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Greetings, and Happy Spring to all NASTT-NW Chapter members! This will be my last address to the Chapter as Chair, as a new executive will be in place starting in May. George Bontus of Aegion will be taking over as Chapter Chair, Raven Sharma of the City of Selkirk will be your new Vice-Chair, Chaoshi Hu as your new Secretary, and Keith Moggach is staying on as Treasurer. I am very confident I am leaving the Chapter in good hands, and I look

Edmonton, Alberta

forward to actively contributing to the Chapter as Immediate Past Chair.

In the last year, we have accomplished a lot in a seemingly new world to operate in. George and Chaoshi Hu have got Edmonton Technical Lunches back up and running, and Craig Pass has done the same in Calgary. Look for Technical Lunched coming to Manitoba in the fall of 2023, courtesy of Raven’s efforts!

The Canadian Chapters, along with NASTT and Benjamin Media, hosted a record setting No-Dig North in Toronto. Our Northwest Chapter is the host Chapter for No-Dig North 2023 in Edmonton, AB, running from October 23-25, 2023. I hope to see as many of you there as possible.

I would like to extend thanks to Chris Lamont (lamontc@ae.ca) and Craig Pass (passc@ae.ca) of Associated for chairing the Program and Technical Committees for the 2023 show. They are always looking for volunteers, so feel free to reach out to them if you would like to get involved!

A new set of Chapter bylaws has been drafted and is currently subject to review by the NASTT Board of Directors. Once approved, they will be distributed to the NW Chapter members to vote on the new bylaws. Our last bylaw update was done in 2008. These updates are to modernize the way the Board operates, especially when it comes to remote meetings, votes, and other challenges that we have over a large geographic area and promotes the use of the technology available to us to conduct business. Look for these bylaws coming your way shortly, and please vote!

Finally, it has been my pleasure to chair this Board of Directors over the past year. It is exciting to see people re-engaging in the industry, meeting again in person, and sharing our collective knowledge and experience. I look forward to continued engagement in the industry, and maintaining the relationships developed from my time as Chair.

With Sincerest Thanks,

Shane Cooper Outgoing Chair, NASTT Northwest Chapter

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