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I have been baffled lately at how God has been answering my prayers quite swiftly and even the prayers I didn’t pray, He has answered them too. What is happening? Truth is, I have recently allowed myself to trust and receive. You can’t force your boss to retain you. You can’t force a man to love you. You can’t love hard so so someone can love you hard. It doesn’t work that way. IT IS WHAT IT IS! knows what He is doing, I follow Him every step of the way and He performs miracles on my behalf.
Ever since I was a child, I’d been at a place of expectation. I had always planned events and scenarios to ensure my security or to guarantee my desired outcome. Because I was so used to being dropped, used, abused, accused, cajoled, coarsed....... I found myself staying longer in situations I shouldn’t have stayed in because I was now used to being controlled and I felt that staying a little while longer may avert maltreatment, so when I spot maltreatment coming or any sign of dysfunction, I’ll buffer it. I will carry loads that I’m not supposed to carry. I’ll be a good girl and play nice. I will act deaf, dumb and blind. I will over apologize. I will even get on my knees to plead for peace. I will lay on my back if I have to. I would do ANYTHING to ensure that things are ferry.
However, in this new season, God has allowed certain things happen to me and around me to show me that no matter how hard I try to hold it all together, WHATEVER WILL BE, WILL BE. This has forced me to TRUST God and just be still. I am now still on every aspect of my life.
I now talk to God about everything and I don’t hold on to anything. I am comfortable with losing anything because I know that God has allowed it all. I refuse to exhaust myself by trying to keep the peace or gravel for peace sake. I just lean on God and accept whatever bone or meat He throws at me. He knows what she is doing. Now that I know that God
Due to so much abuse, I have been programmed to expect nothing or expect conditions. This has affected my ability to freely receive. I tend to question it. Because I question it, it’s so hard for me to receive it, and when I receive it, I tend to look for how to return it or find a way of paying for it. Sometimes I even ruin the relationship just so I wouldn’t feel obligated to the love I’m being shown. This was my battle and my struggle, and to a small measure, I am still struggling, but I combat this feeling with constantly telling myself that I deserve love, and love is giving. I haven’t received much of it in so many ways. I’ve always had to pay for it. But God has never asked for anything in return. Freely He gives, and gradually, freely I’m receiving. I just received the title of “Ambasaador Mrs Nigeria”, and I just became a Finalist for Universal Women’s Network Inspirational Woman Of The Year”. So many blessings. So much struggle. So much receiving, oh yes, and I just had a birthday. What a gift to receive!

I don’t watch TV often but after seeing a few hours of TV the other night I was advertised at least three different constipation cures. It led me to believe that a lot women are dealing with constipation and unaware that they don’t need to. After a little bit of research, I found that according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 16% of adults have constipations symptoms and this more than doubles for adults over 60. Women, during pregnancy or after giving birth are more likely to suffer symptoms.
Of course, if your constipation is persistent or painful, you should go see your doctor.
However, I have a tool that not enough people are talking about for constipation. Stress-Relief. I’ve watched clients who have suffered with constipation for years, in a one hour yoga therapy session, get relief.
Of course, those over-the-counter drugs might seem like an easy out if you don’t have an underlying medical condition. In many cases you have to do the really hard work of letting go of stress and engaging in better selfcare. The parasympathetic nervous system oversees our rest and digest functions. Hence without rest, it is hard to digest, hence constipation.
Finding a balanced life with low stress, can be a lifelong journey for many women. As you know “just calm down” won’t work. “Just calm
down and you’ll poop” won’t work either. Here are a few yogic tools to try on for your digestion. You don’t even need to put on yoga clothes.
• Movement. Feeling particularly stressed? Put your phone down and go for a vigorous walk. If it feels too cold or too hot for you, something vigorous inside like jumping jacks. Movement is important for digestion.
• Child’s Pose. After you’ve gotten that initial surge of energy out, make your way down onto the floor into a child’s pose. You can rest your hands back by your heels if your shoulders feel tight. Take 10 slow breaths with a long spine.
• Wind-Relieving Pose. Flip over on to your back and hug your knees into your chest for wind-relieving pose. You can make little circles on the ground with your low back if that feels good in the moment. Stay for at least two minutes.
• Breath Meditation. Lay flat on the floor with your feet flat on the ground, knees bent or with legs extended out long on the floor, whichever is more comfortable on your low back. Rest a blanket or very light weight (think, a buckwheat pillow) on your belly. As you inhale through your nose let your belly raise the blanket, as you exhale let the blanket lower. Try to stay for five minutes, just feeling the blanket rise and fall.
• Slowing down. Maybe life won’t let you slow down all of the time, but you can slow down your pace when you’re eating. Smell your food, taste it, let your body enjoy it. Don’t look at other screens while eating.
• Add moisture to your meals. Cook oils in vegetables, eat juicy fruits. Ayurveda cites that cold and dry elements contribute to constipation. If you want crackers, add a hummus or butter. Ditch the dry toast. Choose soft tacos over hard.
• Avoid cold. Try soups, cooked foods, and warm teas. Drink room temperature water. I know, it’s hard to give up smoothies and ice cubes but back off from consuming them ALL the time and see if it makes a difference.
• Sleep. Make sure you’re giving yourself enough down time so that your nervous system can rest.
• Listen to your body. Do you sometimes get the urge to go and hold back? Bowel movements are normal and natural. Would you deny your parent or your child the chance to go? When you need to go to the bathroom, let yourself go.
Kaitlyn Vittozzi is a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist with a brand-new studio in Penfield, NY. Want to live less stress and get more comfortable in your own body? Visit TozziYoga.com