Heart & Mind – Winter 2019

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p r i n c i pa ls ’s w e l com e

A LETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Friends of Kellenberg Memorial,

I hope that by the time you read this magazine, you will have had a blessed Christmas season in which you found time to contemplate the ultimate gift from God that is the baby Jesus. As I think of the story of Jesus’ birth, I am struck by the humble surroundings which served as Mary’s refuge where she brought forth our Savior. That such a miracle could take place in a simple manger is always such a great source of inspiration. Kellenberg Memorial had its own humble beginning in 1987. I am reminded of the building and grounds which would serve as the home of new Firebird family. While sturdy, the building lacked the character we desired in order to turn the school into a “home away from home” for students. We set to work immediately to create an “atmosphere that would educate.” Courtyards were constructed, horticultural plans were established and nurtured, and cinder block was slowly covered by woodwork. Just as in any home, animals play a key role. The campus would not be complete without its many dogs, birds, aquatic life, and, of course, the many small animals in the Kellenberg Zoo. As I now look around our campus, I realize the truth in the saying that every successful undertaking is a triumph of enthusiasm. The enthusiasm that transformed cinder blocks into woodwork and a physical school into home is still present and still transforming our community and our students everyday. In just over 30 years, we have been blessed with so many talented faculty and staff members, students, parents, and alumni who 2


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have each played a unique role in assisting Kellenberg Memorial as it has grown from its humble beginnings. The Firebirds of the early years helped lay a strong foundation for growth. In fact, Kellenberg Memorial’s first graduating class, the Class of 1988, recently returned to campus for their 30 Year Reunion. Many stated how pleasantly surprised they were at the upgrades and additions around the school building.

As I now look around our campus, I realize the truth in the saying that every successful undertaking is a triumph of enthusiasm.

Always looking to the future, Kellenberg Memorial is spreading its wings even further with many exciting new projects on the horizon. We recently obtained a 5.7 acre, waterfront property in Islip, NY, which will be home to our new Firebird Crew Team, as well as provide ample space for off-campus apostolic events. Our new property’s name, Stella Maris, is a title of the Blessed Virgin as the “Star of the Sea.” Just as sailors navigated by keeping their eyes fixed to certain stars, we are reminded by this title of Mary to navigate our lives by keeping our eyes fixed to her example.

This past summer, the locker rooms were completely renovated and the track was resurfaced. STEM-related enhancements continue to be added to the curriculum, with additional clubs and activities available to those wishing to deepen their knowledge within the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. Lab technicians have been added to the school’s faculty to expand and deepen the laboratory experience of our students. Plans are also on the horizon for the complete renovation of our science labs. Additionally, partnerships with local colleges and universities will provide students with business and finance educational opportunities, such as training with Bloomberg terminals for Bloomberg certification. At the center of this issue of Heart & Mind, you will find the Annual Report for fiscal year 2017-2018. With nearly 2,000 benefactors and over $1 million dollars raised, it is clear that our school’s humble beginnings laid a foundation for extraordinary growth and success. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of all who have played a role in supporting Kellenberg Memorial as it spreads its wings and continues to produce intellectually and spiritually sound graduates who go on to change the world, one heart and one mind at a time. Sincerely,

Brother Kenneth M. Hoagland, S.M. Principal


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Heart & Mind, the magazine of Kellenberg Memorial High School, is published twice a year and distributed to all alumni, parents, alumni parents, faculty, administration, and friends of KMHS. A D M I N I S T R AT I O N Principal Bro. Kenneth Hoagland, S.M.

Lourdes Mission of Mercy


Alumni Family Spirit Day


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A DVA N C E M E N T Director of Advancement Mrs. Denise Miles Director of Alumni Mr. Thomas Huggard A L U M N I B OA R D President Hilary (Cunningham) McDevitt ’93 Vice President Andrea (Licari) Petrosky ’91 Vice President John Muenzen ’97 Vice President Christine (Carroll) Krisch ’02 Vice President Jerard Roggio ’06 Vice President James Scahill ’08 EDITORIAL Editor in Chief Mrs. Erin (Byrne) Cicalese ’98 Editorial Advisor Mr. Thomas Huggard Editorial Assistant Mrs. Beth Campbell Creative Director Mrs. Trista Harnisch PHOTOGRAPHY Jordan Bernhardi ’17 Nicolas Castelli ’17 Joseph Ciorra ’17 Mr. Douglas Cioffi ’97 Mrs. Erin (Toscano) Citrano ’03 Mr. Eric Harnisch Mr. Jeff Harris ’03 Brother Roger Poletti, S.M.



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C e l e b r at i o n s o f Fa i t h

BISHOP BARRES ATTENDS TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS On Friday September 14th, the Kellenberg Memorial community was blessed with a special visit from Bishop John Barres of the Diocese of Rockville Centre for the annual Triumph of the Cross prayer service. Kellenberg and St. Martin De Porres Marianist School students gathered outside to celebrate the blessing of the cross. Bishop Barres assisted Father Thomas Cardone, S.M. with the prayer service. Each student received a cross which was then blessed by the Bishop. Following the prayer service, each homeroom was treated to muffins and juice boxes. Bishop Barres continued his visit by meeting with members of the senior class who served as missionaries in Lourdes, France this summer.

F.A.I.T.H. DAY The sun was shining and smiles were all around for this year’s F.A.I.T.H. (Freshman Ascending in Their Homerooms) Day, which was held on October 17th. A day of “spirit and spirituality," F.A.I.T.H. Day includes a spiritual film, prayer service, talk, and homeroom competition. Left: Members of the 9J “Jackpot” Homeroom gather for a group photo. Right: 9A “Alpaca” Sebastian Arreaga-Cacao ’22 bonds with the 9Q “Quokkas” Marianist Mentor Sarah Campbell ’19.

Above: Bishop John Barres speaks to the Kellenberg Memorial community during a reflection at the Triumph of the Cross prayer service.


On September 20th, October 10th, and October 19th, Kellenberg Memorial hosted Grandparent Appreciation Days for the sophomore and freshman classes, as well as the Brother Joseph Fox Latin School, respectively. Each day began with a special Mass, followed by brunch. Students and grandparents alike were beaming while spending quality time together. Many grandparents expressed their sincere gratitude for having been given the opportunity to see a "day in the life" of their grandchildren's school day. Top: Gabriella Siasoco ’22 with her grandparents, Sixto and Gloria Siasoco. Bottom Left: Lucille Durso enjoys a moment with her grandson, Joseph Durso ’21. Bottom Right: T'Anna Lloyd ’21 is all smiles with her grandmother, Cynthia James. 4


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The sophomore class enjoyed A.N.O.I.N.T. (Afternoon & Night of Offering Intercessions, New Evangelization and Teamwork) on November 9th. The day included games, a healthcare session with CPR and Heimlich maneuver tutorials, a faith reflection by Jay Asparro ’97, and Eucharistic Adoration, which included a procession of students carrying various "gifts" that each of Kellenberg's clubs and sports offer to Christ. The day of faith, fun, and friendship was preceded with a dance the evening before. Top Left: Kevin Bongiorno ’21 laser focuses on a game of Kan Jam. Top Right: Jay Asparro ’97 returned to campus to speak with the sophomore class about his faith journey. Bottom: Father Thomas Cardone, S.M. led Eucharistic Adoration for the class of 2021. A K E L L E N B E RG M E M O R I A L FA M I LY P U B L I CAT I O N

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For the fourth summer, Kellenberg students have been spiritually refreshed while serving in Lourdes, France. The first group of 24 students departed the day after comprehensive exams, June 20, and the second group made their journey on July 11. Students who have gone on this amazing missionary experience have described the trip as “Something that you will possibly never be able to feel again in this lifetime.” A.






While the service varied from day-to-day, the students were able to serve those in need at the grotto, the baths, the train station, the basilicas, the daily Eucharistic procession or the nightly rosary procession. They were also able to grow spiritually by attending adoration, Mass, Confession, the processions, the Stations of the Cross, and time for personal reflection and prayer.







Top of Page: Will Hom ’19, Amy Kuppelmeyer ’19, John Nealon ’19, Francesca Morales ’19, Nicholas Leone ’19, and Natalie Capasso ’19 are shown at various points of service while in Lourdes. Above: A. Colleen Moulder ’19 and Elias Baltas ’19 bring up the gifts during the Offertory Procession. B. Students raise their candles during the Ave Maria of the Rosary Procession. C. The sunset behind the Lourdes Basilica. D. Group A at the Chapelle de la Madeleine after Mass with the Marianists in Bordeaux. E. Katherine Macaluso ’19, Rosie McCumiskey ’19, Heather Oleksiw ’19, and Cassandra McMillan ’19 serve at the evening procession. F. Amanda Pugliese ’19, Joseph Tallini ’19, and Caroline Haffner ’19, share a sign of peace during the International Mass in the Underground Basilica. G. Students from Group B enjoy a tour of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade's room. H. Sarah Campbell ’19 leads the Hail Mary during the Rosary Procession. I. The Mary statue illuminated at night in the Grotto. J. Matthew Morales ’19, Nicholas Alvarado ’19, and John Rainis ’19, had a great time observing the Rosary Procession from the top of the Basilica. K. Students from Group B take in the views of Lourdes from the top of the fort in the center of town. L. Students had an opportunity to process with the Marianist banner during an evening procession. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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ST. MARTIN DE PORRES MARIANIST SCHOOL St. m a r t i n d e p o r r es










A. On November 10, we celebrated St. Martin de Porres Marianist School's 15th Anniversary with a beautiful gala. Brother Kenneth Hoagland, S.M. honors Mrs. Andrea Nordquist (founding Assistant Principal) and Mr. John Holian (founding and current Headmaster). B. Brother Timothy Driscoll, S.M., Brother Kenneth Hoagland, S.M., and Headmaster John Holian were on hand at the Gala to honor Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Lisa Haller (Kellenberg Alumni Parents) for their tireless support of and great generosity to St. Martin’s. Lisa is a founding member of the St. Martin's faculty. C. On November 2, we celebrated the feast of our school's patron saint, St. Martin de Porres. The day-long celebration started off with a school Mass, where Jeffrey Lozano (SMMS '10, KMHS '14) presented the school with a beautiful new cape from Peru for our patron saint's statue. D. September marked the beginning of St. Martin's first robotics program. Two of our eighth grade members, Dominic Franco and Jazmyn Moodie, have been leading the charge in this exciting new program. E. Holy Mary, pray for us! We celebrated our annual Rosary Rally in October, where the entire St. Martin's family came together to pray the rosary on our Stella Maris Field. Fourth grader Edwin Menendez assists with our prayer service. F. In October, St. Martin's celebrated its first Grandparents Day. Over 150 special guests joined us, including the Guerrier and Mannion Families, the grandparents of Pre-K student Chloe Mannion. G. St. Martin's held its annual Open House in November. Many students and alumni joined the faculty and staff for a great day of tours and fun. Eighth Grade Honor Society members Jaydon Mejia, William Holian, Ariana Barreiro, Josephine Rizzuto, and Jennifer Montalvan joined our mascot, Clipper, for a picture. H. St. Francis, pray for us! In October, we celebrated the feast of St. Francis with our annual Blessing of the Animals. Pre-K students Kayla Brown and Adriana Ludewig assist Fr. Tom Cardone, S.M. with the blessing of the many pets that joined our celebration. I. Welcome back! St. Martin's physical education teacher Ms. Stephanie Staiano (SMMS '09, KMHS '13) gets a big hug from third grader Ava Thelemaque. 6


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Eye on the Latin School

SQUIRE FIELD TRIP HALLOWEEN PARTY Cadets, tyros, and squires gathered in creative costumes for the annual Halloween Party on Friday, October 26th. Students had a scary good time as they danced, played games, and took part in a costume contest.

On Friday, November 2nd, eighth graders took part in the annual Squire Field Trip to Philadelphia. Students saw the USS New Jersey and took a walking tour of Philadelphia. They also saw the Liberty Bell and stopped at Independence Hall, as they explored the historic Old City section of the city of brotherly love.

Left: No Halloween party is complete without a pumpkin piñata! Right: Cadet Samantha Hudson ’25 shows her best social media worthy smile.

Top: Squires gather for a photo near the USS New Jersey. Bottom: A tour guide shows squires around the historic Old City section of Philadelphia.

WITNESS DAY The Latin School enjoyed WITNESS Day on Friday, October 19th. This day of spirit and spirituality kicked off with a Grandparents Appreciation Mass and Brunch. Following brunch, cadets, tyros, and squires took part in witness and faith talks, homeroom activities, field events, lunch, and a Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Service. Top Left: Isabel Louie ’23 enjoys brunch with her grandmother. Top Right: Arnold Okoye ’23 sets up his shot. Center Left: Hannah Cleary ’19 and Squire Sophia Puleri ’23 pose for the camera. Center Right: Squires Kasey Garzone ’23, Isabella Schifano ’23, and Julia Garcia ’23 are all smiles. Bottom: Squires Padraic Brown ’23, PJ Verdi ’23, George Urich ’23, and Dawson Willis ’23 enjoy the festivities.


On October 4th, cadets took part in their annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island in Manorville. Situated on one of the highest points on Long Island, the Shrine was established by the Missionaries of the Company of Mary in order to be a center of authentic Marian Spirituality & Devotion, and to renew Catholic life in the Diocese of Rockville Centre through liturgy, preaching & pilgrimages. Students were blessed to experience an outdoor Mass which was said by Latin School Chaplain Father Daniel Griffin, S.M. ’02. They also participated in an outdoor rosary walk around the shrine and concluded the day with lunch and games on the lawn. Left: Fr. Dan celebrates Mass at the Rock, one of the highest points on Long Island. Right: Cadets assemble for a group shot after Mass.


On Tuesday, October 16th, the Latin School had its annual Spelling Bee. Thirty-two contestants from grades six, seven, and eight battled through eight rounds of challenging words such as fluorescent, correlation, nuisance, humorous, and prominent. The students continued with endless energy until it came down to the last two winning words – “proclamation” and “compulsion.” The winner of the Spelling Bee was squire Emily Carroll, and the two runner-up winners were tyros Eileen Benenati and Ryan Lane. Left: Spelling Bee Champion Emily Carroll ’23, flanked by runners up Ryan Lane ’24 and Eileen Benenati ’24. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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8 November 2:48PM

Great job by the Kellenberg community at the Blood Drive. Thank you for giving the gift of life!


25 September 3:00PM

The Robotics Club begins to build for this year's competitions. #KMHSSTEM


20 August 3:00PM

Seniors came by today to attend our Common App Boot Camp where they began their college application process. #KMHS19


31 October 3:00PM


12 October 10:30AM

The Business & Finance Club traveled to @MolloyCollege for their first lecture on the #BloombergTerminals.

Our Juniors in Spanish Club create sugar skull candies for the Día de los Muertos celebration with the help of a little chemistry food-science.


10 September 9:45AM

The first retreat of the school year at Founders was a success for the S.A.I.N.T.S. They are all set for the sophomore retreats!



STEM students traveled to the Cradle of Aviation to listen to NASA Engineer, Scarlin Hernandez, who currently works on the James Webb Space Telescope mission!

History Club honors our nation's heroes at annual Veteran's Tribute Dinner. Cavan McBrien ’25, James McBrien ’89, and Aidan McBrien ’20 attend with Father Zach Callahan.

18 October 3:30PM


11 September 11:00AM

The Gregorian Consortium honored those lost in the 9/11 attacks at the Town of Hempstead's annual Memorial Service at Town Park at Point Lookout.



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9 November 8:00PM



15 November 9:30AM

1 November 8:05AM

Congratulations to Rosie McCumiskey ’19 (violin) on being named to the All-National Honors Ensemble, joining the best of the the best at Disney Coronado Springs Resort.

Members of the Mock Trial team won and qualified to go to Semi Finals as one of the top two Moot Court teams in Nassau County. Congratulations to Gabriela Zawadzka ’20, Kat Cuneo ’19, Monika Sweeney ’20, and Ally Goldsmith ’20.


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1 December 12:00PM


27 November 9:15AM


16 November 10:45AM

Latin School C.R.O.S.S. members met with the Food Pantry coordinators at St. Brigid's to deliver donations from our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Thank you for your generosity!

Many thanks to Dean Lukasiewicz from the Hofstra University @HerbertSchoolHU for visiting with students from our Newspaper, Social Media, @KMCommClub, and @KMHSETV clubs to share his career experience.

Youri Kim ’20 (violin), Angelica Markevich ’19 (English horn & oboe), and Benjamin Truncale ’20 (tenor) performed this weekend in their respective All-State groups at the @ OfficialNYSSMA Conference in Rochester. They are pictured here with faculty members Mr. Clark Blanton and Mr. Sean Vegas.


7 December 5:00PM

Members of Freshman and Sophomore C.R.O.S.S. spread Christmas cheer by decorating the Congregation of the Infant Jesus Convent for the holidays.


29 November 4:00PM


26 November 1:52PM

Christmas is in the air! The door decorating tradition continues with the Firebird checking in on the details.

Mrs. Anne Zimos, who is a parent of a Latin school student, joined the Arts & Crafts Club to educate the students on how to make a mosaic, sharing her skills in this detail oriented project.


8 December 8:00AM

The Hiking Club went to Sterling Forest and celebrated Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at St. Joan of Arc parish in Sloatsburg, NY.


3 November 1:00PM

The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes for those with serious chronic disorders that affect the quality of their lives. Meredith Kass ’19, who suffers from systemic lupus erythematosus, was granted her wish to have an audience with Pope Francis in Rome. When she met him, she gave him a t-shirt from the Catholic Experience Summer Program.


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On August 18, 2018, the spirit of God was with the community of the the Province of Meribah in a special way as Father Daniel Griffin, S.M. ’02 was ordained to the priesthood. The joy of the occasion was amplified by the presence of so many members of the Marianist family. Father Thomas Cardone, S.M. reflected on the momentous milestone, saying, “Father Dan’s Ordination to the Priesthood is very significant for the Province of Meribah. In discerning where he would make the most positive impact, we decided that he would be a natural fit as the Latin School Chaplain, where he could help mold the Kellenberg faith experience to have even stronger foundations at the youngest level.” Father Dan shared the details of his vocational journey thus far with us here.



