Keeneland Library
To maintain, enhance, and share the most comprehensive library of Turf collections in the world with our global patron base.
The Keeneland Library provides a facility and forum dedicated to collecting, preserving, sharing, and ensuring access to a wide array of collections to preserve the Thoroughbred industry’s history and present as an investment in its future.
Library Team | 2024

Director: Roda Ferraro | Associate: Daniel Prater | Digital Assets Associate: Kirk Hoefling Intern: Erika Williams | Project Curator: Sarah Cantor | Research Services Librarian: Kelly Coffman
Keeneland Library
Strategic Goals
Organization & Personnel
Develop and maintain a cohesive organizational culture comprised of adaptive, equipped, and responsive personnel and public service systems to meet ongoing patron needs and to grow the library’s research and outreach services.
Collections Management
Preserve and provide access to renowned, robust, and responsive collections that support current and emerging research areas, evolving patron information needs, the Keeneland organization, the industry, and the community at large.
Outreach & Community Engagement
Broaden the library’s impact through targeted education and outreach initiatives that heighten industry awareness and promote fan development.
Reference & Research Services
Connect industry stakeholders, the general public, and remote patrons to vetted information and image resources.
Development Initiatives
Expand the Library’s education and outreach initiatives by building the Keeneland Library Foundation through donor cultivation, grant funding, and philanthropic development.
Facility Management & Capital Improvements
Create and maintain the Library’s physical and technological resources to ensure effective preservation strategies, exceptional patron experiences, maximized collections storage utilization, and efficient workspaces.
Organization & Personnel

Patron Testimonials
“I have often said that good librarians are worth their weight in gold. I got a timely reminder of that this morning – just when I needed it most. I know other Turf writers agree.”
- Turf writer
“The Keeneland Library is one of the best libraries out there. Its collections have no match, but it is the staff that elevate it further. In my research in libraries around the world, I have never encountered more skill, professionalism, and knowledge.”
- Historian, Michigan State University

Keeneland Library met key strategic objectives to develop its infrastructure and human resources, including:
• Implemented routine evaluative assessment and metrics benchmarks to inform strategic resource deployment.
• Hired its first Digital Assets Associate to digitize and heighten systems of access to targeted photograph collections.
• Administered research and still image policies to meet intellectual property stewardship best practice standards.
• Hired its first Project Curator to administer large-scale research projects.
“We were asked in our Community Foundation staff meeting today to give an example of good customer service. Most of our staff could only remember their not-so-great moments with people who work in service industries, but I told them Keeneland Library not only met but exceeded my expectations. It was important for me that they know people’s generosity can be exceptional. That spirit is what sets you apart.”
- Director, Lexington-based community organization
“You. Are. The. Best. No one else does it like Keeneland Library. You are a treasure, especially in today’s world.”
- Turf broadcaster

