Natural Awakenings Long Island

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Learning Changes Lives plus Children’s Health

Fresh Thinking About Learning Cures in the Kitchen Super-Immunity for Kids

Safe Seafood Running’s Second Wind Water Doggies

August 2014 | Long Island Edition | Follow us on and Twitter NALIKelly

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contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue, readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.




Simple Ways to Boost a Child’s Long-Term Health by Lisa Turner




Rethinking How We See Our World Changes Everything by Linda Sechrist

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Innovators Blaze Creative Paths by Sandra Murphy


Navigate Today’s Best Choices Using Updated Guides by Judith Fertig

46 CURES IN THE KITCHEN Dr. Mark Hyman is Fed Up with Our National Health Crisis

Long Island Edition


by Judith Fertig


Given a Pool or Lake, Canines Dive Into Action by Sandra Murphy


Wholesale Pricing Available to Stores and Practitioners




by Dr. Michael Selmer



Women and Social Media Revolutionize the Sport by Debra Melani

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natural awakenings

August 2014



N contact us Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Kelly McGrath Martinsen Editor Sara Gurgen National Editors Linda Sechrist Alison Chabonais Contributing Writers Gina Marie Cronin Catherine Driscoll Design & Production Suzzanne Siegel Cover Selection: DNR Martinsen Advertising Sales Kelly Martinsen and Gerry Laytin To contact Natural Awakenings Long Island Edition: P.O. Box 1104 Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 516-587-6517 Fax: 516-953-3475 © 2014 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available for $30 (for 12 issues). Please call 516-587-6517 with credit card information or mail a check made out to Natural Awakenings to the above address. Request a free digital copy of the magazine by emailing

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


Long Island Edition

atural Awakenings Long Island’s August issue is filled with tips—from schools to supplements— to keep the children in your life healthy. The obesity rate in this country is obscene, and, unfortunately, the youth of this nation make up a large part of this equation. Children are eating the wasted calories found in over-processed foods rather than feeding their cells the whole foods that can power their brains and bodies. In our family (when we remember), we say “five a day,” referring to five servings of a fruit or a veggie every day. August is an easy month to do this because produce is Me and my nephew, Connor plentiful. Does five seem too high? If so, find a number that works for you. Or go in the other direction and use the number 1. Only one packaged item each day; the rest of the day, nutrition MUST be found in whole foods. Eating well is single-handedly the best thing you can do for your body, because you can’t train your way out of a crappy diet. Even so, exercise is a crucial part of maintaining cardiovascular health. Joining a sports team is one way, but now gyms and yoga studios are also offering programs for children. Better yet, go for a run, walk or bike ride with your child. Last month, I heard of an amazing speech by Long Beach Board of Education member Dr. Dennis Ryan, who spoke at the Long Beach Middle School graduation. I wasn’t in attendance, but the word of mouth report was so good, I felt like I would share five points from his talk. (So, if you were there and I get some of this wrong, apologies.) 1. First and foremost, make your bed. It is the simplest act. If you can’t do that simple task, how on Earth will you handle larger tasks in life? 2. Put down your cell phones. Our children are too distracted by their phones. The children are only 50 percent engaged in the real world because they are continually walking around with their faces in their phones. 3. That means you, too, parents! [Now that made me laugh because I recognize my own culpability.] Let’s put down our phones or create phone-free zones in our houses. Leading by example, let’s be as fully present to our children as we want them to be with the world. 4. Look people in the eye when you speak to them. 5. Take responsibility for your actions. You can’t fix something if you believe you aren’t responsible for its origin. These pointers impacted me and stressed the awesome responsibility we have to raise not only a child that eats healthfully and exercises but an actual “conscious child” that cares for our planet and understands the cause and effect of human behavior. That takes work; it takes reminding; and, perhaps sometimes, it even requires a little nagging. After writing this month’s letter, I sat downwith one of my favorite kids, my nephew Connor Williams, who will be heading back to college in four weeks. I shared this letter with him. His response: “I already heard it on the Internet, Aunt Kel.” Aware that it sometimes takes nagging to make some messages stick, I chuckled when I responded: “Really Connor, you heard this already? Good, then I am sure when you return to college, every morning you will MAKE YOUR BED!!”

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August 2014


newsbriefs COPE—Connecting Our Paths Eternally Grief-Healing Organization—WALK


he COPE Foundation (COPE, or Connecting Our Paths Eternally) is a grief and healing organization dedicated to helping parents, siblings and families living with the loss of a child. COPE connects individuals that have experienced similar losses by offering ongoing emotional support, spiritual and therapeutic programs. By providing help and support, COPE enables grieving individuals to find strength from within to face the difficult journey that lies ahead. COPE provides tools that help parents and families dealing with the loss of a child to live as well as to grieve. Since 1999, COPE has served the needs of approximately 700 families on Long Island through parent and sibling support groups, individual support, alternative healing workshops, and a variety of special programs for clergy, schools and mental health professionals. In addition to assisting local families, COPE’s grief hotline and website have enabled COPE to provide grieving individuals outside of Long Island with immediate support and resources. COPE also operates COPE-Camp Erin NYC, a bereavement camp for children age 6 to 17 that are grieving the death of a parent, sibling or someone close to them. Offered in more than 40 communities nationwide, Camp Erin is a free weekend bereavement camp for children and teens that combines fun and traditional camp activities with grief education and emotional support, facilitated by grief professionals and trained volunteers. COPE partners with the Moyer Foundation as the New York City affiliate for COPE-Camp Erin, held annually at Camp Wayne, in Preston Park, Pennsylvania. The 2014 camp weekend will be held August 22 to 24. Because COPE families are not asked to pay for the services they receive, COPE relies on fundraisers and individual and corporation donations to fund the programs upon which bereaved families depend. On Sunday, September 14, at 11 a.m., COPE will host its annual COPE Walk at the Long Beach Boardwalk, in Long Beach at Riverside Boulevard. Please join COPE and its bereaved families as they walk to honor the children and siblings that have passed, to support members of COPE and encourage their healing, and to expand the organization’s outreach to others in need of help. Registration is available onsite or in advance through COPE’s website at For questions about participating in or donating to the COPE Walk, or if you would like more information about the organization, contact Karen Flyer at See ad on page 31.

The starting point of all achievement is desire. ~Napoleon Hill


Long Island Edition

Robins to be Keynote Speaker at Ozone World Congress


r. Howard Robins will be the keynote speaker September 13 at the International Ozone World Congress in Varerdero, Cuba. He will be presenting his paper on Safety and Benefits of the Robins Method of Direct Intravenous Ozone Therapy. He will also presDr. Howard Robins ent at the Cuban medical school in Varerdero. This conference will be attended by many of the top ozone therapists from Europe and North and South America. This speaking engagement further confirms him as one of the top ozone therapy practitioners in the world. Source: Dr. Howard Robins. Robins is available to answer your questions at his Manhattan office by calling 212-581-0101. See ad on page 63.

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ~Phyllis Diller


MERCURY: Safe Amalgam Filling Removal


ore and more people are realizing that the amalgam fillings in their mouth are not only ugly, cause teeth to crack, but they can have a negative impact on their health. Unfortunately, many people are simply unaware that the black fillings in their teeth are 55 percent mercury! The fact that mercury is constantly being released from amalgam fillings during chewing, grinding, brushing or drinking Dr. Alex Shvartsman hot liquids is undeniable. While this amount is small per incident, 631-361-3577 mercury accumulates in the fatty sues (brain and nerves) over time to have potential significant negative health effects. In addition, a 10-year study, completed in 2011, unequivocally showed a correlation between amalgam fillings and negative health effects. Furthermore, the study elucidated a gene variant that increases the toxic effects of mercury exposure in men. So, you are finally ready to remove your amalgam fillings, but you are concerned about mercury exposure during the removal process. And rightfully so! The amount of mercury released during the drilling process can be many times more than chronic mercury exposure over many years. Fortunately, a mercury-safe protocol has been developed by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). Based on the Huggins protocol, this approach greatly reduces, if not eliminates, mercury exposure during amalgam filling removal. Dr. Alex Shvartsman is the only accredited member of the IAOMT on Long Island trained in safe mercury filling removal. The accreditation process was developed to ensure that dentists striving to protect their patients during this potentially hazardous process are educated and vetted in safe mercury filling removal. Shvartsman currently serves on the accreditation committee for the IAOMT. To reduce mercury exposure as low as possible, Shvartsman uses his naturopathic doctorate training in providing his patients with supplements and advice before and after mercury filling removal. Many patients continue using mercury-chelating agents after their mercury filling replacement. While there are many

chelating agents as well as chelation strategies, if you do not measure your mercury levels before and after chelation therapy, you simply cannot be sure that your chelation is effective and thorough. Only in this manner can you be sure that you have properly eliminated mercury from your body. Shvartsman uses a comprehensive test that checks your blood, hair and urine to determine not only how toxic you are but how efficient your body is at eliminating mercury using your body’s natural heavy metal detox pathways. In addition, the test measures both organic and inorganic mercury levels to help determine the source of your mercury exposure. Removal of mercury fillings and chelation is a serious and potentially dangerous matter. Finding the right doctor that is knowledgeable and thorough is important for your health and well-being. Shvartsman takes safe mercury removal very seriously, having suffered from mercury toxicity himself after decades of removing mercury fillings without protecting himself. His Long Island Center for Healthier Dentistry is focused on your comfort and committed to your health. Source: Alex Shvartsman, DDS, ND, MAGD, AIAOMT, Board Certified in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine, Long Island Center for Healthier Dentistry, 260 E. Main St., Ste., 109, Smithtown. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 631-361-3577 or visit See ad on this page.

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631-361-3577 natural awakenings

August 2014


newsbriefs Spirit Gallery Reading: Two Mediums, One Evening, Reading You Together in Synchronicity


hat an exciting new twist to the world of mediumship. Psychic mediums Shira, from Long Island, and Patty, from Chicago, join forces in an extremely unique gallery reading experience as they work together in synchronicity to channel Spirit. The event takes place Monday, August 18, at 7:30 p.m., at the Hilton, in Melville. What this means for you: double the messages, double the healing, double the fun! Patty and Shira are both gifted mediums who are able to communicate with the spirit world. Together, Shira and Patty will stand side by side to combine their light as they shine brightly together, yet independently of one another, and enlighten the audience from their own unique perspectives. This is a rare opportunity to connect on a deeper level, raise your vibration and attain inner peace. During this event, they will connect you with your deceased loved ones, angels, guides and teachers to deliver heartfelt messages to you. Shira and Patty are both available for private readings, phone readings and group readings. If you happen to be in the Chicago area August 1 through 3, you can see Shira and Patty live on the Medium Stage at the Conscious Living World’s Fair, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, in Rosemont, Illinois. Cost: $40 (limited seating). Location: The Hilton, 598 Broadhollow Rd., Melville. Tickets are available at and or by calling 516-362-7440. Note: Purchase of ticket does not guarantee you a reading. See ad on page 20.

The Future Medicine Is Here— The Adult Stem Cell Has Opened the Door to Many New Types of Treatments


eil Raff, M.D., CNS, of American Stem Cell Center, is pleased to share some exciting news; he has been seeing great success in his expanded services as medical director at the regenerative medical practice located in Fresh Meadows (Queens). Dr. Raff has specialized in functional medicine for more than 30 years. His ever-expanding interest in complementary Dr. Neil Raff, M.D., CNS medicine has led him to combine his professional medical practices with natural and nutritional therapies, and more recently, stem cell therapy. Adult stem cells can now be extracted, concentrated and injected into various parts of the body to stimulate local healing and repair. This is very effective for orthopedic ailments such as in joints, ligaments and tendons, where blood flow is very minimal. This form of treatment often avoids the need for surgical replacement, providing more rapid relief of local symptoms. Raff states that he also uses stem cell therapy to treat spinal cord injuries, peripheral artery disease, cardiac disease, strokes, autoimmune conditions and more. Stem cell treatment is a one-day in-office procedure, requiring only a local anesthetic. Because the patient’s own stem cells (technically called adipose- (fat) derived stromal cells—ADSC) are used, there is no danger of allergic reaction or tissue rejection. For more information, visit or call 718-544-1444 or 845-425-7997 to speak with Dr. Neil Raff or David Zirkiev PA-C. The American Stem Cell Center is located at 160-40 78th Rd., in Fresh Meadows. See ad on page 29.

Learn How to Optimize Your Health with American Academy of Quantum Medicine (AAQM) Educational Webinars, Seminars, and Newsletters Learn from the world-renowned leader and founder of Quantum Medicine who is a Board Certified Diplomat in Integrative Medicine, Quantum Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine and Nutrition, and Anti-Aging Medicine. Each month, Dr. Yanick publishes two wellness e-mail newsletters and does a FREE webinar for members on a wide range of health topics. Learn more by visiting the non-profit AAQM website at


Long Island Edition

Do not seek to follow in

the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought. ~Matsuo Basho

MAKING WELLNESS EASY WEIGHT LOSS ANTI-AGING VITAMINS Allergy Stress Testing Detox Foot Baths Oxygen Therapy Emotional Counseling Body Work Free Educational Workshops Holistic Nutritional Counseling Earthing Products Natural Gift Boutique Alkaline Water


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newsbriefs Bliss Sleep Center Opens Bliss Baby Store


liss Sleep Center is now celebrating its one-year anniversary with a new addition to its family: its new store, Bliss Baby. The Bliss Baby store, located next to Bliss Sleep Center, on the corner of Montauk Highway and Hayground Road, in Water Mill, “was a natural progression to our existing non-toxic line of organic mattresses, bedding and sustainable wood furniture,” says owner Beth Schlendorf. “Adults spend one third of their lives sleeping, but babies spend half of their day sleeping. The fact is that roughly 80 percent of the chemicals produced in high volumes today have not been tested for developmental toxicity.” Over the last year, Schlendorf says she has found that her clients have been asking for more and more organic baby items. “I am pregnant myself, and it is almost impossible to find cute items like play mats, stuffed animals and decorative bedding that is truly made of all organic materials. Many manufacturers claiming to be organic, green or ecofriendly are using waterproofing materials, polyester, toxic glues, plastics, flame retardants and different types of foams. What is even scarier is the manufacturers that are building their products with chemicals and not offering any disclosure on their materials.” Schlendorf says customers will find the same great quality and purity of materials found in her existing line of products now used to make all of the baby crib mattresses,

bedding, sustainable wood cribs, toys and gifts. “I believe that there is more than enough to worry about when having a baby,” shares Schlendorf. “This should not include having to research and figure out how to make a toxic-free healthy nursery for your little one. I hope that my last two years’ worth of research can help other mothers and fathers by making it easier for them to make healthy decisions for their families. “All our items are handmade, and we know exactly what is in our products because they have been handpicked for their purity to be placed in our Bliss Baby and Bliss Sleep Center stores,” adds Schlendorf. “I am passionate about what I do and extremely picky about what I bring into our store, because the products that are placed in our store are also placed in my home for my family. I am building my business using pure, high-quality products, great service, reasonable prices and trust.” Schlendorf says she hopes to continue building a brand that all families turn to when they want full disclosure on what is in the products they are purchasing in an effort to keep their indoor air quality pure and their families healthy. “The EPA has called indoor air pollution the nation’s number one environmental health problem. … According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, half of all illnesses are aggravated or caused by polluted indoor air.” (Debra Lynn Dadd—author of the book Toxic Free—How to protect your health and home from the chemicals that are making you sick.) “Flame retardant chemicals can spark nervous system disorders and can cause cancer,” according to Bobbi Chase Wilding, deputy director of Clean and Healthy New York, a nonprofit that promotes policy and market changes related to safer chemicals. Schlendorf says that at Bliss Sleep Center and Bliss Baby only pure wool is used as a flame retardant; all sleep products are certified organic and can be customized to the customer’s comfort and style; and most of their products are handmade in the U.S. “Our goal is to help you find toxic-free sleep products that can also aid in easing your pressure points, back pain and help you experience Bliss,” concludes Schlendorf. To learn more about organic mattresses and the complete line of organic adult and baby sleep products, visit See ad on page 21.


