
Raising Creative Kids

My daughter and her friend at college were talking about careers when MB mentioned that I am the publisher of a parent’s magazine. Her friend responded, “Would you say your mom is a good enough parent to be qualified for that?” She and I laughed at the question when she told me. If you have not seen the magazine, I guess that is a valid question. Maybe she thought I wrote the articles instead of just sharing resources. The question did get me thinking. Am I a good enough parent? Honestly, it depends on the day you ask me. But that is not why anyone else on our team or I do this. Quite the opposite. We do this because we know how hard parenting is, and we can take comfort in knowing that none of us are alone in this. Despite the millions of books and articles out there, nothing fully prepares you to be a parent. Our magazine’s team truly enjoys sharing all of the resources and information, hoping readers will find something helpful or entertaining in each issue. We have carefully curated monthly themes around various community events and parenting interests, such as this month’s Special Needs issue.
Every year, the September issue is dedicated to families with special needs children. It started many years ago when we heard from families who mentioned how difficult it can be to find the resources they need and want for their families. So, every September we run our annual Special Needs Resource Guide. Like all of our directories, this is truly a community effort. Businesses, organizations, parents, and relatives continue to share stories and resources for us to include each year. The guide is filled with therapists, financial resources, recreational activities, support groups, and more. Fortunately, every year, we are able to find more!
We have also included some feature articles that all families can benefit from like Sarah Lyon’s Talking to Kids About Disabilities and Rebecca Hasting’s article, 10 Ways to Support Families with Special Needs. Both of these features will not only shed some light on topics that will most definitely come up in your parenting journey but also help you find ways to support and encourage these amazing families. After all, these families can be a huge inspiration. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to meet parents who have a strength that I can only imagine, kids who are loving and determined, and siblings whose protection and support show no bounds. Their stories are truly inspiring and we hope they inspire you as well!
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of the medical professionals, organizations, families, and other resources that serve the special needs community. Your contributions are invaluable and have helped us find and share these resources in this issue. It is wonderful what can happen when people come together for a common good, and your support is a testament to that.
Speaking of coming together, check out the Bits N Pieces section and the Family Calendar. The calendar contains local charity events, 5Ks, concerts, and more. You will find plenty of opportunities to get the family out to enjoy this amazing community and all it has to offer! We hope you have a wonderful month!
Eastern Shore Parents Magazine, is founded on the principle that parenting is an exciting,
Publisher Lynn Knighton lynn@easternshoreparents.com
DeAnne Watson deanne@easternshoreparents.com
Research Editor Lucy Green
Contributing Writers
Kristi Bush, LSW
Rebecca Hastings Gabriele Jones
Sarah Lyons
Dave Ramsey
Robert L. Rux, M.D.
Sandi Schwartz Works of Wonder Therapy, LLC
Cover Photography
Jenn Glies Photography www.jenngliesphotography.com
President Jason Watson jason@easternshoreparents.com
Advertising Opportunities
Lynn Knighton ads@easternshoreparents.com (251) 929-2099
Ad Design
Tim Welch
Web Content Manager
Scott Davis
Eastern Shore Parents magazine is published monthly by KeepSharing, LLC. Mailing address: P.O. Box 374, Montrose, Alabama, 36559. The phone number for voice and fax is (251) 929-2099.
Eastern Shore Parents is copyrighted 2024 by KeepSharing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed in Eastern Shore Parents magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.
Angela Schwindt is credited for these wise words, “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” I think most of us go into parenthood with a mix of nervousness and excitement. We want to raise good people who make the world a better place, but we are overwhelmed by the complex realities of parenthood and forced to accept that we are unprepared for the most challenging journey of our lives. I have learned from parents of children with special needs that if we allow ourselves to be teachable, our children will open our eyes to life’s greatest lessons. Parents of children with special needs know the value of observing their children through the lens of curiosity instead of judgment. For example, through care-
Dr. Beth Long received her education in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Beth has worked in six unique clinical environments across the country and currently owns Works of Wonder Therapy in Montgomery. Beth utilizes the knowledge from a variety of different disciplines to give her patients the best care possible. To learn more visit www.worksofwondertherapy.com. by Works
ful observation, they recognize that when their child is pacing back and forth across a room, he is simply calming his nervous system rather than being “hyperactive” or “defiant.” They have gained patience from waiting eight long years to hear their daughter say anything, much less “I love you.” They have discovered that comparison is the thief of joy from countless days on the playground watching other children engage in a game of “hide and go seek” while their child prefers solitude. They understand unconditional love and sacrifice from countless sleepless nights in the hospital. From helping their child learn how to pick up toys to advocating in IEP meetings, they have gathered
wisdom by identifying what battles they should walk away from and what battles are worth disrupting the peace. They have accepted kindness from strangers who encourage them when their child is having a meltdown in Wal-Mart instead of staring in horror. They know to take nothing for granted and appreciate the value of taking the time to stop and celebrate the smallest of achievements. They have unmatched self-control from the sheer number of repetitions it takes to teach their child anything she does not want to learn. They excel at persevering through days of overwhelming exhaustion. They absorb everything they can from doctors, nurses, counselors, teachers, therapists, and other parents who have walked in their shoes.
These heroic parents are unbelievably faithful to their children and persevere through challenges that most of us cannot imagine. They are unsung heroes in need of our support, admiration, and respect. The next time you have the opportunity, praise and encourage these parents and children. Spend time listening without judgment, sit with them in the middle of the chaos, and ask how you can help.
The Original Oyster House restaurants will honor Mobile and Baldwin County law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics and sheriff officers by offering a free Never Forget Lunch at the Gulf Shores and Mobile Causeway locations on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm. The 17th Annual Never Forget Lunch was established by the Original Oyster House restaurants in honor of the 9/11 first responders who risked their lives to save, protect and serve and in recognition of all first responders for their service. An ID or first responder’s uniform is required for free dine-in only lunch.
Blood Drive Tribute: In memory of victims of 9/11, LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, a 501(c) 3 non-profit, community blood supplier, will also be on site at the Mobile Causeway location for blood donations. A specially designed t-shirt supporting first responders will commend all donors. Blood donations collected at the Never Forget Lunch are distributed to local hospitals. Mobile’s best attractions including GulfQuest, USS Alabama Battleship, Africatown Freedom Tours, OWA Parks & Resort, City of Daphne and Visit Mobile will be there to pass out discounted tickets and raffle prizes to thank our first responders. iHeart Media generously supports the Never Forget Lunch through public service announcements.
The Original Oyster House has become the “must-go-to” place for great fresh Gulf seafood, service and panoramic waterfront sunsets. A top-spot for hand-shucked and fire-grilled oysters, the Original Oyster House has also become legendary for its homemade gumbo, cheesy grits with blackened shrimp, as well as handcrafted desserts including its famous Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Pie. In 2016, the Original Oyster House became the first restaurant in the state of Alabama to recycle oyster shells through the Alabama Coastal Foundation. As of Aug. 2024, an estimated 24 million oyster shells have been recovered. The Original Oyster House also supports the sustainability of oysters and is one of the only restaurants to [oyster garden], grow stocker oysters to refurbish the reef. The Original Oyster House (OOH) has two locations: 3733 Battleship Parkway on the Mobile Causeway and 701 Gulf Shores Parkway in Gulf Shores. Both locations offer spectacular waterfront views and have been celebrated as the area’s finest family restaurants for the past 40 years. For more information about the Original Oyster House, please visit www.originaloysterhouse.com or call 251-928-2620.
Photo Name: “Never Forget Lunch Poster”.
The 30th Annual Vintage Affair Gala will take place on September 19th, 2024, from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM at GulfQuest National Maritime Museum. Join us for a one-of-a-kind evening featuring great food, live music and auction benefiting the American Cancer Society. With your help, we have raised millions of dollars to fund the fight against every cancer for every life. We make a difference in the lives of cancer patients by providing crucial research, free lodging and transportation during treatment, advocacy, and so much more. Please visit https://mobile.acsgala. org/event-information/ for more information.
Join us for a FREE fun day on the water for kids with special needs and illnesses provided by professional captains/crews/businesses that provide: fishing charters, sailing excursions, parasailing rides, dolphin cruises and pirate cruises on September 7, 2024. Most events have space for the parents and sometimes a sibling or two to tag along. We will be able to schedule large families of four or more for most dolphin cruises/sailing excursions only. The fishing trips are a maximum of 2-4 people per party depending on the size of the boat. The available seats on the pirate cruise (when available) are extremely limited (4-5 max) because of availability. All activities are free of charge. You must register for these events. Visit https://spotate.wixsite.com/captains-for-kids.
Join us for United Cerebral Palsy of Mobile’s Food and Folly on September 19, 2024 at Fort Whiting. Our signature annual event brings the spirit of Mobile’s carnival season to the fall. Attendees enjoy cuisine samples from local restaurants, live music by the legendary Excelsior Band, wine, craft beer and spirits tastings, a silent auction, wine pull, and much more. Please visit https://www.ucpmobile.org/foodandfolly.
You or your organization can volunteer to clean Alabama’s coastal waterways and beaches on Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 8am – 12pm. Take part in the state’s largest annual volunteer event as you clean your neighborhoods, local parks, streets, and storm drains too. Trash travels through storm drains, streams, and rivers to become bay and Gulf pollution. Picking up litter benefits you, your community and the Gulf. Over 110,000 volunteers have assisted in this event since Alabama joined the International Coastal Cleanup in 1987. We are grateful to the many helping hands and hearts who have pitched in to benefit our priceless natural resources. https://alabamacoastalcleanup.com/.
The City of Daphne will host the 14th Annual South Alabama Out of the Darkness Community Walk for suicide awareness on Sunday, October 13th from 1 pm to 4 pm in front of Daphne City Hall. The net proceeds from the South Alabama Out of the Darkness Walk will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education, advocacy, and suicide loss survivor support. Last year, more than 800 participants met on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and walked with thousands of people nationwide to raise money for this worthy cause. The community of Daphne, and surrounding area, raised more than $85,000! At least 80 teams were formed last year and were joined by many friends and family members. Each walk site has its own unique remembrance activity in which you can participate to honor a loved one. A Memory Wall will be set up at the Daphne Walk so pictures, poems and messages can be displayed. There will also be music, food, informational booths, speakers and a beautiful butterfly release. If you would like to form a team, join a team or walk on your own, and/or donate, please go to afsp.org/Daphne. For further information, please email Lydia Barber at lydiabarber1@gmail.com.
The USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute will host the 17th Annual GO Run 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run on September 21, 2024 to benefit gynecologic cancer research. This year’s GO Run, presented by the Catranis Family Charitable Foundation, will provide patients, families and community members the opportunity to honor and celebrate those affected by gynecologic cancers while also spreading awareness about the groundbreaking research happening at the USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute. The Mitchell Cancer Institute’s multifaceted ovarian cancer carcinogenesis program works to better understand and hopefully prevent ovarian cancer. Proceeds from the GO Run support revolutionary gynecologic cancer research happening at the Mitchell Cancer Institute. Over the past 16 years, GO Run has raised nearly $1 million in support of gynecologic cancer research, clinical trials and outreach at MCI. The early-bird entry fee for the GO Run is $25 for adults and $15 for those 12 and under through July 31. Participants can sign up to run a virtual 5K for $35. Registration can be completed online at usahealthsystem.com/events/go-run.
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024 Time: 5K @ 8 a.m. and Fun Run @ 9 a.m.
Location: University of South Alabama Main Campus, 500 Stadium Drive, Mobile, AL 36608
Awards for the 5K will be given to the top male and female overall finishers; top male and female masters, grandmasters, senior grandmasters, race walkers, and adaptive athletes. Prizes will be awarded to the top three male and female age group winners. Top male and female fun finishers will also receive an award. All Fun Run finishers will receive a ribbon. Participants can team up with friends, family and co-workers for a chance to win one of our coveted team awards –Highest Fundraising Team, Most Team Spirit, Best Dressed Team, and Largest Team. Participants and spectators are invited to hang out after the race and visit sponsor booths. There will also be a kids area with inflatables. Volunteers are needed on Race Day. Sign up to volunteer at usahealthsystem.com/events/go-run.
Join us on Saturday, October 19, 2024, from 10 AM – 6PM for Oct-SHOW-ber Fest at Heritage Park in Foley. A sensory-friendly fall festival dedicated to individuals with special needs, their families and friends. There will be FREE games and prizes, inflatable bounce houses, sensory play areas, pumpkin decorating, sensory-friendly live entertainment, petting zoo, a clown, concessions (for purchase), and much more.
The Community Foundation of South Alabama recently awarded $383,277 to 36 non-profit organizations across its eight-county footprint in South Alabama. The Eastern Shore Art Center (ESAC) was a recipient of $10,000 through the “Closing the Opportunity Gap” grant that will go towards supporting their “Rural Outreach Initiative”. ESAC is planning to enlarge and expand the scope and impact of their outreach programs. There is a rich diversity in the region to explore with programming that brings art alive through imagination and creativity.
The intended outcome of these outreach programs is to provide a foundation for a network of relationships with entities who will provide access to the visual arts in their town or area. ESAC expects to put together a patchwork of partners in Elberta, Bay Minette and Atmore/Brewton to help deliver these art experiences. The ultimate outcome is exposure to Art and all the benefits that it will bring. ESAC plans to enlist other arts organizations in their efforts in these 3 locations over this academic year.
“This grant from the Community Foundation will help make these programs in rural areas of high poverty in our area possible. It will assemble the energizing power of the arts to create the prospect of hope,” stated Pelham Pearce, Executive Director of the Eastern Shore Art Center. Lindsey Lawrence, ESAC’s Outreach Director is anxious to “foster respect for more diverse cultural expression and to promote inclusivity in a much broader artistic community.”
“We remain steadfast in our support of nonprofits and programs dedicated to our local youth because we believe in the power of young minds to transform our community,” said Community Foundation of South Alabama President & CEO Rebecca Byrne. The Community Foundation of South Alabama strives to aid families, specifically kids, in its eight-county footprint. Annually, grant funding supports programs that address mental and behavioral health, family, education, work, racial equity and arts and culture.
It’s that time of the year again – the one so many young women along the Eastern Shore look forward to – time to sign up to participate in the 2025 Dogwood Trail Pageant and Scholarship Program! “We want each young woman who signs up to know that we are dedicated to enhancing her future,” Program Director JoAnn Broadus said. “We teach all the participants lessons that will help them achieve their goals – from interviewing and public speaking to presentation and writing skills. Every single participant will learn something valuable.”
The Dogwood Trail Program, which the Eastern Shore Optimist Club (ESOC) sponsors, has been a local tradition since 1961. ESOC members remain dedicated and diligent in working with each participant to advance their interpersonal skills by providing opportunities for public speaking, interview training, and teaching poise and composure while holding each participant to a high standard of discipline leading up to the Pageant in January.
If you or someone you know may be interested in participating in the 65th Annual Dogwood Trail Pageant and Scholarship Program, please note that orientation sessions will be held on Sunday, September 8, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday, September 10, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Prodisee Pantry in Spanish Fort (9315 Spanish Fort Blvd, Spanish Fort, AL 36527). Attendance at one of these sessions is mandatory for all applicants, along with the attendance of a parent or guardian. Applicant requirements are as follows:
• Must be female. • A current sophomore or junior who is either a full-time resident of the Eastern Shore or who attends school along the Eastern Shore (Spanish Fort, Blakeley, Malbis, Daphne, Montrose, Fairhope, Belforest or Point Clear). • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Participant applications will only be distributed at the two official orientation sessions. Applications are due September 22 between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. at the Prodisee Pantry. Complete application instructions will be given during each orientation meeting. There will also be time for applicants and their parents to ask questions about the pageant or program at each session. The 65th Annual Dogwood Trail Pageant and Scholarship Program will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 18, 2024, at the Fairhope Civic Center. Proceeds from the Pageant support The Eastern Shore Optimist Club youth scholarships, Dogwood Trail Court expenses and various charitable organizations throughout Baldwin County. For more information about the Dogwood Trail Pageant and Scholarship Program, contact Managing Director Angela Cocke at thedogwoodtrail@ gmail.com and follow them on Facebook (Dogwood Trail Court) and Instagram (@dogwoodtrail).
Learn to Play is a FREE beginners clinic run by Lower Alabama Lacrosse to introduce K-8th grade boys and girls to the fastest growing sport in the nation - Lacrosse!
Sunday, October 6th & Sunday, October 20th 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Ruff Wilson Youth Center 1317 Johnson Road Daphne, AL
No Experience Necessary Mouth Guard Required Registration opens 9/15/2024
This time of year, we are back in school, and I want you and your kids to think about this. I want to call attention to a group of kids and families whose lives might differ from yours and mine. These children and young adults I am referring to are kids with “special needs” and the families who sacrifice so much to take care of them. When I say special needs, I am referring to kids who have chronic health problems that can range from a preemie baby with complications, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, congenital heart and lung disease, autism, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and any other life long illness. The families caring for these children are special in and of themselves. Their devotion to these kids is a fantastic story, and we will meet some of them today.
When I first met Kevin, I was in the ER at The Children‘s Hospital of Alabama in Birmingham and wasn‘t sure what to expect. He was a 26-year-old man with a lifelong pediatric illness called Duchenne‘s Muscular Dystrophy, an inherited disorder that affects the muscles and lungs and leads to a severely shortened lifespan. I expected a sad person with a downtrodden family who had dealt with a lifetime of hospitalizations, medicines, and surgeries, but boy was I surprised. I walked into the room to see a smiling, polite young man who was in the middle of telling a story about how he had tricked his little brother into putting a saltcovered lemon in his mouth for 30 seconds, and the parents were cracking up! I thought to
myself, how can such a devastating situation lead to this wonderful family laughing about a prank? How would I feel if that were me? How would I feel if that were my child?
