Stone Creek Coffee

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Social Media Campaign

AGENDA ď‚– SWOT Target Market Objectives Strategies Measurement Conclusion

SWOT  STRENGTHS · Quality photos · Strong cover photo explaining mission on Twitter · Witty posts create personality · Interaction with consumers · Informs customers about the coffee making process · Creates own graphics OPPORTUNITIES · Incorporate music to create a certain “feel” · Increase interaction with customers · Share links to videos to educate · Create profiles of the baristas · Sharing “recipes” to go with coffee · Incorporate Milwaukee culture to appeal to locals

WEAKNESSES · Lack of mixture between graphics and pictures · No videos posted · Lack of blog post updates · Too lengthy of descriptions on some Instagram posts · Only pin Stone Creek Coffee things

THREATS · Intimidating to “non-coffee geeks” with jargon · Solely locally-based coffee companies · Misunderstanding of “Farm to Cup”

TARGET MARKET The goal is to reach out to new and old #CreekGeeks. Target: A local, passionate entrepreneur ranging from ages 23-35 who’s an innovator and isn’t afraid to break away from trends and discover new opportunities. Desire of consumer: Explore new tastes of coffee with assurance that his or her old favorites are still available; efficient and quick service on the way to work; a collaborative atmosphere when needed Turnoffs: Cluttered messages spamming social media outlets and emails; inconsistent voice from a brand Who do they trust: Friends and local, transparent companies

OBJECTIVES   Objective One

 Objective Two

 Objective Three

Increase brand

Make social media

Increase awareness and be

awareness by 60%

platforms more

more involved in

after the first year

personable and unified

philanthropy (either global

through social

by designating one

or local)

media by using

person to edit all

by 50% in the first six

#creekgeek and

platforms to have one

months by talking about it

the Farm to Cup


on social media.


STRATEGIES   Objective 1:

personal side with bio pages and Farm

Increase brand awareness

to Cup information. 

by 60% after the first year through social media by using #creekgeek and the

The website should emphasize the

Twitter should be used to unite #creekgeeks everywhere and show the

#FarmtoCup process. 

Instagram is the platform where the brand should engage with customers.

Farm to Cup campaigns.

Facebook will be the best platform to reach the more mature target audience.

Pinterest will be used to help teach the new members of creek geeks about the coffee process and about Farm to Cup.

Website  Customers want to know the faces that drive the company so providing a bio page for the owners, baristas and farmers will make Stone Creek Coffee seem like a more personal and relatable brand. Bios should include multiple pictures, background information like hometown and family, and the name of their favorite Stone Creek Coffee beverage.  The website should stress Farm to Cup by providing information about the coffee farms in order to help spread awareness.  There should be at least one picture of people drinking coffee on each webpage. The pictures reinforce the connectedness of the customers to the brand.

Twitter Creek Geek:  Twitter handle should be changed to @StoneCreekCoffee even if that means buying the rights to the name from another owner.  For Stone Creek Coffee, we suggest calling your audience #creekgeek on Twitter. From newbie creek geeks who want to learn more about coffee, to the elite, every Stone Creek customer should feel welcomed and included in the creek geek nation.  For all Stone Creek customers, Stone Creek will offer special promotions through social media every two months. All they have to do is tweet at Stone Creek with a picture of them drinking a Stone Creek beverage or tweet about their experience at Stone Creek with the hashtag #creekgeek and they can win a free beverage. Farm to Cup  Farm to Cup: Currently, the #FarmtoCup is being used on Twitter, but should be stressed more to gain customer awareness.  The next time there is a trip to the coffee bean farms, photographs should document every step of the process. Pictures and videos get the most engagement on Twitter and break through the clutter on newsfeeds.

Instagram  The majority of the target audience uses Instagram, thus the brand should heavily use that social platform.  The brand should promote Instagram as a way for people to share their stories of what Stone Creek Coffee means to them. The #creekgeek could also be used on Instagram because users can upload their personal photos to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare and Flickr. Previously, the photos on Instagram were only taken by a professional photographer.  We encourage Stone Creek Coffee to engage with their customers and share followers’ photos.

Facebook  Facebook is one of the most important social media platforms a brand can use because not only do the millennials use it, but so does the older audience.  This may be the only platform where your brand can reach that audience besides word of mouth.  We believe Stone Creek is doing an excellent job on Facebook by posting a lot of pictures and providing links for more information. Keep linking to blogs on the main website and other social platforms to spread awareness to customers that may use one platform more than the other.  Facebook’s recent update has made it harder for brands to get into customers’ newsfeeds so uploading multiple pictures at once and videos are more likely to be passed by the censoring system.

Pinterest  We would like to set the goal of Pinterest to be teaching creek geeks about the process of Farm to Cup. interacting with the coffee geeks. This includes creating graphics to teach people about the coffee making process and the Farm to Cup process.  We suggest adding more pictures to the Milwaukee album of places your business buys locally from. We also suggest changing the album title of “Always Be Learning” to something more appropriate like “Grow Your Mind.”

