BRAND ME - Concept Direction and Development

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My full name is Keira Isobel Davitt-- Bailey and I was born on Saturday 25th May 2002 in Cheshire. To start of this project, I was given the task to reflect, lookback and analyse every aspect of my life that has turned me into the person that I am today, whilst considering what influences and experiences has helped to shape my personality, aesthetic and interests. Through producing this research with an open mind, and reflecting honestly about myself, I have found that I have been able to learn a lot about myself, as well as identify my personal strengths and weaknesses in this pivotal year where I am trying to postion myself in the industry, moving forwards after graduation. This research and sense of personal refelction will also be significant when progressing with my final major project, steering my skills and abilities to focus on potential future career opportunities.

When I consider my personal digital footprint, I can confidently say that I am always conscious of the impacts of everything I do or say, not just conscious of my digital footprint alone. I have always wanted to leave a positive and appropriate impact over anything I do, particularly when it comes to posting on social media and creating my own personal presence as we progress forwards into a more digital world. I am always considerate of the choices

I make when posting on social media platforms, as well as the messages that I give out to people who may view my profiles. I personally believe it is important to share positive content particularly on social media, as I would like to think that this is the type of content I share on social media. I understand that when something is uploaded online, it is there forever, so for me it is important that I give out the right messages when it comes to my personal social media presence, creating a platform that truly represents myself that I would be proud of for anyone to see.

marketing and communication

I would say that what makes a strong communicator is the result of having the ability to be confident in taking bold risks, whilst also being able to deliver a message visually, not just verbally. I think for any creative industry, not just the fashion industry alone, it is important for communicators to always be seeking out different ways to voice a message or narrtive in a unique and current way, as communicators should always be conscious of the latest market trends and innovations. For me personally, I would like to think that I am quite a creative and bold communicator who is not afraid to take risks in my work, often not knowing the consequence. People always have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, and if a risk doesn’t pay off or go to plan, then this provides an opportunity to seek out further how to improve for the next time. I am a person who is always looking to grow and improve my work, and this comes from the choice of taking risks as a communicator. I would like to think my work as a communicator so far could be described as visual and bold, as I try to tackle each project in a different way.

Throughout my childhood, I was always raised to have morals and set my own personal boundaries when it came to my own beliefs and choices. I have always been aware that every choice you make in life will have some form of consequence, so I tend to take a lot of care when making decisions, even small ones that other people may view as non-meaningful. My personal message revolves around becoming the best version of yourself that you can possibly be - whether that is through continous growth from learning and education, or personal goals such as health and mindset. My friends always tell me that I’m a very positive person, as I always tend to focus on the good even in negative situations or low periods in my life. I like to think that each day is a new opportunity, and I have a very positive outlook on life. When it comes to making relationships and connections, I always like to treat people the way I would want to be treated, as I want the world to see me as a small symbol of kindness and positivty.

When thinking about my own personal beliefs, I found this part of my research quite sinple, as throughout my life I have always been conscious of creating standards and beliefs for myself. I am a Christian through religion, however I wouldn’t say that I am a religious person as such, rather just a believer of having the power to treat others with kindess. I am a big believer in creating your own opportunities in life, in the way that you have to act on what you want if you have goals or desires to achieve in life, not only career aspirations but also in the way of setting yourself personal goals. I also think it is inportant for you to stand up for what you believe in, and that we all have a voice for creating change, it is up to us how we use our voices for good or for bad. For me, it is really important to spread positivity and kindess, even in times when I have not always been shown such myself in different points in my life. My friends and family always say that I am incredibly optimistic, as I like to express an element of confidence when talking about my future, as I have always strived to achieve large goals for myself.

For me, family is such an important aspect of my life, I am so close to my family and they will always be one of my main priorities. Even though my family is quite small, we always make time for each other, and they are very supportive of me and my aspirations in life. I like to surround myself with friends who are positive, uplifting and often who shares similar interests of mine, as well as people who share similar goals. I don’t like to spend much time around people who can be very negative and deflating, as I think it is important to surround yourself with people who add and contribute a sense of enjoyment in your life, rather than putting yourself around negative and draining people. I have a close circle of friends, many of whom I have been close to since I was a small child, and I always think it is important to create more meaningful and deeper connections with people in order to establish longer lasting relationships with people who share similar values to yourself.