“Thanks on all levels for your unbelievable client-centered service. You are a star, and I thank you for being so. You never disappoint.”
- Racetrack publicist
“I am enormously impressed by your assistance. Would that everyone was so courteous and accommodating to a sports journalist. I know where to come the next time I need a helping hand and a capable mind.”
- Journalist
“Your time and your expertise were appreciated by all of us. What a treasure Kentucky has in your gifted hands.”
- Archivist, University of Kentucky Libraries
“Thank you so much for my once in a lifetime experience and for all the advice, wisdom, and skills you shared with me during my Associateship last year. I look forward to sharing them wherever I land next.”
- Ed Brown Society Associate
II.Collections Management
Highlights from Keeneland Library’s collections development, access, and preservation efforts include:
• Due largely to the generosity of gifted acquisitions donors, Keeneland Library grew its collections, adding:
– 1,254 equine industry books, including the invaluable Louis Lee Haggin II and Alma Headley Haggin Collection gifted by the Haggin family
– 468 historic racing programs from racetracks across the country, boosted by the gifted Richard Eng Collection
– 1,750 historic industry photographs, including the Adams Collection and Haase Collection, featuring Triple Crown winners Seattle Slew and Affirmed and West Coast racetracks respectively
– 398 issues of current and historic industry magazines
– Bronze sculpture and oil on canvas featuring the immortal stallion Lexington by artist Gwen Reardon
– Signed prints by equine artists Henry Koehler and Joseph Petro
– Early 20th century racing silks collection gifted by the California Thoroughbred Foundation
• Integrated 6,750 current industry news articles into the archive for future researchers, more than doubling its previous annual retention rates.
• Indexed 7,738 current and historic industry journal articles for heightened research access, an 800% annual increase since launching the project in 2022.
• Purchased new trade monographs, industry reference volumes, and industry serials to fill identified collection gaps.
• Continued to index and digitize its vast photograph collections, comprising 5 million images dating from the late 1800s; increasing its digitized image holdings by 17% in 2024.
Patron Testimonials
“We had a jaw dropping experience at the Keeneland Library. Your collections opened up a new world. The facility is gorgeous, and the holdings are beyond our imagination. What a treasure!”
- Museum curator
“Had a chance today to praise the Keeneland Library – the most essential resource to horse racing history. Friendly librarians, beautiful setting, excellent resources – one of my favorite places to work with its unmatched collections!”
- Journalist
“The Keeneland Library is one of the finest institutions of its kind. But thousands of volumes would do none of us good if there weren’t someone to help us locate what we need. You are the best of the best, and I hope you realize how valuable you are to our farm and the entire industry.”
- Horse farm publicist
“Keeneland Library is magnificent, a treasure trove of collections. The library has preserved horse racing’s history while giving access to the public – something no one else does. We are indebted.”
- Horse farm owner
“Thank you for the most enjoyable experience I’ve ever had delving into collections, and I have spent years of my career working with research facilities of all shapes and sizes. The library’s holdings are beautiful and inspiring, and I had a lovely time following your leads about how to tap into your collections.”
- Historian, University of Southern California

>>> Due largely to the generosity of gifted acquisitions donors, Keeneland Library grew its collections in 2024.

>>> The Library donated 404 new books on the industry to schools, public libraries, community centers, and industry organizations.
III. Outreach & Community Engagement

To meet our mission-critical goal of employing our renowned collections to cultivate community relationships, heighten industry awareness, and foster fan development, Keeneland Library made significant strides with its education and outreach initiatives, including:
• In 2023, the Library shattered its prior records reaching more than 25,000 people through its exhibits and outreach initiatives. In 2024, the Library freely reached more than 83,500 youth and adults from every state and 18 countries through its education programs, more than tripling its reach in Kentucky and beyond in a single year.
• Hosted 128 free educational programs for 12,672 community and industry stakeholders, more than doubling its outreach yield between 2023 and 2024.
• Launched Starting Gate Storytime in May 2024, introducing more than 200 families to the Thoroughbred horse and its impacts through the Library’s new monthly literacycentered children’s programs.
• Developed and delivered 64 free in-community educational programs to 11,047 youth and adults through in-classroom talks, university lectures, community speaking engagements, history and heritage festivals, and industry panel series.
• Presented seven Keeneland Library Lecture Series events, drawing 586 attendees.
• Curated and freely shared A Rite of Spring: The 100th Running of the Blue Grass Stakes exhibition from April through December.
• Traveled The Heart of the Turf: Racing’s Black Pioneers to 13 hosting sites, freely reaching more than 70,000 youth and adults at schools, public libraries, universities, and community centers across Kentucky. The exhibit’s free educational programs reached an additional 4,391 community learners.

