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“I have shifted my energy and my attention towards what is tangible, that is the crown that has given me a year’s assignment to fulfill. I don’t have time for distractions, even if they are legitimate distractions.”


“Be still. Forget about what you don’t have, and focus on what you do have.”

opportunity. To be still doesn’t mean to be lazy and wait. It means to WAIT on Him for that specific thing, while you DO other things. It means to be patient to get that car when you’re 18, because right now you are 13. You will crash into a wall. You will kill somebody. You will slide off a bridge, so make do with the bicycle you own and BE STILL. Ride that bicycle like your life depends on it, just knowing that a day will come when you’ll get to drive that car.

I was at the airport heading to Alaska to celebrate my birthday. I saw this couple wheeling their baby in a stroller. As I admired the baby, I noticed the husband was holding a child that seemed to be about 3 or 4 years old. I found myself coveting. I literally had tears in my eyes and my temperature became warmer. I wondered when I will have my children. With a slight pain in my soul, I walked up the escalator saying to myself, “ Omenesa, your time will come. You will have your children, from your womb. Oh , and you will not die during childbirth. There will be no complications”. You just won a competition. You are a queen. You get to travel all over the world. You have the voice and command of someone who has been seasoned for years. Bask in where you are. Use up all your tears and energy in this thing that is already in your hand. As of today, your assignmen is not to be a mother, your assignment

is to show up, smiling and giving hope to people everyday, with this crown on your head, and raising funds for Fertility and hospice patients. I have shifted my energy and my attention towards what is tangible, that is the crown that has given me a year’s assignment to fulfill. I don’t have time for distractions, even if they are legitimate distractions. When it’s time for a baby, God will give me children. All 4 of them. For now, the truth is, I have so much work to do, and my work, my building stage, cannot accomodate children. Who will babysit them? Who will bath them? You see, God knows what He is doing. God knows I live alone. It will be a disaster. There is an alignment, an equilibrium, that must take place both spiritually and physically, for such a gift to be birth. God is not an Author of confusion. This is a humanbeing we are talking about.

Be still. Forget about what you don’t have, and focus on what you do have. As long as you have breath, you have alot.

Now here is something that would keep you encouraged. Prayer!!! Being raised as a PK, I learned the rudiments and religious routines very early. I fasted a dry fast every Thursday as instructed by my Father and I was baptized in the holysooort when Inwasb9 and when I was 12, I was baptized by water. I knew the peripherals



Susan has always been a fitness enthusiast. For years, she would go to the gym with her workout girlfriends and work out as hard as she could. After every workout, she and her friends would exchange a high five and say, “We crushed it today!”

Fast forward a decade to Susan working in a high-stress leadership job where she literally feels that the stress is crushing her. Her workouts no longer help to relieve stress – in fact, her body begins to give out under the toxic load of mental, emotional and physical stressors. She suffers from back pain, insomnia, headaches, and weight gain. Peri-menopause starts to set in and her body is stuck. Susan’s ability to be strong and fit shifts to frustration. She barely recognizes her body. And she feels CRUSHED!

Why aren’t Susan’s workouts dissipating or resolving her stress to a degree that her body bounces back and remembers its fitness intelligence? Because she doesn’t possess the CORE intelligence – “CQ” – to process and release stress effectively. Women need to release stress. And do not need to follow a crushin it workout. This is the masculine form of working out.

CORE intelligence is the ability to use a workout to consciously engage with your toxic stress load and release it from the body, mind, and emotions. When we entered into this work as fitness instructors and healers, we saw this pattern of crushing stress causing dis-ease in our female clients. They suffered from fatigue, anxiety, pain, weight gain, and depression. Most of all, they lacked the ability to consciously connect with their stress to release it. They were carrying their toxic load into the gym and driving the toxins deeper into their bodies because they lacked the inner neurological technology to mindfully connect, let go, and pull in new, healthy energy. The American Psychological Association states that stress negatively affects “all systems of the body including

the musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous, and reproductive systems.” [https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/ body] It’s no wonder that stress is often cited as the number one killer in our modern world.

Look around. Listen to the news or read it online - and ask yourself if we as a world and a society are “crushing” our stress – or is it crushing us? The answer is obvious – stress is winning. “When I was working with women as a chiropractor, I’d have my hands on their spine and a voice in my head would scream, ‘Get up and MOVE!’,” says Dr. Pam Denton. “They needed to take action and move through the stress that showed up as stuck energy in their body.” But they wouldn’t. Instead, they would return week after week for Pam to “fix” them. Ultimately, she closed her chiropractic practice to open a Zen fitness spa where she could help everyone, especially women, learn to heal themselves through movement, meditation, coaching, and other forms of self-care. This inside-out approach (vs. the Fix-It mentality of outside-in, putting a Band-

Aid on a problem and hoping it goes away) eventually became SuperCORE FIT.

So what does SuperCORE FIT mean? Let’s break it down.

● SUPER: Going beyond our current ideas of what it means to get and be fit. Super means surpassing the fitness “Fix-It” mentality – “If I crush it at the gym, I’ll be the best.” It mAeans moving beyond trying to achieve a physical ideal and moving into a new, expanded belief system where fitness incorporates all aspects of being our best – physical, mental, emotional, and, yes, spiritual.

● CORE: The core is the center of your body that is accessed through the central nervous system where your major energy centers are located. The core is both the physical center of your body connected by your spinal cord and a metaphorical center where you can

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