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Tammy Mackey, OCASA President

Welcome to the Spring 2023 issue of College Administrator magazine. The main theme of this issue of the magazine is Shifting Times, as we examine the evolution and outlook for microcredentials and the launch of new three-year degrees at Ontario Colleges.

In Outlook & Trends in Post-Secondary Education: A Global Future, Denise Amyot, CEO of Colleges and Institutes Canada, shares her take on some of the trends and priorities for Canada’s public colleges.

Also in this issue, we celebrate this year’s OCASA award winners in the following categories: Emerging Leader,

Distinguished Leader, and Doug Light Career Achievement. Congratulations to each of the well-deserving recipients! We want to continue to connect with you, our members. Please reach out any time with story ideas, exciting program news, and celebrations from your colleges. As a member of our association, you are an important part of this community.

Remember that you can always find us on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/ontario-collegeadministrative-staff-association-ocasa-/.

A bit about me: I have been with the college sector since 2003 and an administrator since 2011. I enjoy this dynamic sector. I appreciate the perspective of my fellow college administrators across the province and the knowledge that I have gained from you that informs my role as a Campus Manager and as the President of OCASA.

And on behalf of the OCASA Board of Directors, we appreciate your work and your support. 

Tammy Mackey, Campus Manager, Haileybury Campus, Northern College mackeyt@northern.on.ca

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