23 minute read
In the latest edition of She Hustles Talks, women entrepreneurs highlight, we have a young “ladyboss” hustling her way to the top! Please welcome Hali Rockow, owner of Buffalo Bleached. And no, she is not located in Buffalo, NY, she is right here in Rochester!
Tell us about yourself, your background, and how you started Buffalo Bleached.
My name is Hali and I’m the owner and founder of Buffalo Bleached! I’m a 24-year-old Rochester native. I’m a full-time student at SUNY Brockport majoring in Public Health and Sociology. Shortly after making the decision to go back to school and finish my degree, the business happened on complete accident! I was layed off during the pandemic and started to find fun things to do and take away the stress of it all, I started bleaching and tie-dyeing clothes and that’s how I started. I bleach dyed a random Bills shirt I bought at Walmart and the rest is history! A little over a year of doing business all online and hosting pop up events throughout Rochester, I made the jump to open my first brick and mortar store located in Greece.
What makes you “hustle”?
I think I have always had natural “hustling” qualities. As soon as I was able to work at 15, I got my first job and honestly loved to work! I’ve always had a strong worth ethic and I strive to always do more. It makes you hustle even harder when the business is your own!
What is the mission beyond Buffalo Bleached?
The mission behind Buffalo Bleached is that being cute and comfortable should be celebrated! I call my customers my “besties”, and I want to be a safe space for them and anyone who steps foot into my store. I want to feel like I really am your bestie! Buying clothes and accessories you feel comfortable and cute in is the driving force behind bb.
The atmosphere is welcoming, bright and fit for anyone.
How did you get started and decide to open up your own business and become a female entrepreneur?
It wasn’t even really a decision, more of a happy accident! My business was my version of a “pandemic baby”. It was born during the pandemic and flourished in a time when I think people needed it most, and since then it has stuck!
Who inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
There are so many people that inspired me. In this day and age of social media it’s easy for women to find business babes to look up to and that is just what I did. I lost my dad as a kid, he always dreamed about having his own business, so in many ways I feel like he was a driving force in the back of my mind pushing me to own my own business.
What fascinates you about your business?
My customers fascinate me the most about my business. They are honestly the bright spots of my day and are always around when I need it. It fascinates me that they are still interested in the things I sell and things I do, I really don’t feel worthy of their support and sometimes it doesn’t feel real. There will be times I’m shopping at the pet store or in Wegmans and someone comes up to me and asks, “if I’m the girl from Buffalo Bleached” and that is so surreal to me still! I appreciate that they know I’m still human and not just a face behind the screen or counter.
Why did you choose to open a physical storefront?
I needed more space! I was traveling all over for pop ups and making clothes in my basement and it became claustrophobic. I have always wanted
a storefront to offer my own eclectic taste to others, and this just seemed like the perfect chance!
What is your most favorite service to provide, or product you offer and why?
Any of the Bills inspired gear is super fun and definitely a crowd favorite. My style is more in the front of the store in the clothes with funky prints and colorful sunglasses and all of the candles and housewares. My style really comes through in the merchandise that I sell and you really don’t find anything else like it in the area.
As a business owner, what are your top three priorities in running a successful business?
Customer service is definitely number one! My years of working in the service industry have taught me that. My second priority is staying involved in my community, that’s where my heart is. And my third priority is buying, I always want to have a cute selection of gifts and treats for my besties!
Do you walk your talk as a lady boss?
I think I do! I hope I do. I think that is important and leads to a more successful and honest business.
“What is your ‘why? ‘” Why do you do what you do?
I do what I do because I love it! Getting to show up to “work” every day at a place I built, designed, curated and have put my all into is one of the most rewarding things one can experience. I love getting to meet new customers and see the way people smile when they walk into the store and see all the fun items and bright colors. Coming to work doesn’t feel like work to me because I truly enjoy the store and it has become my passion.
Who were the mentors that encouraged you to fulfill your dream?
I learned a lot at my old job from the woman that owned it. I tried to carry the wisdom and things I learned from her and give my own touch to it when I opened my storefront. Without the things I learned, I don’t know if I would have been confident enough to open my own place.
