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I contact us Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Kelly McGrath Martinsen Editor Sara Gurgen National Editors Linda Sechrist Alison Chabonais Contributing Writers Gina Marie Cronin Catherine Driscoll Julianne Hale Design & Production Erika Northman Cover Selection: DNR Martinsen Advertising Sales Kelly McGrath Martinsen Diana Turr To contact Natural Awakenings Long Island Edition: P.O. Box 1104 Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 516-587-6517 Fax: 516-953-3475 © 2014 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

hate Valentine’s Day! Reading that sentiment, you may conclude I’ve never been in love, I’m going through a relationship shift or I’m just a miserable person; however, you’d be wrong. I’m actually married to a man I love a good 98 percent of the time (the remaining 2 percent, I’m busy deciding where to hide the body ). But, hey, life, even a blessed one, is anything but perfect. My strong negative feeling toward Valentine’s Day has to do with the fact that it pretends life, or, more accurately, love is “perfect.” It’s a day that reminds us of our firsts. First date, first kiss, first apartment, first trip, first child. Sure, the first kiss is great (hopefully the first child, too)! Everyone knows that, but why is it great? Because it’s new! Being new it has the wonderful added energy of anticipation. However, that’s not love; that’s an endorphin high. Waking up and kissing each other when you’re 98 years old—that’s love! That takes work, not flowers, not candy (although sometimes it is flowers and candy, but not on a scheduled day). True love is watching someone floss their teeth and minutes later becoming intimate. It’s doing that over and over and over. Trust me, and I say this with all respect to my husband, but saying the first “I love you” is a lot easier BEFORE you’ve shared a bathroom. Real love often means putting up with each other’s crappy (no pun intended) behavior and forgiving each other often multiple times. Love is finding each other again and again and again. And when you are angry or, worse, find yourself becoming indifferent to the person you are with, love is the energy that makes you go deeper and share an even more profound level of yourself that the person you are with hasn’t even ever seen. In the novel The Husband’s Secret, Liane Moriarty writes of a couple that is struggling with a choice: “They could fall in love with fresh, new people, or they could have the courage and humility to tear off some essential layer of themselves and reveal to each other a whole new level of otherness, a level far beyond what sort of music they each liked.” Wow! Stripping down layers of yourself, revealing a new level of “otherness,” and falling in love with a different aspect of the same person year after year. That is probably what St. Valentine had in mind. That would take humility, courage, patience—and it’s a risk! Yes, to show someone a new part of you is a risk! Flowers, chocolate and candy—to me that’s just a whole lot of disappointment and fat calories. This month’s issue is filled with articles teeming with inspiring information on important topics, including “Home Safe Home,” “Rethinking Heart Health” and even “Love Magnet,” specifically tailored for the reader that can’t seem to find that person with whom a lifetime commitment seems promising. Perhaps these articles may offer some inspiration. If not, then at least this month’s edition features an article that espouses the health benefits of chocolate. And, hey, if chocolate is now a health food, then maybe Valentine’s Day isn’t so horrible after all !

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Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


Long Island Edition

contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue, readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.



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48 CYCLES OF SPIN Returning to its Heart-Healthy Origins by Janet Osen


How to Keep Little Hearts Humming by Dr. Shawn Messonnier

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newsbriefs Be Part of the Future of Health Care


ellness and holistic health are the future of health care. New York College of Health Professions, a leader in holistic health education for more than 30 years, offers accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the fast-growing fields of massage therapy, acupuncture and Oriental medicine, and certification in holistic nursing for RNs. New York College of Health Professions is the only non-profit, private institutionally accredited college of its kind in the New York metropolitan area. “Even if you have a busy life or have been out of school for a while, New York College makes it easy for you to go back,” says Barbara Carver, senior vice president. The campus is in Syosset, Long Island, and there are three additional locations in Manhattan (on the Upper West Side, in midtown, and downtown in the SoHo/LES area). Students can attend classes in multiple locations and all are easily reached by public transportation. The College features flexible day, evening and weekend, full-time or part-time schedules and financial aid and scholarships to those qualified, which can pay for tuition and living expenses while enrolled. There are also special rebates for transfer students, veterans’ benefits, and foreign students are welcome. The faculty is comprised of many doctoral-level instructors, as well as experienced licensed practitioners. At New York College, you can earn an accredited associate degree and become a licensed massage therapist in as little as two years. Or you can enter the dually accredited master’s degree programs in acupuncture or Oriental medicine and practice the arts of Traditional Chinese Medicine that have been around for more than 5,000 years. New York State has just approved doctoral programs for acupuncture and Oriental medicine, and New York College will be applying to offer these degrees in the near future. New York College licensing pass rates are among the highest in both massage therapy and acupuncture. Many of our dedicated students are going back to school to change their lives by entering these rewarding careers. As a licensed health care professional, you will have the training and knowledge that will be of value to you and your patients. New York College has an excellent job placement rate; our graduates have gone on to open their own businesses, or work with spas, wellness centers, medical offices, hospitals, resorts and sports teams. Learn more at an upcoming open house at any of our four convenient locations. The schedule and addresses are on our website. New York College is currently enrolling for February, May and September classes. For more information, call 1-800-922-7337, ext. 351, or visit See ad on page 7.

Complimentary Dinner with the Doc


oin Dr. Ray Omid as he hosts a complimentary dinner for you and four guests. While dinner is being prepared, he will be speaking about the three components to a 100-year lifestyle, how to regain life and vitality, how to have more energy and less stress, and how to prevent medical debt and protect your number one asset. If you are looking to build your health, prevent disease, reduce and eliminate medication, and/or find the cause of your health concerns, you definitely Dr. Ray Omid want to attend this event. A three-course dinner will be served. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. sharp (no one allowed in after 6:45 p.m.). Dinner will be held at Umberto’s Italian Restaurant (633 Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park) on two evenings, Monday, February 3, and Monday, March 10. Source: Dr. Ray Omid. Omid is a chiropractor, known as “Dr. Ray,” who offers a weight-loss program called Lighten Up Jericho. Seating is limited and reserved for adults 18 and over. You must RSVP no later than one week prior to the event by calling Bessi Dion at 917-747-2795. See ad on page 5.

Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein


Long Island Edition

Probiotics in Dentistry D Dr. Alex Shvartsman


ental antibiotics are vital in treating infections that your body cannot cope with. While there are a number of herbal and natural antibiotics, when it comes to an acute, lifethreatening dental infection, it is necessary to take conventional antibiotics. Death from tooth infections were common in the pre-antibiotic era. Even today people die from untreated tooth infections. Unfortunately, dental antibiotics are broad-spectrum antibiotics, which kill not only the bad, but the good, symbiotic bacteria that are vital for our health.

Probiotics can help to re-establish your good bacteria gut flora and reduce diarrhea and opportunistic yeast infections when taking antibiotics. Eating foods rich in natural probiotics (live cultures), such as yogurt and unpasteurized fermented vegetables, is a good eating habit. All traditional cultures consume fermented foods. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms found everywhere on Earth—in
water, soil, plants, and in most parts of your body. In fact, bacteria outnumber the actual cells in your body by about 10 to 1. Your skin and digestive system alone host about 2,000 different kinds of bacteria. Symbiotic gut bacteria play a critical role in nutrition and your immune system. Without them, your body would not be able to absorb vital nutrients or
carry out its regular maintenance functions. It is estimated that 80 percent of your immune function resides in the wall of the intestines. It also secretes an antibody that fights infection. Your immune system is critically dependent
upon good bacteria (probiotics) to keep the bowel wall healthy, to produce B vitamins, folate and vitamin K, break down your food, reduce food allergies, and fight off yeast and other opportunistic invaders of the gut. They also nourish cells on your intestine by converting unabsorbed sugars into specific types of
fatty acids that your cells use for energy. In addition, the probiotic micro flora (symbiotic bacteria) produce enzymes and proteins that can kill or inhibit harm-

ful bacteria. By crowding out the “bad” bacteria, natural gut bacteria give them no space to grab onto. By definition, probiotics are living organisms. To make sure that the organisms in a product are still useful, look for probiotic products that are viable “through end of shelf life” rather than “at time of manufacture.” It is important to make sure that the label on probiotic foods and supplements indicate that they contain “live active culture.” Most probiotics will include the two major strains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. However, the best probiotic supplements contain a wide variety of bacterial strains since different bacteria live in different areas of the digestive and intestinal tract. When taking antibiotics, I recommend doubling the dose during and two weeks after antibiotic use. Then continuing for at least three months, as it takes time for the gut micro flora to change. I also advise supplementing with fermented foods at least on a bi-weekly basis.

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February 2014


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Long Island Edition

newsbriefs The Center for Ionic Detox Is Celebrating Couples this February


he Center for Ionic Detox wants to celebrate couples as well as intimacy this season. It is offering the following specials: 10 percent off any waxing, including Brazilian waxing; couples’ detox, $75 (must book together); facials, special $75; and couples’ ear candling, $75 (must book together). Location: 2324 Merrick Rd., Merrick. For more information, call 516-415-7970 or visit See ad on page 11.

New Member Welcomed to the Non Toxic Divorce Team


ory Rosenbaum, Esq., of Non Toxic Divorce, is thrilled to introduce the newest addition to his firm, Sheree Donath. For more than 10 years, Donath’s practice concentration has been in assisting employees in negotiating and navigating all aspects of their employment relation. Donath has vast experience with drafting, negotiating, reviewing and modifying employment documents, including withSheree Donath out limitation, employment agreements, offer letters, non-compete agreements, severance packages, and retention agreements. Donath has counseled employees on how to handle all employment-related concerns, including, among others, responding to performance improvement plans, filing an internal complaint, participating in internal and external investigations, corporate whistleblower actions, review and response to code of conduct, employee handbooks, corporate plans and policies. Aside from assisting employees in their employment relation, Donath has experience in assisting individuals in making a life transition. Specifically, Donath has chosen to also focus her skills on mediating divorces and practicing matrimonial law. Donath believes that the two areas of practice are closely related as they involve many of the same concerns: timing, health care, pension, stocks and the effect the transition will have on the individual(s) and close family members. Donath’s practice requires her to be caring and compassionate. She understands that her clients are all going through an emotionally trying time, and she is available to assist them, hold their hand and counsel them through the process. Areas of practice: divorce mediation, contested and uncontested divorces, employment negotiation, employment mediation, executive compensation, retaliation, discrimination, performance improvement plans, workplace hostility and bullying, overtime claims, FMLA, COBRA, voluntary and involuntary resignation and severance. Source: Cory J. Rosenbaum, P.C., a professional corporation for the practice of injury, employment and matrimonial law. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 212-732-7922 (NYC office) or 516-670-9332 (Uniondale office), or visit, and See ad on page 29.

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February 2014


W o r k s To t h in g get y r he e v E r

newsbriefs Febuary 9 Is Darwin Day on Long Island




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Darwin Day event on ! February 9 and a film series on sustainable living. Darwin Day, a global celebration of science and reason commemorating the birth of Charles will Feb. be marked at the to EthiDarwin Day:Darwin, Sunday, 9, 11:00 4:00 cal Humanist Society of Long Island, in Garden City, on Sunday, February 9, at 11 A Free Event Celebrating Science a.m., as the Ethical Humanist Society and Locally Long Island launch a 10-week Dinner & a Movie series on topics of sustainable living. Speaker: Dr. Victor Schuster, Darwin Day includes programs for adults and children, withofbabysitting and Vice-Dean, Albert Einstein College Medicine children’s activities provided throughout"Climate the day Change and lunch available for sale. This and Your Health" year’s event highlights the impact of climate Movie change on our health and the urgent Series Launch at 1:30 call to action needed to stop the destruction of the"In Earth. From Transition 1.0" 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., Dr. Victor Schuster, vice-dean ofSpeaker: the Albert Einstein School Medicine, Melissa Boo, Locally of Long Island will speak about Climate Change and Your Health. Kids' science activities and free babysitting available all day Darwin Day continues at 1:30 p.m. with the movie In Transition 1.0, a solutions-based film that describes successful sustainable communities around the world. Melissa Boo, of Locally Long Island, will discuss ways Long Islanders can Dinner & Movie Series bring sustainability into their homes Thursday and communities. 13 to April 17, both 2014, babysitting 6:30 p.m. Darwin Day is a free event; donationsFeb. requested and and A Networking Event Connecting Global Issues to Long Island Solutions science-based activities for children will be available. Kids’ activities in the past Movie + Vegan Soup Supper provided by Sweet to Lick Bakery included extracting DNA from a$15 strawberry. donation ($12 for students and 55+; multi-night discount available) Films on sustainable living continue with the Dinner & a Movie series, showEach film followed by speaker & discussion. ing on Thursday evenings, from February 13 through April 17 (Earth Day), at 6:30 For full movie and speaker listings, go to: p.m. at the Ethical Humanist Society. The first Thursday night film is No Impact Man, a documentary that follows a Manhattan-based family as they abandon their Events held at:try to live a year while making no net high-consumption 5th Avenue lifestyle and The Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island environmental impact. 38 Old Country Road • Garden City, NY 11530 Tickets are $15 per night516-741-7304 ($12 /ticket for• ages 55+ and students with ID). This includes the movie, dinner, a discussion, activity led by a local solutions expert, and a soup dinner provided by Sweet to Lick, of Williston Park, a vegan bakery. Multi-night ticket pricing is available. Tickets may be purchased in person on Darwin Day or by calling 516-7417304, or at the door. Full movie series listings can be found at LocallyLongIsland. com/winter-movie-series. Location: 38 Old Country Rd., Garden City. For more information and for sponsorship opportunities, call 516-741-7304 or visit See ad on page 25.


is proud to sponsor


Day: Sunday, Feb. 9, 11:00 to 4:00 For moreDarwin information visit A Free Event Celebrating Science


Long Island Edition

Speaker: Dr. Victor Schuster, Vice-Dean, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

"Climate Change and Your Health"

Online Radio Emphasizes Role of Natural Health Care A special Rethinking Health Matters online radio show, hosted by Natural Awakenings National Editor Linda Sechrist from 3 to 4:30 p.m. EST, February 7, will highlight the importance of independent media in informing the public about natural healthcare options. Guests will include several Natural Awakenings publishers and Scott Tips, president of Natural Linda Sechrist Health Federation, an international educational nonprofit that protects access to healthy food and supplements and alternative therapies without government restrictions. Additional guests are Joanne Quinn, Ph.D., executive director of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, which collects clinical data to advance nontoxic, cost-effective therapies, plus international research consultant Ferdinando Pisani Massamormile. Also participating are Dr. James Forleo, author of Health Is Simple, Disease Is Complicated; Dr. Constance Casebolt, owner of South Carolina’s Greenville Functional Medicine; and Sayer Ji, founder of, the world’s foremost open-access, natural medicine database. To listen, visit Rethinking Health Matters at greenmedradio.

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natural awakenings

February 2014


newsbriefs Waldorf School— Building Bridges with China


n Wednesday, December 4, the Waldorf School of Garden City welcomed 40 Chinese educators. The delegation, made up primarily of principals and other senior administrators as well as the deputy secretary general of the Beijing Association of Private Education, visited the Waldorf School of Garden City in order to seek potential collaborations with American schools. “During their trip to the United States, their goal was to ‘build a bridge,’” says Waldorf School of Garden City’s Executive Director of Admissions Dr. Chris Bleecker. “They visited our school and only one other school. Eventually, the delegates hope to send Chinese students to attend summer and winter camps in the United States—as well as develop other international programs.” As part of their visit, the group attended a presentation about the school’s history as well as the school’s approach to education. They also visited numerous classes and saw a special performance of the 12th grade gumboot dance. “At the end of their visit, an official from each Chinese school presented a gift to our school,” says Bleeker. “Those gifts are now on display in the main entrance lobby.” Source: The Waldorf School, 225 Cambridge Ave., Garden City. For more information, call 516-742-3434, ext. 301, or visit See ad on page 37.