Long Island Edition

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Parents’ Smoking Linked Undiagnosed Digestive to Artery Damage in Problems in Both Children Children and Adults


esearchers from Australia’s University of Tasmania have found that children exposed to the secondhand smoke of their parents will likely face abnormally thickened carotid arteries later in life. The finding, published in the European Heart Journal, followed 3,776 children that participated in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study and the Childhood Determinants of Adult Health Study. The children were divided into groups according to whether neither parent smoked, one parent smoked or both parents smoked. Questionnaire results were combined with ultrasound testing to correlate exposure during childhood with the health of carotid arteries, and researchers concluded that the effects are pervasive even 25 years later. Those exposed to two parental smokers as children had significantly greater thickness of inner carotid artery walls than did children with non-smoking parents. Their arteries also showed signs of premature aging of more than three years compared to children of nonsmokers. The researchers wrote, “There must be continued efforts to reduce smoking among adults to protect young people and to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease across the population.”


wish I could completely convey how many patients, both children and adults, enter my office with complaints of some digestive problem with dismay over the fact that their primary care or gastroenterologist said they have normal blood work and little-to-no findings on endoscopy, colonoscopy or other advanced tests. Unfortunately, most problems will not have pathological findings. Either way, most patients get treatment with the same medications despite having or not having laboratory or imaging findings— some acid-reducing medication, steroid or immune suppressant. These medications rarely fix the cause of the digestive problem. Also, they often have severe long-term Dr. David Pollack side effects, such as osteoporosis, chronic inflammation, poor healing and hormone imbalances. So, why is the blood work normal? Our blood chemistry is a tightly regulated system. Our body will do everything it can to keep the blood chemistry looking good. How can it do that? By stealing every last bit of nutrition from other areas of the body, often depleting bones of minerals and our livers of vast nutrient supplies. It can take many years before the depletion of our body’s stores appears in our blood work, and, by that point, it will have created a whole host of problems. Luckily, we do not need to wait for these changes to occur. There are simple and effective methods to ascertain the source of the digestive problem and appropriate methods to repair them. Each issue is unique and needs to be addressed as such. Trust your gut; if you feel discomfort of any kind in your abdomen, there are ways to find out why. I highly recommend working with an experienced holistic digestive specialist to help find the cause and solutions to your digestive issues. Source: Dr. David Pollack. Location: Pollack Wellness Institute (formerly Creating Wellness Center) is located at 66 Commack Rd., Commack. For more information, call 631462-0801 or visit See ads on pages 15 and 51.


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August 2014



MTHFR Gene Impact During and Before Pregnancy


esearch shows that a healthy pregnancy begins months prior to conception. It is in this pre-pregnancy time to begin healthy lifestyle choices, especially improving the basics of health, such as diet, sleep, exercise and stress. to help ensure a healthy start for the baby and a Dr. Siobhan Hanlon, ND safe pregnancy for the mother. Throughout the pregnancy, it is important to maintain a healthy weight for your height and body type. Gentle exercise and a healthy diet will keep your body functioning at an optimal level. Nutrient-dense foods can help achieve this goal while avoiding excess weight gain, which would decrease the risk of gestational diabetes. Methylated folate may be the most important supplement needed for women of childbearing age. A minimum of 400 mcg per day is needed before and during pregnancy in order to prevent neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. Folic acid, the form found in most prenatal vitamins may be useless to some woman that posses a defect in their MTHFR gene. This gene is needed to convert inactive folic acid to the active form, methylfolate. This defective gene can lead to blood clots during pregnancy and miscarriages. Excellent sources of folate include beans, lentils, spinach, asparagus and avocado. For the best care, be sure to speak to your doctor regarding a prenatal vitamin and healthy lifestyle habits. References: “Recommendations.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 Jan. 2012. Web. 12 July 2014. Dr. Ben Lynch, “Is MTHFR Affecting Your Pregnancy?” MTHFRNet. N.p., 24 May 2013. Web. 12 J. Source: Dr. Siobhan Hanlon, ND, of Inner Source Health. Devoted to helping people through her holistic approach, she continues to make huge strides at Inner Source Health, unifying science with natural complementary methodologies. Inner Source Health has offices in Huntington and New York City. For more information or to schedule a free 10-minute consult, call 631-421-1848 or visit See ad on page 5.


Long Island Edition

Early Intervention Available for Correction of Dental Abnormalities


arents have tremendous opportunities when it comes to choosing the appropriate dental appliance for children in need of dental alignment. Yet with all the advancements in dental brace therapy, the thought remains, What if, perhaps, there were a way to potentially avoid braces altogether? The latest in orthodontic advancement is the introduction of myofunctional orthodontics. Myofunctional orthodontics is the utilization of systems like the Myobrace in combination with exercises for the treatment of soft-tissue dysfunction in the mouth in the early childhood years (4 to 8 years) in an effort to address soft-tissue dysfunction. Myofunctional orthodontics is Dr. Linda J. Golden, DDS described as the utilization of oral appliances, education and exercises to treat soft-tissue dysfunction in the developing child. In many cases, the exercises, which are unique habit-correcting techniques in combination with a system like the Myobrace, may correct malocclusions thus preventing the need for braces in the future. Parents are now being given a choice to treat the cause of more than just orofacial deformity. When utilizing myofunctional orthodontics, dentists can also produce healthier patients that are able to grow without the detrimental habits that limit facial growth. As holistic-minded parents know, early intervention and prevention of disorders has a greater appeal than simply treating symptoms of a disorder. Patients that discontinue mouth breathing at an earlier age, are potentially healthier and seem to get fewer allergies and infections, because they are breathing through their nose, thus allowing the natural nasal hairs to filter dust and bacteria. Likewise, fixing incorrect swallowing patterns and improving poor nutrition allows for the correction of downward and forward facial growth and development. Case after case shows that using myofunctional orthodontics produces stable upper-palate-arch development and resolves lower-teeth crowding, with little mechanical effort. No braces are needed, and for the majority of patients, no permanent retainers are required. Myofunctional orthodontics offers the ability to adjust the soft tissue in the mouth of a child to provide a potential brace-free everlasting smile! Source: Golden Dental Wellness. Location: 444 Community Dr., Ste. 204, Manhasset. For more information, call 516-627-8400, email or visit See ad on page 17.


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Fit Body Wraps | natural awakenings

August 2014



Oral Bacteria and IBS Flares

Recently, presented in the journal Oral Diseases, research discovered that colitis was aggravated by the presence of several oral bacteria. The research also identified the virulent oral bacteria invaded the bloodstream, giving further ammunition to the growing belief gum disease could be linked to several health conditions. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is Dr. Jonathan Richter a common condiDDS, FAGD tion of the digestive system, often brought on in periods of stress or having eaten certain foods. Symptoms first appear during the 20 to 30s, and experts believe at least 261,000 people are affected by the disease, although some data suggests the actual figure could be double. This is just one more reason that you need to keep your gums healthy. The mouth is often the first point of contact for most bacteria that enters your system, so it’s important to make sure you’re doing the right things to keep your mouth in pristine condition. Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day, cut down intake of sugary foods and drinks and visit your dentist regularly. Once you are into a routine of doing these things, you can also clean in between your teeth with interdental brushes or floss and use a mouthwash. IBS can also be a lifestyle-related disease, so it is important to begin to regulate your diet to minimize flare-ups. Source: Dr. Jonathan Richter, DDS, FAGD, of Cardiodontal. Offices in Great Neck and Manhattan. For more information, call 516-282-0310 or visit See ad on back page. 18

Long Island Edition

Every Child Needs a Healthy and Safe Home. … Is Yours?


nce upon a time, the safest place in the world was home. Remember playing outside all day, drinking water from the hose, and mom making a homemade dinner every evening? Times have changed. Now, some of the most serious health problems for our children start at home where they spend up to 90 percent of their lives. As a concerned parent, you read all the labels, buy the healthiest foods (non-processed, natural, organic) and would do anything to protect your child from harm. How often do you check and maintain the overall health and wellness of your home’s environment? Did you know your home can have hidden toxins that can negatively affect your child’s health? There are things you cannot see, smell or taste that can be slowly and constantly affecting your quality of life and health. The number of children with asthma has doubled in the past 10 years. Since their growing bodies breathe 50 percent more air than adults, keeping the air clean inside your home is essential for their health, especially during development. Your air can contain allergens, like pollen, dust mites and mold, as well as irritants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are chemicals used in most products that can easily enter into the air we breathe. The good news is that studies have shown that 65 percent of asthma cases among elementary school-age children can be prevented by controlling exposure to indoor toxins. Since babies are being born with more than 200 chemicals in their bodies, it’s become even more important to limit their exposure to additional toxins. Their young brains, livers and other organs require a clean source of water to detoxify and eliminate their daily toxic buildup. If you feel like your child is sick all the time or simply concerned about his or her health and development, you may want to ask yourself a few questions: n n n n n n n n

Is the air in your home clean and healthy? Do your children have breathing problems, like asthma? Is someone in your home allergic to mold? Do you know the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning? Is there lead anywhere in your home? Is your tap water safe to drink, cook with, or bathe in? Do you have household products with chemicals in them that can make you sick? Do you use bug spray or other products to keep away pests?

Source: healthEhabitats. To find out what’s in your home or to get answers, contact a healthEhabitats environmental expert. They are available to provide you with the information you need to make the best choices for you and your family. Call 1-877-861-3662 or visit for more information. See ad on page 19.

KEEP YOUR FAMILY HEALTHY BY MAKING YOUR HOME HEALTHY Contaminated Water, Radiation, Viruses, Allergens, Toxic Buildup From VOCs And So Much More Can Be Hidden In Your Home & Affecting Your Health.

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Experience Unlimited Pleasure


e humans were born to experience unlimited pleasure and joy. It’s our birthright. Pursuing pleasure and also allowing ourselves to receive it on a regular basis are absolutely essential to creating and maintaining vibrant physical and emotional health. That’s right—the pursuit of good feelings is not an indulgence. It’s a life-affirming necessity! Pleasure in all its many forms literally stokes our life force (our chi or prana) in the way we’d stoke a fire by throwing another log onto it. Think about the last time you really steeped yourself in something pleasurable— when you took that positive feeling right into your bone marrow. Maybe it was savoring a bite of gourmet chocolate, the smell of salt air at the beach, or an exquisite back rub. Everyone has a distinct pleasure profile, and you can

count on your senses to let you know when you’ve dialed into yours. Remember the intensity of your pleasure. (If you can’t remember what it feels like to lose yourself in bliss, hang around a 2-yearold for five minutes.) When you’re lost in the joy of pleasure, you are, in that very moment, renewing your cells, increasing your blood circulation and creating health on all levels—body, mind and spirit. In fact, you’re probably getting a healthful boost right now just imagining that wonderful experience all over again! Another way to understand how potent pleasure is as a health enhancer is to imagine what happens when you aren’t feeling any of it. Think about a time when you were totally burned out. You probably felt like you were running on empty, right? Guess what? You were! It wasn’t just energy you were lacking; it was vital

life force. Compare them in this way: Energy is what it takes to get through the day. Vital life force is what it takes to put spring in your step as you get through the day. See the difference? Because pleasure fuels your life force, you’re naturally drawn to it by divine design. Your body is actually programmed for joy! But before I go any further, let me explain what pleasure is not. Pleasure isn’t getting drunk or high and doing things that will embarrass you the next day; and it doesn’t mean renouncing your family and job to go live in a spa or escape to a desert island. Even though cutting loose once in a while can provide you with a temporary high that relieves tension, getting high, drunk or going on a sugar binge won’t provide you with sustained pleasure—or vibrant health. Most likely, you’ll end up feeling worse. Avoiding responsibility and being physically, emotionally or even financially reckless actually undermines your ability to maintain positive feelings. When I recommend the pursuit of pleasure, I’m talking about learning how to recognize and value the things that bring you lasting joy, and then bringing them into your life deliberately on a regular basis. Think of it this way: Your body itself was conceived in orgasm—the most exquisite pleasure humans are capable of experiencing. From that perspective, how could pleasure not play a vital role in the optimal functioning of your body? The preceeding is an excerpt from The Secret Pleasures of Menopause, by Christiane Northrup, M.D. To learn more about Northrup and other inspirational authors, such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Congressman Tim Ryan, Kris Carr and more, attend the Hay House I Can Do It! event in New York City, Sept. 20 and 21. For more information, visit or call 800-654-5126. See ad on page 13.


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August 2014



How to Keep Your Arteries Clean for Life



make the green choice.

