Putting the “Om” in Homework
Tips to ease homework frustration and boost focus.
Ditching the New Year’s Resolutions Five things to try instead!
Greater Mobile’s Education Directory
Mobile private schools, plus public magnet and signature academies.
Five top tech rules to protect your child in the new year.
Veronica Rodriguez (17) and Javier Rodriguez (16), daughter and son of Dr. Ramon Rodriguez and Mrs. Rodi Rodriguez.
Veronica is McGill-Toolen’s SGA President, plays flag football, is a member of Key Club and Mu Alpha Theta, and on the track and field team. She is a mentor for the annunciation program students at McT, tutors math, and is a camp counselor at Camp Abbey. She is looking to study Biochemistry or Chemical Engineering next year. She loves spending time with family and friends, watching football, traveling, and painting.
Javier plays Varsity Football and Track and Field. He too serves as an SGA officer and is a member of the Spanish Club. Javier enjoys watching movies, listening to music, being outdoors, playing golf, spending time with friends and family, and cooking. His favorite subject is history.
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season full of memory-making moments with family and friends. As we transition into a new year, a feeling of “change” is always in the air. For many, change may be motivated by a desire to improve a part of their life, prompting them to make a New Year’s Resolutions list. Unfortunately, the majority of resolutions fall by the wayside within a couple of months. Maybe we set unrealistic goals, or maybe we have not defined our “why” well enough. Either way, keeping those promises to ourselves does not always work as planned. So, how do we make updates to our lives in a way that will stick? Brandy Browne shares some wonderful ideas in her feature, Ditching New Year’s Resolutions: Five Things to Try Instead. Browne shares ideas to help us focus on the positives of change and make these adjustments more manageable and fun. I love that her ideas apply to both individuals and families and can be used for all ages.
As we discuss the upcoming year and “change,” we cannot overlook the fact that very soon, we will all be looking at school registrations for the 2025-26 school year. Yes, that’s right, while we are barely halfway through this school year, many area schools are now accepting applications and opening their registrations for the 2025-2026 session. Many families will be going to their zoned school. However, others may decide that their zoned school does not fit their needs and desires. To help those families in their research, we have included what we hope is a beneficial Education Resource Guide that includes options for area schools.
If your child’s next school year will be at a college or university, or they are entering the workforce and living independently, Prepare Your Kids for College: 10 Things to Do Now So They Are Ready is a great read. Teaching your child these life skills will make their life easier and help build their confidence to tackle additional adulting tasks. As I have mentioned before, we installed a washer and dryer upstairs and told the girls this would be their laundry room. They actually loved the idea because they could do laundry in their timeframe, and of course, I loved it because three girls can produce a lot of laundry!
We could not put together an “Education” issue without discussing one of the biggest struggles parents face during the school year: homework. Whether balancing after-school activities or frustrations with the subject matter, for so many families, getting assignments completed at home is a challenge. Fortunately, Christa Melnyk Hines shares some helpful tips in her feature, Put the Om” in Homework: 7 Tips to Ease Homework Frustration and Boost Focus. I have read this article multiple times. Even though I don’t have homework, I do work from home, and I have enjoyed incorporating some of her tips into my workday. Spoiler alert: there is a mention of aromatherapy, and I actually found some essential oil pens, pencils, and highlighters that I may try! Stay tuned for a review.
So as we say goodbye to 2024 and jump into 2025, I wish everyone a year filled with positive change, joy-filled days, lots of laughter, and a peaceful heart.
Mobile Bay’s Foremost Parenting Source Mobile Bay
Mobile Bay Parents Magazine is founded on the principle that parenting is an exciting, diverse, challenging, and significant role in our community. Mobile Bay Parents Magazine is a community advocate for families and the parenting process.
Publisher Lynn Knighton lynn@mobilebayparents.com
Editor DeAnne Watson deanne@mobilebayparents.com
Research Editor Lucy Green
Contributing Writers
Brandy Browne
Savannah Browning, MD
Kristi Bush, LSW
Rebecca Hastings
Christa Melnyk Hines
Gabriele Jones
Dave Ramsey Works of Wonder Therapy
Cover Photography
Hannah Stinson Photography www.HannahStinsonPhotography.com
President Jason Watson
Advertising Sales
Lynn Knighton ads@mobilebayparents.com (251) 304-1200
Anna Watson Mobile Bay Parents magazine is published monthly by KeepSharing, LLC. Mailing address: P.O. Box 81105, Mobile, Alabama, 36689. The phone number for voice and fax is (251) 304-1200. Mobile Bay Parents is copyrighted 2025 by KeepSharing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed in Mobile Bay Parents magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect he view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.
Visit us at www.mobilebayparents.com
Dr. Brené Brown, who researches emotions, defines shame as the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and, therefore, unworthy of love, belonging, and connection. Simply put, shame is the thought/feeling of “I am bad.”
Even if you are an excellent parent, your child will experience shame. The best weapon to combat shame is the practice of self-compassion. We cannot address shame when our children are overwhelmed by it. Instead, we must use self-compassion as a proactive daily practice to develop the skills we need to fully process shame in a healthy way.
Dr. Kristin Neff has dedicated her career to the research and discovery of self-compassion, which is composed of three elements: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
Self-Kindness vs. Self-Judgement
Self-compassionate people show warmth and understanding to themselves when they experience difficulties. They know that a full life includes painful experiences, and they know how to comfort themselves with kind words. Those who self-judge are
overly critical of themselves, their circumstances, and others. They do not have the necessary coping skills to deal with hard things.
People who practice self-compassion accept that we all suffer and that sometimes our “best” is not “good enough”. Those who isolate tend to believe that bad things only happen to them or that they are the only people who struggle to succeed.
Mindfulness vs. Over-Identification
Self-compassionate people are mindful, which is the ability to observe thoughts and feelings without judgment. Being mindful allows people to notice thoughts and feelings without attempting to fix, suppress, control, or deny them. People who over-identify tend to believe their thoughts and feelings as truth that require a reaction.
What is something you did well today? This question teaches self-kindness by opening the door for the discussion of what they can and cannot control. If they mention something good that happened, just remind them you are looking for something they did well. If they cannot give an answer, give them one. Go out of your way to point out something your children do that they should be proud of daily.
Dr. Beth Long received her education in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Beth has worked in six unique clinical environments across the country and currently owns Works of Wonder Therapy in Montgomery. Beth utilizes the knowledge from a variety of different disciplines to give her patients the best care possible. To learn more visit www.worksofwondertherapy.com. by
What is a mistake you made today? This question is why doing this activity with your children is important. This helps your children embrace that everyone makes mistakes (common humanity) and that doing so is a normal part of life.
Do you need to do anything about that mistake? This question allows you to see if your children are mindful or if they simply react to their thoughts and emotions. For example, they feel that they need to apologize or blame someone because they are embarrassed about tripping in the hallway, versus they need to apologize for pushing a friend when they tripped. Over time, they will learn to just observe their thoughts/feelings and become intentional about addressing what requires a response.
Help your children become resilient to shame by asking and answering these three questions with them every day.
You can easily teach your children self-compassion by answering these three questions with them every day. The best way to do this is to write the answers in a daily journal so your children can see how they are growing in self-compassion.
USA Health’s fourth annual Doc Rock fundraising event will be held Thursday, January 30, 2025, at Soul Kitchen in downtown Mobile. This battle of the bands competition brings awareness and support to research and critical clinical needs at USA Health.
Each band has at least one member affiliated with USA Health, and more than a dozen bands submitted applications to compete. The Doc Rock selection committee narrowed down the field, and the following bands will perform: The Shot Callers, Society Hill, Eklektik Experience, The Grey Scrubs and By the Way. All proceeds from sponsorships, ticket sales and voting donations support research and clinical needs. In the past three years, Doc Rock has raised more than
Join us Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 11 AM – 3 PM at Hop Hounds for Krewe de Palooza. We will have food trucks, vendors, music, raffles, art & crafts and more. Come out and have a bit of fun while supporting Krewe de Rescue and all of their dogs. This is first and foremost an adoption event, so come find your new best friend! We will have dogs available to adopt in the Hop Hounds play area. Please visit https:// krewederescue.rescuegroups.org/ for more information.
Join us at the University of South Alabama, Hancock Whitney Stadium on February 1, 2025 for the Senior Bowl. Our post-season
The Black Jacket Symphony will return to the Mobile Saenger Theatre on Friday, January 10th to perform The Beatles’ “Abbey Road” and their greatest hits. Over the past ten years, the Black Jacket Symphony has performed over 40 classic rock albums, bringing an incredible night of entertainment to over a million music lovers across the US. The group of hand-picked musicians changes based upon the album being performed— and no sonic detail is overlooked, with the musicians doing whatever it takes to reproduce the album. It’s a full night of rock and roll magic—plus a visual experience unlike any other. For more information, please visit https://www.mobilecivicctr. com/events/detail/the-black-jacket-symphony-abbey-road.
Join us for the 7th annual King CakeOff presented by PNC on Friday, February 7, 2025, from 5:00 - 7:30 pm at the Mobile Convention Center. Local bakeries, eateries, and grocery stores will compete to see who has the tastiest King Cake and King CakeInspired Treat on the Gulf Coast. This family-friendly event will feature live music, local vendors, kids’ activities, specialty cocktails, King Cake tastings, and more. All proceeds from this event will directly support Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Gulf Coast’s mission — to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Please visit www.KingCakeOff.com.
The annual “Battlefield Blitz 5K and Fun Run” fundraiser directly benefits park programming and special projects. This fun event will be held February 1, 2025 at Historic Blakeley State Park. Held on the grounds of Alabama’s largest Civil War battlefield, the Blitz is a unique community event. Registration includes race t-shirt! Prizes awarded for Overall, Top Male and Female and several other age group categories. Please visit https://www.blakeleypark.com/ to register.
Join us on January 7, 2025, from 4:30pm6:30pm at The Mitchell Center for the MCPSS Signature Academy Showcase. This is an annual event open to all middle school students and their parents. It provides an opportunity to explore the diverse programs offered by the Mobile County Public School System’s Signature Academies. Each high school highlights its unique academy, showcasing specialized career pathways designed to prepare students for college and the workforce. In addition to academy representatives, counselors, athletic staff, special services, MAVL, and other district representatives will be available to answer questions and provide guidance. This event helps students and families make informed decisions about their future education and career paths. Applications will open up to all current 8th-grade students (and 9th-graders at Barton and Clark-Shaw) after the showcase. Please visit academiesofmobile.com for more information.
Join us on January 12, 2025, for our Full and Half Marathon and a 1.2 Mile Fun Run. All events benefit First Light Community Foundation of Mobile. First Light Community of Mobile is an organization where people with and without intellectual disabilities share life together.
Please visit mobilemarathon.org for more information.
Join us for the 11th Annual “Joy of Life” Mardi Gras Ball presented by Wind Creek Hospitality on February 8, 2025 at the Daphne Civic Center. All proceeds will benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The 2025 gala will present St. Jude patients as King and Queen. The “Joy of Life” Mardi Gras Ball will showcase the culinary skills of Mobile’s most amazing chefs and restaurants, a live and silent auction, and musical entertainment. Please visit https://joyoflifegulfcoast.org/events/joy-of-life-mardigras-ball-2025/ for more information.
Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama is kicking off the 2025 Girl Scout Cookie™ Season by offering FREE shipping December 10th – 15th. The 2025 cookie lineup is jampacked with the full spread of classic cookie flavors, including Thin Mints®, Samoas®, Tagalongs®, and the soon to be retired Girl Scout S’mores®. We would love to work with you to cover the upcoming season and show how the Girl Scout Cookie Program allows girls to unbox brighter futures for themselves!
Girl Scouts will sell cookies door-to-door, at cookie booths, and online. On December 9, local Girl Scouts will begin taking orders digitally and in-person. They will begin selling cookies at cookie booths in their area on January 18, 2025. The 2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program will end on March 9, so make sure to stock up!
When girls participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, the largest entrepreneurial program in the world, they acquire a host of invaluable entrepreneurial skills, including goal setting, money management, decision-making, people skills, and business ethics. Each box of cookies sold allows Girl Scouts to develop an inextinguishable entrepreneurial spirit, gaining courage, confidence, and character as they conquer new feats and embark on new adventures. Girl Scouts obtain transferable life skills as they earn a variety of badges and awards including Cookie Business badges, Financial Literacy badges, Cookie Entrepreneur Family pins, and Entrepreneur badges.
To learn more about the Girl Scout Cookie Program, visit www.girlscoutssa.org/cookies.
Join us for the Annual Lighting of the Mardi Gras Tree on Saturday, January 9, 2025 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at Mardi Gras Park. Be part of an unforgettable kickoff to the Mardi Gras Season. Bring your family and friends to watch the spectacular lighting of the Mardi Gras Tree. Experience the fun, music and magic that marks the beginning of the season. Visit our website for more information: www.cityofmobile.org/events.
Anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed pediatric psychological disorder, occurring in up to 20% of children. It typically shows symptoms before 11 years of age and often continues through adulthood. In my office, I have seen a definite increase in the number of children and young adults being treated for anxiety since the onset of COVID-19. COVID seems to have triggered two things. Firstly, it was not fun for children – so they have had increased symptoms of anxiety secondary to a disruption in their daily lives. Secondly, with an increase in the number of people with symptoms, more are aware of symptoms of anxiety and are discussing them openly.
Anxiety as a response to new situations or to expected fears (darkness, solitude, monsters, etc) is a normal developmental condition. Expected anxiety starts in infancy with babies crying due to loud noises, strangers, or separation. It evolves to more “imaginary”
anxiety, and then in teenage years, typically is a normal response to situations such as public speaking, tests, or intimidating social situations. It is when the symptoms of anxiety are overwhelming and begin to interfere with daily life that anxiety might need to be addressed. Your pediatrician will help determine when the symptoms might be crossing the line to help you initiate intervention.
Anxiety can be difficult to figure out in young children. It can be present in young preschool-aged children, but communication is not sufficient for those children able to describe how they are feeling. It is mostly inferred by observation of parents and caregivers. In younger school-aged children, most still cannot verbally describe their feelings very well – so they may have more physical symptoms such as head and stomach aches, which can impair day-to-day life. Teenagers typically are able to communicate their feelings well to their caregivers and also typically have a
social net of peers who help them to process how they are feeling.
It is also important to recognize and help children with anxiety when they are young because most will continue to have symptoms as adults. It’s important to help establish healthy coping mechanisms at a young age.
There are several different ways to address anxiety, and no two children’s symptoms or treatments are the same. Treatments can include reassurance, therapy, or potentially medication. Your pediatrician can help determine the next steps if your child is diagnosed with anxiety.
International Baccalaureate (I.B.)
Middle Years Programme (MYP)
Spanish and French
If you cannot make it, schedule a personal school tour today! Visit us online at phillipsprep.com for more information.
Scholars Bowl Team, Robotics Team, National Junior Honor Society, Student Council, National History Day Club, Student Ambassadors, Chess Club, FCA, Sociedad Hispanica de Amistad Society, and so much MORE!
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January 9, 2025, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
January 10, 2025, 8:00 AM- 1:00 PM
January 14, 2025, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
2nd MCPSS Magnet School Application Window
January 6 - january 20
Teaching children has been a lifelong passion according to Sidney Unger, this month’s recipient of Mobile Bay Parents Teacher of the Month award. Receiving this nomination is deeply meaningful to her especially since her journey to become an educator has been somewhat untraditional.
“Before I began teaching, I worked as a stylist, where I had the opportunity to express creativity while serving others,” Sidney shared. “This sparked my passion for not only individualized education but real-life skills.”
