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Or do they have to choose between their professional and parental roles; their professional and ministerial roles; and their personal and ministerial roles? Is each role balanced, and can they give 100% in each role, or will aspects of each role be sacrificed to give themselves fully to the other role? These questions haunt most women because society and the Church have placed the bar of the perfect and ideal Proverbs 31 woman so high.

It’s worth noting - given the various waves of feminism that have impacted the Church’s relationship with women - that men are never asked to choose between different roles. Men are typically judged by how well they lead their household and on their financial contribution to their households. Comparatively, women are judged by how they manage their homes and children. But that is not the only role women currently inhabit. Thus, there is no denying that women face a unique set of pressures our ancestors did not have to face, due to their more defined role in the household and exclusion from roles in the public sphere.


There are many lessons we can learn from Deborah the Judge. Two chapters are dedicated to her and her feats. From her life, we can see she was not just a judge, but also a prophet, a mother to the nation of Israel, a worshipper, a warrior and a wife. She operated in these roles concurrently. When she instructed Barak, she gave a prophetic word of the impending victory of Israel whilst also judging Barak for his hesitation. Her ability to alternate between roles and still function in harmony is an essential skill we can acquire.

What insight does Deborah have in successfully manoeuvring her diverse positions? Her identity was rooted in her Father. She understood her assignment and the roles needed to fulfil them. When they come to faith, many women never fully gain the clarity needed to complete the assignments given to them. They spend a great deal of time being a Jonah - running away, afraid of what they are being asked to do.

To build resilience - the ability to bounce back from adversity - is to have a deep and unwavering understanding that God is for us, He is with us, and He equips us with everything we need through the Holy Spirit, His Scriptures and the community He has placed us in.

Once it is understood that our identity in Christ is immovable and unchangeable, we are a new creation. God has given us the power to have dominion on earth through the daily renewal of our mind. We can control our thoughts and thus change our outlook and perception.

If you struggle with your identity in Christ, success will remain an elusive concept that evades you, and the roles, functions and positions you inhabit will always be in disharmony.

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