Gaia Midwifery PC “Discover the Difference a Midwife Makes”

nowing that one out of two people right now will develop heart disease in our country, we need to think and do things outside of the box compared to what every other person in America is doing. If we don’t, then we can end up in the same boat as everyone else that has developed heart disease. If you have some form of heart disease Dr. Ray Omid, DC right now, know that every day is a new day to reverse it! Research shows that most chronic diseases are due to lifestyle and how well your body is communicating on the inside. In order to prevent dis-ease from ever building in your body, there are a few things to consider. Of course, make sure that you have the neurological impulses reaching your heart without any interference. If you know anyone that hasn’t gotten checked yet, make them an appointment today. Once that is established, take a look at what you consume daily. An overabundance of foods derived from animals that are not grass fed/hormone free/antibiotic free/full of fat can turn your arteries into sludge. Meat isn’t necessarily bad for you; but if you eat too much of it, it can become unhealthy for your arteries. The sludge in food from animals (saturated fat and cholesterol) is like molasses in your arteries. It builds up in your arteries and blood vessels over time, promoting diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and hardening of the arteries. Think about the drippings from meat that you cook. The next day when you go to have leftovers, what do you see? If you let it sit, there are droppings that solidify, and this is what is lying in your arteries, blood vessels and intestines. This is why all the drugs in the world cannot prevent a heart attack if you continue to ingest all of this sludge. It is critical for you body to eat enough cleansing foods to help keep your arteries clear and clean. Look for foods that have fiber in them. Fiber is like a scrub brush to your intestines and other insides. A smoothie is a great way to get fiber fast into your system on a daily basis. Some foods that also promote healthy arteries include turmeric, oranges, pomegranate, broccoli, white fish, almonds, olive oil, cinnamon, tea, watermelon, spinach, tomatoes, beans, apples, grapefruit and garlic. You do not want to wait for crisis to begin taking care of your body. True health begins the day you are born until your very last breath. As Jim Rohn said, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” Source: Dr. Ray Omid. Omid is a chiropractor, known as “Dr. Ray,” who offers a weight-loss program called Lighten Up Jericho. See ad on page 3.

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The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital. ~Dr. Mark Hyman 22

Long Island Edition

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Who Needs Electrolysis?


hile new advances in hair removal, including laser hair removal, are available, electrolysis remains the only permanent FDA-approved system for the permanent removal of hair. Take the quiz below to see if electrolysis is right for you.

n I spend more than a half hour a week in front of a mirror tweezing hair.

n Every week or so, I need to shave, wax or use bleach on unwanted body hair. n I have tried all hair removal products on the market and the hair keeps coming back. n I am so self-conscious about my unwanted hair that I have to “prepare� myself before I go out with friends or my mate. n I notice an increase in hair growth in the areas that I am constantly removing. If any of the above statements apply to you, then you are a candidate for treatment.

What is electrolysis?

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Electrolysis is the process of removing hair permanently by destroying the hair-growing cell (papilla) with an electric current. Electrolysis has been proven safe and effective for more than one hundred years. Only a highly trained professional, an electrologist, is capable of performing this process. The success of treatment is in direct correlation to the skill of the professional.

Does electrolysis hurt? One of the biggest fears of someone considering treatments is that there is pain involved. Although there may be some discomfort or tingling, the degree of this varies with each individual. Topical creams are available for pain and ice may be applied before and after treatment.

How long does it take? There is no way to predict the length of time required to remove all unwanted hair, but time is reduced after each session. This means that one-hour treatments will eventually be reduced to 30 minutes or less and weekly visits will diminish to every other week to a month and longer until there is no regrowth.

After treatments

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Long Island Edition

Reactions, if any, are minor. You may experience redness that lasts from one to a few hours. Some clients see scabs, which will disappear in a few days. There is no risk of scarring, and discoloration of the skin is temporary. Your skin will recuperate as part of the normal healing process. Source: Electrolysis By Jean Skin Care Centre. Location: 483 Scranton Ave., Ste. A-3, Lynbrook. Call 516-593-6353 for a free electrolysis consultation. For more information, visit See ad on page 51.

Pine Bark Extract Reduces Perimenopausal Symptoms


esearch published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine confirms that pine bark extract can significantly reduce symptoms of menopause and perimenopause, including restless legs syndrome and hot flashes. For three months, 170 perimenopausal women were given 30 milligrams of Pycnogenol patented pine bark extract or a placebo twice a day. Although a placebo effect was noted, the supplement significantly improved all but two symptoms and was especially effective in improving vasomotor and insomnia/sleep patterns. The severity of symptoms among the Pycnogenol group, as measured by the Kupperman Index, decreased 56 percent more than for the placebo group. In another study, scientists from Italy’s Pescara University gave 70 perimenopausal women a placebo or 100 milligrams of Pycnogenol daily for two months. The supplement group experienced fewer menopausal symptoms and showed improvements with symptoms that include fatigue, insomnia, reduced concentration, memory problems, dizziness, depression and irritability.

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natural awakenings

August 2014



Raw Terre

A Purely Organic Solution to Combat Sagging Skin and Stretch Marks


aw Terre is extraordinary skin and hair care built on creativity, integrity and love. The company is an all-woman, all-natural one that perfectly melds the ancient art and secrets of beauty with today’s science of natural, raw ingredients. Their creativity is in their wondrous ingredients, many of which have languished underused for centuries, and their selective blending of precious oils, herbs and butters into unique, honest skin and hair care products that really work. Their integrity is in every jar of product they make. It is in their first-grade ingredients and in their super-stringent product development, product testing and crafting. Their love is in their healing, restorative and magical products that they create for their customers, whom they believe deserve the best skin-care products imaginable. They use 0 percent chemicals or other toxic, negative ingredients. Raw Terre is 100 percent of Mother Nature’s good stuff. As they like to say, “Live Raw Terre beautiful!”


Long Island Edition

What makes Raw Terre Belly Balm so good for pregnant and postnatal mommies? Raw Terre Belly Balm is created with ALL raw, pure, unheated, un-processed ingredients to ensure the company’s first-grade natural oils and butters retain all their earth-given nutrients. Raw Terre Belly Balm is rich in raw cacao butter and raw shea butter, which promotes healing, hydrating and firming to pregnant and post-pregnant skin through their naturally occurring antioxidants. This concentrated Belly Balm formula locks in moisture for a long, long time. “Raw Terre Belly Balm … melts on your skin when you apply it and smells good enough to eat. … The fact that it is a balm rather than a cream, means that it is highly concentrated and a little bit goes a long way in covering my ginormous belly—not to mention that 24 hours later, my belly still feels soft and silky.”— For more information, call 1-866-303-7629 or visit RawTerre. com. Mention this article for a discount on first purchase. See ad on page 35.

Enrolling Now for September 2014!



Parent & Child Program

For families with children 1 to 3 years old Through child observation and conversation based on our weekly readings, we will learn about child development and harmonious, effective approaches to parenting. Classes include free play (indoors and outdoors) healthy organic snack, simple circle games with seasonal songs and a puppetry story time. MORNING CLASSES



Offered 1 or 2 days per week 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Offered 2 days per week 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

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Dr. David Pollack


s a business professional, Dr. David Pollack has one mission: “To help people solve their health issues naturally, and help create a sustainable and highly enjoyable lifestyle of wellness for each person.” Pollack’s primary focus, and that of his Pollack Wellness Institute, is ensuring the most basic and fundamental functions of the body are working optimally. This includes making sure that there is proper digestion, balanced hormones and that inflammation is eradicated at its source. Physicians and the American healthcare system, and, to a degree, even many in the nutrition field, Dr. David Pollack are still dealing with the treatment of symptoms. At the Pollack Wellness Institute, Pollack and his staff strive to determine why the body is having trouble manufacturing various important compounds, such as vitamin D, or hormones and then attempts to have one’s own system regain the ability to produce these hormones or vitamins. “You have to address all issues at the same time in order to achieve these goals,” explains Pollack. “We have quite a few tools in the tool bag, and rather than try to fit all round pegs into a square hole, apply the best treatment strategy for the patient. It’s not about a favorite technique, it’s about fixing the problem.” At the end of the day, Pollack and his staff focus on helping people resolve their digestive problems, regulate hormone imbalances and deal with inflammatory and autoimmune diseases naturally. They do this using a variety of treatments to help the body heal physically, chemically and emotionally all at the same time, providing fast and comprehensive healing. “While we focus and specialize in digestive, hormone and inflammatory problems, we do help people with most health problems, including offering various continued wellness and preventative wellness programs.” Source: Dr. David Pollack. Location: Pollack Wellness Institute (formerly Creating Wellness Center) is located at 66 Commack Rd., Commack. For more information, call 631462-0801 or visit See ads on pages 15 and 51. 28

Long Island Edition

globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Dirty Waters

Trenton to Chicago via Eco-Outrigger Margo Pellegrino, a homemaker, mother of two and healthy oceans advocate from Medford Lakes, New Jersey, will begin a 1,600-mile journey from nearby Trenton to Chicago, Illinois, by outrigger canoe on August 13 as part of Blue Frontier Campaign’s ocean explorers project. During her two-month trip, she’ll meet with local environmental groups and the media to raise awareness of the urgent need to clean America’s waterways. “All water and everything in it ends up in the ocean,” Pellegrino says. “Plastics and chemicals are particular problems, but soil runoff during floods and heavy rains also impact the ocean and marine life.” During previous paddles, Pellegrino saw firsthand the effects of dumped industrial waste in the waterways she traversed. She notes that nationally, oil rig operators have federal permits to dump 9 billion gallons of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, waste into the ocean each year. On Pellegrino’s first trip in 2007, she paddled nearly 2,000 miles up the Atlantic Coast, from Miami, Florida, to Maine. In 2009, she partnered with the Natural Resources Defense Council to go from Miami to New Orleans, Louisiana, to build support for a Healthy Oceans Act ( healthyoceanspaddle). In 2010, she canoed along the Pacific coastline from Seattle, Washington, to San Diego, California. Next summer, Pellegrino plans to paddle down the Mississippi River. Follow her upcoming trip at or on Facebook.

Fitness Update

Healthiest U.S. Metro Areas in 2014 The American College of Sports Medicine’s (ACSM) seventh annual American Fitness Index (AFI) ranks Washington, D.C., at the top with a score of 77.3 (out of 100), followed by Minneapolis-St. Paul (73.5), Portland, Oregon (72.1) Denver (71.7) and San Francisco (71). Overall, metro areas in 25 states scored 50 or above; the two lowest-ranking hovered near 25 points.

…continued on next page

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“The AFI data report is a snapshot of the state of health in the community and an evaluation of the infrastructure, community assets and policies that encourage healthy and fit lifestyles. These measures directly affect quality of life in our country’s urban areas,” says Walter Thompson, Ph.D., chair of the AFI advisory board.

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By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. ~Confucius


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August 2014



Human Papillomavirus (HPV): From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City…

Do you have HPV infection? According the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. There are 40 or more types of HPV that can infect the genital areas of men and women, as well as the throat and mouth! HPV may cause serious health problems, including genital warts and certain cancers. Most people that become infected with HPV don’t even know they have it!

Dr. Howard Robins

So how do you get HPV?

Anyone that is having or has ever had sex can get HPV. The CDC says that this is true even for people who only have sex with one person in their lifetime! HPV is passed on through genital contact, usually during vaginal and anal sex. What most people don’t know is that HPV may also be passed on during oral sex. Most important to note is that a pregnant woman with genital HPV can pass the HPV on to her baby during delivery.

What are the risks from HPV?

While some infections “may go away,” unfortunately, sometimes, HPV infections can and will persist and may cause a variety of very significant and serious health problems. Health problems that can be caused by HPV include: • Pain • Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) • Cervical cancer • Other rare but serious cancers, including genital cancers and a type of head and neck cancer called oropharyngeal cancer, which is in the back of the throat and may extend to the base of the tongue and tonsils.

Is there a test for HPV, and how is it treated?

HPV tests are available to help screen women age 30 years and older for cervical cancer. These HPV tests are not used to screen men, children or women less than age 30. There is no approved HPV test to detect HPV in the mouth or throat.


Long Island Edition

• Genital warts can be removed by doctors using acid or liquid nitrogen. • Cervical cancer is most treatable when it is diagnosed and treated early. Here surgical scraping or cryosurgery (freezing) is typically used, unfortunately far too often with re-occurrence. • RRP can be treated with surgery or medicines. Curing RRP often requires many treatments or surgeries over a period of years.

What can be done if the normal treatment fails?

There is a safe and proven effective treatment that has been used in Europe for many years and now available here called direct intravenous ozone therapy. This treatment destroys the virus wherever it is living, genitally and/or orally, outside and/or inside the body. Simply, it is the only treatment that does this and with no pain at all! What happens is medicalgrade oxygen and ozone gas is safely and painlessly injected by trained professionals into a vein (you can’t get an embolus from oxygen, only from nitrogen gas found in air). The extra “O” in the ozone molecule acts like a “glue,” stealing an electron from anything in our body that it can latch onto. Healthy cells in our body contain natural antioxidants that protect them against damage or destruction. Only pathogens, like HPV, are destroyed anywhere they are living. In addition, organic ozonized oils are used either externally and/ or internally to safely and painlessly assist and speed up the eradication of this horrible infection. So, please don’t wait any longer! It’s absolutely possible to completely eliminate HPV from your body. To learn more about medical ozone therapy, visit OzoneUniversity. com or buy a copy of Ozone Therapy: The Miracle Medicine, available at, which has testimonials on its benefits and effectiveness. For more information, call Dr. Howard Robins at 212-5810101. Robins is considered the foremost clinical expert on the use of medical ozone in North America, with more than 22 years of clinical practice and 185,000 treatments performed. Bring in this article or the ad from inside back cover for a $50 discount off your initial consultation.

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The life given us by nature is short but the memory of a life well spent is eternal. ~Cicero

natural awakenings

August 2014


Long Island

East End Cultural Event Brief BodyStories: Teresa Fellion Dance: East Hampton Residency with Performances and Classes at the Prestigious Ross School


odyStories: Teresa Fellion Dance returns to the Hamptons after 2012’s success for an impressive dance residency full of summer fun for everyone. The dance company will be in residence at the Ross School this summer until August 15 in East Hampton, running its summer dance program. In addition to daily classes, the company will be performing and holding special lecture-demonstrations and public workshops for adults as well as children throughout the summer at the Ross School. There will also be evening performances at the school’s theater July 31 and August 2 at 7 p.m. The performances will be repertory highlights of four of the company’s most thrilling and diverse pieces, The Mantises Are Flipping (P.S. I’ll Have Whatever They’re Having), Control Dominion, Fault Line and No One Gets Out of Here Alive. BodyStories: Teresa Fellion Dance is a contemporary dance company that strives to capture and communicate universal human encounters through dynamic, purposeful movement. It is a multifaceted, highly physical company laced with provocative, emotional, political and humorous edges. Its mission is to examine depths of society in their darkest and brightest moments and to inspire audiences to physically sense emotional and psychological aspects of the human condition on stage. The company’s work is intellectual and highly choreographed in every moment. It is intricately technical and controlled in every nuance, with a look that is not controlled. Live music is an important factor in many of the company’s works. The company also consistently works via in-depth collaborations in lighting, costume, video and set design. In addition to creating and performing

32 32

Long Island Edition

innovative works, the company is committed to reaching diverse populations through outreach and education and maintaining a stable business model to sustain its work. The company values international exchange; members collectively speak nine languages, and research, perform and collaborate with artists from five continents. Teresa Fellion formed BodyStories: Teresa Fellion Dance in late 2011 after working as an independent choreographer since 2004.