With her passion sparked, Sidney stepped down from styling and instead took on the role of homeschooling her three daughters. It was early in the family’s homeschooling journey that Sidney learned about Cultivate Studios.
“Their approach to education aligned perfectly with my vision —one that combines creativity, personal growth, and practical learning,” said Sidney. “Cultivate offered everything I had hoped to create in our homeschool, but with the added bonus of being able to share it with a wider community.”
Sidney’s daughters have been attending Cultivate Studios since their doors opened in 2022 and it wasn’t long after that Sidney jumped into teaching their youngest group of students. Now, Sidney holds the honor of being the Vice Director of the school and Lead Guide for the Explorer Studio.
Sidney Unger
Cultivate Studios
“I have the joy of teaching in the Explorer Studio, where I work with children ages 6-8 across all subjects, from reading and Bible studies to art workshops and even Spanish,” shared Sidney. “This age group holds a special place in my heart because I get to guide them in discovering their unique God-given talents while fostering a lifelong love of learning.”
Sidney wants every child she works with to develop a deep passion for learning. She believes that when you give each child the space to succeed and acknowledge their hard work, their motivation soars.
“Their enthusiasm and passion for learning fill my cup,” said Sidney. “My hope for every student in my studio is that they leave with an understanding that failure is simply a stepping stone toward success and a belief that they are perfectly designed by their Creator. I want them to know they are capable of doing hard things and that learning is a lifelong adventure! Never stop exploring, never stop growing.”
City Councilman William Carroll presented a Proclamation to Little Flower Catholic School in recognition of the 90th year of Catholic Education at the school. Our pastor, Father John Lynes; our principal, Mrs. Debbie Ollis; former principal, Sr. Mary Joyce; and SGA coordinator, Ms. Courtney Ward accompanied the students. The students were present for some of the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance. This was the first time for these students to visit Government Plaza and to get a glimpse of how city government works.
The Spartan dancers performed scenes from “The Nutcracker” bringing back the magic of childhood—sugar plum fairies, candy canes, and the dreams of becoming a ballerina at the annual Saraland High School Nutcracker Tea on December 1st. The performance enchanted the audience, leaving them captivated by the festive spirit and timeless charm of this holiday tradition.
On November 11, UMS-Wright welcomed over 70 active and retired military members on campus for a Veterans Day Celebration. The Lower School Allegro singers performed The Special Forces Medley, Lieutenant Colonel (USA Retired) Randy Johnson ‘94 addressed a packed Wilson Gymnasium, and guests enjoyed a special reception with loved ones before the event. Throughout the week leading up to Veterans Day, classes participated in group projects, presentations and wrote letters of appreciation to all veterans who attended. To all veterans, we salute you! Your sacrifices have shaped the world we live in, and your legacy lives on in the values we cherish: freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Thank you for your service!
St. Mary’s held their 12th annual Lighting Up Midtown Thursday, December 5. This jolly celebration featured live music, hot cocoa, cooking decorating, the welcoming of Santa on the Lafayette Street fire truck, the lighting of the Christmas Tree by St. Mary’s Director of Music, Dr. Collin Lowery, and plenty of snow! This year’s event was chaired by Jessica Martin.
Pictured are some of St. Mary’s 8th graders enjoying a visit at the event, Saylor Dyas, Harper Brabner, Grace Beckmann and Mari Evelyn Warner. Submitted by Marcelle Naman
Eighth graders at St. Ignatius are pretty special. Not only do they get to be the ultimate campus & community leaders; they also get to have a lot of fun! One example is the annual 8th Grade Games where parents challenge their children to a volleyball and basketball competition complete with official referees, hype music, team uniforms and tons of fun. Parents traditionally make “uniforms” with their child’s baby picture on them and students traditionally win most of these matchups. This year was no different. Congratulations to the St. Ignatius Class of 2025- WINNERS of the 8th Grade Games!
Connoisseurs from all walks of life gathered in Mardi Gras Park for this one-of-a-kind event. Tent after tent of some of the best macaroni-n-cheese establishments entered the competition. The connoisseurs choose the winner. There was laser tag, jumping houses, and face painting for the kids and some adults! Heartwood’s Student Council enjoyed providing the face-painting fun and the hair tinsel for the event. Some adorable faces walked out of the tent. All proceeds benefited The Cookery Project.
Council Traditional School students showcased their creativity and talent at this year’s Greater Gulf State Fair, winning ribbons in multiple categories. From drawing to painting, our students proved that hard work and imagination truly pay off. Congratulations to all the winners for their outstanding achievements.
As a reward for meeting their goal in the Accelerated Reader program, Mrs Frank’s first grade class was treated to a pizza party. Each student read at home and at school to reach their individual goal. Students exhibited a sense of pride for their accomplishment. Other incentives were offered to students throughout the school as their reading progressed.
Here’s the St. Luke’s Spelling Bee BUZZ: On Tuesday, we held our annual 4th-8th grade Spelling Bee with 8th grader Abby K Ott emerging as the winner and 4th grader Charlotte Martin as the runner-up. Abby K and Charlotte will advance to the Mobile County Spelling Bee. Congratulations to ALL of the participants for being E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T! Great job, Wildcats!
Our Little and Big Buddies celebrated Christmas with an old-school Sock Hop! The morning was filled with dancing, games, and learning that the Christmas season is about giving back. Students collected socks to donate to the Dumas Wesley Community Center!
St. Mary’s 8th grade students, Violet Smith, Drew Hoskins, and Sophie Hewitt practice their teamwork skills through a cup stacking activity in Mrs. Arensberg’s Social and Emotional Learning Program. Teamwork is an important component in student life at St. Mary’s!
Photo by Marian Warner
In December, Covenant Christian School students gave back to the community through meaningful service projects. K3–3rd grade students participated in the Christmas Service Project, a Magical Christmas Toy Drive sponsored by WKRG Channel 5 News, bringing in unwrapped toys to share the love of giving. After all, that is what Jesus did for us.
As tradition has it, St. Mary’s Catholic School eighth grade class delivers candy canes to all the students in the school on the Feast of St. Nicholas, December 6.. It is something that the students look forward to all their years at St. Mary’s. This year’s class was so excited to finally receive their turn to bring joy to all the students on this special day! Photo by Marian Warner
Congratulations to the newly elected student officers of Council Traditional School for the 2024-2025 academic year. Your dedication and leadership skills will surely make a positive impact on the school community. We look forward to seeing you excel in your roles and inspire fellow students. Best wishes as you embark on this exciting journey of service and representation.
Over 325 alumni and friends came to Little Flower to celebrate the 90th year of our school. The cafeteria was transformed into a lovely memory making space, with a remember-when slideshow and a star-lit tent outside to accommodate the overflow crowd. So many people volunteered to make it all come together. Beverly Crews, Mallory Hill, and other members of the planning committee met for a debriefing meeting and to review the success of the event.
Congratulations to Ms. Phillips for being selected in September as 1 of only 25 teachers to win a $200 Amazon Classroom Wishlist fulfillment on behalf of the University of South Alabama Athletic Department, the Sunbelt Conference, and the College Football Playoffs for the Extra Yard for Teachers!
Bright Academy’s Student Government has been busy! They headed up the school’s annual food drive to donate to a local food pantry in Mobile, collected items for a pet drive to be donated to SPCA, and volunteered for a clean up day on Dauphin Island.
St. Pius X eighth graders celebrate Friendsgiving before Thanksgiving. Each student brought something to share with the class. There was a good variety of items, but our food pyramid
Students at St. Dominic Catholic School sponsored several initiatives for charitable giving over the holidays. Families of St. Dominic compiled twenty-nine boxes of food, donated $200 toward the purchase of turkeys, and contributed over 100 gifts for mentally challenged citizens in the Mobile area.
Congratulations to Taylor Villacampa and Aaralyn McCarty for being selected as 2025-2026 Mobile Azalea Trail Maids! We are extremely proud of these girls and know they will represent our school and city well!
Covenant Christian School students gave back to the community through meaningful service projects. The Jr. High service elective organized a juice drive to support the Mulherin Home, a care facility for adults with special needs. The home serves 50 gallons of juice a month and with rising grocery costs, it has put a strain on their budget. Our Jr. High students initiated a juice drive competition for 4th–8th grades, demonstrating servant leadership and a desire to bless others.
The second grade classes at St. Dominic Catholic School tried their hand at the election process this year by voting for their favorite cookie flavor. They even got to hear speeches on the topic!
At Cultivate Studios in Mobile, the Discovery Studio team recently earned a well-deserved reward after completing an inspiring study on plastic pollution. The team worked tirelessly, diving into the environmental impact of plastic waste and exploring innovative solutions. True to Cultivate’s motto of “Work Hard, Play Hard,” the team celebrated their success with a well-deserved pizza party!
Mrs. Mahtani’s and Mrs. Sigler’s fourth-grade classes hosted a Thanksgiving-themed service day at the Callahan School for the Deaf and Blind on Thursday, November 20th. After receiving a tour and training, each SPS student was paired with a Callahan buddy for a morning filled with fun activities. They made bead pumpkins, wreaths, and pinecone turkeys, painted a leafy ceiling tile, played Thanksgiving bingo, and even danced with a couple of turkeys! Special thanks to Liz Livesay, Katie Cotton, Tyler Kerns, Ryne Baxter, David Armstrong, Marion Boteler, Laura McGee, and Leslie Lerner for chaperoning this memorable event!
UMS-Wright is thrilled to announce that three of our students, Emily Walton, Mary Carlton Johnson, and Emma Katherine Dyal were chosen as Azalea Trail Maids. One hundred girls were selected from schools in Mobile County to interview and these girls were three of the fifty selected! We are SO proud!
Saraland High School’s junior class had the opportunity to participate in the Reality Check event sponsored by the Saraland Chamber of Commerce at the University of Mobile. It served as an eye-opening financial literacy experience designed to give students an idea of what it is like to manage a budget and plan for their future. Participants were randomly assigned a career and a corresponding salary, and they were tasked with making real-world budgetary decisions based on their income. Decisions included selecting housing, choosing an insurance plan, paying electricity bills, selecting entertainment options, and more—all while staying within the constraints of their assigned salary. The event challenged students to balance their wants and needs, while also emphasizing the importance of financial planning and responsibility. Through Reality Check, students gained valuable insights into the complexities of adult financial decision-making, helping them better understand how careers, salaries, and life choices intersect. The students enjoyed the hands-on opportunity to prepare themselves for the financial realities they will face in adulthood. Students left the event feeling empowered and more prepared to navigate the financial decisions they will encounter in adulthood.
St. Pius X third graders pose with the “Boxes of Joy” collected last month. The boxes will be sent to third-world countries to be given to children for Christmas. - Photo - Mrs. Michelle Ward
Corpus Christi Catholic School middle school students love exploring, experimenting, and learning in our amazing science lab! 8th graders ignite a bubbly chemical reaction in their elephant toothpaste experiment, creating foam faster than you can say reaction!
(Pictured Hayes Fox)
Eichold-Mertz Magnet School is proud to announce we’ve received a 100 on our State Report Card! We are incredibly grateful for the hard work that takes place at Eichold Mertz every day. This perfect score is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, teachers, staff, principal, and families. Thank you for making our school shine bright like a diamond!
McGill-Toolen Catholic would like to congratulate Chip Andrews on an outstanding performance at the state swim meet championship! Chip is the 6A/7A State Champion in the 500 Free and the State Runner-Up in the 200 Individual Medley.
Council Traditional School is proud to have come together for A Servant’s Love food drive. Thanks to the generosity of our students, we were able to donate fruit cups, juice boxes, mac and cheese, canned corn, cranberry sauce, crackers, and black-eyed peas to ensure senior citizens in need enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving. A big thank you to everyone who contributed.
Mobile Christian held their annual Spiritual Emphasis Week the week before Thanksgiving break. The students worked on making cards, held a food drive for “A Servant’s Love”, participated in an Art Contest, and attended special chapel sessions with special guest speakers.
St. Mary’s Catholic School celebrated Veterans Day with a school wide assembly where they welcomed Veterans in the Mobile Community. After the assembly, Veteran, Ryan Frost, spoke to the kindergarten about what it means to serve his country. Pictured are St. Mary’s eighth graders, Camille Moore and Casten Padgett reading a patriotic prayer at the assembly. St. Mary’s thanks all of our armed forces for their service!
Photo by Marian Warner
The third annual “Tools of Work” event at Saraland Elementary School gave fifth-grade students the opportunity to explore tools associated with career and technical education (CTE) courses at Saraland High School. All CTE programs at SHS were represented: airframe technology, business, Coast Guard JROTC, teaching, engineering, healthcare, hospitality, and welding. Additionally, students in courses at Academy of Craft TrainingMobile demonstrated tools related to careers in commercial construction. A big thank you to SES student ambassadors for guiding groups through the activities and to Emily Easterbrook, district career coach, and Courtney Cavin, SES counselor, for coordinating the event. CTE puts Spartans to work!
Art Workshop at Cultivate Studios in West Mobile was inspired by Michelangelo. We learned about his life, his sculptures and his amazing painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. We learned how he had to stand and lay down to paint the ceiling so that’s what we did!
Eichold Mertz hosted their annual Spelling Bee. Congratulations to our Spelling Bee Winners! We are thrilled to announce the winners of our school Spelling Bee! The Champion is Fatima Raza
The Runner-Up: Julian Foster. These outstanding students showcased incredible skill and determination. We are so proud of their hard work and dedication! We are thankful to all participants, teachers, and families who made this event a success. We will continue to celebrate academic excellence at Eichold-Mertz Magnet School of Math, Science & Technology!
St. Luke’s middle school students took to the stage with their phenomenal production of Finding Nemo Kids. Based on the popular Pixar film, this beloved musical brought the underwater adventure to life! Our students’ dedication and hard work were evident as they delivered a powerful performance. This production was more than a school musical; it celebrated creativity, teamwork, and the joy of performing arts! Bravo to everyone involved!
On Saturday, November 23, members of the Davidson High School Swim Team represented our school with outstanding performances at the AHSAA State Championships in Huntsville, AL. Senior Owen Baxter competed in the 100-yard backstroke. The 200-yard and 400-yard freestyle relay teams—featuring Owen Baxter, Owen Farmer, Mack Morgan, and Miles Morgan—delivered strong performances, qualifying for the finals in both events! Congratulations to our swimmers on their hard work and dedication this season. Go Warriors!
St. Luke’s K5 Littles and 8th Grade Bigs joined forces for a morning filled with festive STEM+M activities at the STEM+M Center on the University Campus. This special collaboration brought together young minds for hands-on projects that incorporated elements of STEM+M in a fun and festive way. Each activity was designed to ignite their curiosity and foster a love of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine! It was such a fun day to enhance learning and create lasting memories!
St. Luke’s students recently had the incredible opportunity to learn firsthand about the world of veterinary medicine, thanks to a visit from Dr. Mary Edmonds. Dr. Edmonds shared her wealth of knowledge and passion for animal care, providing students with an engaging and educational experience highlighting the intricacies of veterinary science. Students had a glimpse into the daily responsibilities of a veterinarian when they performed “surgery” using real medical gear and equipment. In addition to their surgical experience, students were introduced to various specimens veterinarians may encounter. Thank you to Dr. Edmonds for giving St. Luke’s students an insight into the rewarding nature of veterinary careers.
