Select now. Pay in full at selection time. Or pay half down on your bulls and at delivery time we will collect the last payment on your purchase. Bulls are guaranteed breeders. We guarantee the bulls through the first breeding season. During the second season if something happens we will work with you as much as we possibly can.
feed & Development
We believe that our livestock are here to harvest and utilize what others can’t. We run our cowherd on dry land native range along with diversified tame grasses and crop aftermath. The bulls are fed on a ration to develop them into sound, functional, usable bulls for big country. They are fed to gain 2.5 lbs. per day. The ration consists of cracked corn, mix of grass hay/barley hay, and corn silage.
• At Birth: Vision 7
• At Branding: Vision 7, Vista Once & Nasal Gen
• Fall Preconditioning: Vision 7 with Somnus, Vista Once, Nasal Gen & Poured for Parasites
• 2 rounds of Foot Rot Vaccine and a pre-breeding shot, poured before delivery.
• Heifers are bangs vaccinated, bred heifers are ultrasounded with calving dates and calf sex.
• Bulls will be semen tested and complete fertility exam completed.
We are located 24 miles north of Circle, Montana on Hwy 13 and 5 miles east on Rd. 254. We are 5 miles south of Vida and 5 miles east on 254.
From Richey, stay on Rd 254 for 20 miles west. First 12 miles have been paved. After Red Water river the road turns to gravel. 7 miles of gravel to ranch.
Matt Beery H: 406-773-5721 • Matt - C: 406-979-5720 bllcattle@gmail.com • www.beeryherefords.com
Joanne Beery H: 406-773-5710 • C: 406-979-5710 bll@midrivers.com
madri blom C: 406-979-5711 • blom.anebell@gmail.com
ethan beery C: 406-979-5723
Address: 503 MT HWY 254, Vida, MT 59274 ALL BULLS ARE DNA PROFILED
Greetings from the Beery’s. We are pleased to bring you our 2023 sale bull line up. Again, we want to THANK YOU all for using our genetics. Our entire program is oriented around the commercial cowman.
Our year was considerably better than last but still our area is recovering from the extreme drought and still had the challenges of grasshoppers. As always, we know there are challenges in our line of work. Although challenges build character and push our operation but man sometimes, I really don’t think we need much more character, especially after 3-day blizzards the third week of April. We contineu to be proud of our cowherd for striving through these ups and downs. We see and feel the pressures every year to find and introduce the right genetics into our operation that will be able to survive and strive in our environment. Any way we look into our Hereford or Red angus programs, we have to have practical genetics. Dad always preached to us that we all are in the beef industry, but we are in the cow business first and our factory is the range cow. Our cow herd consists of cattle that are broody, stout and sound while maintaining all other important traits such as calving ease, do-ability and over all udder quality. Only from improving our cowherd consistently we can improve the quality of bulls that we sell every year. Same as all our customers, we run a mother cow to harvest what others can’t in an intense environment and raise a profitable calf by fall. With an exciting line up of cattle offered this year at the ranch we proudly can say that the cream of the crop is only being offered. Only half of the bull calves being born on our ranch are being offered to you while the other half as steers are in the Hereford Feedout Program at HRC Feeders in Kansas. Hoping to give us more of an insight of the type of cattle that we are producing and what they will do on the rail. This year we have brought in different genetics to move our program forward. 45H Forty Creek has been used exclusively on the Sensation genetics to improve a few things including hardiness, bone, and overall structure quality into his progeny. Nascar is a New Zealand bull that is complete outcross sire to do the same. We were limited on the amount of semen, so the contemporary group is smaller but full of quality. Again, we demand these cattle to perform productively and profitably to do the same for our customers. Our beef industry is loaded with great angus genetics and that is where these Hereford bulls shine is to even make their offspring that more profitable with a bald white-faced calf. As in years past, I have made statements about the best thing we have done around here is to introduce the red angus cattle to our program. From comparing and considering both breeds, we demand both Hereford and red angus to shine. We can use each other’s positive treats or weakness to make each type of cattle better. We see in the red angus genetic selections that these breeders are all about the latest bull or what is trendy. Like a bunch of sheep. They all run for the gate first to see who can pimp them genetics first. For a breed that has been developed around the commercial man more than any other we strive not to chase fads or what everyone else is using. The Domain sire group has been working well for us. BLL Mindbender sold to Westphall red angus and has done us a lot of good. The outcross Money Talks calves have come nicely and have developed into moderate phenotypically balanced cattle that we are also very excited about.
