist on screen, I was in near tears of laughter from the delivery and
keep an eye out for a few shots that Disney takes at itself. The side characters [Alan Tudyk, Jenny Slate, J.K. Simmons, Nate Torrence, Bonnie Hunt, Don Lake and Octavia Spencer] are thoroughly humorous, but when it’s time to buckle down and get away from the real world. Children will be safely injected with a dose of reality that doesn’t discount dreams and happiness but informs them that they may not the rest because it has the backbone to teach the detrimental progressive society, all within a family movie about talking animals no less. From the intricate details of the gorgeous animation to the the timely message
pictures of Banks. The news outlets eventually changed their photos of Banks, after she called them out for making her seem like “a bitter black b***h.” The media framed the stories as if Banks had attacked Iggy for no reason other than Banks being the “queen of Twitter beefs,” yet they are choosing to ignore the fact that Banks brings up a very good point. Iggy, being a person of color is not a You cannot go on stage and accept an award in your “proper,” Australian accent and then “rap” in the voice of the most stereotypical and characterized voice of an African American person. I cannot empathize with the experience of a person of color, but I can imagine it being very hard for them to see one of the very few things they have created for themselves in American culture being slandered and almost made into a joke, and then to have the music industry capitalize on that slander. How can you say you identify with hiphop culture, but not speak out about issues in black culture, and you can't address any of the issues hip-hop artists address in their music regularly? I encourage everyone to listen to what Banks is saying. She is addressing the serious issue of cultural appropriation. We cannot steal something from one culture, claim it as our own and make It takes someone like Kylie Jenner, Iggy Azalea and Miley Cyrus to make big lips, braids, hip-hop and “twerking” a trend, when African American women and men have had these things for years. Why are these “trends” only cool when a white person starts them? Yes, mainstream media, Azealia Banks, and other black women and men are angry, upset and “bitter,” and they have every right to be.
another major win for Disney’s animation department.
Rating: A-
Matt Pereira can be contacted at
Matt Bilodeau can be contacted at
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Thursday, March 10, 2016
Good times at Good Fortune
The Equinox’s satirical comedy column
Student seeking gym buddy to immediately flake out on STEPHANIE MCCANN
Arts & EntErtAinmEnt Editor Junior Abby Andon made an announcement the coming warmer months. Spring and summer are rapidly approaching and students are using the weather as a reason to get back to the gym. On Monday, Andon posted to her Twitter account, a gym buddy ASAP! lol.” While Andon’s tweet indicates that she is preparing to get in shape, the 20-year-old said she is really just seeking someone with the same enthudoesn’t] want to actually work out at all.” “I honestly have all intentions to get in shape,
Spectators check out KSC adjunct professor Molly Fletcher’s art, which was on display at Good Fortune Jewelry’s open art and music showcase on Friday, March 4. The show took place in the local business’s back room.
Local artists and musicians collaborate for show at Good Fortune Jewelry STEPHANIE MCCANN
Arts & EntErtAinmEnt Editor
Weinreich said, “We have local people come and go, a guy who writes
Local artists and musicians collided this past weekend at Good Fortune Jewstore, located on Main Street in Keene, hosted an art and music show in their back room on Friday, March 4. Work by Keene artists Molly Fletcher and Dylan Jones was presented at 7 p.m. and local band Omoo Omoo, who had that night, began jamming at 9 p.m. Good Fortune Jewelry owner Roger Weinreich said the store has been hostnow and that he especially enjoys contributing to the local art and music scene. musicians in Keene, and even around the world, but there are not enough walks,” Weinreich said, “We want to Over the years that Good Fortune Jewelry has been hosting musicians and artists, Weinreich said there has been walked through the store’s doors.
However, there is one ingredient
“In the end, we’d just like to see this town moving in a more creative direction.” MOLLY FLETCHER KSC ADJUNCT PROFESSOR
ent work at Good Fortune Jewelry.