Many “Santa Saints” in our SPS family helped provide a merry Christmas to 238 local children through our school’s Angel Tree program. Families, faculty, clubs, teams, and students came together to provide clothing and toys for children from Callahan School for the Deaf and Blind, George Hall Elementary, Leinkauf Elementary, Semmes Elementary, Augusta Evans School for special needs children, and Big Creek Baptist Church. A special thank you goes to parent Allison Starr for delivery assistance; Coach Johnson’s weight room and Coach Garrett’s study hall for loading efforts; and the Service Leadership class,
Leslie Lerner’s mom Liz Livesay, and NHS members for helping with checkin, wrapping, and gift organization. On Wednesday, December 4th, the Christmas spirit was alive at St. Paul’s— from the Angel gifts arriving all day to the beautiful, festive drive-through that night. So much Santa spirit!
Heartwood Students participated in “The Shoemaker,” produced by HOW Dance, Music, Drama, and Film. It’s a classic tale with a twist. The main character, Conrad Martin, expects an important guest for Christmas. Everything is done to make sure this special guest feels welcome. Along the way, the characters inspire the audience through faith, hope, joy, and love in this one-of-a-kind story. The play is full of talent and a great way to usher in the Christmas season.
St. Pius X student Ella Stewart ran a successful “Socks for Veterans” drive. In front of Ella are over two hundred pairs of new white socks donated by our students. Photo - Mrs. Lauren Alvarez
Sixth grade student, Makennon Graham represented Cottage Hill Christian Academy well by earning Runner-Up at the 2024 AISA State Spelling Bee! We are so proud of you!
For the second year in a row, Satsuma City Schools achieved the prestigious honor of making straight A’s on the Alabama State Department of Education Report Card! Lee Elementary School earned an impressive 94/A, Satsuma High School achieved a 93/A, and Satsuma’s overall district score was an
outstanding 94/A.
“Through your unwavering dedication, we are steadily transforming our vision of becoming one of Alabama’s top school districts into a reality,” said Dana Walters Price, Satsuma City Schools Superintendent. “These incredible accomplishments are a reflection of the hard work, passion, and dedication of every individual in this district.”
St. Ignatius forms leaders in mind, body & spirit. Part of that leadership formation is quarterly seminars about how to make a difference in your community and how to develop yourself into someone who can lead others on the right path. Mrs. Melissa Rankin spoke on the importance of protecting yourself spiritually, socially, physically and virtually. Mrs. Rankin works for the federal courthouse as the community outreach, training and education consultant. She also owns She’s A Pistol, LLC which focuses on gun safety for women and children. In addition, Mrs. Rankin introduced students to special agent Sergeant Grantham and her adorable partner Esdee, the electronic device tracking dog. Esdee specifically focuses on child crimes involving electronic devices. Sergeant Grantham and Esdee helped students gain awareness of cybercrimes and gave tips on how to protect yourself against them.
Students at E.R. Dickson Elementary participated in a school-wide jeans day fundraiser which raised and donated $477 to Dance Without Limits! This money will be used to help make dance accessible to kids in our community with special needs.
2nd Graders at Corpus Christi Catholic School bring Stories to Life at the Balloons Over Broadway Parade! Students showcased their creativity by designing balloons inspired by their favorite books and paraded through the school in a colorful celebration of reading and imagination!
(Pictured - Lizzy Cumbaa)
Students from St. Dominic Catholic School were chosen to represent the Mobile community for the Veteran’s Day celebration at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park.
The holiday rush has ended, but winter is still here for a little while longer. This month’s Dinner’s Ready recipe is quick and hearty and the perfect addition to squeeze into any busy after-school evenings.
Ashley Cauley and her husband, Rick, understand busy weeknights better than most. The couple has been married for 19 years. They met at Murphy High School in 2004 while he was teaching and she was student teaching.
Fast forward to now, and this is Ashley’s 18th year working for Mobile County School Systems. She has been the coordinator for the International Baccalaureate program at Davidson High School for the last five years. Rick retired from teaching after 25 years but currently still works part-time at Davidson High School and as an assistant football coach at St. Paul’s Episcopal School. It’s safe to say these two are life-long educators. Together, they have three daughters — Isabel, who is in tenth grade; Alivia, who is in seventh grade; and Elaina, who is in third grade. All of the girls are very busy with different extracurricular activities.
“Family dinners are special for us because they don’t happen very often, mainly because of our schedules,” shared Ashley. “Watching our daughters find their passion brings us the most joy in this season! As busy as we are, it’s so fulfilling to watch our girls do things that they love.”
The family worked towards having more family dinners at home by adding a pressure cooker to their kitchen appliances arsenal.
“A few years ago, Rick bought a Ninja Foodi on a whim because he wanted a way for us to cook dinners quickly on weeknights,” Ashley said, indicating it has been one of the best decisions. “Our pressure cooker definitely makes it less tempting to grab takeout. It’s so easy to use and cuts down on cook time and clean up, making us
more inclined to want to cook after being at work all day.”
The Cauley’s decided to share this specific recipe because it was the first one Rick ever made using the new gadget.
“For the entirety of our marriage, it’s been a joke that when I go out of town, he makes Hamburger Helper because he knows I don’t like it,” shared Ashley lightheartedly. “So, on this occasion, I had been out of town and arrived home right as he was serving dinner. He made this Beef Stroganoff for the first time in the Ninja Foodi but told me it was Hamburger Helper. I almost didn’t eat it, but when I did, it was delicious! He had me convinced for a few minutes that it was actually Hamburger Helper before he eventually confessed. It’s been a staple recipe in our family since then.”
Weeknights might look a little hectic for the Cauleys, but on the weekends, the family really enjoys spending time together hiking at Blakeley State Park and hosting friends and family pool parties when it’s warm. They also look forward to grilling and playing a friendly yet competitive game of Uno.
Prepared in a Ninja Foodi (or pressure cooker)
• 2.5 lbs stew meat
• 1 stick butter
• 1.5 teaspoons minced garlic
• 32 oz beef broth
• 2 tablespoons Better Than Beef bouillon
• 2 packets mushroom gravy
• 12 oz bag Extra Broad egg noodles; uncooked
• 8 oz sour cream
This Beef Stroganoff is a meal all by itself but can also be served with side dishes when needed.
“Depending on our mood or what’s on hand, we will serve this with a salad or a vegetable, like green beans or peas,” Ashley said. “And for the adults, we serve it with wine.”
1. Brown stew meat in butter and garlic. Season with salt and pepper (or any steak seasoning you have; we use Devil’s Ashes).
2. Add beef broth and bouillon.
3. Put ingredients into the pressure cooker for 10 minutes, then fast release.
4. Add mushroom gravy and stir until completely mixed. Add the uncooked egg noodles and stir until combined.
5. Pressure cook for 4 additional minutes, then fast release.
6. Stir in sour cream.
7. Serve immediately!
Gabriele has been married to her husband Daniel for 17 years. Together they have three incredible children – two boys, ages 16 and nine, and a sweet girl who will be two in August.
Gabriele is a full-time Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics. When she isn’t spending time with family or building her business, she supports her husband who is the Lead Pastor and Planter of Forward Church in Gulf Shores.
By the time Meira Mednick’s daughter was in third grade, homework time had morphed into lengthy, embattled evenings fraught with angry tears as frustrated daughter and frazzled mom squared off.
“My daughter began showing signs of difficulty in focus on homework in kindergarten. By second grade we were drowning,” Mednick says.
Mednick tried tactics like feeding her first grader an early dinner as soon as she got home from school and giving her time to relax before starting homework. Instead, “We ended up spending the next two years in a tug of war of time, and many tears were shed,” she says.
Many parents can relate and dread the contentious homework hour, which can plunder an otherwise peaceful evening. For kiddos, who struggle to tune out distractions and concentrate on the task at hand, sitting down to do homework doesn’t rank high on their list of priorities.
Thanks to the distractions of technology, the inability to focus is a growing problem in our culture. The number of children who are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) also continues to rise. The Centers for Disease Control reports that ADHD is “one of the most common chronic conditions of childhood.”
Experts agree: the ability to focus is crucial to achieving goals. How can we create a more calming homework atmosphere that will enhance our child’s ability to concentrate and get the job done quickly--without the draining drama?
Work in short bursts. Kids get overwhelmed with long worksheets and multiple assignments. Break homework into timed chunks. After a busy day at school, parents can typically expect their youngsters to focus on a task for one minute for each year of their age. That means a six-year-old should be given a two or three minute break every six minutes.
“Expecting 30 minutes of homework out of a first grader isn’t realistic without breaks,” says Rachel Rudman, a pediatric occupational therapist.
The timed approach made a big difference for Mednick’s daughter.
“Previously she would be discouraged even before picking up a pencil. By having a timed environment, she knew that she could tackle one interval at a time,” says Mednick, whose daughter is now an 8th grade honors student.
Create smart brain breaks. During the timed breaks engage your child in short activities that help reorganize and refocus the brain, like jumping jacks, playing with Legos or playdoh, or snacking on crunchy carrots or pretzel rods or something chewy such as fruit leather.
Blowing up a balloon can also help ease frustrations. “Blowing forces the child to take deep breaths which increases relaxation and focus,” Rudman says.
Avoid electronics, which can be harder to pull a child away from.
Strike a pose. Yoga stretches and breathing exercises can calm and re-energize a tired body. Balancing poses like bird or airplane, and a full body twist combines
breathing and concentrated stretching movements.
“Balancing poses require a level of concentration that are a great way to strengthen those ‘focus muscles’ and create a body and mind that is strong and relaxed,” says Mariam Gates, the author of the new children’s book Good Night Yoga: A Pose-by-Pose Bedtime Story.
Integrate natural elements. Researchers at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign have found that including ornamental plants in a learning area can further enhance a child’s ability to concentrate and learn.
“And weirdly, the more involved the child is in the plant’s life or maintenance, the more learning goes on,” says Magalie Rene, a classroom design consultant, who works with parents and schools to create study spaces that foster learning.
Place a plant in your home’s study area and have your child water it as a transitionary cue before beginning homework, Rene suggests.
Chew gum. Although the “no gum allowed” rule was grilled into our psyches when we were students, more schools now allow kids to chew gum during state assessments. The chewing movement has an organizing effect on the brain and can help kids focus.
Energize with aromatherapy. Scent can have a powerful effect on our emotional well-being. Fill a spray bottle with water and two or three drops of peppermint, rosemary or citrus essential oil. Spray the scent around the study area to enhance concentration, focus and creativity.
Get organized. Make a homework box either out of a large shoe box or plastic container. Have your child decorate it and store homework supplies, like pens, pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, paper, a glue stick and anything else he might need. “Having everything together creates an atmosphere of organization and success,” Rudman says.
If your youngster continues to struggle with focus and concentration, consult with your family’s pediatrician or a child psychologist.
As the mom of two energetic school-age boys, freelance journalist Christa Melnyk Hines knows all too well the stress homework time can create in a family. Christa’s latest book is Happy, Healthy & Hyperconnected: Raise a Thoughtful Communicator in a Digital World.
ad on page 4, 35
3590 Pleasant Valley Rd, Mobile, AL 36609
Mission: It is the mission of Bright Academy to enable students to overcome individual learning differences in order to achieve their full potential in a Christian environment.
Grades: 1st - 8th Extra Curricular: Music, Photography/Videography, Art Club, Service Club, STEM, and 4-H (251) 525-9105 info@brightdyslexics.com www.brightdyslexics.com
ad on page 7
6300 McKenna Drive, Mobile, AL 36608
Mission: Established in 1958 by Corpus Christi Parish, the school is committed to building the Body of Christ. It seeks to integrate the teachings of the inspired Word of God with a sense of Christian fellowship and service to the community. Corpus Christi Catholic School is committed to high academic performance in a Christian setting, laying the foundation for a productive, faith-filled life. Dedicated faculty and staff nurture every child by providing opportunities to grow in faith, achieve academic success, and serve others as disciples of Jesus. In addition to core subjects, students take art, music, Spanish, computer class and library, including lessons on digital citizenship.
Grades: K2 - 8th Extra Curricular: National Junior Honor Society, Computer Club, Scholars Bowl, student-produced weekly news program: Corpus Christi News (CCN), Student Leadership Committee, Pro-Life Club, Yearbook, Scouts, McGill-Toolen Prep Band (5 – 8 grades), CYO Sports (football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, and cheerleading), art exhibits, musical productions, and Disciples of St. Michael Service Club. Additional Info: Now accepting registration for the 2025-2026 school year. (251) 342-5474 school@CCSCatholic.com www.school.corpuschristiparish.com
ad on page 34, 36 4255 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL 36609
Mission: We provide a Christ-centered education that prepares students for excellence as life-long disciples. Through the Cottage Hill tradition, we cultivate authentic relationships and community. We prayerfully partner with families to develop tomorrow’s servant leaders today.
Grades: K2 - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Athletics: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, Soccer, Cross Country, Track and Field, Softball, Golf, Cheerleading, Swimming and Diving, Tennis. Clubs/Organizations: National Junior Honor Society, Music Conservatory, Fine Arts/Drama, Student Government Association, Robotics, Scholar’s Bowl, STEM Class, Spelling Bee, Big Buddies Program. (251) 660-2427 hannanj@chbss.org www.chcacademy.com
Cottage Hill Christian Academy West Campus
ad on page 34, 36 7355 Creekwood Drive, Mobile, AL 36695
Mission: We provide a Christ-centered education that prepares students for excellence as life-long disciples. Through the Cottage Hill tradition, we cultivate authentic relationships and community. We prayerfully partner with families to develop tomorrow’s servant leaders today.
Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Athletics: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, Soccer, Cross Country, Track and Field, Softball, Golf, Cheerleading, Swimming and Diving, Tennis.
Clubs/Organizations: National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mu Alpha Theta, Art League, Theater Arts, Women in the Word, Spanish Club, Math Club, Student Government Association, Scholar’s Bowl, Science Olympiad, Math Team, Big Buddies Program, Dual Enrollment. (251) 634-2513 hannanj@chbss.org www.chcacademy.com
ad on page 13, 37 7150 Hitt Road, Mobile, AL 36695
Mission: Our mission is to graduate students who are prepared to understand their world, to communicate with their world, and to influence their world for Jesus Christ through servant leadership. Our curriculum is designed to give solid foundations for our students. We realize that our place in the educational process is preparation for what comes next.
Grades: K3-8th Extra Curricular: Basketball, Soccer, Cross-Country/Track, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Private Music Instruction, Art, Scholars Bowl, Mission Trips.CCS offers traditional foundations of learning and teaching along with innovative ideas and creativity, qualified Christian teachers and quality curriculum. Additional Info: CCS offers traditional foundations of learning and teaching along with innovative ideas and creativity, qualified Christian teachers and quality curriculum. Schedule a tour today! (251) 633-8055 info@covenantschool.com www.covenantschool.com
ad on page 15, 38 3401 Government Blvd, Mobile, AL 36693
Mission: The Mission of Government Street Christian School is to provide a quality Christian education within a caring, nurturing, and challenging environment which develops the entire person and equips students with both the desire and ability to fulfill God’s purposes for their lives.
Grades: PK4 -12 Extra Curricular: Middle/High School Extra Curricular Opportunities: Chorus, Private Voice or Piano Lessons, SGA, National Honor Society, Yearbook, Chess Club, Chapel Band, Momentum Dance Academy, Scholars Bowl, Math Team, Robotics, and Writing Contests. Sports:Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Archery, Track, Cheerleading, Bowling (251) 660-7444 gscsregistrar@governmentstreet.org www.governmentstreetchristianschool.org
ad on page 39, 51 1060 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36604
Mission: LWCC Kingdom Academy is dedicated to providing a purposeful, Christ-centered education with spiritual and academic excellence in an atmosphere of love, learning, and achievement. We are supported by a community of prayer and guidance, preparing our students for a lifetime of learning and impacting their world with Biblical principles of the Kingdom of God.