Again, we THANK YOU for all your continued support and faith in our program. The same as past years we invite you to come see our program. Go through our mother cows and make your bull selection. We will finish wintering the bulls, semen test in April and deliver to your ranch late April and into May. Let’s be positive to this year’s production with hopes of higher cattle markets and lots of well needed moisture!
- Matt Beery
Be sure to like us on Facebook and visit our website: www.beeryherefords.com
Thank you again,
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- 5CE 2.9 BW 2.8 WW 54 YW 87 M 26 MG 53 REA 0.41 MARB 0.12 $BMI 342 $CHB 115 BREED AVERAGES 001A 8300F 54F 4040 7H YW 77 MILK 18 MG 45 REA 0.38 MARB 0.13 $BMI 389 $CHB 99 4040 BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 CE 10.4 BW 0 WW 53 DOB: 1/25/14 REG: 43472233 SIRE: TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y DAM: DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 16 SONS SELL. Extreme calving ease, vigorous calves at birth, udder-improver that will moderate mature size & keep fleshing ability. Excellent choice to use on Angus heifers. Calved his first daughters and they are beautiful uddered cows with strong motherability. H/P/S: HETEROZYGOUS POLLED YW 92 MILK 29 MG 57 REA 0.53 MARB 0.11 $BMI 447 $CHB 136 7H BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H CE 3.7 BW 2.6 WW 56 DOB: 2/25/20 REG: 44166563 SIRE: BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DAM: BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F 14 SONS SELL. Home raised sire,adds a tremendous amount of thickness and natural depth of body with good bone and structurally correctness to his calves. H/P/S: HETEROZYGOUS POLLED YW 106 MILK 29 MG 62 REA 0.7 MARB 0.38 $BMI 299 $CHB 178 001A GERBER ANODYNE 001A CE 8.2 BW 1 WW 66 DOB: 1/27/13 REG: 43408924 SIRE: KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 DAM: GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y 5 SONS SELL. He proved his value as a calving ease sire, increase growth, carcass value, add pigment and easy handling disposition. H/P/S: HETEROZYGOUS POLLED YW 114 MILK 35 MG 70 REA 0.52 MARB 0.07 $BMI 481 $CHB 124 8300F CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CE 10.5 BW 1.3 WW 70 DOB: 3/14/18 REG: 43938746 SIRE: R LEADER 6964 DAM: CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET 13 SONS SELL. He adds pigment for cross breeding, added lenght and growth for pounds along with maternal traits and he has passed that exactly on to his offspring. Don’t think you can get them any darker. H/P/S: HOMOZYGOUS POLLED YW 90 MILK 23 MG 51 REA 0.15 MARB 0.15 $BMI 394 $CHB 94 54F NJW 161Z 53D JOURNEY 54F CE 7.8 BW 1 WW 56 DOB: 2/1/18 REG: 43943310 SIRE: NJW 84B 10W JOURNEY 53D DAM: NJW 39S 38W PRAIRIE 161Z 7 SONS SELL. Combination of calving ease with curve bending growth, volume and stoutness to his progeny. Udder -improver and top maternal genetics. H/P/S: HOMOZYGOUS POLLED
Do you have a write up for here? - 65K 6K 5K BLL 4040 DEXTER 5K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 76S 27A LONG RANGE 203D ET BLL 203D LADY LONG RANGE 90H LADY AGA STAND 137Y 4W DOB: 2/26/22 Reg #44383303 Great heifer bull. One of the higher CED bulls in the offering. Big time calving ease along with longevity. Grandam is a 14-year-old functional female with a 103 MPPA. CED 17.6 BW -2.8 WW 37 YW 57 Milk 22 MG 40 Adj. WW 584 WW Ratio 91 BW 60 WW 557 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.35 Marb 0.1 BMI$ 421 CHB$ 91 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 6K BLL 4040 KNOX 6K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 BLL R117 RIB EYE 124E BLL 124E LADY SIRLOIN 196H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 34D DOB: 2/26/22 Reg #44383304 Dam is a attractive Rib Eye daughter with a perfect 9-9 teat and udder score. Very balanced calving ease bull with a good, baldy maternal and CHB. CED 12.2 BW 0.9 WW 49 YW 73 Milk 23 MG 48 Adj. WW 599 WW Ratio 93 BW 63 WW 568 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.33 Marb 0.07 BMI$ 440 CHB$ 113 SCURRED
- 79k 15k 20k 9K BLL 4040 LB JACKSON 9K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 161Z 53D JOURNEY 54F BLL 54F LB LADY JOURNEY 2H SR MISS CRUISE 1836 DOB: 2/26/22 Reg #44383305 A good CED, calving ease bull with top rankings for all indexes and end product merit value. Same cow family as 157K. Grandam MPPA 105. Very docile. CED 10.4 BW 1.6 WW 53 YW 86 Milk 26 MG 52 Adj. WW 588 WW Ratio 91 BW 78 WW 565 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.39 Marb 0.13 BMI$ 435 CHB$ 113 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 15K BLL 4040 BEAU 15K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 73S 38W RIMROCK 27C ET BLL 27C LADY RIMROCK 86H BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 3B DOB: 2/28/22 Reg #44383309 All-around curve bending performance