8 minute read
Beauty is commonly described as a feature of objects that makes these objects pleasurable to perceive such objects include landscapes, sunsets, humans, and works of art. But what does BEAUTY mean to you? The six-letter word has many definitions. Depending on your specific lens, how you view yourself and the world. It is said beauty is the eye of the beholder. Beauty is more than appearance; it is more than the outer layer. We have all heard many times that beauty is skin deep but is it also deeper than that. Beauty is not always about our outside looks, but it also includes our personality.
Beauty is not only what the media portrays as a stunning symmetrical face or thin physique. How many times have you encountered a beautiful person to the naked eye and experienced their bad attitude? Beauty can be described in various ways.
Beauty could mean a summer breeze on a hot day, a food dish you have prepared for the first time, or a newborn baby you have created out of love with your significant other. How can we embrace our beauty and beauty standards in the world today? Let’s dive into it!
Beauty to me is self-love and inner/ energy reflecting from the inside out of a healed spirit. Bodacious, Effulgent, Ambitious, Unique, Tenacious, and Youthful is how I describe what Beauty means to me!

Bodacious: be bold, to go for all the things you desire without hesitation, fear, or doubt. You have what it takes to conquer your dreams and goals.
Effulgent: shining all the brightness from the smiles, positive energy, and inspiration to those who cross my path. I am the champion of goodness, and you are too.
Ambitious: always have intrinsic motivation to be successful and the desire to achieve your goals.
Unique: remaining confident in your authentic self, focused on being your best self, and knowing you are not in competition with anyone else. Let’s face it, there is no one like you and that is a beautiful thing.
Tenacious: showing determination and persistence by any means necessary. Simply because you deserve it, you can achieve and ultimately maintain it.
Youthful: exuding enthusiasm to take better care of your mind, body, and spirit daily.
So, what does BEAUTY mean to you? Drop it in comments on IG @allthingsdr.j.beauty or FB: All Things Dr. J. Beauty.
Be sure to visit us for more Beauty highlights via www.drjbeauty.com

It may be from an injury, an illness, or from an unknown source, but living with chronic pain can sometimes feel like … hell on earth.
I was in a car accident at the age of 16. I was skipping school on the Friday before spring vacation. Bad idea! It was a beautiful spring day, and a group of friends decided to go to the beach. my ability to walk and talk and study. And then as a typical teenager, I forgot all about the situation. I dedicated myself to studies and preparing to go to college. The past was in the past.
#1 Education
Gaining knowledge provides you with confidence and guidelines to work with. Whatever your pain is, look it up! Search under reputable sources like Mayo Clinic or WebMD.
Lucy and I were sitting on the trunk of a friend’s car when the driver got in and started the engine. I thought this would be a good time to get off the car but just as I began to slide off, she began to drive forward.
Now if I had some background in physics or engineering I’d probably be able to describe what had happened in a more scientific way. Essentially, I did not land on my feet but on my head.
I recall a brief moment of consciousness in the front seat of the car with my head bleeding on my other friend’s lap. The next thing I knew, I was in the hospital, on a metal table with strange doctors speaking in a foreign language standing over me.
A week had passed before I gained consciousness. It was Easter Sunday. And people were there bringing me chocolate. Only I had no appetite. But today I live in chronic pain, and have lived this way since the age of 26. I’ll never forget the moment when my back locked on me! That’s when I discovered through an MRI that I had slipped discs in my back and neck. In
fact, I was told that I had lost the natural curvature in my neck.
I have spent much of my life learning techniques to prevent, heal, and manage this source wound. If you are like me, and suffer from chronic pain, you may want to try out these techniques.
Healing Naturally
May you be inspired, find relief, and live a life of joy! Your research may even lead you toward a new career path, as it did with me!
#2 Source Wound
My story illustrates how I discovered that the source of my pain was from an accident that happened many years prior. Knowing this leads you toward not only healing the pain, but the initial trauma.
#3 Compassion
You must be kind to yourself! I suggest you do this in every area of your life. Pain can sometimes prevent you from doing the things that bring you joy, and awaken the inner critic. Resist the urge, and instead lean into it. Bring natural healing with loving kindness.
#4 Relaxation
Breathe deeply. Relax. Be in the present moment. Meditate.
This is a natural remedy for any kind of pain! The following meditation incorporates natural healing energy. Your very own!
As you close your eyes, and bring your awareness to your breath, following it

as you breathe in, and as you breathe out, focus on where the pain is. If it is in your lower back, for example, bring your full attention to that area. Imagine the air that you are breathing going to that area, filling it with fresh clean air, healing it with your exhale. Imagine the air becoming healing energy. If you believe in a higher power, ask that its healing energy join yours. Imagine it moving into the area of pain, doing all the work. You simply relax and guide the energy.
#5 Yoga
Stretch. Breathe. Flow. Strengthen. Stretch. Meditate.
Yoga is both a physical exercise and a mental practice. Both bring you into the present moment, and fully into your body! Most asanas will be perfect for your spinal health, but with any physical injury or pain, modifications may be necessary. Ask your teacher. And if so inspired, train to teach yourself!

#6 Chiropractic
This was the first modality that managed my back and neck injury. It has many positive aspects worth exploring.
#7 Physical Therapy
This is a practice I highly regard. Some PTs actually incorporate a little bit of chiropractic techniques in their work. But it’s far less aggressive. And you almost always walk away with homework as in physical exercises to strengthen and lengthen your body. You’ll also be given tips to avoid future incidents.
# 8 Massage Therapy
I have to admit this is my favorite! I come out feeling not only better
physically but mentally relaxed and spiritually rejuvenated. Look for a massage therapist that is right for you. You may prefer a lighter touch or a more firm massage style. I’ve been seeing Adrian now for a year and look forward to it every month!
#9 Nutrition
While your diet may not be the source of your pain, it may impact it. Learn to limit foods that increase inflammation like dairy. Stay at a healthy weight. Excess weight may add excess pressure. Take a look at any prescriptions you may be taking, and read their side effects. You might actually discover a direct link to persistent pain.
# 10 Natural Health
While all of the tips above may fall under this category, I’m giving it its own heading because my source wound was the motivation for me to become a Certified Natural Health Professional. Underneath this umbrella, I continued to quench my thirst for knowledge with studies and training in meditation, yoga, nutrition, reiki, energy healing, mindfulness, and exercise.
I hope that you, too are inspired! Let your pain be your teacher. Learn to heal naturally.
Alana Cahoon is the Amazon #1 Best Selling Author of Mindfulness, Mantras & Meditations: 55 Inspirational practices to Soothe the Body, Mind & Soul. www. AlanaCahoon.com.