Grades: K4 – 8th Extra Curricular: Enrichment classes include Graphic Design/Video Graphics; Foreign Cultures; Art; Music; Creative Drama; Reading Readiness; P.E./Health; and a variety of educational experiences. (251) 433-5866 Academy@lwccim.com www.lwccka.com
ad on page 21, 41 1501 Old Shell Road, Mobile, AL 36604
Mission: As the second oldest high school in the state of Alabama, students, parents and alumni confirm that tradition, Catholic identity and overall school
spirit are what separates McGill-Toolen Catholic High School from other high schools. We are extremely proud of our heritage in Catholic Education. We are privileged at McGill-Toolen to provide three important facets to our mission as educators: Faith, Knowledge, and Strength.
Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Spiritual Life and Service: Campus Ministry, Pro-Life Club, Praise and Worship, Servants of the Poor, Friends of Exceptional Children, Key Club, Ambassadors, Green Club; Academic: Spanish Club, French Club, Latin Club, Hi-Q Team, Scholars Bowl, Physics Team, Chemistry Club, National Honor Society, Chess Club, Model UN; Journalism: Ingenium Literary Magazine, Vespidae Yearbook, McT Network; Arts and Culture: African American Club, National Art Honor Society, Art Club, Drama Club, Chorus, Band, Color Guard; Athletic & Sports: Intramural sports, Cross Country, Track, Football, Ladies Flag Football, Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Cheerleading, Golf, Volleyball, Swim and Dive, Bowling, Esports.
(251) 445-2900 www.mcgill-toolen.org
Mobile Christian School ad on page 23
5900 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL 36609
Mission: The mission of Mobile Christian School is to provide a college preparatory education in a Christ-centered community which equips our students with the desire and ability to serve God, family and fellow man.
Grades: PK3 - 12th Extra Curricular: Concert and Marching Band, Chorus, SGA, Elementary, Junior, and National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Standards, Broadcast Journalism, Sports Medicine, Art Club, Spelling Bee, Robotics, Chorus, Service Club, Fellowship of Christian Standards, Yearbook, Mu Alpha Theta, Bass Fishing, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Golf, Softball, Track, Volleyball, Soccer, Swim, Bowling and Wrestling.
(251) 661-1613 info@mobilechristian.org www.mobilechristian.org
Revelation Christian Academy ad on page 42
1711 Taylor Lane, Mobile, AL 36605
Mission: Our mission is to educate students academically, physically, spiritually, and socially, to be lifelong learners with a Godly character and a Biblical worldview. VISION Statement: Revelation Christian Academy partners with families to raise up the next generation of men and women of God by cultivating a Christcentered educational environment.
Grades: 6 weeks - 5th grade (Early Education Campus and Elementary Campus) Extra Curricular: Flag Football, Basketball, Soccer and Cheerleading Additional Info: Dual Accreditation with ACSI and Cognia (251) 473-2555 pcasher@revelationchristian.org www.revelationchristian.org
ad on page 25, 43
4160 Burma Road, Mobile, AL 36693
Mission: Saint Dominic Catholic School provides a learning environment that develops students to their fullest potential through an exceptional foundation in faith, academics, leadership and service. St. Dominic students live the beliefs and values of Jesus Christ.
Grades: PK2 - 8th Extra Curricular: Band (Grades 5 – 8), Student Council, Angels on a Mission Service Club, Scholar’s Bowl, National Junior Honor Society, Technology Team, Spelling Bee, Altar Servers, Junior CYO, Choir, Archery, Robotics, Eagle Theatre, Chess Club, Run Club, Catholic Challenge Cup, Dominican Scholars and Crochet Club. The Booster Club, under direction of the Parish, coordinates soccer, volleyball, basketball, football, cross country and cheerleading. Saint Dominic Catholic School is a member of the Alabama High School Athletic Association. Students in grades 7 and 8 may qualify to play selected sports at McGill-Toolen High School.
Additional Info: Summer Camp and After School Care programs available. (251) 661-5226 development@stdominicmobile.org www.stdominicmobile.org/school
ad on page 21
3650 Springhill Ave, Mobile, AL 36608
Mission: St. Ignatius Catholic School, a ministry of St. Ignatius Parish in Spring Hill, strives to educate the whole child by providing a quality Catholic education in a safe and caring learning environment. Focusing on Jesus the Redeemer, children are encouraged to strive for excellence in spiritual, academic, social, and physical activities. Through a variety of curricular and extracurricular activities, children are taught to become productive and exemplary Christian leaders for the future.
Grades: ELC - 8th Extra Curricular: Scholar’s Bowl, Science Bowl, Bowling Club, Computer Club, CYO Sports (Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Tennis and Golf), Robotic’s Club, Computer Club, Yearbook Club, Student Government Association, Service Projects at every grade level, National Junior Honor Society, Children of Mary, Computer Fair, Art Exhibits, Music Productions, Order of St. Ignatius, Young Men of St. Joseph, Pro-life Club and Latin in grades K-8. (251) 445-4020 admissions@stignatius.org www.stignatiusmobile.org
ad on page 33, 44 3975 Japonica Lane, Mobile, AL 36693
Mission: St. Luke’s Episcopal School presents a college preparatory community developing young men and women of honor, faith and responsibility with character and intellect to thrive in college and life. SAIS accredited.
Grades: K2 - 5th Extra Curricular: Daily special subjects: library, music, PE, foreign language, art, technology, science lab, STEM+M lab, Biomedical Sciences lab, STEM+M Classes starting in K2: Introduction to STEM+M Concepts, Spatial Sense and Coding, Pushes and Pulls, Light and Sound, Grids and Games, Stability and Science of Flight, Input/Output Computer Systems, Matter/Properties and Reactions. iKids program, Z-space opportunities, age-appropriate playgrounds, Cross Campus curriculum projects, Reading lab, Student Ambassador Program, Bigs/Littles mentoring program, Science Olympiad, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, K3-5th grade annual drama/choral productions, full-time registered nurse, Archery, Green Team, Safety Patrol, Art Club, 5th grade ‘Bring Your Own Device’ program, K3-K5 intramural athletics (t-ball, soccer, cheerleading), Grades 1 and 2 intramural athletics (football, basketball, cheerleading, soccer), Grades 3-6 Youth Development League athletics (football, volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, soccer, cross country), Football, soccer, and baseball field, after school care available, Summer Day Camp Program, After school enrichment classes, after school lessons for a variety of instruments, Gated campus with security cameras, ALICE certified school, SAIS & Cognia accredited, and currently pursuing a national STEM certification. Additional Info: Gated campus with security cameras, ALICE certified school.
(251) 666-2991 pcummings@slesmobile.org www.slesmobile.orpg
ad on page 33, 44 1400 University Boulevard South, Mobile, AL 36609 Mission: St. Luke’s Episcopal School presents a college preparatory community developing young men and women of honor, faith and responsibility with character and intellect to thrive in college and life. SAIS accredited. Grades: 6th - 12th Extra Curricular: Honor Code, Student-led Honor Council, Learning Lab, Bigs/Littles Mentoring Program, local and out-ofstate field trips, 800-seat center for performing arts, visual and performing arts programs, full-time registered nurse, State of the Art STEM+M Center, Engineering and Robotics room, STEM+M Classes: Innovations in Biomedical Sciences, Culinary Medicine, Sports Medicine, Introduction to Engineering, Fundamentals in Biomedical Sciences, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Aerospace Engineering, Interventions in Biomedical Sciences, Flight and Space, App Creators, Design and Modeling, Medical Detectives. The Biomedical Health Science Program has a fully functioning skills lab, simulation, and debriefing lab. State-of-the-art chemistry and biology labs, ZSpace opportunities, 3D printing, Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment classes, Student Government Association, Alabama Youth Legislature, Student Council, Student Ambassador Program, Key Club, Center Stage, Robotics, Marching Band, Concert Band, Beginner Band, Chorus, High-Q Team, Middle School and Upper School Scholars Bowl, Yearbook, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Chess Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Friends of Exceptional Children, SLES Service Clubs, National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society, Quill and Scroll, Mu Alpha Theta, Rho Kappa National Honor Society, Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, Latin Honor Society, Strength and Speed Training, Archery, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, 6th Grade Youth Development League athletics (football, cheerleading, basketball, volleyball, soccer, golf, cross country), Football, soccer, baseball field and 8 lane track, Grades 7-12 AHSAA athletics: 15 varsity teams. Free After Hours Study/Supervision Program, gated campus with security cameras, ALICE-certified school, SAIS & Cognia accredited, and currently pursuing a national STEM certification. (251) 666-2991 aabel@slesmobile.org www.slesmobile.org
ad on page 45
107 North Lafayette Street, Mobile, AL 36604
Mission: Our mission is to provide an environment where Jesus’ message of love meets the spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional needs of our children.
Grades: PK3 - 8th grade Extra Curricular: National Junior Honor Society, Bay Area Scholastic Challenge League, Weekly Mass, Altar Server Program, Sacraments, Liturgical Services, Scouts and CYO Sports Programs, Yearbook, Alabama High School Athletic Association, grades 7 and 8, and Children’s Choir,. Additional Info: ACADEMICS: St. Mary’s Catholic School is accredited by the COGNIA, and is recognized by the National Catholic Board on Full Inclusion as a school of full inclusion. St. Mary’s offers an academic program that produces students who are ready and eager to move to the next level of academic achievement. In addition to the core curriculum of language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and religion, St. Mary’s is pleased to offer the following: Library, Resource Program, STREAM for preschool through 8th grade, McGill-Toolen Prep Band, Art Classes, Primary Phonics programming, Low Student to Teacher Ratio, Guided/Levelized Reading Curriculum, Outdoor Classroom.. (251) 433-9904 mrnaman@stmarymobile.org www.stmarymobile.org
Paul’s Episcopal School ad on page 46, 49
161 Dogwood Lane, Mobile, AL 36608
Mission: St. Paul’s Episcopal School in Mobile, Alabama is committed to providing the highest quality college preparatory education in a Christian environment. Through a variety of experiences and activities, we encourage individual growth and achievement. By example, the St. Paul’s community fosters respect, integrity, responsibility, service, tolerance, and the highest moral standards to prepare the whole person for a changing and challenging future.
Grades: PK - 12th Extra Curricular: Lower School (PreK-2nd Grade) –Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Strings, Techies Club (3&4), Intramural Sports: Soccer, Basketball, Football, Cheerleading, Volleyball (3&4); Morning Bible Story Time, BUCS (Boys United in Christ) and GEMS (Girls Enrichment Ministries), After School Care “After School Matters,” Summer Day Camp. Middle School (5th - 8th ) – Art Club, Class Officers, Cheerleading, Academic Contests, Fellowship of Christian Students, Middle School Student Council,
Scholars Bowl, Science Olympiad, Rutledge Fellows of Philanthropy, National Junior Honor Society, BUCS (Boys United in Christ) and GEMS (Girls Enrichment Ministries), Football, Volleyball, Cross-Country, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Soccer. Upper School (9th - 12th ): Cheerleading, Culinary Club, Class Officers, Computer Club, Fellowship of Christian Students, Fine Arts Club, French Club, Interact Club, Key Club, Morning Saints, Mentor Club, Mu Alpha Theta, National Honor Society, National French Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, Robotics, Rutledge Fellows of Philanthropy, Scholars Bowl, Sierra Club, Spanish Club, St. Paul’s Players, St. Paul’s Chamber Singers and Concert Chorus, St. Paul’s Chamber Strings, Marching Saints, SGA, Student Newspaper (The Epistle), Yearbook (The Halo), Art and Poetry annual publication (Logos), Forensics/Theatrics Club, Youth Judicial, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Swimming & Diving, Tennis, Track, Volleyball and Track & Field.
Additional Info: Programs of Study: Advanced Placement Program, Alternative Instruction Program, Honors Program (251) 342-6700 www.stpaulsmobile.net
ad on page 27, 47 65 Mobile Street, Mobile, AL 36607
Mission: For the UMS-Wright Family to educate all students to their highest potential in mind, body, and spirit and to produce in each student character of the highest possible order.
Grades: PK3 - 12th Extra Curricular: Middle and Upper Schools: Upper School Chorus, Middle School Chorus, Chorale, Art Guild, Fall Play, Marching Band, Concert Band, Theatre Guild, Jazz Band, Spring Musical, 2 Middle School Plays, Bulldog Review, Honor Council, Key Club, Jr. Optimist Club, Spanish Circle, Azalea Trail, Oakleigh Belles, GEMS, FCA, BUCS, Drama Club, Broken Wire Club, the Wright Minds Competition Team, World Cultures Club, Mind’s Eye, Peer Tutoring, Peer Mentoring, Difference Makers, Wow Club, Sailing Club,Amnesty International, Apologetics Club, Art History Club, Bulldog Ambassadors, Engineering Club, Music Society, Scrub Club, Sports Statistics and Analytics, Veterans Appreciation Club , Scholars Bowl, Worldly Discussions and Insights Club, Youth Judicial, Chess Club, Congress Representatives, SGA, Dunlap Tech Crew, Wright Players, Wright Singers, Yearbook Editors, Investment Club, Book Club, French Club, Leo Club, Wright Minds Club, Spirit Pack, Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Swim/Dive, Tennis, Lacrosse, Indoor & Outdoor Track, and Volleyball. Lower School: Robotics & Coding, Science Lab, After School Enrichment Classes (in Arts, Athletics, and other Specialty Classes), Intramurals & Bulldog Athletic Association (Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Swimming, Cross Country/Track, Soccer, Cheerleading, Football, Golf), Bulldog Safety Patrol, Character Word of the Month Club, Chorus, Piano Lessons, Ballet, Wright Way-Guidance Classes, Bucketfillers, Never Give Up, Encourage Others, Do Your Best (NED), Red Ribbon Week, Lunch Bunch, Read Across America, Scholastic Book Fair, Grade Level Musicals (251) 479-6551 admissions@ums-wright.org www.ums-wright.org
Cultivate Studios Mobile 2344 Schillinger Rd S, Mobile, AL 36695
Mission: The 4 Day School Week! Cultivate Studios is an innovative educational space that reimagines traditional learning. We focus on providing a personalized learning experience, moving away from conventional homework and tests. CSM helps your child learn in ways traditional education doesn’t. We’re proud to offer a unique, Christ-centered, unconventional learning experience! Our schedule includes a balance of indoor and outdoor activity time, with lots of play. Our learners are encouraged to think, reason, question, develop ideas, experiment & problem-solve. We focus on whole-child learning over just academics. Kindness and good character are what we do.
Grades: Ages 4-18 Extra Curricular: Art, Music, Spanish, Passion Pursuit, STEM, Tech Time, Science, Bible and lots of PLAY! Other (optional): 3 or 4 day options (8:30-3:00) *off Wednesdays
Additional Info: 2 or 4 day options (8:30-3:30) *off Wednesdays (251) 404-6124 sloper@cultivatestudiosmobile.com www.cultivatestudiosmobile.com
Cypress Grove Academy
2651 Spring Hill Avenue, Mobile, AL 36607
Mission: The mission of Cypress Grove Academy is to provide students with the joy of a Christ-centered, classical education that nurtures the heart and challenges the mind. Partnering with parents, our school exists to teach students to love God and practice virtue by pursuing truth, beauty, and goodness. The vision of the school is to shape the habits and affections of its students through Christ-centered, classical education that they may think logically, speak truthfully, and live virtuously. The desire is that through rigorous, yet joyful learning, students humbly and courageously bring gospel-hope to our city as effectual kingdom ambassadors.