bull and has a great pedigree with built in maternal genetics. Tremendous growth and spread from BW to WW with a 111 WW ratio. Grandam’s MPPA is 106 and she always weans the heaviest calves. She has proven that again. Same cow family as 140K. CED 11.2 BW -0.1 WW 51 YW 77 Milk 28 MG 54 Adj. WW 717 WW Ratio 111 BW 74 WW 680 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.38 Marb 0.11 BMI$ 419 CHB$ 102 SCURRED 20K BLL 001A ANODYNE 20K KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER ANODYNE 001A GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y NJW 11B 028X HOSS 41E ET BLL 41E LADY HOSS 118H BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 157Y DOB: 3/1/22 Reg #44375104 New AI sire to our line up. Calves, both bulls and heifers, are absolute standouts that have that extra length and width down their top. Nice growth without sacrificing milk, fertility and carcass values. CED 5.5 BW 1.4 WW 57 YW 91 Milk 28 MG 56 Adj. WW 675 WW Ratio 105 BW 75 WW 638 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.42 Marb 0.23 BMI$ 340 CHB$ 131 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 821k 23k 24k 21K BLL 4040 NOAH 21K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 BLL R117 RIB EYE 124E BLL 124E LADY SIRLOIN 100H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 40D DOB: 3/1/22 Reg #44383313 Moderate birth weight with performance. Great choice for saving replacements. His dam has a perfect 9-9 teat and udder score. He will add length to his offspring. CED 6.7 BW 2 WW 52 YW 86 Milk 18 MG 44 Adj. WW 635 WW Ratio 99 BW 75 WW 600 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.34 Marb 0.13 BMI$ 389 CHB$ 120 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 23K BLL 001A ANODYNE 23K KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER ANODYNE 001A GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y NJW 35Z 203D LONG RANGE 141F BLL 141F LADY LONG RANGE 92H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 63E DOB: 3/1/22 Reg #44374435 Very solid calf from end-to-end that combines light birth weight with top end performance. He has a well balanced set of EPD’s to back him up. Dam is one of my favorite young Long Range cows. She has an excellent udder. 100% eye pigmented. Well-developed scrotum. CED 11.6 BW 0.2 WW 62 YW 95 Milk 32 MG 63 Adj. WW 670 WW Ratio 104 BW 66 WW 634 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.48 Marb 0.26 BMI$ 392 CHB$ 133 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 24K BLL 001A ANODYNE 24K KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER ANODYNE 001A GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 LADY FT KNOX 44H BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 134F DOB: 3/1/22 Reg #44374248 Carcass. Performance. Style. This Anodyne son has it all! Very attractive, dark cherry red and 100% pigmented. Raised by a first calf heifer with a tight, tidy udder. Highest CHB and REA of the offspring. CED 0.2 BW 2.7 WW 73 YW 117 Milk 25 MG 62 Adj. WW 690 WW Ratio 107 BW 74 WW 655 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.82 Marb 0.14 BMI$ 315 CHB$ 157 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED
- 925k 28k 25K BLL 001A ANODYNE 25K KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER ANODYNE 001A GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 LADY FT KNOX 20H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 18F DOB: 3/1/22 Reg #44374224 A dark red, square made, 100% pigmented calf that is easy fleshing and offers calving ease, maternal and carcass with a high CHB. CED 9 BW -0.1 WW 55 YW 90 Milk 23 MG 50 Adj. WW 631 WW Ratio 98 BW 74 WW 600 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.45 Marb 0.35 BMI$ 360 CHB$ 141 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 28K BLL 001A ANODYNE 28K KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 GERBER ANODYNE 001A GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 LADY FT KNOX 27H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 73F DOB: 3/1/22 Reg #44374234 Calving ease bull, traditionally marked with cool pigmentation, level top line and added thickness. Lots of performance on both sides of the pedigree. WW ratio of 112. His dam and grandam both have picture-perfect udders and are broody females that take care of business with MPPAs of 103. Bulls like this one help pay the bills when you market their calves. CED 14.4 BW 0.8 WW 64 YW 98 Milk 30 MG 62 Adj. WW 721 WW Ratio 112 BW 75 WW 685 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.67 Marb 0.33 BMI$ 422 CHB$ 141 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED In eastern Montana our feed base is controlled by what mother nature allows us to produce. We develop these breeding cattle on a high forage ration and deliver it to them in a TMR form. Our nutrition goals are to target genetic potential without ever sacrificing longevity of the individual.
