August 2013 Gallery Postcard

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Give Peace a Chance

O ve r 35 a r ti s ts !

August 2 – September 3, 2013

Opening Reception August 2, 2013 5–8 p.m. O pe n Daily 1 0 a.m . to 5 p. m. | 1 5 Art Barn R oad | Up to wn Sedo n a, Ari zo n a | 928-282-3865 | 888-954-4442 | Sedona A r tsCenter .or g

SAC proudly represents these fine artsits:

This month’s featured artists:

Aug 2–Sept 3

Give Peace a Chance

“In the past year, we have seen so much violence. It is time to shift the paradigm by focusing on those things that help us achieve peace and harmony in our lives. Our artists are doing this through their art whether it is a painting, wall hangings or sculpture.”

Aug 2 GALLERY Opening Reception / Poets Corner 2:30 p.m. Poetry Workshop 4:00–5:00 p.m. Poets Corner 5:00–8:00 p.m. First Friday Opening Reception

July 25–Aug 25 Members’ Summer Co-op

Special Exhibition Gallery & Theatre Studio Artists Demonstrations: *Sue Horine (Jewelry) Nancy Bihler (Jewelry) Julie Ronning Talbot (Watercolor) Helen Parker-Lande (Drawing) Komala Rohde (Jewelry) Judy Classen (Jewelry) Joan Roberts (Jewelry) *Lynn Jekel (Colored Pencil) *Susan Pitcairn (Oil) *Dee Durkee (Fiber)

August 3, 8 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. August 4, 11, 18, 25 10:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. August 4, 11, 18, 25 1:30–4:30 p.m. August 5, 12, 19, 26 10:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. August 6, 13, 20, 27 1:30–4:30 p.m. August 7, 14, 21, 28 10:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. August 7, 14, 21, 28 1:30–4:30 p.m. August 8 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. August 10, 24 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. August 17 11 a.m.–2:00 p.m.

*Featured Artist

15 Art Barn Road, Sedona Arizona 86336 • • 928-282-3865

Robert Albrecht (Photography) Shirley Eichten Albrecht (Fiber) Richard Barnwell (Sculpture) Mary Lois Brown (Oil) Janet Collins (Colored Pencil) Lydia Dillon-Sutton (Fiber) Dee Durkee (Fiber) Rita Elaine Elkins (Pastel) Mary Flaisig (Fiber) David Griggs (Photography) David Haskell (Oil) Mary Heyborne (Ceramics) Art Hiscox (Mixed media) Joanne Hiscox (Mixed media) Sue Horine (Jewelry) Lynn Jekel (Colored pencil) Joyce Killebrew (Sculpture) Gretchen Lopez (Oil) Justine Mantor-Waldie (Mixed media) Susan Moody (Glass) Janet Naumer (Photography) Jane Newman (Oil) V. Norton (Ceramics) Christie Palmer (Acrylic) Susan Pitcairn (Oil) Jerry Pond (Oil) Joan Roberts (Jewelry) Komala Rohde (Jewelry) Susan Simkins (Fine Crafts) Dorisanne Soyka (Jewelry) Cyndi Thau (Oil) Karlene Voepel (Acrylic) Franco Valentini (Photography) Karl Williams (Ceramics) Joanie Wolter (Sculpture)

Albrecht, Robert Albrecht, Shirley Eichten Averbeck, George Barnwell, Richard Beeler, Joe Bihler, Nancy Bower, April Broscovak, Jodine Brown, Albert Brown, Mary Lois Butler, Ruth Carlyon, Christine Classen, Judy Clausen, Shirley Collins, Janet Craig, Gale Davis, Sue Debrosky, Christine Defoe, Jane Defoe, Jennifer Delong, Cody Dillon-Sutton, Lydia Drayton, Richard Durkee, Dee Elkins, Rita Faram, Judith Fazio, Vince Fexas, Lorraine Fitzgerald, Miro Flaisig, Mary Fleck, Deborah (Vaughn) Frei, Shermane Goldwasser, Rick Griggs, David Haskell, David Hawkins, Beth Heil, Lynn Heyborne, Mary Hilt, Lynell Hiscox, Joanne Horine, Sue Hunter, Sue Irwin, Joanna Jaynes, Beth Jekel, Lynn Jones, Annie Kasai, Lynne Killebrew, Joyce Kliewer, Susan Koopsen, Mike Kwait, Robert Lapides, Birgitta Latham, Jim

Leahy, Mariann Lopez, Gretchen Mahoney, Joella Jean Mangold, Wade Mantor-Waldie, Justine Marshall, Jeanne McGlothlin, Jerry McKeown, Deanne Metz, Luke Mikell, Lynn & Ken Miller, Norma Cox Mitchell, Margo Moody, Susan Naumer, Jan Nelson, Betsey Newman, Jane Norton, CE Norton, Victoria Ott, Dennis Palmer, Christine Patterson, Luna Perkins, Jeff Pitcairn, Susan Pokorny, Laura Pond, Jerry Puckett, Karen Puffer, Christine Reinhardt, Fred Roberts, Joan Rohde, Komala Rowe, Ken Schneider, Ron Sherman, Linda Simkins, Susan Sitts, Jan Soyka, Dorisanne Stacy, Pat Stearn, Harvey Stedman, Holly Steele, Patricia Stone, Susan Sutherland, Dawn Talbot, Julie Ronning Tapia, Will Thau, Cyndi Tuscher, Jeannette Valentini, Franco Voepel, Karlene Waale, Cheryl Williams, Karl Willis, Kathryn Wolter, Joanie Woody, Gail

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