TLA TTL October 2021

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Association Business


President’s Message


• The Canada Labour Code and the administrative monetary penalear TLA and CTLA Readers, ties by Rosalind Cooper; I commenced my term as president of the CTLA in the COVID19 pandemic and will be terminating the presidency in the same • The termination clauses under the Canada Labour Code by Tim health and restricted environmental conditions. Our members and Lawson, Ben Aberant and Meghan Hillstrom; partners have had to contend with new ways of conducting business • The environmental, social, and governance issues facing the rail remotely and we have, for the most part, succeeded in maintaining transportation sector by Ray Chartier and Naba Shirazi; our business activities. • Maritime demurrage recent case law by Robin Squires; The transportation business has continued to deliver goods • The considerations arising when buying a trucking throughout Canada and North America unhampered but with a shortcompany in Canada by Jaclyne Reive; and age of personnel and restricted capacity within the supply chain. The • A review of recent Transportation Safety Board challenges have been numerous for our members but of Canada finding in a recent incident involving solutions were found to maintain the transportation the Island Queen III in British Columbia by Saran flow of goods. Sweet. The CTLA has been conscious of its members This brief review of the articles featured in 2021 and our annual conference taking place virtually on reveal that our association caters to all modes of transOctober 22, 2021, will provide informative information to our members in areas such as the latest railway portation and offer a wide variety of subjects to our transactions involving Canadian and American carrimembers and followers which justifies the memberers, the topic of carbon transfers and its impact on the ship benefits of belonging to the CTLA. transportation industry, the latest developments in I sincerely hope that the COVID-19 situation will transportation labour-related issues, the latest develimprove with the vaccination which will allow us to opments pertaining to the Coastal Trade Act case law safely meet in person in 2022. The pandemic has on the use of foreign vessels in Canadian waters to allowed us to become more tech savvy and the develJean-François Bilodeau install underwater cables, the dramatic changes that opment of virtual conferences and presentation will took place in our courtrooms, and, to add some local remain a feature of professional organizations such as flavour, on the particularities of doing business in the CTLA to promote professional developments between live meetQuebec. ings and conference allowing members to maintain contact with one A new board will be elected at the Annual General Meeting that another throughout the year. will follow the annual conference and Carole McAfee Wallace will lead In closing, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to the our association as its president in 2021-2022. I will continue serving CTLA board members for their support, encouragement, and innovathe association as Past-President for this term. tive thinking in promoting the association despite difficult times. Our association is strong and its members are active in sup- Those individual contributed time and efforts for the association porting our activities but we need to increase our membership and despite busy schedules and need to be recognized: provide more activities to the community. We need the support of our members and followers to write articles to promote the transportation • Carole McAfee Wallace, Vice-President; • Robin Squires, Treasurer; chain and its stakeholders. I invite you to visit our improved website to browse and read- our • Elizabeth Fashler, Director of Communications featured articles, of particular interest are articles published in 2021 on: • Heather C. Devine, Past-President; • The transport and trade between the United States, Mexico, and • Jason Lattanzio, Director of British Columbia; Canada by Martin Abadi and Sam Levy; • Pui Hong, Director of Alberta; • The striking of jury notices impacted by COVID-19 by Michael • Orvel Currie, Director of Manitoba and Saskatchewan; Furyk; • Jaclyne Reive, Director of Ontario; • The constitutional qualification of a Quebec School Transport Company under federal or provincial rules by Sarah Routier and • Sarah Routhier, Director of Quebec; and • Eric Machum, Director of the Maritimes. Pierre-Olivier Ménard Dumas; Finally, I wish again to thank our members for their support • Drones and commercial confidentiality by Grace Shaw, Johanne through this trying year in furthering our organization. Dawson, and Julia Loney;


Transportation Lawyers Association  •  Canadian Transport Lawyers Association  •  October 2021, Vol. 23, No. 2

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