Cody was a nine-year-old child I met in Birmingham as well, who was basically a permanent resident of the pulmonary ward. Cody had a severe form of Cystic Fibrosis, a devastating disease that affects not only the lungs, but pancreas, liver, and gut. When I walked into his room, he was on the phone with the local sports talk radio station that broadcasted all over the city and he was talking up NASCAR and Auburn football! Cody was such an avid fan that they expected him to call in every afternoon to talk about sports! At this point, Cody had been admitted to the hospital for over six weeks, receiving IV antibiotics and other therapies that he could not do at home. Later that night, I saw him and two other kids with CF wandering the halls and joking around. As we were talking, the other kids drifted off, and we started talking about his family. He was one of five kids and the only one with CF. He hadn’t seen his parents in five weeks, mainly because they lived two hours away and had to work two jobs to help take care of not only the other kids but to help pay for all of his care at home and in the hospital. I expected him to be sad about his family situation, but he was so amazed and thankful that his parents worked that hard to support his family. How would I respond? How could I help?
I have seen numerous kids and families like Kevin and Cody throughout my career and am constantly amazed at their stories. I know families who sacrifice their entire lives to take care of these kids, including numerous doctor and hospital visits. I have seen families torn apart by the stress that goes with the sacrifices they make, and I have seen families strengthened by them. So, my word of advice to you is to pray for strength for these families and help them any way you can. Help can come in many ways! Sometimes, just a simple smile, hello, and acceptance can make a world of difference to these families. One of the most important things a child with special needs can do is to be incorporated into mainstream activities. School, sports, and extra-curricular activities are aspects of a normal childhood and are so important to these kids and families, so be sure to welcome them with open arms and help if you can. A simple hug or pat on the back can go a long way! Finally, teach your kids to do the same. Teach them to be open and accepting of all human beings, especially those with special needs.
Debbie Carnley
Fairhope West Elementary School
“Every single year I reflect on how much the children teach me. Some years they remind me to be extra patient. Some years they remind me to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and that I will eventually get to where I am heading. Some years it is simply to be kinder and gentler with myself and others because we are all dealing with a lot,” shared Debbie Carnley, a first-grade teacher at Fairhope West Elementary. “Last year my class reminded me that each day is a new beginning, perseverance is vital and so are second and third chances.”
Debbie has been teaching first grade since 2002 and she loves this age group. She started her career at the Fairhope K-1 Center as the snack/lunch lady, office helper, and special needs paraprofessional while going back to school to get her teaching degree. She ended up graduating with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education from the University of South Alabama and then continued on to receive her Master’s in Education from GCU. This will be her 22nd year teaching in a classroom.
“I wanted to be with my kids and get to know their friends, so I started out substitute teaching,” shared Debbie. “I fell in love with
the profession, watching the eagerness of learning and being around all the kids.”
Using Kagan’s instructional strategies within the classroom allows the kids to interact with their peers engagingly and cooperatively while enhancing their communication and listening skills, building their self-confidence, and working together to problem-solve.
“As a grade level, another way we keep our kids motivated is through Room Transformations. This is where we transform our rooms into a fun learning environment like Glow Day, Mad Science Day, Camping Day, or Past/Present Day. All the learning targets for the day are incorporated into the themes,” Debbie shared. “The kids are having so much fun they do not realize they are learning new material or reviewing skills they have already learned.”
“I feel children learn best when they know what the expectations are and that they apply to everyone,” she said. “Most of us need structure and consistency to achieve our best and children are no different.”
Debbie values family above it all. She has been blessed with identical twin boys and several precious grandchildren. When she isn’t working, she enjoys reading, running, participating in 5K races, the beach, kayaking, traveling and exploring.
Infirmary Therapy Services provides comprehensive care to children who are in need of occupational, physical and speech therapy. Whether you are a parent or caregiver of a child with special needs, our skilled professionals are here to help guide you through the journey of rehabilitation. Therapy programs are designed to meet the unique needs of each child.
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Our pediatric therapists treat children with Locations
North Baldwin Infirmary Bay Minette, AL | 251-937-2823
• Feeding Difficulties
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Thomas Hospital Fairhope, AL | 251-279-1640
Bayside Academy celebrated the first day of school on Wednesday, August 14. We were excited to welcome all of our students back to campus for another great year!
Bay Minette City Council recognized some outstanding fishermen who represented Baldwin County High School and the City of Bay Minette at the national level.
The BCHS Fishing Team had three teams advance to the Bassmasters National
Championship tournaments held at Lake Chickamauga in Tennessee.
The team of Kipton Hall and Wyatt Parker competed at the Bassmaster Junior National Championship and finished in fourth place overall.
Out of 15,000 teams across the United States, 273 teams were invited to the Bassmaster High School National Championship – including two from BCHS.
The team of Jameson Norris and Hunter Travis finished in 22nd place at nationals. The duo had previously finished in fifth place at Alabama BASS Nation High School State Championship to qualify for nationals. Luke England and Cole Rountree also had a great tournament and season. To qualify for Nationals, Luke and Cole finished in second place for the Angler of the Year for Alabama BASS Nation High School Tiger division. The team is led by Coach Will Galloway.
This year Daphne High School senior Emma Wessman has been elected Key Club Lieutenant Governor for all Baldwin County high schools. As a Lt. Governor, Emma leads and represents the Baldwin County division of Key Clubs, and serves as a liaison between school officers and the district board. We are so proud of our former club president and cannot wait to work with her to serve our community this year.
Congratulations to these Elberta Middle School warriors who are known for showing up! These students had perfect attendance last year! Attendance Clerk Melody Gilley presented them with their Athletic Passes for free entry into all Elberta athletic event, proving that showing up pays off!
The Robertsdale High School AP Computer Science class participated in the first annual “Rubber Ducky Draft” where students selected ducks as if they were part of the NFL Draft, presented their team name, gave their ducks fun names and explained why they chose that duck to represent them.
In Computer Science, rubber duck debugging is a method used by programmers to debug their code. The concept is simple: a programmer explains their code, line by line, to an inanimate
object—often represented by a rubber duck. The act of explaining the code aloud forces the programmer to slow down and think through each part of their code, often leading to the discovery of the issue without needing another person to provide input. All in all, it was a great way to kick off programming for the year and a fun way to get to know everyone and their unique personalities.
Spanish Fort High School’s Toro Camp 2024 was a blast! Huge shoutout to the amazing teachers and volunteers for making it all happen. The band, cheer, and dance teams absolutely rocked it, and they had the best time welcoming the newest freshman Toros!
Fairhope High School had a fantastic first day of school! For the class of 2025, it was the “last” first day. Today was filled with seeing old friends, making new friends, meeting teachers, learning some new rules and procedures. But in the end, it was just a super great day to be a pirate!
The Central Baldwin Middle faculty and staff attended the BCBE Institute Celebration and had an absolute blast celebrating the new school year.
The new on-campus stadium at St. Michael Catholic High School is complete! The stadium will be blessed and dedicated by Archbishop Thomas Rodi on August 30th, before the first home football game!
The J. Larry Newton staff eagerly anticipated the arrival of students! They worked tirelessly to prepare a welcoming and engaging environment and are excited to embark on a new academic year filled with learning and growth. They can’t wait to meet all the students and begin this exciting journey together.
For the Seniors, Class of 2025: Congratulations to Bayshore Christian School’s Class of 2025! As they embark on their final year, we celebrate their achievements and the bright futures ahead.
Four rising seniors at Bayside Academy—Sophia Haines, Lanee Imperato, Virginia McCrory, and Hudson Wilmott—were selected to attend Alabama Governor’s School (AGS). AGS is a 13-day residential program housed at Samford University that provides academic, creative, and leadership experiences for gifted rising high school juniors and seniors in Alabama. It is a highly selective program that chooses the best students from around the state to take challenging seminars and participate in teambuilding activities.
Pictured: Bayside Academy seniors Virginia McCrory, Sophia Haines, Lanee Imperato, and Hudson Wilmott at Alabama Governor’s School.
These 10 Elberta Middle School students made 4s, the highest score possible, on all sections of the ACAP last year! Membership in the “All 4s Club” earns them an athletic pass for free entry into all Elberta home games and free entry into all school dances. They will also have their individual pictures displayed on our EMS Wall of Excellence! We are so proud of these young scholars!
Because Gwen came to Children’s for the diagnosis and treatment of her blood disorder, she received the best care available thanks to ground-breaking research made possible by clinical trials for cancers and blood disorders. The research happening today will lead to future cures, and it is happening here at Children’s of Alabama.
The first day Foley Elementary School teachers were back in the building was spent completing Kagan training. A day of learning how to improve student engagement, collaboration, cooperative learning, and team building brought excitement and smiles.
Foley High School hosted the 4th annual Lion Pride Conference this morning! Foley High is excited to welcome the new team members!
Thank you to Bryan Mott from MarMac Real Estate. He stopped at Daphne Elementary School and surprised one of the first grade teachers, Mrs. Ramsey, with a special gift for her hard work and dedication to her profession! This generous act is just the start; next year, the program will honor second grade teachers, continuing annually to include the next grade level each subsequent year. This initiative will become an annual “Back to School” giving program, created as a way of thanking educators for their invaluable commitment to our youth and community.
Some Fairhope East Elementary teachers and administrators attended the Kagan Summer Academy in Orlando, FL! They are gaining new insights and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning. We can’t wait to see the innovative ideas they bring back!
Daphne High School had a great time greeting the Class of 2028. Orientation was quite the success with nearly all the 398 incoming freshmen in attendance. They were greeted by so many of the DHS upperclassmen who were here representing their clubs/organizations athletic programs. The Peer Helpers took the lead sharing lots of information about DHS and touring the school. It was a great time reuniting with friends, meeting new friends, and eating pizza. Special thank you to all the staff and upperclassmen who volunteered their time.
The Baldwin County High School Tigerettes are superior dancers and have earned a bid for nationals. The dance team earned a superior rating during the Universal Dance Camp held at the University of Southern Mississippi. The team earned All Superior - blue ribbons - for individual evaluations, Drill Down Team winner and numerous Gold drill down ribbons.
Drill Down Princess, Madeline Hartley was named the Drill Down Princess and Shelby Stewart was second runner-up in the final drill downs. The Tigerettes had seven named as All-American Dancers: Cale Jones, Abbi Paul, Emma-Claire Simpson, Addison Scarborough, Madeline Hartley, Eleesia Emmons, and Hayden Drew. The team also earned second place for Varsity Home Routine competition.
The Tigerettes also won a Spirit Stick each day and received two pin it forwards (kindness recognition) - Cale Jones & Emma-Claire Simpson.
The Junior Varsity team also received a Superior rating, as well as all Superior & Excellence - blue & red ribbons - for individual evaluations. The team had two selected as All-American Dancers: Kaydence Scott and Paxtan Bazzel. The team earned the Most Improved award, one Pin it forward (kindness recognition) - A’alayia McClain, and a Spirit Stick every day. Coach Elizabeth Byrd said “both teams were exceptional representatives of our program!! They worked so hard. They are both artists and true athletes. It is going to be a fantastic football season.”
With hearts full of gratitude, we at Bayshore Christian School rejoiced in the ribbon cutting of our Logic & Rhetoric campus last month, witnessing God’s provision and faithfulness firsthand. Praise God for this wonderful milestone in our mission to nurture minds and hearts for His glory!
Rockwell Elementary School is so proud to announce that Rockwell is the 2024 Nappie Winner for Best Public SchoolBaldwin County!
Thank you to everyone for voting and continuous support. Rockwell is looking forward to another great school year!
Congratulations to St. Michael senior Madi Taylor, who was elected by her peers to serve as President of the Student Ambassadors for the 2024-25 school year. Student Ambassadors are selected from a rigorous selection process and serve as hosts for various events at school and as representatives in the community. This year we gave our seniors these distinctive red blazers to wear when serving in this important capacity!
The Magnolia Morale Chorale kicked off the school year with a great giveaway!
Congratulations to Mrs. Christopher for winning the Texas Roadhouse gift card and basket of supplies!
We’ve expanded our pediatric ophthalmology care team!
Your child’s vision is an important part of their overall development. Our dedicated team of pediatric eye care specialists is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for young patients.
Learn more about our pediatric eye care offerings.
Foley Middle School is so proud of the hard work the cheerleaders and Coach Miggi Howard put in at summer camp. The squad came home with first place in cheer and spirit over all and third place in camp routine. Their four All Americans were KeKe, Harleigh, Riley, and Haley. Bristol and Harleigh were selected as Pin it Forward winners. Congratulations to the entire squad and their coach!
and Photos
“Get Your Teach On” visited Daphne Elementary School teachers providing them with high energy and engaging content to kick off the 24-25 school year! Thank you to our Assistant Superintendent Ms. Renee Carter and Curriculum and Instructional Leader Ms. Janice Simon for joining the GYTO fun!
The Saints Welcome at CTK was a huge success! Our campus was filled with excitement as students, along with their families, brought in school supplies, met their teachers, and explored all the wonderful clubs and activities available this school year. We’re thrilled to kick off another great year together!
2nd Class Scout Brooks Williford of Troop 177 of Spanish Fort was awarded SALSA (Space Academy for Leading Students in AL). He completed his Space Camp week at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville,AL. He learned skills in science, technology, engineering, math, critical thinking, leadership and teamwork as well as earning items for merit badges in Space Exploration and Astronomy.
Fairhope East Elementary School enjoyed a wonderful first day of school!
Check out the new band trucks that were introduced to the high school band programs this summer. The trucks will assist the band departments in transporting equipment to events, games, concerts, and competitions. All seven high schools received at least one new truck complete with side exterior lights, a power lift gate, side door access, and more.
Renaissance School of the Eastern Shore Middle School/ High School celebrated their first day with their annual Blessing of the Seniors.
Congratulations to Belforest Elementary’s Henry Turner who won 1st place in the 2024 Pan Kids IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu Championship in Orlando Male / Junior 2 / Grey / Ultra Heavy. Henry attends Belforest Elementary as a 6th grader.
Spanish Fort High welcomed back teachers with their very own Olympic Ceremony! Events included ice skating, archery, bowling, disc golf, sledding, and even equine dressing! Thank you to Coach Kercher, who came out of retirement to be the Olympic MC!
Recently, elementary students in the Daphne feeder pattern had the opportunity to attend an amazing music camp hosted by a talented group of music teachers from Baldwin County. The free camp was fabulous and the students participated in many fun, hands-on activities. The music teachers leading the week-long camp included Daphne feeder teachers Jason Jackson, Samantha Bender, and Joylyn Ruffin plus Fairhope teacher Katie Rich and Spanish Fort teacher Veronica Hoffman. Thanks for a great week of music fun!
Baldwin County Public School students returned to the classroom today and there were lots of smiles (and some tears) at Bay Minette Elementary School. This year, students there is no mandatory uniform policy for students. With the start of a new school year comes traffic congestion as parents and school buses make their way to campus for morning drop-offs and afternoon pick-ups. Bay Minette Police and Fire Department personnel were on site this morning to assist with traffic and reminds every to please be patient as drivers, walkers and bicyclists make their way to school –especially on these first few days. It may be best to avoid school areas during the morning and afternoon rush.
Pictured: Principal Allyson Maxwell helps students find their way to their classroom on the first day at Bay Minette Elementary.
Renaissance School receives donations from the Daphne Moose Lodge to provide their new elementary school with playground equipment!
Baldwin County Pen Pals! Mrs. McFarland’s Kindergarteners from Magnolia School have a new class goose named Honky Tonk, and Mrs. Barnes’s 7th graders at Spanish Fort Middle School have a goose named Gosling. These classes are excited to exchange letters, pictures, and essays reporting what their class goose is up to! We can’t wait to read about all their escapades!
We love our new outdoor classroom space at Renaissance School of the Eastern Elementary!
Renaissance School staff train with Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office. Safety is crucial for success!
Bayside Academy has a longstanding tradition of celebrating the first day of school with an ice cream social. Many thanks to Kim and Steve Seward, parents of senior Aiden Seward, for providing more than 1,000 cups of ice cream for our students!
Florence B Mathis Elementary School held their annual Partners in Education Breakfast to show their appreciation for the amazing businesses that partner with the school. They say it takes a village, and are so grateful for all the support they receive from the community!
Toothpaste words! Mrs. Glenn’s class at J. Larry Newton had fun with toothpaste, but also learned a valuable lesson. They were challenged to squirt the entire tube of toothpaste out! After their tube was empty, they had to use a toothpick to put the toothpaste back in the tube- IMPOSSIBLE. Just like words. When you say them, it’s not possible to take them back. We discussed hurtful words and decided to call these- toothpaste words. The sweet class decided to try to never use toothpaste words to hurt friends on the inside.
Faculty and staff at Christ the King Catholic School are committed to ensuring a safe environment for all our students. Before the start of school, they participated in a CPR refresher course, sharpening their skills and staying prepared for any emergency!
The Baldwin County Virtual School team kicked off the school year with a full day of Professional Development Olympian style and had their first PLC of the school year!
1st graders had a fun first day of school at Swift Consolidated Elementary School! They got to meet new friends (and old), they learned new classroom procedures, and they got to practice working as a team in a fun math counters sorting activity where they had to sort the counters by like colors and then place them in order from least to greatest! It’s going to be an awesome year for learning adventures! Stapleton School Kindergarten
a rip roarin’ time welcoming many of the incoming kindergarten cowpokes to what is sure to be a rootin’ tootin’ mighty fine new school year!
As a ‘welcome back’ to Stonebridge Elementary School reminder, Ms. Nagle’s class discussed the power of “yet,” and read the story “Bubble Gum Brain.” After reviewing the concept of Growth Mindset, students tackled a hands-on towerbuilding competition, which required teamwork in planning and synergy in executing. It was a fantastic first day in fifth grade!
The Bay Minette 12U All-Stars had a great run and ended the season as the Southwest Regional Championship Runners-Up. The Regional competition took place in Starkville, Mississippi. The Bay Minette All-Stars baseball team was 6-0 headed into the regional championship game after defeating teams representing Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama. It was an all-Alabama final as Bay Minette faced off against Semmes in the title game.