STATEGIES   Objective Two

 Twitter

Make social media

Consolidate all of your

platforms more personable

twitter accounts into one

and unified by designating

Stone Creek Coffee

one person to edit all platforms to have one voice.


Twitter ď ś Twitter is currently acting as noise and customers are confused ď ś Hide the SCC Tweeters from page. You want the brand to be personal, and by giving the illusion that one person behind the brand is in charge of tweeting, you are solidifying that personal touch

STATEGIES   Objective Three

Increase awareness and be more involved in philanthropy (either

global or local) by 50%

in the first six months by talking about it on social media.

Website: We suggest that you clearly list the local organizations and charities that you are donating too. This will need to start on the website, and then stem to other social media channels. Tumblr: From the website, we suggest that you reach out and communicate with your philanthropies on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Twitter: Twitter should be used as a way to start conversations with other local companies and charities in town.

Website “Stone Creek Coffee supports local nonprofit organizations through its philanthropic efforts such as its Community Coffee program. Each year, we donate coffee to hundreds of non-profit

community groups, including hundreds of pounds of whole bean coffee and thousands of

free lattes.”

Website: Philanthropy We suggest that you clearly list the local organizations and charities that you are donating too. This will need to start on the website, and then stem to other social media channels. In addition to this, you should be combining all of your blog material onto one blog page.  By combining image posts and written posts, you differentiate yourself in the Tumblr feed. Once your image is uploaded to Tumblr, you should promote the post on Pinterest by pinning it to your board, with the link back to your Tumblr page. This way you are essentially killing two birds with one stone. From the website, we suggest that you reach out and communicate with your philanthropies on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.

Twitter ď ś Twitter should be used as a way to start conversations with other local companies and charities in town. If customers see you actively engage in conversations on Twitter, you become more than just a brand, you obtain a personality. ď ś This can be very important for the future as you move forward and build further relationships around Milwaukee.

Tumblr  Tumblr: Is a great place besides Stone Creek’s website to showcase local and global philanthropic efforts. Using Tumblr enables the account user to create a timeline of the journey and work in the community.  We suggest that to complete a Farm to Cup experience, the Stone Creek team should reach out to local farms for other menu items in the cafes. Milk, cream, cheese and eggs are all things that can be brought in locally and fresh each day.  Partnerships with local farms would also help reinforce the underlying idea that Stone Creek is the local and native coffee shop. These partnerships could lead to opportunities like building MKE gift baskets filled with treats from

around Milwaukee that can be sold during the holiday season.



 Stone Creek should see where the company is at now and figure out where the company would like to be. 

For example, the baseline of a tweet could be 2 favorites and 1 retweet.

Moving forward as a whole, the benchmark can be something like Objective 1 where we would like to increase awareness by 10%. This 10% is a benchmark to compare the final numbers to. If the actual numbers meet or exceed this, then this is a success. But if the goal is not met, then the strategy must be looked at and revised again. Tools: 

Can be used to measure the success of the social media campaign:  

Hootsuite can be a way to measure the competition as well as monitor what is said about the brand Google Analytics is also a great tool to use. It can only go back up to a few months, so this is why the campaign should be measured at least monthly

Mulready, R. (2013, May 20). 3 Strategies to Measure Your Social Media. Retrieved December 10, 2014, from


Influence and engagement seem like a vague topic to be measured, but it can be done effectively. According to the article “3 Ways to Measure Your Social Media Results,” a point system can be a good way to measure this. How it works: Each engagement activity will be assigned certain amounts of points based on levels of engagement. For example, on Facebook, a “like” is worth 1 point, a comment is worth 5 and a share is worth 10 (Mulready, 2013, np.). Twitter: a favorite is worth 1 point, a comment is worth 5 points, and a retweet is worth 10 (Mulready, 2013, n.p.). After the post has been up for at least 24 hours, the points can be counted up. This can show which posts do better engagement-wise.

EXAMPLE ď‚– For example, the post below did very well and got an engagement rate of 66 points.

EXAMPLE  This is not a high score for Stone Creek Coffee’s Twitter. This post got a score of 11 points.

IN CONCLUSION  Our mission for Stone Creek Coffee is to help their brand increase awareness by 60% after the first year through social media by using the #creekgreek and emphasizing the Farm to Cup campaigns. Along with creating a more personable social media platform by designating one person to have control of all accounts, thus forming one overall “voice” and strengthening customer relations within the brand. Lastly, we strive to increase awareness and involvement in both local and global philanthropies by 50% from spreading the word via social media. We will complete these set goals by utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. Tumblr will also contribute greatly to showcase the brand’s philanthropic efforts. Overall, by using these strategies efficiently and affectively will help Stone Creek Coffee enhance customer relations and brand loyalty, while increasing profits sufficiently over time.


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