'THE TOMORROW PEOPLE' - Noah x Patagonia Collaboration Brand Book

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the tomorrow people.

the tomorrow people.

saving tomorrow,

saving tomorrow,

saving tomorrow,

the tomorrow people.

, starting today

, starting today

, starting today

the tomorrow people.











Within this brand collaboration book, I will be exploring the ways in which streetwear fashion brands can improve their contributions into becoming sustainable and responsible brands for the rise of the up and coming Alpha Generation. From researching brands, understanding their values and independant identities to creating my own proposed sustainable brand collaboration, this book will explore how the fashion industry can create change physically and verbally through the actions and communications between these brands and their targeted consumers.



Generation Alpha is the first generation to be born entirely in the 21st century (between 2010 and 2015) and this new, unique generation is known for their enhanced amount interest and wide breadth of knowledge in technology, health and education to name a few factors of interest. By 2025, it is estimated that Generation Alpha will amount to around 2 billion people in total around the world, emphasising the potential rise

in uses of technology and knowledge in health, as this generation’s large potential population has grown up with technology and has been introduced to knowledge that has not been known prior to the rise of Generation Alpha. Generation Alpha is known for their increasing use of technology, ranging from smartphones, tablets and computers which ultimately has led to the introduction of the internet – introducing Generation Alpha to the world of social media; something new and unique to the 21st century. This use of technology is fairly new, as generations prior to Generation Alpha have not grown up with such advanced technology or the use of the internet and social media. Due to the fact that many Alphas have grown up with the idea of knowledge being easily accessible to them, this has created many Alphas to adopt a ‘learn by doing’ approach, as people can now find knowledge and learn for themselves as easily as clicking on to the internet and being able to find anything they would like to know or see in a matter of seconds. This ability to receive knowledge, products and entertainment, to name a few, in a matter of seconds has become second nature to Generation Alphas, as unlike the 20th century, Generation Alpha is said to have ‘the world at their fingertips’.


This new and up-coming generation have grown up with unlimited access to significant knowledge surrounding subjects that people previously have been much less aware of prior to the rise of the internet and social media, such as the importance of sustainability, responsibility and significant issues occurring around the world. Regarding the fashion industry, issues surrounding sustainability have never been more significant before, yet they have also become more public and well-understood than ever before. Generation Alpha’s ability to educate themselves through the internet and social media has allowed issues regarding sustainability and responsibility within the fashion industry to become more vocal. Leading sustainable-focused fashion brands, such as RAEBURN by Christopher Raeburn have further enhanced this sustainable movement within the fashion industry due to the increased need of communicating these key sustainability issues through the internet and social media chains, such as Instagram.


Alongside vast enhancements in technology and the internet / social media world, Generation Alphas will also have more significant knowledge regarding issues surrounding health, illness and disease due to the ever-changing technological advancements in medical care, medical machinery and the possibility of introducing new ways of diagnosing, curing and treating illnesses through new ways such as artificial intelligence and many further advancements in Generation Alpha technology, according to ‘Generation Alpha: The Children of the Millennial’. This article stated that “AI-powered chatbots equipped with disease databases, patient history and symptoms could diagnose sick Generation Alpha children in a matter of seconds with 100 percent accuracy”, which illustrates the vast scope of possibilities that new Gen Alpha technological advancements could bring to the world of technology, health and world knowledge as a whole.


In regard to Generation Alpha’s impact on the fashion industry, new technology partners well alongside combating issues regarding sustainability and what it takes to become a responsible fashion brand. For example, the future of fashion can be seen through the potential use of 3D designs, 3D clothing and virtual fittings. Generation Alpha have the ability to combine together their advancements in technology with their new level of education surrounding key issues within sustainable fashion and use this to create a solution to issues regarding sustainability. For example, Generation Alpha can use new technology to create visual fittings of clothing, as explained by Guest Industry Lecturer, Garry J. Butterfield during a guest lecture. Visual fittings of clothing can be used so that people can virtually try on items of clothing from their own homes, without the need to purchase clothing in multiple sizes online. Through Alpha technology’s virtual fittings, sustainable practice can be improved as less emissions are being released into the atmosphere as the carbon footprint is being reduced; whilst also reducing the amount of excessive clothing being purchased – 1.1 million tonnes of which will be sent to landfill each year. This further highlights the possibilities that Generation Alpha could bring into the fashion industry specifically, due to their ever-growing use of new technology developments and their ever-growing knowledge to develop these new ideas and bring them to life.


Generation Alpha has access to knowledge around the world on a different scale than ever before, as a result of the rise of the internet and social media in particular. Using popular internet applications, such as Instagram and Twitter, has allowed Generation Alpha in particular to be more aware of what is going on in the world from an early age; unlike generations prior to them. Generation Alpha have the opportunity to create change and social media sites has given this new generation the chance to share their opinions, interests and voices on a wider scale than previous generations. Many monumental moments can be shared through the communication that social media has provided us, from the Black Lives Matter movement, to issues in the environment, such as California bush fires – social media has and will continue to allow Generation Alpha to expand on their lives as individuals, whether this be through technological advancements, health advancements, to educational advancements also. Communication, education and knowledge is so accessible to the Alpha Generation, that there shows signs for this only to increase. The future of fashion is open to change, as the communication between a brand’s message of sustainability or responsibility can be effectively communicated to their targeted consumer more easily than ever before.