• Donated 404 new books on the industry to schools, public libraries, community centers, and industry organizations.
• The Library Director spoke on research, preservation, and education best practices at six regional and international conferences.
• The Library Director was a guest lecturer for industry history, industry current issues, and special libraries best practices at University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, West Virginia University, University of South Carolina, and University of North Carolina Greensboro.
• The Library Director was interviewed for 28 print and televised news stories, podcasts, and documentaries, including stories published by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, National Public Radio, and the Queen’s Reading Room.
>>> Starting Gate Storytime introduced more than 200 families to the Thoroughbred horse and its impacts through literacy-centered children’s programs.
III. Outreach & Community Engagement
Patron Testimonials
“I have been coming to Keeneland for many years. This program is hands-down the best experience I have ever had at Keeneland, and I love race days.”
- Racing fan
“Our students loved your class and your passion for research. Thank you for sharing your expertise with our students and for supporting the future of the horse industry.”
- Professor, West Virginia University Equine Studies
“It was a phenomenal program. Our students and teachers all enjoyed it. Please come back to visit our school soon!”
- Elementary school principal, Fayette County Public Schools
“Thank you for our tour yesterday. We all had a lovely time and learned so much. You are a wealth of knowledge our industry is very lucky to have. We cannot wait to come back!”
- Breeders’ Cup
“The tour was simply amazing. Your depth of knowledge and compassion show clearly. I hope others will visit the Keeneland Library. It is well worth it.”
- Exhibit tour patron

“I was just speaking with a coworker this morning about how much we loved our time at the library. Your passion is evident and makes it a treat to take a walk through history with you.”
- VisitLEX
“Thank you so much for allowing my classmates and I to explore the library. It was my favorite part of our trip to Lexington! Thank you for preserving the history of racing and making sure future generations have access to that history.”
- High school field trip patron
“You went above and beyond to give us an amazing program that we’ll never forget. It’s something we’d love to bring our children out to the library to experience!”
- Community education program patron
“I teach in the field and have given and listened to hundreds of lectures. You delivered the most thorough and balanced I have heard. Ever. It is a joy to watch you do what you do and with such passion.”
- Historian, University of Kentucky
“I had no idea what to expect, but I was absolutely blown away by your talk. I’m thankful that Keeneland is protecting and preserving that history and educating people so that the history isn’t lost. You were so knowledgeable, so enthusiastic, and so open for discussion and questions, it made the experience that much more amazing, memorable, and impactful. I know all of us left the program and spread the word to our family and friends.”
- Community education program patron
“I just wanted to say kudos again for another awesome Lecture Series. Thanks for all the Library is doing to preserve and share the Thoroughbred industry’s past, present and future.”
- Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance
“Thank you again for your fun story time. My son was driving with his uncle down Man o’ War Blvd last week and gave his uncle a whole lesson about Upset, the only horse to beat Man o’ War. Everyone in the family was very impressed. Thanks for helping him learn more about his home and the vibrant Thoroughbred industry just down the street from where we live.”
- Starting Gate Storytime patron
“I was listening to WEKU while driving yesterday evening. I heard your interview and just wanted to say, “Way to Go!” You are doing great things that will have deep and lasting impacts on this community and beyond.”
- Community partner
“My class and I met (ambushed) you last week on a field trip literally when the doors opened, and though I said it to you that morning, your efforts were terrific. You may feel tempted to chalk this up to doing your job; I’d argue you have done far more, and I thank you.”
- Teacher, St. Leo’s School
“With so many things wrong in the industry, the library’s events and services are a beacon of what is right. On behalf of all of us in this together, thank you for providing your many invaluable services to the industry and our community.”
- Horse farm owner

>>> The Library hosted 128 free educational programs for 12,672 community and industry stakeholders, more than doubling its outreach yield between 2023 and 2024.

>>> The Heart of the Turf: Racing’s Black Pioneers traveled to 13 hosting sites, reaching more than 70,000 youth and adults at schools, public libraries, universities, and community centers across Kentucky.

>>> Keeneland Library made significant strides with its education and outreach initiatives in 2024.

>>> The Library reached more than 83,500 youth and adults from every state and 18 countries through its education programs.