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Can you tell us about your childhood, your family, and spiritual life when you were younger? I grew up in Valley Stream and I went to Holy Name of Mary Elementary School. I was very involved in my parish growing up. I received my sacraments there. My brother had gone to Chaminade, and my sister went to Sacred Heart. I was looking around and checked out Kellenberg, and it was just the right place for me. One big factor was the fact that my uncle was teaching here at the time (Mr. Chris Griffin). He was a religion teacher. He showed me around and introduced me to Father Tom, so that sealed the deal. Growing up my mother and father were married, but my mother was not Catholic; she was Lutheran. She went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes because she had breast cancer and a brain tumor. When she came back, she eventually converted to Catholicism. She had always gone to Mass every Sunday with us and was very excited when we received our sacraments. She was involved in the Parents Club at Holy Name of Mary. When I was 9 years old, our pastor came over, and she made her First Holy Communion while in a hospital bed in our living room at the age of 39. She passed away later that year. God works in strange ways. After she passed, I didn’t like to go home to

an empty house, so I stayed after school and helped out in the church and the school. I got really involved and then the same thing happened when I came to Kellenberg. I joined everything and this place became a second home to me. I never wanted to leave. My dad remarried when I was in high school. Actually, my best friend growing up is named Dan as well, and his dad died when we were in seventh grade. Our parents got married when we were in eleventh grade. Father Tom came to the wedding. It was a big to-do, it was nice. So I have three stepbrothers and one stepsister. My oldest stepbrother went to Chaminade, my stepsister when to Sacred Heart, my stepbrother who is my age went to Chaminade, and my youngest stepbrother, Doug Conklin ’07, came to Kellenberg. My stepbrother Danny flew in all the way from California for my ordination. My brother has four boys, and I love being an uncle. My sister has a boy and a girl. It was so great having them all at the Ordination. They brought up the gifts. What did you do after your graduation from Kellenberg Memorial? After I graduated from Kellenberg on June 15, 2002, I worked at Woodmere Country Club for the summer. And then on August 15, 2002,


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c ov e r s t o ry

the Feast of the Assumption, I entered the Marianist Community. I began my Aspirancy Year, and my Aspirancy Director was Brother Kenneth. That September, I began attending classes at Molloy College. I loved Molloy; it was a great place for me. Right away I started doing activities in the Latin School. I helped with G.S.O. (General Student Organization) and C.R.O.S.S. (Christians Reaching Out Spreading Spirituality). I also student taught History 6 every Friday during my final year at Molloy. I did my undergraduate degree in three years and then in 2005, I began teaching sixth grade religion in the Latin School. I loved every minute of teaching. I was a sixth grade homeroom moderator and moderator of the Latin School History Club. I organized all the retreat programs for the Latin School. It was an awesome time in my life where I knew I was in the right place and living my vocation. My Novitiate Year (2003/2004) was after my Aspirancy Year, and Father Philip was my Novice Master. That year was intense as it was preparation for making first vows. The Provincial was Father Tom at the time, and he accepted me for vows and chose for my first vow date September 12th, which is the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary (the same as my elementary school). I renewed my vows once a year for six times. In 2010, I requested my final vows (Perpetual Vows). While I was preparing for Final Vows, I finished a Masters degree in Pastoral Theology from Ave Maria University in Florida. While I was teaching I would travel once a month for 18 hours of class in a weekend for five weekends a semester. It was intense. I remember I was up late doing my papers before going to school. Can you share the circumstances and timeline surrounding your call to the priesthood? When I applied for my final vows, I let the Brothers know that I was thinking about being a priest. That is a community discernment in our religious order; it’s not just my decision. For us the priesthood is not an advancement. For Marianists the priesthood is a service to our Brothers. We are still Brothers, and we bring the sacraments to our Brothers and to the school or community where we work. They approved me for my final vows, which I made on August 8, 2010, here at Kellenberg. The next day, I was off to Rome to start my studies for the priesthood. It was hard for me to leave the Latin School where I was so K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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Daniel Griffin as a toddler

Fr. Dan with his mother Fr. Dan with his proud dad at First Vows

Novitiate Promises in August 2003

Leading a Latin School retreat at Founders Hollow

comfortable and I loved what I was doing. I struggled with the language. I got there late and didn’t have a chance to study Italian. The Marianists have a seminary called the Chaminade International Seminary. You take Marianist Formation classes, and you live there. The house language is Italian because everyone is from different countries. Then you go to a Vatican university and study theology. I was at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (“The Angelicum” or “The Ang”). I did a year there, and I did fine with my studies. The Marianist classes were in Italian, and the Vatican classes were in English. After a year I decided to come home. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be a priest; it was that I wasn’t ready to study overseas and be away from home. So I came back, and the Brothers asked me to teach at Chaminade. I ended up teaching there for five years. So I taught in the Latin School for five years, was in Rome for a year, and then I taught at Chaminade for five years. I taught freshman scripture and sophomore church history. I was a guidance counselor and did a lot of pastoral guidance and helping students who lost loved ones. I took a graduate class in bereavement counseling at Hofstra University. I also ran the Culinary Club at CHS. We would make an hors d'oeuvre, a main dish, and a dessert. It was always a blast. I kept on having that call that I wanted to become a priest; I wanted to do more. I was counseling so many students and so many of them would ask me if I could hear their confessions. I’d have to tell them that although I could talk to them, I couldn’t give them absolution. Between that and doing retreat work, I really felt called to go back and finish my studies to be a priest. In 2016, I went back to Italy. This time I went with another Brother (Brother Peter from Chaminade). We went early and spent the whole summer in a small little Italian village studying Italian and taking everything in and assimilating into the culture there. It was intense language study. Language school was every day, Monday through Saturday. On Sunday they would organize a trip so we got to see a lot of different parts of Italy. I started doing well with the language, and I returned to the seminary in Rome and was very successful. I was very happy to be there and very happy to speak Italian. I was ready this time. I did very well in school, and I became an assistant director in the Marianist community. It’s an international community, so you have all these different Marianists from different backgrounds - India, Columbia, all over Korea, etc. On January 13, HEART & MIND


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Family gathered for First Vows, 2004

2018, I was ordained a transitional deacon. The Bishop who ordained me a deacon is so nice and since then he’s become a Cardinal (Cardinal LaDaria). He’s in charge of the Doctrine of the Faith Office. So he helps the Pope with doctrinal matters. I had to write a big thesis last year to graduate. I wrote about humility as a virtue needed for the clergy today. I finished that, then I finished all of my exams, and graduated with another degree in Theology (the Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology, which in the Vatican and European systems is like another Masters degree). I was happy to get that done. And then I came home and my room and all my stuff was still at Chaminade. So I spent about a week there this summer. And then I started the big move over here to Kellenberg. Brother Kenneth told me I’d be in the Latin School teaching eighth grade and serving as Chaplain. I love being with the Latin School, but they have a lot of energy! I was shocked the first month of school how tired I was at the end of the day! When did you first realize that you wanted to enter into religious life, and why did you choose to join the Marianists in particular? Even from when I was a little boy I wanted to be a priest. But I also wanted to be a teacher. I had such great teachers growing up and I loved them. I definitely wanted to be a history teacher, so it was always kind of back and forth… what did I want to be, a teacher or a priest? When I got to Kellenberg, I saw that the Brothers were teachers, and they had a religious life and a community life; it just clicked that becoming a Marianist was what I wanted. I can be religious, and I can be a teacher and have support. What is it about the charism of the Marianists that speaks to you? The focus on youth is very appealing to me. Not just the education of youth, but the formation of youth, the education of the heart and mind, and the education of the whole person. I love that we can be here and have 12


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Graduation with his brother, Cornelius, and sister, Jennifer

lessons, tests, trimesters, but at the same time we know we have to do other things. WITNESS Days, retreats, Masses... these things are integral parts of education as well. Also introducing the young people to Mary and letting them know that they have another mother in Mary and that she can lead them to Jesus. I always had a great devotion to Mary since I was a little boy and it was only reinforced by my mom going to Lourdes and bringing back a statue of Mary for me.

Senior Picture

Where and when did you celebrate your first Mass and how did it feel? It was in the Chapel of the Transfiguration (the Brothers’ Chapel). The same chapel I made my first vows in back in 2004. It was cool to be in the same place. Father Tom and I practiced saying Mass all summer. So I was totally ready for it. But when you’re finally doing it you’re nervous. My family was there, all the Brothers were there from the Province. I had the statue that my mom had given me from Lourdes on the altar. When you get to the consecration and you’re saying the words that Jesus said, and you’re standing in His place, it’s like, “Wow, who am I to be doing this?” It’s humbling, but it’s a dream come true as well. So Ordination on Saturday, first Mass on Sunday, and then Monday back to reality. I woke up and said Mass for the Brothers and then jumped right into all the planning for the school year.

Can you please reflect on your Ordination Day? Well, it’s a bit of a stressful day. There’s a lot of anxiety. Thank God for Brother Michael because he just told me where to go, when to stand, and what to do. Archbishop Chris Cardone served as the Ordaining Bishop, and Father Tom was there the whole time. I felt all of the support, but it was still a little overwhelming. My two grandparents, who were over the What do you see moon, were as the biggest there. Before the change in going Ordination my from “Brother “When you get to the consecration dad came in and Dan” to “Father and you’re saying the words gave me a chalice Dan”? that Jesus said, that he had Well, first of gotten for me. all, it took me a and you’re standing in His place, It’s so beautiful. while to even get it’s like, ‘Wow, who am I The whole used to saying to be doing this?’ experience was “Father Dan." I It’s humbling, emotional, nervekept picking up wracking, and my phone for but it’s a dream come true as well.” also exhausting. the first month Afterwards we saying, “Brother took photos in Dan.” And so the Chapel with many teachers my family. Then I went right to the reception here and friends would call me Brother Dan. in the cafeteria and spent most of my time But overall it is a change, and it’s not a change. there giving people their first blessings, So the cool thing about Marianists is that which is a tradition for priests when they are we always remain a Brother, so I will always first ordained. It was so hot but an awesome be Brother Dan. And being a Brother is the day. And like a wedding couple, I didn’t eat most important title that I will ever have. I anything at the reception. am a Brother to my brothers in community, and I’m a Brother to everyone in the school.


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Latin School Mass, 2006

Alumni Mass with Deacon Matthew Browne ’11

But I’ve been ordained to serve even further by bringing the Sacraments to the life of the community. I think the change is that people maybe look at me differently. People may expect me to act differently. So I guess I had to mature and settle into the role a little bit. A lot of people have great respect for priests… I think one change was, “How do I relate with the kids?” As a Brother, I was a teacher and always super involved in activities and now as a priest, you feel an added responsibility. I guess the adjustment was really learning how to be a teacher as a priest. I’m just so grateful that I am a Marianist priest because I’m still a Brother. Do you have a favorite prayer? I love the following prayer by St. Therese of Lisieux: May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be confident, knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. I just love that prayer, and I love to repeat it to myself. I think it’s important in this crazy society to know that there is peace when we do what God wills us to do. You were “Most Involved” for the Class of 2002. How did your involvement in the various extracurricular and apostolic activities here shape who you are today and K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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the path you’ve chosen (or that has chosen you!) in life? I think all the activities I did as a freshman and sophomore prepared me to take on leadership roles in the school. I was a PREP teacher, part of Retreat Staff, and a Big Brother (Marianist Mentor). In those roles working with the younger kids, the Latin School kids or the freshmen, I just knew I wanted to help people. I think Kellenberg instilled in me that idea of service. Kellenberg taught me that service brings happiness into your life. Any time I was helping others while in those roles, I was so happy. I got that peace and realized that God wanted me to do this in a more full-time manner. I also just thought it was important to pass on the great gifts that I received as a student here. Although I never had a Brother as a teacher, I was still influenced by the community here. There’s also that feeling inside me that I want to make sure that the next generation of Kellenberg and Chaminade students have the Marianists. So I think all of those things made me seek a life of service. When I was a student, Father Tom would always say, “Your life is not about you. It’s about Jesus working through you and helping other people.” Going on the World Youth Day pilgrimage to Rome as a student was very impactful. First we went to France and got to visit Lourdes. It was very emotional. It was the first time I had the experience of feeling that my mom was okay and that she was with God. Going to all these religious sites and seeing St. John Paul II, I felt the hand of God in my life and I knew that I was always happy when I was at Kellenberg. Kellenberg helped me to mature as a person. What do you hope to accomplish in your role as the Latin School Chaplain? I want to communicate to the Latin School students that they don’t have to “wait” to become holy. Youth is a time for holiness. I have saints’ pictures from when they were young up on the wall of my office. I want

6 th Grade Retreat at the Shrine

to communicate that like those saints, they can be holy now. They can be serviceable to other people now. They can treat each other will love and respect. Bullying has no place here. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Coordinating the retreats is a big job because our students don’t have an experience with retreats up until this point. Some of them don’t go to Mass on Sunday. This is the place where they receive their religious formation, and so it’s a big role to help them to grow closer to Jesus so that one day they will be in Heaven with Jesus. It hit home very hard this fall when our incoming seventh grader Dylan Murphy passed away. I went into the hospital to anoint him. The doctor said he wasn’t going to make it, so I confirmed him. The sacraments truly bring us closer to Christ. The sacraments will bring us to Heaven. Always trying to communicate that to our students and helping them if they haven’t received their sacraments. Any advice for those reading this who are struggling to make a true connection with God? I think a good starting place is to look at the people that God puts in our lives. I really believe that God speaks to us through other people. Sometimes it is hard for us to connect with God, to sit down and pray or go to Mass. So maybe start off by looking at how Christ is working through other people. And maybe start off with that simple prayer that I referred to earlier by St. Therese of Lisieux. The thing that has always inspired me to want to be a better Catholic is Father Alban Butler’s book, “Lives of the Saints.” Read about a few of the saints, or even watch the different videos that are out there about the saints. I think if we look to the saints they will lead us back to God. They are great examples for us. Also pray to our patron saints. All of us have baptismal, middle, or confirmation names that are saints’ names. Pray to them and ask that they intercede for us with God. HEART & MIND


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On October 4, 2018, Kellenberg Memorial purchased a new retreat house to accommodate our extensive apostolic work as well as provide a home base for our newly created Firebird Crew program. The 5.7 acre, waterfront property is located in Islip, NY on Champlin Creek, which empties into the Great South Bay. The property has been named “Stella Maris,” which comes from a name that is used for Mary, the Mother of God, and means Star of the Sea. Stella Maris is next to the Seatuck National Wildlife Preserve, which will offer many creative learning opportunities for Kellenberg Memorial’s science and environmental programs. Stella Maris will offer a unique, peaceful setting for off-campus apostolic events and many other student activities.



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M a r i a n i s t n ews

Visit with Pope Francis Pope Francis invited Archbishop Christopher Cardone, O.P., brother of Father Thomas Cardone, S.M., for a personal audience in October 2018 which included the Cardone family, along with Brother Kenneth Hoagland, S.M. and some members of the Marianist family.

Brother David Bruner, S.M. Accepts New Assignment in Rome Brother David Bruner, S.M. has been selected to assist in the administration and building up of the Marianist community in Rome. He will join the community of the General Administration beginning in January 2019. Brother Timothy Driscoll, S.M., Provincial of the Meribah Province, reflected on the new assignment, saying, “Brother David’s experience as a linguist and translator will serve him well in this new assignment. We are grateful to Brother David for his generosity in responding to this call and for his dedication and service to Kellenberg Memorial High School since its beginning in July of 1987.”

Left to right: Bros. Andrew Santoriello, S.M., Patrick Cahill, S.M., Peter Sennert, S.M., and Thomas Terrill, n.S.M. with Father Daniel Griffin, S.M. '02 on his Ordination Day.

Bro. David departs for Rome on January 8, 2019. May our prayers and best wishes accompany him to his new mission!

Marianist Family Grows Father Daniel Griffin, S.M.’s ordination to the priesthood is part of an exciting time of advancement of vocations within the Marianist Province of Meribah. Brother Peter Heiskell, S.M. is currently in Rome preparing for ordination to the priesthood. Bro. Patrick Cahill, S.M., Bro. Andrew Santoriello, S.M., and Bro. Peter Sennert, S.M., who are all faculty members at Kellenberg Memorial, professed first vows on June 24, 2018. On August 15, 2018, Bro. Thomas Michael Terrill, n.S.M. made Promises of the Novitiate, taking both the habit and the title of "brother." Novitiate Promises mark the first step on a journey to full religious vows. The Province has also been blessed with Zach Indovino ’11, who is now discerning a vocation. In the discernment process, a young man will live in the religious community, follow the community schedule, and teach some classes as an aid to see if this is where God is calling him. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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CLASS OF 1978 CELEBRATES 40 YEAR REUNION M a r i a R e g i na

On Saturday, October 6, 2018, members of Maria Regina High School’s Class of 1978 celebrated their 40 Year Reunion in the lobby of Kellenberg Memorial High School. Over 80 alumni enjoyed continuous cocktails, food, and the sounds of 1978. A.








A. Liliana Gutierrez ’78, Ken Nolan ’78, and Stephen Killian ’78. B. Bill Moratti ’78 and Michael Connolly ’78. C. Valerie (Lein) Ulicny ’78, Mary (Jaeger) Heuser ’78, and Daniel Ulicny ’78. D. John Fiorentine ’78, Casey Hurley ’78, and Jim Burns ’78. E. Anne (Hickey) Dickinson ’78, Liz (Schmidt) Shelley ’78, Nancy Grillo ’78, and Donna (Licalzi) Bennett ’78. F. Michael Moore ’78, John Wolfe, and Bob O'Neill ’78. G. Kathleen (Foy) Goodwin ’78 and George Goodwin. H. Maria Regina's Class of 1978 gathers for a group shot.


On Saturday, January 26, 2019, Kellenberg Memorial will host the Tom Crotty Classic Basketball Tournament. The annual event commemorates the life of Thomas G. Crotty, a member of Maria Regina’s Class of 1977 who was tragically killed at the age of 42 during the 9/11 attacks. During his youth, Tom was recognized as an outstanding student athlete, having enjoyed running, tennis, golf, and water sports. However, his true passion was basketball. He was 16


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recognized as an "All Long Island" basketball player. He also played college basketball at Marist College for four years, starting as a walk-on and earning a scholarship his senior year.

This year’s tournament will include a 2PM game, featuring Holy Trinity vs. Monsignor McClancy, followed by a 3:45PM matchup between Kellenberg Memorial and Cardinal Spellman. A reception to celebrate the life of Tom Crotty will follow from 6 to 8PM in the Millennium Room. Tom’s family, friends, and former teammates, as well as the boys from the current basketball team and their families, are invited to this special event.

Please update your contact information by emailing alumni@kellenberg.org. Be sure to include your current email address to ensure you receive updates about Maria Regina alumni events. Find us online at MariaReginaAlumni.com or facebook.com/MariaReginaAlumni.


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The Shepherd’s Fund is made up of annual unrestricted funds, which afford our school the opportunity to take a variety of initiatives that directly affect all of our programs each day. We are grateful to all who have chosen to support our mission by making Kellenberg Memorial High School a philanthropic priority. Your generosity supports an education of the mind and the heart, preparing our students to lead qualitative lives of faith, citizenship, and professional competence. The Good Shepherd Society

The Crozier Society

Bishop Kellenberg Flock Gifts of $50,000+

COR (Civility, Order, Respect) Flock Gifts of $9,999 -$7,500

Blue and Gold Gift Gifts of $999 - $500

Bro. Joseph C. Fox Flock Gifts of $49,999 - $25,000

Holy Family Flock Gifts of $7,499 - $5,000

Phoenix Gift Gifts of $499 - $250

Marianist Family Flock Gifts of $24,999 - $15,000

Christ the Teacher Flock Gifts of $4,999 - $2,500

Firebird Gift Gifts of $249 - $100

One Heart One Mind Flock Gifts of $14,999 - $10,000

Queen of the Apostles Flock Gifts of $2,499 - $1,000

Friend of the Flock Gift Gifts of up to $99

Please note that every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please notify the Office of Advancement at (516) 292-0200 X245. For questions regarding philanthropic support of Kellenberg Memorial High School, please contact Director of Advancement Denise Miles at (516) 292-0200 X245 or mrsmiles@kellenberg.org. 2


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KELLENBERG MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL Gifts to the 2017-2018 Shepherd’s Fund


Good Friend* BRO. JOSEPH C. FOX FLOCK ($49,999 - $25,000)

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Talbot* Good Friend*

Good Friend* Good Friend*

MARIANIST FAMILY FLOCK ($24,999 - $15,000)

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fiore* Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Rubino*


ONE HEART ONE MIND FLOCK ($14,999 - $10,000)

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Archbold* Dawn Azrak* Mr. and Mrs. John Drogalis* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Keller* Mr. and Mrs. James P. Liddy* Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Sapraicone*

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Morris* Mr. and Mrs. Philip Westerman* Mr. Robert York 2001 and Mrs. Margaret Ranieri York 2003* Good Friend* C.

