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A First Responder’s Letter
Iam a First Responder. More specifically, I am a Paramedic that works for TLC Emergency Medical Services, Inc. in Central New York. President Donald J Trump has changed the way the world looks at First Responders. He represents many things to many people, and after all, is that not what we want and expect from our President? To be a national symbol of the heart of America and a person who sets an example for all to see? His success in being that kind of President has touched all First Responders in a very special way.
You see, First Responders have always seemed to be “invisible” until someone needs help. We swoop in and save a life, protect those in danger and comfort those in need. Then, we quietly slip away, back into anonymity. We take with us the images, sounds and emotions of tragedy, pain and suffering every day. If a story appears in the newspaper about a particular event we are not even mentioned except in the rarest of cases. We work for less money and benefits that you can imagine and many of us are uncompensated volunteers. It’s a hard job that requires uncommon dedication and skill.
Our President has done something for us that no one has ever done before. Every time he salutes someone in uniform, every time he speaks of the importance of all First Responders, every time he stands publically with one of us we all become the recipients of new respect and recognition – a feeling that we are not accustomed to. This shift in the public consciousness has lifted our spirits and emboldened our dedication to duty. Where we were once unseen actors in the shadows we are now front and center. Every day someone comes up to us and says, “Thank you for your service.” This warms our hearts in a very special way. Frankly, we never thought this day would come – and it wouldn’t have if it were not for President Trump.
He continues to stand up for one issue after another and many others have become the beneficiaries of his strength, unswerving dedication and love for our country. Because of President Trump, we are renewing our relationship with America where we had been taking her for granted. We owe him a great debt of gratitude.
Lon A Fricano, BA, EMT-P Director of Operations TLC Emergency Medical Services