Grades: K-11 (adding 12th in 2024-2025 academic year) Extra Curricular: House Leadership System, Cross-Country Club, Tennis Club, Archery, Audubon Bird Club, Art Club, Yearbook Club, Choir (855) 936-6882 patra@cypressgroveacademy.org www.cypressgroveacademy.org
Faith Academy
8650 Tanner Williams Road, Mobile, AL 36608
Mission: It is the mission of Faith Academy to offer quality Christian education in a safe, clean and orderly environment, while assisting and encouraging our students to realize who they are in Christ. Faith Academy endeavors to provide for our students’ spiritual, artistic, athletic, social and personal needs through our daily school programs and extracurricular activities. Our goal is to develop Christian young people who will impact and change the world around them for Christ.
Grades: PK3 – 12th Extra Curricular: Student Government Association, Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society, Band, Colorguard, Choir, Drama, Chapel Worship Team, Heart for Life (Pro-Life) Club, Robotics, Sr. High/Junior High Math Competition, Physics Competition, Oratorical Contest, Writing Competition, Chess Club, Sr. High NHS, Sr. High Beta, Jr. High NHS, Jr. High Beta, Scholars Bowl , Faith Club, School Yearbook Staff, Art Competition, Miss Ram Pageant, Diamond Dolls, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Track, Cross Country, Soccer, Archery, Swimming, Golf, Volleyball, Softball, Tennis, Dance Team and Cheerleading. (251) 633-RAMS (7267) info@faithacademy.us www.faithacademy.us
Grace Baptist Academy
8780 Howells Ferry Road, Semmes, AL 36575
Mission: G.B.A. is a ministry of Grace Baptist Church, and was established for parents who desire to have their children educated in a Christian Private School. Our staff is highly qualified and has a genuine love for God’s Word and children. We desire to see every student reach their full potential both spiritually and academically. We offer a day school program with daily in person classes. We have a staff of 15 educators. We also offer an online homeschooling option that is completely digital.
Grades: K3-12th Dayschool & Homeschool options Extra Curricular: Basketball, Volleyball, & Football. We are NAPS accredited and NCAA certified for collegiate scholarships. We have a Fine Arts Program that includes plays, musicals, and private and group, classical music lessons. Call us today to schedule a campus tour.
Additional Info: Celebrating 25 years! Visit us on Facebook at https://www. facebook.com/GBASemmes/ (251) 649-7398 gbasemmes@gmail.com www.gbcacademy.com
Heart of Mary School
310 Sengstak Street, Mobile, AL 36603
Mission: Heart of Mary School strives to nurture students who are FAITHFUL to Jesus Christ, COMMITTED to their studies, and PROUD of themselves, their culture, and their school, all within the context of a safe and joyful learning environment. Grades: PK3 – 8th Extra Curricular: Art, Choir, MPRDsports (Basketball, Football, Golf, Volleyball, Soccer), Praise Dance, Social and Career preparedness through the Goodwill Gulf Coast, PreACT prep classes, Manners for Life, Spanish and Robotics. Additional Info: Over $50,000 available in tuition assistance. (251) 432-5270 office@mphom.org https://heartofmaryk8.org/
Knollwood Christian Academy
1501 Knollwood Drive, Mobile, AL 36609
Mission: The mission of Knollwood Christian Academy is to lovingly train students spiritually, academically, physically, and socially from a Biblical perspective with a God-centered point of view and to prepare them to influence others for Christ. Grades: PK3 - 8th Extra Curricular: Cheer - for 1st-8th grades, Basketball 4th-8th grades, Volleyball 4th-8th grades
Additional Info: Chapel, Art, Spanish, Music, Library, Daily PE classes (251) 661-1987 sally@knollwoodchristianacademy.com www.knollwoodchristianacademy.com
Lighthouse Baptist Academy
6335 Swedetown Road North, Theodore, AL 36582
Mission: Academics are a vital part of every young person’s life. Lighthouse Baptist Academy is committed to helping students achieve academic excellence in all disciplines and to providing students with the instruction and guidance they need to realize their own potential.
Grades: K4 - 12th Extra Curricular: Athletics (Volleyball, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Soccer, Baseball), Music (Violin Lessons, Piano Lessons, Band Instrument Lessons, Guitar Lessons, Voice Lessons, Harp Lessons, Cello Lessons), Drama (Christmas Play, Spring Play), Community Outreach (251) 653-6542 info@lbatheodore.com www.lbatheodore.com
Little Flower Catholic School
2103 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36606
Mission: Our mission is to teach, learn and grow through the tradition of faith. Through our Catholic values and the “Little Way” we prepare students for college, career, and heaven.
Grades: PK3 - 8th Extra Curricular: 1:1 Student Ipads, K-5 STEM lab, Catholic Youth Organization Sports (Football, Soccer, Basketball, and more), Academic Clubs such as National Honor Society, SGA, K-8 Spanish, Choir, Our Habitat, weekly all-school Mass, Preschool Mardi Gras Parade, Eighth grade/Kindergarten Buddies, Alliance for Catholic Education placements, Artgrades PreK - 8 and more. (251) 479-5761 dollis@littleflowerschool.cc www.littleflowerschool.cc
Mobile Junior Academy
1900 Cody Road South, Mobile, AL 36695
Mission: Mobile Junior Academy exists to acquaint our students with Christ and equip them for a life of service. To fulfill our mission, we will: Promote spiritual and moral development of the students, Maintain high standards of scholastic excellence, Develop the students’ ability to think clearly and logically, Uphold the Holy Scriptures as the basis for all of our teaching, Instruct in principles of health, physical well-being, basic skills and the dignity of labor, Teach responsibilities and privileges of good citizenship, and Stress preparation for service to God, the church, the community and the world.
Grades: PK4 - 8 Extra Curricular: Lego Robotics
Additional Info: Mobile Junior Academy is an accredited, Seventh-day Adventist elementary school serving families in Mobile, Alabama. Adventist Accreditation Association (AAA), National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA), Candidate for Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (Regional Accreditation).
(251) 633-8638 principal@mobilejunioracademy.com www.mobilejunioracademy.com
North Mobile Christian
1255 Industrial Parkway, Saraland, AL 36571
Mission: It is the mission of North Mobile Christian School to enable students to honor God in their spiritual, academic, social, and personal development through Christian education based on a Biblical worldview.
Grades: infant - 8 Extra Curricular: National Junior Honor Society, Yearbook, Scholars Bowl, Student Council, Volleyball, Basketball and Cross Country (251) 679-3279 www.northmobilechristian.org
Prichard Preparatory School
743 Mt. Sinai Avenue, Whistler, AL 36612
Mission: To educate students academically, spiritually, and culturally, and to develop their character in preparation for the pursuit of collegiate degrees. Grades: PK4 - 5th Extra Curricular: Music, Ensemble, National Elementary Honor Society, Spanish, Technology and Student Government Association. Students attend interest-based clubs monthly that include Art, Community Helpers, Newspaper, Science, and Board Game Clubs
Additional Info: Accredited by AISA and Cognia. (251) 380-7220 info@prichardprepschool.com www.prichardprepschool.com
Read Write Academy
4308 Downtowner Loop N, Mobile, AL 36609
Additional Info: Read Write Academy is committed to providing students diagnosed with dyslexia and learning differences with a student-centered, individualized educational plan. We offer researched-based instruction in reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Our goal is to meet our students at their achievement level in order transition back to grade level. Our students attend Read Write Academy Monday-Thursday. (251) 287-1822 mobileoffice@readwritelearningcenter.com www.readwritelearningcenter.com
Safe Haven Christian Academy
803 North Dr. MLK Jr. Drive, Prichard, AL 36610
Mission: Our mission is to prepare students for a lifetime of learning and service to others. Our goal is to provide an exceptional education that prepares our students for success in all aspects of life. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where our students can grow and thrive.
Grades: PK4 - 12 Extra Curricular: Music, School Band, Art and Spanish (251) 457-6088 www.safehavenca.com
Shelton Academy
1050 Hillcrest Road, Mobile, AL 36695
Grades: 5th - 12thAdditional Info: Each child works at his or her own pace. Some students complete two grades in one year; other students may require two years to complete one grade. Our method is basically tutorial, and instruction is usually one-on-one. We are sensitive to differences in learning styles, as well as differences in educational goals. Monday-Thursday 8-12, Accredited School (251) 639-1311 www.sheltonacademy.org
St. Pius X Catholic School
217 South Sage Avenue, Mobile, AL 36606
Mission: St. Pius X School offers a quality Catholic Christian environment that promotes intellectual, spiritual and moral growth. We provide a solid education, rooted in the Gospel values and supported through parental and community involvement. In our students we cultivate knowledge and nurture faith, and in so doing, create the leaders of tomorrow.
Grades: PK3 - 8th Extra Curricular: Catholic Youth Organization Sports, NJHS, Aqua Robotics , Rosary Club, Scholars Bowl, Student Council, Elementary Band & Children’s Choir, Keep Mobile Beautiful Recycling Program, Chess Club, Morning and After School Care. Full and Partial Scholarships Available - Call us or visit our website for more information. (251) 473-5004 lalvarez@mobarch.org www.stpiustenth.com/school
The Learning Tree, Inc.
5451 Able Court, Mobile, AL 36693
Mission: The Learning Tree, Inc. exists to provide a warm and loving environment with individualized, empirically validated services and supports to persons with significant educational, medical, and behavioral challenges; helping them develop and maintain a quality of life expected by non-disabled members of their family and community. (251) 649-4420 infomobile@learning-tree.org www.learning-tree.org
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran School
2668 Berkley Avenue, Mobile, AL 36617
Mission: The Mission of Trinity Lutheran School is to know and serve God, to promote justice, and to render service to the community by offering parents a choice of school and providing a safe, caring, and productive environment in which children are equipped for responsible citizenship.
Grades: PK5 – 5th(251) 456-7960 school@trinitylutheranmobile.org www.trinitylutheranchurchmobile.org/education/
Alabama School of Math and Science
1255 Dauphin Street, Mobile, AL 36604
Mission: The Alabama School of Mathematics and Science’s mission is to provide academically motivated Alabama students with exceptional preparation in the fields of math, science, computer science, and the humanities, empowering them to improve their community, state, and nation.
Grades: 10th - 12th Extra Curricular: Sports: Girls/boys basketball, Track and Field, tennis, soccer and girls volleyball and cheer. Arts: Choir and band. Over 35 clubs on campus (Key Club, Allies, Anime, Black Student Union, Environmental Science Club, Cooking Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Chess Team, Future Engineers’ Club, Yearbook, German Club, Off the Leash, IGNITE, IMPACT, Lab of Learning, HOSA, Heroes of Health, Red Cross Club, Techalliance, Origami Club, Movie Club, Scholars Bowl, Weightlifting Club, Women of the World, Multicultural Student Union, Swing Dance Club, Ultimate Frisbee). Other: Debate team, Robotics team, Mathematics team, CyberPatriots Team, Science Olympiad & SGA. (251) 441-2100 admissions@asms.net www.asms.net
ad on page 25, 40
100 Carlen Street, Mobile, AL 36606
Mission: MCPSS Academy of Virtual Learning provides an individualized, blended educational program for students who will learn today to lead tomorrow. We believe high expectations are essential as we empower all students to be successful; and we are committed to providing an academic experience that EXPANDS educational opportunities for all.
Grades: 6th - 12thAdditional Info: As an innovative, highly accountable learning environment without walls, MCPSS Academy of Virtual Learning offers a unique and flexible learning opportunity with extensive support from teachers, individualized instruction, and a full range of courses.
Unlike a traditional school setting, MAVL students work in their courses at the time of day that is more suitable for their schedule. Face-to-face meetings occur on campus for tutoring, academic counseling, and testing. Students who enroll in MAVL have placed a priority on academics and mostly prefer to work independently. This is a pathway for average to above-average students who prefer to have more control over their learning environment and schedule. MAVL’s curriculum allows motivated students to accelerate their academic progress.
(251) 221-6700 vjohnson@mcpss.com www.mcpssvirtuallearning.com
ad on page 19
3100 Cottage Hill Rd, Mobile, AL 36606
Mission: Based on the belief that creative artistry is fueled by intellectual insight, FPC VPAA prepares students for careers in visual and performing arts and/or post-secondary education by providing engaging, academically rigorous, and responsive lessons, and continuous opportunities for students to excel beyond their current ideas of creativity.
Grades: 6th - 12th(251) 289-9437 info@fpcvpaa.com www.fpcvpaa.com
ACCEL Day & Evening Academy
3725 Airport Blvd Suite 161, Mobile, AL 36607
Mission: The mission of ACCEL Academy is to connect students’ gifts and passions through personalized learning pathways that build academic skills, professional mindsets, and social and emotional well-being, so they are prepared for college and careers. This mission is guided by five core values: achievement, collaboration, care, empowerment and lifelong learning.
Grades: 6th - 12thAdditional Info: ACCEL Academy is Alabama’s first tuition-free public charter school, serves middle school grades 6-8 and high school students in grades 9 – 12 from Mobile, Baldwin and Washington counties. At ACCEL, students can graduate quicker or catch up if they have fallen behind or dropped out of another institution. Located in Mobile, Alabama, both ACCEL Preparatory Academy and ACCEL Day and Evening Academy
provide enriched and diverse learning environments that reflect the various backgrounds and cultures of the area. Our teachers are passionate, experienced and eager to pass on those traits to their students as they pave their academic path.
(251) 301-0050 rocketreference@accelacademymobile.com www.accelacademymobile.com
Covenant Academy of Mobile 4568 Halls Mill Road, Mobile, AL 36693
Mission: To create and maintain a positive learning environment that promotes relevant and engaging learning, inspires students to be ambassadors of good character, empowers students to develop skill sets and a passion for lifelong learning. By maintaining this environment, we provide opportunities for students to be productive and caring contributors in a changing world.
Grades: Currently K-6th, K-7th beginning 2025 (adding an additional grade each year until 12th grade is reached) Extra Curricular: STEAM, Robotics/ Coding, Spanish Immersion, Dance, Art
Additional Info: Covenant Academy of Mobile is devoted to providing an innovative program that will prepare all students to meet the demands of 21st Century essential skills. We believe a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) education provides students some of the crucial skills necessary to be innovative “emerging leaders” in a global society. Inquiry, curiosity, critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity are key skills that are the foundation of a STEAM education. (251) 307-1863 info@camobile.us www.camobile.us
ad on page 57 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL 36608
Mission: Clark-Shaw Magnet School of Math, Science, and Career Technology is an award-winning magnet junior high school in Mobile, Alabama. As a junior high school focused on providing opportunities for all learners, we offer CTE (Career and Technical Education) introductory classes to help our students explore potential career pathways. Our 9th graders are already diving into their CTE pathways, setting them up for success in high school and beyond.
We were ranked by U.S. News and World Report as the 4th best middle school in Alabama and the top-ranked middle school in Mobile County. We are a 2-time U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon School, the only Cogniacertified STEM school in southern Alabama, a CLAS School of Distinction, and an Alabama Bicentennial School of Excellence. As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
Grades: 6th - 9th Extra Curricular: Clark-Shaw Magnet School serves approximately 600 students in grades 6-9 with an accelerated curriculum and a culture of high expectations for academic excellence. Our students have been recognized at the local, state, and national level in academic competitions such as Science Fair, and History Day. Elective course offerings include Honors Biology, and Spanish (for high school credit); Project Lead the Way, Design and Modeling, Automation and Robotics, Forensics, Medical Detectives, Visual Arts, Broadcasting, Computer Science Innovators and Makers, We Build It Better, and Robotics.