HOLY FAMILY FLOCK ($7,499 - $5,000)

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Agostinacchio* Mr. Jeffrey Byrnes* Cahill Family* Mr. Kenneth Cotty 1970 and Mrs. Mary Cotty* Mr. Christopher D’Ambrosio Tom and Loren Dempsey* Joseph and Laura Godley* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Heneghan* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Henneborn* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mooney*

James and Kathryn Mooney* Robert and Elizabeth Murray and Family* Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Porcari* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Santelli* KimMarie Zamot-Insall* Mr. and Mrs. John B. Zurell* Good Friend* Good Friend* Good Friend* Good Friend


CHRIST THE TEACHER FLOCK ($4,999 - $2,500)

Mr. Kevin A’Hearn 1983 and Mrs. Sheila A’Hearn* Mrs. Barbara Beaubrun Baynes 1991 Mr. and Mrs. Nunzio Cardone* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crean* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Croke Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cumming* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dugal* Mr. and Mrs. John Fechtmann* James and Theresa Finnerty* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fischer* Dr. and Mrs. Fernando Ginebra* Mr. and Mrs. James Graham* Mr. Cono Grasso* Mr. Stephen J. Higgins 1992* Mr. Stephen M. Higgins 1980 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kahn* Mr. Christopher M. Laine 2006*

Mr. John McCutcheon 1975 and Mrs. Mary McCutcheon* Michael and Hilary Cunningham McDevitt 1993* Patrick and Kathleen McHugh McLaughlin Family* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mongelli II Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Rafsol* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Re’* Restivo Family* Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Solferino* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spinelli* Mrs. Alexandra Williams Sullivan 1998* Mr. Stephen Tomaselli* Mr. and Mrs. John P. Uehlinger* Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wagner* Mr. and Mrs. John B. Zurell* Good Friend* Good Friend* Good Friend*

*Indicates multi-year donor K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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On Saturday, September 15, 2018, members of Kellenberg Memorial’s Good Shepherd Society gathered for a special appreciation dinner in the Queen of Apostles Courtyard. The Good Shepherd Society acknowledges benefactors who support the Shepherd’s Fund at a level of $1,000 or more annually. The appreciation dinner is held each year as a way to say thank you to the Good Shepherd Society members who so generously support Kellenberg Memorial’s mission of providing a rigorous Catholic education of the heart and mind. A. Brother Michael Gillen, S.M. with Ron and Danielle Tadross. B. Kevin and Rosemary Dugal flank Mike and Judy Porcari. C. Joseph and Laura Godley with their daughter, Mackenzie ’19. D. Daphne and Thomas Mullaly flank Kate Mooney. HEART & MIND


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Tom and Eileen Alexanderson* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baranello, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John Benintendi* Wally and Lisa Bishop* Mr. Gerard Bohner 1979 and Mrs. Linda Bohner Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Boylan* Ms. Lauren Brasco Mr. Joseph M. Cairo 1997* Mr. and Mrs. James F. Campbell, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. James Caporaso* Anthony and Teresa Carillo* Mrs. Yajaira Cespedes* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chiariello II* Mr. Michael A. Chung 1981 and Mrs. Juanita Chung Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clifford* Stephen and Patricia Collins* Scott and Barbara Cooper* Mrs. Joanne Crotty Mr. and Mrs. James Crowley* Mr. Anthony DeAngelis Mr. Kieran L. Doctor 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Goldberg* Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Harvey, Jr.* Mr. William R. Hazelton* Mr. Gerard Hirschfield and Mrs. Marlo Hirschfield* Simone and Mark Hoeck 2001* Mr. and Mrs. David Hutchinson, Jr.* Mr. Dan Hynes Dr. and Mrs. Louis Imbriano* Mark Johnson 1998 and Joanne DeFino 1998 Timothy and Joan Joyce* Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Keefe, Jr. Mr. Harrison J. Keller 2018 Richard and Stacey Kerins* Mr. Stephen Killian 1978 and Mrs. Carol Ann Killian* Steve and Margy Kircher* Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Kline* Mr. and Mrs. William M. Korchak* Mr. John C. Kruk 2000* Mr. and Mrs. Steven LaColla* Edmund and Debra Laskowski*

Ms. Deirdre O’Brien* Mrs. Mary Kerry O’Brien* Ray O’Connor* Mr. and Mrs. James O’Donoghue* Mr. Glenn O’Kane 1990 and Mrs. Syndee O’Kane* Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. O’Malley* Ed and Jan O’Sullivan* Mr. and Mrs. Sean D. O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Paternostro* Mr. and Mrs. Victor Picone* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pustorino* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rizzo Mrs. Amy Scatamacchia Russo 1997* Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Russo* Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Russo Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Scandalios* Ms. Christy Shaw* Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Shaw* Michael and Karen Simons* Louis Solferino*

“We wanted to extend our gratitude for the wonderful Grandparents Day Mass & Brunch. We were happy to offer a donation, as we truly appreciated all the planning and work that went into this special day that allowed us to spend time with our grandson, Christopher.” Margaret and Vlatko Simat, Grandparents of Christopher Simat ’21.

Joseph and Juliana Dompkowski* Mr. Joseph Duggan 1982 and Mrs. Prinzipia Giunta Duggan 1982* Mr. Craig W. Dunne 1990* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Durnan* Larry and Anne Marie Egan* Ehrhardt Family* Mr. and Mrs. John Farella* Mr. Kevin Fechtmann* Mr. and Mrs. James J. Fenton* Thomas and Kathleen Flood* Mr. Mario Fuentes and Mrs. Tara Fitzgerald Fuentes 1989* Mr. Lawrence Furey* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Furlong* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Galligan, Jr.* Ms. Rosemarie Giamanco* Mr. Stephen Gillis 1983 and Mrs. Kathleen Gillis* 4


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Mr. and Mrs. Cristian R. Lazo* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Licari Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lucey* Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Luger* Mr. Joseph Lupo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maina* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Maniscalco* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Marchese* James and Carole McCarvill* Mr. William McGuire 1990 Mr. and Mrs. John J. McKenna* Mr. and Mrs. Sean Meenan* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Monaco* Mr. Luigi Moneta 1976 and Mrs. Donna Moneta* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moscola Tom and Daphne Mullaly* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nightingale* Mr. and Mrs. John Novello*

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sollicito* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stackpole* Pat and Gerrie Sweeney* Mr. Daniel S. Szalai 1993* Tadross Family* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Taliercio* Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Trentacoste* Dr. Daniel Ulicny 1978 and Mrs. Valerie Lein Ulicny 1978* Mrs. Mary Ellen Welk Van Sise 1970* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vargas* Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Waibel* Mr. Robert Walker* Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Waters* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Watters* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson* Mr. and Mrs. John Wisell, Sr.* Good Friend* Good Friend*


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BLUE AND GOLD GIFTS ($999 - $500)

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abuin Mr. Christopher Alfalla 1994 and Mrs. Marci Alfalla* John Armato Mrs. Juliette Beausoleil Chris and Millie Beyers* Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bocchino* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boffardi Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Brady* David and Debra Bransfield* Mr. Daniel P. Brennan 2009* Ms. Colette Buzzetta Mr. and Mrs. James Calpin* Mr. James Campbell, Jr. 1991 and Mrs. Beth Campbell* Mr. and Mrs. Noel Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cappellino* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carman* Mr. Christopher Ceasar and Mrs. Jeanne Savarese-Ceasar 1993* Mr. Joseph Citrano 2003 and Mrs. Erin Toscano Citrano 2003* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark Ms. Angela Conte-Gentile 1994* Gil and Francine Cosenza* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cramsie* Cutrone Family* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Czarkowski* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Darmody* Mr. and Mrs. Martino De Risi* Devereaux Family* Mr. John F. Devivo 1980* Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Dolan* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dunphy* Mr. Scott Edwards 1997 and Mrs. Christy Edwards Ms. Eileen Cosgrove Ernst 1997* Farrell Family* Nick and Barbara Filis* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Finn* Mr. Joseph Fiore 2009 and Mrs. Marcela Fernandez Fiore 2009*

Mr. and Mrs. George Fontana Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Friedman* Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Garcia* Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Garcia-Moreno* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Graham* Mr. Jeffrey Harris 2003 and Mrs. Caitlin Schechter Harris 2003* Mr. Richard Hennig Dennis Huber* Mr. and Mrs. John Huggard* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huggard* Ms. Patsy Jaganath* Mr. and Mrs. James Jankowski* Mr. Gary Jansen 1988 and Mrs. Grace Jansen* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Karchinski* Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kass* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kirchner* Mr. Matthew T. Kirk 2004 and Mrs. Ashley Kirk* Mr. Donald R. Kronenberg 2011* Mr. and Mrs. John Krumm* Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lapham* Mr. Lloyd LaRousse and Mrs. Kathleen Halvey LaRousse 1974* Mr. Christopher H. Lyons 2007* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Marconi* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marsala* Paul and Kathleen Masiulis* Mr. William Masiulis 2001 and Mrs. Anne Staudt Masiulis 2002* Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews* Major Philip F. Mauro 2003* Mr. and Mrs. James E. McAdams* James and Catherine McBrien* Robert and Mary Jean McCarthy* Mr. James M. McDermott 1992* Mr. and Mrs. James McGuiness* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mercante* Chris Meszaros Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mikalonis* Mr. and Mrs. John Mooney

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Motta Mr. Joseph Mulligan and Mrs. Jennifer Marr Mulligan 1996* Mr. Kevin M. Murphy 2003 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nason* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Noonan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Brien* Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’Connor* Mr. and Mrs. Paul O’Donoghue* Mr. Edward A. O’Neill 1992* Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Regan* Mr. and Mrs. Eugenio Perez Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Puleri* Mr. Christopher M. Pupke 2010 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Quinan* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Redmond* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Renaghan* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ronan* Mr. and Mrs. James Rowe* Mr. James P. Scahill 2008 Mr. John Scatamacchia 2000 and Mrs. Maureen Cosgrove Scatamacchia 2000* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Semenick* Mr. Michael A. Sobol 1970* Mr. Robert Steck and Ms. Jennifer Heaney Ciolli 1990* Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Stemberger* Vincent and Kathleen Stempel* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stones* Mr. and Mrs. Derek Strauss* Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Trick* Dr. and Mrs. Antonio L. Uria* Mr. and Mrs. Philip Villani* Anthony and Jane Wilkens* Kevin and Toni Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wojtusiak, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert York* Good Friend* Good Friend* Good Friend* Good Friend*

PHOENIX GIFTS ($499 - $250)

Joseph Abbate Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Barrett* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Barrick* Basso Family* Mrs. Margaret Bergin* Hon. Robert G. Bogle 1975 and Mrs. Kathleen Bogle* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boland* Mr. and Mrs. Steven Breitenstein* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brennan* Ms. Kathleen Brennan* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Broshek* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buonpastore* Mr. Michael S. Burke 1998 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke* Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Caniano* Mr. George Cappello K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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Mr. and Mrs. Doric Capsis* Mr. Steven Carew 1993 and Mrs. Amanda Riordan Carew 1995* Chiarelli Family* Mr. Louis Cicalese and Mrs. Erin Byrne Cicalese 1998* Louis and Janet Cino* Mr. John Clark and Mrs. Anne Englehart Clark 1981* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clines Mr. Aaron L. Codling 2011* Mr. and Mrs. John Collins* Mrs. Jennifer Thorsen Cooper 1992 Dennis and Carol Craine* Mr. Matthew T. Croes* Mr. and Mrs. William Croutier Sean and Faustina Crowley*

Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Cunningham* Ms. Patricia Cunningham* Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cuocci* Mr. Patrick Darcy 1996 and Mrs. Jessica Parrinelli Darcy 1998* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D’Auria* Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. DeGennaro* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeLuca* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dempsey* Dr. and Mrs. Joaquin Diaz, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Naishad M. Doctor* Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Duggan* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dunne James and Janet Egan* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Emerson* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Faderl*

*Indicates multi-year donor HEART & MIND


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Mr. Brian Farrell and Mrs. Mary Beth Cotty Farrell 2005* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farrell* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finelli* Mrs. Kathleen Mauro Finnegan 1977* Mr. John Fitzgerald* Mr. Kevin P. Flanagan 1994* Mr. Lawrence J. Fuchs 1989 William and Camille Fuessler* Dominic Gallina Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentilella* Mr. Dennis Graham 2003 and Mrs. Patricia Coppola Graham 2006* Mrs. Laura Echols Grasing 1989* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Graziano* Scott Greco and Donna Greco 1983* Ms. Amanda C. Green 2011 Ms. Laura Aniano Griffin 1994* Mrs. Melanie Lee Gronlie 1997* Claire Needham Guadagno 1972* Mrs. Holly Hafner-McPhillips 1995* Mr. Brendan B. Hall 1996* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Hanifan* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Healy

Love Family* Mr. Richard Lucidi* John and Claire Madson* Mr. Michael A. Magliocco 2010* Mr. and Mrs. John Maguire* Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Manceri* Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mancuso* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marr* Mrs. Janice McCreay Mrs. Traceyann McKay* Mr. and Mrs. Paul McManaman* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McManus* Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Meaney Mr. Eric Meisse 2006 Keith and Cathy Mercer* Stephen M. Miklas 2004* Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mikowski* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Miles* Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Monaco* Mr. Paul Moncada 1985 and Mrs. Lisa Moncada* Mrs. Joan T. Moore* Mr. Shaun Moran 2004 and Mrs. Colleen Moran*

Mr. Ed Pramberger and Mrs. Kathleen Cleary Pramberger 1976* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pupke* Ross and Joan Rava* Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Regan* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reiser* Mr. and Mrs. Adam H. Revere* Mr. Michael Ricciardi* Mr. and Mrs. James Richards* Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Riesterer, Jr.* Miss Erin Ronan* Thomas and Mary Jane Rooney* Mr. Thomas Rudzewick* Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ruggiero* Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Russell* Ms. Katherine Ryan 2002* Mr. Rob Salvatico* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Santi* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scatamacchia* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schechter* Mr. Francis Schroeder 1977 and Mrs. Michele Schroeder* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz* Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sink*

Eileen (Morrissey) Mulroy ’93 and Colleen Kearney ’93 pose with the Firebird at their 25 Year Reunion on October 27, 2018. Eileen and Colleen both proudly contributed to their Class Gift!

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hegarty Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Hoffman* John and Pat Holland* Mr. Michael J. Hyland 2006* Mr. and Mrs. James Johnnides Mr. Adam J. Kalish 2002* Ms. Colleen M. Kearney 1993* Mr. James M. Kerins 2010* Mr. Peter King Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kirk* Mr. and Mrs. Larry Knoch* Michael and Janet Kollman* Mr. Paul P. Kraus* Mr. Nicholas Kumbatovic* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lallier* Larkin Family* Ms. Margo D. Lasker* Mrs. Jaclyn Wallace Lauro 2002* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lincks* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LoScalzo*



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Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Mulry* Mr. Denis P. Murphy* Mr. James Murphy and Mrs. Maryanne Weiss Murphy 1984* Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Narell* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nettesheim* Robert and Margaret O’Brien* Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. O’Brien* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oldenborg* Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Mara* Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. James M. Page* Miss Mary Panasci* James and Rosemarie Pantzis* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Panzarella* Vincent and Jeanne Papa Mrs. Geraldine Papathomas* Mr. Robert T. Parrinelli 1996* Mr. and Mrs. Omar Patino* Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Perlow* John and Laura Poplawski*

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sluka Ms. Anne Marie Sprotte* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Staudt* Curtis and Joan Clark Stephens 1973* Mrs. Nora Devitt Streichler 2004* Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sullivan* Greg Swick Mr. Andrew P. Waibel 2014* Mr. Kyle M. Waibel 2017* Jeffrey and Gail Wakefield* Mr. William T. Wiley 2005* Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Willi, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John Woloszyn* Mr. John W. Xanthos 2005 Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Zembruski, Jr.* Good Friend* Good Friend* Good Friend* Good Friend* Good Friend*


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FIREBIRD GIFTS ($249 - $100)

Mr. and Mrs. George Abdilla* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abshire* Mr. John Paul Agulles and Mrs. Christine Phillips Agulles 1993* Mr. Bulus A. Ajlouny Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Albig* Mr. William J. Alexander 2006* Mr. and Mrs. William Allhusen* Andrew and Kim Allocca* Mr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Altieri* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ambrosino* Mrs. Sarah Oakden Armstrong 1989* Dr. Robert A. Atkins Mr. Thomas Atkinson and Mrs. Jennifer Ledwith Atkinson 1988* Mr. Matthew K. Aylward 1994 Mr. Daniel G. Bambrick 2010* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barbier* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barrett Ms. Erin J. Barrick 2010* Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Basile* Ms. Sarah Keane Baulch 1996* Mr. and Mrs. Neal Becker Mr. and Mrs. Scott Beloten* Mr. and Mrs. Enio Bencosme* Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Benz Mr. Robert Berardelli Jeanne Bernard 1998* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bernardini* Mrs. Dorothy Bernhardi Mr. Joseph Beyrouty 1992 and Mrs. Meghan Gaven Beyrouty 1992* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bianco* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Birney* Mrs. Gloria Bitetto* Mr. and Mrs. Basil Bliss* Mrs. Sara Devitt Bliss 2003 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blumlein* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bocchicchio* Dr. and Mrs. John Boccio* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bongiorno* Ms. Elizabeth K. Boylan 2011* Mr. James J. Boylan 2008* Mr. Thomas P. Boylan 2014* Mr. Daniel J. Brandon 2010* Ms. Margaret A. Brandon 2006* Gerard A. Brave 1976* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brennan* Mr. Jason M. Brescia 2004* Mr. Brendan Brown Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brown* Lt. Margaret Brown Brown Family* Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brown* Lt. Martin J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Brunner* Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Bruno* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Bryant, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Brzezinski* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Butler K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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Mr. James Buzzetta* Ms. Lara A. Byrne 2019 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Byrne* Mr. and Mrs. James Byrnes* Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Cabble* Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cadieux Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calabro Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caliendo* Tina Manzo Caliendo 1992* Ms. Carmel D. Cameau Mr. Michael Cameron and Mrs. Angela Watson Cameron 2003* Mrs. Erin Keller Campanella 1998* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canny* Mr. Anthony Cantelmo 1997 and Mrs. Kathleen Coffey Cantelmo 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capasso, Sr.* Mr. Kevin F. Caporaso 1999 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cappitelli* Ms. Sophia I. Capsis 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Cardone Kathryn Carroll* Ms. Michaela R. Carroll 2008 Carrozza Family* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cartier* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Castellano Mr. and Mrs. Raffaele Castelli* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cavallaro Michael and Lisa Ceriello* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cesark Mr. and Mrs. William L. Chiarelli Mr. Joseph G. Chojnacki 1993* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cilmi Mr. Douglas Cioffi 1997 and Mrs. Elizabeth Cioffi* Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Clark Mrs. Carol Graeber Cleary 1976* Mr. Emmett H. Collins 2010* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Colucci* Mr. and Mrs. William Comeau* Peter and Eileen Conroy* James and Elaine Cook* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Corrente* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cosgrove Ms. Deborah Costagliola Mrs. Eileen Costello* Mr. Thomas Costello 1988 and Mrs. Julie Costello Mrs. Therese A. Coughlin 1974* Mr. Robert Creagh and Mrs. Allison Gable Creagh 1993* Mrs. Katherine Hower Creegan 1996* Mr. Thomas P. Crimmins* George and Mary Cross* Ms. Aideen R. Crowley 2019 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cruthers* Bernie and Yvonne Cruz* Mrs. Erin Sandrowicz D’Alessandro 2000* Mr. Timothy M. Dalton 1995* Mr. Ronald D’Amato and Mrs. Debra Alberti D’Amato 1984*

Dato Family* Mr. Odino D’Aulisa 1980 and Mrs. Ramona D’Aulisa* Mr. and Mrs. Mark De Marco* Mr. James D. Dean 2010 Debold Family* Ms. Mary E. Dec 1998 Mr. and Mrs. Clark Delbrune* Ms. Stephanie DeLeon 2007 dePasquale Family* Ms. Keara Devitt 2010 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diakovasilis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diehl* Mr. and Mrs. Peter DiMaggio* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ditizio* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ditrano Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle* Mr. and Mrs. Martin Driscoll* Mr. and Mrs. William Duggan* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dux* Ms. Georgia R. Ednie* Mr. Bruce Elnick and Mrs. Elizabeth Haynes Elnick 1977* Mr. Eric Erichsen and Mrs. Denise Savino-Erichsen* Rose Esposito* Esposito Family Mr. and Mrs. Jose Estevez Miss Jessica A. Estrada 2011* Mr. Michael C. Estrada 2009 Mr. Juan Estrella 1995 and Mrs. Teresa Estrella* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Farrell* Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell Mr. John Farrigan 1976 and Mrs. Maryanne Farrigan* Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Fasano Mr. Kenneth Fasano 1975 and Mrs. Mary Fasano* Ms. Catherine Feminella 1996* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Festa* Ms. Elizabeth R. Fiechter 2013* Mike and Diane Fiechter* Tom and Lea Finn* Mr. and Mrs. David F. Fitzpatrick* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Focazio* James and Maite Foertsch* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Folan* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foley Mr. and Mrs. Zachary G. Franzese* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fraoley* Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Fravert Mr. Timothy R. Frawley, Jr. 1997* Mr. Thomas Frem 1994 and Mrs. Jenna Frem* Mrs. Lori French Mr. John L. Furlong 2000* Mrs. Kathryn Furlong-Silverio 1994* Mrs. Gloria Galante* Ronald Gallo Mr. Brian N. Gambino 2003* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaspe*

*Indicates multi-year donor HEART & MIND


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Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gayer* Drs. Gabriel Gelves and Norma Montiel-Gelves* Ms. Maria Rose Giamanco Mauceri 2016* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gillen Mr. Francis H. Gilroy II 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Girardi* Mr. Anthony E. Giretti 2001* Mr. Tyler Glass* Ms. Danielle M. Godley 2012 Charles and Eileen Goggins* Mr. and Mrs. Almando Gonzalez Mr. Fernando J. Good 2000 Sal and Christine Governale* Ken and Melanie Graham* Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Granda* Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Greco* Mr. and Mrs. Warren Griesche, Jr.* Mr. Richard W. Grismer 1993 Mr. and Mrs. Saverio Grosso* Colleen Agostinacchio Guarneiri 2003* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Guglielmo* Elizabeth Weinzierl-Gutmann 1975* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haffner* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall* Walter and Maria Handler* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hannigan* Reverend James H. Hansen 2007 Mrs. Katie Tymann Hansley 1999* Miss Kaitlin A. Hansman 2006* Mrs. Geraldine Haring Mr. and Mrs. Eric Harnisch* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris* Mrs. Rose F. Harris* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haslbauer* Mrs. Stefanie DiMonda Healy 1999 Mr. Adam T. Heath 2002* Don and Regina Heckman* Mr. John Heitner and Mrs. Ines Ramirez-Heitner 1997* Chuck and Judi Henderson* Eileen Owen Henke 1998* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hennessy Mr. John Holian* Mr. Christopher M. Howe 1995* Mr. and Mrs. Erich Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Hughes, Jr.* Mrs. and Mrs. William J. Hundt* Ms. Cheryl Hunstein Ms. Kimberly C. Hutchinson 2009* Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Jackson Mr. Christopher S. Kahn 2006* Ms. Jodi Johnson Kahn 1988* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kane* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane* Mrs. Bernadette P. Kaufmann Mrs. Bridgette Wiley Keller 2002* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kendric* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedy* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenney* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kerley* Ms. Jacqueline M. Kerner 2013 Mr. Thomas Kiedaisch* 8