There are many influential streetwear brands that have a large impact on conveying their support to the sustainable fashion movement. Streetwear fashion brands are showing their impact on a global scale, as many different designers are contributing to the sustainable streetwear race from different points of view and different ways of creating a change for the better. Notably, British streetwear fashion designer, Christopher Raeburn – the creator of RAEBURN, has successfully developed his brand to be effective in the communication of the importance of sustainability within the fashion industry, as well as communicating ways in which we as a consumer can become more environmentally conscious; and therefore more responsible. Raeburn quotes, “We don’t talk about sustainability, we talk about our responsibility and obligation to make better choices”, which is illustrative of RAEBURN as a brand and how they combat issues within sustainable fashion. In the sustainable streetwear race, Raeburn contributes in many ways, such as their choice of materials and fabrics used. Within his ‘RAEDUCED’ collection, all cottons used are 100% organically manufactured in Portugal, whilst also featuring recycled polyester made from recycled plastic bottles featured within their ‘RAECYCLED’ collection. By using these ethical and environmentally sustainable sources of fabrics, RAEBURN as a sustainable fashion brand has the ability to influence other brands into become more sustainable in their practices in order to stay in line with the sustainable streetwear race.


A unique feature within the A unique feature within the RAEBURN brand involves their RAEBURN brand involves their ‘RAEPAIR’ line, where the ‘RAEPAIR’ line, where the streetwear brand will upcystreetwear brand will upcycle old clothing garments or cle old clothing garments or materials and then rejuvenate materials and then rejuvenate them into new clothing piecthem into new clothing pieces. By re-using these fabrics es. By re-using these fabrics and materials such as miliand materials such as military tary parachutes and raft sail parachutes and raft sail piecpieces, the brand RAEBURN es, the brand RAEBURN can can significantly reduce their significantly reduce their imimpact on contributing to expact on contributing to excescessive wastage within the sive wastage within the fashfashion industry, as repairing ion industry, as repairing and and re-using clothing pieces re-using clothing pieces can can allow the extension of the allow the extension of the product lifecycle and the emoproduct lifecycle and the emotional durability of each item. tional durability of each item.


“At the heart of THE NORTH FACE is a mission to inspire a global movement of outdoor exploration and conservation” is the central ethos of leading sustainable fashion brand, The North Face. As a sustainable-focused brand, The North Face re-uses materials and fabrics, such as recycled polyester, water and soda bottles to aid their reduction in contributing to the use of fossil fuels and also giving a lower impact on emissions during manufacturing. The North Face displays their contribution to maintaining sustainable practice through their iconic ‘Denali Jacket’, which is produced using 50% less water and chemicals in comparison to the fashion industry standard. This actively demonstrates that there is more to sustainable practice within the fashion industry other than solely changing to the use of alternative materials; as the reduction of emissions and the preservation of raw materials, such as fossil fuels can be just as impactful within the sustainable streetwear race. Practices such as this allows The North Face to maintain their presence within the sustainable streetwear race.





The leading sustainable brand has created the “Clothes the Loop” program, which allows consumers to give back any unwanted clothing and footwear to any ‘The North Face’ stores, no matter what condition or brand, for the items to be sent to recycling centres where they can then be repurposed and reused. This is an active sustainable practice, as through this program, clothing and footwear can be repurposed, which allows their lifecycle to become extended and turned into raw materials. Many of these raw materials have been fit for use in products such as new clothing fibres, carpet padding and insulation. This program is an example of The North Face being a sustainable streetwear brand as well as being a key mover in the sustainable fashion race because the brand has a large well-known presence in the fashion industry with a vast range of targeted consumers; therefore they are likely to have a large impact on raising awareness on issues regarding sustainability and the fashion industry’s impact on the planet. As a result of their “Clothes the Loop” program, The North Face has the ability to influence the targeted consumer to become and shop more environmentally conscious, as customers will be rewarded a coupon towards their next The North Face purchase, if they contribute to the program. As a result, The North Face has successfully recycled 13,000 kilogrammes of clothing and footwear, leading by example, with hopes that smaller streetwear brands can be influenced into becoming a more responsible and conscious brand.



Leading sustainable streetwear brand, Pangaia, effectively and visually illustrates their large contribution to maintain their status as a sustainable and environmentally conscious brand. Pangaia presents “Our Mother Earth” collection – a collection to highlight the importance of preserving and protecting our planet, from the endangered ecosystems to the fashion industry’s excessive contribution to damaging the world around us. The collection contains four significant issues within the environment, from: the ocean, coral, the desert and forests. Pangaia presents a unique perspective on visually illustrating to their sustainable-conscious targeted consumer that they are a brand who does consider their impact on the environment and then creates collections based on how as a brand they can create collections sustainably.


Particularly within their ‘Forest’ collection, Pangaia has made a commitment to “plant, protect and restore 1 million trees” as a result of this collection - hence the featuring colours of Palm and Amazon Green. Alongside this campaign, Pangaia donates parts of the proceeds to the Tomorrow Tree Fund, coming from each product purchased. This demonstrates that as a brand, Pangaia is a key mover in the sustainable streetwear race, as their contribution into restoring and maintaining the environment has the ability to influence streetwear consumers who may not be so environmentally conscious when shopping, and this influence has the ability to raise awareness of issues surrounding sustainability in the fashion industry on a global scale. Streetwear brands such as Pangaia are constantly evolving their practices and sustainable visualisation, from creating new collections surrounding environmental issues, to giving back to the environment in ways of donation or actively restoring limited resources that are exposed harshly within the fashion industry.




