Ke lle
nd Fu
ool Annu h c al tt S
Annual Fund Representatives Annual Fund Parent Advocates (Correct at the time of going to print)
Mrs Sian Abate Mrs Carolyn Champion Mr Max Connop Mrs Linda Ferrara Mrs Victoria Fox-Smith Mrs Sabrina Grandolfo Mr Pranay Gupta Ms Lenny Imam Mrs Telina Kiernan Mrs Ingrid Leven Mrs Julie Lim Ms Joanna Lo Mrs Angie Locke Ms Susan McNaughton Mrs Maryam Pervez Mrs Catherine Preston Mrs Lily Riddick Mrs Deborah Robinson Ms Charlotte Smith Mrs Jo Yap Mrs Ee Chin Yau Mr Emma Hanrahan
Board of Governors Mr David Kidd (Chairman) Mr Peter Goulston (Vice Chair) Mr Duncan Abate Mr Graeme Bateman Mr Alan Bridger Ms Emma Hanrahan Mrs Ingrid Leven Mrs Kirsti McLean Mr John Mortensen Development Office Ms Belenda Ryan Email: Ms Nicola Sawyer Email: Please do not hesitate to contact the Development Office for further assistance or information.
Background Thirty seven years ago a group of parents came together with a shared vision to shape their children’s education and future potential. Overcoming many obstacles, the foundations for what now is Kellett School, were laid down. The shared vision and the investment of time, energy, finances and talent not only benefited the children of the founding members, their legacy has benefitted the whole Kellett Community since that time. Although Kellett School has grown to offer both Preparatory and Senior level schooling with wide curriculum breadth and high academic standards, the motivation to empower students to achieve their personal best, educationally and personally, remains as strong as ever. Promoting a love of learning and confidence for life is central to evolving these possibilities for all Kellett students. Kellett School launched its first Annual Fund in 2012. The positive impact of the enhancements facilitated by the community’s support of that inaugural campaign has enabled the broadening of the educational experiences Kellett School can offer. Enhancements proposed for this year closely integrate with the school’s curriculum development plan, amplifying the foundations of learning for all students. Kellett School invites its community to support this year’s Annual Fund, to continue to enhance the educational experience, foster leadership, encourage creativity and cultivate the individual personal aptitudes of all Kellett students.
“Promoting a love of learning and confidence for life is central to evolving the possibilities for all Kellett students.�
School Operating Budget
Kellett School is a not-for-profit organisation, operating on a break-even basis. With no financial assistance from public or private bodies, Kellett School’s sole means of meeting operating costs is through the income generated from school fees and debentures.
0% 20% School Fees Debentures Other
Expenditure Staff
Education Expenses Premises & Utilities
Other Operating Expenses Depreciation, Buildings & Equipment
9% 62% 6%
Last year the Annual Fund delivered an additional HK$2,020,076 (HK$2,783 per student) for enhancement programmes across the school. Similarly this year, the Annual Fund seeks to augment the 6% allocated in the operating budget to Education Expenses & Professional Development, with the objective of funding the enhancements identified in this year’s priority list.
Annual Fund Priorities 2013/2014
The Annual Fund aims to address enhancements for the whole school with a balance of gain for Senior School and Preparatory School students in Pok Fu Lam and Kowloon Bay. The priorities have been identified to correlate with the school development plan, prioritised to complement the current school curriculum.
Priority 2:
academic enhancement
student leadership
Social Media Training
Environmental Awareness & Action
As Social Media evolves and an individual’s online footprint increases, the importance for students, parents and teachers to understand Social Media’s use, outreach and the implications for its misuse, is becoming increasingly vital. Social Media also presents a huge potential to be part of Kellett’s overall integrated development strategy, enhancing the academic experience for all students and promoting social good. A good working knowledge of social media applications for parents and teachers is crucial to implement these strategies. We envisage funding three, two week residences by Pete Sutton, a Social Media Consultant to work across all three schools with students, staff and parents to build a core understanding and establish best-practices for sustainable uses of Social Media in school operations, the home and beyond.
Study Skills Training
Senior School students face many academic demands. By helping teachers and parents to help students, and by giving students tools to manage study better and learn more effectively, Kellett School aims to promote a love of learning and a confidence to achieve students’ personal best. We envisage funding skills seminars and workshops for Senior School students, parents and teachers by Prue Salter of Enhanced Learning Educational Services (ELES) a study skills specialist for Senior School students to help improve general study skills, time management, goal setting, and examination preparation.