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Mrs. Maryanne Galligan Kimball 1974* Mrs. Irene Kleber* Mrs. Elizabeth R. Knudsen 2009* Miss Mary E. Korchak 2012* Mrs. Christine Carroll Krisch 2002* Mrs. Laura Kronenberg* Mr. Michael G. Kurczak 2011* Katherine DeMeo Kusterer 1998* Robert and Liz LaFaye* Alan and Mary Beth Lahti* Mr. and Mrs. David Lampasone Miss Kelly J. Lawrence 2009* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lawrence* Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Lay* Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lechleider* Mrs. Eileen Leghart* Richard LePetri* Ms. Christine Sweeney Letcher 2009* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levano* Mr. David Lincoln 1987 and Mrs. Irene Lincoln* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LoGrippo* Dr. Ricardo Lopez and Dr. Celeste Defillo-Lopez* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Macaluso* MacNeil Family* Mr. Kieran J. Maelia 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maguire* Mr. Kenneth Mahon Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mahon* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mahony Mr. and Mrs. Michael Makar* Michael and Cara Maloney* Dr. Kathleen Mangiapanello and Mr. Joseph Mangiapanello* Mrs. Megan Manning* Mr. Richard Marone 1991 and Mrs. Kari Marone* Mr. and Mrs. Sean Maroney* Mr. Michael R. Marsigliano 2009* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marten* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martines* Vincent L. Martines 2008* Carole Marvelli* Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mauser* Mr. and Mrs. George Mavrakis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarthy* Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCartney* Mr. and Mrs. William McCumiskey* Mr. Michael McCutcheon* Mr. Michael P. McDermott 2008* John and Elizabeth McDonough* Mr. and Mrs. Garrett McGuinness Dr. Stephanie Trentacoste McNally 1994* Mr. and Mrs. Steven McNoble* Mr. Brian J. McSherry 1999* Meegan Family* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meier* Mr. and Mrs. D. Meisse* Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Meoli* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Messina* Ms. Denise M. Meyers-Rizzuto* Mrs. Lorraine Milani* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milkowski Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minns Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Moderno*

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monahan Mr. Joseph A. Moncada 2009* Reinaldo and Carmen Montas* Mrs. Deborah Montgomery* Hon. and Mrs. James V. Moriarty, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Moriarty Father Tom Moriarty Jimmy Morris 2014* Ms. Elizabeth E. Moskowski 1998* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mugno* Kathy Mulhall* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mulhearn* Carolyn Mulholland and Thomas Tobin Ms. Alison Mulkeen 2012 Ms. Jennifer L. Mulkeen 2011* Michael and Sophia Mundy* Hon. and Mrs. Jerome C. Murphy* Steve and Katie Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murray* Mr. and Mrs. James Musso Mr. Thomas Nasso 1999 and Mrs. Shane Wehrum Nasso 1998 Mr. Brian P. Naughton 1997* Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Nealon* Kingston and Susan Nelson* Mr. George W. Niessing 1970 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Noonan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nothnagle Mr. Conor M. O’Brien 2005* Ms. Kathryn A. O’Brien 2010* Meagan Elizabeth O’Connell 2012* Ms. Megan E. O’Donoghue 2013 Mr. John J. O’Grady, Jr.* John and Lisa O’Grady* Mr. Sean D. O’Grady 1992* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. O’Hara* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Hara* Michael and Linda O’Hara* Mr. Sean R. O’Leary 2004 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oliver* Mrs. Donna Orlic Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dean Orlic* Mr. and Mrs. Jacek Ort Mr. and Mrs. Charles O’Shea III* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens Michael and Kim Palazzolo* Mr. John F. Palladino 2012* Mr. Michael V. Palladino 2012* Cosmo Palmieri 1990* Marzena Paszek* Robert W. and Lorraine D. Paton* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perone Mr. Frank Perrone and Mrs. Elizabeth Mangione Perrone 1997* Mr. and Mrs. Sean Persico* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pesce Dr. Edward Petrosky and Mrs. Andrea Licari Petrosky 1991* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pilch* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pipa* Mr. Christopher Pisciotta and Mrs. Rita Wood Pisciotta 1974 Victor and Lyn Politi *


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Mr. and Mrs. John Prosceo* Mr. Daniel B. Pupke 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reade* Ms. Carolyn Regan* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Regan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Regan* Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Reichel* Mr. and Mrs. James J. Reilly* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reiter* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rella

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Settino Clare K. Shanahan Mr. Michael J. Sharkey 2007* Mr. John Shelley and Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt Shelley 1978* Mr. Peter T. Shields 1991* Theresa and Jim Sileo* Vlatko and Margaret Simat Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simpson*

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Travaglia* Mrs. Kate A. Tschoegl Mrs. Danielle Ferraioli Turco 1990* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Turner* Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tursellino* Tymon Family Waiter Tyranski Family* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Urick* Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Valencia* Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. Valentine*

“In thanksgiving to Kellenberg Memorial for all you did for our daughter, an alumna a young woman with a great career and a super family.” Note of gratitude that accompanied an anonymous gift to the Shepherd’s Fund.

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Reynolds* Ms. Anneliese G. Riesterer 2014* Mr. and Mrs. William Riiska* Mr. Vincent Riker and Mrs. Tara Hutton Riker 1996* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rinaldi* Mr. and Mrs. Steven Risso* Mr. Robert F. Robson 1992 Annie Rohrecker 2010* Kenneth and Magdalen Roldan* Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Romaine* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romaine* Mr. and Mrs. William Romeo* Ms. Victoria Rubino 2016* Mr. Daniel Ruescher 2016* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ruiz* Ms. Amanda A. Sabato 2005 Ray and Carolyn Sabel Mrs. Andre Anderson Salecker 1975* Mr. and Mrs. Maurizio Saulo* Mr. and Mrs. Guy Savia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scagnelli* Mr. and Mr. Christopher Scalcione* Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schapowal* Donald and Margaret Schroeder* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Schumacher* Philip and Kathleen Schurr Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro S. Scichilone Christine McFadden Scott 1999* Mr. Michael Scully 1977 and Mrs. Lisa Scully* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Selover* Brian and Elizabeth Sessa* K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sloan* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sloane 1974* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Soller* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Spector Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sperduto* Mr. Michael W. Spinelli II 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Staiano* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stattel* Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Steinman Mr. Daniel C. Steller 1997 Mrs. Kristen Wynn Stellfox 1997* Sherry and Dennis Sullivan* Mr. Kevin D. Sullivan 1995* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Sweeney* Mr. Robert Sweet 2020 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweet* Mr. and Mrs. Victor Szulzycki* Mrs. Marilyn Tadross* Mr. and Mrs. Raul Taganas Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Tallini* Targia Family* Mr. Kevin J. Tarpey 1997* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tartamella* Mrs. Erin Devitt Tingus 2007 Mrs. Anna Stiglic Tochelli 1998 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Torti* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Toscano Mr. John Towers 2002 and Mrs. Carlina Campagnola Towers 2002

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vanderberg* Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Vargas, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Venuti 1981* Genevieve and Charles Vesely* Mrs. Deborah Viscogliosi Steve and Debbie Vissichelli* Mr. Lael Von Elm 1979 and Mrs. Laureen Von Elm* Joseph Walsh* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh* Mr. Timothy C. Walsh 1992 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward, Jr.* Mrs. Marianne Vetter Warner 1993 Mrs. Julie Kolm Warnke 1993* Ms. Jacqueline Weber* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Webster* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weiss* Ms. Kelly A. Westerman 2011* Jean and Tony Wevers, Sr.* Ms. Meagan E. White 2008 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Whitlock* Mr. and Mrs. William T. Wiley* Mrs. Stephanie L. Williams 1992* Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wischerth* Mr. Gerard Wosleger* Mrs. Heather Holland Wright 1998* Ms. Elizabeth A. Zembruski 1993* 16 Good Friends of Kellenberg Memorial

*Indicates multi-year donor HEART & MIND


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Ms. Casey L. Abramski 2008 Ms. Lisa M. Abramski 2012* Mr. Kristian P. Abuin 2018 Carmine Acovino Mrs. Ellen Clarke Alahverdian 1998 Ms. Sydney E. Alamia 2018 Ms. Christina M. Alexanderson 2008* Katherine Alexanderson 2012* Mr. Kevin T. Alexanderson 2006* Ms. Nichole M. Algeri 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Alianakian* Mr. Vincent A. Alibrandi 2013* Ms. Elizabeth J. Allhusen 2017* Mr. Scott S. Aloisio 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Altenburger* Ms. Jamie L. Alter 2018 Mr. Dylan J. Ambroise 2018 Mr. Jebediah D. Ambrosino 2018 Mr. Howard Ammerman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Anderson Mr. Gerard Antoine Chad and Sandra Aragona* Mr. Miguel Araya Mrs. Christina Bonke Arbogast 2006 Mr. Kenneth P. Arbucci 2009 Mr. Sebastian C. Arcabasso 2018 Mr. Adam T. Argento 2018 Ms. Heather L. Arias 2018 Mr. John J. Armioia 2018 Mr. Patrick Arsell 2021 Mr. Taylor M. Artigas 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Asparro* Ms. Lauren A. Atkinson 2018 Mr. Christian Atwell 1990 Mr. Edouard J. Augustin 2018 Mrs. Jennifer Walsh Auriemmo 2005* Miss Audra I. Bacigalupo 2011* Ms. Claudia Bacigalupo 2021* Mr. Philip T. Bacigalupo 2014* Dr. Robert A. Bacigalupo 2005* Mrs. Pamela Vissichelli Bader 2001* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baillie Mr. Robert J. Baillie 2017* Ms. Arianna K. Balbo 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baldassare* Ms. Franca Baltas* Ms. Lauren Barsch 2018 Olivia 2019 and Constance Basileo* Mr. Michael F. Bavaro 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Bavaro* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bayley* Ms. Marykate H. Bayley 2018 Ms. Kasey F. Beggi 2018 Mr. Kevin N. Begis 2018 Mr. Patrick B. Beglane 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K. Beh* Mr. and Mrs. George V. Bello* Mr. Zachary P. Beloten 2018 Ms. Christina T. Benintendi 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bennett* Mr. Cole R. Bennett 2017* 10


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Mrs. Mary Bensen Mr. Ryan G. Bernardini 2018 Mr. Christian A. Bernhardi 2010 Mr. Jordan F. Bernhardi 2017* Mr. Christopher M. Beyers 2018 Ms. Alexandra Bigilin 2018* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bigilin* Mr. and Mrs. Giuliano Bihary Miss Elaina Binkis 2020 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Binkis* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Binkley Mr. and Mrs. John Biondi* Mr. Brian A. Blemur 2018 Mrs. Kelly Bocchicchio Ms. Ashley R. Boccio 2018 Mr. Nicholas A. Boffardi 2014 Ms. Holly T. Bohack 2017* Robert and Tracy Bohack* Mr. Christopher Bonacorsa* Mr. Trevor J. Bookman-Subira 2018 Mr. Liam R. Boyce 2018 Mr. Joseph T. Bracher 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bradley* Mr. Patrick Brady 1997 and Mrs. Patricia Kearney Brady 1997* Mr. Nickolas W. Brandon 2018 Mr. Albert Brewer, Jr. and Mrs. Anita Callahan Brewer 1971* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brites Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brofka Mr. and Mrs. John Browne* Ms. Lyndora Browne Mr. Matthew M. Browne 2011* Mr. Pรกdraic Browne 2023 Mr. and Mrs. Colin Burdick Ms. Catherine C. Burke 2010 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burke* Mr. Thomas J. Burke 2018 Ms. Claire P. Burns 2018 Mr. Matthew Bursig* Mr. Christopher E. Buzzetta 2018 Mr. and Mrs. John Byrne* Mrs. Kara Byrne* Peter L. Byrne 1995* Ms. Kaitlin S. Byrnes 2018 Mr. Kevin S. Byrnes 2017* Ms. Alexandra R. Cabble 2008 Ms. Faith Cairo 2025 Ms. Grace Cairo 2020 Ms. Emma Calabrese 2016* Mr. Matthew J. Calabrese 2011 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Calabrese* Ms. Clare Calabro 2018 Ms. Katherine Calabro 2016 Ms. Margaret Calabro 2014 Ms. Mary Calabro 2013 Mr. and Mrs. William Callahan* Mr. and Mrs. John Callinan* Ms. Madison Callinan 2018* Mr. Gregory J. Calvaruso 2018 Ms. Sarah J. Cammarata 2013*

Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Campbell Mr. John P. Campo 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Canestra Shayne Dailey Cangialosi 2001* Ms. Mary M. Cannatella 2018 Mr. Sheamus M. Cannon 2013 Cantanno Family* Mr. Stephen P. Canzoneri 1998 Capt. Louis J. Capasso 2017* Mr. Christopher J. Capozzi 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Careccia Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carey Mr. Christopher Carey 2020 Mr. Christopher R. Carman 2018 Mr. Brett D. Carpentieri 2018 Ms. Ciara Carr 2018 Steven and Jennifer Carrano* Mr. and Mrs. William Carriero* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carro Mr. Brandon P. Carroll 2018 Miss Clare E. Carroll 2010* Mr. Domenico J. Carroll 2018 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Carroll* Mr. Kevin Carroll 1984 and Mrs. Susan Carroll* Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Carroll Mr. and Mrs. John Cascio, Jr.* Mr. John J. Cascio III 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Casella* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casey Mr. Dylan M. Casey 2018 Ms. Mary K. Casey 2018 Mr. Samuel R. Cassamajor 2014 Mr. Nicolas Castelli 2017* Ms. Jessica J. Catanzano 2008 Ms. Julia T. Cava 2018 Ms. Andrea N. Certa 2018 Ms. Brianna G. Cespedes 2018 Mr. Ryan J. Champney 1999 and Mrs. Johanna Champney* Mr. Anthony S. Chappell 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Chappell* Ms. Catherine M. Cherpelis 2018 Mr. Robert J. Chesney 2018 Ms. Ashley M. Chicas 2018 Mrs. Linda Chiofolo* Mr. Paul M. Christopher 2018 Mrs. Janet Churik* Ms. Jennifer I. Churik 2009* Mr. Nikolas C. Churik 2011* Ms. Nicole E. Cieslewicz 2008 Mr. Joseph B. Ciorra 2017* Ms. TinaMarie Ciorra 2018 Mrs. Helena Cisario* Mr. Christopher D. Civiello 2018 Ms. Rachny C. Civil 2018 Mrs. Mary Lou Claps Ms. Catherine E. Clark 2018 Ms. Jada N. Clarke 2018 Mr. Sean M. Coakley 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cody Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cody


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Mrs. Maryanne A. Colabello* Mr. Christian J. Coleman 2018 Dr. and Mrs. Frank Coletta Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins* Ms. Michelle A. Colucci 2004 Mr. Matthew Comeau 2018 Ms. Halle P. Conklin 2018 Mr. Brendan J. Connelly 2018 Ms. Julia L. Conniff 2018 Ms. Lauren M. Conniff 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conniff Ms. Madeline G. Connolly 2018 Mr. and Mrs. William Connolly Mr. Thomas S. Consiglio 2018 Mr. Joseph R. Contillo 2018 Mr. and Mrs. John Convey* Kevin A. Conwell 2011* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Conwell Mr. Daniel Curley 2001 and Mrs. Christine Cook Curley 2001* Mr. William Cook 1981 and Mrs. Christine Cook Ms. Brigitte Cooney 2018 Mr. Dean T. Cooper 2018 Mr. Gerasimos M. Copoulos 2018 Mr. Giuseppe G. Coppola 2018 Mrs. Mary Corva Corbett 2002* Mr. Alex R. Cordeiro 2018 Ms. Christine M. Corio 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Corio* John Cornicello 1975 and Victoria Geary Cornicello 1975* Mr. Brandon Correa 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Pedro J. Correa* Mr. Steven L. Corte, Jr. 1999 Coschignano Family* Ms. Juliana C. Cosenza 2017* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cossu Ms. Isabella G. Costa 2018 Ms. Grace E. Costello 2018 Ms. Katherine E. Costello 2021 Mr. Sean M. Costello 2003 Ms. Jacqueline N. Courtesis 2018 Ms. Kara E. Cramsie 2013* Ms. Meghan B. Cramsie 2012* Mr. Gregory E. Crawford 1998 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crespo Mr. Peter A. Crisci 2001* Mrs. Christina Bono Crocitto 2002* Mrs. Kelly Byrne Croghan 2002* Ms. Catherine A. Crotty 2013 Mr. Sean T. Crotty 2018 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Crowe Mr. Alex C. Cruz 2017* Mr. Christian C. Cullen 2018 Mr. Finn Cullen 2018 Ms. Grace C. Cullen 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cumming* Mr. Carl Curatola 1990* Ms. Marcela Curcio 2018 Mr. Joseph Curcuru 2018 Mr. Christopher J. Czarkowski 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie D’Addario Mr. and Mrs. Steven D’Alessandro* K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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Ms. Teagan M. Daly 2018 Mr. Terrance E. Daly 1994 Mr. Tahj J. Dalzell 2018 Mr. Nicholas R. D’Amato 2018 Ms. Olivia R. D’Amico 2018 Ms. Nicole R. Dana 2018 Mr. and Mrs. William Dana* Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D’Andrea Mr. Joseph M. Darcy 2018 Ms. Nicolet R. D’Argenzio 2018 Mr. Patrick J. Darmody 2018 Mr. George DaSilva 1994* Ms. Ashley V. D’Auria 2008 Ms. Claire M. De Marco 2018 Mr. Christian De Risi 2021 Mr. Michael De Risi 2018 Mr. Gerard G. DeAngelis 2017* Mr. Brian P. Decker 1992 Ms. Amanda J. DeCrescito 2018 Dr. Karyn Deem* Ms. Emily A. DeFelice 2018 Mr. Emanuel J. DeFreitas 2018 Ms. Maeve DeGennaro 2018 Mr. Jack M. Delaney 2017 Mr. Robert J. Delaney 2014 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis DeLay* Ms. Julianne DeLay 2012 Ms. Julie E. DeMarco 2018 Ms. Madeline F. DeMarco 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. DeMarco, Jr.* Ms. Gabrielle DeMicco 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeMicco Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeMicco* Mr. Ryan J. Dempsey 2017* Ms. Sarah J. Dempsey 2018 Mrs. Rosemary Denaro* Ms. Karabelle Denis 2018 Mrs. Mary DeNisco* Mr. Kieran P. Dennis 2018 Mr. Thomas J. DeRosa 2003* Ms. Karen M. Dever 1974* Mr. Peter V. Dever 1992 Mr. Jonathan Diaz 2018 Mr. James DiCarlo 2018 Grandma Mary Ann DiGuiseppi Mrs. Megan Kline Dillon 2004* Mr. Kyle M. Dippolito 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiSalvo* Miss Nikki M. Ditizio 2014* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doht* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolan* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dolloff Mr. Thomas N. Dompkowski 2017* Mr. and Mrs. Craig Donlon Mr. John Donnelly Mr. Matthew R. Donoghue 2018 Mr. Albert E. Donor 2013 Ms. Emma K. Dougherty 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Dowd* Ms. Barbara Dower Mr. Tim A. Dowling 2008 Mrs. Meghan Selover Downes 2003* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Doyle*