Two Performance Descriptions


o One Gets Out of Here Alive: A comedic dance-theater piece about awkward junior high and plastic regressions of adulthood explores differences between mature and immature behavior via adult commentary with a Brechtian slant. The clothes thing, boyfriend thing, gossipy, destructive behavior and much more. All illuminated through excitingly quirky and deconstructed dance vocabulary, including a temperamental dance vocabulary, quick physical mood shifts, provocative tableaux, slow motion fight scenes, lip-syncing, athletic partnering, exaggerated facial expressions, situational comedy, dream sequences and “inventive,” committed social dancing.

Long Island east end

east end…

“Alive is loosely based off my astute observations as a nerdy, shy ‘outsider’ in sixth grade,” says Fellion. “Through boy-short hair (when it wasn’t fashionable), coke-bottle glasses, argyle sweater vests and 104 point GPA, I saw that cliques and power dynamics were unhealthy—and hilarious.” Control Dominion: Dancers in cyborg society, Control Dominion, struggle between individual will and governing control. Opposing forces of surrender and domination reveal harrowing pitfalls of the proselytizing hive mind. Frenetic, alert movement and intricate, distorted phrases are programmed rather than organic. Dynamic progressions become chock full of manic activity as dancers fling, throw, jerk, jump, stiffen, fall, roll, lift and engage sometimes beyond their capacity to control. Complex rhythmic sequences create gradations of synchronicity versus presumed anarchy. Inward rotations, tensile contractions and reverberations pierce and manipulate bodies and space. Electronic soundscape composed by John Yannelli includes mechanical sound effects, robotic beats and a driving pulse. Source: Teresa Fellion, artistic director of BodyStories: Teresa Fellion Dance. For more information, visit or call 646-662-5128.

Long Island east end…

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natural awakenings

August 2014

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Super-Immunity for KIDS Simple Ways to Boost a Child’s Long-Term Health by Lisa Turner

options like pomegranate and kiwi fruit salad; trail mix with raw almonds; dried cranberries and air-popped popcorn; and hummus with red pepper strips and baby carrots for dipping.

Pinpoint Allergies

Food allergies and sensitivities can suppress the immune system by increasing inflammation in the body and call for consultation with a health specialist. “Whenever there is extra inflammation, the body has less available energy to keep the immune system functioning as well as it should,” says Dr. Fred Pescatore, a New York author of The Allergy & Asthma Cure. “It’s like putting the wrong type of gasoline in the car; it hinders your performance.”

Shore Up with Supplements We’d love it if our kids had fewer sick days away from school, but what if by bolstering their immune systems now, we could also protect them from serious diseases going forward?


uring childhood, when the immune system is still developing, there’s a great opportunity to set the stage for improved health and resilience,” says Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a family physician and nutritional researcher in Flemington, New Jersey, and author of Disease-Proof Your Child. “A healthy diet and lifestyle can help kids avoid common childhood illnesses like colds, ear infections and allergies, as well as ensure greater resilience against disease later in life.”

Focus on HighQuality Foods Fruits and veggies have a wealth of protective


Long Island Edition

phytochemicals that enhance immune cell function and protect against disease. In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, kids that ate the most fruit had a 38 percent lower risk of cancer later in life. Berries, cherries, plums and pomegranates are among the most powerful immune-boosting fruits. For veggies, eat more dark leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. Also emphasize whole grains and healthy fats such as those found in nuts, seeds and avocado, advises Fuhrman. Sugar-laden calories depress the infection-fighting activity of white blood cells, says Dr. Alan R. Gaby, of Concord, New Hampshire, author of the textbook, Nutritional Medicine. Even natural sweeteners such as honey and juice have similar effects when consumed in excess, he says. Try healthy

Probiotics can enhance immune function in children by stimulating white blood cells and reducing inflammation, says Gary B. Huffnagle, Ph.D., a University of Michigan Medical School immunology research professor and author of The Probiotics Revolution. They are especially protective against allergies, diarrhea and respiratory tract infection. Start with yogurt: Serve with cereal; mix with mashed bananas and freeze in ice cube trays for a cool treat; or make smoothies with unsweetened, non-dairy yogurt and frozen berries. Or consider a Lactobacillus acidophilus supplement; aim for 5 billion CFUs per day of Lactobacillus or bifidobacterium. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), an ayurvedic herb, boosts immunity by supporting and balancing adrenal function, says Dr. John Douillard, Ph.D., a Boulder, Colorado, chiropractor, ayurvedic physician and author of Perfect Health for Kids. The adrenal glands produce cortisol, and overproduction of this “fight-or-flight” hormone can dampen immunity. Ashwagandha is particularly helpful for preventing colds and can also be used when kids are stressed or tired. For children ages 6 to 12, give 500 milligrams per day with breakfast; children over 12 can take 1,000 mg a day.

Tell kids they’ll get sick, and chances are it’ll happen. Instead, nurture an attitude of wellness and help them learn they have control over their own health. Stabilize Hormonal Changes

“Puberty and adolescence are marked by dramatic shifts in and surges of hormones,” says Dr. Richard Shames, of Sebastopol, California, co-author of Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled? “This is monumental, as far as the developing immune system is concerned. As the immune system is directly linked to hormonal influences, any hormonal imbalance will affect overall immunity.” Shames recommends selenium—a potent antioxidant and general immune booster—to help balance hormones. For children ages 8 to 18, aim for 100 mg per day.

Let ’em Get Dirty

“Once a child has been exposed to dirt and germs, the immune system responds by trying to expel those bacteria from the body, which strengthens immunity,” counsels Jane Sheppard, owner of and founding executive director of the Holistic Pediatric Association. Avoid antibacterial soaps, cleansers and gels; most contain the chemical triclosan, which some researchers suspect of contributing to development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Instead, use a natural antibacterial gel or make one, by combining witch hazel or alcohol, tea tree oil and lavender essential oil.

Stay in the Sun

“The sun is our primary source of vitamin D, which has broad effects on the immune system,” Fuhrman says. “Depending on your skin tone and the local climate, about 15 minutes of full

sun exposure a day will lead to natural production of sufficient amounts of vitamin D.” If kids have dark skin or live in a cloudy region, they may need vitamin D supplements—at least 200 IU per day.

Laugh Out Loud

“You can give your kids the best food and nutrition, but if they have underlying sadness, their immune system will suffer,” remarks Sheppard. “When you’re happy and when you laugh, your brain releases chemicals that increase immunity.” Lisa Turner is a Colorado-based health writer.


natural awakenings

August 2014


Learning that Transforms Hearts and Minds Rethinking How We See Our World Changes Everything by Linda Sechrist


n the 30 years since Harrison Owen introduced Open Space Technology (OST), it has been used hundreds of thousands of times by three-quarters of the world’s countries. Whether a few people gather in a circle to share ideas and brainstorm personal issues or thousands discuss a bulletin board of topics around tables, OST is a safe, informal venue for transformative learning. Guided by purpose-based, shared leadership, it allows individuals focused on a specific task to freely speak their thoughts and be heard. It also encourages breakout groups to mine for more information—learning individually, as well as collectively, and self-organizing in order to concentrate on more complex topics. “Boeing engineers used OST to learn how to redesign airplane doors and young Egyptians used it to strategize for their Arab Spring,” as examples, comments Owen.


Long Island Edition

Circle Principle

For Owen, like Jack Mezirow, author of the paper, “Core Principles of Transformative Learning Theory,” 20th-century Brazilian educator Paulo Freire and Juanita Brown, cofounder of The World Café, learning is transformation, the keystone of life, and the essence of meaningful education. “The circle principle contains the predictability of fresh, emerging thoughts and learning that never occurred previously,” explains Owen. He points to an experiment regarding children’s capacity for self-learning initiated by Sugata Mitra, Ph.D., the former science director of an educational technology firm in India. On the outside wall of the building where he worked, Mitra installed a computer facing a New Delhi slum where most children were unschooled and illiterate and had never seen a computer. He turned it on and told children they could play with it. Via a noninvasive video camera,

he watched 7-to-13-year-olds discover how to use the computer and teach each other how to play music and games and draw using Microsoft’s Paint program. Repetition of the experiment in other impoverished sections of India yielded similar results. Wherever he established an Internet connection, children that could not read English, the Internet’s default language, taught themselves how to use the Web to obtain information through their interactions with each other and the computer. “I agree with what Mitra surmised from his experiment—learning is emergent, which is another word for self-organizing,” remarks Owen. Like Freire, Owen likens traditional education to the “banking” method of learning, whereby the teacher passes information to students that become dependent on someone else rather than learning how to think on their own. Suzanne Daigle, a Sarasota, Florida-based consultant with a Canadian multidisciplinary consulting firm, explains how the OST learning environment changed her life: “My personal transformation began in 2009, when I volunteered to assist another OST facilitator. I was a perfectionist who judged myself harshly and struggled with the question, ‘Who am I to think I can help hold space for leaders to transform themselves through their learning when I have so little experience?’” She notes, “Before such experiences, even though I was a leader in my corporate career, I doubted myself and often believed that what others had to say was more significant and interesting than what I could express.” Now she says she has shed her people-pleasing tendencies and former attempts to control other people’s agendas and discovered the freedom and courage of her own voice. “As an OST facilitator, my life work now occurs in the moments I am collaboratively learning and listening for opportunities to enter into meaningful conversations that can lead to actions,” says Daigle. “I invite others to do the same.”

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Free the child’s potential and you will transform him into the world. ~Maria Montessori

natural awakenings

August 2014



In a compulsory two-year Theory of Learning class for an International Baccalaureate degree at California’s Granadas Hill Charter High School, math and science educator Anais Arteaga helps students apply two major elements of transformative learning: self-reflection to critique one’s own assumptions and discourse through which they question or validate their judgments. She focuses on the roles that perception, language, reason and emotion play in a student’s learning and decision-making abilities. “Questions and lively discussions are the basis of the class,” Arteaga says. “We begin with a question and explore what we know, how we know it and any conclusions drawn from the process.” Using a democratic model in which the teacher welcomes critical discussion, Arteaga and her students have mutually discovered that knowledge is not static, but has a history and changes over time. “When we first started the class, it was challenging to accept that in many situations there is no right or wrong, just relativity and a matter of perception. We don’t really know anything for certain,” she remarks.

Worldview Explorations

Katia Petersen, Ph.D., is the executive director of education at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), headquartered in Petaluma, California. She co-developed the tools, practices and 22 lessons in the pioneering organization’s Worldview Explorations (WE) project. Founded on 40 years of IONS research, WE engages everyone in age-appropriate ways in reflecting upon long-held assumptions and how beliefs create the lens they see through, ultimately improving how they understand and respond to the world. “When individuals understand the power of offering their story and are open to the worldview stories of others, they no longer focus attention on 38

Long Island Edition

differences and limitations,” says Petersen. “They realize that everyone has their own truth.” Through small groups and conversations, participants unpack how the program has influenced them by answering questions that explore what inspired, surprised and changed the way they perceive the world. “WE’s transformative learning experiences draw from the heart and soul of individuals, rather than stuffing heads with ideas and perspectives, which serves them well as they embody and apply these tools and practices in their daily lives,” notes Petersen. She cites a particularly powerful moment for a group of young people she worked with. “A student was killed in a drive-by shooting two weeks before their certification. The transformative moment came when they said that their new awareness and capacity for compassion and understanding would not allow them to seek revenge. Instead, they chose to save lives in their communities using their new skills.”

Mycelium School

Ashley Cooper and Matt Abrams, cofounders of the Mycelium School, in Asheville, North Carolina, re-imagined a learning environment for aspiring entrepreneurs and social change agents committed to activating their potential and realizing solutions to today’s challenges. A 12-week learning journey allows individuals to become increasingly adept at learning from and helping each other learn. The curriculum offers minimum structure, significant support and collaboration with others. “In the learning community, individuals are dedicated to a project or life question of their choice,” explains Cooper. Participants’ goals include changing careers, determining the next steps after retirement or how to pursue true passions to make a difference in the world.

Cheri Torres, Ph.D., founder of the Asheville-based Innovation Partners International SE, was one of the earliest participants in the Mycelium Learning experience. She says that she obtained an expanded understanding of the approach that she uses in her work. “The whole systems approach I use with organizational and community leaders enables them to shift from a top-down management model to one that engages everyone and uses the collective intelligence and collaborative efforts of all for the collective good. My own learning journey transformed the level of awareness I bring to my work and the understanding of who I am,” advises Torres. “My original guiding question was, ‘How can I get so clear about my work that I can explain it in plain language?’ Ultimately, my question shifted to what would it be like for me to live and work from a place of wholeness. Through conversations with Ashley and self-reflection, I realized I was not walking my talk within my own mind-body-spirit system. My journey helped me understand that my most effective role in my own life, as well as with clients, is to create the conditions for collective intelligence and collaboration to emerge in service to the whole,” says Torres.

World Café

Like OST, the World Café, co-created by Brown and David Isaacs, of Burnsville, North Carolina, creates a transformative learning environment for individuals of all ages. Its primary principles are: set the context, create hospitable space, explore questions that matter, encourage everyone’s contributions, connect diverse perspectives, listen together for patterns and insights and share collective discoveries. Webs of conversation created around actual or occasionally virtual tables resemble those found in coffeehouses. “Conversation is a core meaningmaking process, and people get to experience how the collective intelligence of a small or large group can become apparent,” says Brown. After several rounds of conversation on one or more topics, participants offer their harvest of

key insights, learning and opportunities for action with the full group gathered to reflect together on their discoveries. “World Café provides an environment in which you are comfortably drawn forward by the questions you are asking together. When enough diversity is present, varied perspectives are offered and people feel listened to and free to make their contribution,” observes Brown. What participants learn in this setting creates the climate of conditions that support the kinds of transformations that can change lives. Brown remarks, “When it happens to me, I feel like my brain cells have been rearranged. I know something in the collective, as well as the individual, has been evoked, so that something never before imagined becomes present and available.” Transformative learning has been compared to a sea journey without landmarks. Adventurous individuals that are open to traversing its highly engaging processes can emerge as autonomous thinkers, capable of contributing fresh, new ideas that just might transform the world we live in. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Visit ItsAllAbout for the recorded interviews.

Hay House I Can Do It Conference is one such transformative experience coming this September to NYC

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natural awakenings

August 2014


At the Warldorf School of Garden City: their farm campus, in New Hampshire, enriches students’ learning through direct contact with the natural world.

Schools that Rock Innovators Blaze Creative Paths by Sandra Murphy

Creative educational initiatives offer more flexible programs of study than traditional institutions. First introduced into the United States in the latter part of the 20th century, today there are thousands of such facilities operating according to their own lights. Yet many share certain distinguishing characteristics including emphasis on close studentteacher relationships, diverse experiential learning and development of student decision-making skills aided by peer and parental support. All aim to prepare and equip students for future success both inside and outside the classroom.