For a fashion brand to create a successful and unique sustainable story, they should establish what ways, methods or programs they will carry out in order to maintain a sustainable and responsible brand status. For example, a brand could choose to use recycled, reused or up-cycled materials and fabrics (such as 100% recycled polyester and cotton) to use to produce clothing garments made from used and unwanted materials – as successfully demonstrated by leading sustainable fashion brand, RAEBURN. Alternatively, brands could choose to run or participate in programs that are sustainably focuses, such as ‘1% for the Planet’; where participating brands can donate portions of their proceeds annually to help preserve the surrounding environment and oceans.


The communication of how a brand participates in practising sustainability and responsibility is key in order for brands to maintain a status of being that desired sustainable brand. Brands can communicate their message, values and ethos visually and verbally, as the every-growing use of social media provides the perfect space for brands to communicate to their sustainably conscious targeted consumer in a visually unique way. It is important for brands to display visually what they are doing in regard to creating their own individual brand story, especially due to the increased pressure within the fashion industry for all brands to become more responsible and practice in a more sustainable manner; leading to increasing competition to stand out in the industry as a sustainable brand. Brands should use social media chains to market and promote themselves as being a sustainable brand, using visuals and creating content to raise awareness of their participation in sustainability. Through reaching out visually on social media in particular, brands can have the opportunity to express themselves as a brand to their chosen targeted demographic and demonstrate how they are contributing to sustainability, such as explaining their choice of fabrics and packaging - and their consumers can identify whether this is a brand that they want to support / aligns with their needs and wants in return.


For a brand to create a sustainable brand story, it is important that their story is unique to them. If a brand’s personal sustainable interest involves preserving and protecting forests and trees, then a fashion brand could then ensure that their packaging (from swing tags to delivery packaging) has been produced in a sustainable manner, such as by using only 100% recycled and future recyclable cardboard for their product swing tags and packaging as well as using vegetable ink for logo printing. By using sustainable practices such as this, targeted consumers are able to identify that this is a sustainable brand, and these practices may have the ability to influence a more potential consumers to support a brand, as they support what the brand is doing surrounding sustainability. This way, brands are successfully creating their own sustainable brand story, as they are creating a believable and clear level of understanding of what is important to them and then communicating this to their desired targeted consumer.


Noah is a classic American Streetwear brand, who as a brand was founded in Soho, New York City by Brendon Babenzien. The brand is most well known and successfully established through men’s clothing and accessories. Noah’s founder Brendon Babenzien curates manty of the brand’s most popular collections surrounding key aesthetics and elements to the fashion brand. These significant elements anc aesthetics to the brand includes skateboarding, surfing,

and music. Noah NYC captivates and illustrates their clothing to align with the classic, all American 90s streetstyle aesthetic that is becoming incresingly popular amougst Generation Z and newly Generation Alpha. The brand’s creative direction is effectivley illustrated through an archive of promotional content, photoshoots, lookbooks and creative imagery to accumulate the brand’s streetstyle and youthful aesthetic.



Skating, surfing and music are all key elements of Noah’s overall aesthetic as a brand, and this is effectivley communicated to their targeted consumer demographic. These elements accumulate a unique edge to the classic menswear and streetwear origin of the late 90s, made popular in New York City by fellow streetstyle brands. Noah’s free-thinking creative vision also provides a unique take on the classic mens streetwear, as Noah often features bold colours, prints and patterns within their collections to create a statement; unlike the classic imagery of streetwear, which often features more monochromatic and minimal looks and aesthetics. As a brand, Noah NYC is very aware and committed into raising awareness of current global issues; such as issues regarding sustainability within the fashion industry, as they vocally explore and communicate ways in which changes can be made - whether this change will be a change in sustainable practice within themselves as a brand, or educating their consumer to shop more consciously.




The Noah NYC consumer aligns greatly within the typical interests, aesthetics and identities of those within the Generation Z and oldest Generation Alphas - the new upcoming generation, who are more technologically and environmentally aware than ever before. Noah’s brand aesthetic thrives heavily off of the classic American skaterboy aesthetic, which features many key popular streetwear elements; including large, oversized tracksuits and minimal colours, prints and patterns. The brand’s consumer profile is likely to illustrate a young and active male who’s interests and aesthetics are reflective of the classic 90s New York Streetstyle look. Many of Noah’s most successful and well known collections often features oversized sweaters, loose-fitting joggers and co-ordinating accessories such as skateboards and trainers to complete the classic skater aesthetic. Noah’s consumer profile is likely to be experiencing a change within their targeted consumer demographic, as the mens streetwear brand is focusing on changing their personal practices when it comes to the chosen materials, fabrics and their overall production of their clothing garments. For example, Noah has stated themselves that they are not fullly a sustainable brand as of yet, however they are changing and contributing further to improving sustainability within the fashion industry. Therefore, Noah’s targeted consumer is likely to be extended into including members of Generation Z and Alpha who are more sustainable with their choices or are a more conscious consumer when it comes to the practices of the brands that they choose to support.