Ms. Elizabeth A. Doyle 2017* Mr. Lawrence Doyle Mr. Christopher A. Draghi 2018 Ms. Kendall E. Duddy 2018 Mr. Michael P. Duffy 2016* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Duffy* Ms. Victoria J. Duignan 2018 Ms. Kathleen M. Duong 2018 Mr. Hector Duran and Mrs. Theresa Blaney Duran 1984 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Durante Mr. and Mrs. Donald Duva* Mr. Elijah Eddy 2018 Ms. Jillian B. Edwards 2008 Mr. William Edzards* Ms. Ann Egan Mr. Robert L. Egan 2018 Ms. Caitlin L. Ege 2003* Mr. Christian R. Eginton 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Egodigwe Mrs. Caitlin Agostinacchio Ellingson 2001* Mr. George Ellis* Mr. Thomas A. Engelhardt 2008* Mr. Andrew Erickson 2020 Ms. Beatrice A. Esquenazi 1998 Ms. Samantha E. Fanning 2013 Ms. Angela M. Farese 2018 Ms. Drew E. Farrell 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. Farrell* Ms. Shannon M. Farrell 2018 Ms. Christina A. Farrington 2008 Mr. Matthew L. Fasano 1999* Ms. Isabella M. Fazzolari 2018 Ms. Emmah L. Federman 2018 Ms. Barbara Feehan* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Felicetti Richard 1992 and Jessica Feminella* Ms. Catherine Fenn 1977 Ms. Fiona J. Fennessey 2018 Ms. MaryAnn Fenter 1970 Mr. and Mrs. John Ferrante Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Feurtado Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Filipski Ms. Cleo C. Filis 2015 Mrs. Elena Muenzen Fink 2000* Mr. Eric M. Finneran 2018 Ms. Ann M. Fiore 2013 Mr. John B. Fiorino 2018 Ms. Jacqueline M. Folan 2010 Mr. Mark M. Folan 2012 Mr. Roger N. Fonnest, Jr. 1998 Ms. Ashley N. Forbes 2005* Mr. Ralph P. Fornoles 1999 Mrs. Kelly Agostinacchio Forquignon 1999* Mr. Christopher P. Fox* Mr. Matthew K. Francois 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Franza* Ms. Maricel Magday Franzese 2008 Ms. Delaney E. Friel 2018 Mr. and Mrs. James Galante* Ms. Jessica M. Galarza 2018 Ms. Natalie R. Gallego 2015*

*Indicates multi-year donor HEART & MIND


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Mr. Brett I. Galvin 2018* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Galvin* Mr. Alec H. Gany 2018 Ms. Christina E. Garcia 2018 Mrs. Genelle Rougier Garcia 2003 Mrs. Janny Garcia Mr. Eric J. Gaston 2018 Ms. Christina E. Gatto 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geary* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gerham* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gerhart Mr. Christopher A. Gharagozlo 2018 Ms. Kaitlyn M. Giaccone 2018 Mrs. Patricia Giglia* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gillam* Mr. and Mrs. James Gillette Mrs. Colleen Brandon Gilmor 2002

Mr. Jonathan A. Gravina 2005 Ms. Darcy E. Gray 2014 Ms. Kathleen A. Gray 2009 Mr. John D. Griffin 1998 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grimando Mr. Dante Grover 1978 and Mrs. Josephine Grover Ms. Marilyn A. Guerriere 2018 Ms. Ariana P. Guido 2013 Ms. Haley K. Gustavson 2018 Ms. Juliana E. Guzzello 2018 Ms. Joelle M. Habibi 2018 Mr. Owen Haffner 2018 Ms. Tara E. Hagerman 2018 Mr. and Mrs. William Hall Dr. Teresa Hanley and Mr. John Hanley* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hardiman

Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Hinck* Ms. Natema S. Hines 1994 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinshaw* Mr. Gerard J. Hirschfield 2018 Ms. Sarah E. Hoffman 2018 Kathleen Holland-Moran and Thomas Moran* Mr. Denzel M. Honore 2018 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hubner* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Huff Ms. Elizabeth M. Huggard 2018 Mr. Shawn C. Hughes 2018 Mr. and Mrs. James Hundertmark Ms. Theresa Carriero Hurst 1999 Mr. Jake Hyland 2018 Mrs. Lisa Healey-Hyland 1989* Mr. Sean P. Hyland 2003* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Iadevaio*

“I would say my most powerful memory from senior year was at an Evening of Recollection during a witness that Mr. Moran gave. That was the first time I really understood the depth of our faith and why Kellenberg pushes us to explore our faith as much as we can. When I decided to go to the University of Scranton, I realized I was in a much better place in my faith than I thought I would be. I’m not surprised that I still have those relationships that I formed while I was at Kellenberg, and I think a lot of it has to do with the faith life that I was given and the opportunities that I have. The fact that I can sit here five years later and still be able to easily think about all the good things that Kellenberg has given to me I think says enough about why it’s so important to give back. For the 2018 Day of Giving, I was proud to make my first donation of $20.13 to commemorate my graduation year of 2013.” Lauren Conniff ’13, Middle School Social Studies Teacher at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Regional School. Ms. Ismenia Ginebra 2018* Ms. Caroline M. Gioino 2018 Ms. Andrea M. Given 1993 Mr. Kevin Glaittli 2018 Mr. Sean P. Glander 2002 Mrs. Andrea McGeary Glassing 1993 Dr. Margaret Wren-Glupe and Mr. Kevin Glupe* Ms. Briana M. Gomez 2018 Mr. Gerard Gonyon and Mrs. Karen Henry Gonyon 1982* Mr. Jerson Gonzalez 2018 Mr. John M. Gooch 1999* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Goodwin* Ms. Maura B. Goodwin 2011* Mr. Sean W. Goodwin 2013* Ms. Deborah A. Gordon 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Gore* Ms. Maria Gore 2008* Ms. Tracy C. Gore 2010* Mr. Patrick Graham 2017* Mr. Seamus Graham 2018 Grandmougin Family* Mrs. Kasey Agostinacchio Grasso 2006* Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Graves* 12


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Mr. Patrick Harinski 2018 Mr. and Mrs. James Harrington Ms. Rachel M. Harrington 2018 Teresa Harrington* Ms. Stefanie N. Harris 2005 Ms. Brianna V. Hartmann 2018 Mr. and Mrs. David Hartung Mr. Justin B. Harvey 2018 Ms. Rose C. Haslbauer 2014 Mr. William Hassett and Mrs. Diane Rudzinski Hassett 1977* Mr. John P. Hayes 2018 Mike and Peggy Hayes* Mrs. Susan Hayes Piorkowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Healey IV* Mr. Patrick C. Healy 2010* Mr. Robert R. Hegarty 2018 Mr. Brian M. Heinlein 1998 Mr. Thomas A. Henderson 1992 Ms. Lia J. Heneghan 2018 Mr. Lawrence Peter Herzog 2014 Mr. Frederick S. Hess* Mr. Brendan J. Higgins 2018 Ms. Olivia A. Hilepo 2018

Mr. Patrick Ilardi 2019* Mr. Ryan V. Ilardi 2013* Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ilardi* Mr. Thomas B. Ilardi 2015* Mr. William M. Ilardi 2017* Ms. Jillian Iovine-Riccardo 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Isola* Mr. Shane X. Jackson 2018 Ms. Natacha M. Jacques 2003 Mr. Jack G. Jamgochian 2008 Mrs. Ann Marie Jankay* Ms. Anne-Isabelle C. Jean 2018 Mr. John R. Jensen 2003 Kathleen Jensen* Mrs. Marianne Jensen Ms. Caroline P. Johnson 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Greg M. Johnston* Mr. Edward A. Jordan 2013* Ms. Gaelle V. Josama 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kaiser Miss Pamela L. Karchinski 2005* Mr. and Mrs. Etienne Katz Ms. Jennifer K. Kaufmann 1993*


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Ms. Elizabeth C. Kay 1992* Frank and Kristine Keating* Mr. Robert J. Keating 2012 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Keeling* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Keenan Mr. David Keller and Mrs. Denise McAleer Keller 1993* Ms. Madison L. Keller 2018 Ms. Bryanna C. Kelly 2001 Mr. Colm B. Kelly 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kenefick* Mr. Edward J. Kennedy 2016* Mr. Thomas F. Kennedy 2009* Mr. Matthew Kenny 2018 James Kentros 1973 and Michele Sadowski Kentros 1974 Melissa Kessler 1996* Miss Elizabeth Killian 2016* Mr. John P. Killoran 2018 Mr. Michael A. King 1992* Mr. and Mrs. Eric Klang* Ms. Alexandra M. Klapak 2018 Knausman Family* Mrs. Theresa Kobulnick Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Koehler* Ms. Christine Essig Koester 1993* Mr. and Mrs. James P. Koester Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koubek Mr. Robert C. Kovalsky 2013* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kressel Ms. Sarah A. Kropac 2008 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kubanick* Ms. Christel R. Kuck 2016* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuppelmeyer* Mr. Patrick M. La Rosa 2017* Ms. Kelly Labeck 2016 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lagunilla* Ms. Deanna M. LaJara 2013 Ms. Bridget F. Lapham 2018 Ms. Kiera Lapham 2021 Ms. Haley Larkin 2017 Ms. Emma K. Laskowski 2018 Mrs. Angela Alberti Latham 1993* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Latva* Ms. Adrian Laudani 2014 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laudani and Family* Mrs. Meredith Stillwell-Lavin 1999* Ms. Nicollette A. Lavista 2018 Ms. Allison Lawless 2018 Mrs. Christine Caban Lawton 2008 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Leahy* Mr. James Leahy and Mrs. Noreen McQuade Leahy 1977 Mr. Cole M. Lechleider 2018 Ms. Maggie E. Ledwith 2018 Ms. Michelle Lee 2018 Mr. Jack A. Leghart 2018 Mr. and Mrs. George R. Lehan* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lennan Mr. Giacomino J. Lenti 2018 Mr. Brian A. Leonidas 2018 Ms. Jessica A. Lesniewski 2018 Ms. Lauren M. Lettieri 2018 K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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Ms. Alexandra Lewis 2018 Mr. Robert M. Lewis 2018 Mr. Christian Licato 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Licato* Ms. Diana S. Liguori 2013 Ms. Elizabeth M. Liguori 2018 Ms. Julia N. Liguori 2018 Mr. and Mrs. William Liguori* Ms. Riley S. Lim-Ellis 2018 Ms. Katie H. Lincoln 2018 Mr. Steven Lincoln 1989 and Mrs. Janet Gaine* Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lind Ms. Jacqueline T. Lindsay 2018 Ms. Casey A. Lizza 2018 Mr. Brian F. Loesch 1998 Mr. Joseph F. LoGrippo 2018 Mr. William M. Lombardi 2018 Marisa Mattson Lombardo 2006* Mr. Daniel P. Long 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lopilato* Mr. Nicholas S. LoPresti 2018 Ms. Kimberly M. Lores 2018 Ms. Catherine G. LoScalzo 2018 Mrs. Guadalupe Lozano Mr. David A. Lozipone 2018 Ms. Rosariana Lubrano 2018 Mr. Keith M. Lucchesi* Miss Laurie J. Luger 2005* Mr. Reece J. Lupo 2018 Ms. Diana P. Luzzi 2001* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lynch* Mr. Sean B. Lynch 1991* Ms. Kaylee R. Macaluso 2018 Ms. Kathryn P. MacGown 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacMenamie Ms. Rhea Madison 2005 Mr. Christopher Madruga 2018 Ms. Jillianne N. Magno 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Magri Ms. Amanda J. Maguire 2018 Mr. Brian P. Maguire 1992 Ms. Kara Beardsley Maguire 2003 Ms. Julie A. Maher 2018 Mrs. Samantha D. Mahon 2008* Stephen and Tara Mahon* Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mahoney Ms. Fiona R. Mahony 2018 Mrs. Stephanie Eschenauer Makar 1992 Mr. Michael P. Malley 2018 William and Marybeth Malone* Ms. Toniann M. Maniaci 2018 Ms. Trinity R. Manning 2018 Mr. Joseph Mannion and Mrs. Alyssa Guerrier Mannion 2004* Mr. Peter Mansfield Mr. Kenneth D. Marchello 1994* Ms. Annemarie Marconi 2013* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marino* Ms. Julie E. Marino 2009 David J. Markey 1988* Ms. Noelle N. Maronak 2018 Ms. Saralee Martelly 2011* Dr. Ronald Masone 1996

Mr. and Mrs. Jude Massillon Ms. Lauren Mastrianni 2016* Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Matarazzo* Mr. Michael Matthews 1995 and Mrs. Leslie Matthews* Mr. Matthew V. Matuozzi 2012 Mr. Matthew L. Mazur 2018 Ms. Fiona F. McCabe 2018 Ms. Madeline McCabe 2016* Mr. and Mrs. David McCallin* Mr. Kevin E. McCarthy 2010 Mrs. Patricia E. McCartin-Augello 1992 Ms. Kristin R. McCarty 2017 Mrs. Suzanne McCarty* Ms. Caitlin P. McDaniels 2018 Ms. Kathleen S. McDermott 2010 Mr. Kevan C. McDonald 2018 Ms. Jennifer McGuinness Mr. and Mrs. Brian McKenna* Ms. Theresa M. McKenna 2013 Mr. Thomas F. McKenna 2018 Dr. Kaitlin M. McLaughlin 2011* Mr. Kevin McLaughlin 1988 and Mrs. Christine McLaughlin Mr. Declan M. McLoughlin 2018 Ms. Mary Kathleen McMahon 2018 Mr. Aidan P. McManaman 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Brian McQuaid* Ms. Kathryn A. McQuillan 2018 Mr. Noah G. Meier 2018 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mele* Stephen N. Melley* Ms. Kathryn Mennella Mr. Ciaran A. Mercer 2018 Mr. Todd M. Messina 1995 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Metzler* Ms. Kathleen B. Miedreich 2006* Mr. Matthew J. Mikalonis 2014 Mr. Thomas J. Mikalonis 2011 Ms. Anita T. Mikowski 2018 Mr. Christopher P. Miles 2007* Mr. Patrick J. Miles 2005* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller* Mr. Jonathan M. Miller 2008 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller* Ms. Alexandra N. Millisys 2018 Ms. Jennifer M. Milton 2007 Mr. and Mrs. John Minogue* Ms. Victoria A. Mirabile 2018 Ms. Francesca M. Mistron 2018 Ms. Amanda J. Mollura 2018 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mollura* Ms. Kathiana Mombrun 2018 Ms. Nicolette R. Monaco 2018 Mrs. Paula Montaldo Ms. Amaya R. Montalvo 2018 Mr. Richard A. Montalvo 2018 Ms. Sophia M. Montoni 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Morales* Mrs. Mahendra Guerrier Morales 2000 Ms. Grace M. Moran 2009* Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Morena*

*Indicates multi-year donor HEART & MIND


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Mr. Joseph V. Moresky 2013* Thomas and Patricia Moriarty* Mr. Justin Morocho 2018 Mr. Lukas R. Morrill 2018 Mr. Robert F. Morris 2006* Mr. Timothy Morris Mr. Trevor C. Morris 1998 Ms. Erin M. Morrissey 2017 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Morrissey* Mrs. John Morrissey* Mr. and Mrs. James Moulder* Mr. William G. Moulder 2012* Mrs. Diana Muenzen* Mr. John Muenzen 1997 and Mrs. Amy MacEwen Muenzen 1998* Ms. Stephanie N. Mulato 2008 Mr. Ryan T. Mullaly 2017* Mr. Peter R. Mullen 2018 Ms. Elizabeth Muratore 2018 Nicole Murphy* Patrick and Rosemary Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius C. Murray Mr. Luke Murray 2018 Mrs. Mary Behr Murray 2001* Mr. Terrence J. Murray 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Murray Mr. James P. Musso 2018 Ms. Gabrielle N. Natale 2012 Ms. Lori Natalie Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Naughton* Mrs. Mirela Nazarbechian* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nelson* Mr. Liam H. Nelson 2018 Mr. Theodore J. Nelson 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Niemczyk Mr. Robert M. Noce 2018 Mr. Andrew K. Nohilly 2013 Robert and Annemarie Nolan Dr. Diana R. Nordquist 2002* Mr. Edward J. Nowack 1984 Mr. Derek K. Nwaobi 2018 Clare O’Brien 2019 Mr. Edmund P. O’Brien 2017* Mr. Francis M. O’Brien 2018 Michael J. O’Brien 2024 Monica O’Brien 2022 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence O’Brien* Mary Katherine O’Connell 2013* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Connor Maureen O’Donnell Ms. Kristin T. O’Grady 2012* Mr. Patrick E. O’Hara 2013 Miss Jordynn O’Kane 2018* Mr. and Mrs. Andrzej Okolski* Ms. Madelyn J. Oliver 2018 Mr. Stephen P. Ollquist 2013 Ms. Kayla-jade F. Olson 2018 Mr. Michael J. O’Mara 2018 Mr. Kevin W. Ondrus 2012 Mr. Brian F. O’Regan 2018 Ms. Kirsten F. O’Reilly 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oriani 14


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Ms. Ekaterina Orlic 2013 Ms. Eliana Orlic 2021 Ms. Emma F. Orlic 2017* Ms. Cynthia B. O’Rourke 1998 Mr. Anthony J. Ort 2018 Mrs. Kerrianne Owens* Ms. AnnMarie Pagano 2009 Ms. Sarah Pajonas 2018 Mr. Jordan L. Paladino 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmeri* Mr. Joseph Palumbo and Mrs. Joanna Cavallaro Palumbo 1993* Mr. Michael J. Palumbo 1992 Mr. Kenneth X. Pangbourne 2018 Ms. Maria A. Paradiso 2018 Ms. Stephanie N. Parmiter 2018 Mr. Connor V. Parrish 2018 Ms. Diane Paternostro 1998 Mr. Andrew Patino 2016 Ms. Gabrielle Patino 2017* Mr. Nicholas Patino 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Patterson Ms. Margaret-Ann Paulson* Ms. Lynn M. Pecan 2018 Ms. Kathleen M. Peknic 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Peppe IV* Ms. Gabrielle D. Perone 2013* Ms. Emily A. Perrone 2018 Ms. Molly H. Perrotta 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Pertuz Ms. Concetta Petrucci Mr. and Mrs. John Petsche Ms. Anjolie M. Pierre-Louis 2018 Ms. Fiona M. Pilch 2018 Ms. Hannah J. Pipa 2015* Ms. Victoria C. Pisciotta 2008* Mr. Jacey R. Pitti 2018 Mr. Joseph T. Plachcinski and Mrs. Magdalena Segarra-Plachcinski* Ms. Leslieann Placid* Father Michael J. Plona 2007 Ms. Clare M. Posillico 2018 Anthony and Laura 1980 Posillico* Harry J. Posnanski Ms. Michelle Prata 1993* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Prisciandaro Mr. Dydro Prosper 2018 Ms. Sydney Proux 2018 Mrs. Daniela Morrongello Pugh 1994 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pugh* Mr. Ryan P. Puglia 2009* Mr. Anthony J. Pugliese 2017* Mr. and Mrs. Felice Pugliese, Jr.* Mr. Jon F. Pustorino 2014* Mr. and Mrs. John T. Quinn* Mr. and Mrs. Mitra Ramtahal Mr. and Mrs. Todd Randazzo* Mrs. Anne Marie McBrien Raneri 1992* Ms. Simone Raso 2018 Mr. and Mrs. John Rasweiler* Ms. Julia L. Rasweiler 2018 Ms. Michele K. Rava 2008 Ms. Audrey Raymond 2018

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Raziano Ms. Christina A. Razza 2018 Mr. Keith Reardon and Mrs. Ann Marie Tolle Reardon 1990* Ms. Olivia A. Reich 2018 Mrs. Jane Carlton Reilly 1992 Mr. Steven Reiser 2016* Ms. Kaitlyn P. Remhild 2018 Mrs. Maura Buckley Ressegger 1995* Ms. Sarah A. Reul 2009 Mr. Brian R. Reynolds 1993 Mr. and Mrs. James Ricaurte Ms. Catherine Riccardo Michael and Maria Iovine-Riccardo* Mr. Anthony M. Ricciardi 2018 Mr. Brendan J. Rice 2018 Mr. and Mrs. James Rice Mrs. Morissa Marshall Rice 1991* Ms. Zharee K. Richards 2018 Ms. Paige E. Rieger 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Riordan Ms. Lola N. Rivera 2018 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Roach* Mr. Michael Roche and Mrs. L. Bernadette Roche 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Rohan* Ms. Lourdes Rohan 2018 Ms. Kaitlyn R. Romaine 2018 Mr. and Mrs. James Marino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rossi* Ms. Andrea E. Rouse 2013 Ms. Brianna P. Rubenstein 2017* Mr. Patrick M. Ruddick 2011 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ruddick, Sr.* Ms. Alyssa Ruggiero 2019 Mrs. Jennifer Skelly Ruocco 1998 Mr. Michael E. Rush 2018 Ms. Sandra Rutkowski 2017* Mrs. Colleen Patton Ryan 2009 Robert and Helen Sabbagh* Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sackett III Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Saia Ms. Daniella D. Salant 2018 Mr. Philip A. Salmon 2018 Ms. Teresa M. Samson 2013 Ms. Lina Fusco-Sandarr Ms. Carolyn Sanders 2018 Ms. Haley T. Sanders 2018 Ms. Jenann Sanon 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Santevecchi* Mr. Michael G. Savage 2008* Mr. Jack E. Scagnelli 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Schefer* Ms. Kerry R. Schiller 2018 Mr. Daniel Schlossberg 2018 Mr. Liam D. Schmith 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Schmitt* Mr. Alec H. Schnatter 2018 Mr. Christopher A. Scholz 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scholz Ms. Rebecca K. Schraibman 2018 Schreib Family*