My friends are always one of the first groups of people to say that I am a very positive person and I have a very warm and caring personaility. They say that I always try to see the best of a bad situation and that I’m always up for new and exciting challenges throughout different stages of life. My friends are quite similar to myself, so I think they have a quite honest and real interpretation of myself, as we tend to share similar values and interests.They would say I’,m not always the most outgoing person, but I am always someone who tries to spread a welcoming and confortable atmosphere with anyone, and I am always open to making connections with new people. My friends might even say that people cam take advantage of my kindness, as I always try to be positive around everyone, even when people haven’t been this way with me.

I think my main strength is my work ethic and my genuine care to be a hardworking person. Growing up, I have always been told that success and good things comes to those who aren’t afraid to work for it, and I think to this day that has always been drilled into my thought process when it came to education and personal goals. I can confidently say that I am a very hardworking person, who doesn’t like to give up on things easily. It is really important for me to put my all into everything I do, and I would want those closest to me to think this of me also. From a personality point of view, I would like to say that I am very determined and motivated to achieve everything I want to in life, as everyone always says I’m a big dreamer. I think it is important to have bold goals, as this always allows room for personal growth and improvement, which also connects to my creativity, as I am always looking to find new ways to express my interests and skils. Anyone close to me would say that I am very caring, considerate and loyal to those close to me. I’ve always viewed it to be important that people around me feel valued, understood and comfortable around me, and I always try to see the best in a negative situation, evern if it’s not always in my best interests.

When it comes to discussing my personal weaknesses, one stood out to me straight away which is my lack of self-confidence. At times, I can be very hard on myself, which can often hold me back when it comes to opportunities despite me egarness and determination to put myself out there. I wouldn’t say I have an issue with confidence in my work or education, it is more so a personal lack of confidence, potentially joined to having a fear of being subjected to judgement. This also conntects to a weakness of overthinking. At times, I can have difficultity overthinking a situation or my personal ability to do something, which could stem from me being a perfectionist, as I always want to make sure I am putting my best self out there for people to view. I hacve found myself to be overcoming these weaknesses over the past few years whilst I have been at university, as I have been proving to myself that there is no need to overthink trivial situations. and I am starting to have more confidence in myself to share my skills and my abilities.

Over recent years in particular, I have proven to myself that I have more of a fight reaction, as oppossed to flight. I am not someone who will give up on things easily when it comes to my personal life and things that matter to me most, and I always try to find solutions to problems, or at least try to contribute in some form. I think certain situations are sent to test us, and it is always really important to stand up for what you believe in, even though in the moment it may feel easier to flight and move away from problems. For me, I think I have always been a fighter rather than someone who walks away from their problems, even though I may not always be able to solve or better them.

I would like to think I am quite an understanding person, who always tries to see everyone’s personal side of a story and them form my own judgement on situations. I was brought up to be understanding of other people’s opinions so I would say I always take responsibility for something if I believe it is my fault.

I am not a very argumentative person and I tend to keep away from any signs of confrontation in the first place, however at the times I am at fault or to blame in a situation, I try to hold my self responsible and show a sense of awareness of my own actions when it has an impact on someone else.

Throughout ny life growing up, I was always shown love, happiness and I had a very positive, enriching and supportive childhood. I am incredibly close to my family, and they are such an important part of my life, as they have supported me so much with everything I’ve ever done. I had a very fortunate childhood, in the way that I never went without anything, and my family worked very hard to always ensure we all had a comfortable way of living. I am very lucky to have been given a lot of experiences growing up, such as traveling to over 20 countries, and expressing interests in dance, music and drama. If I ever wanted to pursue something, my family would always be very encouraging and straight away get me involved, so I was very fortunate in that sense. I was very academic in school, always getting top grades, which I think is where my perfectionist persona came from, as I was always conscious of maintaining this throughout each level of my education. Again, I had a strong sense of encouragement and support when it came to school, as I always wanted to make my family proud of my achievements.

