2 minute read
The Best is Yet to Come
The Vietnam War was starting to heat up in 1965-66.
I gave up my college deferment during my Junior year to volunteer for the Military Draft in February of 1966. I was drafted three months later and trained at Fort Riley, Kansas. I was in Vietnam by January of 1967. I was trained as a Military Policeman, but served in various duties within the G-2/G-3 Sections of the 9th Infantry Division (Plans/ Operations/Intelligence).
My Unit was stationed in 4-Corps, south of Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City. Our primary duty was to block the southern approach to Saigon. The 9th Division was the only Division to train and deploy to Vietnam as a full Division. The 9th Division was also part of the Mobile Riverine Force, a joint US Army and US Navy force that comprised a substantial part of the Brown-Water Navy of the Mekong Delta.
The duty to my nation called me to volunteer. I have always been a great patriot, prioritizing the freedom of my country over my own life. The Vietnam War, and many other events that occurred in the 1960s, was an ugly time in history for the US. It was a decade of radical tension and war, on domestic and foreign fronts. The 1960s changed the nation. The War took a mental and physical toll on the country and on myself. But the country and myself alike, were able to persevere and flourish into a great nation and a proud patriot. I cannot imagine not having served my country in a time of war and during pivotable time in history. I am a dedicated and committed supporter of President Trump. To me, President Trump epitomizes the values that I hold most dear, the ones that I and so many fought and sacrificed for. President Trump is a giver, not a taker; a doer, not a talker. He has the welfare of our great nation and our people first and foremost in his mind and his agenda. He is the archetype for a great American patriot – self-made with a potent love for his country. He is willing to sacrifice himself by taking on the swamp, the unelected bureaucrats, the dark state, and our so-called allies head on. The Washington establishment and the professional politicians have done nothing for our country and our people for the last 50-60 years. They have all taken excellent care of themselves. America needs President Trump as an outsider with no political motive other than to sharpen America for the better. We need him as an experienced businessman to invest his wealth of knowledge into America. He is the only President of the United States that will leave the White House with less wealth than when he came in.
I would encourage all citizens who are about to vote in November to think about yourself, your family, your children, and your grandchildren. What type of future do you want? President Trump wants to give all of the US and our citizens the two most important needs in our life: peace and prosperity.
President Reagan once said, “We are one generation away from losing our Freedom.” President Trump represents what is good for America. The radical left only offers destruction, obstruction, loss of freedoms and negativity. We can and will do better. The best is yet to come!
Vote Trump in 2020 to help keep America Great.
God Bless America!