In addition to a commitment to rigorous, hands-on, and inquiry-based learning, our school also offers a vibrant student life and extracurricular program including competitive sports (basketball, football, volleyball, soccer, cheerleading, track, softball, baseball); dance; band (beginning, intermediate, advanced, and jazz band); archery; and other student-led organizations such as Student Council, Ambassadors, National Junior Honor Society, Scholars’ Bowl, Science Bowl, Yearbook, Eagle Wings, Eagle Eye News, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, WOW, and Robotics. (251) 221-2106 www.clarkshawmagnet.com
ad on page 9, 55 3255 Old Shell Road, Mobile, AL 36607
Mission: The mission of Phillips Preparatory School is to produce globally-minded individuals who are compassionate, self-directed, goal-oriented, and technologically-literate. Our mission will be accomplished by providing an innovative college and career-focused curriculum that encourages curiosity, instills responsibility, and cultivates life-long learners who seek to create a better and more peaceful world. Unique Courses: IB Design, Foreign Languages, Art, Band, Drama, Chorus, and Video Production.
Grades: 6th - 8th Extra Curricular: Scholars Bowl Team, Math Team, Robotics Team, National Junior Honor Society, Debate Team, Chess Club, PPS Ambassadors, Student Council, Book Club, Recycling Club, Art Club, Anime Club, Students Working Against Tobacco, (S.W.A.T.), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), and PTSA. Sports: Basketball, Track, Cheerleading, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Archery, and Volleyball.
Additional Info: Ranked amongst the top 50 middle schools in the country, Phillips Preparatory was awarded the Department of Education’s National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence two times. Phillips Preparatory is a 2019 Alabama Bicentennial School of Excellence and received the 2017 and 2018 Lagniappe’s “Best Public School” award. Phillips Preparatory offers an International Baccalaureate curriculum to over 800 students in grades 6-8 and emphasizes the International Baccalaureate’s learner profile: caring, knowledgeable, risk-takers, reflective, thinkers, open-minded, communicators, inquirers, principled, and balanced. The curriculum provides opportunities for academic exploration, extension and mastery of all subjects with emphasis placed on project-based learning opportunities that encourage students to apply their learning to real world situations. Phillips is an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP) School, Alabama Bicentennial School, and a National Blue Ribbon School (251) 221-2286 jowilliam@mcpss.com www.phillipsprep.com
Barton Academy for Advanced World
504 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36602
Mission: The mission of The Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies is to create a safe and innovative learning community that promotes respect and high expectations, provides project-based, real-world learning opportunities and advanced tools for students to shape and create their future.
Grades: 6th - 9th Extra Curricular: Advanced Core Courses
*AP World History - 9th Grade
*World Language Offerings in French, Spanish, and German
*Fine Arts- Band, Choir, Piano Lab, Music, and Visual Arts
*STEM/Technology - “We Build it Better”, Robotics, Underwater Robotics, 3D Printing, Esports, Broadcasting, Filmmaking, Entrepreneurship
*Athletics -Volleyball, Basketball, Cheer, Track, Running Club, Soccer, Archery
*Project-Based Learning with many opportunities to connect with our community (251) 221-1040 acjones@mcpss.com www.bartonexplorers.com
Denton Magnet School of Technology
3800 Pleasant Valley Road, Mobile, AL 36609
Mission: The mission of Denton Magnet School of Technology is to cultivate intellectual curiosity and prepare students to thrive as productive citizens in a challenging, diverse, and evolving, technology-driven society.
Grades: 6th - 8th Extra Curricular: African-American History, Automation and Robotics, Band, Computer Science, Design and Modeling, Graphic Arts, NJROTC, TV Production, Video, We Build It Better, and Yearbook. Sports: Basketball, Baseball, Cheerleading, Football, Soccer, Track, Volleyball, esports. Additional Info: Recognized in 2021 and 2022 as the “Most Outstanding Middle School in Alabama” by the Alabama Technology Student Association. Denton Magnet School features a technology-driven, project-oriented, hands-on curriculum that focuses on communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Mastery of specific technology tools are integrated into digital projects and assignments in core subjects. Students go beyond the use of software applications, to include exposure to algorithms, data structures and data management. Denton Magnet has partnered with A+ College Ready. This proven program focuses on developing high expectations, skills, and content needed to prepare students for AP and other rigorous coursework in high school. A+ College Ready also partners with the Alabama State Department of Education. Together, they train, support, and equip teachers with research-based teaching strategies, deeper content knowledge, and classroom resources in 35 subjects, including math, science, English, social studies, and computer science. (251) 221-2148 www.dentonmagnet.com
Dunbar School of the Creative and Performing Arts
500 Saint Anthony Street, Mobile, AL 36603
Mission: The mission of the Paul L. Dunbar Creative and Performing Arts Magnet School is to prepare students through an integration of the arts, to become literate, productive, self-confident, responsible citizens who are able to function independently in a technological world.
Grades: 6th - 8th Extra Curricular: Dance, Band, Choir, Art, Drama, Piano, Strings, Guitar, Journalism, National Junior Honor Society, Scholar’s Bowl. Basketball, Cheerleading, Track, Volleyball, and Soccer.
Additional Info: Dunbar School of the Creative and Performing Arts serves approximately 450 students in grades 6-8 and emphasizes a rigorous academic curriculum with a focus on the creative and performing arts. Dunbar Magnet School provides students with opportunities to develop ability and skill in the arts by providing instruction equivalent to that of private lessons. Artsintegrated instruction paired with semi-annual recitals and performances are used to support the advanced curriculum of Dunbar School of Creative and Performing Arts.
(251) 221-2160 www.dunbarmagnet.com
Eichold-Mertz School of Math and Science
2815 Government Boulevard, Mobile, AL 36606
Mission: The mission of Eichold-Mertz Magnet School of Mathematics, Science and Technology is to produce curious, confident students who explore, experiment and solve problems which will ensure success in the 21st century.
Grades: K - 5th Extra Curricular: STEM, Robotics, Safety Patrol, AdvancED Accreditation, Chess, Cricut Club, Math Club, Broadcasting, Robotics, Crochet and Archery. Before and After School Care available.
Additional Info: Eichold-Mertz School of Math and Science serves 500 students in grades K-5 and is an ideal learning environment for students interested in an accelerated mathematics, science, and technology curriculum. Students learn using a laboratory-based math and science curriculum. Teachers at Eichold-Mertz strive to opportunities for students to learn while exploring and discovering. (251) 221-1105 www.eicholdmertzmagnet.com
LeFlore Magnet High School
700 Donald Street, Mobile, AL 36617
Mission: The mission of John L. LeFlore Magnet High School is to ensure all students are college and career ready graduates. Academy of Law- Signature Academy FAME Academy (Fine Arts and Media Entertainment - Signature Academy Academy of Health Services Academy of Faulkner Career Tech Center Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cheer, Color Guard, Cross Country, Drill Team, eSports, Flag Football, Football, Golf, Robotics Team, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling Clubs and Organizations: Art Club. Debate Team, DECA, Drama Club, FBLA, Hi-Q, Honors Choir, HOSA-Future Health Professionals, JROTC, Journalism/Yearbook, Math Club, Mighty Marching Rattlers, Moving Images Dance Company, Robotics Club, Scholars’ Bowl, Skills USA, Spanish Club, Student Government Association, S.W.A.M.P. (251) 221-3125 www.leflorerattlers.com
Old Shell Road School of Creative and Performing Arts 3160 Heather Street, Mobile, AL 36607
Mission: The mission of Old Shell Road School is to provide a safe learning environment where each of us has the opportunity to develop positive character and to do our best in academics and the arts.
Grades: K - 5th Extra Curricular: Visual Arts, Dance, Music, Drama, Strings Instruction, Archery Team, Math Team, Dance Team, Drama Team, Choir, News Broadcasting Team, Robotics, Student Council, Green Team, and STEAM club.
Additional Info: Old Shell Road School of Creative and Performing Arts Serves just under 400 students in grades K-5 and emphasizes a strong academic program enhanced with dance, drama, art, and music courses. The arts are infused into academic classes to increase student achievement. It is the philosophy of Old Shell Road Magnet School that children learn in different ways and that the arts provide an additional way to help each child reach his or her potential academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. Old Shell Road School for the Creative and Performing Arts was selected as a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in 2015 and named an Alabama Bicentennial School. U.S. New & World Report recently named Old Shell Road Magnet as the #12 Best Elementary school in Alabama. We recently received 100 on our state report card.
(251) 221-1557 www.Oldshellroadmagnetschool.com
W.H. Council Traditional School
751 Wilkinson Street, Mobile, AL 36603
Mission: The mission of W. H. Council Traditional School to be the school of choice that generates students who excel academically and are responsible, courteous citizens. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in an atmosphere of high expectations. With the fulfillment of this mission, W. H. Council Traditional School will generate a community of global learners.
Grades: K-5th Extra Curricular: AdvancED Accreditation, Fine Arts, STEAM club, EYE Club, Geography Club, Student Government, Poetry/ Young Authors, Safety Patrol, Archery Team, Chess club, Running club, Photography club, Spanish club, Robotics club, Math Team, Broadcasting Team, and G.E.M.s club.
Additional Info: Council Traditional School offers children in grades K-5 strong academic instruction within a highly structured environment. Special emphasis is placed on the development of communication skills, and higher order thinking skills through the use of the Talents Unlimited model, global studies, and Spanish classes.
(251) 221-1139 www.councilcomets.com
Scholars Bowl Team, Robotics Team, National Junior Honor Society, Student Council, National History Day Club, Student Ambassadors, Chess Club, FCA, Sociedad Hispanica de Amistad Society, and so much MORE! Art, Band, Chorus, Performance Drama, Musical Theater, Computer Science, Video Production, and Creative Writing Athletics
Cheerleading, Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Archery, Baseball, Soccer, and Track Spanish and
Prospective Student Open House Dates January 9, 2025, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
10, 2025, 8:00 AM- 1:00 PM
Mobile County Public Schools Signature Academies
Mission: The Academies of Mobile County Public Schools are small learning communities that afford students in 10th-12th grade the opportunity to participate in real-world hands-on assignments connected to a specific career theme. The Academies offer students college and career ready opportunities such as paid and unpaid internships, job shadowing, workplace tours, worksite training, business mentors, etc.
Extra Curricular: Preparing Students to be College and Career ready. The Academies of Mobile County Public Schools are small learning communities that afford students in 10th-12th grade the opportunity to participate in real-world hands-on assignments connected to a specific career theme. The Academies offer students college and career ready opportunities such as paid and unpaid internships, job shadowing, workplace tours, worksite training, business mentors, etc. www.academiesofmobile.com
B. C. Rain High School Academy Aviation and Aerospace
3125 Dauphin Island Parkway, Mobile, AL 36605
Mission: We will prepare responsible citizens who are self-directed toward productive goals and capable of adapting to a global society. This will be accomplished by providing a competent creative staff and a challenging, relevant curriculum in an environment conducive to learning.
Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Academy of Aviation and Aerospace Technology - Signature Academy; Academy of Health Sciences (CNA) Academy of Leadership (JROTC); Academy of Marketing Academy of Bryant Career Technical Center (251) 221-3233 www.bcrainhighschool.com/Academies
Baker High School
8901 Airport Boulevard, Mobile, AL 36608
Mission: Academy of AP Capstone- Signature Academy Academy of Early Childhood; Academy of Engineering Academy of Fine Arts, Media, and Entertainment Academy (FAME) Academy of Health Sciences; Academy of Hospitality and Tourism Academy of Marketing; Academy of Marine and Zoological, Environmental Sciences Academy (MAZES); JROTC; Academy of Bryant Career Tech Center Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Sports - Various levels of: Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Dance, Esports, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Wrestling Clubs: 36 Clubs including Band, Drama, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mu Alpha Theta, and The HIVE! (251) 221-3000 www.bakerhighschool.com/Academies
Bryant High School Academy of Coastal Studies 14001 Hurricane Blvd, Irvington, AL 36544
Mission: Academy of Coastal Studies- Signature Academy Academy of Advanced Academics(Partnering with the University of South Alabama and Bishop State Community College to offer Dual Enrollment)Signature Academy; Academy of Business, Leadership, and Communication Academy of Fine Arts; Academy of Health Science Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Clubs & Organizations: Student Ambassadors, Azalea Trail, Mobile Belles, Yearbook & Social Media, WorkBased Learning, Category 6, DECA, Diamon Dolls & Eye Network, eSports, FCA, FCCLA, FFA, Flag & Twirlers, FTA, JROTC, Model UN, NHS, NTHS, Robotics, ROV, Scholars Bowl, SGA, Skills USA, SWAT, Theatre, Musical Theatre, Writer’s Guild. Sports: Archery, baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Fishing, Flag Football, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Wrestling. (251) 824-3213 www.almabryanths.com/academiesoverview
Citronelle High School Academy of Manufacturing 8200 Lebaron Avenue, Citronelle, AL 36522
Mission: At Citronelle High School, the Crimson and Gold Standard is the expectation. This means we will not settle for good; we will be great! Academy of Manufacturing- Signature Academy; Academy of Automotive Technology; Academy of Welding; Academy of Leadership Academy of Health Science; Academy of Hospitality and Tourism Academy of Technology; Academy of Business Management Academy of Agriculture Grades: 9th - 12th (251) 221-3444 lcraig1@mcpss.com www.citronellewildcats.com/academyoverview
Davidson High School Academy of Engineering Pathways Integrated Curriculum (EPIC)
3900 Pleasant Valley Road, Mobile, AL 36609
Mission: Davidson High School’s primary function is to ensure that all students acquire both the knowledge and the skills necessary to become responsible, contributing, democratic American global citizens. We offer a challenging, relevant curriculum, taught by a qualified and caring faculty
working in collaboration to help students succeed. Our goals can best be accomplished in a positive school atmosphere characterized by high expectations, attractive and comfortable surroundings, and the support of our parents and community.
Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Davidson is proud to offer every sport recognized by Alabama’s High School Athletic Association, as well as over 30 clubs. Additional Info: Academy of Engineering Pathway of Integrated Curriculum (EPIC)- Signature Academy Academy of International Baccalaureate (IB) Academy of Multiple Academic Pathways to Success (MAPS) (251) 221-3084 www.wpdavidson.org/prospectivestudents
Mary G. Montgomery High School
4275 Snow Road, Semmes, AL 36575
Mission: Mary G. Montgomery is dedicated to producing people of Purpose, Integrity, High Moral Standards and Intellectual Curiosity. Our students will be prepared for life’s challenges through close interaction with a caring school staff. We maintain our commitment to excellence by providing an atmosphere conducive to learning in a safe, supportive environment whereby students and school staff are empowered to achieve the ideals of scholarship and leadership.
Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Career Academies Academy of Biomedical Science PLTW; Academy of Agri-Business Academy of JROTC; Academy of Business Management Academy of Hospitality and Tourism; Academy of Engineering Science PLTW Academy of IT-Computer Science; Academy of Faulkner Career Tech Center
Additional Info: For information on how to become an industry partner with our academies, please email our Career Coach at tprice1@mcpss.com. (251) 221-3153 tprice1@mcpss.com www.mgmvikings.com
Mattie T. Blount High School
Signature Academy: Academy of Health Sciences 5450 Lott Road, Eight Mile, AL 36613
Mission: The mission of the faculty and staff of Blount High School is to develop a literate, self-disciplined, and productive member of society by utilizing an effective, caring, and dedicated faculty and staff offering students a variety of learning experiences within a safe environment conducive to learning. Academy of Health Sciences; Academy of Leadership (JROTC); Academy of Hospitality and Tourism; Academy of Business; Faulkner Career Tech Programs Grades: 9th - 12th Extra Curricular: Drama, Marching Band, chorus, Ladies Academy, Key Club, FCCLA, FBLA, DECA, HOSA, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Track, Golf, Student Ambassadors, and E- SPorts (251) 221-3070 dwestbrook@mcpss.com www.blountleopards.com/careeracademies
Murphy High School University Center Academy 100 South Carlen Street, Mobile, AL 36606
Mission: Murphy University Center- Signature Academy Academy of International Baccalaureate Academy of Culinary Art; Academy of Fine Arts; Academy of Military Leadership; Faulkner Career Tech and Academy of Craft Training Grades: 9th - 12th (251) 221-3186 www.mhspanthers.com/Academies
Theodore High School Academy of Industry and Engineering 6201 Swedetown Rd N, Theodore, AL 36582
Mission: Theodore High School will challenge all students to achieve their greatest potential both academically and socially in order to be successful in all future endeavors.