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James and Shirley Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. William Schumacher* Mrs. Sharon Brennan Schwartz 1998* Ms. Jessica M. Schweers 2018 Mr. Dylan J. Scire 2018 Mr. and Mrs. William Scorzari Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scott John and Diane Scotton* Mr. Timothy B. Scully 1984 Mr. Michael S. Senatore Jr. 2018 Mrs. Danielle Kovolisky Sforza 2002* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sheehan Mr. Brian T. Sheridan 2005 Mr. Connor J. Sheridan 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Sheridan Ms. Jessica F. Sherman 1998 Mr. James P. Shuart 2018 Jolie Silva 1995* Mr. Ryan J. Silverman 2018 Bridget Simons 2016* Matthew Simons Molly M. Simons 2020* Patrick N. Simons* Ms. Victoria A. Sindone 2010 Ms. Ashley M. Siragusa 2018 Ms. Allison Sloper Ms. Marybeth Smith* Mr. Pedro Smith 2018 Ms. Stephanie P. Smith 2015* Ms. Sydney L. Solferino 2017 Mr. Thomas L. Sorkin 2018 Dr. Brittany A. Soto 2007 Ms. Gabrielle Sparro 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Spinoso* Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Sprotte* Ms. Megan K. Sprotte 2018 Richard and Sergine St. Jour* Linda Stalter Mr. Jonathan Starcke 2018 Ms. Kathryn W. T. Stewart 2018 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stippell Mr. Andrew P. Suarez 2018 Mr. Anthony P. Suarez 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Suhovsky* Mr. Joseph Suhovsky 2019* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sullivan Ms. Geena Sullivan 2018 Mrs. Mary McCue Sullivan 1993 Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sullivan* Ms. Rosa Suriel* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swanson* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweeney Mrs. Diana Visconti Talamo 2003* Ms. Julia Tarantino 2020 Mr. and Mrs. Luke Tarantino Ms. Nicole A. Targia 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tilocca Mr. and Mrs. Pierre-Richard Titus Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tominey* Ms. Kaitlyn R. Toscano 2017 Ms. Denise M. Tretola 2000 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Troy* K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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Mr. and Mrs. Michael Troy* Mr. Damian Trum 1989 and Mrs. Victoria Trum* Ms. JoAna F. Tusa 2010 Ms. Mariel Munnelly Ulane 1998 Ms. Danielle E. Urban 2018 Ms. Alexis Uria 2016* Mr. Michael H. Usinger 1997 Mr. Marcus Valbrun 2018 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Varacalli* Mr. Matthew Vargas 2016* Mr. Michael Vargas 2016* Mr. and Mrs. James Varley Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vazquez* Mr. Felipe S. Ventura 2013 Mr. Dominic J. Vesely 2018 Ms. Melanie Vigario 2007* Mr. and Mrs. James Vogel* Mr. Michael Volpe 2018 Mr. Liam D. Von Elm 2017* Miss Meghan M. Von Elm 2011* Mr. and Mrs. Peter von Schoenermarck* Mrs. Lenore Vuolo Christopher Wagner 1996* Jennifer Walsh Ms. Melissa N. Walsh 2013 Mr. Rory G. Walsh 2013

Mrs. Jennifer Proscia Weaver 2012 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiss* Mr. Michael Weiss 1998 Mr. Jack F. Weissler 2018 Wergiles Family* Ms. Bridget R. Westerman 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Wevers, Jr.* Kathleen Wheeler Mr. Brian J. White 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan White* Mr. Ryan Wilkens 2016* Mr. Gavin T. Williams 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilson* Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wilson* Mrs. Colleen Dann Woessner 1998 Mr. and Mrs. Grear Wolf Mrs. Judith Wood Mrs. Ann-Marie Batule Woodruff 1993* Mr. Jaywin S. Workman 1996 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Yack* Carl and Patricia Yannuzzi* Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zuniga Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zwart 14 Good Friends of Kellenberg Memorial

For the first time in Kellenberg Memorial’s history, we surpassed the million dollar fundraising mark! Thanks to our 1,954 donors in 2017-2018, over $1,107,994 was donated to Kellenberg Memorial. Each dollar raised helps us advance the success of Kellenberg Memorial and our Marianist mission to educate the hearts and minds of our students. HEART & MIND


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3 Cousins Pool Service ABAX, Inc. Allen E. & Patricia M. Murray Foundation Ambrosino Law Group American Century Investments American Express Company Bank of America Matching Gift Program Baxter’s Sport Shop, Inc. Boston Scientific Bottomline Technologies Bradford Portraits Brink’s Company Broadridge Bruderhof Community Cardinal Health Foundation Casella Construction Corporation Casur Management & Maintenance Inc. Cherry Valley Country Club CHSAA Girls Track Colgate-Palmolive Company Computer Associates Technologies Matching Gifts Program Cullen & Dykman LLP Custom Tours Inc. Davis Selected Advisers Decom Computers Deepdale Golf Club Dell & Dean PLLC Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Digital Graphic Imagery Corp. Dove Givings Foundation II Emmet, Marvin & Martin Enterprise Association Steamfitters, Local Union 638 Estee Lauder Faith Utilities of Long Island Fidelity Charitable Fox’s of Mineola Front Street Bakery Garden City Golf Club

Gil K. Cosenza Agency Inc. Global Elite Gold Coast Home Comfort, Inc. Hotel 50 Bowery NYC Hotel Hugo Hotel Indigo East End Iavarone Brothers of Wantagh, LLC Island Photography J&J Provisions LLC JA Heneghan’s Tavern Jay’s Flowers Jordan Lobster Farm JP Morgan Chase Foundation Kellenberg Memorial Alumni Parents Club Kellenberg Memorial Parents Club KKR Financial Services Knights of Columbus Father Joseph O’Connell Council Kramer, Dillof, Livingston & Moore Lawrence Yacht & Country Club Long Beach Wake & Water Sports Long Island Express Lacrosse LLC Long Island Tae Kwon Do Love My Puppies Mahon, Mahon, Kerins & O’Brien, LLC Maspeth Federal Savings Meoli Chiropractic Morgan Stanley Nassau Country Club National Elevator Care & Design, Inc. Nesco Bus & Truck Sales, Inc. New York Life Insurance New York Ravioli & Pasta Co., Inc. News Corp Giving Nissequogue Golf Club North Hills Country Club NY State Council Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. Onyx Packaging Corporation Paddy’s Loft & Smuggler Jack’s Restaurants


Recurring giving is an easy, convenient way to support Kellenberg Memorial that saves you time and is easy to customize to fit within the parameters of your budget? You can quickly and easily set up an annual, quarterly, or monthly recurring gift online at kellenberg.org/shepherdsfund If you have recurring gift questions or would like to stop or adjust your recurring gift any time, please contact the Office of Advancement at (516) 292-0220 X 245. 16


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Pall Corporation Partners in Mission Pierpont Mechanical Corporation Prudential Quaker Ridge Golf Club Ray O’Connor Photography Reader’s Digest Foundation Rialto Richard T. Kerins, P.C. Ridgewood Pediatrics P.C. Rockaway Hunting Club Rockville Links Club Schmitt Sohn, Inc. Seward & Kissel, LLP Spellman Gibbons Polizzi Truncale & Trentacoste, LLP Stephen A. Clifford Memorial Fund, Inc. StrengthHeals.org Tannerbolt & Supplies TDK USA Corporation Television Equipment Rentals, Inc. The Josephine Foundation The Kula Foundation The Meadows The Paramount The Seawane Club Theta Discoveries, Inc. Three Guys Maintenance Inc. Tomaselli Consulting Company Tri-Star Lacrosse LLC UBS UPS Vecere & Travaglia LLP Verizon Foundation C/O Cybergrants, Inc. Wells Fargo Wheatley Hills Golf Club Wilson Family Charitable Fund Winged Foot Golf Club

“I’ve proudly donated to Kellenberg Memorial using the monthly recurring gift option for the past three years because, in hindsight, the Kellenberg curriculum and framework in which it was administered was instrumental in preparing me to communicate and succeed in the real world. Setting up the recurring gift was simple, and I love knowing I’m supporting the school consistently without really even having to think about it.” Michael Sharkey ’07, Associate, M&A Advisory, Recurring donor since 2015.


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7 TH ANNUAL FOOD & WINE EXPO The 7th Annual Food & Wine Expo drew over 1,200 attendees on Saturday, September 29, 2018. Sponsored by the Kellenberg Alumni Parents Association (KAPA) and the Kellenberg Memorial High School Parents Club, the evening offered something special for everyone, including small plates from Long Island’s best restaurants, as well as a variety of fine wine and craft beer tastings. Many happily took part in this year’s new option of purchasing reserved tables in the Cafeteria in order to have a spot for their friends and family to congregate. A.

All are encouraged to patronize the fine establishments listed below. The Kellenberg Memorial community is extremely grateful to all of the businesses who helped make the event such a success: Ace's Wine and Spirits

(owned by Joseph Pascual, KAPA)

Amia Deli Capo Ristorante (owned by Paul Capoziello ’91) Cara Cara Mexican Grill City Cellar Wine Bar & Grill (Head Chef, Michael Abbatiello ’08)

Fresh Beginnings Catering Inc. Front Street Bakery (owned by the Acerno family, KAPA)


Grandpa Tony's International Cheeses

(owned by the Henneborn family, current parents)

Iavarone Brothers La Piazza La Strada Italian Restaurant Lenox and Park Lithology Brewing Co. Manhattan Beer (courtesy of Tom Frem ’94) New York Ravioli & Pasta Co, Inc (owned by the Moncada family, current parents)

Olive Garden Phil's Pizzeria and Restaurant



(owned by the Pagnotta family, KAPA)

Prost Grill & Garden

(owned by the McCartney family, KAPA)

Rialto Restaurant

(owned by Mario and Tara (Fitzgerald) Fuentes ’89, current parents)

River Mill Tavern and Tables

(owned by Mike and Hilary (Cunningham) McDevitt ’93)

Seasons 52 (courtesy of Thomas Doria ’02) Seawane Country Club (managed by Don Mollitor, KAPA)

Stew Leonard's The Sundae Place

(owned by the Hirschfeld family, current parents)

Uncle Tony's Pizzeria Ristorante Vespa Italian Bar & Kitchen Village Cheese Merchant

A. Current parents Deb and Vin Puglisi. B. Tara (Fitzgerald) Fuentes ’89, owner of Rialto Restaurant, with her children, Catherine ’24 and Michael ’22. C. Current parents Martha and Tom Hall, with their daughter, Michaela ’21, who volunteered for the evening as a member of S.A.L.T. (Service, Allegiance, Leadership, and Teamwork). D. Current parents Katherine and Markus Boykin.

(owned by the O'Mara family, current family)

Vincenzo's Wines Around the World

(courtesy of the Taborda family, KAPA)

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION On October 2nd and December 4th, KAPA hosted evenings of Eucharistic Adoration. KAPA parents and current parents were invited to take part in prayer and worship in the Maria Regina Chapel. The inaugural Adoration featured a reflection from Kevin Connolly, KAPA parent and pilot for Pope John Paul II while traveling in the United States. Special thanks to KAPA’s Officers for Apostolic Events, Bob and Lori Kuppelmeyer, for planning these special evenings. Left to Right: KAPA Apostolic Event Officers Lori and Robert Kuppelmeyer, with Anne Connolly, Kevin Connolly, Shannon Connolly ’14, and Gerard Connolly. In keeping with the true spirit of Kellenberg’s family atmosphere, this year’s KAPA Day of Recollection with take place in concert with the Annual Alumni Communion Breakfast on Sunday, March 3, 2019. The day will begin with Mass at 9AM, followed by a Communion Breakfast, which will feature a special guest speaker, for all Firebird alumni, KAPA members, and their families. Following the Communion Breakfast, KAPA’s Day of Recollection will continue with additional programming in the Emmanuel Retreat House and Millennium Room until 3PM. Be sure to check your email for forthcoming registration information! K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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On Saturday, November 17th at Mitchel Athletic Complex, the Firebirds defeated Xavier, 41-6, bringing home the CHSFL AA Championship for the second straight year! The win completed a second consecutive perfect season for Kellenberg Memorial (11-0). Once again critical to the success of the team was Matt Sluka ’19. Matt has added a second All-Long Island 1st team designation and also a second consecutive NYCHSFL Player of the Year award to his resume. Matt, who was also the championship game's offensive MVP for the second straight year, told Newsday, “It’s unbelievable, never losing a varsity game. You can’t do any better than that.” Coach Kevin Hanifan had nothing but praise for Matt when announcing him as the returning MVP for the Varsity Football team, saying, “He was an offensive machine, rushing for 1,131 yards with 22 touchdowns. In the passing game he was 74 for 101 for 1,203 yards, 14 touchdowns and only 1 interception.” Coach Hanifan also lauded the winner of the Bernie Ward Commitment

FOOTBALL Award, Dan Wilson ’19, saying, “Dan is the most committed player I have seen in a long time. He came into camp in the best shape of his life. He led by example through the tough conditioning and drill sessions. He played multiple positions

for us as the need arose. One week we needed an offensive lineman, the next week we needed a blocking ‘H’ back, another week we needed a flanker, all the while he was a standout middle linebacker.”


GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY Girls Varsity Cross Country attained what one writer called, “the biggest upset team win in high school cross country in the history of the 45-year-old meet,” in winning the CHSAA Intersectional Championships at Van Cortlandt Park on November 10th. The team of Maureen Lewin ’19, Maya Richardson ’19, Brianna Lausev ’19, Ashley Minns ’21, Margaret McLouglin ’21, and Ceili Donnelly ’20 defeated the number one ranked team not only in the CHSAA, but also on Long Island. It was the team’s first such win since 2010.

Special congratulations are in order for Girls Cross Country and Track Coach Marty Brown, who was inducted into the Armory Coaches Hall of Fame on December 15th. Many current and alumni runners and families were present for the occasion.

Both of the Boys Junior Varsity Soccer teams made it to the championships this season. The Junior Varsity A team took home the championship plaque on October 29th with a 2-1 win over St. Anthony’s. Congratulations on a great season! Kudos are in order for the Latin School Boys Soccer team as well, as they played a perfect, undefeated season!



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Ice Hockey is back! November 10th was a great night for the start of a new era in Firebirds Hockey at Cantiague Rink.


Coach Bill Masiulis ’01 saw the biggest turnout yet at the Soccer Alumni Game on July 14th. The winner was decided by a penalty kick!

On November 20th, 16 members of the class of 2019 took the next step in their educational growth as they committed to the colleges they wish to attend and agreed to participate in collegiate athletics at the highest level. Congratulations to these exceptional student-athletes who serve as inspiring examples of the benefits of a Marianist education of the heart and mind. Sean Boll LIU Post – Mens Lacrosse

Additional Kellenberg Activities: S.A.L.T., P.R.E.P., Senior Spirit Committee, Sodality, Varsity Football, Varsity Basketball

Hannah Cleary Manhattan College – Womens Lacrosse

Additional Kellenberg Activities: S.A.L.T., Marianist Mentors, Eucharistic Ministers, Junior Retreat Staff, P.R.E.P., C.R.O.S.S., Sodality, Peer Education, Hiking Club, Blue Blazer Bulletin, Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Winter Track

Stephanie Conrade Molloy College – Softball

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., Eucharistic Ministers, Marianist Mentors, Junior Retreat Staff, P.R.E.P., S.M.A.R.T., C.R.O.S.S., Sodality, Varsity Volleyball

Jason Diaz University of Miami – Baseball

Additional Kellenberg Activities: Marianist Mentors, Junior Retreat Staff, S.M.A.R.T., Sodality

Patricia Duong Lynn University – Womens Swimming

Additional Kellenberg Activities: S.M.A.R.T., Sodality

Emily Lampasone Saint Leo University – Womens Lacrosse

Additional Kellenberg Activities: S.A.L.T., Junior Retreat Staff, P.R.E.P., Senior Spirit Committee, S.M.A.R.T., C.R.O.S.S., Sodality, Varsity Winter Track

Maureen Lewin Boston College – Womens Track

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., Eucharistic Ministers, S.A.L.T., P.R.E.P., Sodality, Phoenix Chorus, Firebird Chorus

Katherine Macaluso Saint Anselm College – Womens Soccer

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., S.A.L.T., Aquinas League, C.R.O.S.S., S.M.A.R.T., Sodality, Hiking Club


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Vincent McDermott St. Thomas Aquinas College – Baseball Jillian Mello University of Massachusetts-Lowell – Womens Lacrosse


Big win for the Girls Varsity Swim Team as they celebrated the careers of their Senior Swimmers on October 24th!

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., Senior Spirit Committee, Aquinas League, C.R.O.S.S., Sophomore GSO, Sodality, Phoenix Chorus, Firebird Chorus

Luke Napolitano University of Kansas – Baseball

Additional Kellenberg Activities: Marianist Mentors, P.R.E.P., Sodality

Juliana Rigano Post University – Softball


Girls Varsity Soccer spent the morning of October 20th working with TOP Soccer program for kids with special needs.

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., Junior Retreat Staff, Senior Spirit Committee, P.R.E.P., Aquinas League, C.R.O.S.S., S.M.A.R.T., Sodality, Spanish Club

Frankie Roder Saint Anselm College – Baseball

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., Marianist Mentors, Junior Retreat Staff, Peer Education, C.R.O.S.S., Sodality, Varsity Football

Shane Salmon Hofstra University – Mens Soccer

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., Marianist Mentors, P.R.E.P., Junior Retreat Staff, Sodality, Website & Social Media Club


Varsity football players ran the Latin School football team’s practice for a week this season to offer encouragement.

Emma Soccodato Marquette University – Womens Lacrosse

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., Senior Spirit Committee, P.R.E.P., S.M.A.R.T., C.R.O.S.S., Sodality, Archery, Varsity Tennis

Paulina Valentine St. Michael's College – Womens Soccer

Additional Kellenberg Activities: N.H.S., Senior Retreat Staff, Junior Retreat Staff, Sacristans, S.M.A.R.T., Phoenix Emporium


On December 1st the Girls JV Basketball program made Christmas cards and filled stockings for children in the pediatric section of South Nassau Community Hospital. HEART & MIND


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JUNE REUNIONS Firebird alumni from the classes of 1998, 2003, 2008, and 2013 returned to campus on Saturday, June 23, 2018 to celebrate their 20, 15, 10, and 5-year reunions, respectively. The evening began with Mass at 6PM, which was concelebrated by Father Thomas Cardone, S.M. and Father Albert Bertoni, S.M. Members of the Gregorian Consortium were on hand to provide beautiful vocal and instrumental accompaniment. Following Mass, each reunion year celebrated the special occasion in private cocktail parties. A.














A. Reunited and it feels so good! Bobby Kelly ’98 was reunited with his class ring at the 20-year reunion after a local woman found it in her backyard during a spring cleanup and returned it to Kellenberg. B. Eileen (Owen) Henke ’98 catches up with Father Albert. C. Caitlin (Schechter) Harris ’03 and Meghan (Selover) Downes ’03. D. Patrick LaClair ’98, Jeanne (McNulty) Bernard ’98, and Tara (Buonocore) Rut ’98. E. Father Tom with nephew Mike Hutchinson ’08 (right) and Matt Hughey ’08. F. Brother Kenneth with Mike Ryan ’13. G. Mr. Kenneth Conrade and Amber Rose ’03. H. Vincent Calderon ’98 and Thomas Chengot ’98. I. Mr. Michael Flood with Nadia Jafari ’08 and Samantha Jaser ’08. J. Members of the class of 1998 assemble for a group shot. K. Michael Granieri ’13 and Daniel Traver ’13. L. Alexander Wozniak ’08 and Christine (Caban) Lawton ’08. M. Eddie Jordan ’13 delivers the second reading at Mass. N. Joe Citrano ’03 and Erin (Toscano) Citrano ’03 read the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. 20


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FALL REUNIONS On October 27th and November 3rd, the Classes of 1993 and 1988 held their 25 and 30 Year Reunions, respectively. Both evenings began with Mass, followed by private cocktail receptions. Alumni had a wonderful time catching up with fellow classmates, teachers, and administrators, as well as taking a tour of the school building. Members of the Class of 1988 were delighted to receive a visit from Brother Mark Ormond, S.M., the first principal of Kellenberg Memorial. A.