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Long Island Edition

Essential Oils— Nature’s Aromatic Pharmacy


n February, 9, at 7 p.m., the Center for the Alignment of Body, Mind and Spirit, in Wantagh, is hosting a free lecture on the use of essential oils. Essential oils have been used therapeutically for thousands of years, but modern times seem to have forgotten the power of these ancient medicines of the Earth. These concentrated aromatic compounds, which are distilled or cold pressed from plants, trees, shrubs, roots, seeds and flowers, are most commonly known to people by the term “aromatherapy”. Because of the pleasing scents of essential oils, most people assume that their value is one of charm or fragrance, which is a mistake. They are so much more than that. Body-care products and consumer products, such as candles, room sprays and cleaning agents, very rarely contain genuine essential oils. Most manufacturers of these products typically use lab-created imitations that have no therapeutic effect. Essential oils have a chemical structure that is similar to that found in human cells and tissues, enabling them to be readily identified and accepted by the body. They also have the unique ability to penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout the blood and tissue. What does all this mean for us as human beings? Well, we have the capacity of taking better care of our health without polluting ourselves and our environment with toxic chemicals. It means fewer reactions to stressors in our lives, more relaxed sleep, elimination of pain, better digestion, increased energy, and improved focus and concentration. Come and find out how essential oils can provide you and your family with a safe way to be more energized and healthy. Seating is limited, so please call 516-395-0966 to reserve your seat. Location: 2050 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh. For more information, call 516-221-3500 or visit See ad on page 44.

kudos WGCU Public Media has recognized Natural Awakenings founder Sharon Bruckman as one of its 14 exceptional women for 2014 Makers: Women Who Make Southwest Florida. The Sharon Bruckman, award coincides CEO/Publisher with the magazine’s celebration of 20 Years in Publication, a milestone recognized nationwide.

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natural awakenings

February 2014



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inspired living JULY

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Long Island Edition

Cholesterol, Thyroid, Libido ...


ver the years, I noticed many of my patients with high cholesterol also would comment on declining libido. While, to many, the connection seemed to be the medications they were often taking for cholesterol or blood pressure, cholesterol itself is actually the backbone to our hormones, including the ones for reproduction. The estrogens, testosterone, progesterone and many more hormones are actually created from cholesterol. In my practice, I try to look for true answers—causes. This battle began in childhood, as my father suffered several heart attacks over the years. I never did understand why the medication and what seemed like a reasonable diet recommended by his doctors never prevented the attacks. Dr. David Pollack, DC This personal interest helped me find the understanding behind cholesterol and that it is not by any means a “bad” compound. Its elevation is only a sign that certain functions of the body are not working or rather not converting the cholesterol into the compounds the body is actually in need of. Besides the reproductive/libido hormones, cholesterol also converts to cortisol (blood sugar, immunity and weight), aldosterone (blood pressure and electrolytes balance), DHEA (anti-aging) and many others. An interesting thing happens when the hormones I mentioned begin to leave homeostasis: Other systems of the body try to take up the slack. Often that job is performed by the thyroid. The thyroid controls metabolism and thus weight. In computers it would be called clock speed. Actually, whenever any hormone of the body leaves its normal level, all hormone systems of the body have to react and shift in order to accommodate. It’s no wonder that high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, low immunity, thyroid problems, poor libido, anxiety/ depression, poor sleep and many other symptoms often happen at the same time. They are really all the same problem. We should address causes when we approach our health, not the symptoms. Source: Dr. David Pollack. Location: Pollack Wellness Institute (formerly Creating Wellness Center) is located at 66 Commack Rd., Commack. For more information, call 631-462-0801 or visit See ads on pages 13 and 43.

A Different Breathalyzer Test for Heart Failure


imply blowing up a balloon may help doctors test heart function, according to a new study from the Cleveland Clinic. Although such examinations usually require expensive and sometimes invasive procedures, the new test can be done in a doctor’s office in 30 seconds, according to the research findings published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The patient simply breathes into a Mylar balloon, similar to a party version, and the air is passed through a machine to produce an individual “breathprint”. Researchers determined that exhaled breath contains volatile organic compounds that can be easily analyzed to determine potential heart failure.

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FDA Moves to Ban Trans Fats


eart-clogging trans fatty acids may soon be a thing of the past. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken the first step to remove trans fats from its GRAS (generally recognized as safe) list, effectively banning their use in food products. Trans fats, also known as hydrogenated vegetable oils, can be found in many processed foods, including baked goods, microwave popcorn, peanut butter, frozen pizza, margarine and coffee creamers. Created by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to turn them into a solid form, trans fats have been used to improve the texture, shelf life or flavor of foods. For more than a decade, numerous scientific studies have documented that trans fats raise dangerous LDL cholesterol and lower good HDL cholesterol. The FDA’s proposed ban would require the food industry to gradually phase out all trans fats, likely over several months or years, noting their threat to health. Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said the move could prevent 20,000 heart attacks a year and 7,000 deaths. Many food manufacturers have already phased out trans fats since new nutrition labeling requirements were introduced by the FDA in 2006; plus an increasing number of local laws have banned them.

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natural awakenings

February 2014



Mouthwash—Is Your Mouth Really “Clean”?


f you’ve ever wondered what makes holistic dentistry unique, and perhaps more pure, you would be surprised to learn it is not just the procedures—including bacteria tests and dental amalgam removal—but product recommendations. Toothpaste, mouthwash and other commercially Dr. Linda J. Golden, DDS available products, which are recommended by your local dentist and constitute a billion dollar industry, actually have holistic equivalents. A good example are commercial mouthwashes, some of which contain harsh detergents, such as cocamidopropyl betaine. Listerine contains a slightly milder detergent, Poloxamer 407, but its unique qualities—being soluble in liquids at low temperature, but turning into a gel at higher temperatures (i.e. body temperature)—makes it a film former, keeping other toxic ingredients on the surface of the mouth for longer. Mouthwashes also commonly contain fluoride, a systemic poison, as well as sorbitol and, more worryingly, saccharin, which has been found to cause bladder cancer in animals. Finally, there are synthetic colors, aromas and flavorings. These chemicals can alter the basic flora of the mouth in the same way as alcohol and may cause dermatitis around the mouth. There are other products that holistic dentists are aware of and can recommend that offer the same results as commercial mouthwashes, such as decreasing bad breath, without the introduction of harsh chemicals; even better, speak with your holistic dentist about using a water pick and other dental hygiene measures to make mouthwash unnecessary. Source: Golden Dental Wellness. Location: 444 Community Dr., Ste. 204, Manhasset. For more information, call 516-627-8400, email or visit See ad on page 15.

Diabetes—NOT a Disease of Blood Sugar


iabetes is not a disease of blood sugar, but rather a disorder of insulin and leptin signaling, according to research conducted by Dr. Richard Johnson. Diabetes rates for both adults and children are climbing out of control, and one in four Americans either have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Climbing rates of diabetes are due to the presence of massive amounts of fructose in today’s Western diet, mainly through processed foods and soft drinks. Fructose has adverse metabolic effects on leptin, insulin, triglycerides and ghrelin (the “hunger hormone”). Leptin is a hormone produced in the fat cells. One of leptin’s primary roles is regulating appetite and body weight. It tells the brain when to eat, how much to eat, and, most importantly, when to stop eating. Leptin controls insulin secretions and whether or not you become insulin-resistant. When your blood sugar becomes elevated, insulin is released to direct the extra energy into storage, mainly as fat. Therefore, insulin’s major role is not to lower blood sugar, but rather to store the extra energy for future times of need. Insulin’s effect of lowering blood sugar is merely a “side effect” of this energy-storage process. How does fructose adversely affect metabolism? Fructose does not stimulate a rise in leptin, so your satiety signals are suppressed. Your brain senses starvation and prompts you to eat more. Fructose does not suppress ghrelin, like glucose does, making you want more food as well. Diabetes treatments concentrating only on lowering blood sugar do not cure the disease. The only known way to reestablish proper leptin (and insulin) signaling is through proper diet. One of the most important lifestyle changes to implement is eliminating sugar (especially fructose) and grains from your diet. Adopt an alkaline diet rich in natural, raw and whole foods, such as fresh and non-starchy vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, amaranth, millet, omega-3 oils, raw honey, lemon juice and most herbal teas. Source: Dr. Ruben Rafaelov, PharmD, RPh, of Pure & Simple Health. Location: 128 N. Long Beach Rd., Rockville Centre. For more information, call 516-203-7442. See ad on page 3.

Every great inspiration is but an experiment. ~Charles Ives 18

Long Island Edition


Zinc Orchestrates Immune Response Prevention Powers of M Vegetables Fruits and

Creating Lasting Change Creating Lasting Change and Optimal and Optimal Wellness Wellness

Integrated Psychotherapy any have heard that zinc can Integrating Psychotherapy&&Nutrition Nutrition stop a cold in its tracks, and new •Treatment Treatmentof ofdepression depressionand andanxiety anxiety research from Ohio State University tells • Healing self-esteem, addictions & co-dependency Those colorful items that line aisles us why; it turns out the thatproduce zinc gently taps Healing self-esteem, addictions & co-dependency the on grocery immunestore responses, of brakes our local can go slowa •Individual, Individual,couple coupleand andgroup grouptherapy therapy ing them preventing inflamlongdown way toand improve our current •Emotional EmotionalEating Eating•• Lasting Weight Loss mationhealth from spiraling out of control. and prevent future disease, •Brain BrainHealth Health•• Vital Vital Aging Aging The researchers’ with human includingwork protecting the Nutrition: adults, children, • Nutrition: adults, children,families families cells and animals serves skin.found A dietthat richzinc in fresh to balance the fruits immune within andresponse vegetables from MArLA FrIEdMAN PH.D., PH.d.,CN CN MARLA FRIEDMAN the cells so that the consequences of insufficient zinc at the all five color groups can Ph.d. in Psychology Ph.d. in Psychology time of an infection include excessive inflammation. NYS Licensed Clinical Mental help to protectOf theallskin NYS Licensed Clinical Mental the zinc contained in our bodies, only about 10 percent Health Counselor, Clinical against the on- of Health Counselor, it is readily accessible to help fight off an infection, Nutritionist, FellowClinical and Board slaught ofnotes damagCertified in Anti-Aging and Nutritionist, Fellow and Board Daren Knoell, professor of pharmacy and internal medicine ing free radicals Functional Medicine and lead author of the study, published in Cell Reports. Certified in Anti-Aging and that we encounter The research team suggests that proper zinc balance is Functional Medicine on a constant basis from metabolism, sunlight, environmental especially important in battling serious and potentially deadly pollution, cigarette smoke and infection. The antioxidants infections. Zinc deficiency affects about 2 billion people protect our including cells and encourage cell40growth that aid in worldwide, an estimated percent of may the U.S. • creating healthier skin and less lines and wrinkles. 1005 Glen Cove Avenue, Glen Head, NY 11545 elderly. Government recommendations and the latest research 1005 Glen Cove Avenue, Glen Head, NY 11545 suggest that adults should eat between 9 – 13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. If potatoes are removed from the mix, most Americans average about three servings or less a day, which represents a significant gap. There are some simple, creative steps that can help bridge the gap between what the body needs to perform optimally and what the average American consumes. When COLON HYDROTHERAPY perusing the produce aisle, choose something that you Colon haven’t had before and add it to your routine. Try choosing IONIC DETOX FOOTBATH • FIT BODYWRAP Hydrotherapy from all five color groups. Give vegetables a greater imporBIOMAT • INFRARED SAUNA • DETOX CLAY 200–hr, 300–hr &$500-hr tance at meal times and, to fill the gap between what you eat and what you need, a whole food supplement, supported by Yoga Teacher Trainings scientific research, is currently available in capsule or vegan Recognized by Yoga Alliance gummy form. Made from 17 vine-ripened fruits and vegetaFoot Bath bles, certified Kosher, herbicide, pesticide and heavy metal Teaching Methodology s Yoga Philosophy s Meditation or free, these supplements can be an aid in meeting your fruit Pranayama s Anatomy & Physiology s InjurySession Management and vegetable goals. Sauna Human Energy & Chakra System s Ayurveda s Sanskrit $ Source: Marla Friedman, Ph.D., CN, has a private practice Chanting & Mantras s Contact, Hot, Prenatal & Restorative Yoga in Glen Head as well as distance sessions which integrate 309 MADISON ST. • SUITE 4, $ psychotherapy and nutrition to help patients achieve lasting Weekend andNY Intensive Trainings Available WESTBURY, change and optimal wellness. For more information about the 516-640-5322 TO REGISTER Fit Body fruit and vegetable concentrates or Dr. Friedman’s services, call 516-674-3388 or email Wraps Call Robin AppelF1 at 631.235.5307 269 EAST MAIN ST • SUITE See ad on this page. or go online to SMITHTOWN, NY



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Early Warnings of Heart Troubles Differ for Women



omen may worry more about breast cancer, but in reality, heart disease is the top killer of American women, claiming 300,000 lives a year, 7.5 times the number that die of breast cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although heart disease is more often perceived as a men’s issue, since 1984 more women have died of heart disease than men. Part of the reason may be that women’s heart attacks can differ from men’s and the American Heart Association (AHA) warns that women often fail to recognize the symptoms, ranging from torso aches and pains and nausea to anxiety, shortness of breath, dizziness and extreme fatigue. They may experience subtle symptoms for months and write them off as byproducts of menopause, heartburn or effects of aging. The National Institutes of Health states that 43 percent of women that have heart attacks experience no chest pain. The difference between the more subtle signs of a heart attack in women and the more dramatic signs in men may help explain why 75 percent of men, prompted to act quickly, survive a first heart attack, while only 62 percent of women do, according to the AHA. “Research shows that women may not be diagnosed or treated as aggressively as men,” notes the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

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Happy Marriage, Healthier Lives


University of Missouri expert says that people in happy marriages are more likely to rate their health better than their peers as they age. Evidently, engaging with one’s spouse builds a strong relationship that can improve spirits, promote feelings of well-being and lower stress. Analyzing data from 707 continuously married adults that participated in the Marital Instability Over the Life Course panel study, a 20-year nationwide research project begun in 1980, researchers found that married people have better mental and physical health and are less likely to develop chronic conditions than their unmarried, widowed or divorced peers. Thus, researchers recommended involving spouses and families in treatment for any illness. They further suggested that in cases of a strained marital relationship, improving marital harmony would also improve health.


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February 2014



Nostalgia Arms Us for the Future


aving lingering fond memories of happy times, once actually thought to be a psychiatric disorder, have now been confirmed as a healthy and, ultimately, positive activity. Most people experience nostalgia at least once a week and nearly half of those surveyed reported experiencing it three or four times a week, say researchers at England’s University of Southampton. When speaking wistfully of the past, individuals are usually reconstructing happy memories of family and friends, and typically become more optimistic about the future, reports lead researcher and Social Psychologist Constantine Sedikides, Ph.D., who observes, “Nostalgia makes us a bit more human.” The Southampton paper, presented to the American Psychological Association, meshes well with another study confirming that nostalgic memories inspire positive feelings of joy, high self-regard, belonging and meaningfulness in life. In two studies, social psychologists at North Dakota State University found that past fond memories help us become more self-confident and cope better in the present. “We see nostalgia as a psychological resource that people can dip into to conjure the evidence they need to assure themselves that they’re valued,” says lead researcher Clay Routledge.