The Bay Minette12U All-Star team enjoyed a record of 19-7 including district, state and regional play. All-Star team members included Kolby Booth, Brody McGuff, Conner Miller, Lane McGuff, Ethan Welborn, Lake Bounds, Easton Reid, John Ayden Smith, Parker Lassitter, Caden Dorough and Coaches Robby Reid, Lauren Bounds and Michael Dorough.
Fairhope High School senior Will Garner participated in America in One Room: The Youth Vote. Attendees were assigned a deliberation group and met with other groups of opposing views to discuss hot topics surrounding the upcoming presidential election, such as healthcare, the environment, the economy, and democracy/elections. After their discussions, all 500 students gathered to watch a panel of experts on each topic, which included a few senators/ house representatives and major organization presidents (NAACP, Alliance to Save Energy, etc). Will said, “It was such a great opportunity to learn about differing views and the ‘why’ in others’ beliefs because, a lot of times, we tend to get so caught in our own beliefs that we villainize the opposing side. Because there were new voters from all 50 states, I was able to meet so many interesting people and become educated on a wide variety of topics.”
America In One Room was just named one of the largest and most important political experiments in United States history, with multiple major news outlets publishing what the youth’s most pressing issues are for the election from the results of of this event. We are so grateful Will got to be a part of this!!
The Daphne Middle School Trojans were well represented at the BCBE Institute celebration! With the start of a new school year, it’s great to be a DMS Trojan!
The 72 members of Bayside Academy’s Class of 2025 donned their blue uniform shirts and crowns to celebrate their first official day as seniors on the first day of school on August 14 th . They had a True Blue Senior Breakfast and participated in an Admiral Walk before the traditional first day ice cream social.
Florence B Mathis Elementary School welcomed their teachers back to school with a view! The teachers spent their first day back learning important updates about the school, as well as participating in various Kagan teambuilding activities. The staff’s buckets are filled! They are recharged and ready to start the 20242025 school year! Thank you to community partners The Lodge at Gulf State Park, The Track Gulf Shores AL, and Caldwell Wenzel & Asthana, PC for providing the staff with this beautiful location and delicious meals! ARE YOU STILL LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT FIT THIS SCHOOL YEAR? Schedule
Daphne East Elementary School staff participated in Get Your Teach On, an educational professional development session, with all elementary teachers in Daphne. Engagement is key! Daphne East is looking forward to a great year!
The students choose an enrichment based on their talents, abilities or interests. A new enrichment on campus is ‘Pirate Press’. The Pirate Press has a mission to discover and share in a weekly newsletter “West Wins” , those positive behaviors, activities and events happening on campus and in classrooms. In addition, the students will help with the yearbook and submissions to local print publications. Now this is definitely a West Win! Pictured are Sawyer Smith, Aubrey Carlson, Ida Mae Myrick, Isaac Davis, and Ruby Rowe.
Robertsdale Elementary School is READY! The teachers and staff can’t wait to welcome all the students and families back to school! GO BEARS!
Father Connor had a fantastic time with the CTKCS middle school students, sharing stories, cracking jokes, and connecting with them on the first day of school. CTK is very excited to have him play an integral role in guiding the students on their faith journey this school year!
This summer Foley Middle School’s Nurse Lori Knotts was recognized as the first (and only) National Board-Certified School Nurse in Baldwin County. We are proud of you!
It’s official! Renaissance School of the Eastern Shore Elementary is now open. Below is a picture of the first-day fun in science at Renaissance School of the Eastern Shore Elementary!
Many classes at Fairhope West Elementary School enjoyed a fantastic first day of school. Mrs. Herrick’s 6th grade class is shown taking a picture with the sign to welcome back all students back to school.
Congratulations on a fantastic performance at the first assembly of the year at Spanish Fort Middle School. Eighth and seventh graders gathered in the gym to meet teachers and staff assigned to their grade level as well as receiving an overview of expectations from Principal Wheeler, SRO from The Spanish Fort Police Department Officer Correa, and the assistant principals. Students enjoyed a performance by the award-winning SFMS cheerleaders at both assemblies.
At Bayshore Christian School, we kicked off another year of faith, learning, and community! Here’s to a year of growth and excellence as we nurture the leaders of tomorrow.
Congratulations to the Spanish Fort Elementary School assistant principal, Jaqueline Richardson, for winning the Nappie for the Best Principal in Baldwin County! This honor is so well deserved, and we are so excited to celebrate her!
The W. J. Carroll Team celebrated the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year with the Baldwin family at Institute. They are Baldwin Proud and looking forward to a fantastic school year!
“Why do you talk like that?” I heard the question come from behind me as I helped another child in the Sunday school class.
“It’s just the way I am,” I heard my sister-in-law wisely answer the curious boy.
My sister-in-law, Kara, was born with Cerebral Palsy. She was helping me in the classroom that day when one of the kids noticed her speech was different. Kara has been taught to answer, “It’s just the way I am,” after years of questions about her differences.
Our kids have grown up around their beloved Aunt Kara and accept her as she is, but there came a time when each of them asked about Kara’s disability and why it makes her different.
Chances are, at some point, your child will meet someone who has disabilities at school or in the community. It is normal for children to have questions about people who are different, which means parents should be prepared to answer their questions in an intelligent and appropriate way. Here are some tips to get the conversation started:
Everyone is different but the same. All of us have unique gifts, personalities, and challenges. No two people are the same, and this is a great thing because diversity makes life interesting and fun. While we are all different, everyone has things in common, too. All people, including people with disabilities, want to have friends, be shown respect, and have the desire to be accepted. Encourage your child to embrace the differences of others and find common ground, as well. If your child is interested in a popular television show, book, toy, or game, chances are a person with special needs is too. Ask them what they love to do, and they will be happy to tell you.
Types of disabilities. Some disabilities are obvious, and some are not. Some people may need a walker or wheelchair to help them move around. Others may have a cognitive (thinking)
disability that is not as visible. Explain in simple terms that people struggle with different things and may need a little extra help from a physical tool (like a wheelchair) or help from others. People can have impairments in sight, hearing, walking, speech, cognitive functioning, or a variety of other things. It is important to note that just because someone is in a wheelchair, it does not mean they have a cognitive disability. Also, disabilities are not contagious, and children are not going to “catch” the disability. These things may sound obvious to adults, but children process things differently, and many have these questions.
Name-calling is never okay. Emphasize that people with disabilities have feelings just like everyone else. Name-calling is hurtful, disrespectful, and is a form of bullying. People with disabilities need others to stand up for them when they cannot stand up for themselves. Encourage your child to tell an adult if kids are teasing another child. Your child can be an example to others by being kind and respectful. Parents can set an example by using positive language and behavior towards others.
A note about “rude” comments. Kids are curious and love to ask questions. Many times, they will speak exactly what is on their mind without thinking about whether the comments will be hurtful. This can be very embarrassing to parents. So, what do you do if
your child blurts out a rude and embarrassing comment? Start by answering calmly and matter-of-factly. For example, your child may ask, “Why is that boy in a wheelchair?” Simply answer, “He needs it to move around. Why don’t you say hello?” If the child is reluctant, say hello to him yourself along with something like “John likes trains. Do you like trains too?” If the person accompanying the child responds, follow their lead. It is always better to treat others as you would like to be treated than to hurry away in an embarrassing situation. Later, when you are at home, you can ask your child if they have any other questions about others with disabilities and reinforce the value of treating everyone equally.
My sister-in-law, now thirty-eight years old, has been asked many questions over the years, some rude and some just curious. She has learned to handle them well because she knows that, just like anyone else, she has challenges to overcome and successes to celebrate. Kara loves watching movies, dancing to music, and taking care of animals. She loves eating candy, pizza, and tacos. She is fun to be around and loves to get out and explore new places. People with disabilities are just people. Sometimes, that simple fact is all kids need to know.
“Over the summer my kids created a ‘Summer Bucket List’ and we stayed busy trying to accomplish it,” shared Charla Givens. “It’s been fun watching them get excited over the little things like flying a kite, going to the library, or baking brownies together. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed some simple summer fun and made a lot of memories in the process.”
Charla is a loving mom to three children. Oliver (9) has a variety of medical complexities but is described as a true gift from God. He has endured so much in his young life and keeps going with a smile on his face. Jenni Mae (7) is her joy-filled daughter who loves to sing, dance, and help care for her brothers. Lastly, Theo (4), is an adventurer who loves all things dinosaur and shark related.
“Kids help us see the world with fresh eyes, reminding us of simple pleasures in
their lives and soak in every moment. They are my biggest blessings and I’m grateful I get the privilege of being their mom.”
One of the ways Charla and her children love to spend time together is in the kitchen and around the dining room table.
“As a single mom of three kids, I try to find quick and easy recipes that each child will like,” Charla shared.
“My children all enjoy helping out in the kitchen, and cooking provides them with fun practical ways to review their literacy and math skills.”
life,” said Charla. “There’s nothing better than spending time with my kids. They won’t always be little so I want to be present in
the table together and sharing stories from each other’s day.”
• 1 box of Ziti Noodles
• Bag of Pepperoni
• Your favorite Marinara Sauce
• 1 Pizza Blend Shredded Cheese (combination of cheddar and mozzarella)
• Italian seasoning, to taste
• Garlic, to taste
• Salt, to taste
• Pepper, to taste
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Sharing one of her children’s favorite meals with us, Charla provides the recipe for her Pizza Bake. This pasta dish is flavorful and any “pizza topping” can be added to it. When the kids are ready to change it up, you can find them adding ground beef and olives to this dish.
“Dinner time is family time. My kids take turns saying the blessing before each meal,” explained Charla. “We truly enjoy sitting around
2. Cook pasta according to the package directions and drain it.
3. Put pasta back in pot. Stir in marinara sauce, the Italian seasoning, garlic, salt and pepper, and about half of the pepperoni.
4. Transfer to a 9x13 baking dish.
5. Sprinkle cheese over it.
6. Add the remainder of pepperoni on top.
7. Bake for 20 minutes and then serve.
Gabriele has been married to her husband Daniel for 17 years. Together they have three incredible children – two boys, ages 16 and nine, and a sweet girl who will be two in August. Gabriele is a full-time Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics. When she isn’t spending time with family or building her business, she supports her husband who is the Lead Pastor and Planter of Forward Church in Gulf Shores.
Devastated by the loss of his son, João has retreated from life – until he rescues a penguin. Named Dindim, the penguin soon proves a loyal and determined friend, returning year after year to see his favorite human. Based on a true story, this is a charming, family-friendly film that will please moviegoers of all ages (especially if they love those adorably waddling penguins). Sensitive youngsters could be alarmed by the onscreen drowning of a child and brief moments of penguin peril, but the film is otherwise free of troubling content Photo ©Roadside Attractions
Swimming might be considered unfeminine in the 1910s, but that’s not enough to stop Trudy Ederle. Fighting for the right to swim and compete, Trudy makes it to the Olympics before setting a goal to swim the English Channel, a task considered impossible for women. This sports biopic hits the expected beats but it also delivers strong messages about courage, self-respect, strength, and family solidarity. There’s a brief moment of rear male nudity and some mild violence but overall this is a good choice for families with older kids and teens Photo ©Disney+
Harold lives happily in the pages of a book, drawing things (and friends) into being with his magical purple crayon and chatting with the narrator, known as the Old Man. But when that voice falls silent, Harold heads to the Real World to find him. Unlike the classic children’s picture book that inspired the film, this production is devoid of charm. It’s tedious, chaotic, and burdened with lazy writing, awkward plot holes, unexpected fantasy violence, and surprisingly poor digital effects. The book is better. Photo ©Sony
Kate has a desk job at a weather station in New York. Tyler is a “tornado wrangler” with a massive internet following. The two don’t agree on anything – except surviving the next big twister. Detailed CGI tornadoes keep objects flying and deliver plenty of adrenaline for fans of disaster flicks. The casting is also good but the pacing is problematic, with plenty of drag in between moments of mayhem. Off-screen death and moderate profanity are the major considerations for parents but this film is suitable for most teens
An ancient legend about a vault of alien treasure has brought an endless stream of treasure hunters to the planet Pandora. A purported alien descendant, a rumored kidnapper, a rescuer, a strange robot, and more all wind up working together in this poorly shot, chaotic, desperately unfunny wannabe action flick. Rarely has such a gifted cast been so poorly directed, with such incredibly boring results. Throw in abundant on-screen violence, terrible pacing, and sloppy cinematography and this movie is a dud. Photo ©Lionsgate
“I don’t know how you do it!”
It was a simple statement. There was no ill-will behind it, just an honest thought from one mom to another. Something I’ve thought a thousand times about other parents. But this was directed at a mom gathering her five kids, most with special needs, into the car after a trip to the store.
The mom smiled and replied, “You just do.”
Every parent has been there, walked through something challenging, and kept going. It’s what we do as parents.
When you have a child with special needs, there’s more. Sometimes, it feels like the challenges never end. And the stakes feel high. A lot of times, parents of kids with special needs have to push through really hard things, often alone, because people don’t know how to help.
1. Keep showing up: More than anything, they need people in their life that are not afraid to show up, even when they don’t know what to do. You don’t have to have the answers, you just need to be present.
2. Invite the kids: Kids who have special needs are often left out of fun activities like playdates and birthday parties. Have a quick conversation with the parent or send a text asking what you can do to help their child enjoy the activity. You can invite
the child for a one-on-one playdate instead of a group playtime, welcome the parent to stay and ask if they need any accommodations. Simply ask how you can meet the family where they are and welcome them.
3. Don’t gossip: This should go without saying, but it’s easy to forget. Don’t talk about the family or the child’s needs with other people. If you have a question, simply ask the parent. This is enough of a struggle with the kids they encounter. They don’t need adults making it harder.
4. Get practical: Special needs often require special care and appointments. This can mean multiple doctors, therapists, and specialists within one week or even one day. Bring coffee to school drop-off. Offer to babysit their other kids. Leave a meal on their porch or send delivery. It can go a long way for a tired mama. And don’t forget the paper plates!
5. Ask kindly: Most families are familiar with people wondering about their child with special needs. Instead of steering clear and avoiding the subject, ask thoughtful and kind questions. It is far better than staring. Special needs are nothing to be ashamed of. We can talk about them in ways that we are all comfortable with.
6. Respect privacy: Everyone has a story. It’s natural to be curious about someone’s situation, but it’s important to give people the privacy they deserve. Just because you can see someone’s special need doesn’t mean they want to share every detail about it. Honor what they are comfortable talking about and what they would like to keep private.
7. Invite the parents: We all need friendship and community, both of which can be hard to come by when you are caring for a child with special needs. Invite the parents out to dinner or the barbecue. They may not be able to come as often as they would like (or ever), but being invited reminds them that they are seen and valued. Keep inviting them, reminding them there is no pressure.
8. Accept quiet: If you text or call and you don’t hear back, try not to be offended. Think of how much you are juggling daily and throw a dozen more things in the mix (some of them life and death.) This is what parents with a child with special needs handle regularly. If they don’t get to text or call back, there may be a reason. Don’t write them off. A simple I’m thinking of you to follow up reminds parents you care.
9. Interact with the child: Sometimes, people don’t know what to say when they see a child with special needs, so they say nothing. Make an effort to interact with the child. Ask them what their favorite color is or what they want to be when they grow up. Value the child and show the fam ily they matter.
10. Do more than smile: lies with special needs have a lot of people who smile and say a quick hello but never engage. It may feel new and unfamiliar for you, but making the effort to engage in real friendship with families makes a big difference for them and for you. Try it and see!
Governor’s Office on Disabilities
602 S Lawrence Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
Our mission is to facilitate the inclusion of Alabamians with disabilities in education, employment, housing, transportation, health care, and leisure. GOOD does not handle SSDI or SSI claims.
(888) 879-3582 (334) 293-7228 jennifer.blakely@ good.alabama.gov www.good.alabama.gov
Southeast ADA Center (Americans with Disability Act)
Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network
1856 Keats Drive NW, Huntsville, AL 35810
Our mission is to increase access to and availability of high quality respite resources for all caregivers in Alabama. (256) 859-8300 al.respite@ucphuntsville.org www.alabamarespite.org
Alabama Public Library for Blind and Physically Handicapped
6030 Monticello Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117 APLS provides leadership, resources, and programming to support Alabama public libraries in providing quality library services throughout the state. APLS serves more than 220 public libraries in all 67 counties in Alabama. (334) 213-3900 https://aplsws2.apls.state.al.us/ library-for-the-blind/
Alabama Special Education Services
50 North Ripley Street , Montgomery, AL 36104
Through leadership and service, the vision of Special Education Services (SES) is to foster positive educational outcomes for all students with special needs. (334) 694-4900 www.alabamaachieves.org/specialeducation/
ALL KIDS Insurance
201 Monroe Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
ALL Kids is a low-cost, comprehensive healthcare coverage program for children in Alabama under age 19. (888) 373-5437 www.alabamapublichealth.gov/ allkids
Civitan International Research Center 1719 6th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294
The mission of the Civitan International Research Center is to improve the well-being and the quality of life of individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities. (205) 934-8900 www.uab.edu/medicine/circ
Education, training, and guidance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and disability access tailored to the needs of business, government, and individuals. Serving Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and more. (404) 541-9001 www.adasoutheast.org
STAR (Statewide Technology Access and Response)
Providing free access to information, referral services, educational programs, and publications related to disability rights, laws/policies, and funding opportunities for assistive technology. (800) 782-7656 www.startraining.org
Vocational Rehabilitation-Department of Rehabilitation Services
VRS provides specialized employment, educational services and training for teens and adults with disabilities to find employment. (800) 441-7607 rehab.alabama.gov/services/vr/vr
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NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives. Free NAMI Basics online class is offered to caregivers. (251) 461-3450 NAMIMobile1@gmail.com https://namimobile.org/about-nami-mobile/
Center for Calm Living
150 South Church Street, Fairhope, AL 36532
Testing and therapy services. Dr. David Kantra PsyD, Augusta Kantra, MS, LPC, Dr. Lacy Kantra, PhD and McKenzie Sutton, M.Ed., Ed.S., LPC. (251) 928-5363 www.centerforcalmliving.com
Compass II Life Services
Daphne/Mobile, AL A 10-week curriculum focused on developing teens into leaders. Working with teens who struggle with low self esteem/confidence, anger management, respect for parents/
authority, life purpose, academic motivation, and goal orientation. (251) 229-2860 info@compassIIlife.com www.compassiilife.com
Crossway Counseling Center, Inc.