A. Ellisa Whitley ’88, Donna (Bulone) Primiani ’88, and Jorge Velasquez ’88. B. Mike Malloy ’88, Tom Woram ’88, Jean Marie (O'Connor) Swing ’88, and Julie Markey ’88 pose with the Firebird. C. Michael Minutello ’88, Madeline (Biegner) Lazzara ’88, and Bill Fox ’88. D. Jennifer (Lynch) Yelsits ’88 and Doug Schiller ’88. E. Karen (Dettner) Shimel ’88 and Monica (Guerrero) Mikoleskei ’88. F. Veronica D'Auria ’88, Jerry Silecchia ’88, and Claire (Morro) Galofaro ’88. G. The Class of 1988 gathers for a group photo. H. Steve Carew ’93, Colleen Kearney ’93, Alumni Board President Hilary (Cunningham) McDevitt ’93, and John Durso, Jr. ’93 present Brother Kenneth with the Class Gift on behalf of the Class of 1993, which totalled over $10,000. I. The Class of 1993 gathers for a group photo. J. Brian Warner ’93 and Dan Szalai ’93 with the Firebird. K. Kim Hamilton ’93, Vincenza (Iadevaia) Tallini ’93, Brother Kenneth, the Firebird, Joanna (Cavallaro) Palumbo ’93, Father Tom, and Licia (Tuosto) Millman ’93. L. Byron Brooks, Felicia Samuels ’93, Claudy (Damus) Makelele ’93, and Miali Makelele ’93 pose with the Firebird M. Joanna (Cavallaro) Palumbo ’93 and Dana (Korndoerfer) Acquafredda ’93. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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A Lu m n i N ews

ALUMNI FAMILY SPIRIT DAY On Sunday, September 16th, Firebirds of all ages enjoyed Alumni Family Spirit Day. The fun-filled day began with Mass at 11AM, which was concelebrated by Father Albert Bertoni, S.M. and Father Daniel Griffin, S.M. ’02. The Varsity Football team was on hand to distribute blessed crosses to the Future Firebirds in attendance. Following Mass, families enjoyed fun in the sun, featuring a BBQ lunch, family games and activities, bounce houses, arts and crafts, balloon animals, and face painting. The Kellenberg Zoo and the Phoenix Emporium were also open throughout the afternoon. Following the festivities, Firebird families were invited to the Kellenberg Varsity Football’s Homecoming Game at Mitchel Field, where the Firebirds toppled St. Francis Prep 42-6. A.







A. Father Dan gets some help from a Future Firebird while blessing Matt Sluka ’19, and Frankie Roder ’19 looking on. B. Lily Cicalese ’28 the outdoor games. D. Carlyn Masiulis ’30 buddies up to the Firebird. F. Marcus Gronlie ’31 matches the numbers on the ducks. G. Annalyn

crosses during Mass with Thomas Cipolla ’19, Dan Wilson ’19, picks up speed on the water slide. C. Emma Letcher ’35 enjoys E. Chloe Mannion ’33 and Gabriella Morales ’31 are all smiles. Pupke ’19 paints a flower on the cheek of Jackie O'Brien ’30.

FIREBIRDS RETURN TO THE NEST As is tradition, recent Firebird alumni returned home to Kellenberg Memorial on November 21st, the day before Thanksgiving, for Mass and brunch. Alumni enjoyed catching up with one another, as well as faculty members, administrators, coaches, and moderators. A.






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A. Kevin Donohue ’17, Kyle Waibel ’17, and Kevin Byrnes ’17. B. Brianna Hartmann ’18, Isabella Fazzolari ’18, and Sarah Hoffman ’18 pose with the Firebird. C. Ashley Boccio ’18, Joelle Habibi ’18, and Teresa Blangiforti ’18. D. Chris Scholz ’18, Robert Egan ’18, Matt Echausse ’18, and Frankie Landers ’18. E. Marcela Curcio ’18 and Zachary Beloten ’18. F. Lauren Lettieri ’18, Catherine LoScalzo ’18, Noelle Maronak ’18, and Elizabeth Huggard ’18. G. Andrew Glazer ’17, Peter Gillette ’17, and David DePetris ’17. A K E L L E N B E RG M E M O R I A L FA M I LY P U B L I CAT I O N

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A lu m n i N ews






John and Amy with their children Ryan and Emily.

Amy (MacEwen) Muenzen ’98 and John Muenzen ’97 have been married for over a decade and reside in North Massapequa with their daughter, Emily (4), and son, Ryan (6). Amy is a Special Education Teacher with the NYC Department of Education, while John is the Manager of Facility Projects at LaGuardia Airport and also serves on the Alumni Board for Kellenberg Memorial. When and how did you meet? We met in 1995, on the late bus to Wantagh. At the time Amy was still a student at Sacred Heart Academy but was looking for a change. John and his sister Elena ’00 convinced Amy to make the change to Kellenberg and the rest was history. What was your wedding like? We had a Christmas Wedding in 2006 at St. Barnabas R.C. Parish in Bellmore. Several Kellenberg alumni were involved in the wedding ceremony, including groomsmen Doug Cioffi ’97 and Anthony Cantelmo ’97, and reader Mario Cadavid ’97, as well as Elena Muenzen ’00 and maid of honor Jessica Rispoli ’98. Why are you looking forward to sending your children to Kellenberg Memorial? Kellenberg gave us both a home away from home. We always had a place to be, or an K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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John and Amy before the prom in 1997.

activity to be involved in. It was a place where we felt safe and it is a place where the journey to figuring out who we were as adults began. Furthermore, Kellenberg reinforced a work ethic that prepared us to persevere through challenges in college and later in life. Kellenberg also reinforced the spiritual foundations provided by our parents at home. We were encouraged to participate in the faith community at Kellenberg and to grow spiritually. It helped us to develop a strong spiritual base that carried us through life. Kellenberg helped us to understand that we need Christ at the center of our lives. Our time at Kellenberg was also the first time that we enjoyed a core group of friends with whom we shared the same or similar values. The friends we made there became a true support system over the years. Looking to the future we want our children, Ryan and Emily, to both have the opportunity to benefit from the same life-affirming experiences that we were able to experience at Kellenberg Memorial. What is one of the best lessons you learned during your time at Kellenberg? “Ask, and the door shall be opened for you,” was inscribed in John’s 1997 yearbook and those words have rung true. Kellenberg is a place where you can always turn to for help. No matter where we are in life, we know that we are part of a greater connected family;

a part of something bigger than ourselves. The support network at Kellenberg is always there to offer guidance. We are extremely appreciative of the Kellenberg community. There are many Firebird alumni who have entered into the covenant of marriage together. What about your time at Kellenberg helped prepare you to make and keep the promise of being "true to your spouse in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health." Life isn’t perfect and neither is marriage. At times, marriage is hard work. A successful marriage takes effort. You have to be willing to put your spouse's needs above your own; and doing so needs to be reciprocal. Through our spiritual education at Kellenberg, we learned that we need to live a Christ and other’s centered life. In our marriage, that means putting Christ at the center and each other’s needs above our own. It also means that we need to look to the lessons of the Bible which teach us to grow a strong marriage. Through our academic experience, we learned perseverance. We learned that our great accomplishments are the result of hard work. Our academic experience helped build the work ethic and personal skills needed to achieve a successful marriage. HEART & MIND


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Rich Callaghan ’93

Lygia Day Peñaflor ’91


Michael Anderson retired after 25 years of active duty service with the United States Air Force. He retired at the rank of Colonel, with his last posting being at Maxwell Air Force Base, AL. His ceremony was held on Lexington Green, the site of the battle of Lexington and Concord outside of Boston, MA, and he was awarded the Legion of Merit. Michael now lives in New Hampshire and is pursuing a Ph.D. in history at the University of New Hampshire.


Anthony Giordano was appointed Interim Pastor at Calvary Lutheran Church in East Meadow, NY in February 2018.


William McGuire received the Man of the Year Award from the John F. Kennedy International Airport community in April 2018. Glenn O'Kane ran the TCS New York City Marathon on November 4, 2018 in honor of the memory of the customers of his pharmacy, Vanco Pharmacy, that have passed away in the past year. He prayed the duration of one mile for 26 miles for each of the departed.


Beatrice (Russotto) Deevy is proud to announce that her son, William, graduated middle school and is now a Firebird. She is very excited for him!



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John J. Flannelly ’95

Scott Marasco ’93

Chris Grosser ’95 Day Peñaflor returned to Kellenberg Memorial to guest lecture in Mr. Kevin Dugal’s English classes in November 2018. She published her most recent YA novel, All of This is True, in May 2018 with HarperTeen.  Lygia


Rashaan Alexander relocated to Georgia five years ago and bought a house in a suburb of Atlanta. He and his fiancée and are getting married on April 27, 2019. Rashaan is currently awaiting his fourth kidney transplant and urges everyone to give the gift of life by becoming an organ donor. Jen (Thorsen) Cooper recently moved to a global solutions role after being a part of the Google sales team as a Senior Account Executive for 15 years. This is a huge shift, but Jen looks forward to the opportunity to travel the world. Her husband, John Delbarton ’94, is now also a Googler. Their son, Russell, is in second grade, and will be making his first communion this May. Darryl Rhames is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Certified Internal Controls Auditor. He currently chairs an e-News committee for the Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors (AHIA). Darryl was published in the Healthcare Compliance Association's (HCCA) in December 2018.


Callaghan and Paola Rizzuto were married in Brooklyn in September 2018.  Rich

Marasco lives in Lakewood Ranch, FL, with his wife, Vanessa, and their daughter, Ava. Scott and his wife are expecting their second child, a girl, in April 2019. Scott has been a civil litigation attorney for 18 years and was the founder and managing partner of Marasco & Associates Law Firm for over 12 years. He is currently trial counsel for Progressive Insurance Company. Scott has recently been named to Florida Trend’s Legal Elite in 2018, a distinction received by just over 1% of active Florida Bar members.

 Scott

Maura O'Sullivan is teaching English at John Adams High School in Ozone Park and recently got engaged. She resides in East Rockaway.


Kenneth Marchello retired from the NYPD after 20 years and moved to Cumming, GA with his wife and four children. He currently volunteers at a horse rescue and helps at his children's school with underprivileged children showing positive male influence in family dynamics.


J. Flannelly, a sergeant in the Kings Point Police Department, and his wife, Shannon, welcomed Lainie Ashley to the family this past summer. Big sister Charlie is thrilled!  John

 Chris Grosser (3rd from left), a former Kellenberg Memorial faculty member who is now a Nassau County Police Officer, was recognized as a “Top Cop” in August 2018. Chris, along with others, helped to save a man’s life.

Jolie Silva is a psychologist with offices in Rockville Centre and Manhattan. She recently expanded her Rockville Centre practice. This new expansion allows her to offer group therapy to all ages, from young children to adults, and includes a meditation room available to any client who needs a calm space to relax and reflect.


J.R. Gonzalez graduated with a B.A. from SUNY Binghamton in 2000 and relocated to Los Angeles, CA in 2002. He is currently employed with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department as a Deputy Sheriff assigned to their Mental Evaluation Team, specializing in crisis calls involving the mentally ill in the community. J.R. and his wife, Yomaira, have been married since March 2017. Firebird alumni Justin Del Rosario, Kareem Maddison, and Varnell Bien-Aime were members of the wedding party. Michael Chambers and Cedric Hopkins were also in attendance. J.R. and his wife are owners and directors of a Brain Balance Achievement Center in Southern California, which is opening in January 2019. The Center helps kids who struggle with social skills, academics, and behavior. The couple has a one year old son.


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Christine (DiPasquale) Doonan ’99

Bro. George Camacho, O.F.M. ’97


Nicholas Giglio ’99

George Camacho, O.F.M. has been living at Siena College in Albany, NY for the past three years as a Franciscan Friar in the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. He works for the director of the Damietta Cross-Cultural Center, which advocates for and empowers students of color, students who identify as LGBT+, and those who are from other faith traditions or non-religious backgrounds. Last year, he completed the Chicago Marathon. He had previously completed the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC and the New York City Marathon.

Mariel (Badillo) Pacific, with her husband, Franco, and son, Michael (7), have been having a great deal of fun with the newest member of their family, Olivia, who will be a year old on February 20, 2019. Mariel continues to work as the Cantor at Immaculate Conception Church.

Melanie (Lee) Gronlie has been working as a Registered Nurse since 2003. She completed her MBA in 2011 and currently works in Quality Management. Melanie resides in Huntington, NY with her husband. They have two children, Marcus (5) and Ella (3), who had the honor of being baptized by Father Albert Bertoni, S.M.

Leana (Buonagurio) Visalli is currently living on Long Island and is a real estate agent for Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty. She has an amazing husband, Michael, and three beautiful children: Dominick, Luca, and Arabella.

 Bro.

Melissa (Verdi) Montes serves as Director of Education for a special needs non-profit preschool in Queens, NY. She holds a Master's degree in Literacy and School Building/ District Leadership. Melissa is also Vice President of the Lefferts/Liberty Chapter of the Kiwanis Club of Queens West, and she continues to lobby in Albany for funds for special needs preschools. She has been married for six years and has a labrador mix, Frankie, as well as three beautiful nieces and a nephew. Melissa and her husband are in the process of buying their first home in Levittown, which is the house she grew up in. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

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Amy (Scatamacchia) Russo lives in San Antonio, TX and is currently a stay-at-home mom to three kids (8, 6, and 3). She serves on the boards of several community and military spouse organizations and advocates for children with Type 1 diabetes.

Coleen (Quinn) Zabala and her husband, Marc, have three little girls: Lily (7), Fiona (4), and Cora (1). The family resides in Long Beach, NY and Coleen is a faculty member at Kellenberg Memorial.


Liz (Daza) Winer recently married Tal Jacob Winer, Esq., in a small ceremony on Long Island on October 14, 2018. The couple is very excited to start this new chapter in their lives. Liz has been working in multimedia production, content strategy, and digital marketing since graduating from Kellenberg Memorial. The couple currently resides in New York City.

Aidan, son of Sarah DeCamp ’99


Lauren (Morello) Bertke landed the position she had been waiting for as a Regional Duty Officer with the Florida Highway Patrol. After only six months with the agency, she was recommended for a promotion to Certified Training Officer. She and her husband, Eric, and 13-year-old daughter, Kennedy, currently reside in Spring Hill, FL, where they also run a not-for-profit animal rescue.

DeCamp is living in Paris, France with her husband, Florent. In June 2018, they welcomed their first child, Aidan. Sarah is working as the Associate Director of Communications at HEC Paris, a European business school.

Sherice Perry ’99 continues to work in Manhattan as a user experience designer for the Associated Press. Giglio was recently featured on AMC's original series, Comic Book Men.  Nicholas

Katie (Tymann) Hansley was recently promoted to Managing Director at Bank of America. She lives in Charlotte, NC with her husband, Tim, and their sons, Timmy (1) and Griffin (3).

 Sarah

 Christine

(DiPasquale) Doonan and her husband, Bill, recently celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary. The couple has two beautiful children, Liam (4) and Juliana (2), and a goldendoodle, Holly. Christine works as an accountant at a small CPA firm in Garden City, NY.

Marianne (Maguire) Flanagan gave birth to her second son, Nicholas, in November. Her oldest, William, celebrated his 4th birthday the same week. This past summer, the family moved from a Brooklyn apartment to their first home in West Orange, NJ. These blessings are perhaps more greatly appreciated after nearly losing her husband, Sean, last year to a rare and life threatening disease called Addison’s. Fortunately, with proper treatment Sean is now able to lead a full and active life. Marianne

Tara Losito is in her 16th year as a special education teacher. She holds a Master's degree in Educational Leadership and recently completed her second Master's degree to be a learning consultant. Tara welcomed her first child, Edward, Jr., in June 2018 and resides in Ocean County, NJ. James Madden is currently living in Long Beach, NY with his beautiful wife, Erin, and their two dogs, Chelsea and Squat. He owns Peppercorns Restaurant & Catering in Hicksville, NY with Sean Costello ’03. James enjoys that he still sees many of his fellow ’99 graduates daily. He says, “Can’t wait to see everyone at the 20 Year Reunion this June! Good grief!” Perry recently released her first book, “Invincible Summer: A 30-day Reflectional on the Power of Kindness.” Sherice is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University. She also studied at Oxford University. Today, she is a communications

 Sherice



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Meghan (Schiffer) ’06 and Jimmy Riegel ’06

Chris Drechsel ’04

Cristina Sanchez ’06 and Teresa (Sanchez) Whitfield ’99 strategist in Washington, D.C., where she advises nonprofits and community-based organizations that are fighting for the greater good. To learn more about Sherice’s book, visit www.invinciblesummerllc.com. Deborah (Stattel) Rojas is working as the principal of her own firm, Deborah Rojas Architecture & Planning LLC, which she opened in 2015. The firm is growing, and Deborah is now certified by New York City and State as a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise. She lives in Queens with her husband, Fredy, and their two children, Jacob (3) and Joseph (1). Franklyn Salas moved to Washington, D.C. this year and started Agency Groundwork, a business development and coaching business. He also started a new role with Keller Williams Capital Properties as a Team Leader. Franklyn is currently training for his second physique competition, with a focus to be in the top ten. Dave Sandoval has been happily married to his wife, Jackie, for nine years. He has a son, Nico (7), and a daughter, Valentina (4). The family resides in Melville, NY. Dave owns a commercial cleaning company called Inclusive Cleaning Services. He also owns a national diagnostic imaging company called Provision Diagnostics that he started in 2008 with two of his brothers. Anne-Mireille (Charles) Warner has been married for eight years to her husband, Frantz. The couple has a 26


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Cristina Hernandez, M.D. ’05

Tara (Powers) Cunnane ’05

son, Amare Adrien (6). Anne-Mireille works in Garden City, NY as a Psychiatric Social Worker for a Long Term Managed Care Agency. (Sanchez) Whitfield and her husband, John, welcomed their sweet baby boy, Miles Oscar, into the world on July 27, 2018. Cristina Sanchez ’06 is a proud Firebird aunt!  Teresa


Danielle (Anglade) Crookes and her spouse, Raymond, welcomed their second child, Micah, in February 2018. Big sibling, Jolie, is excited about the family's new addition. The family resides in Atlanta, GA. Danielle continues to remotely pursue her Doctor of Public Health degree in Epidemiology at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Her areas of interest are social determinants of health and cardiovascular disease.


James Frankie recently started a private legal practice in Immigration Law.

MaryAnne Piccolo was delighted to bump into Mr. Clark Blanton at Paul Simon’s final concert at Flushing Meadows Corona Park on September 22, 2018. Upon realizing Mr. Blanton, who was her music teacher and mentor from seventh through twelfth grade at Kellenberg, was sitting right behind her, MaryAnne said, “I am so grateful for this special gift tonight! What a blessing!”

Kasey (Agostinacchio) Grasso ’99


Kathryn (Treadway) Baker recently married her husband, Max, an Army veteran, in June 2018. They just purchased their first home in Lincoln, RI in September and have two loving dogs, Atlanta and Dallas.


Celine (Valerakis) Hayn is a Senior Vice President at Freepoint Metals & Concentrates LLC., a commodities trading firm in Stamford, CT. She met her husband, Thom, while attending Seton Hall University and they have two daughters, Stella (4) and Beatrix (2). Thomas Kassebaum has been married to his wife, Courtney, for four years. They have two daughters, Kinsley and Ashlyn. The family resides in Seaford, NY, and Thomas is a Senior Project Manager for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in their Design and Construction group.


 Chris Drechsel graduated from the Nassau County Police Academy on November 7, 2018. The ceremony was held at Kellenberg Memorial. He is pictured with his family, including his brother, Dan ’02, and Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder.


 Tara

(Powers) Cunnane and Patrick Cunnane welcomed their first child, Kelly Nicole, on October 1, 2018. They are looking forward to sharing her with their Firebird family soon!

Mikel Dambreville recently welcomed his first daughter, Evelyne Cree, on September 28, 2018. Shanna Grafeld has begun her Ph.D. research at the Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia.  Cristina Hernandez, M.D. has been an Emergency Medicine Physician at Stony Brook University Hospital for the past five years. She is heavily involved in medical education and has completed international work in Peru, St. Lucia, and Costa Rica. She created a Medical Spanish Immersion Program for medical professionals to go to Costa Rica to learn Medical Spanish and improve their communication skills and take better care of the growing Hispanic population in the United States. She also started a nonprofit organization called the Posibilidad Project or MSOP Incorporated, which collects and donates medical and educational supplies, as well as services, to underserved clinics, nursing homes, and orphanages in Costa Rica. She hopes to expand her aid to other Latin American countries in the near future. To learn more about the mission of the organization, please visit posibilidad.org. Dr. Hernandez returned to campus on November 7, 2018 to serve as a presenter in the STEM Talk Series. She spoke to students about her experience as an Emergency Medicine Physician and international medical care provider.

Caitlin (McCormack) Rathe and her husband, Gregory, were married in Long Beach, NY at St. Ignatius Martyr Church on July 20, 2018.


