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LANDMARK RULING: Admin CT: Nearly five years ago, then Town of Ogden, NY resident Guy Pietrantoni shot and killed a beloved companion animal, a two year old Dalmatian/ pitty mix, aka Keeno. Keeno had not bitten anyone, he had just briefly escaped from his residence and ran into the street. Evidence shows Pietrantoni had threatened other dogs in the neighborhood and walked down the block with his sidearm in tow. He shot his wife in the process. https://13wham. com/.../police-manshoots-kills-neighbors...

Monroe County Deputy District Attorney Bill Gargan promised Keeno’s family, the Forte’s, that he would present this matter to a Grand Jury and try to obtain justice for Keeno. He looked in their eyes and lied... he never did. Keeno’s death and subsequent treatment took a huge toll on his family, two of whom have died since this tragic incident. The tragic and sudden loss of a beloved animal can damage a person or family immeasurably. Yet, in New York State, the general law was that the damage to an animal, including death, can only be measured by way of the fair market value of the dog. Meaning, the death of a pitty mix such as Keeno was worth only slightly more than the death of a pet rock and less than the destruction of a decent pair of headphones. Not anymore. ultimately help make for a safer and more humane environment as animals’ worth has become recognized by the Courts. We can’t make keenos death any less tragic. We can and did make sure it was not in vain.

Please consider becoming a foster, adopting, or donating to Against All Oddz Animal Alliance. EVERY PENNY COUNTS! !

Amazon Wishlist: https:// www.amazon.com/hz/wi shlistls/10R68Q1DAD0 6A?ref_=wl_share

Chewy Wishlist: https://www.chewy. com/g/against-alloddz-animal-alliance_ b75990160

PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/ paypalme/againstalloddz

For more information visit www.againstalloddz. org

In a landmark ruling and in a case being argued by our attorney and founder, Matthew Albert, New York State Supreme Court Justice Gail Donofrio ruled that one CAN recover damages for the emotional pain and distress relative to the death of a dog, including Keeno. Such a ruling should





My morning routine starts with my alarm screaming at me. My response may differ based upon how well I slept the night before. I could be a snail or a bursting can of colorful confetti.

My colorful confetti days are filled with productive calls, rapid-fire emails, and an end of day gourmet dinner made by yours truly. I finish strong, feeling like I am on top of the world and accomplished. On the flip side of the coin, my snail days will almost always follow a night of zero rest. The tasks of the day feel more like chores. Everything seems rushed and I find myself daydreaming about escaping to a remote island. Those are the days I despise and in the mode of complete transparency, in my young and impressionable days, I found myself in that place more often than I would have liked.

So, what did I do to get out of that slump? To avoid a life of reels on replay, I dug my toes into the sand and read books and watched videos on the power of intentional living. I found living with intention means evaluating how our choices will shape our tomorrow and our decisions are structured around our core beliefs and values. While every new day grants us the opportunity to do something different, if we aren’t intentional about our time, we will get a lot of the same ole’ same ole’.

To take this lifestyle of intentional living to the next level, I conducted a self-discovery reflection exercise. I listed all my known values, beliefs, and goals. There was something about coming face-to-face with those things. They were no longer filed away like an old vinyl record waiting to be dusted off. Instead, they were up close and personal like the first few apps on the main screen of our smartphones.

Usually, the most used apps remain on the home screen because we find value in them and they help us to accomplish our goals. On the flip side, when we delete apps we are saying they no longer serve us and it is taking up unwanted space. What in your life is taking up unwanted space, hindering you from living an intentional life, and blocking you from getting closer to your goals?

Producing the answer to that question may be challenging, overwhelming, and debilitating, but no worries, there are still a number of things we can do today to change our tomorrow.

With your goals in mind, I suggest creating a list of all the steps you would need to take to accomplish them. Now make the execution of those tasks manageable. Personally, every weeknight for at least 15 minutes, I take the time to identify my top three tasks for the following day. I then structure it around a few of the following questions:

• How will I contribute to the world tomorrow in a positive way?

• What can I do to exercise self-care? • What manageable tasks can I complete to get closer to my goals?

On the next day, I am able to hit ground running, without wasting the better part of my day trying to figure out the course of action. My mind is clear, my path is set, my values are incorporated, and my day has now become intentional. For it is true, it’s better to have more purposeful days than those that leave us wandering and unfulfilled.

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