Academies: Academy of Industry and Engineering- Signature Academy Academy of Arts and Humanities Academy of Health Sciences and Dental Services Academy of Marketing; Academy of JROTC; Academy of Logistics We offer dual enrollment courses through University of South Alabama and Bishop State. Also, we have a new program for 9th graders: B.O.S.S. Program Grades: 9th - 12th (251) 221-3351 www.theodorebobcats.org/Academiesoverview
Vigor High School Academy of Advanced Information Technology 913 N. Wilson Ave., Prichard, AL 36610
Mission: Academy of Information Technology- Signature Academy Academy of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure; Academy of Virtual Reality Academy of Marketing; Academy of Culinary; Academy of Public Services Academy of Faulkner Career Tech Center Grades: 9th - 12th (251) 221-3045 www.vigorhighschool.com/careeracademiesoverview
Williamson High School and Middle School Grades Preparatory Academy 1567 East Dublin Street, Mobile, AL 36605
Mission: Academy of Maritime- Signature Academy Academy of Engineering- Signature Academy Academy of Entrepreneurship- Signature Academy Academy of Faulkner Career Tech Center Grades: 6th - 12th (251) 221-3411 Ext 80037 mpettaway@mcpss.com williamsonlions.com/overview
These should be challenges that can be realistically accomplished in a month. Examples could be to read three books or ride a bike for at least ten days. Just make sure that the challenge you set is realistic, and make sure to celebrate when you
A vision board is a collection of words, photos, and drawings that describe the direction you want your life to go in. For example, this year, our family is planning on enjoying a week outdoors at Yellowstone National Park. I’m writing a book, and I aim to finish it this year. We are also looking for a little farmhouse to buy to grow our farm. These are all of the things that could go on my
Have everyone in the family jot down something they would like to accomplish as a family in the coming year. Maybe, like our family, you have a special trip planned. Maybe you want to have a screenfree weekend or tackle a new book series together. Periodically, draw a goal from the jar and have fun tackling it together!
Friday January 3
Mobile RV Show
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Mobile Convention Center, 1 S Water St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us at our RV show and explore a wide variety of RVs, from sleek, high-end motorhomes to cozy budget-friendly trailers, all conveniently located under one roof.
Saturday January 4
Our Roots Run Deep! Join us for the 5K Fundraiser 8:00 AM 6925 Twin Beech Rd Fairhope, AL, 36532 Hope Community, in collaboration with the Mobile Bay Maker’s Market, invites you to join us in the first annual 5K Race/Walk fundraiser to be held in the historic Fairhope South neighborhood on January 4, 2025. After the race, we invite the community to enjoy food, music, and fellowship while strolling through the booths of local makers and growers of Baldwin County on the grounds of the Anna T. Jeanes School property. https://bit.ly/deep-roots-5k-2025
Mobile RV Show
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Mobile Convention Center, 1 S Water St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us at our RV show and explore a wide variety of RVs, from sleek, highend motorhomes to cozy budget-friendly trailers, all conveniently located under one roof. https://www.rvsupershows.com/
Bay Area Performing Arts Spring AuditionsMobile Auditions
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 8724 Rand Ave Daphne, AL, 36526 https://form.jotform.com/243384448327160
Sunday January 5
Mobile RV Show
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Mobile Convention Center, 1 S Water St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us at our RV show and explore a wide variety of RVs, from sleek, highend motorhomes to cozy budget-friendly trailers, all conveniently located under one roof. https://www.rvsupershows.com/
Tuesday January 7
MCPSS Signature Academy Showcase
4:30 PM The Mitchell Center, 5950 Old Shell Rd Mobile, AL, 36608 This is an annual event open to all middle school students and their parents. It provides an opportunity to explore the diverse programs offered by the Mobile County Public School System’s Signature Academies. academiesofmobile.com
Classical Arts Entertainment Presents Swan Lake by The State Ballet Theater of Ukraine
7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 S. Joachim St. Mobile, AL, 36602 The prestigious State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine presents the classic Swan Lake January 7th. www.mobilecivicctr.com/events/detail/swan-lake-2
Thursday January 9
Mardi Gras Tree Lighting
6:00 PM Mardi Gras Park, Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us to kick off Mardi Gras season in true Mobile style at the City of Mobile’s Mardi Gras Tree Lighting event!
Art After Dark: Gallery Grooves ($5 Per Person for MMofA Members | $10 Per Person for Not-Yet Members)
6:30 PM Mobile Museum of Art, 4850 Museum Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 Enjoy live vinyl-spinning by Mobile
Records throughout the gallery as you take in the groundbreaking art in 1960s Hard Edge & Op Art: Tribute to The Responsive Eye. www.mobilemuseumofart.com
Friday January 10
The Black Jacket Symphony Presents “Abbey Road” + The Beatles’ Greatest Hits 8:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 250 Conti St Mobile, AL, 36602
Saturday January 11
The Madame Rose Palmai-Tenser Scholarship Competition
5:30 PM The Larkins Music Center, 257 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL, 36602 The final stage in the competition will be held Saturday, January 11, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at the Larkins Music Center, 257 Dauphin St. Mobile, Alabama. Each competitor will perform two arias from standard opera and operetta repertoire in an order randomly selected by drawing. After each competitor performs, Scholarships will be awarded www.mobileopera.org/event/the-madame-rosepalmai-tenser-scholarship-competition/
2025 First Night Soiree
8:00 PM Mobile Carnival Museum, 355 Government Street Mobile, AL, 36602 The Greater Mobile Chapter of the Links, Incorporated presents First Night Soiree. This event will officially kick off the 2025 Carnival Season while also raising money in support of college scholarships for area youth https://2025FirstNightSoiree.eventbrite.com
Sunday January 12
Mobile Marathon presented by Infirmary Health 7:30 AM Mobile, AL For 2025, we will feature Full and Half Marathons, Team competition (Full and Half) and a Fun Run. This event benefits First Light Community Foundation of Mobile https://mobilemarathon.org/
Mobile Jewish Film Festival-Stay With Us
2:00 PM Springhill Avenue Temple, 1769 SpringHill Ave Mobile, AL, 36607 www.mobilejewishfederation.org/mobile-jewish-filmfestival/2025
Monday January 13
Auditions for Sunny Side Theatres Elephant & Piggie: We Are in A play
6:00 PM 63 Midtown Park East Mobile, AL, 36606 Auditions for Sunny Side Theatres Elephant & Piggie: We Are in A play - Open to grades k-5 www.sunnysidedrama.com/upcoming
Tuesday January 14
Auditions for Sunny Side Theatres Elephant & Piggie: We Are in A play
6:00 PM 63 Midtown Park East Mobile, AL, 36606 Auditions for Sunny Side Theatres Elephant & Piggie: We Are in A play - Open to grades k-5 www.sunnysidedrama.com/upcoming
Thursday January 16
Mobile Jewish Film Festival-Vishniac
2:00 PM Mobile Museum of Art, 4850 Museum Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 Mobile Jewish Film Festival-Vishniac mobilejewishfederation.org/mobile-jewish-filmfestival/2025
An Evening With Essie Chambers
6:00 PM Ben May Main Library, 701 Government St. Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us at the Ben May Main Library for An Evening with Essie Chambers! A brief Friends of the Mobile Public Library Annual Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m., followed by a discussion with author and award-winning producer Essie Chambers. Her critically acclaimed, best selling debut novel Swift River (Simon & Schuster) was the June Read With Jenna book club pick. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org/friends/
Chickasaw Civic Theatre Presents I Do I Do
7:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 This musical is the story of two people married for fifty years of love, quarrels and marriage. A nostalgic look back at the ups and downs and the love and fortitude it took to keep the marriage together.
Friday January 17
2025 Pull For Pulmonary Charity Clay Shoot
8:00 AM Bushy Creek Clays And Events, 22505 Will Vaughn Rd Perdido, AL, 36562 Support Pulmonary Care at USA Health Providence Hospital USA Health Providence Hospital invites the community to support pulmonary care at the 2025 Pull for Pulmonary Charity Clay Shoot on Friday, Jan. 17 from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Bushy Creek Clays and Events on Will Vaughn Road in Perdido, Alabama.
Souls of Time
7:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 SOULS OF TIME, a musical drama, a Matthews Educational Consultant production, written and composed by Mobilians, Japonica Brown and Yvonne Matthews, is a story that follows a young girl named Jade, residing in Mobile, Alabama in 2020 before the Pandemic. www.mobilecivicctr.com/saenger-theatre
Chickasaw Civic Theatre Presents I Do I Do 7:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 This musical is the story of two people married for fifty years of love, quarrels and marriage. A nostalgic look back at the ups and downs and the love and fortitude it took to keep the marriage together.
Saturday January 18
Mobile Jewish Film Festival-The Catskills
7:00 PM Mobile Jewish Film Festival-The Catskills www.mobilejewishfederation.org/mobile-jewish-filmfestival/2025
Chickasaw Civic Theatre Presents I Do I Do 7:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 This musical is the story of two people married for fifty years of love, quarrels and marriage. A nostalgic look back at the ups and downs and the love and fortitude it took to keep the marriage together.
Kids Fishing Day (Free for children under 12 and overnight guests, $3 park entry fee for guests over 12. )
8:00 PM Meaher State Park-Alabama, 5200 Battleship Pkwy East Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Join us at Meaher State Park for a fun morning of fishing with our
riage together. https://cctshows.com/
Joe Jefferson Players present “The Taming of the Shrew” 7:30 PM Joe Jefferson Playhouse, 11 S Carlen St Mobile, AL, 36606 joejeffersonplayers.com/
Saturday January 25
Krewe de Palooza 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Hop Hounds, 806 Monroe St Mobile, AL, 36602 We will have food trucks, vendors, music, raffles, art & crafts and more. Come out and have a bit of fun while supporting Krewe de Rescue and all of their dogs. This is first and foremost an adoption event, so come find your new best friend! We will have dogs available to adopt in the Hop Hounds play area. https://krewederescue.rescuegroups.org/
Chickasaw Civic Theatre Presents I Do I Do 7:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 This musical is the story of two people married for fifty years of love, quarrels and marriage. A nostalgic look back at the ups and downs and the love and fortitude it took to keep the marriage together. https://cctshows.com/
Joe Jefferson Players present “The Taming of the Shrew”
7:30 PM Joe Jefferson Playhouse, 11 S Carlen St Mobile, AL, 36606 joejeffersonplayers.com/
Dauphin Island Gumbo Festival
531 Lemoyne Dr Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 Get ready to spice up your winter at the Dauphin Island Gumbo Festival on January 25, 2025! Join us for a flavorful celebration of the Gulf Coast’s favorite dish, with plenty of mouthwatering gumbo and local fun. https://dauphinislandchamberofcommerce.com/ events/dauphin-island-gumbo-festival/
Sunday January 26
Joe Jefferson Players present “The Taming of the Shrew”
2:00 PM Joe Jefferson Playhouse, 11 S Carlen St Mobile, AL, 36606 joejeffersonplayers.com/
Chickasaw Civic Theatre Presents I Do I Do 2:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 This musical is the story of two people married for fifty years of love, quarrels and
marriage. A nostalgic look back at the ups and downs and the love and fortitude it took to keep the marriage together. https://cctshows.com/
Mobile Jewish Film Festival-Ain’t No Back to the Merry Go Round 7:00 PM USA Laidlaw, Mobile, AL, 36608 www.mobilejewishfederation.org/ mobile-jewish-filmfestival/2025
Bourbon & Bubbles Tasting Event
Country Club of Mobile, 4101 Wimbledon Dr W Mobile, AL, 36608 Step into a world of elegance and flavor at the Bourbon & Bubbles Tasting Event - a fundraising extravaganza hosted by Classical Ballet of Mobile. Indulge in fine bourbons and champagnes while supporting a great cause. www.facebook.com/events/491927533885466
Tuesday January 28
Mobile Retired Educators Association General Membership Meeting 10:00 AM Via Health, Fitness and Enrichment Center, 1717 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL, 36604 The guest speaker will be Principal Rene W. Harris, the 2022 South Carolina Principal of the Year.
Wednesday January 29
Mobile Jewish Film Festival-The Goldman Case 7:00 PM USA Laidlaw, Mobile, AL, 36608 Mobile Jew-
ish Film Festival-The Goldman Case www.mobilejewishfederation.org/mobile-jewish-filmfestival/2025
Thursday January 30
Mobile Jewish Film Festival-Running on Sand 7:00 PM USA Laidlaw, Mobile, AL, 36608 www.mobilejewishfederation.org/mobile-jewish-filmfestival/2025
Friday January 31
Senior Bowl Player Parade and Eli Young Band Concert
Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Senior Bowl Player Parade followed by our FREE downtown concert, located at Cathedral Square, featuring multiplatinum country band Eli Young Band.
Joe Jefferson Players present “The Taming of the Shrew”
7:30 PM Joe Jefferson Playhouse, 11 S Carlen St Mobile, AL, 36606 joejeffersonplayers.com/
Saturday February 1
Battlefield Blitz
8:00 AM Historic Blakeley State Park, 34745 State Hwy
225 Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Blakeley’s annual “Battlefield Blitz 5K and Fun Run” is a fundraiser directly
benefiting park programming and special projects. Held on the grounds of Alabama’s largest Civil War battlefield, the Blitz is a unique community event. www.blakeleypark.com
Senior Bowl 2025
12:00 PM Hancock Whitney Stadium, 500 Stadium Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 The Reese’s Senior Bowl is widely regarded as the preeminent college football all-star game and the first stage in the NFL Draft process. www.seniorbowl.com
Krewe de la Daphine Parade
1:00 PM Dauphin Island, Dauphin Island, AL https://www.townofdauphinisland.org/
2:00 PM Murphy High School Auditorium, 100 S Carlen St. Mobile, AL, 36606 Mobile Opera salutes the TV comedy hour of the 1950s with a showcase of young talent and the special feature of Douglas Moore’s opera of hospital drama and tribute to the “soaps.” Will Nurse Markham succumb to the charm of Dr. Gregg? Will Donald have his appendix removed or his heart broken? Lochinvar Soap and Billy Boy Wax will bring you each dramatic twist. https://www.mobileopera.org/gallantry/
Sunday February 2
Joe Jefferson Players present “The Taming of the Shrew”
2:00 PM Joe Jefferson Playhouse, 11 S Carlen St Mobile, AL, 36606 Joe Jefferson Players present “The Taming of the Shrew” joejeffersonplayers.com/
Monday February 3
Harlem Globetrotters World Tour
7:00 PM Mitchell Center, 5950 Old Shell Road Mobile, AL, 36608 You love the dunks, alleyoops, looooong shots, magic, history and laughs! Don’t miss your chance to see what fans love about the Harlem Globetrotters plus more as the world-famous Globetrotters level-up every game with all-new, exciting challenges in 2025. www.harlemglobetrotters.com/world-tour/schedule/ mitchell-center/
Wednesday February 5
Drew & Ellie Holcomb: The Memory Bank Tour
7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Drew & Ellie Holcomb will bring their Memory Bank Tour to the Mobile Saenger Theatre February 5th.
