7 minute read
Tell us about yourself. Who is Steve Knittle and where are you from?
I was born and raised in Geneva NY. I have one sibling, a brother. I currently live in Newark NY with my wife, Kristy, and our dog, Raven. I recently hit a milestone birthday as I turned 40 in October. I am employed as a security guard at DelLago Casino in Waterloo NY.
What started you on your fitness and health journey?
In 2015, after our wedding, my wife and I made another commitment to each other which was to become healthy. I have always struggled with weight issues and being heavy is a fixture in my DNA. At my heaviest I weighed 436lbs. I knew I needed to make a change but I also knew I needed it to be a life style, long term change.
What motivates you?
I’ve always been intrigued and interested by bodybuilding. When I first started my journey 6 years ago, I would watch videos with motivational speeches embedded into them. Watching those each morning gave me this incredible drive. It really was a huge help to get me energized and pumped up to get to the gym to start my workouts. Shout out to Makaveli Motivation for the help!
Tell us about one person who inspires you and why?
I’ve always been inspired by Jay Cutler! He is a 3 time Olympian and was one of the first guys that I inspired to be. During my journey, I came across a friend that works for Jay Cutler’s company. That same friend sent me a shirt autographed by Jay Cutler himself on an Arnold Schwarzenegger T-Shirt none the less! How ironic! Literally a two in one bonus!.When I first received this shirt I couldn’t wear it, so I framed it in a shadow box that hung on my wall in my home gym for a couple of years. This past Summer, I took
it out of the box, tried it on, and it actually fits now!.
Since starting your journey, what is the one thing you are most proud of accomplishing?
The pants I was married in was a size 63” waist. I am now wearing a size 38” waist.
What are some of the things that you have been doing to help with your fitness and health goals?
Exercise, dieting, and mental health actually. Exercise is vital to get moving but the most important thing was eating a strict diet and keeping your mind focused. You have to be mentally prepared to challenge yourself on a daily basis, almost minute to minute, in order to accept a change in those habits you previously developed in order to make a lifestyle change. It’s definitely not a quick fix. It’s hard work. There are always temptations. Smells of food waifs through the air, people ask you to come over for parties, cookouts, etc with all that subtle pushing to eat. It can be frustrating and challenging.
How much weight have you lost to date and over how
long of a period of time? I began my journey in the end of October of 2015, so just about six years ago. Just prior to that time period, I had weighed in at 436lbs and today I am at 285lbs. That is a total weight loss of 151lbs. It definitely didn’t happen over night. I am currently on course to loose another 50lbs as I prepare for my first bodybuilding show in June of 2022.
What are three things that should be encouraged during the weight loss journey?
Most importantly patience! You have to be patient about trusting the process, even when you don’t see those results yourself. Trust the process and continue to have dedication and discipline. Lastly, support. You need support from your family and
friends, but you need the support from your own self! Trust me, you’ll hear it all and some of it will sting, but, even the negative support can become the fuel and energy needed to push you to draw out the positive. Figure out how to drown the noise and tune into the right type of vibes you need to break through and amp up.
How do you celebrate your successes along the way?
Simply, enjoying some good food that is actually loaded with calories and a high fat content. Some times that consists of a good cut of steak or ice cream or chips or even cheese curds or candy! A bit of rest and relaxation with my wife, also.
What has been the best advice you have been given to help you loss weight and maintain the weightloss? No one is going to care more about you than YOU. Stop worrying about the opinions of others because they truly don’t matter. They do not know what is best for YOU.
Do you feel Diet or Exercise are More Important for Weight Loss? They are both equally important. You can’t have one without the other. You need exercise to lose weight, but you also need a healthy food based diet in order for your body to start losing the weight. Perfect ying/yang effect.
What significant changes have you made in your life now to maintain your healthier lifestyle?
My eating habits have drastically changed. I am Italian and was brought up on the family style feasts with endless amounts of pasta being readily available. I rarely eat pasta or bread now and when I do indulge, I feel it! I haven’t eaten fast food in months, dare to say over a year and even pizza is a rarity. Fruits, vegetables, and lean meats have become the major players nowadays.
What type of exercise and diet have
made the most significant changes in your life?
I have seen the most improvement for myself by working with weights 4-5 days a week along with 30 mins of cardio after my workout. The other days when I’m not lifting with weights, I will do 1 hour of cardio after fasting. I’ve also seen significant changes by severely cutting out alcohol and caffeine consumption and increasing daily water intake. I also have learned how to cut calories without compromising taste. For example, I will use almond milk as a replacement for 2% or even a combination of fat free milk with almond milk. It’s about choice and choosing healthier versions.
How did you learn to set realistic goals and how do you maintain them.
When I first started this journey, I met a trainer and nutritionist at the gym I go too. Unbeknownst to me, he had been watching my progress from afar and one day he befriended me and then offered some ongoing advice. He taught me to set small goals in order to achieve that BIG GOAL! I would tell anyone to set small weekly goals of a weight loss of 2lbs per week and maintain that as long as you can. In the end, all those small goals add up!
What are your plans for the
future? I really would like to get a couple of sponsors in the fitness industry interested in me and my fitness goals to allow me to compete in my first ever bodybuilding show experience. My ultimate goal is to step on that stage at a bodybuilding competition and be proud of the amazing journey I have had. To look back at that very moment and remember where I started from, that young kid with no confidence and realize how much I’ve accomplished not only in fitness but in so many other aspects of my life.