I have a younger brother called John, who is only two years younger than me, so we are very close. When we were growing up, we made the effort to blend our friends seen as though we were so close in age, so there was a big group of us all. We have a very tight bond, and we used to do a lot togther when we were younger, and as our parents were working most of the time, we are able to get up to activities ourselves and go to meet up with friends from our school who lived nearby. One of our favourtie things to do when we were younger was going to Disneyland, as we were both always up for fun and a sense of adventureand we were very lucky to go multiple times as a family. Growing up in Cheshire, my childhood consisted of making fun in the outdoors, whether that was walking our two dogs or making treehouses in the forest closeby to the family home. By having so many different experiences and memories throughout my childhood, this has influenced my curiosity for new experiences even now in my young adult life. I think our mum in particular encouraged us to see the pleasure in creating memories in life, as she was always the one who initiated the idea of us creating a life for ourselves which we can look back on when we’re older and be grateful of every experience we have been able to share in our lifetime. I think some people would say I was sheltered as a child, as I was always given everything I wanted, and didn’t really know what it was like to go without. Now as I’m older and more aware of these things, I’m much more appreciative of what I have and the experiences I am lucky to talk about.

About Mum

The hardest challenge I have had to face in my life so far was the death of my mum in 2021, straight after I had just started my first year in university. I had only been at university for 1 month when we found out my mum had been diagnosed with cancer, and she then passed away 2 months later. As I said before, I am such a family orientated person, and she was my best friend who would do absoloutley anything for me, so this was for sure the biggest shock and it really did affect me, which couldn’t have been at a worse time when I was already going through the idea of starting university and settling in to my new surroundings. As a child, I would say I was very dependant on her for almost everything, which perhaps triggered the development of my shyness and ability to have confidence in doing things for myself. She was always very involved in all aspects of my life, from education, hobbies, personal interests and ensured that me and my brother John would never go without anything. A lot of my experiences in life so far have been due to her wanting to always provide the best for our family, whether this be through traveling the world, supporting personal life ambitons, and driving us across the country to support our dreams. I think I have changed quite a lot these past years, and I think this is due to my progressing confidence and personal growth during my time at university, whilst also becoming more independant when doing things I would normally have been too afarid to do. I think it’s fair to say that following from this monumental occurance in my life, I have definitley been able to see myself have a strong sense of personal growth. This year especially, I have found that I am now pushing myself out of my confort zone a lot more than I have ever done before, as well as becoming more motivated to chase my life and career goals. I think this situation helped me to change my viewpoints on things, as well as change how I now see the world, as before I was very dependant on others, whereas now I have learnt new things about myself, including having more confidence in my abilities and I am now more determined to go and get the life I want for myself. I am proud of myself for being able to adapt from a difficult situation, and work on personal growth from it.

Do your parents have beliefs?

In terms of religion, my mum was a Catholic, however she was not really very religious and didn’t really participate in any religious activities that are typically associated with the religious group. My dad is part of no religion, so doesn’t have any beliefs like that. Religion is not really a big part of our lives, even though myself, my brother and my mum do belong to the Christian religion. As for other beliefs, my mum was a big believer in morals and presenting yourself to the world in the best way that you can. She was a big believer in treating people the way that you would want to be treated, and having a strong sense of just being a good person all ways round. As for personal beliefs and thoughts, my mum believed in manifestation and being very positive when it comes to how you view the world around you, as well as giving off positive vibes, and then in return these positive vibes will come back to you. I think this way of thinking has definetley been ingrained into my thought pattern aswell, as I am also a big believer in spreading an atmosphere and vibe that I would want others to treat me. I think it is important to have a positive outlook on life, as my mum always said that it is important for you to have a sense of belief in yourself and your abilities, drilling in the idea that if you don’t believe positive things about/for youself, then why should others?

Who do you admire?

When I was thinking about who do I admire, there wasn’t really a celebrity or famous person that I particularly look up to in terms of their behaviour or personality, however I then realised that the person that I look up to and admire the most is my mum. She was incredibly hard working and always tried her best with everything she did, and for me personally, I believe that is a very good characteristic to have in life. Even though things didn’t always work out in her favour or the way that she expected, she always moved on with a smile on her face. People always tell me that I’m very much like my mum in terms of our behaviour and personalities, so I am proud that people think the same of me as someone who I would say that I admire the most in life. I admire that she always put others before herself, and even though some may say that’s not always the best attitude to have, when you’re on the recieving end, it feels nice to know that someone places you over their own sense of importance. I think a lot of the things and elements that make me who I am have developed through being around her so much, so much so that my family always used to call me the ‘mini me’ version of her.

