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It’s December! Blissful Image is wrapping up the year of 2021 with sadness & excitement! This year has been bittersweet to many, including myself & my business. I’ve been in “reflection” mode, analyzing what more I could have done this year, the unfortunate events that happened & how they could have been handled better; along with reflecting on my successes & losses. I’ve also been in deep thought on accomplishing new & old goals for the year to come. I give my good-byes to the year 2021 & begin my excitement for what awaits in 2022!
Blissful Image has been slowly transitioning. In one of my previous articles on Rochester Woman Online, I wrote about Paramedical Tattooing & how it has always been on my list of goals to offer these life changing services. I shared how it has always been part of the vision of Blissful Image, to specialize in Paramedical Tattooing among other services.
Unfortunately due to distractions & other priorities, that vision has not yet come to fruition. One of the goals for Blissful Image in 2022, is to make training for Paramedical Tattooing a priority! These services require proper training & advanced techniques. These services not only enhance appearances, but also changes & enhances lives! One of the resolutions for Blissful Image in 2022, is to make priority a series of training & certifications towards Paramedical Tattooing. I’m dedicating 2022 to be the year to get back on track! Another goal for the upcoming year is to provide workshops & fun events! I am working on bringing back workshops not only for adults, but teens also! Some workshops will include:
*It’s important for everyone, especially pre-teens/teens to have a good skincare routine. Puberty & stress are not always kind to the body & many times it will reflect on the face in the form of Acne. Acne can be very problematic not only to the person’s appearance, but also their self-esteem. This workshop intends to give the basic tools to be proactive in properly treating & caring for your face. Basics of Make-Up Application (workshop for ages 13+)
*As a teen, I wore so much make-up & used all the wrong colors/techniques. I did not have proper guidance to assist me in my make-up application or color choices appropriate for me. I find that nowadays, many people turn to YouTube & Social Media. Although there is nothing wrong with that, I find that many of those influencers focus on bold & glamorous looks. It is very rare that I come across someone that truly sticks to the basics & to my vision of a natural look. This workshop is intended to go back to the basics! A basic daily look that naturally enhances your appearance, without all the “extras”. Although the “extra” steps give amazing results, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea for their daily look.
*Lashes have made their presence to this world decades ago & are clearly here to stay! With so many varieties of lashes, it can get overwhelming! Some of us like Lash Extensions but have a hard time properly maintaining them. I am guilty of this! Some of us have difficulties applying strip lashes. That would also be me. This is where Magnetic Lashes come to the rescue! It is simple to apply, much like strip lashes but with reinforcements to help put on & maintain secured in place throughout your day!
This Workshop will include supplies needed, along with a variety of lash styles to take home & enjoy.
Blissful Image will also be partnering with people in the community to host events like: Smoothie Social, Mask & Mixology, also Happy Hour & Yoga! These are just a few events being planned. In order to stay updated with our workshops & events, you must stay connected to Blissful Image!
Here are ways you can stay connected to Blissful Image:
*Become be a member of the social media community via: FaceBook/ Instagram/TikTok
*Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Blissful Image
*Be a part of the Blissful Image Exclusive Community! It’s so simple to join!

Go to the website: lifeisblissful.com, click the first link-Blissful Image, enter your email information in the dedicated section. That’s it! Every month you will get updates and/or exclusive offers.
As we close out 2021, take some time to reflect. In that reflection, include one or both of the following questions & feel free to share with Blissful Image: *What did I gain/accomplish in 2021? *What improvements can I make in 2022?
Thank you everyone! My supporters, my readers & my clients! It has truly been an honor to be in your presence, whether it was in person, online or both! I look forward to seeing what the upcoming year has in store for us all. I also look forward to continuing to educate & entertain you this upcoming year.
Take care everyone & see you next year! Remember: self care is not selfish, it’s essential!