27625 U.S. Highway 98 , Daphne, AL 36526
Assisting children and families dealing with the challenges of life in today’s world. Counselors apply knowledge of psychology and Biblical principles to serve individuals, couples, and families. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ CrosswayCounselingCenter. (251) 626-7959 www.crosswaycounseling.org
Focal Point Professional ServicesBarry Swope, LPC
6642 Park Drive (Suite B), Daphne, AL 36526
We offer ADHD and ADD assessments and related services. Our services also include individual and family counseling, conduct and emotional problems with adolescents. (251) 625-6448 barryswope@mediacombb.net
Neuroflourish, LLC
7 South Summit Street, Fairhope, AL 36532
Cutting edge neurotechnology and counseling services for Asperger’s, Autism, ADD/ADHD, Brain Fog, Concussion, Dementia, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, OCD, Parkinson’s, PTSD, Stroke, Tinnitus, and TBI. Find us on Instagram and Facebook! (251) 379-0531 stephanie@neuroflourishlife.com www.neuroflourishlife.com
Professional Counseling Associates
Eastern Shore Counseling
29000 US Highway 98 (Suite A102), Daphne, AL 36526
Counseling services for depression, trauma, anxiety, relationship, family, grief, children of divorce and more. Psycho-Educational Testing and Evaluations and ADHD Screenings. (251) 626-5797 www.easternshorecounseling.com
The Centre
1290 Main Street (Suite B), Daphne, AL 36526
Therapy for individual and family issues from trained clinicians using a wide range of techniques for quality comprehensive care.
(251) 625-0118 www.thecounselingcentre.com
University of South Alabama
Psychological Clinic
307 University Boulevard North (UCOM 2000), Mobile, AL 36688
The USA Psychological Clinic offers low-cost therapy and evaluations for children and adults. Clinicians are specially trained in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and Parent Management Training for parents of children with disruptive behavior.
(251) 460-7149 www.southalabama.edu/psychologyclinic
Alabama Able Savings Plan
Offering Alabamians a new ABLE Program, and the only official ABLE program for the State of Alabama. An ABLE account is a way to save for eligible disability-related expenses. (833) 711-2253 www.alabamaable.gov
Family Support
1050 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36604
We help families in south Alabama help themselves, and do so by offering emotional support, information, referrals, flexible financial assistance, and special project assistance, all provided through local area volunteer councils. (251) 438-1609 www.famsupport.com
Individual & Family Support
1050 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36604
Our mission is to enhance the lives of Alabamians with disabilities and their families. (251) 438-1609 www.famsupport.com
Medicaid Waiver Program
2800 Dauphin St (Suite 105), Mobile, AL 36606
The Alabama Medicaid Agency administers a comprehensive program of long term care services that offers eligible patients care choices and opportunities to receive services at home or in the community. (866) 371-4078 rhonda.peters@medicaid.alabama.gov www.medicaid.alabama.gov
The CDH Foundation
410 S Main St, Nicholasville, KY 40356
We provide support to families in their post NICU
journey. This includes financial grants and support groups for families who face re-hospitalization, infant loss and the immense loneliness that comes from being a CDH parent. (859) 429-8258 info@thecdhfoundation.org www.thecdhfoundation.org
ad on page 28
2009 Medical Center Dr, Bay Minette, AL 36507 372 South Greeno Road, Fairhope, AL 36532 201 East Camphor Avenue, Foley, AL 36535
AltaPointe Health provides behavioral health and specialized care for children and their families with the goal of helping them maintain stability in the community. AltaPointe’s therapists specialize in treating trauma, bereavement, child sexual abuse, emotional and behavioral problems, or significant school-related issues. Treatment focuses on problem resolution, symptom reduction and stabilization. (251) 450-2211 (888) 335-3044 www.altapointe.org
Accordia Health ad on page 28
13825 Tapia Avenue, Bayou La Batre, AL 36509
AltaPointe Health provides primary and behavioral health treatment and specialized care for children and their families with the goal of helping them maintain stability in the community. AltaPointe’s therapists specialize in treating trauma, be-
reavement, child sexual abuse, emotional and behavioral problems or significant school-related issues. Treatment focuses on problem resolution, symptom reduction and stabilization. Now focusing on the patient’s whole health, AltaPointe operates Accordia Health, a Federally Qualified Health Center. Medicaid, ALL Kids and most private insurance accepted.
(251) 450-2211 (888) 335-3044 www.altapointe.org
Autism Support of Alabama ad on page 57
P.O. Box 661304, Birmingham, AL 35266
The Autism Support of Alabama is a nonprofit advocacy group with the mission of improving services for those on the Autism Spectrum. (877) 4AUTISM info@autism-alabama.org www.autism-alabama.org
Accordia Pediatrics & Pediatric Psychiatry
6908 Providence Park Drive, Mobile, AL 36695
Accordia Pediatric and Pediatric Psychiatry provides primary and behavioral health treatment. AP&PP focuses on the patient’s whole health. Medicaid, ALL Kids and most private insurance accepted.
(251) 660-3490 www.accordia-health.org
Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities
100 North Union Street, Montgomery, AL 36130
We promote and support independence, advocacy, productivity and inclusion for Alabamians with disabilities. Live, learn, work, and play in your community! (800) 232-2158 www.acdd.org
AL Department of Rehabilitation Services
602 South Lawrence St, Montgomery, AL 36104
The Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services provides services to Alabamians with disabilities through:
Alabama’s Early Intervention System, for children birth - 3 with developmental delays
Children’s Rehabilitation Service, for children birth to 21 with special health care needs and adults with hemophilia.
Vocational Rehabilitation Service, education- and employment-related supports for people with disabilities.
State of Alabama Independent Living (SAIL)/ Homebound Service, for individuals with significant disabilities.
VRS Blind and Deaf Program provides specialized assistance to Alabamians statewide.
ADRS is the state’s lead agency for coordination of services for Alabamians with traumatic brain injury (TBI). (334) 293-7500 www.rehab.alabama.gov
Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program
2008 12th Street, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
ADAP provides free legal advocacy services to Alabamians with disabilities to protect and promote their civil rights. What we do: community Access, Special Education, Medicaid and Medicaid Waivers, Voting Rights, Alternatives to Guardianship, Investigating Abuse & Neglect. (205) 348-4928 https://adap.ua.edu/
Alabama Institute for Deaf and BlindMobile Regional Center 1050 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36604 Our Mission: To prepare individuals to reach their limitless potential by providing superior staff, facilities, and programs. (251) 432-7777 www.facebook.com/AIDBMobileRC
American Sign Language University
Online only, A resource site for ASL students and teachers. Free self-study materials, lessons, and information. YouTube channel: https://youtube. com/billvicars Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/Lifeprint.ASLU BillVicars@aol.com www.Lifeprint.com
ARC - Baldwin County 3650 South Magnolia Street, Loxley, AL 36551 Services for intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in Baldwin County. Day Program: Robertsdale:22860 McAuliffe Drive; Foley Workshop: 209 E Fern Avenue, Foley; Administrative office: Loxley: 2088 S Magnolia Street. (251) 964-4451 (251) 978-9125 www.arcbaldwincounty.org
BayView Professional Associates 1015 Montlimar Dr (Ste A-210), Mobile, AL 36609 BayView Professional Associates’ confidential and supportive, solution-focused counseling can help children and families with problems, such as erratic behavior, aggression, difficulty concentrating, unexplained weight loss, even physical symptoms like headaches. Our child/adolescent board-certified psychiatrist, psychologists, and psychotherapists provide complete evaluations and testing in addition to psychotherapy and treatment for children, adolescents and adults. (251) 660-2360 www.bayview-associates.org
Bridge Program at USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital 1700 Center St., Mobile, AL 36602
This hospital-based program serves the needs of families with a child with a complex medical diagnosis. The team includes a registered nurse, a nurse practitioner, and a physician who works
closely with the primary medical team, care managers, child life specialists, and members of the children’s therapy services staff to ensure the best care possible. cwhdevelop@southalabama.edu www.usahealthsystem.com/bridge-program
Callahan School for the Deaf and Blind
3980 Burma Road, Mobile, AL 36693
Our mission is to create a positive, supportive educational environment that provides opportunities for sensory impaired students to reach individual potential in the areas of academics, independence, responsibility and social competence. (251) 221-5454 www.callahancubs.com
Canine Companions for Independence
A non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships. (800) 572-2275 www.canine.org
Cassady & Cassady
365 Grand Avenue, Fairhope, AL 36532
Max Cassady and Topie Cassady practice special education law representing students with disabilities. (251) 207-7000 maxcassady@gmail.com www.maxcassady.com
Catholic Social Services Disability Ministry and Services
188 South Florida Street, Mobile, AL 36606
Open to people of all faiths. We provide educational, spiritual, pastoral, sacramental and social programs including visits to group homes, institutions and individual homes, social activities and outings, and providing direction for various resources. (251) 434-1550 www.catholicsocialservices.org/ disability-ministries-services
Community Services for Vision Rehabilitation
1703 North Bunner St, Foley, AL 36535
Our Mission is to provide accessible, modern, comprehensive, compassionate and multidisciplinary care to those with vision loss or blindness. (251) 721-1160 www.csvrlowvision.org
Community Services for Vision
29653 Anchor Cross Blvd, Daphne, AL 3652
Our Mission is to provide accessible, modern, comprehensive, compassionate and multidisciplinary care to those with vision loss or blindness. (251) 928-2888 www.csvrlowvision.org
Eastern Shore Developmental Clinic, LLC
28150 North Main Street (Suite A), Daphne, AL 36526
Specializing in diagnostic clarification for developmental disorders and complex profiles such as Autism and its co-morbidities. Our clinic’s unique approach is applied to identifying interventions for each patient’s needs. (251) 625-2400 www.easternshoredc.com
Family Tree Chiropractic
8158 Highway 59 (Suite 106), Foley, AL 36535
Pediatrics, prenatal, post-natal, common childhood challenges and general family wellness care. Dr. Jen Aliment is a member of EPIC Pediatrics, a chiropractic specialty for care of pediatric and special needs patients. (251) 943-0569 www.familytreefoley.com
Goodwill Gulf Coast
2440 Gordon Smith Drive, Mobile, AL 36617
Our services include: Job Training and Employ-
ment Assistance, GED Preparation/Testing, Career Pathways, Early Intervention, Home Visitation for Preschool Readiness, Autism Evaluation Services, Adult Day Center, Medical Assistance & Equipment, Financial Wellness and Tax Preparation. (251) 471-1581 www.goodwillgc.org
Guide Dog Foundation
To improve the quality of life for people who are blind, have low vision, or have other special needs.
(800) 548-4337 info@guidedog.org www.guidedog.org
Hurley Mental & Behavioral Health
101 Villa Drive Building B, Suites 209-212, Daphne, AL 36526
Our mission is to deliver a standard of care, advocacy and scientifically-proven methods to enable you to create the change you want in your life. We are accepting new patients in counseling, psychiatry and neurotherapy. (251) 222-8880 www.hurleymbh.com
Krewe of Kindness
AL We are an all volunteer non profit formed to support the inclusive needs of those with special needs in our local community, with an emphasis in accessible recreation. Find us on Facebook. www.kreweofkindness.com/
Learning Disabilities Association of Alabama
We strive to advance the education and general welfare of children and adults with learning disabilities. www.ldaalabama.org
March of Dimes
Our mission is to lead the fight for the health of all moms and babies. Our goals are to end the preventable maternal health risks and deaths, end preventable preterm birth and infant death, and close the health equity gap. (888) 663-4637 www.marchofdimes.com
Mental Health – National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives. Free NAMI Basics online class is offered to caregivers. (251) 461-3450 namimobile1@gmail.com https://www.nami.org/
Mulherin Custodial Home
2496 Halls Mill Road, Mobile, AL 36606
Our primary purpose is to provide a home for individuals with developmental disabilities in a loving and family environment. Our foremost concern is the happiness, comfort, and welfare of our residents.
(251) 471-1998 www.mulherinhome.com
NORD (Nat’l Organization for Rare Disorders)
The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is committed to improving the health and well-being of people with rare diseases by driving advances in care, research, and policy. (617) 249-7300 www.rarediseases.org
75 University Blvd S, Mobile, AL 36688
PASSAGE USA is the University of South Alabama’s post-secondary 2- and 4-year certificate program for students with intellectual disabilities. It provides supports for academic, employment, and social inclusion of students.
(251) 460-7558 www.southalabama.edu/colleges/ ceps/passage/
PASSAGE USA - Transition Initiative
75 University Blvd. S (UCOM 3402), Mobile, AL 36688
The Transition Initiative provides free resources and information to families of children with disabilities to ensure better outcomes for their students as they transition from high school to adulthood. (251) 460-7674 www.southalabama.edu/colleges/ ceps/passage/transition-initiative.html
PASSAGE USA - Transition Initiative
75 University Blvd. South (UCOM 3402), Mobile, AL 36688
The Transition Initiative provides free resources and information to families of children with disabilities to ensure better outcomes for their students as they transition from high school to adulthood. (251) 460-7674 passageusa@southalabama.edu www.southalabama.edu/colleges/ceps/passage/ transition-initiative.html
Resource Roundup
Our goal is to simplify they way you find resources that bring help, education, and fun all while empowering our special needs community. www.resourceroundupalabama.com/
Santa America
Volunteer Santas visiting children and families in crisis, in home, hospital, or hospice. Santa visits for free 12 months a year. www.santaamerica.org
SHOW Baldwin Inc. - Special Humans Outreach & Wellness
We are a 501c3 with a mission to enhance the lives of individuals with special needs by awarding grants for medical equipment and therapies, as well as offering social events. Instagram: @
showbaldwin251, Facebook: SHOW Baldwin Inc.Special Humans Outreach & Wellness (251) 402-1657 Showbaldwin251@gmail.com www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560779008849
Sibling Support Project
A national program dedicated to the life-long and ever-changing concerns of millions of siblings with family members having special needs, developmental, and mental health concerns. Find a program near you! www.siblingsupport.org
Sight Savers America
337 Business Circle, Pelham, AL 35124
We assist children with obtaining eye exams, glasses, and other needed eye care from local eye care providers and clinics at no cost to the family. (877) 942-2627 info@sightsaversamerica.org www.sightsaversamerica.org
Speech and Hearing Association of Alabama
P.O. Box 380124, Birmingham, AL 45238-0124
SHAA has over 1200 members who are committed to ensuring that all people with speech, language, and hearing disorders receive services to help them communicate effectively. admin@alabamashaa.com www.alabamashaa.com
Superior Van & Mobility
Pensacola, FL 32505
Superior Van & Mobility is Pensacola, Florida’s premier destination for handicap accessible vehicles, wheelchair vans, wheelchair lifts, scooter lifts, and mobility driving aids. (850) 378-8914 www.superiorvan.com
The ARC of Alabama
Advocacy, Information and Referral services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
(334) 262-7688 www.thearcofal.org
The Listening Program
Music listening therapy that trains the auditory system to accurately process sound. Auditory processing problems are often found in children and adults with Autism, Spectrum Disorders, ADD, dyslexia and more.
(801) 622-5676 www.advancedbrain.com
United Cerebral Palsy of Mobile
3058 Dauphin Square Conn, Mobile, AL 36607
UCP of Mobile serves individuals with disabilities throughout south Alabama. Our mission is to empower individuals of all abilities to embrace their potential and lead lives filled with purpose. (251) 479-4900 development@ucpmobile.org www.ucpmobile.org
USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital
Pediatric Developmental Medicine
1601 Center Street, Suite B, Mobile, AL 36604
USA Health offers an Autism Diagnostic Clinic at our Strada Patient Care Center. This practice focuses on improving the lives of children with autism spectrum disorders across the Mississippi, Alabama and Florida Gulf Coast. (251) 410-5437 www.usahealthsystem.com/services/pediatric-development-medicine
USA HEALTH Family Medicine in partnership with Accordia Health
ment of Family Medicine partnered with Accordia Health to conveniently integrate family medicine and behavioral health services. Accordia Health provides quality-driven, patient-centered care in a convenient, cost-effective and accessible manner. Medicaid, ALL Kids and most private insurance accepted.
(251) 434-4375 www.altapointe.org www.accordia-health.org
Alabama Parent Education Center (APEC) 10520 US Highway 231, Wetumpka, AL 36092 APEC provides families with training, information and support to help ensure their children become productive, well-educated citizens. (334) 567-2252 apec@alabamaparentcenter.com www.alabamaparentcenter.com
Family Voices of Alabama
1050 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36604
We provide families tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships among professionals and families, and serve as a trusted resource on health care.
(877) 771-3862 www.familyvoicesal.org
Parent to Parent USA
P.O. Box 472, State College, PA 16804
We support a national network of Parent to Parent programs to ensure access to quality emotional support for families of individuals with disabilities and special health care needs. www.p2pusa.org
Daphne Pediatric Dentistry
ad on page 49
7058 Professional Place, Daphne, AL 36526
Pediatric dentist receive 2 or more years of specialized training beyond dental school that includes education in treatment and care of children with special needs. (251) 447-0627 info@daphnepediatricdentistry.com www.daphnepediatricdentistry.com
Sea Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
ad on page 21
825 North Alston Street, Foley, AL 36535
Pediatric dentist receive 2 or more years of specialized training beyond dental school that includes education in treatment and care of children with special needs. Come see us today! (251) 943-7575 www.seasmilesfoley.com
Bay Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry
115 Lottie Lane, Fairhope, AL 36532
Dr. Wells Hammock received 2 additional years of specialized pediatric training at Boston University’s School of Dental Medicine. This training included education in treatment and care of children with special needs.