skate, surf, music,

the consumer



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How does Noah market themdoesyouth Noah market themselvesHow to the audience? selves to the youth audience? Noah’s target audience is made up from Noah’s target audience is made up from the younger age demographics, combinthe younger age demographics, combining ing Millennials and Generations Z and the Millennials and Generations Z and the older half of Alpha. The brand markets older half of Alpha. The brand markets themselves to a youth audience particuthemselves to a youth audience particularly through social media channels, such larly through social media channels, as Instagram. On their Instagram account, such as Instagram. On their Instagram supporters of the streetwear brand can account, supporters of the streetwear find visuals, imagery and look books that brand can find visuals, imagery and look aligns with their aesthetic and interests. The books that aligns with their aesthetrise of social media and technology highic and interests. The rise of social lights the importance for a brand to marmedia and technology highlights the ket themselves towards their youth audience. importance for a brand to market themselves towards their youth audience.





Many of Noah’s collections feature bold prints, colours and patterns such as neon pink and yellow animal print vests, and yellow stripped shirts. This displays a sense of uniqueness to the brand, as Noah also goes beyond the typical American and classic streetwear image of duller, toned down colours and earth tones. The ability to incorporate the classic American streetwear aesthetic in combination with colours and prints allows Noah to successfully create bold statements within their collections.


How does Noah create bold stateHow does Noah create ments within their collections? bold statements within their collections?

In what way could Noah be ‘classic’? In whatdescribed way couldas Noah be described as ‘classic’? Noah is an American streetwear brand in New streetwear York, where classic and Noah is based an American brand iconic streetwear style based in New York, where classic and iconic originally out becoming streetwear started style originally started popular out be- during the 1990s. Thethe styles aesthetic that coming popular during 1990s. and The styles is featured in many Noah’s collecand aesthetic that is featured in of many of tions could described Noah’s collections couldbebe describedasasclassic, in way that thattheir their styles, classic, in the the way styles, colourscolours and shapes featured within each of their and shapes featured within each of their has remained collectionscollections has remained original, authentic original, authentic and accurate to of the initial and accurate to the initial era and rise and rise of though American streetwear. American era streetwear. Even Noah Even though continues continues to release new Noah and unique collec- to release and unique tions, therenew is always a sense collections, of that classic there is always a sense of incorporated. that classic 90s New 90s New York streetwear style York streetwear style incorporated.




Does Noah participate in brand collaborations? One of Noah’s most famous and successful collaborations was with Batman, where consumers could shop Batman x Noah skateboards and casual, classic street style tracksuit joggers and hoodies. The brand is open to collaboration with brands that fits the Noah vibe and aesthetic, which Batman achieved well in their collaboration, as the Batman target audience is similar to Noah’s audience of youthful consumers.


In what ways does Noah contribute to recycling? As a sustainable conscious brand, Noah has started to develop ways of communicating to their street style targeted consumer that they are starting to create collections around recycling. For example, Noah released a new collection that was fully dedicated to making recycled t-shirts made from 100% recycled cotton. As a brand, Noah is actively starting to produce their clothing in a more sustainable and responsible way, and recycling is just the start of their responsible journey.




Noah conveys that they are a conscious brand when it comes to sustainability and responsibility by having a dedicated website segment where they are open in sharing the details of fabrics and materials that they feature within their How Their does recycled Noah canvas convey collections. fab-that ric is they produced from recycled fibres are a 50% conscious brand? and they prevent the use of over-dyeing by using washed versions Asbrand Noah conveys that theyof arefabrics. a conscious well aswhen this, the brand focuses onand sharit comes to sustainability responsiing important issues socially by communibility by having a dedicated website segment cating where thesethey issues withintheir are open sharingaudience the details of throughfabrics Instagram, such as making theirwithin and materials that they feature audience of societal issues likefabric theiraware collections. Their recycled canvas the Black Lives Matter in 2020. is produced from movement 50% recycled fibres and they prevent the use of over-dyeing by using washed versions of fabrics. As well as this, the brand focuses on sharing important issues socially by communicating these issues with their audience through Instagram, such as making their audience aware of societal issues like the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020.


How does Noah convey that they are a conscious brand?



Howpopular does Noah market them- has The ‘skater boy’ aesthetic been heavily Generation Z selves to theadopted youth by audience?

and Generation Alpha in particular, as we have seen the growth in this aesNoah’s audience is made thetic target in recent years. Noah up as from a brand the younger age demographics, combincould be described as unique in the ing andtarget Generations Z and the way Millennials that they and design their older half specifically of Alpha. The with brand the markets clothing ‘skatthemselves to a in youth audience er boy’ image mind. This particuaesthetic larly through social media channels, can be identified within their such collecas Instagram. On their Instagram tions that feature oversizedaccount, and free supporters of the streetwear can flowing graphic tees, in brand combination find look books that withvisuals, their imagery visual and styling that considaligns with their andto interests. Thecreers props and aesthetic locations further rise social‘skater’ media and technologyand highate of their aesthetic vibe. lights the importance for a brand to market themselves towards their youth audience.


