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OK, so here’s an article that may ruffle some feathers, but if you read my work regularly you’ll understand it probably isn’t the first one. What’s the deal with grown adults feeling entitled enough to not just mind their own business? And yes I’m speaking from personal experience as I always tend to do.


Because I have this monthly outlet to speak my truths, I utilize it to shed light on situations that not only happen to me, but spark interest for others to ponder.

Let’s talk about my recent endeavor, and what transpired because of others Interest in involving themselves, where they could have and should have approached it in a more mature respectful manner.

I am in the midst of opening a doggie daycare and boarding facility on my own personal property, and I’m doing so going about the steps to become a small local business offering a service I saw a need for in my community. A community that I grew up in and have roots in, and recently moved back to. I tend to live my life looking for the opportunities to ease into my golden years enjoying life on the other side of raising children. Treading into a time of life where I don’t need to take care of others any more. The kids have grown and gone, and the last part of life has crept up onto the doorstep, like the unwanted solicitor with pamphlets and prophets you have no time for.

Yet, I cannot turn and walk away, so I must embrace it and find what brings contentment while also an income.

And so I utilize what I have access to. My knowledge, land and hard work gained me the uprising of my new endeavor Camp Karmalita pup camp. So what’s the whole premise of minding our own business? I’ll explain.

As I said I was going through the motions and one hour before my public town have been talked about at any time as the town told me they sent them their concerns weeks before, so they had ample time to approach me, yet choose not to. So, as I pondered this, I wondered as to why these concerns, whatever they might be, were not brought about for us to meet and I could answer any questions and listen to said concerns beforehand. I found this to be extremely unprofessional as well as peti. The rest could have been avoided, but because of this decision where they came to air complaints of noise that hasn’t even happened yet, and numerous other claims of why my venture would in fact affect this “quiet country atmosphere” they claimed to offer. It’s a campsite, I’m pretty sure we all know how “quiet” a campsite is. They pulled for straws with reasons to present to the board such as the traffic my small business would generate and inquiries into my Insurance plan they assumed I did not have. hearing, I was told by my neighbors who live on the other side of the road, up a hill and at least 2 football fields away, that they would be at said hearing to voice concerns. Concerns that my business would in fact have a negative effect on the family business they acquired Just a few years ago. A campsite across the road. I heard previously they would be there by a source I won’t name, but still an hour before the hearing, when I reside across the street and my silent partner is their own brother. My conclusions are that any concerns could

Like I said, if this couple would have been professional as well as respectful, we could have sat down and had a mature discussion, where I would have informed them with answers. Such as the minimal amount of traffic would be nothing compared to what the campsite does to this road and that I already had an Insurance policy. But alas, I do not believe these were the honest intentions of said couple, but in fact an example of feeling entitled to meddling with someone else’s business. And because of this, the hearing was to remain open for the next month, and I was asked to come to the next one so anyone else in the community could also voice concerns.

So I did what I needed and turned to the community. I informed them that I wanted to make sure they were aware of a need I was trying to fulfill. I informed them of the ongoings at the town hearing, and I invited them to the next one. I invited the entire community and was transparent with why I had to again attend a second one. My transparency and openness to share what happened sparked a lot of conversations and opinions, which in turn brought quite a bit of recognition my way. It also led to very few individuals who viewed my transparency with how I was treated in saying I trash talked another business. My answer to that is, if you’re embarrassed at how you went about business at an open town hearing, maybe don’t act in a manner you believe when aired is talking trash. Just because I aired your trashy behavior, doesn’t mean I’m taking trash. There’s a difference. But in fact if you feel different I ask you to either show me where I did so, or do what you should have to begin with.

And mind your own damn business. Karma~

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