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The Whole Fish is Best for Blood Pressure


ver the years, a broad range of research has confirmed that omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna and sardines promote heart and brain health. Now researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine have found that taking fish oil supplements isn’t as effective at keeping blood pressure under control as eating an actual fish. The animal study published in the U.S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that eating oily fish helped open ion channels, a complex series of membranes in the cells that line blood vessels, letting sodium, calcium and potassium in and out of those crucial cells and helping reduce blood pressure. Because fish oil supplements did not activate the ion channels, they didn’t reduce blood pressure in the same way.

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. ~Thomas Carlyle

Egg Whites Function Like Blood Pressure Meds


aintaining healthy blood pressure is vital for long-term heart health, and scientists have now discovered evidence that a component of egg whites may have beneficial cardiovascular effects. Researchers from Clemson University, in South Carolina, found that a peptide in egg white, one of the building blocks of proteins, reduces blood pressure in animals about as much as a low dose of Captopril, a prescription medication for high blood pressure. The RVPSL peptide acts as a natural ACE inhibitor, functioning similar to the entire family of prescription medications that treat hypertension.

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February 2014


globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Jumpin’ Jellyfish

Numbers Explode with Ocean Warming and Overfishing Favorite destination beach resorts around the world have seen huge increases in jellyfish “bloom” activity. “Jellyfish and tourism are not happy bedfellows,” says Dr. Lisa-ann Gershwin, Ph.D., a pioneering marine biologist and author of Stung! On Jellyfish Blooms and the Future of the Ocean. “In Florida, it’s not uncommon in recent years for a half a million people to be stung during an outbreak.” A report, Review of Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, written by Fernando Borea for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and the United Nations, cites both global warming and overfishing, which removes jellyfish predators, as causes for recent jellyfish population explosions. Of the more than 2,000 species of jellyfish swimming through the world’s waters, most are completely harmless. However, human contact with some types can cause excruciating pain, and the box jellyfish is among the handful of species that have caused fatalities around the globe. Gershwin says, “Australia is upfront about its jellyfish dangers and also assertive in safety management, whereas other places have them, but may understand less about them or in some cases, just don’t want to say. Tourists need to be aware of local hazards and not expect to necessarily be provided with pertinent information.” Source: CNN

Sweet Solution

Turning Agri-Waste to Good Use Cement that incorporates waste ash from sugar production is not only stronger than ordinary cement, it also qualifies as a greener building material. Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, in Denmark, have found that cement made with sugar cane ash mixed in is stronger, can withstand higher pressure and crumbles less than ordinary cement. In countries where sugar cane is grown, such as Cuba and Brazil, this agricultural waste product has been added to cement for years. Extracting sugar from the cane typically leaves a lot of fiber waste that is burned into ash, discarded and then requires disposal. Using sugar cane ash also can lower the energy use and carbon footprint of cement production. Heloisa Bordallo, a researcher at the Institute, comments, “You are saving both CO2 emissions and raw materials.” Source: 24

Long Island Edition

Wild Valentines

Many Animals Mate for Life Humans like to think of themselves as unique when it comes to taking vows of togetherness. But a surprising number of other species in the animal kingdom provide sterling examples of fidelity, monogamy and lifelong pairing. Gibbons, of the ape family, are the nearest relatives to humans that mate for life. They form extremely strong pairings and both sexes are on relatively equal footing in their relationships. Bald eagles, our national emblem, typically mate for life, except in the event of a partner’s inability to procreate. Wolves, often portrayed as tricksters in folklore, conduct a family life more loyal than many human relationships. Wolf packs typically comprise a male, a female and their offspring, making them akin to a human nuclear family. Swans form monogamous pair bonds that last for many years or even for life. Their loyalty is so storied that the image of two swans swimming with their necks entwined in the shape of a heart has become a universal symbol of true love. French angelfish are seldom found far from their mate, because they live, travel and even hunt in pairs. The fish form monogamous relationships that often last as long as both individuals are alive. In fact, they act as a team to vigorously defend their territory against neighboring pairs. Other examples include albatrosses, African antelopes, black vultures, Malagasy giant rats, prairie voles, sandhill cranes, termites and, of course, turtle doves. To view images, visit and MatesSlideshow.

Greenwashing Watchdog Dr. Bronner Clears Out Imposters

Green Finance

Canada Shows the Way via Mass Transit The government of Ontario, Canada, is issuing “green bonds” to fund the expansion of mass transit infrastructure in the province. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says, “Green bonds are a great tool to raise capital for a project with specific environmental benefits. The worldwide market for green bonds in the last year has doubled; it’s now estimated to be more than $346 billion in U.S. dollars.” Source:

Star Trekking

Voyager 1 Enters Interstellar Space The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) recently confirmed that after 36 years, the Voyager 1 probe crossed the boundary of the heliosphere, or the extent of our Sun’s influence, a year ago. It’s the first manmade object to venture into interstellar space. At a distance of about 12 billion miles from the Sun, the latest data indicates that Voyager 1 has been traveling through the plasma, or ionized gas, present in the space between stars. The journal Science notes that this corroborates the existence of a long-hypothesized boundary between the solar plasma and the interstellar plasma. Voyager 2, a companion craft launched at the same time, is also expected to break the barrier. Source:

The nonprofit manufacturer of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps (, known in the U.S. for more than 50 years for its devotion to purity and information-crammed product labels, has taken to filing lawsuits against companies that don’t live up to health claims or that employ deceptive greenwashing tactics. One primary focus is the cosmetics industry’s use of so-called “organic” ingredients. Company president David Bronner reports, “About 80 percent of these companies simply dropped their claims; the others reformulated.” He also lobbies for labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in Washington State. Source:


Darwin Day: Sunday, Feb. 9, 11:00 to 4:00 A Free Event Celebrating Science Speaker: Dr. Victor Schuster, Vice-Dean, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

"Climate Change and Your Health" Movie Series Launch at 1:30 "In Transition 1.0"

Speaker: Melissa Boo, Locally Long Island Kids' science activities and free babysitting available all day

Thursday Dinner & Movie Series Feb. 13 to April 17, 2014, 6:30 p.m. A Networking Event Connecting Global Issues to Long Island Solutions Movie + Vegan Soup Supper provided by Sweet to Lick Bakery $15 donation ($12 for students and 55+; multi-night discount available) Each film followed by speaker & discussion. For full movie and speaker listings, go to:

Events held at: The Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island 38 Old Country Road • Garden City, NY 11530 516-741-7304 • natural awakenings

February 2014


head east!


HEALING HURT EAST END A Hawaiian Mantra Lets Love Back In section H

it’s coming this spring!


Long Island Edition

o’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian huna, a secret to facilitating forgiveness within; or simply, the art of forgiveness. Four healing phrases are employed in a harmonic mantra to help “make things right” or “correct the errors”. It works to cleanse hurt feelings and relieve suffering from being in an unforgiving or unforgiven state. According to the Babylon online dictionary, Ho’oponopono is used to release problems and blocks that cause imbalance, unease and stress in the self; bring peace and balance through physical, mental and spiritual cleansing that involves repentance and transmutation; and create balance, freedom, love, peace and wisdom within individuals, social entities, the world and the universe. Ho’oponopono Forgiveness Mantra I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. These four forgiveness phrases, both individually and collectively, help heal us and our relationships with others, especially loved ones. Each one melts hearts and heals souls. Going deeper, we can voice this mantra in communing with the divine and see the effect both within and without.

I am sorry for participating in this erroneous memory data. Please forgive me for not seeing the perfection in this moment, and playing back a universal memory I have received within me that is riddled with wrongs and errors. Thank you for cleansing me, others, the world and the universe. I love you. Loving the sweet divine is the greatest power or energy there is in all space. I am now loving everyone involved and affected. I know that my perceptions of them are within me, where this error first occurred and where it can be eradicated. Like planting a seed in soil that grows into nothing of our making, the divine does the work as we allow it to work through us. As we come to consistently use the Ho’oponopono mantra, we may elect to select a special word as a substitute for the whole mantra to use as a touchstone, so that when we say or think this word, we are immediately clear and clean of all the pain associated with any erroneous memory data presented. Our heart is healed and family or friends will return to relationships with a lighter heart. We do not need to understand how it works, only that it does. Source: Adapted from

Handy Curriculum Shop Class Teaches Sustainability

According to a report in The Boston Globe, some American schools regret that they replaced woodshops with hightech educational forums in the 1990s. Shop class is valuable for students that may underperform in traditional academic settings and empowers them to learn and produce tangible results. Doug Stowe, a woodworker and teacher in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, writes in, “Our society has inadvertently created a dependent generation of young people that don’t know how to fix things and lack even the most basic manual competence. Putting girls and boys into shop class would challenge rampant consumerism because a person is less inclined to throw out a piece of furniture and buy a replacement if they know how to fix it. “With so many cheap imports flooding stores, it’s difficult for students to gain perspective on the resources and time required to create a piece of furniture, so shop class can teach students to appreciate long-lasting quality and its accompanying fair price tag. In this way, shop class is linked to sustainability.” Source:

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February 2014


ecotip Beyond Bling

True Treasures Avert Eco-Harm Done right, Valentine’s Day and gifts of jewelry go together like love and marriage. Those that have no desire to support the unsafe worker conditions, widespread price fixing and waste associated with gold mining, also linked to pollution, financing wars and terrorism, look for better options. They wish to have no part in underwriting standard ring-making practices which, according to the Worldwatch Institute, create tons of toxic mining waste that can persist for decades and enter the food chain. Happily, there are far more ethical choices. Alternate routes. Among many sustainable and socially responsible options, jewelry made from recycled gold, silver and titanium plus synthetic gemstones is offered by GreenKarat ( while Brilliant Earth (BrilliantEarth. com) provides antiques and also custom makes or helps customers create their own treasured gifts utilizing minerals from pure sources; the company also donates 5 percent of its profits to support communities that have suffered from unethical industry practices. Heirlooms. A son or grandson gifting a grandmother’s or mother’s cherished piece of jewelry to a spouse or girlfriend expresses a tradition of love and family connectivity, plus gives new life to precious items. Michelle Ercanbrack, a family historian at, recommends using a family-treasured diamond in a more modern setting or making a ring into a pendant. “Heirlooms link the present to the past—they are part of a family narrative that can increase the present generation’s sense of belonging and identity,” she says. Native American jewelry. Deborah Nelson, owner of Silver Eagle Gallery, in Naples, Florida, and Highlands, North Carolina, attests that artful jewelry by Native Americans supports their culture and forges a connection to Americana with timeless appeal. Bracelets made by Navajo Indians incorporate turquoise pieces often linked together or set in mosaic form on a sterling band. Sterling silver and golden amber sunburst rings also make good gifts. “The handmade attention to detail is a stark contrast to what’s cast in a mold overseas,” says Nelson.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched— they must be felt with the heart. ~Helen Keller 28

Long Island Edition

What Is Parental Alienation?


arental alienation occurs when one parent damages the relationship a child has with the other parent. There are legal and emotional consequences for children and parents for this type of behavior, and the ramifications run deep. Even the best lawyer or child psychologist cannot undo what a parent does or says. “As a PTA member, swim dad, parent and lawyer, I see, hear and read about many forms of parental alienation,” explains attorney Cory Rosenbaum. “If you want to put a stop to the other parent’s conduct or catch yourself from slipping and unknowingly saying something that your children shouldn’t hear, you need to know what is good and what is bad for your children’s relationship with their other parent.” Parental alienation, in all of its forms, is harmful to children, unless the other parent is truly physically or emotionally abusive. Allowing children to reach their own long-term conclusion about the other parent is what is best for them. Rosenbaum says: “Parental alienation can take the form of one parent leading the child to dislike the other parent by allowing the kids to know about adult matters, like finances, scheduling, significant others or issues that caused the divorce. Parental alienation that is harder to recognize includes allowing the child to overhear negative comments by one parent about the other parent. Mistakenly thinking your children can’t hear you as you complain over the phone about the ex is a form of parental alienation. Pointing out that you cannot afford something because ‘daddy’ didn’t provide enough money is parental alienation.” Source: Cory J. Rosenbaum, P.C., a professional corporation for the practice of injury, employment and matrimonial law. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 212-732-7922 (NYC office) or 516670-9332 (Uniondale office), or visit CoryRosenbaum. com, and


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February 2014


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healthpractitionerspotlights Discover Your Healing Path Offers a Unique Approach to Holistic Health Coaching


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olistic health coach Jeanette Tiomkin, owner of Discover Your Healing Path, considers it her life’s mission “to coach people to better health utilizing a holistic approach.” Her clients’ health needs vary but seem to often include those with digestive issues and those seeking help with weight loss. In addition to coaching, Tiomkin also offers guided cleanses and gravity-based colon hydrotherapy. Tiomkin is both an optimist and a realist. She understands it is hard for anyone to be 100 percent raw or 100 percent vegan or, for that matter, 100 percent anything, especially for those newly starting-out health seekers. “Life doesn’t Jeanette Tiomkin work that way,” Tiomkin says. Yet, she still talks to her clients about the benefits of eating organic, whole food-based diets, detoxification and more. She educates herself on her client’s needs based on a health history questionnaire that she sends to the client to be filled out and sent back to her before their first meeting. Health is an individual journey, and a person’s desires for health are very different. For instance, if the client’s need is to calm down an active IBS, Tiomkin may advocate for the client to utilize goat milk verses dairy or to have a salad before a heavy meal—utilizing the principal of light before heavy, raw before cooked. “It truly depends on the individual and what their symptoms are, combined with what their health questionnaire tells me,” Tiomkin explains. “There is not a one size fits all.” The first session with Tiomkin is thorough. She not only provides the client with a roadmap, including the steps to take (both verbally and in an instruction folder), but also backs up information with studies that support why the client should follow the recommended measures to help him or her achieve optimum health. The first session is also about inspiring the client. Tiomkin herself is inspiring, having suffered her own medical issues and successfully altered the symptoms with holistic living. Tiomkin is smart and compassionate; two attributes that make her ideal for this calling. She truly desires to see every one of her clients obtain results, and she does it with warmth and is always available to provide support. In addition to holding a holistic undergraduate degree, Tiomkin is also AADP drugless practitioner certified; certified with Natalia Rose as a detox counselor; has a certificate in holistic health coaching from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition; and is certified in colon hydrotherapy. “I am an expert from chew to poo,” Tiomkin says with a laugh. For more information, call Jeanette Tiomkin at 516-449-5287 or visit See ad on page 27. 30

