5 minute read
What can I do to make myself appear slimmer?
Please don’t say stop eating Primarily, my number one tip for making yourself appear slimmer is embrace yourself.
Regardless of size and body type, love your body, a woman gives off an air of confidence when you embrace all your parts, even the flaws (and we all have them). Secondly, know your body type. There are tips and tricks for every body type to make you look your best. Next, if it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t flatter. You will hear me say this a million times. If it is too small it is not flattering, if it is big and boxy it is not flattering. Some of my curvy ladies say, well, it hides the lumps and bumps, my reply, that is what body armor is for. She asked, body armor? Yes, I replied, all the shapewear that is available these days, there are no excuses. What is funny, something that I did years ago because of my “thunder thighs”, now is a multi-million-dollar company. I took my biker shorts, pulled them up to my waist so that I could “appear slimmer” and also so that my “thunder thighs” wouldn’t rub together (and ignite). Low and behold years upon years later someone took her control pantyhose and made it a business (I’m not mad at her, I’m just mad I didn’t make it to the table first, smile).

Another common question that I receive from clients is how can I still appear chic over the age of fifty?
Be your authentic self, fashion is what you
wear, style is who you are. Start with a fresh makeup look and good foundational lingerie items. Although you may not wear in your 50s what you wore in your 20s, you can still “be” (not just appear) chic over the age of fifty. Dress for the occasion.
Make sure your pieces are tailored and structured to your body type, height, and weight. Add a little flavor and flare, for example, if wear a blazer, add a brooch. If you just want to wear jeans or a button up shirt, throw in a scarf or a statement belt. Create looks that make you feel accomplished and sexy. It is perfectly fine to wear skirts or dresses right above the knee. Look at the trends and the fashion forecasts in leading fashion magazines like Vogue, InStyle, and Cosmopolitan, then look in your closet. Since fashion repeats itself, you most likely already have what is trending in your closet. Remember to include statement jewelry (think estate pieces). Don’t be afraid to select an accent color each season. Enhance with some additional accessories such as a vintage handbag and viola, you are chic.
What type of undergarment should I purchase to get rid of back fat?
The high-waisted spandex boy shorts shapewear is your friend. Or if you are wearing a dress, you can get a shapewear slip and lastly there are now bras that camouflage back meat as well. The right foundational garments are the crux of a good look. Shapewear is to your body as primer is to your makeup foundation.
How can I appear chic on a budget?
Appearing chic on a budget is my specialty. I’m often told, I’m a shopper’s shopper. I have a third eye for fashion and style on a budget. First you must put on your patience cap. If you shop retail stores, when you enter the door, go straight to the back to the clearance racks, go to your size and thumb through each item. I have found separates that were by the same designer, same fabric, same color, and created a suit. If you shop thrift, consignment, and estate sales (which I strongly recommend). First, you are doing the planet good.
Secondly, there are times, many times where I scored gems with the tags still on them. Typically, these types of stores put out their new items on Tuesdays, so if you can, catch them early in the week. Become friends with the store manager and sometimes, if they know your style, they can alert you when it arrives, this is obviously a win-win situation.

How often should you freshen up your wardrobe?
Usher in a new season with a wardrobe refresh, update seasonally. In February/ March purchase items for the next Fall and Winter. In July/August, purchase items for the next Spring and Summer. Why? Because that is when retailers are drastically reducing their inventory to make room for the next season. The beginning of each season is a great time to select an accent color (that I mentioned earlier). What I mean by accent color is, each season, I select a color to build multiple looks around, this is one approach. Another way to refresh your wardrobe is to select one or two trendy piecies (gasp), yes, I said trends, the key is one or two, do not go overboard, you never want a closet full of trends. Build a classic wardrobe with a certain sparkle and add a small segment of pop culture. If you need assistance with which couple of trendy items to include, book me for a short consultation @lydialifestylecoach on Instagram or Lydia@lydialifestylecoach.com.
Should you keep up with trends or should you remain conservative?
Be yourself, do not keep up with the Joneses, as indicated above, adding a couple of trendy items per season is perfectly fine. However, you should stand out and not look like everyone else. You can by chic, trendy and conservative, you don’t have to choose. The key is balance, it is not recommended to be all over the place. Find your style, stick with it, nonetheless, add pieces that amplify your style, a few may be trendy, some may be classic, and others may be conservative. Develop a style that sets you apart from everyone else. For example, I am glam/classic in heels 7-days a week and twice on Sunday. Do not wait for someone else to do it,