(251) 928-5045 baypedo@yahoo.com www. baypedo.com
Dr. Trey’s Children’s Dentistry
303 North Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532
Pediatric dentist receive 2 or more years of specialized training beyond dental school that includes education in treatment and care of children with special needs.
(251) 928-3030 www.drtreys.com
Malbis Parkway Pediatric Dentistry
9807 McSara Court, Spanish Fort, AL 36527
Pediatric dentist receive 2 or more years of specialized training beyond dental school that includes education in treatment and care of children with special needs.
(251) 626-9924 www.malbispediatricdentistry.com
& Social
3Circle Church - SOAR
Special Needs Ministry
ad on page 15
10274 Highway 104, Fairhope, AL 36532
Our SOAR ministry meets during the 9:30AM and 11:15AM Sunday gatherings at the 3Circle Church Fairhope Campus. Our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, Gospel-centered program for families with disabilities from preschool through high school and beyond.
(251) 990-3112 www.3circlechurch.com/family
Dance Without Limits at Creative Outlet Dance
ad on page 69
66 South Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532
Improving the lives of special needs individuals through the power of dance! Any kid. Any adult. Any disability. Ages Preschool - adult. (251) 610-4969 dancewithoutlimitsfoundation.org
Exceptional Foundation of the Gulf Coast ad on page 75
28788 North Main Street, Daphne, AL 36526
We provide social and recreational opportunities to the special needs community of Baldwin and Mobile counties. We offer art, dance, yoga, Special Olympics, community field trips & so much more. (251) 625-8955 efgulfcoast@gmail.com www.exceptionalfoundationgc.org
Able - Access to Recreation
Adaptive recreation equipment for the physically challenged. Adaptive sports equipment, exercise, wheelchair accessories, daily living, replacement parts, bath and shower accessories, Lifts, safety equipment, ramps, manual and power chairs, etc. (888) 504-5611 www.ablerec.com
Mobility and independence for those with disabilities. Amtryke therapeutic tricycles to people with disabilities, educational scholarships for therapists, building home access ramps, accessible playgrounds and more. (800) 838-1845 www.ambucs.org
5278 Camp ASCCA Dr, Jackson’s Gap, AL 36861 Camp ASCCA is Alabama’s Special Camp for Children and Adults. ASCCA is a nationally recognized leader in therapeutic recreation for children and adults with both physical and intellectual disabilities. (256) 825-9226 info@campascca.org www.campascca.org
Camp Bridges
1600 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233
A fun and educational environment for heart, kidney, liver and lung transplant recipients. Camps
& educational programs for children, young adults and families in Alabama and neighboring states. info@campbridges.org www.campbridges.org
Camp Frog - Autism Society of Alabama AL Camp is for children on the autism spectrum to enjoy traditional camp activities in a supportive environment with their families. (205) 951-1364 www.autism-alabama.org
Camp Mash
Mobile, AL Camp M.A.S.H. is a weeklong recreational program for children ages 7 to 17 with a form of juvenile arthritis or a related autoimmune disease. Camp M.A.S.H. is offered at no cost to our families. (251) 599-5688 campmashmobile@gmail.com www.campmash.org
Camp Seale Harris
The Mission of SDES - Camp Seale Harris is to educate, encourage, and empower children with diabetes and their families to live well. Overnight & Day Camps for Elementary - Senior High. Teen Leadership, Fall, Spring & Summer Family Camps. (205) 402-0415 www.campsealeharris.org
Children’s Harbor Family Center & Camp 434 Children’s Harbor Drive, Eclectic, AL 36024
Our program provides children with serious illnesses and their families a place to be themselves and have fun while receiving no-cost services to make life easier for the whole family. (334) 857-2133 www.childrensharbor.com
Daphne Inclusive Playground
7060 Park Drive, Daphne, AL 36526
ADA-compliant playground, located at the Daphne Sports Complex. The park is wheelchair accessible and provides activities for everyone.
Dream Court
2000 Main Street, Daphne, AL 36526
Dream Court Inc, is a non-profit organization that provides an adaptive tennis program for individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities, striving for inclusion and acceptance. Sign up online. David Pantovic, Dream Court Coach-251-620-2710 (251) 643-3756 tennis@daphneal.com www.dreamcourt.org/
Exceptional Arts Drama by Sunnyside Theater
63 Midtown Park East, Mobile, AL 36606
Fun and creative theater classes for children and adults with special needs. Wednesday nights from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. (251) 510-1808 azaleacity@mindspring.com www.azaleacityarts.com
Hope Outdoors
P.O. Box 1421, Chatom, AL Spreading the love of God and the great outdoors to those with special needs. Fishing, deer and bird hunts. Free to participants and their families. Apply at http:// hopeoutdoors.org/applynow. (251) 769-5642 karen.sansing@hopeoutdoors.org www.hopeoutdoors.org
Lakeshore Foundation
4000 Ridgeway Drive, Birmingham, AL 35209 Lakeshore Foundation is an internationally renowned organization which provides opportunity for individuals with disability to live a healthy lifestyle through physical activity, research, advocacy and health promotion.
(205) 313-7400 www.lakeshore.org
Miracle League of Coastal Alabama
1545 Gulf Shores Parkway, Gulf Shores, AL
An organization providing an opportunity for children and young adults to play Miracle League baseball, regardless of their abilities. We promote community support and the construction of special facilities that meet the unique needs of Miracle League players and their families. (251) 978-3423 www.facebook.com/miracleleaguecoastalalabama
Space Camp for Interested Visually Impaired Students (SCIVIS) Huntsville, AL Space Camp for Interested Visually Impaired Students. A week long camp that takes place at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Coordinated by teachers of the visually impaired. Usually occurs in late Sept. or early Oct. Scholarships are available. (304) 851-5680 www.scivis.org
Special Olympics of Alabama
880 South Court Street, Montgomery, AL 36104 Special Olympics Alabama offers competition, coaching and volunteer opportunities in a variety of olympic-type sports. (334) 242-3383 www.specialolympicsalabama.org
Daphne, AL 36526
Our TOPSoccer program is a unique program designed for young athletes aged 5-17 with mental and physical challenges. The program provides a safe and encouraging environment for learning and playing soccer, fostering interaction with peers, youth volunteers, trained coaches, and supportive adult personnel. https://union10fcbaldwincounty.com/programs/ topsoccer-2/
Very Special Camps Camps and programs that serve individuals with one or more of a wide range of special needs. www.veryspecialcamps.com
Water Planet Dolphin Therapy
203 Greenwood Dr, Panama City Beach, FL 32407
Dolphin swims, expressive art, sensory integration and music workshops provide experiences for children with disabilities, autism spectrum, depression, ADHD, Down Syndrome, cancer, mental and emotional issues and more. (850) 230-6030 www.waterplanetusa.com
We Rock the Spectrum Daphne Kid’s Gym
1802 A US Highway 98, Daphne, AL 36526
We have a variety of sensory-safe swings and play equipment including a trampoline, a zipline, a rock wall, climbing structures, arts and crafts, field trips, and rocking birthday parties.
(251) 355-6178 info@werockthespectrumdaphne.com www.werockthespectrumdaphne.com
Whaley Ranch
33018 Brady Road, Robertsdale, AL 36567
The Whaley Ranch offers programs geared towards helping youth grow and heal. By utilizing Equine Assisted Learning and mentorship this promotes a safe and fun environment allowing youth to develop as individuals. Visit our website to learn more about Equine Assisted Learning and the programs we offer. (251) 213-5858 info@whaleyranch.com www.whaleyranch.com
Captains for Kids Special Needs Day of Fun
Fishing, sailing, dolphin cruises and more for those with special needs and illnesses. Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, Perdido Key, Pensacola Beach, Ft. Walton Beach, and more.. Registration required. Date: Saturday September 7th, 2024 (850) 438-5555 www.captainsforkids.com
ad on page 26
12786 South Illinois Street, Elberta, AL 36530
High hopes is preparing children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and other developmental delays, to participate independently in the community. We specialize in communication. Our goal for each client is to be able to communicate their, needs, thoughts, and feelings. We accept clients up to 4 years old and will continue to work with families until their individual needs are met. We use Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) techniques and all of sessions are one to one. Monitoring via ccTV and parent training is available during the therapy session. We accept insurance, visit our website to see our current list.
(251) 986-7007 highhopes4autism@gmail.com www.highhopes4autism.org
Renaissance School ad on page 7
25870 Austin Rd, Daphne, AL 36526
Renaissance School of the Eastern Shore is a full curriculum school for 1st-12th grade level students accredited by Accreditation International and National Council for Private School Accreditation. In order to meet our students specific needs we integrate a systematic, differentiated, multi-sensory approach into a small group setting. #RenaissanceSchool #ReawakeningEducation (251) 990-0041 admin@rs.education www.rs.education
Baldwin County Public School System Special Services Bay Minette, AL 36507
Evaluations and therapy for developmental delays, hearing impairment, emotional & intellectual disabilities, orthopedic, speech, language or visual impairment, autism and more. (251) 972-6860 www.bcbe.org/domain/52
Children’s & Women’s Hospital Mapp Child & Family Life Program 1700 Center St., Mobile, AL 36604
Offering school services to children who receive healthcare at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital. We partner with Mobile County Public Schools and credentialed teachers in The ClassAct program to provide instruction to school-age students in the hospital’s classrooms or at the bedside. We also provide services to ease a child’s transition back into school and community. Our teams also provide special events and services to help normalize the hospital environment for our young students. (251) 410-4587 kwagner@health.southalabama.edu www.usahealthsystem.com/amenities/childrenswomens-hospital
Huntington Learning Center
6880 US Hwy 90 (Suite 13), Daphne, AL 36526
We understand that no two children learn alike. Our programs help thousands of students quickly improve their grades and build confidence. Whether a child is struggling with math, has poor homework habits, or experiences school difficulties due to learning problems, Huntington can help. Each student takes a comprehensive evaluation that pinpoints strengths and weaknesses. Based on the evaluation results we develop a personalized learning plan targeted to meet each student’s needs. Individualized tutoring helps students learn at their pace and on their level to build skills, confidence and motivation. (251) 621-1055 daphneal@hlcmail.com www.huntingtonhelps.com/center/daphne
Read Write Learning Center 1048 Stanton Road Suite G, Daphne, AL 36526
Educational consulting, testing, and academic therapy for language based learning disabilities such as dyslexia. (251) 625-4020 baldwinoffice@readwritelearningcenter.com www.readwritelearningcenter.com
The Learning Tree – Growing Independence Behavioral Center
5465 Able Court, Mobile, AL 36693
Clinic-based ABA services, comprehensive early intensive behavioral intervention for preschoolaged children. Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm. (251) 644-5938 www.learning-tree.org
The Learning Tree Residential School 5465 Able Court, Mobile, AL 36693
Residential school providing 24 - hour care in a homelike setting for ages 6 – 21, with develop-
mental disabilities, including autism. (251) 649-4420 www.learning-tree.org
The Think Tank Mobile & Baldwin County, One on-one in-home tutoring for general education, learning disabled and homebound students. We work directly with the student’s teachers to ensure we follow the IEP for special needs students and the student’s current classroom curriculum. We have qualified educators to work with ADD, ADHD, hearing impaired, MR, Dyslexic, and speech impaired students. (251) 300-9697 thinktankminds@gmail.com www.thinktankminds.com
Feingold Association of the United States Foods & synthetic additives can cause behavior, learning and health problems. We Help families introduce low-additive diets and techniques for better behavior, learning and public awareness. www.feingold.org
ADHD Medical Clinic of Fairhope 101 Lottie Lane (Unit 6), Fairhope, AL 36532 We specialize in treatment of adolescents and adults with ADHD. We offer state of the art specialty testing and comprehensive solutions to the complex problems related to ADHD. (251) 990-1980 www.adhd-medical.com
ADHD Medical Clinic of Mobile
2651 Old Shell Road , Mobile, AL 36607
We specialize in treatment of adolescents and adults with ADHD. We offer state of the art specialty testing and comprehensive solutions to the complex problems related to ADHD. (251) 243-7058 www.adhd-medical.com
Advanced Health Solutions -
Dr. Renee Lopez, D.C.
401 North Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532
Neurofeedback, Functional Nutrition, Lab Analysis, Chiropractic, ChiroThin Weight Loss Program and more. Locations in Fairhope and Mobile. (251) 928-5058 YourAdvancedHealthSolutions.com
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CHADD)
CHADD Provides support and education for individuals with ADHD. (301) 306-7070 www.chadd.org
Focus MD
28080 US Highway 98 (Ste F), Daphne, AL 36526
A medical practice for ADHD and related problems. Focus MD provides objective testing, medical treatment as well as behavior modification strategies. (251) 517-9025 www.adhddaphne.com
American Autism & Rehabilitation Center
ad on page 3
8909 Rand Avenue, Daphne, AL 36526
A facility aimed at treating a variety of special needs in one convenient location. Speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, ABA therapy
and more. Our highly-trained professionals work collaboratively to provide individualized treatment plans in order to help patients reach their full potential. Serving patients & families of all ages affected by Autism, Aspergers, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, etc. (251) 210-1632 info@americanautismcenter.com www.Americanautismcenter.com
ad on page 57
P.O. Box 661304, Birmingham, AL 35266
The Autism Support of Alabama is a nonprofit advocacy group with the mission of improving services for those on the Autism Spectrum. (877) 4AUTISM info@autism-alabama.org www.autism-alabama.org
ad on page 9
We provide community members with general information and resources for autism spectrum disorder; Assist with problem-solving for those who work with individuals with autism spectrum disorder; Provide information about best practice standards developed and endorsed by the AIACC; Provide opportunities for training and consultation to parents and professionals; Identify and promote development of programs that are underrepresented in the region, to benefit individuals with autism spectrum disorder, their care providers and educators. (251) 410-4533 USARAN@health.southalabama.edu www.usahealthsystem.com/services/usa-regionalautism-network
Autism Center of The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension
Sacred Heart
5045 Carpenter Creek Dr, Pensacola, FL 32503
The Autism Center of The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart delivers compassionate care for children with autism. (850) 416-7548 https://healthcare.ascension.org
Autism Society of America
Information, resources and network opportunities to help adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder lead better lives. Find us on Facebook! (800) 328-8476 info@autism-society.org www.autismsociety.org
Autism Speaks
Promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for people with autism and their families. (888) 288-4762 www.autismspeaks.org
TACA (Talk About Curing Autism)
The Autism Community in Action (TACA) provides education, support and empowerment to families and individuals affected by autism to enrich their lives.
USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital
Pediatric Developmental MedicineAutism Diagnostics Clinic 1601 Center Street (Suite 1D, 1E, 1F), Mobile, AL 36604
USA Health specialists work together with parents to provide consultation, evaluation, intervention, medication and therapy to help families manage developmental issues. Conditions Treated-autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, developmental delays and learning problems. (251) 410-5437 www.usahealthsystem.com/services/pediatric-development-medicine
CdLS Foundation (Cornelia de Lange Syndrome)
30 Tower Lane, Suite 400, Avon, CT We are a family support organization that exists to ensure early and accurate diagnosis, promote research, and help people with a diagnosis of CdLS make informed decisions throughout their lives. (800) 753-2357 www.cdlsusa.org
Camp Smile
3058 Dauphin Square Conn, Mobile, AL 36607 Our mission is to empower children and adults with disabilities to live their lives without limits by providing an inclusive summer camp experience where there is no limit to the adventure. (251) 479-4900 campsmile@ucpmobile.org www. campsmilemobile.org
MyChild at CerebralPalsy.org
A comprehensive resource for everything related to Cerebral Palsy, MyChild™ provides information, tips, resources, encouragement and inspiration to individuals touched by Cerebral Palsy. (800) 692-4453 contactus@mychildwithcp.com www.cerebralpalsy.org
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation AL Chapter Birmingham, AL Leading the search for cystic fibrosis cures, funding and research. We aim to help the CF community find local events and activities. Find us on Facebook for event updates! (205) 870-8565 alabama@cff.org www.cff.org/Alabama
Coastal Alabama Down Syndrome Society Mobile, AL We are dedicated to providing individuals with Down syndrome in the Coastal Alabama area with unlimited opportunities to Grow Beyond Expectations. (251) 219-0324 http://www.cadss.org/
Down Syndrome Alabama 3000 Riverchase Galleria, Hoover, AL 35244 Down Syndrome Alabama is dedicated to supporting individuals with Down syndrome, their families and their communities throughout Alabama by advancing advocacy, providing connections and promoting education. (205) 988-0810 www.downsyndromealabama.org
Renaissance School ad on page 7 25870 Austin Rd, Daphne, AL 36526
Renaissance School of the Eastern Shore is a full curriculum school for 1st-12th grade level students accredited by Accreditation International
and National Council for Private School Accreditation. In order to meet our students specific needs we integrate a systematic, differentiated, multi-sensory approach into a small group setting. #RenaissanceSchool #ReawakeningEducation (251) 990-0041 admin@rs.education www.rs.education
Alabama Branch of the International Dyslexia Association IDA Alabama works to improve the lives of individuals with dyslexia through education and legislation (256) 469-0198 https://al.dyslexiaida.org/
Read Write Learning Center 1048 Stanton Road Suite G, Daphne, AL 36526
Educational consulting, testing, and academic therapy for language based learning disabilities such as dyslexia. (251) 625-4020 baldwinoffice@readwritelearningcenter.com www.readwritelearningcenter.com
Epilepsy Foundation
The mission of the Epilepsy Foundation is to Improve the lives of people affected by epilepsy through education, advocacy, research, and connection. (800) 332-1000 www.epilepsy.com
Epilepsy Foundation of Alabama
3100 Lorna Rd (Ste 311), Birmingham, AL 36216
The mission of Epilepsy Foundation Alabama is to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives. www.epilepsy.com/local/alabama
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America-Mobile Chapter, Inc. 1453 Springhill Avenue, Mobile, AL 36604
Our mission: empowering our clients and families with knowledge, through quality comprehensive programs and services. (251) 432-0301 info@scdmobile.org www.scdmobile.org
Tourette Association of America
The mission of the Tourette Association of America is to provide help and hope to those affected by Tourette Syndrome, Tic Disorders and associated conditions through Awareness, Research, and Support. (888) 486-8738 support@tourette.org www.tourette.org
Muscular Dystrophy Association 1016 W Jackson Blvd #1073, Chicago, IL 60607 Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) is the #1
voluntary health organization in the United States for people living with muscular dystrophy, ALS, and related neuromuscular diseases. For over 70 years, MDA has led the way in accelerating research, advancing care, and advocating for the support of our families. MDA’s mission is to empower the people we serve to live longer, more independent lives. To learn more visit mda.org and follow MDA on Instagram, Facebook. (800) 572-1717 ResourceCenter@mdausa.org www.mda.org
Spina Bifida Association
The mission of the Spina Bifida Association is to build a better and brighter future for all those impacted by Spina Bifida. (202) 944-3285 www.spinabifidaassociation.org
ad on page 28
5800 Southland Drive, Mobile, AL 36693
BayPointe Hospital is a free-standing psychiatric hospital specializing in child and adolescent acute inpatient and long-term residential care. Our 15-acre west Mobile campus offers short-term crisis stabilization and long-term treatment in a residential setting for ages 5-18. (251) 661-0153 (888) 335-3044 www.baypointehospital.org
Autism & Rehabilitation Center
ad on page 3
8909 Rand Avenue, Daphne, AL 36526
A facility aimed at treating a variety of special needs in one convenient location. Speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, ABA therapy and more. Our highly-trained professionals work collaboratively to provide individualized treatment plans in order to help patients reach their full potential. Serving patients & families of all ages affected by Autism, Aspergers, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, etc. (251) 210-1632 info@americanautismcenter.com www.Americanautismcenter.com
& Tutoring, LLC
ad on page 25
9837 US Highway 98, Fairhope, AL 36532
Occupational and speech therapy for children birth to 21. Services include: CBIT for Tourette’s, Dyslexia/Alexia, Feeding, Articulation and Language disorders, Visual/Fine motor deficits, Gross Motor Coordination, Handwriting, K-5th grade Tutoring, and more. Find us on Facebook! Website: WWW. handinhandal.com for more information. (251) 517-7787 jessica@handinhandal.com www.handinhandal.com
Let’s Play Therapy ad on page 19
8531 Spanish Fort Blvd, Spanish Fort, AL 36527
Let’s Play Therapy Center provides pediatric occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and feeding therapy using a strength based play
model to use the child’s strengths to address their weaknesses. Services also focus on family training to train and empower families how to help their child away from the clinic. We accept Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicaid, Tricare, and self pay. (251) 929-4848 info@letsplaytherapycenter.com
Pediatric Therapy
ad on page 17
1815 Hand Avenue, Bay Minette, AL 36507
The department provides comprehensive care to children who require speech therapy. Our pediatric speech therapist uses age-appropriate techniques to assess and treat. We offer an environment where therapists and families work together to guarantee each child is receiving exactly what he or she needs. Infirmary Health offers pediatric therapy at two locations in Baldwin County, Thomas Hospital and North Baldwin Infirmary (251) 937-2823 laurie.repoll@ infirmaryhealth.org www.infirmaryhealth.org
ad on page 39
child led, neurodivergent affirming approaches for Autistic children. Certified in Natural Language Acquisition Method (251) 610-8000 Beachspeech2020@gmail.com
our patients with the skills they need in order to function at their highest level of independence and increase their quality of life.
(251) 923-0888 www.gulfcoasttherapy.com
Buckaroo Barn, L.L.C
39821 Duffee Lane, Bay Minette, AL 36507
881 Hillcrest Road, Mobile, AL 36695
Our mission is to provide pediatric patients with options for outpatient physical therapy services. Treatment will be individualized, assertive, and aggressive to maximize functional outcomes. We strive to have child-friendly, play-based treatment programs which are family centered. (251) 450-0070 ppt_llc@hotmail.com www.pptmobile.com
Pediatric Therapy
ad on page 17
750 Morphy Avenue, Fairhope, AL 36532
The department provides comprehensive care to children who require occupational, physical and speech therapy. Our pediatric therapist use age appropriate techniques to assess and treat movement, muscle coordination, orthopedic, neurologic, genetic disorders, muscular diseases and prevention of further developmental delays. We offer an environment where all three therapies can work together with families to guarantee each child is receiving exactly what he or she needs. Infirmary Health offers pediatric therapy at two locations in Baldwin County, Thomas Hospital and North Baldwin Infirmary. (251) 279-1640 laurie.repoll@infirmaryhealth.org www.infirmaryhealth.org
Beach Speech Therapy
309 E 21st Ave Suite H, Gulf Shores, AL 36542 Pediatric speech therapy clinic specializing in
Buckaroo Barn LLC is a physical therapy clinic that uses equine movement as our primary treatment tool. The movement of a horse influences the patient’s posture, balance, strength, stability & sensory processing. Therapists direct the movement of the horse, analyze the patient’s response and adjust therapy.
(251) 604-3904 buckaroobarn@gmail.com www.buckaroobarnllc.com
Foley Therapy
316 S Mckenzie Street Suite 101, Foley, AL 36535
Foley Therapy LLC is located in the heart of Downtown Foley. Maria has been fondly referred to as the “Toy Doctor”. She engages in play to elicit the fundamental skills required for developmental; sensory motor perceptual and handwriting. Foley Therapy addresses the feeding and listening concerns of parents and teachers that children encounter.Stop by and see your local OT for a free consultation or visit my website for upcoming events.
(251) 978-1280 www.foleytherapyot.com
Gulf Coast Therapy
9890 Twin Beech Road, Fairhope, AL 36532
The mission of Gulf Coast Therapy is to provide our patients with the skills they need in order to function at their highest level of independence and increase their quality of life.
(251) 928-7312 www.gulfcoasttherapy.com
Gulf Coast Therapy
21040 Miflin Road, Suite One, Foley, AL 36535
The mission of Gulf Coast Therapy is to provide
Gulf Coast Therapy Works, LLC
101 Lottie Lane (Suite 3), Fairhope, AL 35532
Private counseling practice that Baldwin Co. And surrounding areas. Sessions are available for individuals, couples, and families. Please see website for more details.
(251) 517-7737 EXT 1 appointment@gulfcoasttherapyworks.com www.gulfcoasttherapyworks.com
Melanie B. Waters, M.C.D., CCC-SLPSpoken Word Speech Language Services LLC 9086 Merritt Lane, Suite D, Daphne, AL 36526
Evaluation & treatment for speech sound problems, tongue thrust, receptive and expressive language delays, auditory processing and reading difficulties, as well as stuttering. Fast ForWord products and monitoring are also available. (251) 786-8255 mel.spokenword@gmail.com www.spokenwordspeech.com
Mentoring and Behavioral Services
820 S University Blvd Ste H, Mobile, AL 36609
Specializing in individualizing holistic behavioral approaches. Each case is carefully reviewed and analyzed by a treatment team that includes our staff, parents, child, school and other medical professionals to help create the individual holistic behavioral approach. Accepting clients between the ages of 2-14 that have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
(251) 340-2020 mbsbaldwin@gmail.com www.mentoringandbehavioralservices.org/
Narrow Road Counseling, PC
23690 US Hwy 98, Suite H-1, Fairhope, AL 36532
Assessment of infants, toddlers & preschoolers.
Independent school consults. Brief, solutionfocused therapy for individuals & families. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with children, adolescents & adults (251) 644-6263 Bridget@NarrowRoadConfidential. com www.galatians69.com
Pediatric Therapy Services at USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital 1610 Center Street, Mobile, AL 36604 We offer a collaborative, team-oriented program with physical, occupational and speech language therapies for our pediatric patients. (251) 415-1670 www.usahealthsystem.com/locations/pediatric-therapy-services-clinic
South Baldwin Regional Medical Center
1613 North McKenzie Street, Foley, AL 36535 Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy. Providing on-going care for the patient and improved communication with the referring physician. (251) 949-3580 www.southbaldwinrmc.com/rehabservices
The CORE Project, Inc.
26420 Kensington Pl (Ste C), Daphne, AL 36526
The Core Project, Inc. offers speech and occupational therapy and audiology services for all ages and exceptionalities. Individualized testing and treatment are also available for ADHD, auditory processing disorders, dyslexia, dysphagia, and a provisional autism diagnosis. (251) 517-0355 info@coreprojectinc.com www.coreprojectinc.com
The SpOT Clinic
901 Commerce Dr Suite A, Gulf Shores, AL 36542
Our mission is to change lives by providing excellent speech, occupational, physical, and feeding care to children in our community. Our goal is to give each child the opportunity to reach their fullest potential for success in school and in life. We achieve this goal every day by providing personalized care using the latest therapy techniques in a family-oriented environment. Our team is committed to being a resource for families in our community.
251-200-4750 www.thespotclinic.com
USA Speech and Hearing Clinic
5721 USA North Dr, HAHN 1119, Mobile, AL 36688
The Center provides services in speech, language, and hearing to citizens of the greater Mobile community, as well as supervised clinical experiences for students earning advanced degrees in speech-language pathology and audiology.
(251) 445-9378 www.southalabama.edu/colleges/ alliedhealth/speechandhearing/clinic.html
4 Paws for Ability
4 Paws for Ability is a non-profit organization that breeds, raises, trains, and places service dogs with children and veterans who have disabilities. (937) 374-0385 Info@4PawsForAbility.org www.4pawsforability.org
Especial Needs
eSpecial Needs is dedicated to providing our clients with the best selection of adaptive equipment, rehab equipment and therapy solutions for children and adults with special needs. Visit out website for more information.
(877) 664-4565 support@especialneeds.com www.especialneeds.com
Operation Autism for Military Families
Operation Autism is a web-based resource specifically designed and created to support military families that have children with autism. www.operationautism.org
Organization for Autism Research (OAR)
2111 Wilson Blvd (Suite 401), Arlington, VA 22201
We provide evidence-based resources that help families, self-advocates, educators, and other professionals address the challenges autism presents.
(866) 366-9710 www.researchautism.org
Sesame Street Autism
Helping kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder, using the power of media to meet children’s development needs with early education and social impact programs.
If you offer a special needs service that was not included in our 2024 Special Needs Guide please emaill lynn@easternshoreparents.com. We are happy to add you to our online version of Eastern Shore Parents.
By Anderson McKean By Anderson McKean
Medici Heist Medici Heist by Caitlin Schneiderhan by Caitlin Schneiderhan
A cinematic thrill ride of a story from Caitlin Schneiderhan!
In this clever debut, a sharp-witted teenage thief leads a team of skilled misfits in a daring heist for fortune, freedom and revenge against a corrupt Pope in Renaissance Italy.
The The Crossbow Of Destiny Crossbow Of Destiny by Brandon Hoang by Brandon Hoang
In this debut middle-grade fantasy, author Brandon Hoang takes readers on a high-stakes adventure through Vietnam in search of an ancient magical crossbow. A perfect read for fans of Indiana Jones!
The Star Shepherd by Dan Haring
The Star Shepherd by Dan Haring
Trusty sidekicks, mythical creatures and ancient robots! Fans of Neil Gaiman will love this beautifully illustrated, fastpaced adventure about 11-year old Kyro, his friend Andra, his beloved dog Cypher, and their race to save the stars.
The Secret Library The Secret Library by Kekla Magoon by Kekla Magoon
Travel through time with acclaimed author Kekla Magoon’s page-turning fantasy about family secrets and finding the courage to plot your own story. Filled with crackling prose and playful twists, this captivating tale is a must read!
At Glass Orthodontics, you’re more than just another faceyou’re a unique person and our team values that. With one dedicated doctor and a hands-on team, everyone will know your name! Consultations are always complimentary and we offer flexible appointments and interest free payment plans. With four locations to serve you, there is always something to smile about at Glass Orthodontics.
Q. My husband and I both work outside the home, and he has come up with an idea for our fun money. He wants us to set up an account where we both put 5% of our earnings for discretionary spending. The issue in my mind is that he would have a lot more to spend, because he makes much more money than I do. He says he feels he should be able to spend more since he makes more. I’m not a greedy person, and I don’t spend money on a lot of frivolous things, but I do think things would
be even. I feel we should each put in the same dollar amount—one that’s fair to both of us—if we’re going to do this. What do you think?
A. This isn’t a good plan. I’m sure your husband means well, and that he’s really a good guy overall, but it sounds to me like he probably hasn’t thought this whole thing through. As they stand now, the details of his idea play out as pretty immature and selfish. And something tells me you wouldn’t marry a man like that. Think about it this way. There are plenty of families out there where only one person works outside the home and generates an
actual income. Would it be fair to say that whoever brings home the paycheck is the only one who can have fun spending once in a while? Of course, not! In most cases, spouses who don’t work outside the home take on tons of responsibility and accomplish several things every single day—especially if the couple has kids. If you put a monetary amount on all that, it’d wind up being a pretty nice income dollars-wise. Remember back when you two got married? If it were anything close to a traditional ceremony, I’ll bet the preacher pronounced you two “as one.” As in every thing and every way. That means you have one income, a combined income, and it’s our income. If you own a home, it’s our home. It’s not more his home just because he makes more money than you. Our kids, our marriage our everything. Get the picture?
Marriage is not a me proposition. It should always be a we thing. Your husband needs to be reminded of that.
How much time do your children spend dabbling in the arts—to freely express themselves in creative ways? Creativity is the ability to think in unusual, divergent ways. It does not only refer to artistic and musical expression; it is also essential for science, math, and social/ emotional intelligence. Creativity has been shown to develop so many positive characteristics and to help children lead happy, successful lives. Unfortunately, creativity is becoming somewhat endangered in this generation because technology and busy schedules are taking priority over the arts. We can guide our children’s growth and impact their success by incorporating creativity into their daily routines.
When children grow up with opportunities to be creative, they can develop a number of key skills that will help them succeed throughout their lives.
The arts help children learn how to think in innovative ways when making decisions and solving problems. Many experts find that creativity actually rewires the brain to think ‘outside of the box’, a very important skill for all aspects of life. When children are creative, they tap into intuition, imagination, and playfulness, which help to solve complex problems. Without even realizing it, children working on creative projects are being challenged to solve problems like what colors to use, how to make a line, and what size to make something.
Researchers from Michigan State University have found a strong correlation between childhood engagement in the creative arts and measurable success later in life. Children who were exposed to a wide variety of arts and crafts were more likely to create unique inventions worthy of patents, come up with ideas good enough to start a new company or publish provocative papers on science and technology.
2. Express Emotions
Creativity also provides an outlet for children to express and cope with their emotions in a safe, calm way. Art offers a way to communicate ideas, feelings, and solutions without speaking or writing.
When children have the capability to express emotions in this way, they can better manage challenges and issues like anger, anxiety, and depression.
3. Improve Concentration
Creativity helps children learn to concentrate and focus more effectively on the task at hand, which is so important for studying in working in the future. Artists can become so absorbed in their projects that they reach a state of flow or a sense of being completely engaged in an activity to the point of being in a near-meditative state.
4. Persevere and Work Hard
Creativity helps children build patience and perseverance as they develop new skills and even face frustration and setbacks. Art allows them to try different approaches until they are satisfied with their creation. Perseverance is a critical skill to have in an increasingly competitive world, where people need to continually adapt to changes and develop new skills.
5. Achieve Academic Awards
Children who participate in artsbased programs are more successful
academically, according to a Stanford University study. Some of their achievements included being more likely to win an academic award such as the honor roll, to receive a community service award, and to participate in a math or science fair. These students also scored higher on the SAT.
6. Adopt a More Flexible and Worldly View
When children are exposed to the arts, they experience multiple cultures and ideas that they are not familiar with. This helps them learn to think with an open mind and realize that there are multiple points of view. A study at the University of Kansas found that during a visit to an art museum, students displayed higher levels of social tolerance, exhibited more empathy, and developed an interest in art and cultural institutions
7. Build Confidence
Children who are encouraged to think creatively tend to have higher self-esteem and confidence. One reason for this is that children learn to feel pride in their original work. Also, many types of art forms, like drama and dance, require individuals to build these attributes in order to perform in front of an audience.
You may be surprised to find out that creativity can be learned. It is not necessarily a natural talent that we are born with. Actually, there is so much that we can do to expose our children to opportunities for creativity so they can develop these amazing skills.
Here are 10 ideas to get your children excited about being creative:
• Sign them up for art, music, drama, or dance classes.
• Frequent creative performances such as concerts, theater, ballet, and art festivals.
• Keep a bin of art supplies in the house and ask them to use their imagination to create.
• Use art to teach science, math, reading, and other subjects.
• Invite your children into the kitchen to cook or bake with you.
• Include fun arts and crafts projects during playdates and birthday parties.
• Allow for plenty of artistic free play in your home, such as singing, dancing, puppet shows, and reading books aloud with expression.
• Point out interesting art all around you during your daily routine—while shopping, at parks, while traveling, at friends’ houses, and even at the doctor’s office. Talk to your children about what they observe.
• Study famous artists and their works by getting books at the library or watching videos. Challenge your children to do their version of the famous artwork.
• Play games that involve creativity, like Pictionary (drawing) and charades (drama), or make up your own, like a songwriting or poetry contest.