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Marialaina (Lavrigata) Sheehan ’08

Kelly (Lawrence) ’09 and Eric Meisse ’06

Meghan (Hill) Puzo ’09


Debra (Powers) Casazza and her husband, Edward, recently celebrated the birth of their first child together. They welcomed a healthy baby boy, Edward (“Teddy”), on June 3, 2018. (Agostinacchio) Grasso is currently a fifth grade teacher at St. Martin de Porres Marianist School. In April 2018, Amelia Rae was born to join Kasey, her husband, Michael, and her daughter, Calliope (3).

 Kasey

Kristina Poli married her soulmate at the Atlantis Aquarium in Riverhead on September 15, 2018. Daria Abolghasemi, Stephannie (Miranda) Hultzman, Lauren (DiCintio) O’Brien, Jackie Lawniczak, and Mena Sposito helped make it the best day ever!

Emilie (Classi) Penny ’09


Nina LaMonica was recently admitted into the NYS Bar and became an associate at L'Abbate Balkan Colavita and Contini, LLP in Garden City, NY. She is engaged to Ed Proctor and they will be married in March 2019. Ed is in his fourth year of teaching at Monsignor McClancy High School in East Elmhurst. He is also the head golf coach at McClancy and is the head wrestling coach at Great Neck North High School. Caitlin Rosser recently celebrated her nuptials to her love of eight years, Adam. They wed in Philadelphia, PA on October 27, 2018. Several Firebird alumni were part of their special day, including Sam Rosser ’09, Kristan Catanese ’07, Danielle Dowling ’07, and Dylan Rosser ’12.

 Jimmy Riegel and Meghan Schiffer

were married on May 5, 2018. Many Firebird alums were in attendance at the wedding. Pictured above (from left to right): Alex (Enderle) Panzarino ’06, Sheila O'Donoghue ’06, Jaclyn Watson ’06, Catherine (Cereghino) Bosone ’06, Joey Hasbrouck ’06, Alain Duroseau ’06, Sara Norelli ’06, Katie (Finn) Karpusiewicz ’06, Will Kennedy ’06, Meghan (Schiffer) Riegel ’06, John Callejas ’06, Jimmy Riegel ’06, Maureen Link ’06, Kathleen Scahill ’06, Mike Bonomo ’06, Katie Ward ’06, Dina Bianco ’06, Rob Lawson ’06, Danny Rogate ’06, Anthony Hardie ’06, Danny Miklas ’06, Pete Lipinski ’06, Connor Riegel ’08, Katie (Witt) Carlock ’06, and Kaity Costabile ’06.


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Courtney (Kenney) Bernstein welcomed her second child, Phillip John, on November 21, 2018. He joins brother Michael Paul, who was born June 14, 2015.

Flo Maroney graduated from CUNY Brooklyn College in 2014 with a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling. Flo is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and is currently part of a group psychotherapy practice in Merrick, NY with a specialty in Trauma Therapy and Addiction. She recently traveled to Albuquerque, NM to complete certification in PTSD treatment with the Research and Recognition Project.

Stephanie Mulato ’08 Mulato married Jordan Gershowitz on September 23, 2018. Stephanie is a Senior Production Manager for Discovery, Inc. She works for the Digital Studios, producing content for Food Network, HGTV and Travel Channel.

 Stephanie

 Marialaina (Lavrigata) Sheehan and her husband, Michael, welcomed their first child, Patrick Michael, in April 2018.


Daniel Brennan proposed to Victoria Pisciotta ’08 on July 26, 2018. Both are faculty members at Kellenberg Memorial High School. Meghan Connolly and her fiancé, Albert, are engaged to be married. The couple resides in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Sara Gerrity became engaged to Andrew D'Angelo on Memorial Day weekend in May 2018. The wedding will take place on June 15, 2019 at St. Raymond’s Church in East Rockaway. She also recently got a new job at the National Football League in the Officiating Department. Meghan (Schmidt) Koerner married her husband, Christopher, on June 2, 2018, at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Malverne, NY.  Kelly Lawrence married Eric Meisse ’06 on July 27, 2018. The Nuptial Mass was officiated by Father Thomas Cardone, S.M. at the Church of the Holy Spirit in New Hyde Park, which

was followed by a reception at The Royalton Mansion in Roslyn, NY. Firebird alumni in the wedding party included: Jack Lawrence ’14, Gregg Meisse ’11, DJ Meisse ’03, Anthony Catanzano ’06, Patrick Giordano ’06, Rob Acerno ’06, John Chiafair ’06, Tim Fuchs ’06, Kelli Lastig ’11, Danielle Checkers ’10, Maureen Massaria ’08, and Nicole Maniaci ’08. Meghan Mahoney moved to Philadelphia in October 2018, where she joined the University of Pennsylvania staff as the Assistant University Registrar for Scheduling. (Classi) Penny married her husband in June 2018. The couple resides in New Jersey.

 Emilie

(Hill) Puzo and her husband, Mike were married on June 29, 2018.

 Meghan

Joseph Scivoletti and his wife, Caroline, are expecting their first child in June 2019.


Anna Green was delighted to get engaged in February 2018 and looks forward to her marriage in June 2019. She is currently a theology and apologetics teacher at St. Mary’s High School, where she also runs the school’s social media, website, and news. She is finishing her Master’s degree in Catholic Apologetics this year. JoAna Tusa began Hofstra University's Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program in Fall 2018. HEART & MIND


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Christine Basha ’14

Christopher Bargeron ’10 and Adrian Laudani ’14

Photo courtesy of Ed Casey.

Stephanie Weaver earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree in English from St. John's University in May 2018. She has relocated and is currently a Professor of English at the Savannah College of Art Design in Savannah, GA.


 Rev.

Mr. Matthew Browne was ordained a transitional deacon for the Diocese of Rockville Centre by Bishop John O. Barres at St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, NY, on November 3, 2018. Both Father Thomas Cardone, S.M. and Father Daniel Griffin, S.M. ’02 attended the ordination. Ashley Simpson, Pharm.D., recently graduated from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science University in Boston with a Doctorate in Pharmacy. She moved back to New York to pursue a career working for Rite Aid Pharmacy as a retail pharmacist all over Nassau and Suffolk counties.


Joanna Connolly recently accepted a job as Music Director of Our Lady of Victory Parish in Floral Park.

Kimberly Morales earned her Master’s degree in Childhood General and Special Education. She is now a Special Education Teacher at Rebecca School in Manhattan. Kellie (Murray) Penny and Ethan Penny welcomed their first baby, 28


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Joseph Gasparini ’15

Alicen Ré ’14

Rev. Mr. Matthew Browne ’11 with John Crozier ’11

Caleigh Rose, into the world on July 26, 2018. The family resides in Fort Hood, TX. Katrina (Schmidt) Peters got married on June 9, 2018 in Garden City, NY.


Melissa Walsh received her Master's in Education from Adelphi in May 2018. She then began her first full-time job working as a sixth grade English teacher in a Flushing public school.


Basha is a Hospitality and Tourism Management student at Rochester Institute of Technology. She hopes to one day be a general manager of a luxury hotel. Currently, Christine works as a front office agent to gain practical experience to help achieve that goal. She is also President of ETA Sigma Delta, the honors society for the hospitality department; Director of Events and Community Service for American Hotel Lodging Association at RIT; and a member of Hospitality Finance and Technology Professionals. She was blessed with the opportunity to study abroad in Croatia, where she was able to increase her awareness of cultural differences and apply them to her knowledge of hospitality and service. She will also be studying abroad in Dubai in January 2019. Christine says, “I will always be grateful for the teachers and friends I met at Kellenberg who have helped me become the person I am today. Go Firebirds!”  Christine

Jamie Boffardi ’17, Patrick La Rosa ’17, and Liam Von Elm ’17

Chris McGorty ’15

Alexandra Belzie was recently accepted into medical school. Alissa Belzie graduated with honors from Queens College, where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Neuroscience with minors in Spanish and Chemistry. She is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Sociology and Demography at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. Maura Collins graduated Summa Cum Laude this past May 2018 from Hofstra University with a Bachelor's in SpeechLanguage-Hearing Sciences. During her senior year, she presented research at the American Speech Language Hearing Association's annual national convention in Los Angeles, CA. She also served as the President of Hofstra's chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA). Maura is continuing at Hofstra for graduate school, where she will receive her Master's in SpeechLanguage Pathology in December 2019. Adrianna Duggan graduated from Notre Dame University in 2018. While a student there, she was involved with the Center for Social Concerns at Notre Dame, which is a center on campus that acts as a hub for community based/ service learning and justice education. Her experiences through the Center, including working a summer at the INN in Hempstead, NY and becoming deeply involved with a homeless shelter in South Bend, IN, led her to pursue and join a service program with Colorado Vincentian Volunteers. The focus of this program is companionship

Elizabeth Killian ’16

and accompaniment of those on the margins of society. Adrianna also works as a case manager at a homeless shelter in Denver run by Catholic Charities called the Samaritan House. Caroline Fenton received the Ignatian Award for Outstanding Senior from Loyola University New Orleans at the 2018 commencement exercises. It is the highest award offered by the university and the only one presented during commencement. Caroline is now serving with Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest at St. Labre Indian School, a Catholic school for Northern Cheyenne and Crow Native Americans. Rose Gunn graduated Penn State University in May of 2018. She moved to Arlington, VA and is working in the defense contracting industry as a Systems Engineer. Laudani was pleasantly surprised to meet up with Christopher Bargeron ’10 during her orientation program for Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Atlanta, GA. Chris serves as a Regional Coordinator for JVC, while Adrian is currently engaged in a year of service with the Corps.

 Adrian

 Alicen Ré, a 1/c in the United States Coast Guard Academy, is currently working on her senior research project, which is a directive study on the corrosion of sunken ships and how it correlates to oil leakage. The goal of the study is to find out if there is an optimal time to remove oil from ships to do the least amount of environmental damage. Alicen reflected on her summer, saying,


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Kellenberg Alumni R et r e at Selfie Nine Kellenberg alumni attended a retreat together this fall at Fairfield University. The retreat was for Fairfield’s Eucharistic Ministers. Top row (left to right): Ryan Dempsey ’17, Gabby Harvey ’15, Matt Echausse ’18, Sarah Goldberg ’15, Sean Crosby ’17, and Clare Calabro ’18. Bottom row: (left to right): Allie Lawless ’18, Hannah Gaudioso ’17, Nicole Dana ’18.

Nora Bennett ’18

Brooke Salmon ’15 “I got to spend a week scuba diving on the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor, HI with three of my classmates. We got to drop corrosion racks that we made around the ship and work with some seriously amazing people in the National Parks Service as well as the Corrosion and Oil Research Team.” Vanessa Rincon graduated with honors in May 2018 from The Catholic University of America where she received her Bachelor’s in both International Business and Spanish for International Service. She is currently working at New York Life and resides in Maryland. James St. John holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Adelphi University. He is currently a Laser Engineer in the R&D Department of Photonics Industries Inc. On October 24, 2018, James returned to Kellenberg Memorial to guest lecture about laser technologies for the STEM Talk Series. While he was a student at Adelphi, James worked in Dr. Matthew Wright's Atomic Physics Laboratory for two years and served as the President of the Physics Club for the 2017-2018 academic year. Grace Tyranski graduated from St. John's University in 2018. She is now working as an underwriting analyst in AIG's analyst program. Kathryn Ulicny is now residing in Connecticut after graduating from Molloy College in May 2018. She is currently enrolled at Quinnipiac School of Law in North Haven.


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 Joseph

Gasparini returned to Kellenberg Memorial on November 21, 2018 to speak to current students in the science seminar classes about toxicology. Joe is studying at St. John's University's College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

 Chris McGorty, who is currently a senior at Mount Saint Mary College, was recently profiled on the school's official blog. He is majoring in history and is part of a five-year program working towards a dual certification in Adolescence Education and Special Education. He credits his teachers at Kellenberg for inspiring him to study to become a teacher, saying, "They made learning fun and got me thinking that I could do that too.” Chris is a member of the men's tennis team and was a threetime all-conference selection for 2016, 2017, and 2018. He is a member of the Teacher Opportunity Corps, and also serves on the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, the Retention Committee, and as an admissions ambassador. For the past five summers, Chris has served as the Assistant Tennis Pro at Hempstead Golf and Country Club.  Brooke Salmon, who is a senior at Fordham University, served as Captain of the Women’s Soccer team this fall. She has been honored by the Atlantic 10 in each of her four seasons at Fordham, receiving All-Rookie Team honors in 2015, Second Team AllAtlantic 10 honors as a midfielder in 2016, and Second Team All-Atlantic 10 honors as a defender in 2017, and First Team All-Atlantic 10 accolades in 2018.


 Elizabeth Killian is a junior

in the College of Education at Marquette University. On April 22, 2018, she received the University's Magis Award, which is given to a student who has exemplified Marquette’s Mission in a significant way. Elizabeth received the award in recognition of her involvement with the Center for Peacemaking, where she worked extensively with the Near West Side Partners and started a student organization, CAMPus Impact. Through CAMPus Impact, Elizabeth has been able to organize events and experiences to get students involved with the communities surrounding Marquette. She has also dedicated herself to Campus Ministry by serving as a Retreat Leader and a facilitator for the Marquette Action Program.


Boffardi and Liam Von Elm surprised Pat La Rosa, a sophomore offensive lineman for the Villanova University Wildcats, at a home game on November 10, 2018 versus the William & Mary Tribe. Jamie currently attends Molloy College, while Liam is a student at Hofstra University.  Jamie


Bennett, running in her second collegiate race ever, helped lead Bucknell to a dominating win at the “Detroit Mercy Invitational” on September 8, 2018. Nora, running a time of 18:46 for the rolling hill cross country course, was the number five runner for Bucknell, finishing 12th overall. On October 27, 2018, she helped her Bucknell team win their fourth consecutive Patriot League XC League Championship title. Her tenth place finish helped secure the victory over rival schools Lehigh, Naval Academy, Boston University, West Point, American University, College of the Holy Cross, Lafayette, Loyola of Maryland, and Colgate University.  Nora

Ismenia Ginebra, a freshman at Tufts University, was recently awarded a $20,000 scholarship through NEFCU's 2018 Making A Difference Premier Scholarship. The annual program selects one Long Island student who has completed at least 50 hours of community service and has had a four-year overall high school grade of 90 or above to receive the award.

Alumni Networking Program

In an effort to build a networking program for Firebird alumni to connect with each other, as well as current students who are in the midst of considering their future educational and professional options, we are asking for all alumni to quickly submit their updated contact, educational, and professional information by visiting kellenberg.org/alumni and clicking on “Registration.” If you have any questions or ideas, please reach out to the Alumni Office at alumni@kellenberg.org. HEART & MIND


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Fac u lt y I n t e rv i ew

When and how did you end up teaching at Kellenberg? I was teaching at Holy Name of Mary in Valley Stream and I knew the Marianists from participating in the Catholic League in high school and in college. My dad taught here part time after he retired from the NYC schools. In the spring of my first year teaching, Brother Mark Ormond, S.M. called me and asked me if I would like to come teach at Kellenberg in the Latin School. I started in the fall of 1989 and actually ended up teaching some freshmen and sophomores, as well as Latin School classes. In 1992, I went to Chapel Hill in North Carolina for my Masters in Reading Education and Special Education. My immediate family had moved down there, and I wasn’t planning on coming back. In the spring of that year, Brother Mark called me and said they were adding a sixth grade to the Latin School and they wanted to implement a reading course. So that’s how I ended up coming back. After I returned, I was asked to be Dean of Girls. In 1997, I was asked to become Assistant Principal. What do you remember about the early years at Kellenberg? Back in the early years, there was quite a bit of teacher turnover. It was such a transitional time. The COR (Civility, Order, and Respect) tenets were just starting to be put into practice. At that point it was all about trying to get the teachers on the same page as the administration. Once more faculty members came to understand the school’s philosophy, there was more cohesion all around. What have you taught and moderated during your time here? I taught reading and primarily math. The activity I’ve been most actively involved with (in recent years) is Latin School C.R.O.S.S. (Christians Reaching Out Spreading Spirituality). When Father Dan (Griffin, S.M. ’02) was a student here in 2000 he was part of the trip to World Youth Day and then C.R.O.S.S. evolved from that in the Latin School. Originally, I was also involved with Catholic League and assisted Mr. Krug with pilgrimages to Rome for several years. In addition, I was asked to be a chaperone for the first World Youth Day pilgrimage planned together with KMHS and Chaminade in the Jubilee Year, 2000. What an extraordinary experience!!!! I was part of the WYD pilgrimage to Toronto (2002) and Madrid (2011). On the Madrid pilgrimage, 30


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A FEW MINUTES WITH MISS MARIA KORZEKWINSKI we were celebrating the 250th anniversary of Fr. Chaminade’s birth and so we visited Bordeaux (where Fr. Chaminade’s tomb is) and Zaragoza, the place of his exile during the French Revolution. While I have been involved in several activities (a number of years ago, I even assisted with the Drama Club) and teaching assignments over the years, these particular religious experiences - as well as my classroom teaching - are the things that have affected me most deeply. What has been the best part about teaching at Kellenberg? I think the best part is that you don’t have to let faith be a separate part of your life. I can use so many of the resources here to do faithcentered things. I love teaching my classes, and I truly enjoy moderating C.R.O.S.S. I love assisting with events like the Rosary Prayer Service. I love that I can do these things as part of coming to work. What makes the Latin School so unique? We have so many students with unique talents and they contribute to the school in so many different ways. Our faculty members, especially the ones who have been in the Latin School for a long time, are so incredibly dedicated to what we do. Whether it’s academics or spiritual activities, we recognize the fact that our students are not in high school. We want them to be mature and responsible, but we also recognize that they have different needs than the older kids do. It certainly helps that we have a number of faculty members here who actually went to the Latin School. The faculty here works hard to allow the students to have fun, while still upholding rigorous academic expectations. We have high standards here, and we like to see those standards reflected in what our students do. We always strive to find a nice balance for the students. “Triple A” is a good example of that balance. Students run through their schedules, but then they can go outside and run around. We have Mass, but then they get to walk around the campus

with their Marianist Mentors on a tour. We’re constantly alternating more serious activities with lighter ones. The strong faith component, combined with the strong academic program, makes the Latin School distinct from other schools. What skills or values do you hope the Latin School students carry with them after eighth grade? We want them to have an excellent academic foundation but also an excellent work ethic. They have to understand that although people will help them, it is up to them to work their way through things. I also want them to have a strong sense of their faith. I want them to understand that their faith is integral to what they do and who they are. I want them to carry that forward. Do you have any advice for students or alumni who are facing obstacles in their lives? It seems that a lot of alumni come back and talk to people here who have been their role models or mentors. So I would encourage others to do the same. Reach out to somebody here! Reach out to someone in the ARK, somebody with a good sense of faith. Time spent talking to someone who “knows where you’re coming from” can help. The teachers here really do care and are able to help beyond the classroom. Try to remember what you got from the faith you developed here. What does the phrase, “Kellenberg Family,” mean to you? It means people who are sharing their faith together. You can go to any high school and have certain standard things, but Kellenberg is truly “One Heart and One Mind.” The motto sums the school up perfectly because everything is centered around faith and academics. Everyone here, from Brother Kenneth on down, works hard daily to help students in both of those areas.


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In Memoriam

Barry Champney, father of Ryan ’99 Paul Dougherty Marie Durnan, mother of Lucy ’17 and Chris ’20 Linda Fahrer, mother-in-law of faculty member Paul Ditrano Theodore Farynick, father of staff member Barbara Sullivan Erica (Lambert) Ferretti ’95 Adrian Fowlin ’97, sister of Krystle ’00 Michelle (Palma) Furchak, Maria Regina ’75 Michael Lugo ’91 Thomas Maggio, brother of staff member Laurie Bradley Fred Meyers, father of faculty member Denise Meyers-Rizzuto The souls of the faithful departed in the Kellenberg community remain in our prayers. Below are the names of those members who passed away from June 2018 until December 2018. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through Your mercy, rest in peace. Amen.


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Candida Mossa, mother of Jackson Farrell ’21 Dylan Murphy ’24, brother of John ’22 George O'Kane, father of Glenn ’90 and grandfather of Jordynn ’18 Iole Russo, father of faculty member Clara Villani George Scheer, father of Gabriella ’21 and Alexa ’24 Charles Serge, grandfather of Erin ’14, Kerrilynn ’12, and faculty member Patrick Healy ’10 James Sileo, father of Samantha ’20 Edward Solosky, father of Edward S. (RIP) and grandfather of Katherine ’19 Lucia Tartamella, mother-in-law of staff member Marietta Tartamella



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Parents of Alumni, If your son or daughter no longer maintains permanent residence at your home, please notify the Alumni Office of his/her new mailing address at 516-292-0200 x 396 or alumni@kellenberg.org








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