1 minute read

Rangeview Sanitary Trunk Project Challenges and Mitigation Measures


We found that it is important to have good planning and engineering in place in the design stage for the success of the RST project. We also learned that it equally important to have a plan for the construction stage as unexpected challenges can arise at the time of construction.

The project has gone through challenges that were expected, unforeseen, or through human error. However, despite those challenges, the impact on the project schedule and cost could be minimized. Some of the factors that contributed to these include preparation put into the project at the design stage in selecting an experienced contractor and having the risk assessment and allocating the necessary contingency budget including third party insurance.

The other factor that helped to bring the project back on track was the project communication strategy. The communication on the project was open and transparent among all parties involved including the contractor, sub-contractors, the Client, and the consultant. This helped in building trust among all parties involved which contributed to the success of the project so far.


• AECOM Canada Ltd, (2017) –Rangeview Sanitary Trunk

Preliminary Design Report, Issued for Value Engineering, Calgary, AB, Canada

• AECOM Canada Ltd, (2019) –Rangeview Sanitary Trunk

Geotechnical Baseline Report, Calgary, AB, Canada

• AECOM Canada Ltd, (2019) –Rangeview Sanitary Trunk

Geotechnical Data Report, Calgary, AB, Canada

• AECOM Canada Ltd, (2019) –Baseline Environmental Soil and Groundwater AssessmentRangeview Sanitary Trunk, Calgary, AB, Canada

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