1 minute read

New Affi liation Referral Bonus Program


Do you know a dentist who would benefi t from affi liating with Dental Care Alliance? Maybe the dentist is looking for support to further grow his or her practice?

If so, we’d love to speak with them! As a thank you for making the connection, we’ll reward you with a monetary referral bonus once the transaction closes.

The referral bonus is up to 1% of the sale price. On a $1,000,000 transaction, that is a $10,000 bonus!

This bonus opportunity is available to ALL employees – you do not need to be a doctor to make the referral. We know that many of our team members have relationships with other dentists in their markets, and we would love to speak with other dentists to learn more about their needs and explain DCA’s fl exible affi liation benefi ts.

Please contact David Pegg, Chief Development Offi cer, with any referral: DPegg@DentalCareAlliance.com

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