Sandi Schwartz is an award-winning author, freelance journalist, and mother of two. She has written extensively about parenting, wellness, and environmental issues. As the founder and director of the Ecohappiness Project, her mission is to inspire and educate families to build a nature habit to feel happier and calmer. Learn more at www. ecohappinessproject.com.
Sunday September 1
Labor Day Weekend Party
12:00 PM OWA, 101 S OWA Blvd Foley, AL, 36535
There will be kid activities at Tropic Falls and a complimentary Red, White, and Red Popsicles at the Native Treasures Alcove. More live music will follow, starting at 4:30 pm with Duhe and Daboys. Closing out the night, Tobacco Rd band at 6pm will be performing a live blend of country-rock. www.visitowa.com/labor-day-weekend
Light Up Labor Day
6:00 PM The Wharf, 23101 Canal Rd Orange Beach, AL, 36561 Come out for a celebration full of color with DJ Matt. There will be tunes, games + FIREWORKS! Then, stick around for the SPECTRA Laser Light Experience show to follow. https://alwharf.com/events/2024/09/01/51143
Thursday September 5
United Way of Baldwin County Campaign Kick off Luncheon
11:00 AM Daphne Civic Center, Daphne, AL, 36526
We are excited to announce our 2024 Campaign Kick Off Luncheon featuring: Kerri Strug, 1996 U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist. Doors Open at 11am and program begins at Noon https://unitedway-bc.org/2024-kick-off-luncheon
Bulls on the Beach
6:00 PM Flora-Bama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. Pensacola, FL, 32507 Bring the family out to experience the ultimate adrenaline rush with three nights of live rodeo action featuring Professional Bull Riders from all around the country! Thursday night is kids night and will feature Junior Riders on Miniature Bulls, a Coloring Contest Bike Giveaway for both a lucky little boy and girl, followed by Professional Bull Riding to round out the night. Gates open at 6pm and rodeo begins at 8pm. www.florabama.com/bulls-on-the-beach
Gulf Shores Sunset Series (Free)
6:00 PM Town Green at Gulf Place, 101 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 These free concerts consist of 2 hours of live free music overlooking our beautiful white-sand beaches at sunset. www.gulfshoresal.gov/1463/Sunset-Series
Friday September 6
Bulls on the Beach
6:00 PM Flora-Bama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. Pensacola, FL, 32507 Bring the family out to experience the ultimate adrenaline rush with three nights of live rodeo action featuring Professional Bull Riders from all around the country! Friday and Saturday night will feature the Professional Bull Riders in the adult Bull Riding Competition. Gates open at 6pm and rodeo begins at 8pm www.florabama.com/bulls-on-the-beach
White Tie Rock Ensemble featuring Yacht Rock
7:30 PM OWA Theater, 205 N OWA Blvd Foley, AL, 36535 It’s time to ROCK with White Tie Rock Ensemble to Yacht Rock at OWA Theater on September 6th &7th!
Saturday September 7
Brett Robinson Alabama Coastal Triathlon
7:00 AM 101 E Beach Blvd Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 Brett Robinson Alabama Coastal Triathlon. Enjoy
a beautiful gulf swim and a fast, flat bike and run course at a great venue! www.trisignup.com/Race/AL/GulfShores/ AlabamaCoastalTriathlon
Lower Delta Tour
9:00 AM Blakeley Dock, 34745 State Hwy 225 Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Explore the forgotten southern reaches of the Mobile-Tensaw Delta on this unique two-hour adventure through a hidden natural habitat just minutes from Mobile and the communities of Eastern Shore. Departing from the Blakeley dock, we travel down the remote reaches of the scenic Raft River, through the ancient channel of Spanish River, and across picturesque Delvan Bay before heading back up the storied Tensaw.
DI Car & Craft Show
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Cadillac Square, Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 The Car & Craft show will be held in Cadillac Square on Sept. 7. Along with Cars and Crafts, we will also have food trucks: Shaved Ice Paradise, La Taqueria and the Coconut Hut; live music featuring The Southern Fire Band, along with a bounce house and face painting for the kids! www.townofdauphinisland.org
Cruise to the Site of the Clotilda Wreck
1:30 PM Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 The last known ship to bring enslaved Africans into America, the Clotilda rests in the waters of the Mobile River north of the city. Come along with us as we make our way to this historic site and explore this somber but pivotal saga in local history with national significance. https://www.blakeleypark.com/Things-to-Do/Events
Spanish Fort Market Days
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Double D’s Burger, 29001 Bass Pro Dr Spanish Fort, AL Enjoy shopping local vendors, food, and treats in a great family atmosphere!
Community Spirit Day
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Lott Park, 2000 Main St Daphne, AL, 36526 Join us Saturday, September 7th from 3pm to 6pm at Lott Park for our 4th annual Community Spirit Day!
Bulls on the Beach
6:00 PM Flora-Bama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. Pensacola, FL, 32507 Bring the family out to experience the ultimate adrenaline rush with three nights of live rodeo action featuring Professional Bull Riders from all around the country! Friday and Saturday night will feature the Professional Bull Riders in the adult Bull Riding Competition. Gates open at 6pm and rodeo begins at 8pm www.florabama.com/bulls-on-the-beach
White Tie Rock Ensemble featuring Yacht Rock
7:30 PM OWA Theater, 205 N OWA Blvd Foley, AL, 36535 It’s time to ROCK with White Tie Rock Ensemble to Yacht Rock at OWA Theater on September 6th &7th!
Captains for Kids (Free) Various locations, Join us for a FREE fun day on the water for kids with special needs and illnesses provided by professional captains/crews/businesses that provide: fishing charters, sailing excursions, parasailing rides, dolphin cruises and pirate cruises. 850-438-5555 spotate. wixsite.com/captains-for-kids
Monday September 9
Southern Alabama FCA Daphne Area
Champions Banquet
6:30 PM Daphne Civic Center, Daphne, AL, 36526 The purpose of the event is to raise money to support Southern Alabama Fellowship of Christian Athletes www.southalabamafca.org/champions-banquet
Wednesday September 11
Original Oyster House First Responders Free Lunch (Free)
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Original Oyster House, Causeway & Gulf Shores locations The Original Oyster House restaurants will honor Mobile and Baldwin County law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics and sheriff officers by offering a free Never Forget Lunch at the Gulf Shores and Mobile Causeway locations on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm. www.originaloysterhouse.com
Thursday September 12
12th Annual Golf Classic
7:00 AM Rock Creek, Rock Creek Fairhope, AL, 36532 11th annual Baldwin County Education coalition https://betterbaldwin.com/golfclassic/
Gulf Shores Sunset Series (Free)
6:00 PM Town Green at Gulf Place, 101 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 These free concerts consist of 2 hours of live free music overlooking our beautiful white-sand beaches at sunset. www.gulfshoresal.gov/1463/Sunset-Series
Friday September 13
Seafood Buffet Dinner Cruise
6:15 PM Bartram Dock at Five Rivers Delta Resource Center, Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Take in a beautiful Mobile Bay sunset and a relaxing cruise on the waters of the lower Mobile-Tensaw Delta combined with a buffet dinner at the Original Oyster House! https://www.blakeleypark.com/Things-to-Do/Events
Black Jacket Symphony
8:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Black Jacket Symphony will return September 13th to perform “Madman Across The Water” + Elton John’s greatest hits www.mobilecivicctr.com/saenger-theatre
Saturday September 14
Delta Discovery Tour
10:00 AM Bartram Dock at Five Rivers Delta Resource Center, Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 These 90-minute excursions into the wild and scenic Mobile-Tensaw Delta--known as the “American Amazon,”--introduce visitors and residents alike to a truly astounding natural habitat. Cruises depart from the Bartram Landing at Five Rivers Delta Resource Center. https://www.blakeleypark.com/Things-to-Do/Events
10:00 AM Fairhope Public Library, 501 Fairhope Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 Ahoy Mateys! Come dressed in your best pirate attire for PirateCon. The event will take place in the Giddens and Activity Room at the Fairhope Public Library. www.fairhopelibrary.org/
Turtle Fest
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Gulf State Pier, 21196 E Beach Blvd Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 Dive into the world of sea turtles by learning about the organizations dedicated
to protecting their nesting sites, restoring their habitats, rehabilitating injured turtles, and investigating turtle encounters! Enjoy interactive games and embark on a thrilling scavenger hunt that will lead you on an exciting exploration of the Pier. Don’t miss the chance to participate in educational crafts, and learn about marine conservation. A family-friendly event packed with activities designed to engage and inspire.
Multi Church Back to School Fair
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Heritage Park, Foley, AL, 36535 Entertainment, food, fun, games and more.
Randy Travis Concert
7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim St Mobile, AL, 36602 The Randy Travis: More Life Tour www.mobilecivicctr.com/saenger-theatre
Fort Gaines Event
Fort Gaines, 51 Bienville Blvd Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 You are invited to visit historic Fort Gaines on September 14-15 and see pirates (in period garb) as they pilfer and pillage Isle Dauphine and fight against Spanish and British Galleons. Who knows, you may even find a pirate’s treasure! www.townofdauphinisland.org
6th Annual Black Tie Bingo Fundraising Gala Daphne Civic Center, Daphne, AL, 36526 Come spend the evening with us for a great cause-kids with cancer. Enjoy music, food, auction, bingo and more. https://berrystrongfoundation.com/black-tie-bingo
Sunday September 15
Delta Discovery Tour
1:30 PM Bartram Dock at Five Rivers Delta Resource Center, Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 These 90-minute excursions into the wild and scenic Mobile-Tensaw Delta--known as the “American Amazon,”--introduce visitors and residents alike to a truly astounding natural habitat. Cruises depart from the Bartram Landing at Five Rivers Delta Resource Center. https://www.blakeleypark.com/Things-to-Do/Events
Fort Gaines Event
Fort Gaines, 51 Bienville Blvd Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 You are invited to visit historic Fort Gaines on September 14-15 and see pirates (in period garb) as they pilfer and pillage Isle Dauphine and fight against Spanish and British Galleons. Who knows, you may even find a pirate’s treasure! www.townofdauphinisland.org
Tuesday September 17
Kickstart Art for Teens and Tweens
3:30 PM Daphne Public Library, 2607 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Tweens and teens, get ready to engage your artistic abilities with this program geared toward creating artworks through various media! Examples include painting ceramics, sand art, modge-podge crafts, and more. 251-620-2500 www.daphneal.com/178/Library
activities for patrons ages 12 -18 will be held in the classroom. SEPT 18 4:30 -6 Nailed-It Program: In honor of the beloved holiday, International Talk Like a Pirate Day, we will attempt to create candy coated marshmallows that resemble pirates and sharks :) 251-410-READ www.spanishfortpubliclibrary.org
Baldwin County Fair
5:00 PM - 11:00 PM, 19477 Fairground Road Robertsdale, AL, 36567 Baldwin County Fair - September 17-21, 2024 www.baldwincofair.com
Thursday September 19
Baldwin County Fair
5:00 PM - 11:00 PM, 19477 Fairground Road Robertsdale, AL, 36567 Baldwin County Fair - September 17-21, 2024 www.baldwincofair.com
Gulf Shores Sunset Series (Free)
6:00 PM Town Green at Gulf Place, 101 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 These free concerts consist of 2 hours of live free music overlooking our beautiful white-sand beaches at sunset. www.gulfshoresal.gov/1463/Sunset-Series
Flourish Fete Fundraiser
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM, Belforest Pointe, 26503 AL-181 Daphne, AL, 36526 Join us for our Flourish Fete Fundraiser to celebrate the Flourish Community for Teen Girls. Hosted at Belforest Pointe, guests will enjoy live music by Symone French while enjoying dinner, cocktails & desserts. This evening includes a silent auction and presentation about Flourish & the girls lives impacted. www.flourishal.com/flourishfete
The Dream Center of Baldwin County Dinner & Silent Auction Charity Event
6:00 PM Foley Civic Center, Foley, AL, 36535 Come enjoy a delicious 3 course meal, dancing and cocktail hour, a silent auction, and special guest speakers, District Attorney, Teresa Heinz and Foley Mayor, Ralph Hellmich. Meet Dream Center participants as they serve at this event and see first-hand how the Dream Center program is changing lives in Baldwin County. https://events.eventgroove.com/event/Dream-Big3rd-Annual-Dinner-Silent-Auction-97833
Friday September 20
Baldwin County Fair
5:00 PM - 1:00 AM, 19477 Fairground Road Robertsdale, AL, 36567 Baldwin County Fair - September 17-21, 2024 www.baldwincofair.com
Saturday September 21
Alabama Coastal Cleanup
Baldwin County Fair
5:00 PM - 11:00 PM, 19477 Fairground Road Robertsdale, AL, 36567
Wednesday September 18
Teen Breakroom
4:30 PM Spanish Fort Public Library, 7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Crafts and
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Various locations, Take part in the state’s largest annual volunteer event as you clean your neighborhoods, local parks, streets, and storm drains too. Visit our website for more information. https://alabamacoastalcleanup.com/
Port of Mobile Cruise
9:00 AM Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 This cruise winds through the scenic delta and down the historic Mobile River for a relaxing voyage through the Port of Mobile. Along the way on this three-hour excursion, we explore one of the nation’s busiest harbors. https://www.blakeleypark.com/Things-to-Do/Events
Bay Area Events Fall Shopper’s Market
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Fairhope Civic Center, 161 N Section St Fairhope, AL, 36532 The market will feature over 30 vendors to shop and get a jump start on holiday gifts. A food and supply drive for The Haven
will also be taking place during this event. We are hoping to collect basic necessities but especially: - 20 medium size and 20 large sizes Kong’s used for stuffing with peanut butter for the dogs. Dry cat or kitten food, any brand, for their Pet Pantry Program that’s helping keep pets with their families. Donations can be dropped off during the event or directly to The Haven during their normal operating hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 10am-12pm and 1pm- 4pm
Survival Principles Instruction Program for Kids (Complimentary with regular park admission of $5 for adults and $3 for kids ages 6-12; under 6 is free. )
11:00 AM Historic Blakeley State Park, 34745 State Hwy 225 Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Blakeley is a partner with several local search and rescue teams. These non-profit volunteer organizations provide vital trained personnel and resources to law enforcement, fire rescue, US Coast Guard, and other agencies in our region during emergency situations. During this special series of programs, children will be introduced to a few of the most basic survival principles that could mean life or death in the unfortunate event they became lost or separated from adults in the outdoors. They will also get a chance to meet some of the specially-trained dogs which assist professional rescue teams in locating lost or injured individuals in wilderness settings.
Son Of A Sailor Fest
12:00 PM Cathedral Square, Mobile, AL, 36602 Son Of A Sailor Fest – or S.O.S. Fest – is a FREE celebration of Jimmy Buffett and Gulf Coast culture in his waterfront hometown of Mobile, Alabama along the Gulf of Mexico. This family-friendly street festival features a rollicking second line parade through historic downtown Mobile, parrot-head costume contests, and musical acts inspired by Jimmy Buffett and the area’s unique and colorful coastal culture including A1A, The Official Jimmy Buffett Tribute Show and more! www.SOS-Fest.com
Baldwin County Fair
2:00 PM - 11:00 PM, 19477 Fairground Road Robertsdale, AL, 36567 Baldwin County Fair - September 17-21, 2024 www.baldwincofair.com
Wednesday September 25
Buckaroo at The Blue
6:00 PM Bluegill Restaurant, Spanish Fort, AL Buckaroo at the Blue, our annual charity event is coming up on September 25 at the Bluegill! Hurry and buy your tickets now at www.buckaroofoundation.org! They will sell fast! Come out for a fun night and support our lil Buckaroos! www.buckaroofoundation.org
Thursday September 26
Gulf Shores Sunset Series (Free)
6:00 PM Town Green at Gulf Place, 101 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 These free concerts consist of 2 hours of live free music overlooking our beautiful white-sand beaches at sunset. www.gulfshoresal.gov/1463/Sunset-Series
Friday September 27
Sunset Cruise from Five Rivers Delta Resource Center
6:00 PM Bartram Dock at Five Rivers Delta Resource Center, Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Come along on a brief
relaxing voyage departing from the Bartram Landing at Five Rivers Delta Resource Center as we experience nature’s splendor and be back in time to grab a seafood dinner on the Causeway!
2024 Zoo Brew
6:00 PM Gulf Coast Zoo, 20499 Oak Road E Gulf Shores, AL Guests (21 and older only) are invited to the Zoo for an evening of beer tastings, food, live music, animal meet & greets, and more! https://zoobrew23.givesmart.com/
Expect Excellence Theatre Presents Alice in Wonderland, Jr.
7:00 PM Performing Arts Center, 23908 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL, 36561 The City of Orange Beach’s Expect Excellence Theatre will present “Alice in Wonderland, Jr.” on Sept. 27th-28th at the Orange Beach Performing Arts Center’s main stage. https://www.orangebeachal.gov/423/Performing-ArtsCenter
South Baldwin Community Theatre Presents You Can’t Take It With You
7:30 PM South Baldwin Community Theatre, 2022 West 2nd Street Gulf Shores, AL, 36542
One of the most popular and successful plays of modern times, A hilarious, delightful portrait of a charmingly eccentric family in NYC. Alice, is an attractive and loving girl who is still embarrassed by her family’s idiosyncrasies. When Alice falls for her boss, Tony, a handsome scion of Wall Street, she fears that their two families – so unlike in manner, politics and finances – will never come together. But why be obsessed by money? After all, you can’t take it with you... https://www.sbct.biz/
Saturday September 28
Bike MS: Tour de Beach 2024
7:00 AM 21101 AL-135 Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 Cycle along the Alabama coastline as you enjoy beautiful views and breathtaking sunsets. Begin and end both days at The Lodge, a Hilton property at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores, AL, along with a community of riders dedicated to changing the world for people with MS. Feel the extraordinary support and excitement throughout your journey as we come together to reach our goal—a world free of MS. https://events.nationalmssociety.org/
Spanish Fort Fire Rescue 7th Annual 5K and 1 mile fun
7:00 AM Meaher State Park, Spanish Fort, AL Join us for a fun-filled day at Meaher State Park as we lace up our running shoes and hit the trails for a great cause. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just looking for a leisurely stroll, this event is perfect for all levels of fitness. Event Benefits: Spanish Fort Fire Rescue Fire Prevention programs. www.eventbrite.com/
Kids Win Fishing Tournament
8:00 AM The Wharf - Marlin Circle, Orange Beach, AL, 36561 Get ready to bait those hooks at The Wharf for the Kids Win Fishing Tournament where every kid’s a winner.