What do your friends say about you?



Myers Briggs personality Test

When completing the Myers Briggs 16 personalities test, I think it was important to answer each of the questions as openly and honestly as possible in order for me to understand and discover who I am really as a person, as well as finding out key personality traits about myself - whether these be postive or negative.

Before taking the personality test, I already had a pre-percieved sense of thought about myself, as well as taking notes on what I thought the test would say in terms of my personal strengths and weaknesses. I also decided to ask my friends and family members about what they think of me, and to write a list of keywords that they believe is accurate and illustrative of my personality type. After completing the Myers Briggs Test, I was very intrigued as to how accurate the results where, as I believe that mt personality type is quite reflective of my test results, especially in terms of my personal strengths and weaknesses. My personality type is an ‘Advocate’, which is said to be one of the rarest 16 personality types. To sum up the personality of an advocate, this is someone who is idealistic and principles in their beliefs, whilst also being someone who is very determined to get the most out of life, as they often have big dreams and are always finding new ways to better themselves in their personal life, interests and career. I think that this personality description is pretty accurate to my personality, as I have always been told since I was a child that I’m a big dreamer, and always fanticising about how I can get the best life for myself. In terms of strengths, this personality type is said to be very passionate about their interests, as well as being insightful to finding deeper truths and motivations, which I think is accurate for me, as I am always motivated to develop new ways of understanding things on a deeper level.

a fashion moodboard

this is me.


fashion fashion


fashion images fashion images

Figure 1

Why do you like these images?

When trying to accumulate 12 fashion images that I really like and feel are very reflective of me, my personal style and my aesthetic, I discovered a couple of common denominators that can be seen throughout the imagery. When it comes to my own personal style and fashion aesthetic, I like to dress in neutral colours and often like to create quite cohesive looks. My go to style is wearing neutral, smart and classy clothing, and then I like to use accessories, shoes and bags to elevate looks further, occasionally adding some pops of colour within these accessories. I am drawn to more luxury and classic fashion pieces, as opposed to following fast fashion and micro trends. When adding clothing pieces and accessories to my wardrobe, I like to gather pieces that can be described as ‘timeless’, as I try to curate my style to be long lasting, higher quality pieces that will always be in style rather than over-excessive purchasing and accumulating pieces that will only be in style for shorter periods of time. For everyday looks, I like to keep my style quite simple, but smart and classic, and then during evenings, going out and special occasionwear, I like to be a bit more bold with my textures and styles of clothing.

Figure 2

What fashion brand would you be and why?

If I were I fashion brand, I think I would definetly be Chanel because the brand is very reflective of my own personal style and aesthetic. Chanel is known for their classic black and white aesthetic, combining this with their iconic status for designing classic clothing garments and accessories that are timeless and will always be in style no matter the current micro trend of the time. I am really drawn to the luxury side of the fashion industry, as I feel these types of brands create their brand based off of longevity and quality, rather than fast adapting to current fast fashion trends. As I said before, when it comes to my adding pieces to my own wardrobe, I like to look for pieces that are timeless, classy and are of higher quality in order to prevent over-consumption of clothing in order to try to keep up with shorter lasting trends. As a member of generation z, I think some would say the Chanel brand is marketed towards older generations, however I have always been a big supporter of the Chanel brand, due to it’s iconic status and ability to maintain to this day what the brand orginially thrived on creating, right from the start. This iconic status started from the iconic little black dress and revolutionising the ability to wear the colour black in your everyday style.

My favourite fashion publication would have to be Vogue Magazine, and the publication house Conde Nast. I am drawn to classic pieces, and to me, Vogue is the most iconic fashion publication within the industry.When looking at fashion imagery, I am drawn to unique and exciting visuals, which I belive sums up Vogue really well, as to me, the publication always offers interesting ways of communicating fashion messages and narratives through the art of telling sotries without words. I think it is interesting to see how Vogue often takes classic brands, such as Chanel, Dior and Prada and then creates editorials that are quite bold and visually striking, often starking a contrast to what an audience would typically percieve from these types of brands. I also love the fact that each country’s version of ‘Vogue’ magazine is so distinctive and unique, and I really enjoy exploring each individual identity and visual communication from all of the different publications, as each version of the magazine is so different, with the opportunity for us as readers to discover new desginers, brands and creatives that we may not have heard from before.