Around the world, pressures on natural environments indicate the need for on-going thoughtful decisions on complex environmental issues. Direct exposure to a particular issue can be a key factor in determining concern for that environmental subject. Kellett School proposes that students play an active role in reducing the impacts of human actions on the environment through exposure to energy consumption awareness. We envisage funding the installation of EnTrak, a Real-Time Energy Monitoring System, at Pok Fu Lam and Kowloon Bay schools. This is an educational platform that measures energy consumption and reports through a student-friendly interface to promote ‘Green School’ awareness. Measuring both “Total Air Conditioning” and “Total Lights, Plugs & Fans” the students will see how their actions make a direct difference to energy consumption promoting environmental awareness, reducing both electricity costs and the school’s carbon footprint.
Young Leadership Development
The first place to look for leadership is within oneself, but for young students, recognising and understanding the skills
and abilities that are useful for leadership can be difficult. Leadership skills can be coached, strengthened and honed and Kellett School aims to develop the skills, knowledge, integrity and strength of character of its younger students to prepare them for leadership roles. We envisage funding The PlayMaker Award Programme, UK for all Year 6 students in both Prep Schools. The PlayMaker programme, through sport, breaks leadership down into its constituent parts and helps students develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to develop confidence and self-esteem. The Playmaker Award Programme also encourages those students who are not sports superstars to take a full and active role in sport and physical activity.
Guest Speaker Programme
The popular Guest Speaker Programme facilitates students to hear directly from individuals who have achieved success in their chosen fields. The immediacy of the speaker encourages students to probe the motivation for the guest’s ambition, dedication and success. The inspiration drawn from the speakers impacts each individual student differently. We envisage funding at least one high profile speaker per term whose topics link directly with taught curriculum subjects across all year groups.
Priority 3:
Priority 4:
leaders in learning
Participation in staff development programmes enriches an individual’s growth, helps develop the school’s intellectual repository and supports the delivery of the most up-to-date pedagogy for the benefit of all Kellett students.
Sporting challenges have always played a key role at Kellett, aiming to promote sportsmanship, develop motor skills and nurture the principles of practice, persistence and patience.
We envisage funding courses for staff that would generally fall outside the remit of the normal Professional Development budget, but participation in which, can demonstrate a benefit for the students. Applications to academic summer school type experiences are encouraged to lessen the impact on normal school delivery.
We envisage supplementing the funds already allocated from the Annual Fund 2012/2013 to allow the installation of the climbing wall at Kowloon Bay in summer 2014, and to provide fully trained staff to facilitate the fullest use of this resource within the school sports curriculum and as an ECA.
Priority 5: music & the
The opportunity for students to engage in music and the arts, through band, chorus, dance, drama, art, design and the writing of original literary pieces, provides a means of expression, creativity and opportunity, in addition to the documented beneficial links to the sciences, maths and the natural world. We envisage funding: 1. An Artist in Residence to work with the students across Prep & Senior Schools 2. A visit by Dr Beverly Vaughn a well renowned Gospel singer to work with the school’s choirs. This would be of particular benefit to the Senior School Examination Choirs.
Invitation Kellett School invites you to support the Annual Fund 2013/2014. Your donation to the Annual Fund supports the delivery of the identified enhancement programmes to inspire all Kellett students to become all that they can be.
Every gift is important and every gift makes a difference.
Our Goals 100% participation by the Kellett Community is our primary goal. We would also like to match if not exceed last year’s fund total of HK$2,020,076.
Annual Fund Aspirations Kellett School hopes donations made to the Annual Fund will see a return on investment as follows: • An elevated educational experience that results in greater engagement in learning, increased knowledge and the insight to build upon, improve and apply that knowledge appropriately. • The advancement of personal and cultural values to promote confident, well rounded students who relish the responsibility of being life-long contributors to society • The development of Kellett School’s local and international reputation as a feeder school to highly regarded universities world-wide • The fostering of a culture of philanthropy within Kellett School to benefit current and future students and the whole Kellett Community
Ways of Giving To donate please complete the Giving Form enclosed in the back pocket of this booklet and return it to the Development Office together with your donation. The Giving Form is also available on the school website. Kellett School apologises that it does not accept on-line/credit card donations at this time. Should you wish to support financially an area where you believe students would benefit from enhancements not listed in the Annual Fund Priorities, please contact the Principal, Ms Ann Mc Donald for discussion. All charitable donations above HK$100 are tax deductible. Kellett School will issue an official receipt within three working days of receipt of a donation which may be submitted to Hong Kong Inland Revenue for the purpose of determining Hong Kong Income Tax.
By Cash:
Please place cash in the envelope provided and return it to the Development Office together with the completed Giving Form. Envelopes may be submitted at the Main Reception at both Pok Fu Lam and Kowloon Bay.
By Cheque:
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Kellett School Association Ltd’ (HKD cheques only please) and forwarded to the Development Office with the completed Giving Form.