At age 3, kids at the Baltimore Montessori Public Charter School, in Maryland, are gaining early math and motor skills, plus an appreciation for healthy foods, in unique and innovative ways. “The children roll out a long mat containing 1,000 beads that they use to learn to count by twos, fours and 10s,” says Jenny Smolen, development coordinator and grant writer for the school. “When it’s time for multiplication and division, they’re prepared.” 40

Long Island Edition

The school is located in a food desert—fresh, unprocessed food isn’t readily available—so the kids plant seeds to grow in pots until it’s time to transplant them to the garden. “Before the seed-to-table program, the kids didn’t know what fresh tasted like. Now they go home and ask for vegetables for dinner,” says Smolen. The school also has six chickens that supply fresh eggs, and two beehives produced 100 pounds of honey

last year that was sold to raise funds. The school is free of charge to Baltimore city students chosen by lottery. Currently, 330 students from diverse backgrounds ages 3 through 13 attend, with 1,000 names on the waiting list.


Waldorf School alumna Jocelyn Miller, an account manager at Matter Communications, drives 45 minutes from Newburyport, Massachusetts, to take her three children to The Waldorf School at Moraine Farms. “On bad weather days, I wonder why I make the drive, but the smiles when we arrive are worth it,” she says. There, her children spend time outdoors regardless of the weather. Indoors, they draw illustrations to bolster lessons on history and geography. Second-graders work in three-hour blocks of time, rather than the traditional 45 minutes. Fifth-grade students recently spent three weeks studying Greek mythology. Older students play in an orchestra and learn German and Spanish. They also knit; the craft builds manual dexterity and helps children learn to plan, correct mistakes, be creative, visualize the finished product and mindfully create something useful or decorative. Middle school and high school students at the Waldorf School of Garden City, in New York, universally participate in seasonal sports—baseball, softball, basketball and soccer. The emphasis on the values of teamwork

True Grit

Why Persistence Counts Some educators believe that improvements in instruction, curriculum and school environments are not enough to raise the achievement levels of all students, especially disadvantaged children. Also necessary is a quality called “grit”, loosely defined as persistence over time to overcome challenges and accomplish big goals. Grit comprises a suite of traits and behaviors that include goal-directedness (knowing where to go and how to get there); motivation (having a strong will to achieve identified goals); self-control (avoiding distractions and focusing on the task at hand); and a positive mindset (embracing challenges and viewing failure as a learning opportunity). A meta-study of 25 years of research by John Hattie and Helen Timperley, professors at the University of Aukland, New Zealand, has shown that giving students challenging goals encourages greater effort and persistence than providing vague or no direction. Students aren’t hardwired for these qualities, but grit can be developed through an emerging battery of evidence-based techniques that give educators a powerful new set of tools to support student success. A famous example of the power of self-regulation was observed when preschoolers that were able to withstand the temptation of eating a marshmallow for 15 minutes to receive a second one were more successful in high school and scored about 210 points higher on their SATs later in life than those with less willpower ( Source:

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August 2014


and sportsmanship complement development of skills. The school’s policy is, “You don’t have to be a superstar to get playing time,” noting that the quality of athletic teams is consistently strong. The school also brings some green into the city with a horticultural program that fully cultivates a quarteracre field. Its steady harvest of fruits, vegetables, herbs and grains includes lettuce, beans, spinach, broccoli, kale, corn, oregano, thyme, rosemary, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. A new greenhouse keeps produce growing through winter months. Students at Conservatory Prep High School, in Davie, Florida, were tasked with finding a way to walk on water in order to explore principles of flotation and buoyancy. After researching and experimenting with each of a series of materials, they analyzed what went wrong, worked to fix it and then tried again. “We did the testing at our onsite pool,” says Wendy Weiner, Ed.D., the school’s founder and principal and a Waldorf alumna. “We saw some pretty funny results, but they eventually invented a pair of shoes that worked. Of course, they were pretty big shoes.”


Homeschooling provides another option. Parents don’t need to know all

about a subject with organizations like Bridgeway Academy’s homeschool curricula at hand. This Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, institution provides easy access to tools and support for families nationwide. “We’re a kindergartento-12th-grade provider,” says Jessica Parnell, academy president. “Teachers in a school setting have to teach standardized subjects, in certain ways, to the whole class. We use customized learning to inspire and excite children individually. We help parents discover their child’s learning style, personality and ideal learning environment.” Materials provided include instructor guides, user-friendly websites and interactive games and other activities. “It gives kids the freedom to explore, learn and discover,” Parnell adds. “This is how you grow a lifelong learner.”


Un-schooling, another pioneering approach, is a method of homeschooling in which children pursue areas that interest them, eat foods they enjoy, rest when needed, choose friends of all ages or none at all and engage their world in unique, powerful and self-directed ways. Suzanne Strisower, a life and career coach in Oroville, California, has written a commoncore, standards-based curriculum for

un-schoolers. “It’s a yearlong program for ages 15 and up designed to enable a student to realize his career path and life’s purpose,” she says.

Online Tutorials

“There’s an explosion in online learning, too,” observes Bob Bowdon, executive director of nonprofit Choice Media, an education news service at, produced in New York City. School kids in some states are able to opt out of a class at school if they feel the teaching style is holding them back, instead tapping online teachers available in a virtual school setting. Louisiana’s Department of Education’s Jump Start program partners high schools and local companies to offer students one-day-a-week internships apprenticing in trades. “It’s real-world, on-the-job training,” says Bowdon. Thanks to such innovative approaches to school curricula and technology, parents and children have more options than ever before for learning. Instead of memorizing information until the next test and then forgetting it, more learning is customized and hands-on, because children that learn by doing, remember. Connect with Sandra Murphy at StLouis

The Progressive School of Long Island

Local School that Rocks

I have a gift, The world needs my gift,

and I am not afraid to offer it. 42

Long Island Edition

Progressive School began twenty-nine years ago with a mission no one thought would succeed on Long Island: teach the whole child--physical, mental and spiritual, teach so they could put learning into practice, use all the intelligences, and value product, not just scores. Progressive weaves together philosophy, methods and interesting content in each subject, and at every grade level, to produce an experience that is captivating, personalized, and meaningful. A teachers job is to create the

ronment that allows students to acquire skills at their own speed, and without roadblocks in their way. Just because your child is in the third grade doesn’t mean they should be forced into a third grade curriculum. Curricula are grade specific, your child’s knowledge and abilities are not. Therefore, Progressive School individualizes all Reading, Writing and Math instruction. At Progressive, it’s not unusual for a child to study at a grade or two higher in a subject of interest to them.

ecotip New School Rules

Eco Strategies for Back-to-School Prep Families preparing for the coming school year will welcome easy ways to stretch the budget while protecting the environment our kids are growing up in. n Buying new clothes can be expensive, and most of today’s synthetic fibers are petroleumbased, while toxic pesticides are commonly used to grow cotton. For healthier alternatives, check labels for clothes made from organic, low-impact or recycled materials such as organic cotton, hemp, bamboo or recycled fibers. Inexpensive options are found in Salvation Army and other thrift store locations, as well as repurposing hand-medowns among siblings. n Avoid buying all new school supplies. Gently used binders and book bags can last years. Sturdy, simple backpacks skip the cost of faddish brand-name and celebrity products. For supplies that must be replenished, like paper, seek out postconsumer-recycled options.

n For lunch boxes, food containers and utensils, look for retro metal, a cloth bag and other alternatives to plastic (which can contain harmful chemicals) and glass (which can break). Beth Terry, in her book, Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too (, suggests searching Mighty and, makers of stainless steel, naturally lacquered wood and other non-plastic, durable children’s bowls, cups, plates and utensils. n Healthy afterschool extracurricular activities today typically require driving commutes. Look into carpooling with nearby families to save time and gas, cut vehicle emissions and expand friendships. n Check the school’s eco-practices. Encourage local administrators to conduct recycling programs and to email documents to parents instead of using regular mail.

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natural awakenings

August 2014



The truth is that no one fish can be seen as a sustainability darling, because if it is, it’s sure to be overfished. ~

Safe & Sustainable

SEAFOOD Navigate Today’s Best Choices Using Updated Guides by Judith Fertig

We love our seafood, a delicious source of lean protein. The latest data reports U.S. annual consumption to be more than 4.8 billion pounds of it, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, with the average American eating 3.5 ounces of seafood a week. About half of the catch is wild-caught and half farmed. How do we know which fish and shellfish are safe to eat and good for ocean ecology?


he best approach is to choose seafood carefully. Oil spills, waste runoff and other environmental disasters can compromise the quality of seafood with toxic contaminants like mercury and other heavy metals and industrial, agricultural and lawn chemicals. These pollutants can wash out from land to sea (and vice versa). As smaller fish that have eaten pollutants are eaten by larger ones, contaminants accumulate and concentrate. Large predatory fish like swordfish and sharks end up with the most toxins. Beyond today’s top-selling shrimp, canned tuna, salmon and farmed tila-


Long Island Edition

pia, more retailers and restaurants are also providing lesser-known seafood varieties like dogfish and hake as alternatives to overfished species such as sea bass and Atlantic cod. These newto-us, wild-caught fish can be delicious, sustainable and healthy.

Choices Good for Oceans

An outstanding resource for choosing well-managed caught or farmed seafood in environmentally responsible ways is Seafood Watch, provided through California’s Monterey Bay Aquarium. Information on the most sustainable varieties of seafood is available in a printed

guide, updated twice a year. The pocket guide or smartphone app provides instant information at the seafood counter and restaurant table. Online information at and via the app is regularly updated. The Blue Ocean Institute, led by MacArthur Fellow and ecologist Carl Safina, Ph.D., supports ocean conservation, community economics and global peace by steering consumers and businesses toward sustainably fished seafood. It maintains a data base on 140 wild-caught fish and shellfish choices at Hoki, for instance, might have a green fish icon for “relatively abundant” and a blue icon for “sustainable and well-managed fisheries,” but also be red-flagged for containing levels of mercury or PCBs that can pose a health risk for children. As species become overfished, rebound or experience fluctuating levels of contaminants, their annual ratings can change.

Choices Good for Us

To help make choosing easier, Seafood Watch has now joined with the Harvard School of Public Health to also advise what’s currently safe to eat. Entries on their list of “green” fish, which can shift annually, are low in mercury, good sources of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and caught or farmed responsibly. If the top-listed fish and shellfish aren’t locally available, look for the Seafood Safe label, started by EcoFish company founder and President Henry Lovejoy, which furnishes at-a-glance consumption recommendations based upon tests for contaminants. Labels display a number that indicates how many four-ounce servings of the species a woman of childbearing age can safely

eat per month. (Find consumption recommendations for other demographics at Expert-reviewed independent testing of random samples of the fish currently monitors mercury and PCB levels. Lovejoy advises that other toxins will be added to the testing platform in the future. “My dream is to have all seafood sold in the U.S. qualify to bear the Seafood Safe label, because consumers deserve to know what they’re eating,” says Lovejoy. “We need to be a lot more careful in how we use toxic chemicals and where we put them.”

Retail Ratings

Some retailers also provide details on their seafood sourcing. Whole Foods, for example, offers complete traceability of the fish and shellfish they carry, from fishery or farm to stores. Their fish, wild-caught or farmed, frozen or fresh, meet strict quality guidelines in regard to exposure to antibiotics, preservatives and hormones. They also display Seafood Watch and Blue Ocean Institute ratings at the seafood counter. Wise seafood choices feed and sustain our families, foster a healthier seafood industry, support responsible local fisheries and keep Earth’s water resources viable. Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFood from Overland Park, KS.

natural awakenings

August 2014



Cures in the Kitchen Dr. Mark Hyman is Fed Up with Our National Health Crisis by Judith Fertig


n the groundbreaking new documentary film, Fed Up, Dr. Mark Hyman prescribes a major overhaul of the diets of all family members in communities across America to prevent far-reaching unwanted consequences. Hyman practices functional medicine, which takes a whole-system approach to treating chronic illnesses by identifying and addressing their root causes, starting with poor diet. He is also the bestselling author of a series of books based on The Blood Sugar Solution.

What has your experience with Fed Up shown you about the root cause of many diseases? In Fed Up, I met with a family of five to talk with them about their health and understand the roots of their family crisis of morbid obesity, pre-diabetes, renal failure, disability, financial stress and hopelessness. Rural South Carolina, where they live, is a food desert with nearly10 times as many fast-food and convenience stores as supermarkets. The family’s kitchen was also a food desert, with barely a morsel of real food. There were no ingredients to make real food—only pre-made factory science projects sold in cans and boxes with unpronounceable, unrecognizable ingredient lists. This family desperately wanted to 46

Long Island Edition

find a way out, but didn’t have the knowledge or skills. They lived on food stamps and fast food and didn’t know how to navigate a grocery aisle, shop for real food, read a label, equip a kitchen or cook nutritious meals. Their grandmother has a garden, but never taught her children how to grow food, even though they live in a temperate rural area.

What results did the family see when they changed their eating habits? I got the whole family cooking, washing, peeling, chopping, cutting and touching real food—onions, garlic, carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, salad greens, even asparagus. After 12 months, the mother had lost 100 pounds and was off of blood pressure medication, and because the father had lost 45 pounds, he finally qualified for a kidney transplant. The son originally lost 40 pounds, but because he was stuck in a toxic food environment at school and only able to get a job at a fast-food eatery, he gained much of it back. I’m happy to report that he is now working to get back on track.

How is sugar a primary factor in creating obesity? Of some 600,000 processed food items on the market, 80 percent contain added sugar. Sugar calories act differently from fat or protein calories in the body. Sugar calories drive food addiction, storage

of belly fat, inflammation and fatty liver (now the number one reason for liver transplants). They also disrupt appetite control, increasing hunger and promoting overeating, and are biologically addictive. Sugar calories are the major contributor to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia and Type 2 diabetes. Sugar is a root cause behind the tripling of obesity rates in children since the 1970s. As just one example illustrating government policy culprits, although poor people are disproportionately affected by obesity, the food industry vigorously opposes any efforts to limit the use of food stamps for soda. Every year, the U.S. government pays for $4 billion in soda purchases by the poor (10 billion servings annually) on the front end, and then pays billions more on the back end through Medicaid and Medicare to treat related health consequences that include obesity and diabetes.