IV. Reference & Research Services
Keeneland Library provided the following services to meet our long-standing goal to connect industry stakeholders, the public, and remote patrons to vetted information and image resources:
• Worked with 9,878 reference and research patrons from every state and 22 countries.
• Completed 2,778 research projects for journalists, broadcasters, racetrack and horse farm managers and publicists, industry stakeholders, writers, academics, and racing fans of all ages; a 20% increase over 2023.
• Granted licenses for the use of 2,640 historic photographs in articles, books, exhibits, news stories, track and farm websites and social media, documentaries, and feature films; a 200% increase over 2023.
• Connected information and image resources to reference and research patrons from:
– 24 industry publications and media outlets
– 45 mainstream media outlets
– 62 international industry organizations
– 84 community organizations across the country
Patron Testimonials
“My mind is blown, and the pressure is on to deliver justice for the gracious and excellent effort you have shown. I know how much time it takes to locate these records and digitize the materials. You are in a league of your own. I really cannot thank you enough.”
- Turf writer
“We appreciate all you to do help make it look like we know what we are talking about. It’s neither a cliché nor an exaggeration to say that I could not have published my book without you. Thank you for so much help, in so many areas.”
- Turf writer
“I have worked in libraries and archives around the world for decades. I have never encountered the skill, professionalism, warmth, and passion you bring to the research experience.”
- Economist
“Hero Status: Verified. This is more traction than I expected there to be. What would we do without you? I can’t wait to see what the library does next.”
- Racetrack publicist
“I want to thank you for what you found and sent me. It is unbelievable that the information is still available. I never would have imagined what you did was possible.”
- Racing fan
“I cannot express in words how much I appreciate ALL of your kind effort assembling a treasure trove of priceless materials. Your work has allowed me to delve into not only my father’s history but also the early storied history of some of the all-time great jockeys and horses.”
- Horse trainer

“As always, you guys have proven to be invaluable to this writer as you are to so many. I am humbled by your willingness to help and promise to pay it forward as many times as I possibly can.”
- Sports analyst
“There is no other place that does a better job of researching and helping maintain Thoroughbred horse racing’s rich history. You are essential to this sport and a testament to your profession. You ROCK!”
- Horse farm manager
“I want to commend your librarians for the exceptional research support to our team of Kentucky teachers working on an equine genetics unit. We deeply appreciate Keeneland Library’s contribution to and support of teachers and students in Central Kentucky.”
- Kentucky Department of Education
“Thank you so much for the research support. I am accustomed to great things from Keeneland Library, but you never fail to push the bar more with your kindness, generosity, insight, and mad research skills.”
- Racetrack publicist
“Even as I begin this note, I have the feeling of inadequacy of conveying my thanks for your gracious assistance with my research. What a joy as the horses and riders came back to memory after all the years.”
- Retired jockey
“I can’t thank you enough for your diligence and hard work, providing so much more than I could have hoped for. Your work will elevate the documentary, and we couldn’t have done it without you.”
- Producer, NBC Sports
Highlights from the Keeneland Library Foundation’s efforts to support expanded Library education and access initiatives include:
• Awarded a 250Lex Cultural Grant to develop a new exhibit centered on Latinos in the Thoroughbred industry to open fall 2025.
• Received funding from the Gardner Foundation, Nagle Family Foundation, and General Motors Foundation.
• Proceeds from Keeneland Library Lecture Series continued to benefit the Keeneland Library Foundation.
On behalf of the thousands of community and industry stakeholders who took part in the Library’s free research and outreach service lines, the Keeneland Library Foundation Board and Executive Director extend a heartfelt thanks to the individuals and organizations who helped Keeneland Library preserve and share more in 2024.
Keeneland Library Foundation Donors