Fletcher said, “We’re trying to get an and to get more involved with the city art scene happening a little more than and as well as the campus,” Fletcher originality,” Weinreich said, “The only just simply putting our work up in win- said. things we have in our backroom are usually music, comedy, art or theatre, get something going.” actually playing in the show or disand we welcome everyone but they just Fletcher said that shows like the one have to be original.” at Good Fortune Jewelry, which allow - no charge, are exactly what the art and music scene in Keene needs. out. the two artists to display her work at Seamans said he believes shows the Friday-night show. Fletcher, along- owners allowed us to use their space at like the one at Good Fortune Jewelry side local artist Dylan Jones, said she are important to Keene’s community because they give students and resiMachina Arts to put the show together Fletcher said, “In the end, we’d just like dents “something to do.” to see this town moving in a more cre“Dylan is actually moving to Port- ative direction.” land, Oregon, next week and we decided to have a co-show together and put our mans said, “It’s cool to check out this events like these urge students to get involved with the local art and music - scene. playing her artwork at the local jewelry “We’d love to get students involved – store and other places around town, she Art majors, art minors or even students Stephanie McCann still described Keene’s art scene as “dis- just interested in art. It’s an opportunity can be contacted at parate.”
excuses to tell my new gym buddy so I won’t ever have to actually exercise,” Andon said. Andon said that she has already come up with excuses to not work out, including “my leg hurts, in a tree or something.” According to Andon, exercise is crucial to a actually do it.
at all about it, you know?” Andon said she has even bought an entire new
“I bought leggings, some sports bras, and even
“Ugh, she always says that she wants to do just what she does,” Jeorge said. According to Jeorge, Andon has made plans in the past to do yoga every day, start a band, pick up scrapbooking, commit to various diets, become a train conductor, and now she is planning to get in shape. to do something,” Jeorge said, “She’s never actually going to do it.” new gym buddy by next week. However, according to Andon, “Ugh, I think my dog is stuck in a tree though. We might have to postpone.” Stephanie McCann can be contacted at
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Thursday, March 10, 2016
‘Where There’s Smoke’ emphasizes importance of short relationships AMANDA LASHUA
Equinox Staff Every year the seniors of the -
Amanda Lashua can be contacted at
“Life is always changing and some people come into our lives just to leave shortly after. This story embraces those friendships instead of treating them as something to be mourned.� - Samantha Spielberg Senior Film Major
Senior Annie Flynn plays the lead role of Mackenzie in the senior film production ‘Where There’s Smoke.’ The film is set to premiere at the annual Keene State Film Festival held at the Colonial Theatre.
Graduate Studies Earn your Master of Education right here at Keene State. t 4QFDJBM &EVDBUJPO ZFBS t 4DIPPM $PVOTFMPS ZFBST t $VSSJDVMVN BOE *OTUSVDUJPO /FX 5FBDIFS BT -FBEFS ZFBS
Stop by Graduate Studies at our new location in Elliot Center for more information and a $50 Application Fee Waiver. LFFOF FEV BDBEFNJDT HSBEVBUF ] HSBETUVEJFT!LFFOF FEV
@KSCEQUINOX Template 022308 JJP
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Nation & World / B5 Thursday, March 10, 2016
Authorities searching for man suspected in 5 fatal shootings JIM SHUR
AssociAted Press
Police gather near the house where a man was found murdered on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, near New Florence, Mo., just south of Interstate 70 near the intersection of Highway 19. Dozens of officers searched farmland in central Missouri on Tuesday for a man suspected of killing a man at a nearby house just - hours after fatally shooting several people at his neighbor’s home about 170 miles away in Kansas. EDWARDSVILLE INTELLIGENCER OUT; THE ALTON TELEGRAPH OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT
Erin Andrews’ verdict will reverberate for hotels and guests SHEILA BURKE & SCOTT MAYEROWITZ
AssociAted Press
Sportscaster and television host Erin Andrews leaves the courtroom with attorney Scott Carr, right, after the verdict was read in her lawsuit Monday, March 7, 2016, in Nashville, Tenn. A jury has awarded Andrews $55 million in her lawsuit against a stalker who bought a hotel room next to her and secretly recorded a nude video, finding that the hotel companies and the stalker shared in the blame.
“(The stalker’s) actions remind us that criminals are always trying to circumvent our best security efforts and should serve as a call to action for the entire hotel industry to be diligent in ensuring our guests’ safety and privacy.”
