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Message from the Executive Director
Welcome to the 2020 Virtual Conference Series
Pam Burnett, Executive Director, GAWP
The year 2020 has been a year of adjustment and learning for all of us. If you had asked me in January if we would be able to operate our conferences completely online, I would have told you I couldn’t imagine it happening; however, som etimes the universe has other plans and you just have to roll up your sleeves, put on your thinking cap, and fi gure out how to get things done.
Here we are: ready to embark on our second online conference this year. We are all missing the comradery and sense of community we get at the in-person conference but I’m really pleased with how we’ve all managed to ‘make lemonade’ and pivot to online events. For this conference, we wanted to try something diff erent so the idea of the ‘conference series’ was born.
We are hoping that spreading sessions out over several weeks will allow more of you to attend, and fi t these sessions into your schedule, without having to take entire days off of work. I’d love to get your feedback on how you feel about this way of doing things – you can always reach me via email at pburnett@gawp.org. I hope you enjoy the sessions you attend and come away with great information in addition to your recertifi cation points!
An extra-special thank you to Trooper Smith and Sarah Skinner, who worked really hard to pull this conference together. Som etimes the universe has other plans and you just have to roll up your sleeves, put on your thinking cap, and fi gure out how to get things done.
FRANK BAILEY 3140 Ellenwood Industrial Dr. Ellenwood, Georgia 30294 allsouthenv@yahoo.com www.allsouthenvironmentalservices.com O ce: 770-961-4332 Fax: 770-961-4277 Cell: 678-409-8737
ALLSOUTH Environmental Services, Inc. is a full service industrial and municipal waste removal company. We have over 50 years combined experience in cleaning digesters, aeration basins, grit collectors, drying beds, clari ers, and pump stations. We o er wet/dry vacuum services, jet/ sewer cleaning services, waste transportation, and disposal. Employees are trained in the areas of con ned space entry, fall protection, chemical hazards, personal protection equipment and decontamination procedures.
ALLSOUTH Environmental Services, Inc. follows all safety procedures as required by the Department of Labor (O.S.H.A.), the Department Of Transportation (D.O.T.), and the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.).