Long Island Edition

The New Patient Experience


hen you enter the spa-like Integrative Healing Center (IHC), in Port Washington, it feels nothing like your typical medical office. Smelling like essential oils, with natural health books lining the benches and fresh, purified alkaline water served in glass, not plastic, Natural Awakenings Long Island’s newest staff reporter, Catherine Driscoll, knew it would be special. And it is. Arriving armed with an already-completed 26-page health history and three-day diet diary, Driscoll is feeling almost excited about her first research assignment. “I really don’t even consider myself sick; I consider myself somewhat of a health nut. Well, there is the occasional IBS flares [monthly], eczema on my eyelids, heartburn and some heart palpitations. I am really very healthy,” Driscoll says with a laugh, as she sits in Kristine Blanche’s office. Blanche is owner and operator of IHC and a certified physician’s assistant. Driscoll runs four times a week, prefers a predominantly plantbased diet, drinks green smoothies like they are going out of style (and, who knows, in a month they may be) and, in general, considers herself “healthy.” Blanche smiles, not a typical condescending medical practitioner smile but the smile of a friend, and immediately Driscoll knows this will not be typical at all, as page by page, Blanche reviews her medical health questionnaire, commends her for her healthy habits, and talks to her about toxins in her environment and food intolerance. After the discussion, Blanche recommends some baseline testing, typical labs, an additional lab to test for a gene to see how effective she is at ridding her body of toxins, and a food tolerance, or food sensitivity, blood test. Perhaps, Blanche suggests, in Driscoll’s quest to be healthy, she is continually eating something that she has an intolerance to. Driscoll leaves that first appointment with some advice, some specific IBS support products, and some guidelines on incorporating the essential oils that are sitting in her cabinet waiting to be utilized. “I am hopeful as a patient and curious as a reporter,” remarks Driscoll. Three weeks later, Driscoll admits to having a bit more energy and, to be honest, having “a bit less gas.” She finds herself excited to see the results of her labs and to see what else Blanche may recommend. “I hope it’s monthly massage,” Driscoll says with a chuckle. Again, on the second meeting, there is no rushed feeling. Blanche sits and discusses the blood test results one by one and what they all mean and how they are all connected. Discovering that Driscoll is low in both vitamin B and D can easily be addressed. The result of the gene testing indicates perhaps Driscoll has a harder time removing toxins than the average American but has felt well because of her dedication to nontoxic living. The food allergies were shocking. “I am intolerant to kale!” gasps Driscoll, as if you told her she was allergic to her own dog. Blanche assures her that after a six-week elimination diet, most often the items a patient is intolerant to can be added back on a rotation schedule into the patient’s diet. Driscoll feels excited. As a person who considers herself healthy, prevention is the name of the game. “I saw through my genetic profile, the specific gene test and the other blood tests, the things that I can control to help prevent disease and feel well. I will be interested to see what the next six weeks of elimination bring and to share them with the readers of Natural Awakenings Long Island,” beams Driscoll, as she leaves Integrative Healing Center with a smile. “Maybe I won’t even need that massage.” Location: 403 Main St., Ste. 1, Port Washington. For more information, call 516-676-0200 or visit See ad on page 45.


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February 2014




The Great Impersonator From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City… The Problem

They come in each day all with different health complaints and suffering in their own special way. No two are exactly the same. Most have been suffering for years and have tried everything, almost everything, that is, to get well. While many treatments and medicines have offered hope and have helped, at least for a while, they finally fail to stop Dr. Howard Robins the never-ending discomfort, pain and suffering. Each doctor has told them that they have this or that condition or disease. They show the entire range of classic symptoms of it, don’t they? Then why didn’t their treatments work? The answer is that the true underlying cause was missed or ignored. Ignored because it wasn’t recognized as the real “felon,” the real reason for their/your problem.

The Cause

Since the first time you had even one dose of antibiotics as a child or eaten red meat or chicken that wasn’t organic (most contain traces or more of various antibiotics), your good, healthy bacteria (probiotics) in your intestine were killed along with the harmful bacteria that needed to be destroyed. This allowed yeast, the different types of candida (also known as monilia), to overgrow in your intestinal wall as well as bad bacteria to move in and inhabit your intestinal wall, continually secreting toxins into your system.

The Results

So, what real difference does this make? Well, after years of research, scientists have discovered that by allowing the yeast(s) to overgrow, your immune system and body becomes weakened. Weakened to different degrees and in different ways, as each of us is unique, causing a wide variety of symptoms often leading to a misdiagnosis. What’s worse is that while most doctors know the condition exists, they “don’t see the forest because there are too many trees in the way”! They either don’t believe or don’t recognize the relationship between your health problems and the yeast overgrowth. The symptoms, conditions and illnesses are so varied that it’s hard to believe that this one cause could be the problem. Believe it or not, this is just a partial list of 32

Long Island Edition

symptoms that have been associated with this horrible illness (found on numerous anti-candidiasis websites): n Constant tiredness, excessive fatigue and exhaustion n Foggy brain/trouble concentrating/cognitive impairment n Anxiety/depression n Mood swings/irritability n Poor memory n Learning difficulties n Hyperactivity n Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) n Anger outbursts n Irritability n Headaches n Intense cravings for sugars, sweets and breads (carbohydrates in general) n Abdominal gas and bloating, stomach pain, digestive problems n Acid reflux n Headaches/migraines n Cravings for alcohol

n Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne, itchy skin) n Vaginitis n Rectal itching n Diarrhea/constipation n Sinus inflammation n Pre-menstrual syndrome n Hormonal problems n Low sex drive n Inability to become pregnant n Dizziness n Persistent cough n Muscle weakness n Sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals n Thrush n Athlete’s foot/fungus nails n Sore throat n Chronic pain in muscles/ joint pain n Herpes outbreaks n Environmental allergies

It’s hard to believe that this one problem can cause all these different health issues. Regardless, do you suffer from one or more of these symptoms or know someone who does? Please don’t give up hope (though you may already have), read on.

The Answer

Finally, the answer to this persistent health dilemma consists of a necessary combination of three things: temporary dietary change (anti-candida diet); special probiotics (the kind that adhere to the intestinal wall); and most importantly, Intravenous Ozone Therapy. Without all three, failure to get well may be the result as it has with most people. Dr. Howard Robins, with more than 22 years of clinical experience using medical ozone therapy and over 185,000 treatments performed, is considered by many to be one of the world’s foremost clinical experts on its use. He is also available and willing to answer your questions about it. He can be reached at his Manhattan office by calling 212-581-0101.

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February 2014



Quiet Kids in a Noisy World

Bringing Out the Best in Introverts by Meredith Montgomery


abrielle Perillo’s daughter, A’ngel, 11, is a deep thinker, compassionate for all beings (human and not), a defender of justice, spiritual and extremely creative. She pursues any subject she studies with focus and passion. Although other children are naturally drawn to her, A’ngel, a born introvert, generally prefers to play quietly on her own. At first, her mother worried that her daughter was being insensitive to others and not paying attention to her surroundings. But once Mom released her own emotional projections, she recognized how happy her daughter is in her own space and began to appreciate the benefits of this independence. At least a third of Americans are introverts, yet many parents are prone to mischaracterize their more private children as antisocial, self-centered and lonely. Susan Cain, a former corporate attorney and author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, explains, “Intro-


Long Island Edition

verts are not antisocial, they just prefer socializing in lower-key ways.” They usually form a few deep and intimate relationships compared to extroverts that often cultivate many friends. Christine Fonseca, an educational psychologist and author of Quiet Kids, notes the danger in misunderstanding a child’s hesitancy or reserved nature. “Kids can benefit from understanding who they are and what it means to be an introvert. Otherwise, they may compare themselves to their extrovert friends and feel deficient.” Introverts own many exceptional qualities. They tend to be deep thinkers able to work independently in highly creative and innovative ways. They may prefer to learn a lot about a few topics instead of a little about many different areas. Often described as empathetic, conscientious and self-aware, introverts make authentic leaders and effective managers as adults. Introvert and extrovert temperaments

are distinguished by how individuals generate energy. Introverts process the world and recharge through solitude; many can flourish in social situations as long as they can rejuvenate by being on their own. Fonseca notes a defining difference in physiology. “Introverts use part of the nervous system that has a long pathway from point A to point B, so it takes them longer to process information.” Cain adds, “Introverts also usually have a longer runway than others, so it takes them longer to take off and fly. It’s crucial that the message they’re receiving from parents and teachers is, ‘That’s okay.’” It’s important that parents balance how they honor a child’s preferences with teaching them skills to thrive. “Don’t expect them to follow the gang,” says Cain. “Instead, encourage them to follow their passions.” Parents can empower children with tools to increase their comfort zone. If youngsters have difficulty speaking up in class, it helps to prepare them with what they want to say beforehand. Cain notes that this lessens anxiety and when they are able to speak up, they’ll feel like part of the class. Simple tips can offer relief in uncomfortable social situations. Perillo reinforces social manners before she and A’ngel arrive at an event. She focuses on the greetings, reminding her to extend her hand first, speak clearly, make eye contact and smile. Also, because self-promotion doesn’t come naturally to introverts, they often need coaching to highlight their own assets when applying for a club, college or job. Fonseca encourages families to embrace digital technology. She observes, “Most introverts are extroverts online. While face-to-face communication tends to drain them, that doesn’t happen as much online, plus it’s easier to feel more adept socially there.” They’ll still need to disconnect and renew after socializing online, so it’s important to set usage boundaries.

“Don’t expect them to follow the gang. Instead, encourage them to follow their passions.” Fonseca, who has one introverted and one extroverted child, facilitates dialogue that teaches each of them to communicate with their peers about their needs. “My introvert tells her extrovert friends not to take offense if she needs to take quiet time alone. They offer each other a perspective that makes their own point of view more well-rounded.” From a neuropsychological perspective, introverts and extroverts can learn from each other, as well. According to Fonseca, extroverts that habitually activate their sympathetic nervous system (“fight-or-flight”) can experience burnout if they don’t learn how to slow down and be calm. However, introverts, relying mostly on their parasympathetic system (“rest and digest”), can be overly calm and slow to respond to situations. Fonseca notes, “It’s not about one temperament being more positive than the other; it’s about understanding who everyone is, their authentic self and finding balance.”

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February 2014




Katherine Woodward Thomas on Drawing True Love Our Way by Debra Melani


fter years of experiencing love going sour, Katherine Woodward Thomas set a goal: She would marry her soul mate within a year. Her quest inspired a surprising awakening that spurred her to look deep inside for the key that would unblock love. Thomas realized the transformation that enabled her success involved clear steps that could help anyone. Today, the licensed psychotherapist and relationship expert has guided thousands toward successful relationships via her national bestseller, Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life, and subsequent books and seminars.

What catalyzed your Calling in “The One” professional journey? I was 41, a card-carrying member of one of America’s largest-growing groups—the never-marrieds. I had bought into the cultural belief that a woman my age had little chance of finding a great husband. I felt anxious and resigned, trying to come to terms with it, but sad inside. Fortunately, at the time, I was part of a small group supportive of each other’s intentions. So I set the outrageous intention that I would be engaged by my next birthday. I also recognized my longstanding pattern of attracting unavailable men who were engaged, married or alcoholics. A woman in the group said, “Katherine, I will hold that intention 36

Long Island Edition

with you if you permit me to hold you accountable to be the woman you would need to be in order to fulfill it.” Her wake-up call turned my focus from running out to find love to going within to discover the barriers I had against it. Thus I began what became the Calling in “The One” process.

How does it differ from other approaches to finding love? Many approaches focus on the external reasons love is elusive, such as all the good men are taken, men don’t like powerful women or just not having met the right person. This approach focuses more on the internal reasons—going within to discover and release one’s own conscious and unconscious barriers. For most of us, a gap exists between how much we think we want love and how much we are actually open and ready to receive it. Until we bridge that gap, we will covertly keep love at bay, and won’t even realize we are doing it.

What are the most common hidden barriers to love? One hidden barrier is resentment. We only resent people to the extent that we’ve given our power away to them. Uncover your role in what happened. Even if it was 97 percent their fault and 3 percent yours, zero in on that 3 percent, because you’ll only be able to trust yourself to love again once you’ve taken that responsibility. If you still feel resentful, you have not yet evolved

beyond the person you were before. Another centers on old agreements—the spoken and unspoken, agreements we make, usually in an emotional time—such as “I’m never going to let myself get hurt again” or “I’ll never love anyone the way I love you.” Such agreements live in our lives as intentions. They may no longer be conscious, yet still set our course. Another has to do with toxic relational dynamics. To find the best partnership, you need to be your best self. Maintaining a toxic dynamic drains personal power, making it hard to move forward in life. It’s vital to evolve out of this debilitating dynamic so you are in the center of your power everywhere in life. The fourth area, and probably the most important, revolves around the core beliefs you hold about both yourself and others. You might have a reasonably clear sense of yourself around money, career and friendship, but your core love identity might cause you to believe yourself unworthy of a quality partner. Identifying and challenging these beliefs is critical in learning how to break free from them, helping to raise your value in your own eyes and thus in others.

You believe the best way to find a needle in a haystack is to become magnetic and allow that needle to find you. How does one become magnetic to love? Being centered in the truth of your own value and the real possibilities you hold for true love is wildly attractive. Love yearns to embrace us, but can’t come to us if it can’t come through us. When we shift into this place of possibility, we can become profoundly magnetic to love. Learn more at, or Explore the qualities possible in an enlightened mate at NaturalAwakenings Freelance journalist Debra Melani is from Lyons, CO. Connect at




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Long Island Edition

Natural Ways to Slide into a State of Calmness by Kathleen Barnes


e all encounter everyday stressors and usually find our own ways of defusing them. However, when chronic stress remains unresolved, it extracts a toll on health that may range from heart disease and stroke to obesity, gastrointestinal problems and depression. Thankfully, Natural Awakenings has uncovered inviting ways to regularly de-stress that naturally make us feel good. Here are some refreshing ideas for immediate rest and relaxation. Eat Mindfully. Chocolate can be an excellent antidote to stress-related binge eating, advises Dr. Susan Lord, an integrative physician in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, who leads mind-body medicine programs at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, in Stockbridge. “We rarely eat mindfully,” comments Lord. “We’re usually gulping down our food while watching TV, arguing with the kids or reading a book.” She often leads a meditation in which participants are allotted one small piece of chocolate that they must eat slowly and consciously. “Most people discover they have never really tasted their food,” she says. “They are pleasantly surprised to discover that they feel satiated and satisfied on every level.”

Lord’s teaching is supported by a study from an Oregon Research Institute affiliate in Albuquerque, New Mexico, showing that people lost significant amounts of weight by eating slowly and mindfully. Accordingly, Kripalu has encouraged eating in silence for nearly 40 years, a practice Lord heartily recommends to her patients for one meal a day. Walk a labyrinth. A meditative walk on a labyrinth may be just what the doctor ordered, says physician Esther Sternberg, professor of medicine and research director at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, in Tucson. “A labyrinth differs from a maze, which has high walls and many dead ends,” notes Sternberg. “Walking a maze is inevitably stressful; a labyrinth has the exact opposite effect. There is only one path in and one path out. You go to the middle, meditate and walk back out. It’s a perfectly calming walking meditation.” In physiological terms, Sternberg explains, the deep breathing induced by labyrinth walking activates the vagus nerve, which prompts relaxation. It does this by interrupting the brain’s stress response and halting the release of adrenaline and the stress hormone

cortisol from the adrenal glands. Our ancestors built labyrinths as early as 4,000 BCE. They exist today in churches, healing centers and backyards all over the world. Finger labyrinths, even as simple as an outline printed on a piece of paper, also have proved to be effective relaxation tools, says Neal Harris, a licensed clinical professional counselor in Barrington, Illinois. His study confirming its relaxing effects was published in the Annals of Psychotherapy & Integrative Health. Shake (or laugh) it off. Anyone that has ever felt like exploding from tight shoulders, indigestion, headaches or other conditions caused by accumulated stress can benefit from Lord’s recommendation to experience a whole-body shake. “Just stand with your feet firmly planted and start shaking—first your feet, then your legs, arms, head and neck and eventually, your whole body—for at least two or three minutes,” she counsels. “You’ll shake off all of that tension, energize every cell and probably start laughing, another great stress reliever.”