What do you find is the best form of promotion for your business?
Since I opened the storefront, just simple word of mouth has been my best form of promotion. I never thought this would be the case because we rely so heavily on the internet these days but spreading the word has helped me so much!
What are your plans for your business for the future?
I would love to be able to open a second location one day! I hired my first employee as of recently and that has been a big step for me so I’m just going to keep dreaming!
When starting your business, did you ever ask yourself “WILL CUSTOMERS ‘WANT’ OR ‘NEED’ MY PRODUCT OR SERVICE?”
All the time! I never would have believed this would have caught on and people would be interested and want my products. I think that goes through ever business owners head at some point. It even still crosses my mind today, but I know I have created a store and a brand that people love!
Are you a born leader? Having a great idea is one thing. Being able to communicate that idea and convince others to jump on board is another. Do you feel you have what it takes to be successful?
I know I have what it takes to be successful! It took me a while to see that in myself but what I have done so far is working and I don’t have any plans to let up!
Does your business currently have a social media presence? What platform do you find to be the best response for you?
Yes! You can find us on Instagram at @shop.bb.boutique, Facebook and Tiktok. I have found Instagram to be the best, but I love how creative you can be on Tiktok!
What do you think is the biggest factor that has helped you be successful?
I think the belief in myself that I had the ability to be successful has helped me stay successful. Owning a business, especially at 24, is not an easy task but it’s rewarding. I have built such a loyal community and brand and being successful has just been natural because of that.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given and what is one piece of advice you would want to pass on to a young entrepreneur?
I would say to never let anyone make you feel like your ideas are too crazy or impossible. You can do anything you put your mind to, you are never too young to make your dreams come true. Never make yourself smaller to fit into the room!
Who do you look up to for inspiration? I look up to my mom, she has taught me what it means to be independent and the power you hold when you
teach yourself to do things on your own. I also look up to Karen Iglesia, the founder of Primetime Ballers (a not-for-profit organization I am a board member of) for her strength and ability to have others gravitate toward her. Both of these women have kept me on my toes and helped me to learn so much about myself. I also look to my sister for inspiration. She is so strong and she is younger than me so she helps to keep me young and trendy.
Where do you see yourself both personally and professionally in the next 3 years? I will have graduated with my bachelor’s degree, hopefully opening up the second bb location and just continuing to grow my brand and using my platform for good.
If you could have one wish for your business what would it be?
To continue to grow and be a safe and fun place for people to come and shop and just feel at home. I love the vibe of the store and I’ve worked hard to create it so my wish is that bb never loses its charm as we continue to grow.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background that led you into the real estate field.
I have always had a strong interest in real estate. My dad owned a number of investment/rental properties and was always looking for real estate to purchase. He also got into new home construction and built a small subdivision of single-family homes. Hence, the value of owning and investing in real estate was part of my upbringing. Before I made a career move to get into the real estate business, I spent time in real estate related activities such as purchasing and managing a family-owned rental property, land development, and new construction. In 2003, I contacted a real estate broker to inquire about an investment property she was selling, and she encouraged me to get my real estate license and join her brokerage firm—that was the beginning of my real estate career.
When did you decide to go out on your own?
As a real estate agent, you are an independent contractor working with a brokerage firm. However, you never really work alone. My company, RE/MAX Plus, has an amazing administrative staff and a marketing department that provide support to its agents. I also work with a business coach and use several independent contractors to support my business. I am not part of a real estate team, but the next step for me would be to hire my own administrative
assistant and a buyer’s agent to help manage my current business and grow my business.
What makes you hustle both personally and in the real estate market?
I honestly love what I do so I don’t feel like I’m working! I enjoy meeting people and helping them make
transitional changes in housing based on their specific needs & goals. Every person’s situation is different and it is like a fact finding and problem solving mission—I love helping folks find the solution!
How do you find new clients? What has been your biggest success?
In the beginning, I worked with many cold, online leads who developed into trusting clients. I learned early on in the business the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships with the people who have sold or purchased real estate with me. Consistently staying touch with my clients is one of the most important keys to my success. I do this a number of different ways—phone calls, flyers, emails, face-to-face visits, and my favorite— Client Appreciation Events!