What are the consequences if we don’t attack the problem of poor diet now? The costs of a poor diet are staggering: At the present rate, by 2040, 100 percent of the nation’s federal budget will go for Medicare and Medicaid. The federal debt soars as our unhealthy kids fall heir to an achievement gap that limits America’s capacity to compete in the global marketplace. At the same time, having 70 percent of young people unfit for military service weakens national security. In a detailed scientific analysis published in The New England Journal of Medicine, a group of respected scientists reviewing all the data affecting projected life spans concluded that today’s children are the first generation of Americans ever that will live sicker and die younger than their parents. Health issues due to poor diet comprise a national crisis. They threaten our future, not just for those fat and sick among us, but all of us. For more information on Fed Up, visit Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFood from Overland Park, KS.

actionalert Dangerous Influx

Gas Pipeline Pumps Radioactive Radon into Homes In New York City, the Spectra gas pipeline that went online in 2013 is delivering more than just energy-efficient, cleanburning natural gas from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale. It’s also piping radioactive radon gas that’s contaminating commercial and residential boilers, ovens, stoves, dryers and water heaters at 30 to 80 times baseline levels—well above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency safe level for radiation exposure. According to Dr. Sheila BushkinBedient, with the University of Albany, New York, “While it may be possible to remove other components of raw natural gas such as ethane, propane, butane and pentanes at natural gas processing centers, it’s not possible to remove radioactive substances such as radon. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers and the second-leading cause among smokers and indirect (secondhand) smokers.” The Spectra conduit is one of hundreds of pipelines and fossil fuel infrastructure projects across the country being quickly approved by the Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission. Citizens should demand that elected officials connect the dots and halt the uncontrolled rush to drill new sites regardless of safety concerns and let them know people are alarmed by the possibility of radioactive gas entering their communities. To learn more, visit MariasFarmCountry

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natural awakenings

August 2014


WATER DOGGIES Given a Pool or Lake, Canines Dive Into Action by Sandra Murphy

Water sports for dogs can be done just for fun or to earn recognition. Venues range from a backyard adult or kiddie pool to a lake, river or ocean. All offer healthful exercise for canine bodies and brains.


photo by Sam Matlick

ome dogs seem born dog, Max, to a dog-specifto swim, while others ic pool twice a month. At learn to love it and the Canine Fitness Center, a few make entertaining in Annapolis, Maryland, spectators. It all depends Max swims in one pool on temperament, breed and while canine buddies body style plus energy and paddle in another. To preconfidence levels, as well vent possible squabbles, as training. company policy allows Not all dogs love to only same-household dogs swim, says Eileen Proctor, a to swim in the same pool. Michelle Yue and Max pet lifestyle expert in Den “Max is a fetching ver, Colorado, so proceed cautiously. maniac in the water,” remarks Yue. “He “One of the first things to do is buy a doesn’t like to dive, but if his ball sinks, properly fitted life jacket that keeps his he’ll go after it. It’s low-impact, highhead out of the water,” she counsels. exercise playtime and the only thing I “Once he is used to wearing it, train know that will wear out a 2-year-old him to use steps [like in a pool] to walk German shepherd pup.” into and out of the water every time.” The skill of directed retrieval can be Michelle Yue, a professional dog described as advanced fetching. Several trainer in Washington, D.C., takes her toys or dumbbells are placed on the


Long Island Edition

photo by Maria Schultz


bottom of the pool and the handler tells the dog which item to retrieve. Nautical nosework is the most challenging—five floating objects like tennis balls or dummies are launched into the water by another person. The dog must then find, indicate and retrieve the one ball his person has handled. Other fun options are teaching a pet to tow a raft in the pool or to team swim with his owner. In a more complex aquaagility exercise, the dog swims a circle around his owner as a prelude to both of them swimming a synchronized, zigzag course between floating markers before returning to their starting positions. Ernie, a 95-pound Labrador retriever that lives with Sierra Prause, a marketing assistant, and Jaron Clinton, a search engine content marketer, in Phoenix, Arizona, rides in the storage area of Clinton’s kayak. Ernie came to them at age 4 and has always loved to jump in and swim alongside his owners. “Ernie’s claim to fame is fetching two tennis balls at once,” says Prause. “He wasn’t allowed in the pool at his former home, and now revels in taking a cooling dip after his twice-aday walks.” Maria Schultz, author of How to SUP with Your Pup, enjoys stand up paddleboarding with her Australian shepherds, Riley and Kona, on rivers near her home in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She and Riley learned together in the living room. “I brought the board home and taught Riley how to hop on and off, where to sit or lie on the board, and to relax,” she relates. “I forgot the living room floor stood still. Riley was surprised when he got on the board on the river to find that it moved.” Riley was a good sport about it; within a week, he knew how to ride along. Kona took several months to get the hang of it. “Have patience, make it fun and all positive,” Schultz advises. “Know what motivates your dog. Riley works for food, Kona for praise.” For the more adventurous, Loews Coronado Bay Resort, in San Diego, offers one-hour surfing lessons for canine guests. Taught by Coronado Surfing Academy instructors, the only requirement is that a dog enjoys water.

petbrief Treating Your Pet’s Pain

Naturally Of course, board shorts and a bandana are also provided so that Fido gets the full surfer dude experience. Enjoying warm weather and cool water with man’s best friend provides perfect fun for these dog days of summer. Learn more at Sandra Murphy writes from Missouri. Connect at StLouisFreelanceWriter@

Dr. Michel Selmer, DVM


hen your pet is in pain, it can be just as upsetting to you as if your child were in pain. Western medicine offers dozens of prescription medications to help ease the pain, but they can also come with adverse reactions. Thankfully, veterinarians are exploring the realm of natural pain relief through herbs for use in dogs and other animals.

Skullcap with St. John’s Wort

When St. John’s wort and skullcap are combined, they can help heal nerve pain in dogs. The herbs should be mixed at a one-to-one ratio. For ideal pain relief, the dog should receive the herbs three times a day for one week.


Mama said I can go swimming too . . . . . . when I get bigger

Yucca is known for its anti-inflammatory properties in dogs and other animals. One of the components of yucca is saponin, and it boosts a dog’s production of naturally occurring anti-inflammatory chemicals called corticosteroids. This herb is often recommended for animals that are suffering from arthritic pain, because it is safer than prescription arthritis pain-relief medication. Some veterinarians suggest taking yucca with licorine and alfalfa.


Licorine is an herb that is often mixed with other herbs or used in an oil infusion. It contains glycyrrhizin, which is an anti-inflammatory. It also has natural corticosteroids that pair with the ones produced by the adrenal glands so the pain relief does not injure the immune system. The oil infusions are best for swollen joints due to arthritis. Some of the other herbs that are beneficial for pain relief include feverfew, turmeric and ginger. All herbal remedies should be discussed with the veterinarian for the proper dosage and effectiveness. It is common for the results to take a while to be seen, so you will want to have patience and give the herbs time to accumulate in the system. Please check back with us in the next issue of Natural Awakenings to learn more about pain and treating pain with acupuncture. Source: Dr. Michel Selmer, of Advanced Animal Care Center, located at 260 Evergreen Ave., South Huntington. For more information, call 631-FOR-PETS (631-367-7387) or visit See ad on page 2.


Capsaicin, which is in many over-thecounter pain relievers, is from cayenne. The cream or ointment helps block pain and boosts the body’s anti-inflammatory intermediaries. In addition to blocking pain, capsaicin can boost the blood circulation in the area. It is another holistic approach to helping pets with arthritis. natural awakenings

August 2014



Runner’s Hi Women and Social Media Revolutionize the Sport by Debra Melani


hether donning colorful tutus or making a marathon a girls’ day out, the current running scene is attracting a broader group of fitness-seekers mindful of the enhanced benefits of a more well-rounded approach. Rather than pursuing fierce competition and personal bests, these runners are focusing on social bonding and overall well-being, likely boosting their fitness success. Two main factors are fueling what’s shaping up as a new running boom: women and social media. “The first running-boom era was male-centric and competitive,” observes Ryan Lamppa, of Running USA. He’s referring to the 1970s, when, largely thanks to 1972 Summer Olympic marathon gold medal winner Frank Shorter and The Complete Book of Running, by James Fixx, many were inspired to hook up Walkmans, lace up sneakers and train for distance races. “Today’s running boom is femalecentric, much bigger and more focused on health and fitness and completion, rather than competition.” Forget elapsed running time; just cross the finish line and have fun doing it, seems to be a growing mantra. Women’s participation hit an all-time high in recent years, comprising 56


Long Island Edition

percent of the more than 15.5 million runners finishing U.S. races sanctioned by Running USA in 2012 and 61 percent of U.S. half-marathoners in 2013. “Women tend to be more social and more in tune with their health overall, and that’s definitely a driving force,” Lamppa says. Couple the female factor with social media-driven, nontraditional race events and the result is explosive. “Events are fun, community-centered and sometimes charity-driven,” Lamppa says of the many innovations, from paint-splashing 5Ks to mud-slinging obstacle course action, which attracted 4 million entrants last year.

Boosts Bonding

These trends could indicate America’s collective progress toward fitness as studies show the social factor plays a huge motivational role in participation. “I think running adherence strengthens when there is accountability and social support,” remarks Englewood, New Jersey, sports psychologist Greg Chertok, citing a meta-analysis of data in Sport & Exercise Psychology Review that backs his notion. For example, such social exercise events inspire happiness. “If you are

physically close to someone that is happy, eager and optimistic, you are naturally going to share those feelings,” explains Chertok, who is also a spokesman for the American College of Sports Medicine. “Just through social connectedness alone, you’ll gain boosted performance and mood.” As a finisher of two Tough Mudders (an intense obstacle course challenge), Chertok can personally testify to the benefits of camaraderie. “It’s just like if a married couple got stuck in a storm and had to brave the elements; the act of doing something challenging together is very bonding.” Simply joining a recreational running group—also increasingly popular and often social media-driven—can bolster success. “When a bunch of individuals work together to pursue a common goal, they are incentivized by the group,” Chertok remarks. “You’ll run at a faster clip or go a longer distance if you are with a group, because each runner values the group and doesn’t want to let members down.”

Brings Balance

Mixing things up can also improve running performance and decrease risks of injury, enhancing long-term staying power. One study found that eight weeks of simple strength-training exercises by conditioned runners boosted their running performances over their conditioned, but non-strength-training peers, as noted in the Health & Fitness Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. As for injury prevention, everybody, regardless of sport, needs to cross-train, advises Mindy Caplan, a wellness coach in Albuquerque, New Mexico. “In any sport that you engage in, you end up working certain muscles the same way all the time. Then those tighter muscles start to pull on the joints and without stretching, you end up with problems.” Moving the body in different ways helps, and working on stretching and flexibility can elongate muscles and protect tendons and joints. “The new runner of this second running boom has much more information about training, health and fitness,

and injury prevention,” says Lamppa, who occasionally cross-trains by biking and includes some yoga-related stretching as part of his regular routine. “You have to have balance in your running as in your life. If you can get to that point, you will get a very positive response from your body and mind.” Freelance journalist Debra Melani writes about health care and fitness from Lyons, CO. Connect at Debra or

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natural awakenings

August 2014




Fuel the Soul’s 200-Hour Teacher Training Free Informative Sessions Your yoga teacher journey begins with a free information session at Fuel the Soul yoga studio. You are invited to Fuel the Soul’s free 30-minute information session, followed by a complimentary practice for all attendees. Whether you want to teach or better understand and connect to this beautiful and timeless practice, Fuel the Soul’s 200-hour teacher training will inspire a wonderful beginning to your yogic journey. Find out more about the special guest teachers, lectures on such topics as nutrition and anatomy, and ask questions of Fuel the Soul graduates. All attendees that sign up at either seminar will receive $300 off tuition. Sessions are Saturday, August 9, at 1 p.m., or Thursday, August 14, at 6:30 p.m. Teacher training begins September 11 and will take place on Thursdays, Saturdays and occasional Sundays. Unlimited classes and specialty workshops included! Location: Fuel the Soul is located at 188 Merrick Rd., Merrick. Please RSVP in person or by phone at 516-379-0810. For more information, visit See ad on this page.


Long Island Edition

Become a yoga Teacher - Deepen your own personal practice

Next Training Begins September 14th! **Hurry-Early Bird Pricing ends August 14th**

Go to and click the “Teacher Training”tab for more info and to fill out an application.

You Really Can Make a Living Doing What You Love— Become a Yoga Teacher! Breathe N Flow Yoga (BNFYoga) is proud to announce that its fall 200-hour yoga teacher training program is now open for registration. BNFYoga’s comprehensive vinyasa yoga teacher training program is designed for those yoga students that are interested in deepening their own personal practice and for those that wish to share their love of yoga with others by becoming a yoga teacher. Embark on this three-month journey that will delve into the history of yoga, teachings of yoga asana techniques, adjustments, hands-on assisting and modifications, yoga philosophy and text, physical and energetic anatomy, pranayama, Sanskrit studies, meditation, as well as introduction to specialty practices such as prenatal yoga, restorative yoga and yin yoga.

Training schedule: Program will be held September 13 through December 21. Meetings will take place every other weekend on Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., every Thursday evening from 6 to 9 p.m., and Wednesday evenings for guided meditation from 8:30 to 9 p.m. (teleconference will be provided as an option for attendance.)

BNFYoga teacher training is fully registered and approved by the Yoga Alliance. Upon completion of all training requirements, graduates will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to become a Yoga Alliance RYT-200. Let it all begin with the planting of a seed (make the commitment to join the BNFYoga teacher training), remaining on the path (learn, study and practice yoga), and soon you will see your intention come to fruition (become a certified yoga teacher). One recent graduate of the course says enthusiastically: “I whole-heartedly recommend Breathe N Flow Yoga if you are considering yoga teacher training. This 200-hour plus training incorporated everything that I believe a new teacher should be exposed to. The focus of my entire life has been transformed as a result of this training. I cannot adequately express in words how grateful I am that I decided to trust my instincts, follow my dreams and take the leap towards becoming a yoga instructor. I thought I loved yoga before. That love is now multiplied, and I am so excited to share it with my future students. Yoga has truly become on and off the mat for me. I assure you that it will be a truly rewarding experience for you, too. Live your dream and take the leap. I promise you will experience big love. Namaste.” Location: Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave., Freeport. For more information and to register, call 516-632-9626, email, or visit See ad on this page. natural awakenings

August 2014




RATE YOUR NATURE Rate Your Nature is a holistic and natural business web directory and calendar, focused on providing Long Islanders key information about natural, holistic, healthy-living events and businesses.

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NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit Calendar events (under “advertise” tab).

make the green choice.



Balancing the Pelvis, Hips & Sacrum with Myofascial Release – 9am-6pm. With Jason Beickert, LMT. 8 CE credits. $160 by Aug 1; $185 thereafter. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223.

Learning Proper Body Dynamics – 8:15pm. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register: 516-822-8499.