Template 022308 JJP
Nation & World / B6
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Trump University plaintiff seeks to withdraw from lawsuit ELLIOT SPAGAT
ness. She’s got in writing that she loves it. And I could have settled it and when I saw her documentation ... Why would I give her money? Probably should have settled it, but I just can’t do that. Mentally I can’t do it. I’d rather
AssociAted Press
Trump said at a rally in Arkansas last month, according to a transcript. The Southern California yoga instructor wants to withdraw from dents with an empty promise to teach them real estate. Her lawyers said the Republican presidential front-runner and his team have put her “through the wringer” and made the prospect of a trial unbearable. A judge will consider the request Friday, four days before Florida and Ohio hold their primaries.
draw “because it’s so bad for her.” “She simply did not put in the time, work, and perseverance necessary to achieve success,” Trump’s lawyers wrote the judge last month.
alienating anyone who might advance her career. is allowed to withdraw, arguing that their trial strategy centers on her. They deposed her four times and identify her as “the critical
glare of a presidential campaign, her attorneys say.
indispensable to the billionaire’s defense “is illogical to the point of being nearly incomprehensible.” They note the judge allowed two
being disparaged by Trump on national television,” they wrote in a court
The tussle in one of three lawsuits against Trump University comes as the case nears trial, possibly this summer. A trial date has and Trump appears on a list of defense witnesses who may testify at trial. In depositions that took place in December and January and were NICK KOON/ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER VIA AP, FILE released last week, Trump acknowledged that he never met instructors whom his marketing described as hand-picked, and that some FILE - In this April 14, 2008, file photo, Tarla Makaeff poses in her home in Irvine, Calif. Makaeff is the lead plaintiff in a fraud claim lawsuit against
The Better Business Bureau said Tuesday that it rated Trump Uni- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s now-defunct Trump versity a D- in 2010, which improved to A+ by January 2015 as the University. During the Republican debate on Thursday, March 3, 2016, business appeared to wind down and older complaints automati- Trump’s rivals attacked him for allegedly preying on people who enrolled
In a statement to the court, she said she was grieving her mother’s death. “I am very concerned about the toll that the trial would take on my emotional and physical health and well-being,” she wrote. Trump has also addressed criticism of the lawsuit by pointing to the judge’s ethnic background. Asked on “Fox News Sunday” last month what U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s ethnicity has to do with the case, Trump replied: “I think it has to do perhaps with the fact that I’m very, very strong on the border, very, very strong at the border, and he has been extremely hostile to me.” Curiel, who was nominated by President Barack Obama and joined the bench in 2012, declined to comment on Trump’s remarks.
in Trump University’s real estate investment seminars and for hiring
- unqualified instructors, a key contention in the lawsuit. shop for $1,495 in 2008 and later enrolled in the “Trump Gold Elite” fees. in a year, her attorneys say. Trump and his attorneys are trying to frame much of their case around In April 2010, she sued in San Diego federal court. courses. appeal, and a judge last year ordered Trump to pay $798,779 in her legal “The reason they want her out of the case is she is a horrible, horrible wit-
On day celebrating women, Welcome to Twitter Rant 101, reminder of lingering gender gap a la Kim Kardashian West MICHAEL R, SISAK
AssociAted Press International Women’s Day on Tuesday celebrated women and their accomplishments, but it also gender divides in rights, representation and pay. The day carried the theme “Pledge for Parity” — a phrase and hashtag born out of the World Economic Forum’s recent projection that the progress on achieving global gender parity is slowing. Google’s home page on Tuesday featured a video of women and girls dreaming and doing big things. Twitter and Facebook feeds tional women and calls to action. But the U.N. cultural agency
excluded from school in more than 200 countries across the world.
with about 8 million boys — will never get the chance to learn to read or write in primary school “if current trends continue,” according to a report from UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics.