A good belly laugh is likewise a powerful stress reliever, according to a study by researchers at Indiana State University, in Terra Haute, published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. Results also showed that laughter increased production of the protective cells that boost immune function. Create a memory garden. For Sternberg, her personal place of peace is an unconscious re-creation combining the sights and smells of her grandmother’s garden with the comfortable “at home” feeling of her parents’ deck and mementos from a happy time in Crete. At the center of Sternberg’s happy memories are fragrant jasmine and gardenia trees, lavender and basil, all reminders of happy times in her life. She recalls, “It wasn’t until I was finished that I realized what I had done.” A review of relevant science reported in Neural Plasticity explains that the brain’s hippocampus region, a seat of memory, especially related to place, also normally regulates the production of cortisol. But an excess of cortisol due to stress can impair its memory functions.

Music Soothes the Soul Dozens of studies from leading institutions like Brandeis University, in Waltham, Massachusetts, the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, in Yonkers, New York, and Colorado State University, in Fort Collins, show that music can offset stress, relieve pain, lower blood pressure, improve immune function and support restful sleep. So play a tune or two of much-loved music and let the calming effects induce a state of relaxation. According to research from the American Society of Hypertension, classical music, the blues and other soothing music work best because they cause the body to release endorphins and slow breathing rates. It’s better yet if our favorite music inspires stress-releasing body movement. Source:

Breathe Deeply Perform this subtle de-stressor while in line at the market or driving. It slows heart rate, oxygenates the body, improves mental clarity and has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. n Sit or stand straight. n Put the tip of the tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind the upper front teeth, and keep it there throughout the entire exercise. n Inhale through the nose for a count of four. n Hold each breath for a count of seven. n Exhale completely through the mouth with a whoosh sound for a count of eight. n Repeat three more times. Source:

“When we are in a place that brings happy memories to mind, we let go of stress and stop the release of cortisol,” says Sternberg. “It helps to just think of a place where we have been happy.” She recommends creating a home space with some plants on a windowsill, photos of happy family gatherings, fabrics or paint in beloved colors and perhaps inherited items that trigger fond memories. Kathleen Barnes is the author of numerous natural health books, including 10 Best Ways to Manage Stress. Connect at

got news? log in and let us know. It’s easy! natural awakenings

February 2014



Soul Questions: How to TRULY Meditate

and Have a Conversation with Your Inner Self by Chandresh Bhardwaj


he term “soul” is more popular than ever. The growing use of social media and the expanding yoga industry have made this a household name. The soul is more than your body. The soul yearns for spiritual and unconditional love. Every time your soul is away from a spiritual and love experience, it will react negatively. It is the soul that allows you to have experiences of higher energies. You may also be physically far away from someone, but your soul is the reliable bridge to close the gap between you.

S - Spiritual O - Omnipresent U - Unconditional L - Loving This is how I define soul. Once you connect with your soul, you know the real deal. Although there are many ways to connect with your soul, medi40

Long Island Edition

tation, or Sadhna, remains my favorite. In meditation, you experience “Atma Darshan,” which means “a glimpse of the soul.” You experience how beautiful the light of your soul actually is. Those who don’t practice meditation may also experience the presence of their soul in other activities, such as birthing, gardening, yoga, writing or any other creative work. In meditation, you not only experience the soul, but also create an opportunity for the deepest level of healing. Meditation will allow you an opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with your soul. This conversation is best carried out in silence. No arguments and no judgments are needed; simply trust the process and know that you have all the answers. The ancient masters used to ask many seekers to meditate upon “soul questions” before they were permitted to embark upon their journey.

These questions are:

Who am I?

If someone asks you this question, you usually reply with your name, job, nationality or marital status. This is what society feeds our consciousness with. Who you are becomes just a bunch of labels and titles given to us by society. This is the reason why you experience so much pain and anguish when these labels are taken away from you. These labels define your existence, and now they are gone. In this soul question, your goal should be to find the roots of your existence. Who are you really? A soul, a consciousness, your body, your name, your profession? Find it out for yourself. Keep posing the question “Who am I?” until the layers start to peel off. You may not like what you find as the answer, but that’s okay. You can only change what you acknowledge, and the motive of this question is to shine a light into your darkness.

What is my purpose?

As you grow up, you are told that your purpose is to go to school, get good grades and then secure a good job. Later on, you think that your purpose is to fall in love, make babies and lead a happy family life. When all of this is done, a few (if not all) of you will realize that your purpose was only what you were told by society. The goal of this question is to find the meaning of your existence. Why did you come here? The fancy quotes you find online may tell you the purpose is happiness, love or forgiveness, but you need to do some serious legwork to find out the true meaning. As a spiritual guide, I can show you the map and give you keys of the car, but you must drive yourself in your journey. Don’t take anyone’s answer about your purpose. It is not an easy task to unfold one’s purpose, and that’s why many people die living a life of no purpose. If you are reading this, it means that you already have a desire to find your purpose. Meditate on this question, and your purpose shall reveal itself. When I was in finance, I kept on telling myself that I

will devote my life to spirituality when I had enough money to support myself and my family. Yet, my purpose of spreading spiritual truth was so strong that it kept me pulling toward itself. Within a year, I was finished with my banking job and began to follow my inner calling. The years that followed were tough and filled with struggle, but they eventually passed, giving way to a life brimming with purpose and inspiration. See, anything worth anything requires some hard work ... and no one said that finding your purpose was easy.

What is the source of my happiness?

You have tried looking for happiness in your significant other, in your children, in God, in your religion, through motivational seminars, but yet the emptiness still haunts you. We love to assign a person or situation to extract happiness from, but is that really a source of happiness? Can’t it be taken from you? Then what? Isn’t happiness a permanent state of consciousness, or shouldn’t it be?

Let this question reveal only one answer: Where do you extract your happiness from?

don’t try to decode the answer with your thinking mind. The answers will reveal themselves on their own.

Here is a short meditation for you to 5. Once you work with each question start working with these soul questions: for a period of time and arrive at an answer, you begin to start a dialogue 1. Close your eyes and take a few deep with your inner self and experience breaths and allow your thoughts and your soul. emotions to settle down. Approach these questions with pa2. Bring your awareness to your heart tience, persistence and, of course, love. chakra or your third eye chakra. Stay present and continue to witness your thoughts and emotions.

3. Don’t move your lips or eyes, just allow your awareness and breath to flow in silence. 4. Understand that working with just one question during one meditation session is best. Commit to one question for some time and watch how your answer evolves as your experience deepens. Don’t force any answer and

Chandresh Bhardwaj is a spiritual guide who specializes in the Eastern sciences of healing and transformation. He is also the founder of Break the Norms, a center of self-discovery, personal growth and increased well-being, located in New York and California. Break The Norms offers weekly meditation and yoga classes, as well as Ayurveda workshops. Location of New York center: 47 W. Nicholai St., Hicksville. For more information, call 516-938-9600 or visit See ad on this page.

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natural awakenings

February 2014


Plaque the Culprit

RETHINKING HEART HEALTH Pioneering Doctors and Patients Reinvent Cardio Care by Linda Sechrist


n 1977, Dr. Dean Ornish began to think beyond an allopathic medicine paradigm that defined the reversal of cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease (CHD) and the hypertensive diseases such as heart failure and stroke, as physiologically implausible. Undaunted by the challenge of funding his research, he pushed forward. Results of his foundational 1986 to 1992 Lifestyle Heart Trial, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, proved that individuals with preexisting coronary atherosclerosis that make intensive, integrated lifestyle changes can begin to experience improvements in their condition after as little as one year without using lipid-lowering drugs.


Long Island Edition

Based on his 30-plus years of clinical research, Ornish and his colleagues further showed that five years of following proper nutrition, fitness and stress management—which must include love and support—can reduce symptoms of CHD and other chronic conditions. He remarks in Love & Survival: 8 Pathways to Intimacy and Health that despite numerous studies showing a medical basis for its occurrence, the reason why CHD is reversible is still the subject of debate. Ornish’s work has paved the way for a growing corps of pioneering integrative physicians successfully collaborating with patients to reduce the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.

The cause of cardiovascular disease is arterial plaque, a fine layer of fatty material that forms within the arteries and blocks blood flow. It is largely the result of food and activity choices, plus the degree of inflammation in the arteries. Dr. Steven Masley’s three keys to improving heart health highlighted in his book, The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up, and an upcoming PBS special, concern lifestyle factors capable of shrinking plaque, improving circulation and strengthening the heartbeat. “Abnormal plaque growth is preventable 90 percent of the time,” states the president of Masley Optimal Health Center, in St. Petersburg, Florida. While conducting research on the heart health of nearly 1,000 patients over a period of 20 years, Masley suspected that the traditional assessment approach of measuring cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure didn’t effectively address the biochemistry within arteries. Testing intima-media thickness (IMT) using a simple 10-minute external ultrasound confirmed it. The test bounces high-frequency sound waves to measure the thickness of the carotid arteries’ innermost two layers on either side of the neck. “This valuable tool allows for an estimate of arterial age. A healthy, young cardiovascular system has less plaque and an unhealthy, old one has more,” advises Masley. IMT, a useful tool for preventing future heart attacks and strokes, differs from standard carotid Doppler ultrasound, which looks for artery obstructions suggesting surgery. A practitioner of functional medicine, Masley explains heart-related diagnoses differently than his allopathic counterparts. “Rather than diagnosing high blood pressure as hypertension, I categorize it as not enough exercise, not enough fruits and vegetables, high emotional stress and excessive body fat.” To optimize heart health, Masley employs a broad, holistic matrix of options that enhance the cardiovascular system—the interactions among diet,

Love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well, what causes sadness and what brings happiness, what makes us suffer and what leads to healing. ~ Dr. Dean Ornish, Love & Survival activity level, weight, environmental toxins, hormones, stress and biochemical factors such as blood sugar control and inflammation levels. He prescribes heart-healing foods that simultaneously help to manage the aging process, following a customized, heart-friendly supplement plan; engaging in exercise that strengthens the heart and arteries; and learning how to better manage stress. He contends that cardiovascular events remain the top cause of death because individuals are largely unaware of treatment options before they get into trouble. More, “Most people falsely assume that their condition has been fixed with a medical proce-

dure and/or drugs, and that a lifestyle change isn’t necessary.”

Cholesterol’s Bad Rap

Dr. Stephen Sinatra, an integrative cardiologist, anti-aging specialist and bioenergetics psychotherapist in Manchester, Connecticut, has also shifted his heart health paradigm. He now prescribes a combination of conventional medicine, food, supplements, mind/body strategies and natural healing methods. His book, Heartbreak and Heart Disease: A Mind/Body Prescription for Healing the Heart, relates many inspiring case histories that address the psycho-emotional component of heart health and illustrate how to repair and

reopen a broken heart by releasing long-repressed emotions. Following two years of Gestalt psychotherapy training and seven years of bioenergetics training, Sinatra likewise realized that heartbreak was one of the major causes of heart disease. An expert in the field of natural cardiology, he had once believed that cholesterol and fat were the primary causes before 40 years of treatment research taught him otherwise. “Cholesterol is not the reason for heart disease,” advises Sinatra, founder of and author of The Great Cholesterol Myth. “The body produces and needs cholesterol to convert sunlight to vitamin D, to make sex hormones, vital semipermeable membranes for the body’s trillions of cells, plus bile salts for digestion. Even your brain makes and uses cholesterol to build connections between the neurons that facilitate learning and memory.”

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natural awakenings

February 2014


It is no coincidence that we address our physical and emotional heart by the same name. Our physical heart usually reflects the state of our emotional heart, and vice versa. ~ Dr. James Forleo

Real Perpetrators

Sinatra names the real perpetrators of heart disease—stress, inflammation and overeating sugar and processed foods containing saturated fat. He counsels that the heart benefits less from a lowfat, high-carbohydrate diet than one low in carbohydrates and higher in healthy fats, overturning widespread medical mantras. Also, a high-fructose, high-grain carbohydrate diet raises triglycerides, increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and contributes to insulin resistance, causing the liver to produce more cholesterol, as well as more inflammatory, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) particles, all of which increase the risk for CHD, diabetes and stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that metabolic syndrome, which affects nearly 35 percent of American adults, may overtake smoking as the leading risk factor for CHD.

m ent n g i l A Center for the

The AHA currently is focused on increasing awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women. Its Go Red for Women campaign emphasizes the vital need to take preventive basic actions, including adopting an exercise routine, healthier diet and doctor visits for appropriate non-invasive tests.

Essential Spirit

Dr. James Forleo, a chiropractor in Durango, Colorado, with 30-plus years of clinical experience, maintains that health is simple, disease is complicated (also the title of his book). He counsels patients, “If mental stress is present in your life, you owe it to your cardiovas-

When our emotions get bottled up, something in our heart or circulation has to give. There are exceptions… but heart problems don’t usually show up unless emotions are involved. ~ Dr. James Forleo

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cular system to change to a healthier lifestyle. Your life may depend on it.” Forleo has recognized that an individual’s state of mind can be a big help or hindrance in maintaining a healthy heart. “The heart represents a different realm of experience entirely, one that cannot be explained by logic and reason,” comments Forleo. He champions the link between maintaining normal spinal function and healthy heart function, along with supporting the inner presence of Spirit, which he calls the healthy heart’s ultimate elixir. “Its essence relaxes the heart, opens the mind to possibilities greater than itself and provides the perspective that the heart and the mind are complementary,” he observes. He explains that when our emotions get bottled up, something in our heart or circulation has to give. “If you or someone you know experiences heart problems, chances are that unresolved emotions lie directly below the

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surface,” he says. “There are exceptions, and genetic problems can explain many heart defects, but heart problems don’t usually show up unless emotions are involved.” Forleo’s concept is supported by the work of Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., executive vice president and director of research at California’s Institute of HeartMath. His research papers include The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People. “Today, evidence suggests that the heart may play a particularly important role in emotional experience. Research in the relatively new discipline of neurocardiology has confirmed that the

heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center that learns, remembers and makes independent functional decisions that don’t involve the cerebral cortex,” advises McCraty.

To Happy Hearts

Pioneering integrative medical doctors Masley, Sinatra, Forleo and Mona Lisa Schultz, who also holds a Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience, agree that in matters of heart disease, emotions take center stage. Schultz, who recently co-authored All is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations and Intuition, with Louise L. Hay, a leading founder of the self-help movement, applies her 25 years of experience as a medical intuitive with the best of Western clinical science, brain research and energy medicine. Shultz observes, “Every illness has an emotional component, which tells us intuitively that something or someone in our life or environment is out of balance and needs to be addressed. Our use of language—such as frustration makes our heart race, anger boils our blood—and our common sense are telling us what we don’t need more studies to confirm. If we can’t deal with our anger in a timely fashion, name our feelings, respond effectively and release them, we increase our chance of illness, ranging from hypertension to cardiovascular events.” According to the American Journal of Cardiology, the U.S. spends 10 percent of all healthcare dollars for cardiovascular disease prevention and medical management versus 90 percent on medical treatment procedures and hospital care. For individuals interested in taking charge of their heart health, working with a physician that embraces the emerging paradigm of integrative lifestyle changes and prevention can be a drug-free, lifesaving decision. Linda Sechrist is the senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Visit for full interviews.

