Keith Chan

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S E L F - I N T RO D U C T I O N







S e l f - i n t ro d u c t i o n


Hi, I am Keith Chan. Now I am studying my third year of architecture study in University of Melbourne. I was born and raised in Hong Kong. After finishing my public exam there, I decided to apply for University of Melbourne as this city is one of the most amazing places in the world. At that time I reckoned this will be an unforgettable journey and this feeling still implies at this moment. The reason I chose to study architecture was because of some stunning outlooks of the buildings in the world. When I was young, I was so impressed by the buildings when travelling, especially the high-rise buildings and the Gothic cathedrals. Their outlooks were really appealing and since that time I had an interest of discovering different great buildings in the world. However, the decision of studying architecture was not an easy one. None of my family members studied this subject and not much advice can be told to me. Also I knew that I had no talent at this subject at all so I have to pay much more effort than the others in order to get satisfying outcomes. However, looking back to the times of paying great effort was an unforgettable experience. The feeling of overcoming difficulties is also a boost for me to keep on studying architecture.


Eco Resort in UAE by Baharash Architecture

This is a project about designing an eco resort in Dubai, the southern region of UAE. The starting point of this project was because that groundwater could be extracted by deep wells. So the spring was the major focus of the project as the whole building is surrouding it. Also, the spring provides various recreational activities there, such as fish farming and crop irrigation. The spring creates a big contrast with the desert as water can be hardly seen in such a remote area. The spring in this project also achieves the idea of design futuring. As the groundwater belongs to the natural resources, the whole project is based on this natural respect and started to be developed. This is better than other projects as they do not need to use manmade materials for the building. Instead, the decision of using natural groundwater as a feature is very intelligent.


N e i ra , J u l i a n a , B a h a ra s h A rc h i t e c t u re u nve i l s p l a n s f o r wo rl d ’s g re e n e s t e c o re s o r t i n UA E , re t r i eve d f ro m h t t p : / / w w w. d e s i g n b o o m . c o m / a rc h i t e c t u re / b a h a ra s h - a rc h i t e c t u re - wo rl d s g re e n e s t - re s o r t - u a e - 0 3 - 0 3 - 2 0 1 6 /

Figure 2.

Figure 1. Figure 3.

The reasons why I like this building are because of its innovative idea and sustainability. Talking about sustainability, we human have already destroyed and polluted the nature a lot. Natural resources will be running out very soon and its our responsibility to solve this problem. Architecture can also take part in this action. In terms of designing future, this project illustrates how to strike a balance between building a project and sustainability. From the roof we can see that there are a huge area installed with solar panels. This allows most of the energy can be obtained from the natural environment, and not using unrenewable resources that can damage the nature seriously. Also because of the sufficient sunlight of the site, transparent glasses are used to provide natural lighting to the indoor area. This design can really reduce lots of unnecessary waste of energy.

F i g u re 1 - 3 , re t r i eve d f ro m h t t p : / / w w w. d e s i g n b o o m . c o m / a rc h i t e c t u re / b a h a ra s h - a rc h i t e c t u re - wo rl d s g re e n e s t - re s o r t - u a e - 0 3 - 0 3 - 2 0 1 6 /


Figure 1.


Smith, Hollie, V i n c e n t C a l l e b a u t ’s hy p e r i o n s i s a s u s t a i n a bl e e c o s y s t e m t h a t re s i s t s c l i m a t e c h a n ge , re t r i eve d f ro m h t t p : / / w w w. d e s i g n b o o m . c o m / a rc h i t e c t u re / v i n c e n t - c a l l e b a u t - hy p e r i o n s s u s t a i n a bl e - e c o s y s t e m - 0 2 - 2 2 - 2 0 1 6 /

Figure 2.

Hyperions by Vincent Callebaut Architecture Hyperions is an innovative project held in Delhi, India. The most incredible feature behind it is the idea of using architecture as a way to resist climate change, and to combine sustainable food systems with buildings. This project consists of 6 towers, each of them contains residential and office spaces. We can see that the most of the buildings have green areas on their exterior surfaces, roofs and grounds. This is because the aim of this project is to combine urban renaturation, small-scaled farming and natural environment with the buildings. The idea of this project is to maintain energy consumption level lower than the energy production level. This is a great approach to achieve sustainability of the design futuring topic. Also, the vertical building structure has some special reasons behind it. For each room’s balcony, there is plenty of space for vegetation to growth. They can obtain sunlight directly and grow healthily. Also for the roof, it contains a transperant cover with a huge space for the plants to grow. With this vertical building design, less land is needed for the growth of vegetation. And the food provided in this building can solve the problem of people’s food need. This intelligent idea really achieve the aim of sustainability because the whole building can work in a long term.

Another approach of this building to achieve sustainability and about the future designing is that most of the building structures are made of wood. And those woods all come from the 68 million hectares delhi forest. As wood is a renewable building material, the elements can be reused for other purposes so the waster and the damage dealt to the environment can be decreased effectively.

Figure 3. F i g u re 1 - 4 , re t r i eve d f ro m h t t p : / / w w w. d e s i g n b o o m . c o m / a rc h i t e c t u re / v i n c e n t - c a l l e b a u t - hy p e r i o n s s u s t a i n a bl e - e c o s y s t e m - 0 2 - 2 2 - 2 0 1 6 /

Figure 4.


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