Women also account for 70 percent of the world’s hungry, the U.N. reported, in part because longstanding discrimination has limited their access to food. President Barack Obama, a father of two daughters, said in a statement that allowing women and girls around the world to rise and achieve their full potential will mean “a brighter, more peaceful and more prosperous future for us all.” Hillary Clinton, vying to
feel it in their bones,” she said. Some countries treat the day as a holiday, and women could be seen on a sunny Tuesday in the ers, the traditional gift. Elsewhere in Bucharest, women brandished a banner saying “March 8 is for
In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for only female lawmakers to address parliament on Tuesday included silence because there weren’t enough women to speak. Of the 543 elected members president, tweeted Tuesday that in India’s lower house, 12 percent advancing the status of women are women. and girls will make economies In China, International Womgrow and nations more secure. “It’s the right — and smart — where state media are fond of pubthing to do,” she wrote. lishing photo galleries of “BeautiU.N. Secretary-General Ban ful Women Reporters” covering a Ki-moon stressed empowering ceremonial legislature. women as he spoke of preventThe Communist Party-run able deaths during child birth and People’s Daily made no mention those who are subjected to “genital of leadership roles in a front-page mutilation.” editorial Tuesday that said women Actress Emma Watson, kick- “can not only help to make homes more pleasant and lively, but also aimed at initiating a dialogue contribute their valuable female about gender, said it’s not enough for people to rationally understand ress of the entire society.” the necessity of gender equality. “It’s also about making them
ABC’s Muir takes prime-time hour for heroin report DAVID BAUDER
AssociAted Press television Writer NEW YORK (AP) — ABC News is devoting an hour in prime time on Friday to a program anchored by David Muir on the alarming rise in heroin overdoses in New Hampshire. The special “20/20” episode will focus on several families, including one where each member rehab and another where a young mother and her newborn baby are dependent on the drug. New Hampshire has been one of the hardest-hit states for heroin and synthetic opiate abuse. The heroin problem has received sigMinutes” looked at drug use in Ohio last fall, HBO aired a documentary in December focused and CNN have both done stories recently on New Hampshire. Muir said the attention helps the families who are going through
the problem. “It helps begin a conversation out there,” he said, “and the more we can be part of the conversation, the better. I don’t look at it from a competitive standpoint at all.” The problem is so much a part of life now in northern New England that Muir said ABC News made certain to ask presidential candidates about heroin during debates before the New Hampshire primary. Being there for more than a year of reporting brought the statistics to life. The call to authorities came from a man at the scene who had lost his own son to heroin. At a middle school in Manchester, paramedics teach 11- and 12-year-olds how to administer Narcan, the drug that can revive overdose victims. ABC News asked whether any of the kids had seen discarded needles or other evidence of heroin use, and Muir said virtually all of them had. “When you realize that nearly
ABC News is devoting an hour in prime time on Friday, March 11, 2016 to a program anchored by Muir on the alarming rise in heroin overdoses in New Hampshire.
everyone you meet has been touched by the drug in some way, that’s really eye-opening,” he said. Through its web site, ABC across the country to do local stories about what is going on in their communities.
FILE - In this Jan. 14, 2016 file photo, Chloe Grace Moretz, star of “The 5th Wave,” poses at a special screening of the film in Los Angeles. The actress engaged in a Twitter battle with TV personality Kim Kardashian West after she criticized Kardashian’s nude selfie.
AssociAted Press NEW YORK (AP) — There’s “clap back,” where celebrities go after haters on social media, and then there’s “clap back” Kim Kardashian West-style, where one of the biggest names in the game takes on a 19-yearold, actress Chloe Grace Moretz. As Twitter shade goes, there’s been far worse, but like most things Kardashian, this round scored thousands and thousands of clicks. It started Monday night with a nude, in-the-mirror
FILE - In this June 24, 2015 file photo, TV personality Kim Kardashian West poses during a photocall at the Cannes Lions 2015, International Advertising Festival in Cannes, southern France. Kardashian engaged in a Twitter battle with 19-year-old, actress Chloe Grace Moretz who criticized Kardashian’s nude selfie.