Friday February 7
Vintage Market Days
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, The Grounds, 1035 Cody Rd N Mobile, AL, 36608 Vintage Market Days® is an upscale, vintage-inspired, indoor/outdoor market featuring original art, antiques, clothing, jewelry, handmade treasures, home décor, outdoor furnishings, food trucks, seasonal plantings, and a little more. /vintagemarketdays.com/market/mobile/index.php
King Cake-Off
5:00 PM Mobile Convention Center, 1 South Water Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us for the annual King Cake-Off. Local bakeries, eateries, and grocery stores will compete to see who has the tastiest King Cake and King Cake-Inspired Treat on the Gulf Coast. This family-friendly event will feature live music, local vendors, kids’ activities, King Cake tastings, and more! All proceeds from this event will directly support Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Gulf Coast. kingcakeoff.com
Saturday February 8
Vintage Market Days
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, The Grounds, 1035 Cody Rd N Mobile, AL, 36608 Vintage Market Days® is an upscale, vintage-inspired, indoor/outdoor market featuring original art, antiques, clothing, jewelry, handmade treasures, home décor, outdoor furnishings, food trucks, seasonal plantings, and a little more. vintagemarketdays.com/market/mobile/index.php
Dauphin Island People’s Parade
1:00 PM Dauphin Island, Dauphin Island, AL Dauphin Island People’s Parade https://www.townofdauphinisland.org/
Joy of Life Mardi Gras Ball
6:00 PM Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 The 11th Annual Wind Creek Hospitality “Joy of Life” Mardi Gras Ball benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will take place on Saturday, February 8, 2025. The 2025 gala will present St. Jude patients as King and Queen. The “Joy of Life” Mardi Gras Ball will showcase the culinary skills of Mobile’s most amazing chefs and restaurants, a live
and silent auction, as well as great musical entertainment all while raising funds for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. https://joyoflifegulfcoast.org/events/joy-of-life-mardigras-ball-2025/
The Mobile Symphony Orchestra Presents Modern Romance
7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 The Mobile Symphony Orchestra Presents Modern Romance www.mobilecivicctr.com/saenger-theatre
Sunday February 9
Vintage Market Days 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, The Grounds, 1035 Cody Rd N Mobile, AL, 36608
Vintage Market Days® is an upscale, vintageinspired, indoor/outdoor market featuring original art, antiques, clothing, jewelry, handmade treasures, home décor, outdoor furnishings, food trucks, seasonal plantings, and a little more. vintagemarketdays.com/market/mobile/index.php
The Mobile Symphony Orchestra Presents Modern Romance
2:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 The Mobile Symphony Orchestra Presents Modern Romance www.mobilecivicctr.com/saenger-theatre
Tuesday February 11
Adrianne Greenbaum, Guest Artist Flute Recital
7:30 PM USA Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA S Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 www.southalabama.edu/colleges/music/upcomingevents.html#
Wednesday February 12
USA Flute Studio Recital
7:30 PM USA Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA S Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 Students of the USA Flute Studio, under the direction of studio professor Andra Bohnet, will perform their Flute Studio Recital. www.southalabama.edu/colleges/music/upcomingevents.html#
Friday February 14
Conde Cavalier (Mobile Route A)
6:30 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Conde Cavalier (Mobile Route A) https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
Saturday February 15
Bayport Parading Society, Pharaohs’ Mystic Society Parade, Conde Explorers Parade Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
Sunday February 16
Mobile Chamber Music - Escher Quartet
3:00 PM USA Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA S Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 Mobile Chamber Music presents the Escher Quartet with violist Jordon Bak in
concert in the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center Recital Hall on Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. www.mobilechambermusic.org
Massacre Island Secret Society Parade
6:30 PM Dauphin Island, Dauphin Island, AL Massacre Island Secret Society Parade https://www.townofdauphinisland.org/
Tuesday February 18
Robert Holm, USA Faculty Piano Recital
7:30 PM USA Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA S Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 Dr. Robert Holm, USA Professor of Piano, will present a faculty piano recital on Tuesday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center Recital Hall. www.southalabama.edu/colleges/music/upcomingevents.html#
Thursday February 20
Order of Polka Dots
6:30 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
Alabama School of the Arts presents Hamlet
7:00 PM College Woods Auditorium, 5860 College Parkway Mobile, AL, 36613 Experience Hamlet like never before with a fresh approach that reimagines Shakespeare’s classic tragedy through the lens of the “Princess Diaries.” This unique production offers a new perspective on the timeless themes of power, revenge, and madness, delivering a thought-provoking and engaging performance that will redefine how you see the story.
Friday February 21
Order of Inca Parade
6:30 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL
Alabama School of the Arts presents Hamlet
7:00 PM College Woods Auditorium, 5860 College Parkway Mobile, AL, 36613 Experience Hamlet like never before with a fresh approach that reimagines Shakespeare’s classic tragedy through the lens of the “Princess Diaries.” This unique production offers a new perspective on the timeless themes of power, revenge, and madness, delivering a thought-provoking and engaging performance that will redefine how you see the story.
Saturday February 22
Mobile Mystics, Mobile Mystical Revelers
2:00 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
Maids of Mirth, Butterfly Maidens, Krewe of Marry Mates
6:30 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL Maids of Mirth (Mobile, Route G), Order of Butterfly Maidens, Krewe of Marry Mates
Alabama School of the Arts presents Hamlet 7:00 PM College Woods Auditorium, 5860 College Parkway Mobile, AL, 36613 Experience Hamlet like never before with a fresh approach that reimagines Shakespeare’s classic tragedy through the lens of the
“Princess Diaries.” This unique production offers a new perspective on the timeless themes of power, revenge, and madness, delivering a thought-provoking and engaging performance that will redefine how you see the story.
Sunday February 23
Alabama School of the Arts presents Hamlet 3:00 PM College Woods Auditorium, 5860 College Parkway Mobile, AL, 36613 Experience Hamlet like never before with a fresh approach that reimagines Shakespeare’s classic tragedy through the lens of the “Princess Diaries.” This unique production offers a new perspective on the timeless themes of power, revenge, and madness, delivering a thought-provoking and engaging performance that will redefine how you see the story.
Neptune’s Daughters, OOI Parade
6:30 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
Monday February 24
Order of Venus, Miracle On the Bay, Order of Many Faces
6:30pm Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
Tuesday February 25
USA Symphony Band & Wind Ensemble Winter Concert
7:30 PM USA Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA S Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 The USA Symphony Band and USA Wind Ensemble will combine forces for a Winter Band Concert on Tuesday, February 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center Recital Hall. The USA Wind Ensemble is conducted by Dr. William H. Petersen and Dr. Robert D. Abend conducts the USA Symphony Band. www.southalabama.edu/colleges/music/upcomingevents.html#
Order of LaShe’s Parade, Order of Olympia
6:30 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
Thursday February 27
Mystic Stripers Society Parade
6:30 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
USA Concert Choir & University Chorale Winter Choral Concert
7:30 PM USA Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA S Dr Mobile, AL, 36608 The University of South Alabama Concert Choir and University Chorale will present their Winter Choral Concert on Thursday, February 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center Recital Hall. The concert will be conducted by Dr. Laura Moore. www.southalabama.edu/colleges/music/upcomingevents.html#
Friday February 28
Crewe of Columbus Parade
6:30 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL https://mcamobile.com/parade-schedule/
Every Monday
Read and Sign (ASL) Storytime at West Regional Library
3:30 PM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us in the Meeting Room for books, songs, sign language and for ages 3 - 5! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every Tuesday
Read and Play Storytime
10:00 AM Ben May Main Library, 701 Government St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us in Bernheim Hall for a socially distant storytime event. Masks are required. Children enjoy 20 minutes of books, songs, manipulatives, and rhymes, with an emphasis on repetition for their developing minds. Story and book time is followed by a time of free play with a sensory activity. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Good Listener Storytime
10:00 AM Parkway Branch, 1924 Dauphin Island Pkwy B Mobile, AL, 36605 Join us for fun with stories, words that rhyme, games and crafts too! This storytime event is designed for ages 3 – 7. Registration is required. To register, or for more information, please email Me. Get at lafayette@mplonline.org, or call her at (251) 494-4454. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Tuesday Time Out Storytime at Grand Bay
11:00 AM Grand Bay Library, 10329 Freeland Ave Grand Bay, AL, 36541 Entertaining storytime designed for preschool-aged children! Join us in the Meeting Room at the Grand Bay Library for fun stories, song and crafts. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Read and Sign (ASL) Storytime at West Regional Library
3:30 PM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us in the Meeting Room for books, songs, sign language and for ages 3 - 5! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Good Listener Storytime
10:00 AM Moorer/Spring Hill Branch, 4 McGregor Ave Mobile, AL, 36608 Good Listener Storytime 251-494-4140 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Wonderful Wednesday Storytime
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM, Theodore Oaks, 5808 US-90 West E Theodore, AL, 36582 Join us for stories and songs and lots of fun! www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Shake, Rattle, & Read Storytime at West Regional Library
10:00 AM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us in the Meeting Room every Wednesday and Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. for this storytime program designed for infants and children up to age three. Help stimulate their early literacy skills and enjoy meeting other parents! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Preschooler Storytime
10:30 AM Saraland Public Library, 111 Saraland Loop Saraland, AL, 36571 Preschooler Storytime 251-675-2879 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Good Listener Storytime at Semmes
10:30 AM Semmes Regional Library, 9150 Moffett Road Semmes, AL, 36575 Join us for stories, songs, and dances! www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Listen & Learn Storytime
11:00 AM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Storytime has many benefits for children such as promoting early literacy, language development, help develop concentration, social skills, communication skills, and encourages their imagination and creativity. Join us in the Storytime room at West Regional for fun stories and songs. Ideal for ages 3-5 years. 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every Second Wednesday
Learning Lunch (Free)
12:00 PM History Museum of Mobile, 111 S Royal Street Mobile, AL, 36602 This series allows guests to enjoy free presentations on a wide range of historical and cultural topics. Admission to Learning Lunch is free. Bring your lunch and enjoy complimentary beverages. 251-208-7569 www.historymuseumofmobile.com
Every Thursday
Shake, Rattle, & Read Storytime at West Regional Library
10:00 AM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us in the Meeting Room every Wednesday and Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. for this storytime program designed for infants and children up to age three. Help stimulate their early literacy skills and enjoy meeting other parents! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Story Time
11:00 AM The Haunted Book Shop, 9 S Joachim St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us for a story time each Thursday at 11:30 am in our children’s section. Free event, no registration is required. (251) 348-7668 thehauntedbookshopmobile.com
Chess Club
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Semmes Regional Library, 9150 Moffett Road Semmes, AL, 36575 Semmes Regional Library Chess Club is designed for children and teens ages 6 - 18. Playing chess improves concentration and problem-solving skills. No experience is necessary www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Throwdown Thursday - Video and Board Games for Teens at West
3:30 PM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 This is a laid-back meetup to unwind playing games with other teens. We will have various board games, nintendo switch, playstation and xbox games for multiplayer matchups that include various genres - puzzle, racing, fighting, shooting, and open-world-type games. Sometimes there will
also be additional activities like 3d pens and fuse beads for expressing your creative side! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every other Friday
Beginner Guitar Lessons for Kids (Free) 4:00 PM Semmes Regional Library, 9150 Moffett Road Semmes, AL, 36575 Is your child interested in learning to play the guitar? Now’s their chance! Join us in the Semmes Meeting Room for FREE lessons. Lesson books will be available. However, Please bring your own guitar. For children ages 6-11. Registration is required. To register and for more information, please call 251-494-4935 or email Callie Kelley at ckelley@ mplonline.org. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Second Friday
Every Saturday
Chess Club for Everyone
LoDA Artwalk
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Celebrating the arts in downtown Mobile! Explore this free monthly showcase of visual and performing arts.
welcome! Playing chess improves concentration and problem-solving skills. Join us at Monte L. Moorer/ Spring Hill Branch for chess club designed for ages 6 and up.
251-494-4140 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every other Saturday
Snuggling Stories
10:30 AM Saraland Public Library, 111 Saraland Loop Saraland, AL, 36571 Join us at the Saraland Public Library to enjoy fun stories, songs, movements, and a craft. 251-675-2879 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Free First Sunday - History Museum of Mobile (Free)
1:00 PM History Museum of Mobile, 111 S Royal Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Free admission for all visitors sponsored by Wind Creek Hospitality every first Sunday of the month! 251-208-7569 www.historymuseumofmobile.com
2:00 PM Moorer/Spring Hill Branch, 4 McGregor Ave Mobile, AL, 36608 Beginners and experienced players
Please send your calendar events to lynn@mobilebayparents.com.
Please check with each venue prior to attending the event to verify the information provided is still accurate
As we enter a new year, tech will continue to shape how our children interact with the world. With new devices and social media platforms emerging daily, and if your kids received a device for Christmas, it is crucial to establish guidelines that help your child develop healthy habits while ensuring their safety. Here are the top five rules that will support you as a parent and keep your child safe online.
Setting boundaries around screen time is essential for maintaining a healthy balance between online and offline activities. Parents should determine appropriate daily or weekly limits for device usage, considering the child’s age and responsibilities. Encouraging breaks from screens, especially during meals and family time, promotes better communication and helps children engage in other activities, such as reading, sports, or hobbies. Also, as much as kids like to push back, we know they thrive when there are set boundaries. Establishing clear screen time limits in the beginning leaves little room for “guess work” and ultimately arguing later.
as their location, school, or phone number. Regular discussions about the potential dangers of interacting with strangers on social media can empower your child to make informed decisions, ultimately fostering a sense of safety in their online interactions.
3. Encourage Open Communication. By now, you know my love for open communication. If I could scream it from every rooftop, I would. Creating an environment where children feel comfortable discussing their online experiences is crucial. Parents should encourage their kids to share anything that makes them uncomfortable, whether it’s an inappropriate message or an encounter with cyberbullying. Establishing trust ensures that children will come to you for advice or help when they face challenges online. This open communication can also facilitate discussions about the responsible use of technology, helping your children understand the impact of their online behavior.
also strengthens your bond and allows you to guide them more effectively. Also, you do not have to purchase expensive apps to monitor your child’s device. Your eyeballs are free. Pick up the phone. Look at it. Then discuss.
5. Model Healthy Technology Use. They are watching...even if they are not always listening. Children often emulate their parents’ behavior, making it important for adults to model healthy technology habits. This means prioritizing face-to-face interactions over screen time, setting an example of responsible social media use, and demonstrating how to disconnect from devices when necessary. By showcasing a balanced approach to technology, parents can instill similar values in their children, fostering a generation that understands the importance of moderation and mindfulness in their digital lives.
Parents play a critical role in guiding their children toward responsible tech use. By establishing clear rules around screen time, educating them about online safety, fostering open communication, monitoring their digital lives, and modeling healthy habits, parents can help their children navigate the complexities of the digital world effectively.
2. Educate About Privacy and Online Safety. In a digital age where personal information is often at risk, it is vital for parents to educate their children about online privacy. We must teach our kids to use strong passwords, recognize phishing attempts, and understand the importance of not sharing personal information, such
4. Monitor and Involve Yourself in Their Digital Life. Now, for one of my favorite “rules” for parenting a child that has tech. Monitoring is necessary to ensure your child’s safety. Parents should stay informed about the apps and platforms their children use, including understanding the features and potential risks associated with them. Involving yourself in your child’s digital life, whether by playing games together or discussing their favorite YouTube channels, not only helps you understand their online environment but
Kristi Bush serves as a national education consultant and social media safety advocate. She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at www.knbcommunications.com.