How does Noah convey their streetwear aesthetic? Noah visually displays their streetwear aesthetic through their laid back, youthful skater aesthetic. There collections are made up from casual, everyday wearable pieces, from oversized tees, jumpers, jeans and joggers. This classic American streetstyle aesthetic is reflected in within each of their collections. Noah’s Spring/ Summer 2021 collection features many key elements of streetwear, such as skater inspired tops and trousers, featuring the classic Noah inspired graphic and pattern t-shirts.



Is Noah a sustainable brand?


Is Noah a sustainable brand?


Noah is not fully 100% a sustainable brand as of 2021, however they Noah is notimproving fully 100% their a sustainable are continuously prac- brand as of 2021,values howeverinto they becoming are continuously tices and brand their practices brand values a more improving sustainable brand. and In 2019, into becoming morePlanet’ sustainable brand. In Noah joined ‘1% fora the cam‘1% fordonate the Planet’ paign, 2019, whereNoah theyjoined annually a campaign,ofwhere they annually donate a percentpercentage proceeds to environmenage of proceeds to environmental non-profit tal non-profit organisations that fothat focusThey on the environment. cus on organisations the environment. state, They is our way putting our “This is ourstate, way “This of putting our of money money mouth is in terms of where our mouthwhere is inour terms of pledging pledging to environmental resources to resources environmental issues”. issues”.


Does Noah have an ‘urban’ aesthetic? Urban streetstyle was born on the streets of New York City in the 1990s, creating an aesthetic that was to become increasingly popular for many years to come. Noah’s brand image and aesthetic has become popular due to their connection to the urban streetstyle look, featuring the classic skater boy aesthetic including plaid shackets, and loose fitting graphic tees. This urban aesthetic is very popular amougst the up and coming Generation Alpha.




Patagonia is an American founded clothing brand that is best known for their outdoor, athletic and adventure aesthetic within their brand. The clothing brand is based in Ventura, California, where the brand creates their clothing items - from surfing wetsuits, mountain biking boots to fly fishing jumpsuits, the outdoors brand is well known for their variety of products and clothing items that are suitable for a wide range of sporting and outdoors activities. Despite being a primarly outdoors and adventure functioning brand. Patagonia has in recent years become a streetwear fashion statement, mostly being popular amoungst both Generation Z and Generation Alpha. Patagonia’s puffer jackets and everyday lounge tracksuits, featuring their classic brand logo has become popular within the streetwear fashion industry, as many key streetwear players such as Adidas and Nike have created the movement of merging streetstyle clothing into the higher end of the fashion industry within recent years especially. Although Patagonia creates clothing garments with functionality in mind, this doesn’t prevent the aesthetics of their clothing garments from also being a key element to their chosen targeted consumer base.




keep your gear in play


keep your gear in play keep your gear in play



keep your gear in play

B. T B.

Patagonia as a brand are very dedicated and determined when it comes to ensuring that their brand is sustainable and responsible within their practices during the production, sourcung and manufacturing of their clothing and products. The brand is very open, honest and vocal when communicating their contribution to being a sustainable and responisble brand, as they are transparent about their consumers knowing how their clothes are made. The leading sustainable fashion brand states, “We guarantee everything we make”, as every piece of clothing produced within the fashin industry will have some sort of negative impact on the planet - whether this be environmentally or ethically. Patagonia’s ever-growing sustainability and responsibility programme creates a unique space for their targeted consumer demographic, where supporters of the brand can discover further knowledge and information on the materials, fabrics and methods of production and manufacturing that the sustainable brand participates in.





The Patagonia consumer is someone who seeks adventure and has interests including the outdoors, sports and active activities. As a brand, Patagonia thrives off of their ethos of staying true to their outdoor and adventure roots, whilst also incorporating their aesthetic and current trends into their collections and clothing pieces also. The brand’s consumer is likely to be someone who can appreciate the functional and practical elements of their clothing pieces; whether the desired function to be mountain climbing or fly-fishing, as well as being someone who can also appreciate the aesthetics and overall look of their clothing pieces and accessories.


Patagonia is mostly well-known for their sustainable and responsible brand status, which the outdoors brand successfully communicates towards their targeted consumer demographic. With this in mind, the ideal Patagonia consumer is someone who is conscious and interested in taking part in the fashion industry and Patagonia’s personal journey within the sustainable fashion race. Due to the ever-growing education and knowledge surrounding the environment and sustainability subject area, Patagonia always remains relevant and current within the sustainability movement, therefore their consumers are also likely to demand clothing, accessories and sporting pieces that are relevant and produced, manufactured and communicated in a way in which Patagonia’s core values and interest within being sustainable and responsible are reflected successfully. The Patagonia consumer is someone who can buy into a variety of market levels, as displayed within their wide range of pricing for the everyday consumer and the more luxe consumer.

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How does Patagonia convey an active aesthetic within their collections? Patagonia as a brand is centred around being active, adventurous and sporty, therefore it is important for their collections to be functionally active, as well as their aesthetic. The brand conveys their active aesthetic by having a large variety of active clothing suitable for a variety of activities. From fleeces, wetsuits, to boardshorts, Patagonia conveys an active aesthetic by the practicality of their clothing as they have considered the function of their garments as well as their look and aesthetic to achieve the complete ‘active’ aesthetic for their targeted outdoors consumer.