claim Moretz took on thusly in more tweets: that you’re given as a celebrity and ‘slut shaming’ something I never have done and would never do.” ers. Billy Bush, co-host of NBC’s “Access Hollywood Live,” wondered on air Tuesday why Kardashian West “Kim needs to understand that because the way she has presented herself she’s public domain. She’s fodder
Others, as these things usually go, also hopped on, but they’re grown people and can fend for themselves. Kardashian West pushed out, noting later it was an But why Midler was singled out by the all-powerful old shot. The not-so-new nude was enough to motivate Kardashian West, who’s usually quite nice on Twitter, Bette Midler to joke in a tweet: is up for grabs. An email to Kardashian West’s publicist was not immediately answered Tuesday. wants us to see a part of her we’ve never seen, she’s Nor was an email to Moretz’s publicist seeking addigonna have to swallow the camera.” tional comment. Get it? Well, Moretz did, re-tweeting Midler’s joke Third grade-like petty doesn’t begin to cover some and weighing in with a tweet or two of her own — of the details involving Midler. because 140 characters were slightly not enough — as Twitter Kim made a crack about her age and menshe addressed Kardashian West directly: tioned that Midler once gave her a gift but now falls “I truly hope you realize how important setting goals into the “fake friend” category, to which Twitter Bette are for young women, teaching them we have so much responded: “I never tried to fake friend you. Looks like anyone That’s when IT happened, the IT looking just like this: Speaking of funny, Kardashian West followed up “Let’s all welcome @ChloeGMoretz to twitter, since hours later with yet another missive, this one aimed at no one knows who she is. your nylon cover is cute boo,” Kardashian West tweeted. norm that one of her more outspoken loved ones might Moretz’s cover in Nylon magazine being a shot of have hacked her account. her in a pretzel-like pose on a shaggy white rug, a jacket “Wait I can’t believe people thought Kanye or Khloe draped strategically to enhance the appearance that she, hacked my Twitter,” she said. “I swear I’m funny too!!” too, was nude underneath. However, the photo’s caption mentions a Dior bodysuit, so — you know — whatever. The pile-on included a mention elsewhere that Moretz might be slut-shaming Kardashian West, a
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Sports / B7
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Equinox Staff Welcome to weekly workout number four of the semester this week we will be working on legs. Remember to eat healthy, train hard and study hard. As usual warmup and cool down with 15 minutes of cardio.
Exercise: Pushups
Exercise: Dumbbell Curl
HOW TO: · While standing straight up have a dumbbell in each hand. · Slowly curl the dumbbell upwards and come back down with the dumbbells. · You want to curl the each dumbbell at its own individual time.
HOW TO: · Start with your arms shoulder width apart, hands facing forward and on your toes. · Slowly lower yourself to the ground. · Push yourself back up to the starting position.
Exercise: Pushup Dumbbell Row
Exercise: Regular Dumbbell Row
HOW TO: · While in pushup form have a dumbbell in each hand on the ground. the ground by using the dumbbells. · Do an individual row with the dumbbell, slowly and controlled.
HOW TO: · Use an exercise bench as your stabilizer. · Make sure your slight bent over and you have a well-balanced athletic position. · Do a controlled row and slowly bring the dumbbell in with a pulling motion. ALL PHOTOS COMPILED BY PHOTO EDITOR TIM SMITH
KSC continues to search for A.D. SHELBY IAVA
Social MEdia dirEctor
Although Keene State has an interim Athletic Director, the athletes need someone who is there full-time. Junior men’s lacrosse player Tyler Reilly said that
Keene State College Athletics has been without a full-time athletic director for almost an entire academic year. Kemal Atkins is currently the Interim Athletic
athletic department. “I think in some regards it does hurt the department. The department cant step forwards if there is not one Last fall there were two possible candidates who in place permanently so I think everything’s on hold were in the running for the position. Wanda Swiger, Chair of the committee and also the Athletic Train- whole athletic department,” Reilly said. ing Program Director said they re-opened the search Senior pitcher Kevin Guild said that Keene State because the committee could not come to a consensus. needs an athletic director to give the athletes a consis“While the candidates were strong there was not a con- tent collegiate experience. sensus from the committee,” Swiger said. He said, “The coaches do a great job of establishShe continued, “So with the lack of consensus from ing a good culture and positive etiquette. We could still the committee we decided to go ahead and leave the search open and try to bring in some additional candi- though.” dates to review.” Although Kemal is wearing many hats at this time, The committee has done the initial and secondary the committee is lending a helping hand by delegating a scheduling for phone interviews and those interviews will be completed before spring break, and then we will move on to the next step,” Swiger said. Atkins said that they have made a lot of progress in the new search. “The search committee is in the midst as of today, March 7, halfway through telephone interviews with the potential candidates.” He continued, “We had over sixty applicants and we narrowed it down to, I believe, twelve candidates to have telephone interviews with and then from there we will narrow it down to those who would like to visit campus.”