Who were mentors that encouraged you or inspired you?
I have always been a big believer in coaching. Coaching helps push you beyond what you believe you are capable of achieving. It provides you with an objective view of yourself and your business. More importantly, coaching gives you accountability—a good coach keeps you focused on achieving your goals and provides you with feedback to make changes when necessary to achieve those goals. Throughout my real estate career, I have always had a coach!
Where do you see your business in the next three years? Five years?
I have been in the real estate business for 19 years. Most of my career has been with the RE/MAX brand. My business has grown steadily over the last five years. I plan to continue
that trend by adding staff to grow the business and to continue to provide great service to my clients.
What kind of person do you feel makes a successful female entrepreneur especially in the real estate market?
What makes a successful female entrepreneur is pretty much the same for anyone in business—know your product, set goals to track performance, and know how to manage your money. The most important one, though, is having great people skills. Even with all the technology in real estate, this is still a people business. Having great interpersonal skills, I believe is critical element to real estate success.
What is the number one misconception in real estate right now?
That all real estate agents are created equal—so NOT true! Real estate is a relatively easy business to get into. Once you’ve taken the real estate licensing course and passed the tests, you can join a real estate company and begin to sell real estate. However, that doesn’t mean you know what you’re doing. In many cases, you are handling most people’s largest financial investment. This is not something I ever take lightly. Selling real estate requires knowledge, skill, and hard work. It also requires experience—every real estate transaction over the past 19 years has added to my expertise.
What do you think are the top 5 qualities of being a successful real estate agent?
1. Make sure people know who you are and what you do. Don’t be a “secret” agent! Maintain consistent communication with past clients
2. Know how to ask great questions and be an active listener. The real
estate transaction is all about the client--their needs and their journey.
3. Stay on top of your game. The business and the industry are changing all the time so it’s important to stay current on the market & trends. Continuing education is also important to hone skills. 5. Always be honest and sincere— people will do business with you if they trust you.
What is your favorite part of the business?
I love meeting and working with people and finding out about where they are on their journey. I also love real estate so being in the real estate business is the perfect blend of these two favorites.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
I would stay right here where I am, in Rochester, NY. The people I know live here. My clients are here. My family and my friends are here. Relationships are important to me so I want to be near those people who I value.
What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?
I was the proud recipient of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame award in 2017. This award is given to affiliates who have earned at least $1 million in commissions during their careers with RE/MAX. The most exciting part of receiving the award was having it handed to me directly by the co-founder of RE/ MAX, David Liniger, at a convention in Las Vegas.
What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?
Not sure if this is advice or just something really important to
“I have always been a big believer in coaching. Coaching helps push you beyond what you believe you are capable of achieving. “
remember. That is, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!
What did you do before becoming a real estate agent?
Other than being a mom to three amazing children, I spent about 12 years working in Marketing and Customer Service at Eastman Kodak Company for the Motion Picture & Audiovisual Marketing Division.
How do you stay motivated?
My goals keep me motivated. My goals are tied into my whys—the things that are most important to me.
What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
I enjoy staying fit and healthy. I’m an active member of Golds Gym in Webster and enjoy riding my bike and walking the nature trails in Webster. I also love to shop and cook and enjoy entertaining family and friends with my husband, Larry.
What’s unique about the service that you provide to your clients?
Every client has unique needs and goals. I create a personalized plan to provide the services needed to meet those goals.
What is one piece of advice you want to give to an up and coming real estate agent?
Always treat everyone how you would like to be treated. What goes around, comes around.
Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? Who is Diana Torba?
Diana Torba was born and raised in Oswego and came out of the womb making dances. After 2 decades in NYC studying, choreographing, and performing, she is very happy to bring big-city vibes back to the CNY. Inspire audiences to be his/her own best self. The height of a jump or the intricacy of a combination should always inspire others to attack the calling of their own lives without fear. Social media is everything. Super helpful. Gets the word out in a way we used to have to H.U.S.T.L.E. back in the day. The thought of handing out show postcards on foot makes me giggle a bit now.