Infirmary Health Sunshine Sprint
8:00 AM Bay Minette, AL Join us for the first annual Sunshine Sprint. Proceeds from the event will benefit Rap-A-Hope. This is a family friendly event with an 8K
run, 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk and post-race festivities. raceroster.com/events/2024/88836/sunshine-sprint
Expect Excellence Theatre Presents Alice in Wonderland, Jr.
2:00 PM Performing Arts Center, 23908 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL, 36561 The City of Orange Beach’s Expect Excellence Theatre will present “Alice in Wonderland, Jr.” on Sept. 27th-28th at the Orange Beach Performing Arts Center’s main stage. www.orangebeachal.gov/423/Performing-Arts-Center
South Baldwin Community Theatre Presents You Can’t Take It With You
7:30 PM Details on September 27. https://www.sbct.biz/
An Evening with Roman Street
7:30 PM OWA Theatre, 205 N OWA Blvd Foley, AL, 36535 Roman Street takes center stage at OWA Theater to bring you an organic sound of acoustic instruments. https://visitowa.com/an-evening-with-roman-street/
Sunday September 29
Bike MS: Tour de Beach 2024
7:00 AM 21101 AL-135 Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 Cycle along the Alabama coastline as you enjoy beautiful views and breathtaking sunsets. Begin and end both days at The Lodge, a Hilton property at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores, AL, along with a community of riders dedicated to changing the world for people with MS. Feel the extraordinary support and excitement throughout your journey as we come together to reach our goal—a world free of MS. https://events.nationalmssociety.org/
South Baldwin Community Theatre Presents You Can’t Take It With You
2:30 PM Details on September 27. https://www.sbct.biz/
Mobile Pops Concert (Free)
6:00 PM Spanish Fort Community Center, Spanish Fort, AL, 36527
Tuesday October 1
Disney Jr. Live On Tour: Let’s Play 6:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 In “Disney Jr. Live On Tour: Let’s Play” presented by Walmart, Mickey is getting ready for the biggest playdate ever at the Clubhouse with all his favorite pals including Minnie and Goofy, the Puppy Dog Pals, Ginny and Bitsy from “SuperKitties” and Ariel from “Disney Jr.’s Ariel,” but mysterious weather keeps interrupting the fun. Can Team Spidey from “Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends” find out who is behind this and help save the playdate? www.mobilecivicctr.com
Wednesday October 2
Midday Melodies
11:00 AM Heritage Park, 125 E Laurel Avenue Foley, AL, 36535 Midday Melodies is a live music event outdoors near the fountain in Foley’s Heritage Park. www.visitfoley.com
Friday October 4
Freedom Festival
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, The Wharf, Orange Beach, AL, 36561 The event will be packed full of family friendly
activities including art + craft vendors, entertainment, kids activities, a fall edition of Bama Coast Cruisin’ car show, food vendors + more. www.alwharf.com
South Baldwin Community Theatre Presents You Can’t Take It With You 7:30 PM Details on September 27. https://www.sbct.biz/
20th Annual John Borom Coastal BirdFest
Various locations, BirdFest is a 3-day event during October 4 – 6 featuring expert-led birding and nature tours. The tours are on foot, by boat, by kayak or by bike, and are suitable for all birders, from beginners to experts. BirdFest also offers workshops on birding, nature photography, and, new this year, sketching birds and nature. SALT will also be leading a tour of its Fish River Nature Preserve.
Saturday October 5
Family Day
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM, 2703 Battleship Parkway Mobile, AL, 36602 Step back in time with our WWII reenactors during the October Living History Crew Drill at USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park’s first ever Family Day! Residents of Mobile, Baldwin, and Jackson Counties enjoy 50% off adult admission with ID. Giveaways will be given to the first 20 visitors for the day.
Freedom Festival
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, The Wharf, Orange Beach, AL, 36561 The event will be packed full of family friendly activities including art + craft vendors, entertainment, kids activities, a fall edition of Bama Coast Cruisin’ car show, food vendors + more. www.alwharf.com
Birdfest Nature Expo
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, 5 Rivers Delta Resource Center, 30945 Five Rivers Boulevard Spanish Fort, AL, 30945 Five Rivers Boulevard Enjoy a fun, family friendly exposition featuring exhibitors’ organizations that support environmental protection. Nature Expo attendees enjoy learning about Gulf Coast natural resources and conservation through interactive displays, a “touch tank” filled with crabs and other water critters, games, a raptor demonstration, and a host of experts who are available to answer questions about our natural resources and how to protect them.
5K Oktoberfest Run
9:00 AM OWA , Foley, AL, 36535 Foley Sister Cities Commission is thrilled to announce our upcoming 2nd Annual Foley Sisters Cities, 5K Oktoberfest Run at OWA on Saturday, October 5. This 5K race will begin on OWA’s Island at 9:00 am followed by a 1-mile fun run. runsignup.com/Race/AL/Foley/Oktoberfest5KFoley
Cruise to the Site of the Clotilda Wreck
1:30 PM Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 The last known ship to bring enslaved Africans into America, the Clotilda rests in the waters of the Mobile River north of the city. Come along with us as we make our way to this historic site and explore this somber but pivotal saga in local history with national significance.
Pig Roast
4:00 PM Baldwin County Sheriff’s Boys Ranch, 21870 County Road 32 Summerdale, AL, 36580 Mark your calendars for our 26th Annual Pig Roast at the Baldwin County Sheriff Boys Ranch on October 5th! To purchase tickets please call (251)989-6392 or email Steven Jones at steven@alsyr.org. All proceeds benefit The Baldwin County Boys Ranch. www.centralbaldwin.com/ events/#!event/2024/10/4/26th-annual-pig-roast
Jon Pardi in Concert
7:00 PM The Wharf Amphitheater, 23101 Canal Rd Orange Beach, AL, 36561 Jon Pardi in Concert www.alwharf.com/amphitheater
South Baldwin Community Theatre Presents You Can’t Take It With You
7:30 PM Details on September 27. https://www.sbct.biz/
20th Annual John Borom Coastal BirdFest
Various locations, BirdFest is a 3-day event during October 4 – 6 featuring expert-led birding and nature tours. The tours are on foot, by boat, by kayak or by bike, and are suitable for all birders, from beginners to experts. BirdFest also offers workshops on birding, nature photography, and, new this year, sketching birds and nature. SALT will also be leading a tour of its Fish River Nature Preserve. www.southalabamalandtrust.org/birdfest
Alligators and Ale
Alligator Alley, 19950 County Road 71 Summerdale, AL, 36580 Alligators and Ale - Music festival and BBQ www.centralbaldwin.com/events/#!event/2024/10/5/ alligators-ale
Sunday October 6
South Baldwin Community Theatre Presents You Can’t Take It With You
2:30 PM Details on September 27. https://www.sbct.biz/
20th Annual John Borom Coastal BirdFest
Various locations, BirdFest is a 3-day event during October 4 – 6 featuring expert-led birding and nature tours. The tours are on foot, by boat, by kayak or by bike, and are suitable for all birders, from beginners to experts. BirdFest also offers workshops on birding, nature photography, and, new this year, sketching birds and nature. SALT will also be leading a tour of its Fish River Nature Preserve. www.southalabamalandtrust.org/birdfest
Mobile Ballet Presents A Midsummer Night’s Dream Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 https://mobileballet.org/
Friday October 11
Theatre 98 Presents Four Weddings and an Elvis
7:30 PM Theatre 98, 350 Morphy Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 Theatre 98 Presents Four Weddings and an Elvis www.theatre98.org/
Saturday October 12
35th annual Parade of Homes
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Various locations, Free to the public. A voluntary $5 donation is requested to view the Showcase Home to benefit the Baldwin County Child Advocacy Center. www.bchba.com
Trunk and Treat Car Show
5:00 PM Double D’s Burger, Spanish Fort, AL 5pm to 8pm-Trunk and Treat, Cake Walk for prizes, Dance party with Dj, Halloween activities 6pm Trophies Best costume and more for kids. 6:30pm Truck and Jeep Awards
Theatre 98 Presents Four Weddings and an Elvis
7:30 PM Theatre 98, 350 Morphy Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 www.theatre98.org/
Sunday October 13
35th annual Parade of Homes
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Various locations, Free to the public. A voluntary $5 donation is requested to view the Showcase Home to benefit the Baldwin County Child Advocacy Center. www.bchba.com
14th Annual South Alabama Out of the Darkness Community Walk
1:00 PM Daphne City Hall, 1705 Main St Daphne, AL, 36526 The net proceeds from the South Alabama Out of the Darkness Walk will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education, advocacy, and suicide loss survivor support. afsp.org/Daphne
Theatre 98 Presents Four Weddings and an Elvis
2:30 PM 350 Morphy Avenue, Fairhope, AL, 36532 www.theatre98.org/
Sunset Concert
4:30 PM Fort Gaines, 51 Bienville Blvd Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 Roman Street www.townofdauphinisland.org
Tuesday October 15
Kickstart Art for Teens and Tweens
3:30 PM Daphne Public Library, 2607 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Tweens and teens, get ready to engage your artistic abilities with this program geared toward creating artworks through various media! Examples include painting ceramics, sand art, modgepodge crafts, and more. 251-620-2500 www.daphneal.com/178/Library
Thursday October 17
Post Malone in Concert
8:00 PM The Wharf Amphitheater, 23101 Canal Rd Orange Beach, AL, 36561 Post Malone in Concert www.alwharf.com/amphitheater
Friday October 18
Chicago Street Supper Club
6:00 PM North Chicago Street Foley, AL, 36535 Chicago Street Supper Club is an elegant outdoor dining
experience that takes place in the heart of downtown Foley on North Chicago Street featuring a four-course meal prepared by top local chefs. Every year guests are treated to a well-curated menu that is paired with an amazing selection of wine.
Theatre 98 Presents Four Weddings and an Elvis
7:30 PM Theatre 98, 350 Morphy Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 www.theatre98.org/
Saturday October 19
Baldwin Heart Walk 2024
8:30 AM OWA Parks & Resort, Foley, AL, 36535 By registering for the Heart Walk today, you are taking the first step to save lives. Every walker who joins, every dollar donated means more research, more people trained in lifesaving CPR, more medical breakthroughs and more champions for equitable health www2.heart.org/
35th annual Parade of Homes
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Various locations, Free to the public. A voluntary $5 donation is requested to view the Showcase Home to benefit the Baldwin County Child Advocacy Center. www.bchba.com
Oct-SHOW-ber Fest
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Heritage Park, Foley, AL, 36535
A sensory-friendly fall festival dedicated to individuals with special needs, their families and friends. There will be FREE games and prizes, inflatable bounce houses, sensory play areas, pumpkin decorating, sensory-friendly live entertainment, petting zoo, a clown, concessions and more.
Theatre 98 Presents Four Weddings and an Elvis
7:30 PM Theatre 98, 350 Morphy Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 www.theatre98.org/
Sunday October 20
35th annual Parade of Homes
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Various locations, Free to the public. A voluntary $5 donation is requested to view the Showcase Home to benefit the Baldwin County Child Advocacy Center. www.bchba.com
Theatre 98 Presents Four Weddings and an Elvis
2:30 PM Theatre 98, 350 Morphy Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 www.theatre98.org/
Every Monday and Friday
Free Build - STEM Play (Free)
9:15 AM - 12:00 PM, Fairhope Public Library, 501 Fairhope Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 Ages 2 to 10 years old. Come put your creative imagination to the test! We will put out all of our legos, soft blocks, lincoln logs, picnic pieces, buckets of dinosaurs, and more. Join us in the Activity Room for Free Build every Monday and Friday from 9am - Noon.
251-929-1465 www.fairhopelibrary.org/
Every Monday
Lego Free Build - Spanish Fort Public Library
3:30 PM Spanish Fort Public Library, 7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard Spanish Fort, AL, 36527
Every Monday 3:30 - 5 pm, patrons are invited to the Spanish Fort Public Library to exercise their creativity and practice their engineering skills by constructing their very own LEGO® creation. 251-410-READ www.spanishfortpubliclibrary.org
Every Tuesday
Bay Minette Public Library Story Time
10:00 AM Bay Minette Public Library, 205 W 2nd St Bay Minette, AL, 36507 Story-time runs yearround at 10 a.m. Tuesdays in the Children’s Room at the Bay Minette Public Library. These stories are geared toward younger children but all are welcome. www.cityofbayminetteal.gov/departments/library
Spanish Fort Library Story Time
Spanish Fort Public Library, 7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Join us Tuesday mornings at 10:00AM in the Spanish Fort Public Library children’s section for Storytime at the library. Tuesday morning storytimes are structured for ages 2 - 5 years (Pre-K) 251-410-READ www.spanishfortpubliclibrary.org/
Toddler Storytime
10:00 AM Fairhope Public Library, 501 Fairhope Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 Ages 18mo-3yrs. This storytime is for all of the roamers, movers, and shakers! The program lasts 30-40 minutes, with about 15-20 minutes dedicated to reading, rhyme, and music, and 20 minutes dedicated to block play and socialization or crafts and coloring.
Story time - Lap Babies (Free)
10:30 AM Daphne Public Library, 2607 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Lap babies at 10:30 am (infant to 23 months) Songs, stories, puppets and more! 251-620-2500 www.daphneal.com/178/Library
Big Kid Storytime
11:30 AM Fairhope Public Library, 501 Fairhope Avenue Fairhope, AL, 36532 Ages 4+, This is a story hour filled with rhymes, music, games, and crafts. www.fairhopelibrary.org/
Family Game Night - Spanish Fort Library
4:30 PM Spanish Fort Public Library, 7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Bring the family or bring your friends (or bring both!) to SFPL on Tuesday evenings! Pull up a chair and enjoy playing one of the many board and card games we have available for use.
251-410-READ www.spanishfortpubliclibrary.org/
Every Wednesday
Storytime - Page & Palette
10:00 AM Page & Palette, 32 S Section Street Fairhope, AL, 36532 Please join us on Wednesdays at
10:30 AM for storytime! Each week, Miss Paula share a silly story the whole family will enjoy. 251-928-5295 www.pageandpalette.com
Every Thursday
Board Game Night
4:00 PM Spanish Fort Public Library, 7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Ages 12 -18 are welcome to the SFPL every Thursday for Board Game Night.
251-410-READ www.spanishfortpubliclibrary.org/
Mobile Bay Maker’s Market
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM, American Legion Post 199, Fairhope, AL, 36532 Taking place every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, the Mobile Bay Maker’s Market features over 35 local artisans, farmers, and makers along the gulf coast. The event takes place just south of the Fairhope Municipal Pier. Food trucks are also on site.
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these calendar events. However, you should call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information.
For most of us, we already have a few weeks of school behind us. As the new school year begins, parents face the dual challenge of ensuring their children excel academically while navigating the complexities of tech and social media. With smartphones and social media becoming an integral part of our lives, it’s essential to implement strategies that foster a conducive learning environment, promote healthy habits, and encourage open communication.
I came up with what I believe are three pivotal approaches to ensure a safe and productive school year in this space. They are keeping the child’s phone in another room at night, setting restrictions on device usage during school hours, and maintaining open discussions about online activity. These strategies, when implemented, can provide a sense of reassurance about your child’s safety and academic success. Here is a quick breakdown of my thoughts on each one.
tablishing a nightly routine that encourages winding down without screens can help cultivate healthy sleep habits. Encourage your child to engage in relaxing activities such as reading or journaling before bed, which can help them recharge for the challenges of the school day ahead.
1. Keep the Child’s Phone in Another Room at Night. Sleep is vital for children’s physical and mental recovery, significantly impacting their academic performance and overall well-being. Research shows that excessive screen time, especially before bed, can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and diminished focus during the day. Keeping your child’s phone in another room at night creates a distraction-free environment conducive to better sleep. Es-
2. Set Restrictions on Device Usage During School Hours. The importance of minimizing distractions during school hours cannot be overstated. Social media and online apps can easily divert attention from essential learning tasks. Setting restrictions on your child’s phone during school hours is a proactive step toward maintaining focus. Most smartphones offer settings that allow parents to limit access to specific apps or features during designated times. Implementing these restrictions helps your child prioritize their education and develop self-discipline. Communicating the rationale behind these limits is crucial, helping them understand that these measures are not punitive but supportive of their academic success. You may also note that many schools are leaning into a completely phone-free environment this year. I love this for so many reasons!
3. Check Your Child’s Device and Foster Open Conversations. Maintaining an active role in your child’s online life is vital. Regularly checking your child’s device can provide insights into their online activities, interests, and potential
challenges. However, this should be approached with sensitivity and openness. Rather than policing their every move, aim to foster an environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their online interactions. Engage in conversations about their favorite apps, the content they encounter, and any concerns they may have. This dialogue not only helps you stay informed but also empowers your child to make safe and responsible choices online. By creating an atmosphere of trust, you encourage them to reach out to you when they encounter difficulties or uncertainties, fostering a sense of connection and understanding.
As parents, you play a crucial and empowering role in shaping your child’s educational experience and digital engagement. By adopting practices such as keeping phones away at night, setting restrictions during school hours, and fostering open conversations about online activity, you can help your child navigate the complexities of technology while focusing on their academic success. These strategies not only promote healthier habits but also strengthen the parent-child relationship, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful school year.
Kristi Bush serves as a national education consultant and social media safety advocate. She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at www.knbcommunications.com.