for the absence of a full time athletic director according to Swiger. “That being said, everyone in the athletic department is very happy with the work Kemal Atkins has done in moving us forward based on the limitations he has basically having two full-time jobs,” Swiger said. The athletic department is handling this situation, and hopes to have a hired Athletic Director by or before July 1. Shelby Iava can be contacted at
Graduate Studies Earn your Master of Science right here at Keene State. Safety & Occupational Health Applied Sciences
1- 2- or 3-year options
Softball Mariah Crisp broke the Keene State College record for career strikeouts last weekend against Baruch College in Virginia. Crisp now has 537 career strikeouts. Crisp is a senior pitcher for the Owls from Greenland, New Hampshire.
Stop by Graduate Studies at our new location in Elliot Center for more information and a $50 Application Fee Waiver.
Crae Messer can be contacted at LUKE STERGIOU / SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER
Mariah Crisp readies for a throw during a KSC softball practice. Crisp recently broke the KSC alltime srikeout record. |
Interested in writing for sports? Stops at 7 on campus locations:
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Come to our meetings, Mondays at 9:30 on the third
Campus/Community Shuttle runs 7:30am-7:30pm City Express runs 8:00am-5:00pm
Crae Messer at (802)-384-6712 All City Express vehicles are ADA accessible and are equipped with easy to use bike racks. For more information or a complete schedule, visit or call 352-8494. TTY use 711
@KSCEQUINOX Template 022308 JJP
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Sports / B8
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Owls basketball earns LEC honors
Coach and players awarded on women’s side
when some players are too hurt to play. “Nate Stitchell has been our After a season in which the heart and soul, basically throughKeene State men’s basketball team out our entire season. We had some went 20-10 and won the Little East injuries and he was the guy that
Equinox Staff
for their team earned them individual honors. Seniors Nate Stitchell and Nate Howard, junior Matt Ozzella, and rookie Ty Nichols earned LEC team honors for their performances this season. “It’s nice getting recognition,” Ozzella said. Ozzella, who made the LEC
and really pushed our team to keep playing at a high level,” Cain said. Finally, Nichols, who is in his year forward won two state championships while in high school and an Owl, scoring eighteen points against Green Mountain College. From then on, Nichols has averaged just under thirteen points a game, including a 20-point performance in the LEC Finals against UMass Dartmouth. Cain said Nichols’ experience in important games is what makes him play like a veteran collegiate player. “He’s anything but a freshmen at this point. He’s playing like a
points a game, scoring at least 15 in 12 games this season. He also had as many as 18 rebounds in a game, which came against UMass Dartmouth. Ozzella has also accumulated six double-doubles over the course of the season. Interim Head Coach Ryan Cain said that the Massachusetts native is a special kind of player, noting his physical strength and overall versatility. moments,” Cain said. “I don’t know that you can With four players on the Owls describe him as a player because he making the cut for LEC recognition, Stitchell said that there were other the basketball court,” Cain said. Next, the seven-foottall Howard made the LEC second team. Howard nearly averaged a double-double over the course of the season, with 10.3 points and 9.7 rebounds per game, including the Dec. 30 game against Loras College, where the center snagged 19 rebounds and 22 points. Even after missing two games with a separated shoulder in late Jan., Howard has managed to come back and
players who could have made it on the list of awardees and said that the prominence of KSC ballers on these hypothetical best-of-the best LEC teams shows that no one on the team is focused on individual success, but instead on what’s best for their team. “It shows exactly how we are on the court,” Stitchell said. Now the Owls are in the Sweet 16 after winning the LEC championship for the second year in a row. Stitchell and his teammates said that they are good enough and earned the right to play against some of the best teams in the country, with some of the best players in the LEC. “This year, we’re happy to be here, we understand that we’re supposed to be here,” Stitchell said. Jacob can be contacted at