What makes adventure styling key to Patagonia’s brand? In order for Patagonia consumers to visualise themselves in their collections, it is important for their branding, product photography and overall promotional content to illustrate a sense of ‘adventure’ – as ultimately the brand is targeting their collections to a consumer who loves adventure and being active. By styling their collections using an ‘adventurous’ aesthetic, Patagonia can maintain and show off their brand identity and message to potential new consumers who don’t already wear the Patagonia look; but are a part of the adventure and active consumer target group, potentially making themselves more appealing against competitor brand such as The North Face.





How does Patagonia communicate environmental issues to their consumer?

How does Patagonia communiPatagonia uses social media channels and cate environmental issuesisto their website to voice environmental sues, quoting built robust environtheir “We’ve consumer? mental and animal welfare responsibility programs to guide how we make our materials and Patagonia products”. their uses Patagonia social mediauses channels and their Instagram account to environmental raise awareness website to voice issues,ofquoting environmental issues, such as oil pollu“We’ve built robust environmental and animal tion within oceans, and then encourwelfareour responsibility programs to guide how ages their targeted to donate to Patawe make our consumer materials and products”. plausible causes of assistance. gonia uses in theirneed Instagram account to raise awareness of environmental issues, such as oil pollution within our oceans, and then encourages their targeted consumer to donate to plausible causes in need of assistance.





What does the element of experience mean to the Patagonia consumer? The consumer profile for someone who shops and supports Patagonia is someone who seeks action, adventure and ultimately experience. The element of experience is important to the Patagonia consumer, as they want and expect their products to provide them with an experience due to the practical nature of the clothing. A Patagonia consumer is likely to want their clothing and products to provide them with the experience that they expect. For example, specialised running shoes should live up to the consumer’s expectation that they improve their running experience.



Why is the colour Green important to Patagonia’s brand? Different tones and shades of Green are featured in a variety of ways within the numerous Patagonia collections. The colour Green shows a significance to the brand, as the connotation of being a sustainable and responsible brand pairs well with the outdoors, active and adventurous aesthetic of Patagonia, and the brand’s core values. The colour Green fits the aesthetic and styling of the brand well, as it is reflective of the Earth and natural surroundings, which is mainly what Patagonia uses to promote their collections around – as the nature of their sportswear and active clothing is most likely to be worn in these natural types of locations.



Does Patagonia have the ability to influence other, smaller fashion brands to become more sustainable? Patagonia is a leading brand who has created large room for changes surrounding the sustainability and responsibility race, and their large impact on the fashion industry definitely has the ability to influence smaller brands into doing the same. Patagonia’s contribution to sustainable practice, such as using 100% recycled materials is something to celebrate within the fashion industry. If smaller brands don’t start to develop into more sustainable and responsible conscious brands like larger industry leaders, then this may widen the competition between brands within the same aesthetic and targeted consumer.





What is the significance of using nature in Patagonia’s styling and campaigns? Nature is significant to Patagonia’s brand image, especially when featured within their digital styling and campaigns. To help sell the product and the idea of a product fitting the expectations of their targeted consumer, it is important for the brand to visually display their product in its targeted surroundings. For example, to help further visualise a consumer wearing Patagonia’s cycling clothing, it is important for the consumer to visually see promotional imagery of that cycling clothing being shown off within a cycling natural environment, such as the mountains – ultimately, nature is key when shooting and styling promotional material for Patagonia.


How does Patagonia show their commitment into maintaining their responsible brand status? Patagonia shows their commitment as a sustainable brand into maintaining their responsible brand status by demonstrating their contribution in improving social responsibility, as well as environmental responsibility. Patagonia quotes, “Our goal is not just to minimize harm, but to create a positive benefit for the lives that we touch through our business”, which actively demonstrates their commitment into ensuring workers are being protected and supported. 66,000 of Patagonia’s production workers are supported by the Fair Trade Programme, showing Patagonia’s commitment into maintaining their responsible brand status.





How does Patagonia express their interest towards the outdoors within their collections? Patagonia is a leading, sustainable outdoors orientated brand, where sports and the outdoors is their main aesthetic. The brand expresses their interest towards the outdoors by designing a variety of collections dedicated to individual sports, such as climbing, surfing, trail running, mountain biking and fly fishing. Patagonia also expresses their interest in the outdoors through their brand values, as the importance of sustainability and protection of the planet is illustrated through their commitment into creating collections that are certified as 100% Fair Trade, as well as ensuring their materials and fabrics used are sustainable also.


How does Patagonia contribute to sustainable practice within the fashion industry? Patagonia’s central focus of their brand revolves around sustainability and being a responsible brand, by carrying out production and design methods that contribute less to the global climate crisis. A key element of their brand is “recycling our way to lower emissions”. Patagonia achieves this by using 68% of fabrics that are sourced and made from recyclable materials, and this recycled brand value allows the brand to cut emissions by 20,000 tonnes of C02 emissions – which is enough to power 2,300 homes annually.