Alan J. Ackerman
Helen Alexander
Tia Andreini
Ann Bakhaus
Elizabeth S. Barr
Bill Bell
Marsha and Walter Bloxsom
Charles Boden
John Booker
Edward Bowen
Bright Futures Farm
Tasha Byrd
Coleman Callaway III
Louis Carmichael
Gina Cervantes
Shannon Corbett
Kay Coyte
Steven Crist
Daughters of the American Revolution,
Bryan Station Chapter
Jeff Drought
Robert Judd English and Roda Ferraro
Mary Gibson
Elizabeth Graves
John Gray
Ken Grayson
Nina Hahn
Suzanne Hayden
G.D. Hieronymus
Dwayne Hoefling
Ronald Johnson
Donald J. Kleier
Jimmi Hatton Kolpek
Brenda Lampton
Nathan McCauley
Jason McEwen
Marlie McRoberts
Dusne Marchyn
John Paul and Judy Miller
Jennifer Sue Oatey
Lewis Owens
Catherine Parke
Jeanne Pedicini
Daniel Prater in honor of Kirk Hoefling
Susan Prince in honor of Marshall Lilly
Dantae Reeves
Regard Law Group
Russ Bruce Scott
Mark Shrager
Tina Shearer
David Shew
Jaclyn Shoop
Lenny Shulman
John Stewart
Julie Tackett
Janice Towles
Whitney Verbal
Kim Wickens
Supporters of Keeneland Library Foundation through gifted acquisitions, in-kind contributions, and loaned objects for exhibitions:
Alan J. Ackerman
Kyle Adams
Ted Allen
California Thoroughbred Foundation
Tom Dixon
Linda Drescher
Richard Eng
Genie Fortunato
Friends of Paul Sawyier Public Library
Ken Grayson
The Haggin Family
Arthur B. Hancock III
Lena Hedbery
Crystal Hunter
Judith Berkshire Jones
Kentucky Derby Museum
Kentucky State University
Azim Khamisa
Lane’s End Farm
Mary Jo Lessell
Barbara Livingston
Denise McClelland
Kathy McManus
Greg Magruder
Mark and Lorie Miracle
Carlos Moore
Jeanne Nelson
Bill Orzell
Greg Pachman
Linda Parks
Donald Pendleton
Josh Pons
Ronald Schneider
Richard Stone
The Stephen C. Todd Family
Mimi Ward
Ruth Webb
Karyn Whit
Kim Wickens
Jerry Willsey
Margaret Woods
Stephen Zollner

Keeneland Library Foundation Board:
Shannon Arvin, Kari West, Hunter Stout, Kara Heissenbuttel
Keeneland Library Foundation Executive Director: Roda Ferraro
Keeneland Library Foundation:
In 2014, Keeneland formed the Keeneland Library Foundation, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization to support unique Keeneland Library projects that preserve and share the Thoroughbred industry’s past and present with an eye to the future. The Keeneland Library Foundation’s mission is to broaden Keeneland Library’s access and outreach initiatives through educational programs for youth and adults, exhibits, and targeted digitization and preservation projects of its one-of-a-kind, world-class collections.
To learn more about how you can help Keeneland Library preserve and share more, visit keeneland.com/library.

Facility Management & Capital Improvements
To ensure the Library’s facility and technology resources protect our collections and advance exceptional patron experiences, Keeneland Library:
• Installed new public computers in the Research Room
• Completed a year-long migration project for the Library’s digital asset management system
• Overhauled Keeneland Library’s website at keeneland.com/ library
• Installed a new fire security system to safeguard the facility and collections
• Implemented new points of entry security hardware
Patron Testimonials
“You cannot be anything other than inspired when walking into the library at Keeneland. To spend a day in that facility is what I look forward to most when traveling to Lexington every spring and fall.”
- Racing fan
“The architect must have had heaven in mind when designing the Keeneland Library. It is hallowed ground.”
- Architect, PRP Architects
“I have great offices at the farm and home, but when given a choice, I will spend a day working in Keeneland Library over anything else going.”
- Horse farm manager