By Bank Transfer:
Gifts can be deposited directly to the school’s bank account. Please advise the Development Office of the transaction reference on the completed Giving Form. Kellett School Association Ltd. HSBC, 1 Queen’s Road Central Account number: 111 064697 001 From overseas: 004 111 064697 001 SWIFT Code: HSBC HKHH
Via Friends of Kellett School:
Friends of Kellett School Inc. (FOKS) is a not-for-profit corporation operating under the laws of Delaware in the US. FOKS has been granted tax-exempt status as a Public Charity under Section 501(c) of the U.S. Internal Code. Donors may be able to deduct donations for the purpose of determining their U.S. Income Tax, subject to applicable limits under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. All donations to FOKS must be in US dollars and drawn from a US dollar checking account. Donations to the Annual Fund via FOKS should be ‘Annual Fund’ specified. Please complete and return the Giving Form to Development Office indicating the reference for your donation via FOKS.
By Cheque:
USD cheques should be made payable to ‘Friends of Kellett School Inc.’ and forwarded to: Mrs Christine Colby Giraudo Treasurer 3009 34th Street, NW Washington, DC 200008 U.S.A.
By Bank Transfer:
USD gifts may be deposited directly to FOKS’ bank a/c: Citibank – Palisades Financial Centre ATTN : FA 5250 MacArthur Blvd. NW Washington, DC20016 U.S.A.
Corporate Matching Gift Programmes:
As a registered charity and subject to individual company schemes, donations to the Kellett School Annual Fund may qualify for matched contributions by employers. Please attach your company’s form to the completed Giving Form. Please do not hesitate to contact the Development Office for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions What is an Annual Fund? An Annual Fund is a Parent Advocate-led, yearly fundraising effort where donations are requested from within the school community and where proceeds are used to enhance educational experiences through identified priorities relevant to the school at that given time. Priorities are generally not capital expenditure and funds are spent or allocated in the 6-10 months following the campaign to benefit current students.
Why does Kellett invite donations on top of school fees? Kellett School is a not-for-profit organisation. Additional income sources such as donations from the Parents’ Committee, Friends of Kellett and the Annual Fund, allow Kellett School to offer students special enhancements to their educational experience without affecting school fees.
Is it compulsory that I donate? No. While our goal is 100% participation by the Kellett Community, the school wishes to stress that donations are voluntary and each family’s decision is duly respected. Donations should be freely given with no expectations of personal gain other than due thanks and recognition.
Is there a minimum amount I must give if I wish to participate? No. You choose what you feel is appropriate for your family to give. While the school would like to match last year’s fund total of just over HK$2M, the ultimate goal is 100% participation by the Kellett Community and every contribution is important and appreciated.
Will my gift make a difference? Absolutely! Every gift has an impact, making a positive difference to Kellett School’s students, families, teachers and community. You will also help the school build a culture of philanthropy for the benefit of present and future generations.
Who will know the value of what I have donated? In a change from last year, donor donation values will be recognised in the annual ‘Thank You’ Report of Giving in value range brackets. Kellett Diamond HK$250,000 up; Platinum HK$150,000 up; Jade HK$100,000 up; Gold HK$50,000 up; Ruby HK$25,000 up; Silver HK$10,000 up; Pearl up to HK$9,999 Donors have the option not to have their donation value categorised in the Report of Giving or not to have their name included at all in the Report of Giving.
How will the community be informed of Fund donations? Updates to the whole community will be posted on the weekly e-Bulletin. These updates will include participation percentages, the total value of the fund and all priorities funded. The Annual Fund campaign will run until 29 November after which the total sum raised will be published. “Thank You”, the annual magazine to recognise Kellett community generosity, will be published at the end of the Academic year and will report on funds received as well as funds spent or allocated.
Can I direct my donation to a certain priority or just to the part of the school my child attends? The Annual Fund aims to address enhancements for the whole school with a balance of gain for Prep and Senior students in both Pok Fu Lam and Kowloon Bay schools. The priorities have been identified to correlate with the school development plan, in the order that is considered best to match current school curriculum requirements. The school asks that you permit senior management to allocate funds in the order identified. Should you wish to support financially an area where you believe students would benefit from enhancements not listed in the Annual Fund Priorities, please contact the Principal, Ms Ann Mc Donald for discussion.
Do other schools in Hong Kong raise money in this way? Yes, similar not-for-profit schools in Hong Kong (CIS, HKIS, CNDIS, KGV, Hong Lok Yuen) and elsewhere have identified the need to supplement operating budgets to enhance student programmes. Annual Funds are recognised as the corner stone of fund-raising for many academic institutions and have a proven record of positive impact. The Kellett School Annual Fund is distinctly Kellett, sensitive in its approach and community inclusive.
What is a Parent Advocate? The Annual Fund Parent Advocate is a volunteer who is available to discuss the Annual Fund and answer any queries from a parent-to-parent perspective. An advocate will contact each family by e-mail.
The Kellett School Annual Fund campaign runs from 7 October to 29 November 2013 Please help the school achieve 100% participation by the Kellett Community
Thank you for your support
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