MONDAY, AUGUST 18 Dynamic Duo Gallery Reading – 7:30pm. Get read in synchronicity by 2 amazing mediums at the same time. Limited seating. $40. The Hilton, 598 Broadhollow Rd, Melville. Pre-registration required:

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 Undiagnosed Digestive Problems in Both Children and Adults – 6pm. Find out solutions to your digestive problems using non-invasive techniques and then how to fix them with quick, safe and natural methods. Creating Wellness Center of Commack, 66 Commack Rd, Ste 204. RSVP required: 631-462-0801 or

THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 Dinner Talk: Live Free of Pain and Stress – 6:30-9:30pm. Discover a life free of back and neck pain, herniated discs, sciatica and more. Learn why doctors, chiropractors and therapists recommend this all-natural Spinal Rejuvenation Therapy. Learn how this care helps resolve a variety of acute and chronic conditions. Lecture and demonstration by Dr. Michael Berlin of The Family Wellness Center. Free. Mario’s Ristorante and Pizzeria, 635 Old Country Rd, Plainview. RSVP: 516-822-8499.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 24 Contemplative Singles – 10am-2pm. Presenter: Joan McGovern. Join other faith-based singles as we explore God’s desire for each of us and discuss our call to action in the ministry of single life. $35 including $15 non-refundable/non-transferable deposit. Lunch included. Held at the Maude Adams House, The Convent of Our Lady of the Cenacle, Ronkonkoma. Info: 631-588-8366, Cenaclesisters. org/Ronkonkoma.

MONDAY, AUGUST 25 Free Holistic Dinner and Health Talk – 6:309pm. Dr. Ray Omid cordially invites you and up to 4 guests to come and dine with him for a complimentary health dinner talk. Learn the key essentials to living a healthy and more vibrant life naturally. Umberto’s Italian Restaurant, 633 Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park. RSVP, Bessi: 917-747-2795.

savethedate I Can Do It! 2014 - New York September 20-21 Saturday, 9:30am-7pm Sunday, 9am-5:45pm


Daily Pass: $150 Full Conference Pass: $200-$300

savethedate SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Breathe N Flow Teacher Training – Sept 13Dec 21. Meeting every other weekend on Saturdays, 11:30am-6pm and Sundays, 9am-6pm, every Thursday evening 6-9pm, and Wednesday evenings for Guided Meditation, 8:30-9pm. Teleconference will be provided as an option for attendance. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. More info: 516-632-9626,

Learn to love obstacles, heal past pain, and make positive choices that stick for a happier, healthier you in 2014! Featured speakers include Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and many more!

For more information and to register:


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 The Experiential Art of Healing Trees and EcoSystems – 9:30am-5pm. Tree whisperers! Experience bio-energetic and intuitive nature connection. Learn co-creative collaboration skills for backyard and global ecosystem rejuvenation. Become an enlightened steward of Earth. Transform environmental problems at their source. Muttontown Preserve. Maureen Calamia: 631-513-0059.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Gaia’s Essence Women’s Wellness Conference – 12-8pm. Join us this year at the Gaia’s Essence 6th annual Women’s Wellness Conference as we educate, empower and inspire women to live happier healthier lives. Islandia Marriott, Islandia. More info: 631-965-0606,,

Summer Love, Find Your Natural Match! Join for FREE at natural awakenings

August 2014


classifieds HEALTH CARE/WELLNESS PROFESSIONALS Space available for rent on hourly basis in Rockville Centre. Holistic environment perfect for practitioners, massages, acupuncture, nutritional counseling or life coach. Front desk support included. Space for small classes. 516-203-7442

HELP WANTED Looking for work in a meaningful and holistic practitioner office? Dr. Richter is looking for front office staff full time/part time please call 516-282-0310 or email resume to Part-Time Advertising Sales Representatives with experience and who understand targeted marketing. Be part of our growing Natural Awakenings community. If you are a self-motivated, organized, computer savvy, go getter who has the desire to make money, like talking on the phone (and face to face time), enjoys working from your home and from the road, and have previous ad-sales experience with at least 10-15 flexible day-time hours per week to sell, we would love to talk to you. Please send your resume to Pay is commission, plus bonuses. Pilates studio and Wellness Center looking for Pilates Instructors and Yoga Instructors located in Woodmere, NY. Looking for someone who is trained in all Pilates apparatus. Yoga and Pilates instruction needs to have experience with all levels of fitness. Please Email: with information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child through support groups, art therapy, a grief hotline and special workshops, needs volunteers to help with various projects. Karen Flyer, Executive Director: 484-4993 or

SERVICES LEARN ABOUT YOUR OWN PSYCHIC ABILITIES – Tori Quisling, with over 20 years experience, can teach you to use your own intuitive abilities to heal yourself and communicate with others. By the end of the course, students can meditate, work with healing guides and perform a psychic reading. Group and custom classes offered. Please see or call 516-423-1794.

Space available Health Care-Wellness Professionals Network with complimentary doctors and therapists. Renovated quiet building, clean office, busy road, great parking. Ideal for second location, part timer, or new business Flexible terms. Space for small classes. Join Us! Info & Visit: 516-674-0609.


Long Island Edition

ongoingevents Daily

20-Hr Clairvoyant Training Program: Learn to See – Tori Quisling, M.Ed, Clairvoyant Practitioner, offers a 20-hr weekly course in learning to use clairvoyance in your life. By the end of the course, you will be able to meditate “Find Your Space,” give readings and work with your own Healing Guide. Customized program, begin when ready. Discounts when you join with a friend. $1,575 (when paid in full). Center for Clairvoyance and Healing, 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. 21-Day Detox – Lose weight, boost energy, de-stress, learn what you need to know for a life time of healthy cleansing. Includes: 21-day life botanica formula; pH strips; cleanse tool kit & recipes; 3 1-hr detox modules; 3 1-hr stress relief modules. RSVP: 516676-0200. Daily Meditation Classes – 7pm, Mon-Fri; 10:30am, Sat & Sun. Learn various meditation techniques and breathing exercises designed to awaken your highest potential and empower you to create your best life. Suitable for beginners as well as those looking to deepen their practice. First class free. Monthly membership packages available. Break The Norms, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. Reserve a spot: 516-938-9600. Free Arthritis Aquatics Classes – Co-sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation, a national nonprofit organization that provides information and support to all of those with arthritis. Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy, Garden City & Saf-T-Swim, Bellmore. For info & appt, Sherrie Glasser: 516-745-8050. Free Chiropractic Care for Returning Veterans – 9am-6pm. Dr. Gina Marino has extended an offer of care for one full year for any U.S. military veteran returning from overseas deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq, at no charge, with presentation of their service certificate. 2050 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh. 516-221-3500. Free Fall Prevention & Balance Testing – Are you at risk of falling? Program provides all seniors the opportunity to test their balance and see if they are at risk of falling. Falling is not a normal part of aging. Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy in Garden City, Great Neck, Roslyn, Bellmore, Kew Gardens & Rocky Point. For info & appt, Sherrie Glasser: 516-745-8050. Free Gym Membership – 11am-8pm. Come in and we will show you how you can get a gym membership absolutely free. Synergy Fitness Massapequa, 5300 Sunrise Hwy, Massapequa. For more info: 516-541-4400. Free Silver Sneakers Exercise Classes – MonFri. For all levels: balance, agility, strengthening, endurance and osteoporosis for eligible seniors. Sponsored by the nonprofit, Medicare’s Healthways. Garden City, Kew Gardens, Port Washington & Roslyn Harbor. For details, including to see if eligible & class times, Sherrie Glasser: 516-745-8050.

Kripalu Yoga/Stretch, Chair Yoga & Thai Yoga Bodywork – Super-therapeutic, energizing yet rejuvenating sessions. TYB: gentle stretching, palming, thumbing on back, belly, seated, side-lying. Beginners welcome. 15% off first session. Great Neck, Port Washington, Plainview. Carol Leitner: 516-242-8270 or Seeking Participants for an Independent Research Study Regarding Massage Therapy – Be a part of the growing data of research regarding massage therapy. Massage is offered to participants at a drastically reduced rate. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness Studio, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. 516-792-0868. Three Phases to Optimal Health – Dr. Danielle Roberts presents life-changing information to kick start your enlightened optimal lifestyle journey. Call for details. $100 for all three lectures. Bring a friend and get half off. Integrative Health Center & Spa, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200.


Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 9am. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Baby & Me Yoga – 9:30am. Infant-crawlers. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Must register: 516-632-9626. Meditation – 10:30-11:30am. For beginners or those looking to deepen their practice. Gently guided meditation accompanied by the soothing sounds of our crystal Tibetan singing bowl, designed to awaken your Third Eye. 1st class free; monthly memberships available; $10. Break The Norms, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600.


Ashtanga Yoga: Mysore – 6-9am, Mon-Thurs. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Ashtanga Yoga – 9:30-11am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Shine Yoga – 10:30-11:45am. With Stacey Lynn. For all levels. Explore your breath, your inner voice, your physical body. You will radiate and shine like the sun. Integrative Healing Center, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 1:30-3pm. An ongoing group for women with metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Classical Hatha Yoga – 5:15-6:30pm. With Jessica Saraswati. All levels welcomed and encouraged. $15. Break The Norms at A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga Shala, 560 Main St, Studio 3, Islip. Info: 516-938-9600.

Yoga with Angela – 6-7:30pm. Join Angela Strynkowski for an authentic yoga experience. All levels welcomed and encouraged. 1st class free; $15. Break The Norms, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Mon. An ongoing group for men with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. For young women with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. Big Kids Yoga – 7:15-8:145pm. Ages 11-14. Promotes physical health, self-confidence, awareness, and mental focus in a safe and lighthearted environment. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Meditation – 8:15-9:15pm. Join Jessica Saraswati for a peaceful meditation session, followed by an enlightening satsang. Beginners welcomed and encouraged. 1st class free; $10. Break The Norms at A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga Shala, 560 Main St, Studio 3, Islip. Info: 516-938-9600.


Pilates Mat Class – 9:30am. Designed for the intermediate/advanced Pilates student. Challenging workout with stretching and lengthening of the whole body. $25 with discount. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. 516-792-0868. Vinyasa Flow – 9:30am. Basics. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Yin Yoga – 9:30am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Meditation – 9:30-10:30am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Shine with Infrared Therapy – 10:30-11:45am. With Stacey Lynn. Class incorporates the principals of Shine Yoga with use of the Biomat which is an FDA approved, warm infrared, amethyst crystal mat. A deeply healing experience allowing you to shine from the inside out. Integrative Healing Center, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 10:30am12pm. A morning group for women who have a genetic mutation for breast cancer (BRCA+). Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

Community-Open Level Yoga – 11:30am12:30pm. Donation. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Inspired & Empowered Living Radio Show – 6pm. Learn how you can be inspired and empowered in your daily life. Join Nanci Deutsch and her accomplished guests as they coach, educate and motivate you. On W4HC, Facebook: InspiredAndEmpoweredLivingRadioShow. Mother & Daughter Yoga – 6-7pm. Ages 9 and up. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Kundalini Yoga – 6:45-8:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Weight Loss Seminar – 7:15pm. With Dr. Michael Berlin. Learn about a cutting-edge weight loss program that will specifically show you how to lose weight and keep it off for life. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register: 516-822-8499.

Wednesday Free Energy Healing For Chemo/Radiation Patients – By appt only. 2nd Wed. Kiyra Artisse, Master Energy Healer, offers free energy healing to cancer patients, currently going through chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Success & Harmony, Merrick. Space limited; for appt: 516-945-0919. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 10:30am12pm. For women with metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077. Pre/Post Natal Yoga – 11am-12:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-9449642. Reiki Circle & Meditation – 12-1pm. $20/dropin. Healing Studio at Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. To register: 516-509-5630. Bodhi Meditation Class – 1-2:30pm. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Free. Freeport Recreation Center, 130 E Merrick Rd, Freeport. Nan: 516-442-7408.

Pilates Mat Class – 6pm. Beginner/Intermediate Mat Class that will strengthen and lengthen your body. Change your body with the right kind of workout and feel great doing it. $25-$30. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. To reserve a spot 516-792-0868 or Shine Healing/Meditation – 6:30-7:30pm. No prior experience with yoga or meditation required. When the mind is full of noise, and needs to empty, you need not look further than yourself, stillness is within you, simply one breath at a time. NEED LOCATION! Clairvoyant Development Series, Level 1 – 6:308pm. Tori Quisling, M.Ed, graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and featured expert in the New York Daily News, will train on using own psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience). By the end of 8 wks, students will meditate, have awareness of psychic abilities and perform a reading. Workbook/ CD. Customized programs also available. $125/ class; $975/8-wk course. 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. Holistic Moms Network: South Shore Long Island Chapter – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Wed. Likeminded community focusing on mindful parenting and natural health. Free. CSTL – Tanglewood, 1 Tanglewood Rd, Rockville Centre. 516-924-1168. Prenatal Yoga – 7:15pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Women in Mid-Life Discussion & Support Group – 11:15am-12:15pm. Join other women to talk about this exciting but complex developmental stage in life. Support and discuss issues around menopause, life changes, relationships, sexuality in mid-life, finding a new passion and more. Group runs in 10 session segments. $200/10 sessions. Linda Rose, LCSW, 708 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Head. 516-671-7786. New & Potential Patient Workshop – 8-9:30pm. Learn all about Network Care’s extraordinarily gentle method that combines light-touch neurological and energy work to help to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions, and traumas from your spine and nerves. With Dr. Michael Berlin. Free. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499.


Kids Yoga – 5pm. Ages 5-8. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642.

Healthy Happy Hour – 4th Thurs. We are raffling off a wellness party for you and your friends each month. Integrative Health Center & Spa, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. RSVP: 516-676-0200.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 5:30-7pm. An evening group for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

Shine Yogaroma – 10:30-11:45am. For all levels. Each week a Young Living essential oil is chosen for exploration. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to promote healing. Integrative Healing Center, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200.

natural awakenings

August 2014



Teach others how to live a healthy lifestyle by advertising your products and services in Natural Awakenings’ September Caregiving and Yoga Edition

Yoga for the Soul – 11am-12:15pm. Yoga for the Soul is a meditation journey with some gentle yoga and movements and pranayama (breathwork) to prepare the body to sit for guided meditations. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 1-2:30pm. A daytime group for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

Develop Your Intuition Workshop – 7-8:30pm. 1st Fri. With Tori Quisling. An introductory meditation series based on her book: The Clairvoyant Practitioner: A Simple Guide to Developing Your Clairvoyant Abilities. An interactive series in developing your intuition using meditation and clairvoyant techniques to open up your ability to trust what you “see” and “know” about your life and relationships. Practice techniques you can use right away to create positive changes in your life. $35. Yoga Life, 939 Port Washington Blvd, Port Washington. 516-423-1794.

YogArt – 4:30-5:30pm. Class allows kids to express themselves through the practice of yoga and creating art. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.


Gluten-Free Lecture – 12-1pm. 3rd Thurs. Recommended donation $20. Integrative Healing Center & Spa, 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington. 516-676-0200.