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COLLABORATION COLLABORATION NARRATIVE NARRATIVE Introducing “Tomorrow People” - The Collaboration between the American streetwear brand ‘Noah’ and outdoors, adventure orientated clothing brand ‘Patagonia’. This collaboration is targeted into raising the awareness and expanding on the knowledge of the issues within the fashion industry, such as issues and processes regarding sustainability and being a responsible brand. The “Tomorrow People” Collaboration illustrates the narrative that fashion and clothing that is targeted to the youth consumer can be sustainable and come from a responsible brand, whilst also still maintaining their ability to remain on trend and keep within the brand’s original and personal aesthetics at no extra cost. The messages associated with the Noah x Patagonia Collaboration, “Tomorrow People”, illustrates that fashion that follows trends and appeals to the youth target audience can be sustainable - going against the generalised association that if clothing is sustainably made by a responsible brand, it is no longer ‘on trend’ or the intended aesthetic of the clothing is lost as a result of choosing sustainable practices. Streetwear can be sustainable and be in style at the same time - and the new up and coming consumer needs to become aware of this for there to be any signs of change within the fashion industry moving forwards.


The main purpose of the sustainable streetwear collaboration, “Tomorrow People” is to act as a movement within the fashion industry and to provide a new voice for the targeted consumer demongraphic, Generation Alpha chance for change the way many popular fashion brands carry out their business whether this be through the design, materials and fabrics of the actual clothing garments or the manufacturing and production process of their products. My two chosen streetwear brands, ‘Noah’ and ‘Patagonia’ contribute well and work successfully alongside each other in the way that both brands can learn and possibly take away some successful elements and incorporate these elements, methods or processes when deciding how to better and improve their own brand. For this collaboration, ‘Noah’ acts as the stronger brand leader, in which my collaboration focuses on utilising Noah’s youthful, skater aesthetic, keeping in mind the targeted consumer of the collaboration being Generation Alpha - as this age demographic and generation are keen to buy into trends and this particular aesthetic. Patagonia will play a key part in this collaboration in which their influences and experience as being one of the main key players within the sustainable and responsible sector of the fashion industry will allow the collaboration to benefit from a production and manufacturing aspect - such as using sustainable materials for the clothing garments, and ensuring the packaging, production and manufacturing of the collaboration will be carried out sustainably and responsibly.





CONSUMER PROFILE For this collaboration, the targeted and intended consumer is someone who is part of the Generation Alpha, due to the nature of the types of casual clothing items included within the collection. Noah’s streetstyle aesthetic including oversized and loose-fitting jumpers and joggers are all featured within the collection which is perfectly inline with the interests and fashion styles and trends that Generation Alpha are currently buying into. Generation Alpha are likely to buy into this collaboration as the aesthetic and styles of clothing are appropriate for the age demographic targeted.


The main focus and purpose of the “Tomorrow People” collaboration is to expand on the knowledge and understanding of the fashion industry’s impact on the planet, causing for the need for brands to become more sustainable and responsible within their practices. As a result, the collection heavily communicates the use of using sustainable materials, fabrics and processes within both brands, ‘Noah’ and ‘Patagonia’, therefore the consumer is likely to be someone who

is interested or wants to become interested in becoming more sustainable or conscious within their fashion - whether this be through the brands they choose to support or their overall fashion choices when shopping. Due to the nature of both participating brands, the targeted consumer is someone who is active and has interests in sports, as the collection’s style of clothing is suitable for an active lifestyle - reflective of ‘Noah’s love for skating and ‘Patagonia’s love for adventure.


To keep my collaboration relevant and target the collection towards the Alpha Generation, the collaboration will be promoted in ways that will successfully reach the social lifestyle of the up and coming generation. Social media channels such as Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube are becoming increasingly popular, particularly amoungst the Alpha Generation, therefore promoting the collaboration’s visual product image-


ry, campaigns and creative visions on these social platforms will provide an excellent opportunity to communicate the key messages and the narrative that the sustainable-driven collaboration holds. Collectivley, both ‘Noah’ and ‘Patagonia’ have curated just under 5 million Instagram followers many of whom are likely to have an interest in sustainability and brand responsibility, making social media channels a significant space

when sharing the collaboration’s contribution and participation in improving both brand’s impact within the sustainable fashion sector of the industry. Instagram’s ‘Explore’ page can also aid the collabortion’s exposure , as this feature can introduce potentially new consumers who share this interest in sustainability and brand responsibility to the “Tomorrow People” collaboration - extending the message of sustainability’s importance.



The “Tomorrow People” collaboration can be found on both ‘Noah’ and ‘Patagonia’s websites, where the targeted Generation Alpha can find , discover, learn and shop around the clothing pieces. Keeping the collaboration within easy access globally online will extend the message of reaching towards the Alpha Generation, as this age demographic is the most socially and technologically aware generation to date. The collaboration will also be available within the physical stores of both brands, so the consumers who may not be as confident or experienced with shopping online can also learn and purchase clothing pieces for themselves.


After researching both brands, ‘Noah’ and ‘Patagonia’, I decided that the price ranges for the collaboration would not be too high for the luxury fashion market level, due to the nature of the products being t-shirt, sweater, jogger and puffer jacket styles pieces that are considered necessity and basic needed pieces for anyone’s wardrobe. These styles of pieces featured within the collection are included in both brand’s product portfolio, as both brands sell products of this nature. As a result of this research, and the fact that both brands can be considered somewhat ‘luxury’, the sweaters will be priced at £150 and the joggers will be priced at around £200. The puffer jacket and shorts co-ord will also be priced at £200 per piece. These pricings I believe are accurate in regards to the similar styles of pieces that both brands already sell, whilst also keeping in mind that both brands are often placed within the luxury market level within the fashion industry.





