4 minute read
The Art of Writing, continued from Page 9
In The Writing Lab, we follow Hochman’s recommendations and begin by constructing sentences - what Hochman calls ‘the basic building blocks of writing.’ Then, as explained in her book, we make sentences more complex by incorporating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and appositives. Step by step, we teach the students how to enrich the sentence and have it carry more information. We dig so deeply into how to create meaningful sentences that by the end of the first trimester, our primary goal was simply to have students be able to outline and draft a single paragraph that featured a solid topic sentence, three or four worthwhile supporting details, and a clear, discernible concluding statement.”
The Writing Lab at Kellenberg Memorial is the only class that does not use the iPad. As part of the “back to basics” approach of the class, it is important for the students to awaken their fine motor skills. Mrs. von Schoenermarck notes, “There is an almost imperceptible pause which takes place between the thought developing and the student writing it on the paper that is an important part of this process.” The class also employs an interdisciplinary approach, utilizing relevant lessons from history, science, or religion classes in writing drills in order to reinforce what students are learning in other subject areas.
As the famous writer Flannery O’Connor once said, “I write to discover what I know.” While all enhancements across the curriculum are important, giving students the power to harness and express their ideas using the written word is paramount. Without the proper tools to think critically and craft coherent written ideas or responses, one’s ability to truly excel in other subject areas is hindered. The same is true for one’s ability to reach his or her full potential in a professional capacity on a chosen career path. By deconstructing the core elements of a simple sentence or paragraph and teaching students to build a linguistic expression one word or clause at a time, The Writing Lab is giving Firebird students their literary wings so that they can successfully fly anywhere their academic passions lead them.
Annual Report Update
As many may know, the winter issue of Heart & Mind traditionally includes Kellenberg Memorial’s Annual Report detailing the philanthropic support from the previous fiscal year.
The Shepherd’s Fund, Kellenberg Memorial’s annual, unrestricted fund, continues to experience healthy growth thanks to the generosity of dedicated benefactors. As a result, the expanded Annual Report will arrive as its own separate publication shortly. We are forever grateful to all those who support the Marianist education of the heart and mind with their time, talent, and treasure.
The Kellenberg Memorial family extends its deepest sympathy to the loved ones of recently departed alumni & friends. To inform the school of the death of a member of the Firebird family, please contact alumni@ kellenberg.org.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, & let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, & all the souls of the faithful departed, through Your mercy, rest in peace. Amen.
Mary Andrews, mother of KMHS staff member Eileen Fechtmann, mother-in-law of KMHS staff member John Fechtmann, and grandmother of KMHS faculty member Kevin Fechtmann Kevin Caporaso ’99, son of Barbara Caporaso (Emmanuel Retreat House and the One Heart One Mind Benefit Office) Father Philip Eichner, S.M., President of Chaminade High School (1967-1992), President of Kellenberg Memorial High School (1987-2018), and Provincial of the Province of Meribah (1984-1992) Richard Frank Feminella, father of Richard C. Feminella ’92 and Catherine A. Feminella ’96 Donald Hartung, grandparent of Greta Hartung ’17, Ava Hartung ’21, and Eli Hartung ’24 Stephen J. Huggard, father of faculty member Tom Huggard and grandfather of Anne Marie Bernhart ’15, Elizabeth Huggard ’18, Megan Huggard ’19, Kelly Anne Huggard ’20, and Ella Huggard ’25 Andy Jones, KMHS maintenance Louise Jones, wife of James Jones, retired KMHS maintenance Kenneth V. Karchinski ’01, husband of Lori (Dengel) Karchinski ’02, brother of Pamela (Karchinski) Voelker ’05, and brother-in-law to Nancy (Dengel) Cipp ’95 and Stephen Dengel ’98 Neil McLaughlin ’92, brother of Kevin McLaughlin ’88, Thomas McLaughlin ’89, Jack McLaughlin St.A ’84, and Mary Gwen McLaughlin St.A ’83 (deceased), and uncle of Anna McLaughlin ’20 and Timothy McLaughlin ’23 Joseph Quinn, father of faculty member Coleen (Quinn) Zabala ’97, Moira (Quinn) Torres ’95, Brendan Quinn ’99, and Liam Quinn ’05 Joseph Ra, Sr., father of Joseph Ra ’00 Alred Reimer, father of KMHS staff member Marietta Tartamella and grandfather of KMHS athletic staff member Justin Tartamella Terence H. Reynolds, father-in-law of KMHS faculty member John McCutcheon and grandfather to Keely McCutcheon, SMMS faculty member Lauralyne Wells, mother of Kevin Wells-Hardy, KMHS maintenance Scott Werner, father of Jeanne Werner ’02
Parents of Alumni,
If your son or daughter no longer maintains permanent residence at your home, please notify the Alumni Office of his/her new mailing address at 516-292-0200 x 396 or alumni@kellenberg.org
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