Write it on your heart

that every day is the best day in the year. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

natural awakenings

February 2014



CHOCOLATE AS HEALTH FOOD Boosting Diets and Heart Health by Judith Fertig


esearch tells us that 14 out of any 10 individuals like chocolate,” quips cartoonist Sandra Boynton. American chocolate lovers buy 58 million-plus pounds around Valentine’s Day, according to Nielsen Research. Ideally, the dark treat would be as healthy as a salad or an apple. Fortunately, accumulating research is on the way to giving plant-based chocolate superfood status. All chocolate starts with cacao beans, seeds from the pods of the tropical cacao tree that thrives only in hot, rainy climates in Africa, Indonesia and South America. Local soil and climate conditions determine flavor characteristics, much as with grapes. Harvested beans are fermented to create the chocolate taste and then dried. Afterwards, chocolate makers add brand-specific ingredients to the cacao solids. “The percentage number on a bar’s wrapper represents the weight


Long Island Edition

that actually comes from the cacao bean content,” says Robert L. Wolke, professor emeritus of chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh and author of What Einstein Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained. “The higher the number, the lower the percentage of sugar and the less sweet, more bitter and complex the flavor.” This is significant because dark chocolate contains higher levels of antioxidants which can help reduce cell damage, according to the Integrative Medicine Department at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor. Alex Whitmore, founder of Taza Chocolate, in Somerville, Massachusetts, recently had one of its bars lab tested for antioxidant levels, called ORAC, or oxygen radical absorption capacity; the higher the value, the more antioxidants. Taza Chocolate’s 80% Dark Bar had a 65 percent higher ORAC than Himalayan goji berries, famed for being a superfood. “This is very high for a chocolate bar,”

notes Whitmore. Cocoa also serves as a superfood for cardiovascular and metabolic health, report two recent studies from separate teams of Harvard School of Public Health researchers. A 2012 meta-analysis of clinical trials published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that consuming dark, unsweetened cocoa powder and dark chocolate can improve blood pressure, vascular dilation and cholesterol levels, plus reduce metabolic precursors like diabetes that can lead to heart disease. In 2011, Eric Ding, Ph.D., a Harvard School of Public Health epidemiologist and nutrition scientist, reviewed short-term trials of subjects ingesting 400 to 500 mg per day of flavonoid-rich cocoa, which he equates to 33 bars of milk chocolate or eight bars of dark chocolate. While Ding feels this is an unreasonable amount to eat because of the extra calories from sugar and fat, he states, “Supplements with concentrated cocoa flavonoids may perhaps be helpful for garnering the benefits discovered. The key is getting the benefits for heart disease while avoiding the calories, and for that, chocolate bars are not likely the best solution.” Another observational study published in Nutrition shows that eating dark chocolate might help keep the pounds off for teenagers. Researchers with the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence program at the University of Zaragoza, in Spain, knew that chocolate consumption in adults already had been linked to lower body mass index. They found that chocolate consumption was also associated with lower total and midsection fat in European adolescents, reports Sayer Ji, founder of, a natural health research database. “The quality and cocoa content they used in their research is probably much higher than in America,” says Ji. “From my perspective, it appears that

even when researchers don’t control for type, the results across the board are rather startling. Even American subjects, presumably eating common milk chocolate bars, see benefits.” So, this Valentine’s Day—and every day—we can happily relish that one-ounce piece of artisan dark chocolate melting slowly in our mouth and know we’re doing it for pleasure and for health. Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAnd from Overland Park, KS.

Chocolate Artistry

Chocolate Cookery Vegan Chocolate Pie

Serve this with fresh raspberries and enjoy a little romance. Yields 8 servings Chocolate Wafer Crust 6½ oz dairy-free chocolate wafer cookies, crushed into fine crumbs 1 Tbsp maple or date sugar 3 oz vegan buttery stick (such as Earth Balance), melted and slightly cooled Chocolate Filling 13 oz dairy-free semisweet chocolate chips (such as Ghirardelli) 1 /3 cup strong brewed coffee 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 lb silken tofu, drained 1 Tbsp agave 1 (9-in) prepared chocolate wafer crust Preheat the oven to 350° F.

Small-batch, artisan chocolate makers strive to make delicious chocolate in the purest, most ethical and sustainable ways possible. They often travel to meet the growers to source the best cacao beans (organic preferred), use fair trade principles and take a personal interest in making fine chocolate without filler ingredients. Here is a partial list of conscientious members of Craft Chocolate Makers of America:

For the crust, combine the cookie crumbs, sugar and melted vegan buttery stick. Press this mixture firmly and evenly into the bottom, up the sides and just over the lip of a 9-inch metal pie pan. Bake on the middle rack of the oven until the crust is set and appears dry, 18 to 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool completely, about 1 hour.

For the filling, melt the chocolate chips with the coffee and vanilla in a medium metal bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring often with a spatula. Combine the tofu, melted chocolate mixture and agave in a blender or food processor until smooth, about 1 minute. Pour the filling into the crust and refrigerate for 2 hours or until the filling becomes firm.

Vegan Hot Chocolate

A comforting way to enjoy the benefits of chocolate on a cold day. Yields 4 servings 2½ cups plain rice milk 3 Tbsp maple or date sugar 3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder ½ tsp salt ½ tsp vanilla extract 1 pinch ground cinnamon 1 pinch cayenne pepper Bring the rice milk, sugar, cocoa powder, salt, vanilla extract, cinnamon and cayenne pepper to a simmer in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Remove from the heat and whisk until frothy. Serve immediately. Source: Recipes courtesy of Judith Fertig

Amano Artisan Chocolate, Askinosie Chocolate, DeVries Chocolate, Patric Chocolate, Patric-Chocolate. com Taza Chocolate,

natural awakenings

February 2014



CYCLES OF SPIN Returning to its Heart-Healthy Origins by Janet Osen


ike many newly minted sports, “Spin” has at its center a nearmythical figure: its creator, Jonathan Goldstein—better known as Johnny G—by most accounts a unique eccentric with an unheralded passion for cycling. In 1987, while training for the renowned The Race Across America bike event, a mega-marathon 3,100mile race from Los Angeles to New York, Goldstein was struck by a car and nearly killed. It produced an epiphany: Building an indoor bike simulating the outdoor experience would create a novel workout that would incorporate cardio training and emphasize a mindbody connection. With the formation of Mad Dogg Athletics in 1994, the Spinning craze began rolling. Rolling Stone magazine named it the newest hot exercise and by 1996 there were 1,000-plus Spinning centers in 30 countries.


Long Island Edition

True to Form

Conceived as a form of cardio biofeedback, the activity keyed on training the heart muscle aerobically using a heart monitor. The original goal was to provide an “aerobic base” by working at 65 to 80 percent of one’s maximum heart rate, making the heart a more effective pump and increasing oxygen levels throughout the body. The Spin program follows the principle that participants will train aerobically for six to 12 weeks prior to a “Race Day”—a special ride performed at a steady anaerobic threshold generally at 85 to 95 percent of maximum heart rate. Anaerobic threshold, or AT, is the point at which the body accumulates lactic acid in the muscles faster that it can be removed. “Aerobic base building creates a strong foundation for increasing one’s lactate threshold,” explains Lorey Pro, a

master Spin instructor and assistant director of fitness and wellness at Louisiana State University. “Riders can increase their tolerance for anaerobic exercise.” “The metabolism’s foundation is strengthened by aerobic base building. Without it, the body will fall apart if the athlete moves right into anaerobic threshold training,” explains Shannon Derby, a master Spin instructor and certified group fitness and personal trainer at Mountain’s Edge Fitness Center, in Boulder, Colorado. In contrast to indoor cycling, Spin requires that exertion rates be correlated to levels based on maximum heart rates, and revolutions per minute (RPMs) or pedal strokes be kept at pre-specified levels. According to Pro, Spin should combine mind and body training by using a variety of heart rate zones to improve health, fitness and performance. Instructors take participants through a series of rides known as Energy Zones, each serving a specific purpose like endurance, strength or recovery. Terri Arends, a master Spin instructor and group fitness director at the Jewish Community Center of Dallas, Texas, attests that without such rides, the aerobic foundation crumbles. She likes to put riders through “kicking Spin rides and moments of Zen that allow riders to let go and find their inner athlete.”

Lost in Translation

In today’s typical Spin class, no one wears a heart monitor. While some gyms and boutique facilities offer endurance or strength rides, most conduct only interval rides featuring top 40 music selections and a loose interpretation of the prescribed movements, positions and cadence rates. “Interval rides tend to get picked most,” observes Derby. “There are many different kinds and they are fairly easy to teach and well liked, even though that isn’t what the official Spinning program recommends.” Del Lugo, a Spin instructor and fitness professional in Suffern, New York,

who works at the nearby Torne Valley Sports Complex and Lifeplex Health Club, says he rarely sees classic Spin done anymore. In Lugo’s world, Spin should be simply a “fun, safe experience with the instructor endeavoring to instill enthusiasm and encouragement.”

Moving Forward

One key indicator of whether a fitness activity is a trend and not a fad is the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) annual Fitness Trends survey. In 2012, Spin made ACSM’s top 20 list of fitness trends, citing it as “one of the most popular group exercise programs in the commercial sector.” Yet it fell off of ACSM’s list last year. Reviving the original training program may prove helpful in preventing potential Spin burnout. Workouts were originally designed to culminate each week in a meditative, lowimpact recovery ride to allow for rest and recovery, which is pivotal to any successful fitness program. The key to Spin’s continuity may be in moving cycling back to its origins—reeducating participants about how best to use Spinning to maximize desired results for body, mind and spirit. Janet Osen is a freelance writer in Rockland County, NY. She is a certified Spin instructor currently working toward her 200-hour yoga teacher certification.

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February 2014


YogicEvents LongIsland Yoga Teacher Training: The Path to Deeping Your Yoga Practice


reathe N Flow Yoga (BNFYoga)—Long Island’s leading family yoga studio and yoga school, serving the community since 2010—is happy to announce that its spring 200- Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program is open for registration. Training begins March 15. BNFYoga’s comprehensive program is designed for those students interested in deepening their own personal practice, as well as for those that wish to share their love of yoga with others by becoming a yoga teacher. Embark upon this three-month journey, during which participants will delve into the history of yoga; teachings of yoga; asana techniques; adjustments; handson assisting and modifications; yoga philosophy and text; physical and energetic anatomy; pranayama; Sanskrit studies; meditation; as well as an introduction to specialty practices, such as prenatal yoga, restorative yoga and yin yoga. BNFYoga’s teacher training is fully registered and approved by the Yoga Alliance; upon completion of all training requirements, graduates will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to become a Yoga Alliance RYT-200. You really can make a living doing what you love. Become a yoga teacher! It all begins with the planting of a seed (make the commitment to join the BNFYoga teacher training), remaining on the path (learn, study and practice yoga), and soon you will see your intention come to fruition (become a certified yoga teacher). Cost: To take advantage of the early bird special of $2,450, pay by February 15. Location: 361 Atlantic Ave., Freeport. For more information, call 516-632-9626 or visit See ad on page 51.

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natural awakenings

February 2014



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Done right, our home serves as an empowering foundation for wellbeing. Aligning with four key pillars of harmony will facilitate an inspired, healthy and vibrant home that supports body, mind and spirit.

Mainstays of a Home in Harmony

Creating an inspired and healthy home environment soothes the soul and recharges our proverbial batteries. Making healthful choices in the products we use and consume helps ensure we retain a healthy body and vibrant living in an era when we are inundated with disease-producing toxins in our homes, food, air and water. Applying simple solutions to slow down helps us maintain a calm mind amidst the frenetic pace of daily life. Periodically unplugging from the instant demands of technology is a good first step. Tuning into our life purpose and sharing it with others allows us to shine. We naturally radiate our inner light in ever-expanding ways.

Mindful Strategies

A study published by the International Academy for Design and Health shows that because our home influences us on many levels, the setting is continually either supporting or depleting its occupants. Consciously creating and sustaining a nurturing environment fortifies the roots from which family members evolve and grow. Experience shows us how improving our immediate surroundings, ranging from our wardrobe to household furnishings, helps to manifest positive internal transformations. The activity likewise reflects our inner landscape, allowing us to take a step back and observe how we are changing and hope to change. That’s why we periodically feel impelled to clear unsettling clutter from our private spaces. It’s an irritant that disrupts

order and our sense of beauty; even when it’s stashed in drawers and closets, we still know it’s there. It competes for attention and distracts our focus. A recently relocated design client felt that her new house was beautiful, but didn’t feel like a home. The woman explained that when she was there, she was short-tempered with her kids, a sharp contrast to her usual demeanor. She yearned to love her home, enjoy her kids and live vibrantly. A key part of the solution was tackling the home’s mudroom entrance that was cluttered with the kids’ detritus, a condition that irritated her the minute she walked through the door. Many of the home products we buy contain disquieting, hidden elements. Understanding which ingredients are hazardous is imperative to maintaining a safe home environment. Key decisions range from the choice of carpets, couches and bedding to cleaning products, laundry solutions and air fresheners. Knowing the products we use are healthful enhances peace of mind. As one homeowner said, “I am so relieved

to have a better understanding of what products I shouldn’t bring home. I was so scared before that I just ignored the idea that chemicals could be harmful.” Being informed and alert to the composition of the items we bring into our home—including food—is vital. More than 80,000 chemicals make up the ingredients in commonly available products that end up in the typical American home, and a large portion of them are toxic. Nearly 20 percent of the chemicals are not divulged, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA also reports that the average person holds more than 700 toxic chemicals in their body. We inhale myriad chemical byproducts that fill the air both indoors and out, plus ingest numerous toxins in the foods and beverages we consume. Once absorbed, they remain in the body unless flushed out, throwing it out of balance and, as widespread research shows, causing a broad range of diseases. reports that the psy-

chological impacts of feeling stressed, helpless and overwhelmed by the fear of lurking poisons can directly influence our physical health. Making informed choices can alleviate such feelings. It only requires taking a series of small and manageable, progressive steps to create our own style of a healthy and harmonious home life. On a spiritual level, we can rest assured that such caring for our inner temple and larger environment supports a greater good and fosters a deeper connection to life’s Source. We feel more physically, psychologically and spiritually vibrant. Our home becomes a vital wellspring that, cleaned and furnished with holistic awareness, continually refreshes us. Christa O’Leary is founder and CEO of Home in Harmony, Inc., combining expertise in marriage and family therapy, interior design and green living. Her book, Home in Harmony Lifestyle: Designing an Inspired Life, will be released in November. Connect at

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February 2014


naturalpet and omega-6 fatty acids simply refer to where the carbon-carbon double bonds are positioned in the molecules. Supplementing with fish oil may also reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure and sudden cardiac death by decreasing inflammation throughout the body, including in the heart.

