The Etownian
Thursday, March 28, 2013
OPINION Should gender identity or sexual orientation affect student housing? | PAGE 9
Vol. 109. Issue 17
SPORTS Fritzges claims 100th career win, men’s tennis continues undefeated season | PAGE 12 FEATURES Anne Gregory examines the racial achievement gap | PAGE 4
Fox to be SCAD Keynote speaker
Image: Brianna Wiest, Allison Rohland
Courtesy Photo
First graduation fair to take place in April
Oscar-nominated director Josh Fox will serve as this year’s SCAD keynote speaker.
he Scholarship and Creative Arts Day (SCAD) keynote speaker has b e e n an nou nc e d. This year’s speaker is filmmaker and environmental activist Josh Fox, who is best known as the director of the Os c ar- nom i nate d HBO documentary “Gasland.” The keynote speaker was chosen by a group made up of faculty members and students known as the SCAD Committee. The chair of the committee, Brian Newsome, associate professor of history, was delighted when Fox was officially booked to be the keynote speaker last summer. “He was our first choice so we are excited that we got him,” Newsome said. “He is someone of national prominence. This has become an important day in the Etown community as it highlights student scholarship. It is the best of the best of
what Etown has to offer academically and artistically.” Fox will give the keynote address from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in Leffler Chapel and performance center on April 23. Then Fox will eat dinner with students that are selected by the leaders of the Open Book discussion groups. Later, Fox’s d o c u m e nt a r y, “Gasland,” will be show n i n L e f f l e r Chapel at 7:30 p.m. L a s t y e a r, t h e committee began to correlate their guest sp e a ke r w it h t he Open Book program. They wanted a speaker who would tie in with this year’s open book, “End of Country” by Seamus McGraw. D r. N e w s o m e encourages the Etown community an d p e opl e f rom surrounding areas to attend this year’s SCAD and see keynote speaker Fox speak on this pressing environmental issue.
lizabethtown College is hosting its first graduation fair April 2 from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the KĀV. The fair, which is sponsored by the College Store, will act as an assembly of information for seniors regarding commencement and the events surrounding the ceremony. “In the past, the College Store has been the gathering place for information,” College Store manager Nancy Fink said. “Whenever students would have questions and not know where to go, they would come here because that’s where they get
their regalia. And we, in turn, would be sending them off here, there and everywhere.”
“Hopefully everyone that attends will learn a lot and have any questions they have about their transition from Etown answered.” ~ Sean Post
Although the College Store is organizing the event, other departments are also contributing to the fair. These include the alumni association, Career Services, Student S enate, Dining S er v ices, Financial Aid, international student services, Registration and Records and Residence Life. While attending the event, graduating seniors will not only be able pick up their caps and gowns, but will also be able to buy diploma frames, graduation announcements and class rings. SEE GRADUATION PAGE 2
Business Dept. announces survey results: 55% of family businesses will maintain ownership
he results of the second annual Family Business Survey were presented Wednesday, March 27 at 1:00 p.m. in the Hoover Center. The department of business and the S. Dale High Center for Family Business at Elizabethtown College conducted this research project jointly. The survey aimed to discover how family businesses feel about the economy and the future of their businesses. “We saw an opportunity, a niche, where very few researchers focused exactly on family businesses,” Dr. Cristina Ciocirlan, an assistant professor of management in the department of business, said. According to Ciocirlan, one of the purposes of this survey is to attract attention from the media and the government so that changes in regulation may occur to benefit family businesses. SEE SURVEY PAGE 3
Photo: Katie Brumbach
The second annual Family Business Survey findings were presented in Hoover on March 27. The results displayed the opinions of family business owners about the economy and the future of their businesses.
EACC discusses alternative energy options for local area by KYLE FOWLER
he Elizabethtown Area Chamber of Commerce (EACC) held a meeting Tuesday, March 19 to discuss possible opportunities for alternative energy conversions. Caroline Lalvani, director of community relations and college events, explained that the focus was not only on the big facilities but the smaller residential facilities as well.
This meeting has an effect on students at Elizabethtown College because its main goal was to come up with alternative solutions to change the Student Directed Learning Community (SDLC) buildings from oil heat sources to natural gas. “It may affect students by facilitating resources to convert into some of the alternative energy sources and by reducing their energy consumption bill,” Lalvani said.
This means that the juniors and seniors who are selected to live off campus in these SDLCs will be required to pay less money for the amount of heat and energy they use. Having one of the coldest and longest winters this season will most likely play an important role in the EACC’s decision. The colder it is for a longer period, the more heat the students will have to use; therefore, the more money the students will have to pay. According to Lalvani, several people were
recognized and spoke at this meeting regarding possible energy conversions. Representatives included: Alison Seipp from UGI Performance Solutions, Anthony Devito from PPL Renewable Energy, Justin Kuhn from SAIC, Roni Clark from PARS Environment Inc. and Ryan Emerson from the PA Department of Community and Economic Development. SEE ENERGY PAGE 3