Who is your fashion icon and why?

When thinking about who I look up to for style, hair and fashion inspiration, I instantly think of Hailey Bieber. I love how Hailey has created a signature look for herself, and as part of her following audience I admire how she has been able to build an image for herself based around her style and fashion choices. I always find Hailey’s style to be quite reflective of my own personal style, as she is often seen wearing casual but chic and a little more classic street style, incorporating this with an elevated luxury aesthetic in how she dresses. I’ve liked how Hailey carries this aesthetic through to her higher end red carpet and editorial looks also, not just sporting this style of fashion in her everyday street style. Hailey also tends to stick to a more neutral colour palette with her style, then adding signature pops of colour within her styling choices, which is also something that I personally tend to stick by within my outfits. Monochrome tones and striking shapes is something that I always look for when adding to my wardrobe, and I always find myself reaching out for inspiration from Hailey Bieber, as I think she is well known for this style. For me personally, I think Hailey creates a cohesive image for herself across all medias and apperances, which has allowed her to build this persona of being a leading woman in the iconic fashion scene.

Figure 3

What colour are you and why?

I think colour is very important when thinking of your own personal brand and what colour reflects you as a person because colour can be a very descriptive and telling element about your personality and character traits. I already had an extsiting perception of what colour I thought I represented, so I also asked my friends and family what they thought as well so I could build an accurate and authentic representation of myself. I discovered that my friends and family also most commonly agreed that the colour Pink is reflective of my personality and personal brand. When further researching the meaning behind the colour Pink, I think the description of someone who comforting, calming, uplifting and someone who has a sense of innocence is quite in line with my own personality. In terms of my own sense of character, I am not one to rebel or go against rules or expectations, so I would agree that my personality gives off an innocent aura. Also, when asked about how I would want the world to see me, I said that I would want people to feel as though I had some sense of positive and uplifting mark on them and those close to me, which I have found is also a key theme and meaning behind the colour Pink. Pink can also connote to an element of childhood and a younger minded personality, which I can see also represents my character, as at times I have found myself to be rather naive in life situations, whether that be through being too trusting of others or having my kindness being taken advantage of.

What flower are you and why?

I’ve always been drawn to Roses my whole life, and they have been my favourite flower since I was a child, as we had a Rose garden in my family’s garden growing up. I think Red Roses in particular have always been my favourite, as I like how they can be found during all seasons, and they have a perception of being classic, often someone’s first choice of flower when giving someone a gift or marking a special occassion. When looking into the further meanings and connotations behind roses, I a rose can be symbolic of passion, grattitude, loyalty and warmth. I would like to think that people close to me and those who I surround myself with think of me as someone who is passionate about doing things that I love, and that I give my all to anything that I involve myself with. I’m also often told that I have a very warming and positive personality, which from my research into flowers illustrates is a common connotation that is usually connected to with Roses.

What building are you and why?

When thinking about what building I would be, I instantly thought about the Galaries Lafayette in Paris, as this building is very grand with lots of intricate details. I think this building is a good representation of myself because I think people would say that I have a lot of depth to my personality and some would say there is a lot that people don’t know about me. To me, this building represents luxury, depth and opportunity in the sense of it being a home to so many successful luxury fashion and beauty brands that I support and am intrigued by. The building has a sense of depth both within it’s arcitecture and within the stores, facilities and experiences that shoppers and vistors can engage in when they visit Galeries Lafayette.

Figure 4

What market level are you?

As I researched the different types of market levels within the fashion industry, I was challenged to discover which market level I best align with in terms of my aesthetic, tastes, skill sets and overall industry ‘fit’ that I want to progress into in terms of my fashion career. I have discovered that I best align within the luxury market level, particularly within the Haute Couture and Ready-To-Wear segments of luxury fashion. I have always been drawn to classic designer brands including Chanel, Dior and Valentino due to their timeless and ‘classic’ brand aesthetic.