Coenzyme Q-10

Cardiac Care for Pets How to Keep Little Hearts Humming by Dr. Shawn Messonnier


ymptoms that suggest a dog or cat’s heart is not pumping effectively include coughing and fatigue from light exercise. Before the signs are evident, it is far better to check for heart disease during regular twice-yearly visits to the veterinarian. Using a stethoscope, a skilled doctor can pick up telltale heart murmurs during the examination. A fairly common problem with cats, heart disease tends to occur as cardiomyopathy, an issue with the heart muscle. In most dogs, where cardiomyopathy is rare, it usually involves damaged heart valves, resulting in “leaks” that allow blood to flow in both directions. Upon an initial diagnosis of heart disease, one of two mistakes in treatment routinely occur: Either a doctor prescribes strong cardiac medications to “prevent” heart failure from happening (even though no medication has been shown to prevent heart failure), or he takes a wait-and-see approach, only intervening when the disease progresses to irreversible heart failure. The better approach is to do further testing and evaluation at the first sign of a murmur, including chest Xrays, an electrocardiogram (EKG) and a cardiac ultrasound to classify the stage


Long Island Edition

of the disease and determine if conventional medications can help. Follow-up visits every six months allow the doctor to identify the point at which heart disease has progressed toward impending heart failure. In general, pets with either a diseased or failing heart can benefit from supplements. Individual regimens vary, based on the nature of the patient’s case.


Fish oil contains beneficial docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. The principle metabolites derived from the metabolism of EPA and DHA tend to be anti-inflammatory. Contrariwise, omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in warm-weather vegetable oils, produce pro-inflammatory mediators. Because omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids compete with each other to be converted to active metabolites (pro-inflammatory and antiinflammatory) in the body, decreasing the intake of omega-6 fatty acids and/ or increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acid levels, available through fish oil, is generally considered beneficial. The differing numbers identifying omega-3

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also known as ubiquinol or ubiquinone, is a naturally occurring antioxidant synthesized in most tissues in the body. The highest concentrations are in the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas. In the diet, CoQ10 is found in foods such as organ meats, poultry, fish, meat, nuts, soybean oil, fruits, vegetables, eggs and dairy products. The Professional’s Handbook of Complementary & Alternative Medicines explains that CoQ10 is used in electron transport in mitochondria— small organelles inside cells that convert carbohydrates and fats into energy. It reports that studies in people with hypertension showed a reduction in systolic blood pressure through CoQ10 supplementation. Benefits of such therapy studied in people with a heart that has failed in its pumping ability showed increased improved heart function and proper dilation of the blood vessels for improved circulation. It is proving to be one of the best nutrients to help an ailing heart.


The herb hawthorn is highly regarded for its suitability in the treatment of heart disease due to its flavonoid and other antioxidant content. It provides several beneficial effects for the heart—helping

to maintain a normal heart rhythm with decreased risk of arrhythmias; bolstering the force of heart muscle contraction; increasing coronary blood flow; and decreasing the organ’s energy demands. It acts like angiotensin-1-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors such as the medicine Enalapril, used to help regulate blood pressure and reduce the workload of a failing heart. While other therapies can be used to help pet heart patients, these three are a sound starting point. In some

cases, they may be suitable instead of medications that can cause side effects to the kidney and liver, or at least allow for smaller doses. Natural remedies provide a gentler alternative. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit

petbrief Alternative Therapy Case Report


Dr. Michel Selmer, DVM

o Peep” is a 13-year-old spayed Maltese that was suffering with paraplegia. The owner brought her in to see me for a consultation. Bo Peep’s history and exam findings are as follows: The owner first noted Bo Peep to be sensitive on her right hind limb. The weakness progressed over a one-week period to the point that she had lost all use of both her hind limbs. X-rays revealed several sites of intervertebral disc space narrowing consistent with intervertebral disc disease. I explained to the owner that her dog had suffered a spinal cord injury resulting in loss of neurologic function in the hind limbs. The options discussed with the owner were hospitalization, intravenous fluid therapy, pain management, steroid administration and an emergency surgical consultation with a veterinary neurologist. The owner met with the neurologist and declined surgical intervention. She instead requested outpatient care and a discussion regarding the alternatives to surgery. I told her I felt confident that we could proceed without surgery, and recommended a combination of traditional Western and Eastern treatments instead. The treatment included acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy to make her stronger and release the local qi/blood stagnation, strict rest and Western medications to reduce inflammation and control the pain. Within two weeks, Bo Peep was able to stand and even walk around on her own. After Chinese herbal therapy, traditional therapies, rehabilitation and acupuncture, Bo Peep is walking on her own. We are very excited with her success. Source: Dr. Michel Selmer of Advanced Animal Care, located at 260 Evergreen Ave., South Huntington. For more information, call 631-FOR-PETS (631-367-7387) or visit See ad on page 2.

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natural awakenings

February 2014


calendarofevents NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit Calendar events (under “advertise” tab).


Building Blocks of Yoga – 1:30-3pm. Workshop covers proper alignment in yoga postures, use of props, an overview of yogic breathing techniques, a solid understanding of vinyasa, (connection between breath and movement), individualized attention in a non-competitive environment. All levels welcome. $20/pre-registered, $25/day of. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361 Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.


Free Dinner and Holistic Health Talk – 6:30pm. Dr. Ray Omid, of Advanced & Premium Holistic Healthcare, invites you to learn how to have more energy, less stress and remain healthy and vital. Umberto’s Restaurant, 633 Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park. RSVP, Bessi: 917747-2795.

Diabetes Workshop – 7-8pm. Diagnosed with Diabetes? Learn how a healthy diet and certain lifestyle changes can help you manage your condition. It’s an extremely serious condition, but diabetes doesn’t have to run (or ruin) your life. Learn how to monitor and control your blood sugar and commit to eating right and exercising regularly, there’s great reason to believe you’ll live a long, healthy life. Free. Pure and Simple Health, 128 N Long Beach Rd, Rockville Centre. 516-203-7442.


Cholesterol, Thyroid, Libido – These 3 seemingly unrelated topics are closer than you might image. And it’s no wonder many of us have trouble with them. Learn how to fix your bloodwork and rekindle that fire. With Dr. David Pollack of Creating Wellness Center of Commack. Held at Strictly Gluten Free, 396A Larkfield Rd, East Northport. RSVP required: 631-462-0801.


New & Potential Patient Workshop – Feb 5, 19 & 26. 8-9:30pm. Learn all about Network Care’s extraordinarily gentle method that combines lighttouch neurological and energy work to help to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions, and traumas from your spine and nerves. Learn how this care helps resolve a variety of acute and chronic conditions and live with more peace, passion, authenticity, and well-being. Lecture, demonstration and free gift given by Dr. Michael Berlin. Free. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499.


Yoga Heals with Rita Trieger – 2-5pm. Yoga can be a wonderful tool to help us cultivate emotional, physical and spiritual wellness, but for those dealing with chronic illness or a debilitating injury it can be miraculous. Great for yoga teachers, caregivers, nurses, therapists. $50 before Feb 2, $60 thereafter. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.


Dinner Talk: Live Free of Pain and Stress – 6:30-9:30pm. Discover a life free of back and neck pain, herniated discs, sciatica and more. Learn why doctors, chiropractors and therapists recommend this all-natural Spinal Rejuvenation Therapy. Learn how this care helps resolve a variety of acute and chronic conditions. Lecture and demonstration by Dr. Michael Berlin of The Family Wellness Center. Free. La Famiglia Restaurant, 641 Old Country Rd, Plainview. RSVP: 516-822-8499.


Long Island Edition


New & Potential Patient Workshop – 8-9:30pm. See Feb 5 listing. The Family Wellness Center, 641B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499.


Open House: The Waldorf School of Garden City – 8:30-10am. The Waldorf School of Garden City is a comprehensive nursery through twelfth grade college preparatory school. Open houses are open to the public and where prospective families and students tour the school, visit classes and meet current students, families, faculty and staff. Free. The Waldorf School of Garden City, 225 Cambridge Ave, Garden City. RSVP, Carol Proctor: 516-742-3434 x 301. New & Potential Patient Workshop – 8-9:30pm. See Feb 5 listing. The Family Wellness Center, 641B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499.

savethedate 2015

Journey to Ireland’s Magic – 2015. Experience the charm and hospitality in family owned guesthouses, and the wonder of a castle. Step outside your daily life to find your majesty, power, magic and connection to yourself and the mystery. For more details & to reserve your space in this limited group contact Janna: 631- 656-0563 or Janna@

classifieds HELP WANTED Full Time Acupuncture position - A holistic health practice is looking for a New York State licensed acupuncturist. Office locations in Nassau County and Queens. Must be fluent in English, Hindi, Urdu, Pashto and Punjabi. Compensation dependent on experience. Please fax resumes to 718-224-3282. Looking for work in a meaningful and holistic practitioner office? Dr. Richter is looking for front office staff full time/part time please call 516-282-0310 or email resume to cardiodontal@ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child through support groups, art therapy, a grief hotline and special workshops, needs volunteers to help with various projects. Karen Flyer, Executive Director: 484-4993 or

SERVICES LEARN ABOUT YOUR OWN PSYCHIC ABILITIES – Tori Quisling, with over 20 years experience, can teach you to use your own intuitive abilities to heal yourself and communicate with others. By the end of the course, students can meditate, work with healing guides and perform a psychic reading. Group and custom classes offered. Please see or call 516-423-1794.

Space available Health Care-Wellness Professionals Network with complimentary doctors and therapists. Renovated quiet building, clean office, busy road, great parking. Ideal for second location, part timer, or new business Flexible terms. Space for small classes. Join Us! Info & Visit: 516-674-0609.

ongoingevents 20-Hr Clairvoyant Training Program: Learn to See – Tori Quisling, M.Ed, Clairvoyant Practitioner, offers a 20-hr weekly course in learning to use clairvoyance in your life. By the end of the course, you will be able to meditate “Find Your Space,” give readings and work with your own Healing Guide. Customized program, begin when ready. Discounts when you join with a friend. $1,575 (when paid in full). Center for Clairvoyance and Healing, 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794.

21-Day Detox – Lose weight, boost energy, de-stress, learn what you need to know for a life time of healthy cleansing. Includes: 21-day life botanica formula; pH strips; cleanse tool kit & recipes; 3 1-hr detox modules; 3 1-hr stress relief modules. RSVP: 516676-0200.

Free Chiropractic Care for Returning Veterans – 9am-6pm. Dr. Gina Marino has extended an offer of care for one full year for any U.S. military veteran returning from overseas deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq, at no charge, with presentation of their service certificate. 2050 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh. 516-221-3500. Seeking Participants for an Independent Research Study Regarding Massage Therapy – Be a part of the growing data of research regarding massage therapy. Massage is offered to participants at a drastically reduced rate. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness Studio, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. 516-792-0868. HealingHandsPilatesAndWellness@ Three Phases to Optimal Health – Dr. Danielle Roberts presents life-changing information to kick start your enlightened optimal lifestyle journey. Call for details. $100 for all three lectures. Bring a friend and get half off. Integrative Health Center & Spa, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. 516-676-0200.


Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 9am. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642.

Baby & Me Yoga – 9:30am. Infant-crawlers. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Must register: 516-632-9626.

Searching for Your Life’s Purpose? – 10:30am. We provide tools to transform your personal life & help make the world a better place. Center for Spiritual Living Long Island, 17 Maple Pl, Hicksville. 516-822-9314.


Girlfriends Brunch Knitting Fun – 12-1:30pm, Sun & Thurs. Needle Felting onto Fabulous Felted Natural Soap while mingling and catching up with friends in a beautiful and relaxing space. $20 includes 2 bars of pre-felted soaps, colored fiber to decorate each bar, felting needles, bagels, fruit, coffee, tea or BYOB. Karma’s Angel Natural Beauty Boutique & Lounge, 68 W Park Ave, Long Beach. RSVP required; 8 person limit: 516-208-8850.


Ashtanga Yoga: Mysore – 6-9am, MonThurs. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Ashtanga Yoga – 9:30-11am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 1:30-3pm. An ongoing group for women with metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Class designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Mon. An ongoing group for men with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. An ongoing group for young women with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077. Women in Mid-Life Discussion/Support Group – 8-9pm. Create your second adulthood. Are you an empty nester? Changing careers? Retiring? Seeking something new? Wondering what you want to be when you grow up? $20/class. Linda Rose, LCSW, 101 Hillside Ave, Ste D, Williston Park. 516-671-7786.

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller

Baby & Me Yoga – 9:30am. Walkers-3yrs. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Must register: 516-632-9626.

Vinyasa Flow – 9:30am. Basics. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. YinYasa – 9:30am. Also Wed, 4:30pm & Sat, 9am. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.

Meditation – 9:30-10:30am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642.

Community-Open Level Yoga – 11:30am12:30pm. Donation. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642.

Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Class designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Mother & Daughter Yoga – 6-7pm. Ages 9 and up. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642.

Kundalini Yoga – 6:45-8:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642.


Free Energy Healing For Chemo/Radiation Patients – By appt only. 2nd Wed. Kiyra Artisse, Master Energy Healer, offers free energy healing to cancer patients, currently going through chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Success & Harmony, Merrick. Space limited; for appt: 516-945-0919.

Pre/Post Natal Yoga – 11am-12:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642.

Reiki Circle & Meditation – 12-1pm. $20 drop in. Healing Studio at Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. To register: 516-509-5630. Dining Out For a Cause – 12-9pm. Join West East Bistro as we donate 20% of our proceeds each Wednesday to the Nassau Hurricane Recovery Fund to help local Sandy victims. Paid a la carte. West East Bistro, 758 S Broadway, Hicksville. Jay: 516-939-6618.

Meditation Class for Seniors – 1-2:30pm. Learn simple, powerful meditation techniques created by Grand Master Jin Bodhi. Also experience healing within the group and individually, in a relaxed atmosphere. Hosted by: The American Bodhi Meditation Society. Freeport Recreation Center, Room 101, 130 E Merrick Rd, Freeport. Nan: 516-442-7408,

natural awakenings

February 2014


YinYasa – 4:30pm. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.

Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Class designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Kids Yoga – 5pm. Ages 5-8. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642.

Clairvoyant Development Series, Level 1 – 6:308pm. Tori Quisling, M.Ed, graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and featured expert in the New York Daily News, will train on using own psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience). By the end of 8 wks, students will meditate, have awareness of psychic abilities and perform a reading. Workbook/CD. Customized programs also available. $125/class; $975 for 8-wk course. 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794.

Holistic Moms Network: South Shore Long Island Chapter – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Wed. Likeminded community focusing on mindful parenting and natural health. Free. CSTL – Tanglewood, 1 Tanglewood Rd, Rockville Centre. 516-924-1168. Bereavement Support Group – 7-9pm. 2nd Wed. COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child. Free. Chai Center, Dix Hills. If new to COPE must speak to the Clinical Director Laraine Gordon prior to 1st meeting: 631-259-2018.


Healthy Happy Hour – 4th Thurs. We are raffling off a wellness party for you and your friends each month. Integrative Health Center & Spa, 403-1 Main St, Port Washington. RSVP: 516-676-0200.

Yoga for the Soul – Begins Feb 20. 11am-12:15pm. Yoga for the Soul is a meditation journey with some gentle yoga and movements and pranayama (breathwork) to prepare the body to sit for guided meditations. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Gluten-Free Lecture – 12-1pm. 3rd Thurs. Recommended donation $20. Integrative Healing Center & Spa, 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington. 516-676-0200.

Women in Mid-Life – 12-1pm. Define your second adulthood; pursue/renew your passions; explore relationships and sexuality; plan work life: Retire? Career change? Take charge of physical changes; stay healthy and active. $20/session. Linda Rose, LCSW, 708 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Head. 516-671-7786. Girlfriends Brunch Knitting Fun – 12-1:30pm. See Sun listing. Karma’s Angel Natural Beauty Boutique & Lounge, 68 W Park Ave, Long Beach. RSVP required; 8 person limit: 516-208-8850.


