Production Script Client: Audio Applications and Techniques (Com 220) Title: Yogurt: Good, Bad, or In Between? Writer: Kelly Enterline Approx. Length: Date: 8 April 2014 Source
Sound (SFX: summer day—birds chirping; kids playing…)
Over the last few weeks, yogurt has become a topic of discussion among the locals in Etown. Some love it and include it in their everyday diet, while others can’t stand the idea of putting a bacterial fermented product in their mouth.
As summertime nearly approaches, locals and students at Etown have been searching for a light, cold, delicious food to enjoy. While some may be turning to the summer classic, ice cream, others are starting to prefer something more refreshing and less in calories—to be exact; yogurt.
Biologist, Rebecca Smith, explained why yogurt is important to include in one’s diet for a healthy lifestyle.
In: Yogurt is actually… Out: …for your body.
Some people believe that yogurt is only limited to plain or fruit flavors. However, others have found ways to expand their taste for yogurt by selecting pie flavors, adding
different toppings, or even enjoying it frozen. Senior math major, Kristina Miller, described what all she enjoys in her yogurt. (SOT-KRISTINA MILLER)
In: I think it’s really good… Out: …I love yogurt!
Junior communications major, Jess Plue also discussed how they like to change it up a bit when it comes to eating yogurt.
In: I love that there… Out: …it’s just so delicious.
While there are those, like Kristina and Jess, who like to be creative with yogurt, some are still opposed to the thought of eating yogurt. Junior Communications major, Josh Wheeler, explained his disliking of yogurt.
In: The smell of… Out: …it’s just not good.
Dark Helmet, from the classic 1987 film Spaceballs, made it quite clear that he does not enjoy yogurt with fruit.
In: Yogurt! Yogurt… Out:…even with strawberries!
Senior Occupational Therapy major, Brittany Russell discussed how yogurt’s composition does not live up to expectations.
(SOT-BRITTANY RUSSELL) In: I don’t like the… Out: …it separates. KELLY ENTERLINE (KE)
Whether for or against the idea of eating yogurt in its’ wide variety, Etownians and students will continue in search of a light and refreshing snack to fulfill their cravings when summer rolls around. This is Kelly Enterline, reporting for WWEC, 88.3, The Sound of Elizabethtown. (SFX: news coverage music up and out…)