I also enjoy how the luxury market is always re-imagining their image and brand narrative in terms of stepping into more digital methods of marketing and communication, with brands such as Gucci, Balenciaga and Louis Vuitton starting to venture into digital fashion, such as creating NFT’s, digital consumer experiences and new ways of telling digital brand stories. The luxury market level is constantly adapting to industry changes and advancements, and I am drawn to this market level’s ability and consciousness to consider new ways of creating sustainability and ethical industry awarenesses, especially to younger audeinces, as youth generations to come will be the changemakers in creating as more sustainable industry.

Stylist Inspo

. Law Roach

.When researching into what market level I can best position myself into the industry, I started to look further into the luxury market stylists who I admire and look up to the most to help me further understand and develop my brand identity as I progress through the module. One of my favourite celebrity stylists is American luxury fashion stylist, Law Roach. Law Roach is one of the most in demand stylists for celebrities at present, and he has worked with many influencial style-driven celebrities including Zendaya, Ariana Grande, Anya Taylor-Joy and Celine Dion to name a few examples. Over the years, Law Roach’s styling has been very impactful and influential within the industry, creating some of the most plausable and interesting Met Gala looks, particularly with his most well-known client, Zendaya. I really enjoy how Law Roach works with colour and unique shapes within his luxury red carpet looks, many of which show the stylists creative and expressive abilities in visual fashion communication. I find that I am often taking inspiration from Law Roach’s styling work when creating styling projects within my own work, and I think his styling is very visual and narrative based, which is influential in terms of how luxury brands can communicate narratives to their target consumers.

Stylist Inspo

. Mimi Cuttrell

Another luxury celebrity stylist that I look up to and admire within the luxury market level is American stylist, Mimi Cuttrell. Mimi Cuttrell is a New York based stylist who has worked with many popular celebrities including Bella Hadid, Madelyn Cline, Ariana Grande and Gigi Hadid to name a few. Mimi’s styling is mainly based around youth red carpet looks and casual but on trend model off duty looks. I really enjoy Mimi’s street style styling, particularly her ability to create luxury market inspired looks using luxury designers such as Versace, Prada and Louis Vuitton whilst also creating looks that are influencial for everyday street style that her youth audience can take inspiration from. I often look to Mimi Cuttrell’s styling for inspiration within my own everyday wardrobe, as the stylist is well known for her love for matching sets to create cohesive and balanced looks. which is something that I look for when styling my own wardrobe. I also like how Mimi doesn’t always use big name luxury brands within her styling, but also choses to style pieces from lesser-known name luxury brands to create looks that are more interesting and have a unique edge compared to Haute Couture luxury brands that most stylists tend to gravitate towards.


Stylist Inspo

. Molly Dickson .

When it comes to styling for luxury red carpet looks and creating looks that have an expensive feel and aesthetic to them, one of my favourite stylists that I look up to is American stylist, Molly Dickson. Specialising in up and coming youth talent and luxury name designers, Molly Dickson has been a stylist for many popular celebrities including Sydney Sweeney, Sadie Sink, Scarlett Johnanson and Addison Rae to name a few examples. Many of Molly’s styling looks are red carpet orientated for high profile events such as the Emmy Awards, and internationally acclaimed Venice Film Festival Premieres. Similarly to Law Roach’s styling efforts, I am particularly drawn to how Molly Dickson encorporates the use of colour and shape within her styling work. I admire how Molly considers her clients different body styles and unique features to then create styling looks that are very well executed for each individual client. As I have discovered my best fit within the fashion industry lies best within the luxury fashion market level, I have began to realise that I am particularly drawn to luxury red carper and celebrity styling as use of a strong influence within my own personal work.

Image References

Figure 1 –

Foley, G. (2022) Instagram images (Photographs). Retrieved from https://

Djerf, M. (2022) Instagram images. (Photographs). Retrieved from https://

Suchan, S. (2022) Instagram images. (Photographs). Retrieved from

Figure 2News, C. (2022) Kaia Gerber’s Chanel bag. (Photographs). Retrieved from

Figure 3 –Bieber, H. (2022) Hailey Bieber Pinterest Board. (Photographs). Retrieved from

Figure 4 –Hauusmann, P. (2022) Galaries Lafayette best shopping mall in Paris. (Photographs). Retrieved from galeries-lafayette-the-best-shopping-mall-in-paris/

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