3 minute read

Small Systems North

Justin Shaffer, Small Systems North Trustee

Greetings to all of our Indiana systems! What training opportunities are you looking forward to or what training opportunities would you like to see? If there is a specific topic you would like to see us discuss, whether it is at a district meeting, workshop, or conference session, please let us know. We are eager to help or direct you in the right direction, so that you may find answers you seek. Be sure to take full advantage of all the educational opportunities that the Indiana Section has to offer. There have been some exceptionally well put together spring meetings and workshops throughout the state. Your districts have done a great job and deserve a round of applause for all of their hard work. We have a couple of upcoming events that the Small Systems is working on jointly with the districts. One will be held at the Utility Supply Company in Peru in October, and another in Edinburgh in August. Stay tuned for more information.

We are always here, ready to assist you with whatever we can. If there is a topic you would like to see discussed, please reach out to your district officers or one of our other volunteers with the INAWWA. We are more than happy to assist in getting your needs addressed through the various resources within the AWWA. We are currently looking for anyone who may be interested in being involved and becoming a member of this committee. We also have an open position on the Board for Small Systems South Trustee. These opportunities require just a little bit of your time, and your involvement can make a difference. If you are interested and would like more information, please reach out to either myself, Jeremy Hardy, Chris Johnsen, or your local district officers, and we would be glad to get you more information. Feel free to call the office for contact information for any of these individuals. Thank you!

District Reports

Upcoming District Events

Erich Nugent, Districts Chair

Our districts schedules for the year are posted on our website, or see the below schedule for events in your district.

Southeast District

July 12 Excavation Safety, New Castle

July 20 Valve Exercising Workshop, Brownstown

August 16 Small Systems Workshop, Edinburgh

September 21 8:00am – 1:00pm Southeast Fall Business District Meeting, Location TBA

Central District

July 18 Valve Exercising Workshop, Lafayette

July 26 Annual AWWA Golf Outing, Eagle Creek Golf Course

August 26 Annual Run for World Water 5k downtown along the Canal

September 12 Joint Utility Management Seminar, Indianapolis

October 6 Fall Central District Business Meeting, Speedway

November 7 Fall Workshop details TBA

Northwest District

Chris Johnsen, Trustee

On May 5, the Northwest District held a spring meeting in Valparaiso at the Aberdeen Manor Ballroom. The meeting opened with remarks by District President Paul Vincent and a Section Update by Executive Director Monique Riggs to a crowd of nearly 80 attendees. Following these comments, Aaron Horbovetz of M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. presented on traditional and remote leak detection. Following that presentation, Marcus Hagberg of 120Water presented and demonstrated the lead service line inventory tools developed between 120Water and IDEM. Due to the current urgency around the lead service line inventory and replacement, Jeff Weaver and Bill Etzler with Abonmarche presented on the lessons learned from lead and copper inventory and replacement projects that they have conducted. Finally, Liz Melvin of IDEM discussed some of what is new with IDEM.

Southwest District

June 29 South Operator Symposium, Utility Supply Company, 415 East Phoenix Drive, Huntingburg

September 21 Water for People Concert, Evansville

Northwest District

August 9 Operator Bootcamp, Peru

September 29 Northwest Fall Business District Meeting, Location TBA

October 24 Small Systems Workshop, Peru

Northeast District

June 8 North Operator Symposium, Culy Contracting, Winchester

July 19 Northeast District, Tin Caps Baseball Game and Meeting

July 29 Annual Sunset Cruise, Frog Tavern, Syracuse

Details on Fall District Business Meetings still to come!! Stay tuned and see you around our great State at an Indiana Section event this Summer.

The fall meeting has been scheduled for September 29. The location and topics are to be determined, but we do know that we will be announcing Hurty Awardees, electing new officers for the following year, and, if there are contestants, holding the Meter Challenge to see who will represent the District at the Water Institute in December. The District will also be hosting a workshop later this year.

If there are topics you would like to see presented or you would like to present at the District meetings, please let one of the District Officers know. Also, if you have interest in getting involved in your District, please let one of the officers know. Watch for announcements through email and on the Indiana Section AWWA website.

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