My “Tomorrow People” collaboration is based around creating clothing garments that can be used as multi-purpose pieces and are of a higher quality to ensure that they have a lengthy product lifecycle and durability in hopes to illustrate the message of how streetwear clothing can be sustainable if brands can create basic and necessity clothing pieces. As a result of this, the products featured within the collaboration collection include basic, necessity items such as joggers, jumpers, jackets and t-shirts. By producing high quality pieces that are fit for anyone’s wardrobe and are of a re-usable style, this in itself can aid when extending the collaboration’s narrative of knowing and understanding how your clothes are made and then understanding the impact and consequence they have caused when it comes to being sustainable and responsible. The featured products continue to reflecr the needs, wants and expectations of the newly conscious Alpha Generation, and the generations for many years to come.



The “Tomorrow People” collaboration not only contributes to the sustainable fashion industry through the materials, fabrics and processes used to manufacture the clothing garments, but also through their designs and production of their collaboration’s swing tags and packaging. The swing tags that will be attached to the clothing pieces will be made from 100% recycled cardboard and vegetable ink will be used to print logos and product information on the labels. The collaboration’s packaging will also be made from 100% recycled cardboard also to extend the collaboration’s intended message and narrative of the importance of sustainability and the environment to both brands, ‘Noah’ and Patagonia’ - acting as the main focus of the collection. The purpose of using 100% recycled cardboard and vegetable ink enhances the brand narrative to the targeted Generation Alpha consumer.




In regards to the materials, fabrics and processes when designing and producing the clothing items within the “Tomorrow People” collaboration, the message and collaboration narrative on raising awareness surrounding creating sustainable streetwear will be extended. By communicating the chosen materials, fabrics and processes used within the collaboration, the message and narrative of creating a change within the sustainable sector of the fashion industry can be further enforced to the targeted Generation Alpha consumer. The “Tomorrow People” collaboration will feature materials and fabrics that are 100% sustainable, such as recycled Cotton, recycled Polyester and recycled Nylon. The printing of logos, patterns and designs on the clothing pieces will be produced using vegetable inks. The purpose of these choices is to enhance the communication of the collaboration’s message of taking a brand and improving their operational choices - for example, within this collaboration, ‘Noah’ is taking influence from ‘Patagonia’s approach of being a more conscious brand within their practices - knowing and understanding their impact that is created by their choices. This is something the Generation Alpha consumer will also be very conscious of.




As my proposed collaboration comes to an end, I believe the messages and conceptual narrative that comes with the collaboration are very relevant and current to the present day look of the fashion industry. Now more than ever, we as consumers and communicators are more knowledgeable and understanding of the issues and impact that the processes of the fashion industry can have on furthering sustainability - therefore it is important for brands going forwards to communicate and visualise these issues to their targeted consumers, such as the rising Alpha Generation. This new generation has the opportunity to change the way people shop and consume fashion in hopes to further extend and appreciate the message of how important it is for brands to contribute to running and acting in sustainable and responsible ways for the many years to come.


REFERENCES Wendorf, M., Trosper, J., & Loeffler, J. Generation Alpha: The Children of the Millennial. Retrieved from https://interestingengineering. com/generation-alpha-the-children-of-the-millennial Butterfield, G. (2020). Industry Guest Lecturer. Lecture, University of Chester DESIGNS, R. Responsibility. (2021) Retrieved from https://www.raeburndesign.co.uk/pages/responsibility DESIGNS, R. Repairs (2021). Retrieved from https://www.raeburndesign.co.uk/pages/repairs The North Face: Sustainability. (2021). Retrieved from https://www. thenorthface.co.uk/en_gb/innovation/sustainability.htm Clothes the Loop. (2021). Retrieved from https://www.thenorthface. co.uk/innovation/sustainability/product/clothes-the-loop.html Pangaia: Biodiversity. (2021). Retrieved from https://thepangaia.com/ pages/biodiversity The Forest Collection. (2021). Retrieved from https://thepangaia. com/blogs/collections/the-forest-collection-1%20 The Hidden Cost of Clothes - Patagonia. (2021). Retrieved from https://eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/hidden-cost-of-clothes/ Social Responsibility – Patagonia (2021). Retrieved from https://eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/social-responsibility/ Organic Cotton Fabric - Patagonia. (2021). Retrieved from https:// eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/our-footprint/organic-cotton.html Environmental & Social Footprint - Patagonia. (2021). Retrieved from https://eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/our-footprint/ Noah - About. (2021). Retrieved from https://noahny.com/pages/ about

IMAGE REFERENCES Figure 1 - https://www.instagram.com/thenorthface/?hl=en Figure 2 - https://www.instagram.com/thenorthface/?hl=en Figure 3 - https://www.instagram.com/thepangaia/?hl=en Figure 4 - https://www.raeburndesign.co.uk/pages/packaging Figure 5 - https://noahny.com/pages/archive Figure 6 - https://noahny.com/pages/archive Figure 7 - https://noahny.com/pages/archive Figure 8 - https://eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/stories/ Figure 9 - https://eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/stories/ Figure 10 - https://eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/surfing/ Figure 11 - https://noahny.com/pages/archive

the tomorrow people.

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orrow people.

the tomorrow people.

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