Long Island Edition

Happy 13th Birthday Dylan Martinsen!!!

SO PROUD OF YOU!!! YogArt – 4:30-5:30pm. Class allows kids to express themselves through the practice of yoga and creating art. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.

Bodhi Meditation – 5-6pm. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/ mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Ni Nan Healing Art Center, 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick. 516-442-7408. Yin Yoga – 6pm. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. Meditation – 7pm. With Jessica Taylor, a Samadhi meditation teacher. Meditation with Tibetan singing bowl. Topics change each week. All month access: $125/member; 1 meditation/wk: $45/member; 2 meditations/wk: $75/member; Walk-in: $15/session. Break The Norms Center, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600.


Cancer Support Group – 9-11am. Call for specific dates. 6-wk program designed to empower women with knowledge while on their journey to kicking cancer’s ass. $480. Drop-in complimentary class last week of each month 9-10am. Must reserve spot. Integrative Healing Center & Spa, 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington. 516-676-0200.

Community Yoga: Donation-Based – 4-5pm. A Vinyasa Flow class that will stretch the body and clear the mind. All donations collected each month go to supporting the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation & Operation Splash. Donate what you can. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Prenatal Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. With Kimberly. Class designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626.

Being Peace Group – 7:30-8:30pm. 2nd Fri. Join us for affirmative prayer and meditation. Facilitated by Rev. Kathy Caputo, Rev. Karen Gigante and Barbara Griminger, R.Sc.P. Free admission, everyone is welcome, bring a friend. Center for Spiritual Living Long Island, 17 Maple Pl, Hicksville. Rev. Michael Sternlieb: 516-822-9314.


Pre-Natal Yoga – 9am. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. YinYasa – 9am. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Yin Yoga – 9-10:15am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. Yoga – 9-10:15am. This class takes place before our Sat meditation class (10:30am). Join this group to learn and build up your yoga and meditation practice. Yoga and meditation, together, creates a powerhouse of positive energy, allowing you to connect with your Higher Self. $15/yoga class, $45/monthly yoga membership, $75/monthly 1 meditation class & 1 yoga class/week. Break The Norms, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. RSVP: 516-938-9600 or RSVP@ Family Yoga – 10-10:45am. 1-9 yrs. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. Bodhi Meditation – 10-11am. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/ mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Ni Nan Healing Art Center, 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick. 516-442-7408. Saturday Morning Spiritual Discussion – 10am12pm. 1st Sat. Finding one’s life purpose is a journey of discovery and is always easier when undertaken with the fellowship of other like-minded people. An informal, free-flowing spiritual discussion. Love offering. Center for Spiritual Living Long Island, 17 Maple Pl, Hicksville. 516-822-9314. Meditation – 10:30am. With Jessica Taylor, a Samadhi meditation teacher. Meditation with Tibetan singing bowl. Topics change each week. All month access: $125/member; 1 meditation/ wk: $45/member; 2 meditations/wk: $75/member; Walk-in: $15/session. Break The Norms Center, 47 W Nicholai St, Hicksville. 516-938-9600.

communityresourcedirectory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our commmunity. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, visit for guidelines and to submit entries (under “advertise” tab.}

acupuncture Ni Nan Healing Art Center 2326 Merrick Road, Merrick 516-442-7408

Personalized Accupuncture, Energy Healing, Chinese Herb and Bodhi Meditation are all available an d Ni Nan Healing Art Center in Merrick. Accupuncture for all needs including, stomach upset, Accupuncture facial, fertility, pain and more. See ad on page 21.

bereavement COPE

Karen Flyer Office: 516-484-4993, Fax: 516-484-4885 COPE: is a grief and healing organization dedicated to helping parents and families living with the loss of a child. COPE offers support groups for parents and siblings, alternative healing therapies, and a grief hotline. COPE also offers a free weekend bereavement camp for children ages 6-17 dealing with a major loss. For more information, please contact Karen Flyer at

cleaning services All Clean Long Island Inc Michelle Spadafina Massapequa Park NY 11762 Nassau and Suffolk County 516-987-8388

CENTER For THE ALIGNMENT OF BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Dr. Gina Marino • Wantagh 516-221-3500 • Dr. Marino utilizes a combination of gentle Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments, Reiki and Bodywork to reduce pain, lessen the effects of stress on your system, restore flexibility and ensure optimum vitality. See ad on page 44.

colon hydrotherapy CLEANSING CONCEPTS

309 Madison St., Suite 4, Westbury 516-640-5322 • Private, safe, comfortable. Lose weight, gain energy, improve skin & sleep, and help reduce the risk of disease. Spa-like atmosphere. Feel completely relaxed. Pre-Post cleanse nutrients provided. See ad on page 19.

641 B Old Country Rd, Plainview 516-822-8499 Our office helps people heal their bodies and their lives by doing light pressure points that blend advanced neurological, energy work, and life skills coaching to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions, and traumas from the body and mind naturally. See ad on page 15.

Dr. Pollack specializes in the practice of physical rehabilitation, herbal and nutritional medicine, and stress and weight management including non-invasive liposuction. He has extensive experience in healing digestive disorders (reflux, bowel issues, colitis, loose stools, etc.), joint and muscle pain, headaches, and many other common health concerns. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach optimal health and avoid the “sick-care” system. See ads on pages 13 & 43.

Sherman industry

1-855-4-THE-GEO (1-855-484-3436) Geothermal Installation by the best! Tom Hancock has been doing Geothermal instullations for over 25 years. He understands it and wants his customers to as well. Tom often urges his customers to engage in as much research as possible to and educate his customers so that they are 100% comfortable with geothermal as a heating & cooling system and prove to themselves that Sherman Industry, Inc. is the right company for the job. Thomas’s customers will tell you that he has a passion for perfection, is informative, patient, and respectful. Thomas Hancock, conducts all estimates himself and will be happy to assist you with your geothermal heating and cooling questions. See ad on page 53.

holistic dentistry



2324 Merrick Rd, Merrick, NY 11566 Look and feel great, you deserve it! The Center for Ionic Detox provides detoxification and cleansing using the power of water. By blending new technology and ancient healing arts, the ionic foot detox helps restore the body’s vitality against environmental toxins by eliminating the chemicals you take in from drugs, environmental pollution, and foods, particularly processed foods and meats. Take charge of your life for a healthier beautiful you and make an appointment today! See ad on page 11.


444 Community Dr., Suite 204, Manhasset 516-627-8400 • A practice that cares for you like family. The philosophy of her dental wellness center is a wholebody approach working closely with your healthcare practitioners that you already have a relationship with. The practice incorporates the teaching of Huggins, IOAMT, and much more. See ad on page 15.

long island center for healthier dentistry


66 Commack Road #101, Commack 631-462-0801 •


All Clean Long Island provides cleaning services for your home and office. Using only a Holistic system of Organic, Pet and Human friendly products, we provide an efficient service for all your cleaning needs. Customizing every job for the specific needs of our customers is important to us in order to guarantee that every job is performed to your satisfaction. See ad on page 55.

The Center for Ionic Detox


pollack wellness center

260 East Main St, Suite 109, Smithtown 631-361-3577 •

Dr. Esther Jimenez, DC 180 N. Long Beach Rd., Rockville Center 516-868-8100 Brain Synergy integrates a holistic, drug-free, effective, non-invasive approach that evaluates and balances the many neurological and metabolic imbalances that either cause or worsen disorders including ADD/ADHD, autism, stress disorders, migraines, sleeping difficulties and more. See ad on page 13.

Dr. Shvartsman provides State of the Art dental care with a commitment to patient comfort. He utilizes mercury-and heavy metal-free tooth conserving - minimally invasive restorative techniques as well as a Biomimetic Dental approach. Dentistry for holistic-minded patients is our focus. See ad on page 9.

natural awakenings

February 2014


NORTH SHORE COSMETIC & IMPLANT DENTISTRY Dr. Jonathan Richter 310 East Shore Rd., Great Neck 516-282-0310

We welcome you to come in for a comprehensive exam of teeth, gums, early detection, and oral health problems. We offer the following services: Holistic Dental Care, Mercury-Free Dentistry, TMJ Disorder & Treatment,Treatment for Sleep Disorders, Invisalign & Orthodontics, Dental Implant, Sleep Apnea. Payment plans available. See ad on back cover.

holistic health coach DISCOVER YOUR HEALING PATH

516-449-5287 Discover your healing path-Health and Nutritional Coaching-busy, overweight, stressed Jeanette Tiompkin of Discover your healing path offers health and nutritional coaching as well as Cleansing services. See ad on page 27.

holistic wellness center PURE AND SIMPLE HEALTH

128 N Long Beach Rd Rockville Centre 516-203-7442

“Wellness Made Easy” is our motto at Pure and Simple Health. The 3 reasons we lose our health are: we have too much of what our body doesn’t want (bacteria, yeast, etc.); we don’t have enough of what it needs (vitamins, minerals, etc.); and stress (physical, emotional or environmental). We help you detoxify and clean your system, nourish your body, and help you better adapt to stress, so you can experience gains in health that are dramatic and sustainable. See ad on page 3.

mediation CORY J. ROSENBAUM, P.C.

Cory Rosenbaum 1-855-491-Save

Cory Rosenbaum is an expert at all forms of mediation and legal affairs. After resolving his own divorce mediating, without any litigation, he was able to find peace for himself, his exwife and most importantly his child. Cory wants to help others struggling with divorce proceedings utilizing a mediation process based on his existing expansive knowledge of divorce law in New York State. See ad on page 29.


Long Island Edition

NON-surgical liposuction

medical wellness center integrative healing center & spa

OPEN CIRCLE HOLISTIC WELLNESS 8 Davison Plaza East Rockaway/Lynbrook 516-406-3005

403 Main St. #1, Port Washington 516-676-0200

Specializing in detoxification and preventative health care. We are fully present in your visit so you feel safe, appreciated and heard All of our practitioners are I-ACT certified therapists. Only the best FDA-cleared Libby devices are utilized for our clients. The colon is the key to health. See ad on page 45.


Nassau & Suffolk Locations 866-239-5445 • Personalized care through pregnancy, water birth, natural birth, well-woman gynecology, family planning. Many insurance plans accepted. See ad on page 31.


Holistic Wellness focusing on detoxification of body mind and spirit. Offers CaviLipo (non-surgical liposuction) far infrared sauna, foot detox, meditation instruction and intuitive counseling. See ad on page 17.

pollack wellness center

66 Commack Road #101, Commack 631-462-0801 • Dr. Pollack specializes in the practice of physical rehabilitation, herbal and nutritional medicine, and stress and weight management including non-invasive liposuction. He has extensive experience in healing digestive disorders (reflux, bowel issues, colitis, loose stools, etc.), joint and muscle pain, headaches, and many other common health concerns. His goal is to help as many people as he can to reach optimal health and avoid the “sick-care” system. See ads on pages 13 & 43.

ozone therapy DR. HOWARD ROBINS

The Healing Center 200 W 57th St, Ste 807 New York, NY 10019 212-581-0101

INNER SOURCE NATURAL HEALTH 11 Stewart Ave, Huntington 631-421-1848 •

Helping each patient realize their greatest health potential using the least disruptive recommendations possible to stimulate the innate ability of the body to heal itself. Inner Source Natural Health is staffed by the Naturopathic Doctors/Acupuncturists. As seen on the Dr. Oz show. See ad on page 21.

finker wellness Bellmore 516-765-3272

Utilizing Naturopathic Medicine to help her patients feel better naturally. Many illnesses can be treated by nutrition, botanicals, and nutraceuticals. Dr. Finker provides personalized health care solutions for her patients. See ad on page 11.

If you have a disease or condition that you haven’t been able to get rid of, Ozone Therapy will most likely be the answer, even for people that have suffered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioning if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr. Robins – contact information above. See ad on page 63.


516-423-1794 • Tori Quisling, MEd, offers Clairvoyant Readings, Psychic Development classes. Over 20 years experience, training at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Tori assists you in deep spiritual answers, past lives, relationships and energy balance. See ad on page 23.

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

psychotherapy CHERIE DORTCH, LCSW

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist 585 Stewart Ave, Ste LL-50 Garden City, NY 11530 516-305-2581 Integrating psychoanalytic psychotherapy with spirituality, to empower by learning self-awareness, and addressing emotional, psychological and spiritual health.


Coming Next Month

225 Cambridge Avenue, Garden City 516-742-3434 •

Nursery through grade-12 private school. An innovative and holistic approach to educate and nurture with compassion, to balance towards wholeness, to challenge toward excellence and achievement. Our methods of teaching reflect an understanding of the growing child and acknowledge the spiritual origins of humanity. See ad on page 37.


1005 Glen Cove Avenue Glen Head, NY 11545 516-674-3388 Utilizing the power of nutrition and psychological well being to help create empowered self growth, lasting change, healthy aging, and optimal wellness: body, mind and spirit. See ad on page 19.


Michel A. Selmer, D.V.M. 260 Evergreen Avenue South Huntington 631-367-7387 See ad on inside front cover.


Williston Park/Glen Head Locations 516-671-7786 Individual, couple and group sessions. Services offered include; arousal difficulties,erectile dysfunction,low libido,orgasm difficulties,premature ejaculation and infidelity. See ad on page 23.

reiki/energy healing OPEN CIRCLE HOLISTIC WELLNESS 8 Davison Plaza East Rockaway/Lynbrook 516-406-3005

Intuitive counseling, Reiki/energetic healing, meditation instruction. Tina Martinez has a long history as a meditator and a healer (29 years). Each session is completely unique to the individual and is supported with the highest and purest intentions. See ad on page 17.

SUCCESSANDHARMONY.ORG 27 Merrick Ave, Merrick offers multiple transformation coaching and energy healing including Reiki energy classes and healing, and Transformation, Vortex healing and Karuna Reiki.

schools PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL OF LONG ISLAND 1425 Merrick Avenue, Merrick 516-868-6835 •

K-8 private school. Morning yoga, meditation, healthy and vegetarian eating. Individualized reading, writing, math. Volunteering and service; earning by doing. Rich in culture and diversity. Reasonable tuition. See ad on page 35.

yoga absolute yoga

1 Guilles Lane, Woodbury 516-682-YOGA Two beautiful peaceful studios provide the perfect environment for the union of body and soul. 50+ classes per week in a variety of yoga styles and levels from beginner to energetic, strengthening warm Vinyasa yoga. We also offer kids, pre and post-natal yoga (yogi baby), restorative yoga, yoga for fertility, pilates and barre. See ad on page 51.


361b Atlantic Ave, Freeport 516-632-9626 Family Yoga Studio specializing in Vinyasa Yoga, Prenatal, Restorative, Kids Yoga, Mommy & Me, Private/Semi-Private, Kids Parties and Workshops. Special donation-based Community Yoga classes offered Fridays at 4pm. Open 7 days a week offering a full range of classes in two studios and private changing/nursing area. Come feel the Flow. See ad on page 51.

OM SWEET OM YOGA 12 Irma Avenue, Port Washington 516-944-9642

Be embraced by the warmth of community and be celebrated for who you truly are. Your home away from home,your refuge in a busy life. Here, your body is strengthened and soothed while your spirit is nurtured. See ad on page 50.

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February 2014



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