ended their season with more wins than any other women’s basketball team in school history with a record of 24-5. The Owls also earned Coach Boucher his 400th win on their way to winning the ECAC memories and milestones, three members of the Keene Championship against Western New England. State College Women’s basketball program received Both Cognetta and D’Annolfo said Coach Boucher Little East Conference Awards. Head Coach, Keith Boucher was named LEC Coach of the Year, senior a major part of their success. point guard, Kelsey Cognetta was named First Team “He’s like a second father to me,” D’Annolfo said. All-Conference and junior, Stephanie D’Annolfo was “The school is our home away from home so it’s like named Defensive Player of the Year. Cognetta ended he’s our father away from home.” her 2016 season averaging nearly ten points and three D’Annolfo added that Boucher has not only made assists per game with a 31.9 shooting percentage from them better basketball players but also, “spends a lot the three point line, while D’Annolfo averaged 10.5 of time making sure we’re better people,” and when, points per game and nearly seven rebounds. “It was “times are hard, he’s the one we go to.” As a senior nice to end the season and my career with something nearing graduation, Cognetta said one thing she will like that,” Cognetta said. When she heard the news, never forget and carry with her when she departs D’Annolfo said she was extremely excited because from KSC is Boucher’s “Thought of the Day.” The earning DefensivePlayer of the Year honors was a goal “Thought of the Day” was a part of the team’s daily she had set for herself before the season began. routine where Boucher would share words of wisdom “Personally I was pumped,” D’Annolfo said. “I set to the team for the players to keep with them in the that goal because I made the all-defensive team last back of their minds. The “Thought of the Day” always year…when I heard it I was trying to hold in my excite- had a theme of “working hard and giving it your all,” ment.” When asked what helped each of them succeed Cognetta said. “Now that it’s over I’m thinking that I in earning LEC honors, Cognetta said preparation can do that in other places too.” After hearing word that he had won LEC Coach of the Year, Boucher said think it has a lot to do with the way our practices went that he is not a great believer in individual awards and and our team dynamic,” Cognetta said. “We pushed that his achievement was a team achievement. “No each other every single day in practice and everybody one gets there alone,” Boucher said. “As far as awards worked really hard.” The 2016 season will always be a memorable one people in work with.” When asked about Cognetta for the KSC women’s basketball program, as the Owls and D’Annolfo receiving LEC awards Boucher said they were very much deserved and that they were a pleasure to coach. “Games aren’t won on game day, they’re won on the days before when you prepare to win, and a lot of people don’t get that,” Boucher said. “This group got that so that made it special.” Boucher said Cognetta understood the importance and that she had a great basketball mind, describing her as a
Equinox Staff
Boucher said. He added, “I never saw her raise her
Steph steps on the court she’s like the energizer bunny, once you wind her up she just goes. It’s constant energy and constant movement, and that’s a very tough thing to do at the pace that she does it.” In retrospect, Boucher said that these individual accomplishments were a result of outstanding team chemistry, extraordinary attitude from players and an endless amount of hard work from assistant coaches and the training tion for the program and all the hard work that everybody does that goes into it. So this is more of a team award than it is an individual award.”
Cain touched on Howard’s allout type of play as being an asset to the team. “Nate Howard has played so hard game in and game out. He dives on every loose ball, he makes so many little hustle plays and he’s give a lot of touches to,” Cain said. Stitchell defended well enough to steal him a spot on the All-Defensive team. The point guard stepped into the starting lineup this year, has averaged over 15 points a game and more than two steals a game. According to both Stitchell and Cain, Stitchell’s high energy and determination is what has made
Nick Tocco can be contacted at
Keene State Athletics
@ William Paterson Team Points Keene State 1
@William Paterson Team Points Keene State 8
William Paterson
William Paterson
Women’s Basketball Overall Home
vs. Western New England
Keene State
Softball Overall
Record: 2-0 Home: 2-0 Away:0-0
Record: 1-2 Home: 1-1 Away: 0-1
vs. Western New England University KSC: 19, WNE: 11
vs. Colby Sawyer KSC: 15, CSC: 5
vs. Rensselaer KSC: 14, RPI: 12
vs. MIT KSC: 12, MIT: 14
vs. Endicott
Team Endicott
Keene State
Team vs. Virginia Wesleyan Keene State
Points 9 0
Men’s Basketball Overall Home
20-10 12-2
vs. Virginia Wesleyan
vs. Middlebury
vs. Randolph-Macon Team vs. RandolphMacon Keene State
2 0
vs. Stockton
Team Keene State
Points 74
Team Keene State
Points 72
Upcoming Games Baseball Friday, March 11 vs. WPI
1:00 p.m.