Yin Yoga – 6pm. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Meditation – 8:15-9:15pm. Join Jessica Saraswati for a peaceful meditation session, followed by an enlightening satsang. Beginners welcomed and encouraged. 1st class free; $10. Break The Norms at A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga Shala, 560 Main St, Studio 3, Islip. Info: 516-938-9600.


Cancer Support Group – 9-11am. Call for specific dates. 6-wk program designed to empower women with knowledge while on their journey to kicking cancer’s ass. $480. Drop-in complimentary class last week of each month 9-10am. Must reserve spot. Integrative Healing Center & Spa, 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington. 516-676-0200. Divorce Seminar – 12:30pm. Last Fri. Free seminar for those individuals who are considering the possibility of divorcing. Get information about divorce mediation and litigation and answers to questions. 626 RXR Plaza, W Tower, 6th Fl, Uniondale. For info & to reserve a seat, Sheree Donath: 516-670-9332 or

To advertise or participate in our next edition, call 58

516-587-6517 Long Island Edition

Prenatal Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.

Pre-Natal Yoga – 9am. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Yin Yoga – 9-10:15am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Family Yoga – 10-10:45am. 1-9 yrs. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Bodhi Meditation – 10-11am. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/ mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Ni Nan Healing Art Center, 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick. 516-442-7408. Meditation – 10:30-11:30am. For beginners or those looking to deepen their practice. Gently guided meditation accompanied by the soothing sounds of our crystal Tibetan singing bowl, designed to awaken your Third Eye. 1st class free; monthly memberships available; $10. Break The Norms, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600.

Employment Seminar – 1:30pm. Last Fri. Free seminar related to employee rights in the workplace. Find out what it means to be an “at will” employee and find out your employment rights. Will answer questions. 626 RXR Plaza, W Tower, 6th Fl, Uniondale. For info & to reserve a seat, Sheree Donath: 516-670-9332 or

Self Esteem Workshop – 11am-12pm. 4-session workshop to help people develop a healthier sense of self. Learn how to challenge your present thoughts and replace unhealthy ones with more positive ones. Workshop utilizes cognitive techniques to challenge thoughts and behaviors. Change your thinking to change your life. $25. Linda Rose, LCSW, 708 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Head. 516-671-7786.

Community Yoga: Donation-Based – 4-5pm. A Vinyasa Flow class that will stretch the body and clear the mind. All donations collected each month go to supporting the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation & Flying Frogs Yoga. Donate what you can. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.

Yoga 101 Workshop – 1:30-3pm. Last Sat. Focuses on the foundational yoga poses, providing individualized, detailed instruction, designed to prepare you to make the most of any yoga class at Om Sweet Om. $20. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642.

communityresourcedirectory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our commmunity. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, visit for guidelines and to submit entries (under “advertise” tab.}

acupuncture Ni Nan Healing Art Center 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick 516-442-7408

Personalized acupuncture, energy healing, Chinese herb and Bodhi meditation are all available and Ni Nan Healing Art Center in Merrick. Acupuncture for all needs including, stomach upset, acupuncture facial, fertility, pain and more. See ad on page 29.


cleaning services All Clean Long Island Inc Michelle Spadafina Massapequa Park Nassau & Suffolk County 516-987-8388

All Clean Long Island provides cleaning services for your home and office. Using only a holistic system of organic, pet- and human-friendly products, we provide an efficient service for all your cleaning needs. Customizing every job for the specific needs of our customers is important to us in order to guarantee that every job is performed to your satisfaction. See ad on page 24.

Karen Flyer Office: 516-484-4993, Fax: 516-484-4885 COPE is a grief and healing organization dedicated to helping parents and families living with the loss of a child. COPE offers support groups for parents and siblings, alternative healing therapies, and a grief hotline. COPE also offers a free weekend bereavement camp for children ages 6-17 dealing with a major loss. For more information, please contact Karen Flyer at See ad on page 31.

CENTER For THE ALIGNMENT OF BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Dr. Gina Marino • Wantagh 516-221-3500 • Dr. Marino utilizes a combination of gentle chiropractic spinal adjustments, Reiki and bodywork to reduce pain, lessen the effects of stress on your system, restore flexibility and ensure optimum vitality. See ad on page 47.


309 Madison St, Ste 4, Westbury 516-640-5322 • Private, safe, comfortable. Lose weight, gain energy, improve skin and sleep, and help reduce the risk of disease. Spa-like atmosphere. Feel completely relaxed. Pre-Post cleanse nutrients provided. See ad on page 17.


641 B Old Country Rd, Plainview 516-822-8499 Our office helps people heal their bodies and their lives by doing light pressure points that blend advanced neurological, energy work, and life skills coaching to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions, and traumas from the body and mind naturally. See ad on page 15.

Experience the transformative power of Reconnective Healing to achieve improved physical, emotional and mental health. Beyond any energy healing technique you have ever encountered, Reconnective Healing is a powerful, hands-off process that accesses a comprehensive spectrum of energy, light, and information credited with bringing about a state of restored balance and wellness. Reconnect Long Island was established by practitioners Rob and Anessa Koenig to bring this important work to the East End. Your time for healing is now, schedule your appointment today. See ad on page 33.

holistic dentistry

A practice that cares for you like family. The philosophy of our dental wellness center is a wholebody approach working closely with your healthcare practitioners that you already have a relationship with. The practice incorporates the teaching of Huggins, IOAMT, and much more. See ad on page 17.

long island center for healthier dentistry

260 E Main St, Ste 109, Smithtown 631-361-3577 •

Dr. Esther Jimenez, DC 180 N Long Beach Rd, Rockville Center 516-868-8100 Brain Synergy integrates a holistic, drug-free, effective, non-invasive approach that evaluates and balances the many neurological and metabolic imbalances that either cause or worsen disorders including ADD/ADHD, autism, stress disorders, migraines, sleeping difficulties and more. See ad on page 39.

pollack wellness center

66 Commack Rd, Ste 204, Commack 631-462-0801 •


Rob & Anessa Koenig Hurricane Chiropractic Office 1 Montauk Hwy, Westhampton 631-338-9400

444 Community Dr, Ste 204, Manhasset 516-627-8400 •





colon hydrotherapy



Dr. Pollack specializes in the practice of physical rehabilitation, herbal and nutritional medicine, and stress and weight management including non-invasive liposuction. He has extensive experience in healing digestive disorders (reflux, bowel issues, colitis, loose stools, etc.), joint and muscle pain, headaches, and many other common health concerns. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach optimal health and avoid the “sick-care” system. See ads on pages 15 & 51.

Dr. Shvartsman provides state-ofthe-art dental care with a commitment to patient comfort. He utilizes mercury- and heavy metal-free tooth conserving, minimally invasive restorative techniques as well as a Biomimetic Dental approach. Dentistry for holistic-minded patients is our focus. See ad on page 9.

NORTH SHORE COSMETIC & IMPLANT DENTISTRY Dr. Jonathan Richter 310 E Shore Rd, Great Neck 516-282-0310

We welcome you to come in for a comprehensive exam of teeth, gums, early detection, and oral health problems. We offer the following services: holistic dental care, mercury-free dentistry, TMJ disorder and treatment, treatment for sleep disorders, Invisalign and orthodontics, dental implant, sleep apnea. Payment plans available. See ad on back cover.

natural awakenings

August 2014


holistic health coach HEALTHY LIVING BY DENISE

516-241-7968 Certified health coach specializing in helping women reduce cravings, increase energy levels, improve sleep and more. Individual health coaching, group workshops and corporate wellness programs available. Together, we will explore your specific concerns and discover the solutions needed for a lifetime of balance.

holistic wellness center PURE AND SIMPLE HEALTH

128 N Long Beach Rd Rockville Centre 516-203-7442

“Wellness Made Easy” is our motto at Pure and Simple Health. The 3 reasons we lose our health are: we have too much of what our body doesn’t want (bacteria, yeast, etc.); we don’t have enough of what it needs (vitamins, minerals, etc.); and stress (physical, emotional or environmental). We help you detoxify and clean your system, nourish your body, and help you better adapt to stress, so you can experience gains in health that are dramatic and sustainable. See ad on page 11.

medical wellness center integrative healing center & spa 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington 516-676-0200

Specializing in detoxification and preventative health care. We are fully present in your visit so you feel safe, appreciated and heard All of our practitioners are I-ACT certified therapists. Only the best FDA-cleared Libby devices are utilized for our clients. The colon is the key to health. See ad on page 23.


Nassau & Suffolk Locations 866-239-5445 • Personalized care through pregnancy, water birth, natural birth, well-woman gynecology, family planning. Many insurance plans accepted. See ad on page 22.


1602 Lakeland Ave Bohemia 877-861-3662 Indoor Environmental Wellness™. We are the people that improve the air that you breathe, the water you drink, bathe, and cook with, and the surfaces you touch. See ad on page 19.



Cory Rosenbaum is an expert at all forms of mediation and legal affairs. After resolving his own divorce mediating, without any litigation, he was able to find peace for himself, his ex-wife and most importantly his child. Cory wants to help others struggling with divorce proceedings utilizing a mediation process based on his existing expansive knowledge of divorce law in New York State. See ad on page 25.

OPEN CIRCLE HOLISTIC WELLNESS 8 Davison Plaza East Rockaway/Lynbrook 516-406-3005

Holistic wellness focusing on detoxification of body mind and spirit. Offers Cavi-Lipo (non-surgical liposuction) far-infrared sauna, foot detox, meditation instruction and intuitive counseling.

pollack wellness center

66 Commack Rd, Ste 204, Commack 631-462-0801 • Dr. Pollack specializes in the practice of physical rehabilitation, herbal and nutritional medicine, and stress and weight management including non-invasive liposuction. He has extensive experience in healing digestive disorders (reflux, bowel issues, colitis, loose stools, etc.), joint and muscle pain, headaches, and many other common health concerns. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach optimal health and avoid the “sick-care” system. See ads on pages 15 & 51.

ozone therapy naturopathic



indoor environmental wellness

NON-surgical liposuction

11 Stewart Ave, Huntington 631-421-1848 •

Helping each patient realize their greatest health potential using the least disruptive recommendations possible to stimulate the innate ability of the body to heal itself. Inner Source Natural Health is staffed by the Naturopathic Doctors/Acupuncturists. As seen on the Dr. Oz show. See ad on page 5.

The Healing Center 200 W 57th St, Ste 807 New York 212-581-0101 If you have a disease or condition that you haven’t been able to get rid of, Ozone Therapy will most likely be the answer, even for people that have suffered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioning if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr. Robins. See ad on page 63.

psychic finker wellness

Bellmore 516-765-3272 • Utilizing Naturopathic Medicine to help her patients feel better naturally. Many illnesses can be treated by nutrition, botanicals, and nutraceuticals. Dr. Finker provides personalized health care solutions for her patients. See ad on page 23.


516-423-1794 • Tori Quisling, MEd, offers Clairvoyant Readings, Psychic Development classes. Over 20 years experience, training at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Tori assists you in deep spiritual answers, past lives, relationships and energy balance. See ad on page 7.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. ~Benjamin Franklin


Long Island Edition


Anita: Clairvoyant, Empathic, Tarot Channeling Spiritual Guides & Angels 615-947-7363 You cannot walk out into the darkness without the existence of light. When hope and faith are restored by the message, you feel reborn, refreshed and renewed.

psychotherapy LINDA ROSE, LCSW

Williston Park/Glen Head Locations 516-671-7786 Individual, couple and group sessions. Services offered include; arousal difficulties, erectile dysfunction, low libido, orgasm difficulties, premature ejaculation and infidelity. See ad on page 47.

reiki/energy healing OPEN CIRCLE HOLISTIC WELLNESS 8 Davison Plaza East Rockaway/Lynbrook 516-406-3005

Intuitive counseling, Reiki/energetic healing, meditation instruction. Tina Martinez has a long history as a meditator and a healer (29 years). Each session is completely unique to the individual and is supported with the highest and purest intentions.

retreat centers




Cherry Grove, Fire Island 631-597-3080

Day or overnight retreats. Individuals or small groups welcome. Retreats can be directed by Patricia (Reiki Master, C.C. Hypnotist, post-graduate degrees, spirituality) or can be self-guided retreats. Engage the heart, inspire the intellect and strengthen the soul. Call to find out more.

27 Merrick Ave, Merrick offers multiple transformation coaching and energy healing including Reiki energy classes and healing, and Transformation, Vortex healing and Karuna Reiki.

Tell them you saw their ad in Shop Local. Buy American. Start a Trend.

See ad on inside front cover.



absolute yoga

1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury 516-682-YOGA

PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL OF LONG ISLAND 1425 Merrick Ave, Merrick 516-868-6835 •

K-8 private school. Morning yoga, meditation, healthy and vegetarian eating. Individualized reading, writing, math. Volunteering and service; earning by doing. Rich in culture and diversity. Reasonable tuition. See ad on page 41.


Two beautiful peaceful studios provide the perfect environment for the union of body and soul. 50+ classes per week in a variety of yoga styles and levels from beginner to energetic, strengthening warm vinyasa yoga. We also offer kids, pre and post-natal yoga (yogi baby), restorative yoga, yoga for fertility, Pilates and barre. See ad on page 54.

225 Cambridge Ave Garden City 516-742-3434


Nursery through grade 12 private school. An innovative and holistic approach to educate and nurture with compassion, to balance towards wholeness, to challenge toward excellence and achievement. Our methods of teaching reflect an understanding of the growing child and acknowledge the spiritual origins of humanity. See ad on page 27.


Michel A. Selmer, DVM 260 Evergreen Ave South Huntington 631-367-7387


361b Atlantic Ave, Freeport 516-632-9626 Family yoga studio specializing in vinyasa yoga, prenatal, restorative, kids’ yoga, mommy & me, private/semi-private, kids’ parties and workshops. Special donation-based community yoga classes offered Fridays at 4pm. Open 7 days a week offering a full range of classes in two studios and private changing/nursing area. Come feel the Flow. See ad on page 53.

Neil Raff, MD 160-40 78th Rd, Fresh Meadows (Queens) 718-544-1444


Your own stem cells may be used as the cutting-edge treatment for neuro-logical and autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular, stroke, spinal cord injuries, orthopedic ailments and more. In a few hour, in-office procedure, your own stem cells are collected, concentrated and injected into the areas of damage, stimulating the body’s natural repair. There is no danger of tissue rejection or allergic reaction. Call for a 15-minute free consult. See ad on page 29.

12 Irma Ave, Port Washington 516-944-9642

Be embraced by the warmth of community and be celebrated for who you truly are. Your home away from home, your refuge in a busy life. Here, your body is strengthened and soothed while your spirit is nurtured. See ad on page 54.

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. ~Walt Disney

natural awakenings

August 2014


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