If you could interview one person who has inspired you, who would it be and what would you ask them?
What makes you hustle?
Beauty. If there aren’t original works of art in the world, we forget why we are here.
What is Speak Dance NY and how did you start your business?
SpeakDance CNY exists to create regular professional modern dance performance in a region where artistic flight to larger markets is, sadly, normal. We started last year when I moved back from New York City and began recruiting dancers.
What are some of the things you find help you to be a successful business woman, especially within the dance community?
Authenticity and discipline: care about everyone you meet; listen and bring a smile to your dancer’s day. Always get in your daily workout, watch what you put into your temple because it’s the discipline of the daily that leads to goal accomplishment.
What is the mission behind your business model?
St. Joan of Arc: I would ask about how the angels dance in heaven and if she could share some moves.
Have you found social media to help or hinder you in promoting your business, especially during the pandemic and how did you learn to pivot when you couldn’t be in the studio? How do you juggle the fast paced life of being a female entrepreneur and having a personal life and being a mom?
I barely do! Singlemomming 4 boys and 1 girl is no joke! But, I’ve learned to set very clear boundaries with my personal relationships; positive people only, I have too much to get done for me and the kids to entertain any negative energy.
What challenges have you faced since you started your business and how have you overcome them?
Getting people away from their screens, and also not to be afraid of the spreading of germs, etc. A great way to do that was to hold our first concert outside at the Manlius Swan Pond Pavilion last summer.
What motivates you and keeps you moving forward ?
The fear of no one doing anything beyond sending their kids to dance schools. Grown people who have honed their craft, giving a gift back
to the culture, matters.
Did anyone ever prepare you, or encourage you and give you advice as to what opening Speak Dance would be like? If so, what did they say?
I wish! No, this is a very unique thought and business, but therein lies the magic, so it’s okay.
What prepared you to be where you are today?
Determination, great teachers, American freedom that allows us time to work on artistic things.
Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?
Just growing, booking performances, and helping people understand why they should come out and watch professional dance, that they will feel inspired and happy doing so.
If you needed to start it all over again tomorrow and you had just one thing to change, add or subtract, what would it be and why?
I would have cut the negative people
What are some of the pros and cons of being a female business owner?
Men love women, especially women who are on a mission, so just blow through this world on fire, and all will work out.
Do you have any helpful advice to someone just starting their career in dance? Any tips that helped you along the way?
Believe in yourself and use the haters as fuel. Practice your technique AND be creative. Make up things no one has ever seen before. out of my life sooner.
What makes you an expert in understanding the needs of your students?
I’ve seen and experienced so very much, yet I remember being young, so I equal parts explain and push to new movement heights.
What made you come up with the name “Speak DanceCNY”?
Again, locally there is not much dance literacy beyond the movement of juvenile bodies, so, like teaching Spanish or Chinese, we want to help the average person “speak dance” and have a growing understanding that dance can actually be a lifetime engagement. Think of Merce Cunningham creating and touring until he left this earth; this way of life should not just be in NY and LA, and I’m not talking about just teaching, but performing. Again, it matters.
Name one defining moment in your career that was your ah ha moment.
African dance class at Barnard College with Maguette Camara. I still get teared up thinking about it. I am a muscular girl, so understanding that Euro-centric ballet was not the only fundamental way of studying dance blew my mind and gave me the creative base I needed to understand MY BODY.
Tell us about one moment in your life
that has had a lasting impression on you and formed who you are today.
Car rides as a child listening to Phil Collins on the radio. The drum drop from “In the Air Tonight” alone makes me want to never stop creating dances. So beautiful.
What factors do you feel impact a woman’s ability to lead others?
Humility. Know your weaknesses and strengths and be a goofball about it. Lighten other people’s days while asking them to join you in the highest achievement standards.
Tell our audience one thing about
yourself that not many others know. My childrens’ and my favorite date is to go get bubble tea together. Also, I have a hot boyfriend whom I adore.
Where will we see Speak Dance NY next?
The Influential Woman Expo at the Marriott Downtown Syracuse, NY on Sunday, April 24th from 11-5pm.