Softball Sunday, March 13 vs. U. of New England 9:00 a.m.
Men’s Basketball Friday, March 11 vs. Chris. Newport 5:30 p.m.
Men’s Lacrosse Tuesday, March 15 vs. Hamilton 5:00 p.m.
Women’s Lacrosse Tuesday, March 15 vs Vassar 12:30 p.m.
@KSCEQUINOX Template 022308 JJP
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Sports / B9
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Women’s lacrosse loses first two contests NICK TOCCO
Equinox Staff -
Nick Tocco can be contacted at
Keene State women’s lacrosse players defend an MIT attacker during their recent matchup at the Owl Athletic Complex. The Owls were downed 14-12.
Student questions Cain’s interim label BRIAN CLEMMENSON
Equinox Staff -
Baseball goes 1-1 to open season BRIAN CLEMMENSON
Equinox Staff
Ryan Cain speaks to his team during a recent game at Spaulding Gymnasium.
Brian Clemmenson can be contacted at Brian can be contacted at
Softball starts season in Virginia JACOB BARRETT
Indoor track and field wraps up season JACOB BARRETT
Equinox Staff The Keene State College indoor track
Equinox Staff
Jacob Barrett can be contacted at
Jacob Barrett can be contacted at
@KSCEQUINOX Template 022308 JJP
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Check out the weekly workout on B7!
Sports / B10 Thursday, March 10, 2016
Look inside on page B9 for game recaps!
Soaring into the Sweet 16
The Keene State Owls celebrate their 74-72 win over Middlebury College on Saturday, March 4. The Owls advance to the NCAA round of 16 and will play Christopher Newport University on Saturday, March 11.
player Ty Nichols took over and converted a three-point play to pull the Owls within one was no good and Keene State advanced to
Equinox Staff
The Keene State College men’s basketball lead, but the Ospreys were able to tie the team is heading back into the Sweet 16 for game to force overtime with a layup from
Ozzella led the Owls with 18 points and
familiar foe in Middlebury and the Owls beater attempt was no good and Keene State Keene State and the Panthers went back his team staying together has gotten them Owls some breathing room putting them up
Keene State started out overtime hot as top on March 4 and March 5 against Stockton University and Middlebury College in
Ozzella said the wins make him feel “It’s an awesome feeling everyday you walk in the gym you see the banner in there
In the opening round of the tournament, the Owls took down the host institution
“We believe in each other and I think that - helps in tough situations get us through those situations and allows us to make good Keene State was able to still have a sizable lead midway through the second half -
to that point and leave a mark in the gym
as the lead was cut to 68-63 with less than ever, Stockton was able to regain the lead in Ozzella came away with the rebound for pulled to within three points with less than the second half and the game came down able to accomplish a goal of getting to the Keene State was able to escape after but made the second one to give the Owls a
In second round action, KSC saw a
Panthers had three cracks to tie the game,
Brian Clemmenson can be contacted at
Women’s basketball tops Endicott for ECAC title BRIAN CLEMMENSON
Equinox Staff
able to sink a three pointer to put She also scored a career high of the Owls within two points (54-
The Keene State College women’s basketball team used The Owls and Golden Bears - were tied up at halftime after a New England Championship on
able to tie the game at 54-54 with a layup just under a minute to sunk two free throws to give the Owls a 56-54 win with eight secKober won the tournament
at Western New England Uni- by the Western New England was enough to give them a 48-45 the stage for the championship ern New England’s season ends matchup against Western New With fewer than three minutes left, KSC found themselves Brian Clemmenson can be conSarah Kober led the Owls in tacted at - England was not able to score onship game, Kober scored 11
The Keene State College women’s basketball team poses after winning the ECAC championship.
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