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Because I live my life in service, I approached Kelly Breuer and asked her, “Could I write an article for your magazine monthly”? I want to give my experience, strength and hope to those who may be able to benefit from it. Kelly said, “yes”, so here we go! Ask away...don’t be shy, I will answer anything.
Do you think there is a double standard in the acting world for men and women as they grow older? It seems that men get more distinguished as they age, while women have more of a shelf life in the entertainment world. What are your thoughts?
Daniel: The real answer is yes. I believe the odds are stacked tremendously against actresses. First of all there are ten men’s roles to every one woman’s in Hollywood movies.
For a woman, if she isn’t well established in her career by 30, she has almost no chance and after 40 unless she is the wife of one of the male leads.
It’s very unfair.
Do you find it hard staying sober especially when in the entertainment world?
What is your best piece of advice for someone struggling with addiction?
Daniel: It is hard no matter what you do for a living. One of the most important things in early sobriety is to keep busy.
Imagine if I was to strip a person of 75% of all of their activities and most of their friends. If you don’t replace that time with healthy actions and sober people, you are bound to relapse.
It’s a very hard thing to teach and even harder to do.
Have you ever consider running for any type of political office?
Yes. I have had a hankering to do so for many years. Syracuse Mayor Daniel Baldwin. Hmmm kind of has a ring to it.