- 1029k 32k 37k 29K BLL 4040 KOLE 29K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 BLL R117 RIB EYE 124E BLL 124E LADY SIRLOIN 141H BLL 85Z LADY BRITISHER 107D DOB: 3/1/22 Reg #44383317 Wide based FT KNOX son with a lot of capacity, added natural thickness with vivid muscle expression and a big hip. Expect to produce productive females. Will add pounds to your steers. CED -0.2 BW 4.2 WW 47 YW 75 Milk 18 MG 42 Adj. WW 593 WW Ratio 92 BW 76 WW 560 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.32 Marb 0.19 BMI$ 347 CHB$ 116 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 32K BLL 4040 KNOX 32K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 8H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 74F DOB: 3/2/22 Reg #44383320 A solid, correct, deep ribbed and really clean fronted, extended, calving ease bull with exceptional testicle growth. Complete standout, a curve bender, both in phenotype and on paper. CED 11.5 BW 1.4 WW 62 YW 90 Milk 34 MG 65 Adj. WW 696 WW Ratio 108 BW 67 WW 660 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.49 Marb 0.21 BMI$ 443 CHB$ 123 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 37K BLL 4040 KILLIAN 37K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 BLL R117 RIB EYE 124E BLL 124E LADY SIRLOIN 204H BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 16B DOB: 3/3/22 Reg #44383325 Heifer bull that is smooth made through his shoulders with added length. 100% pigmented with a very high BMI. Great for crossbreeding. CED 7.7 BW 0.7 WW 53 YW 82 Milk 29 MG 55 Adj. WW 626 WW Ratio 97 BW 76 WW 585 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.45 Marb 0.21 BMI$ 511 CHB$ 118 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 1138k 41k 45k 38K BLL 4040 LB OLIVER 38K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 161Z 53D JOURNEY 54F BLL 54F LB LADY JOURNEY 1H SR JAMBA DREAMGIRL 1837 DOB: 3/3/22 Reg #44383326 FT KNOX son that you can not go wrong with. Excellent breed character, pattern and design. Will absolutely make feeder calves and land heifers in the replacement pen. Offers extra extension with a big hip. CED 2.3 BW 2.9 WW 65 YW 93 Milk 35 MG 67 Adj. WW 685 WW Ratio 106 BW 82 WW 650 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.49 Marb 0.21 BMI$ 405 CHB$ 125 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 41K BLL 4040 HERCULES 41K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 60H BLL 3B LADY BADGER 133F DOB: 3/4/22 Reg #44383329 Performance oriented bull! Lots of power, muscle and stature...bring the pay weight! Highest WW Ratio 113. CED 3.3 BW 2.9 WW 61 YW 89 Milk 26 MG 57 Adj. WW 725 WW Ratio 113 BW 84 WW 682 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.45 Marb 0 BMI$ 294 CHB$ 86 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 45K BLL 4040 DANIEL 45K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 53H BLL 20B LADY BRIGADER 29F DOB: 3/4/22 Reg #44383332 Ideal heifer bull with unmatched form and function. Dam and Grandam have extra length with a tidy udders. Expect a cow maker that will improve carcass quality. CED 13.4 BW -0.8 WW 49 YW 74 Milk 18 MG 42 Adj. WW 622 WW Ratio 97 BW 65 WW 585 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.43 Marb 0.38 BMI$ 388 CHB$ 142 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 1251k 52k 56k 51K BLL 4040 KYLO 51K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 161Z 53D JOURNEY 54F BLL 54F LADY JOURNEY 172H BLL 204B LADY STANMORE 139E DOB: 3/5/22 Reg #44383339 A sure-fire, calving-ease FT KNOX son out of a 2-year-old. This calf has a sharp, angular design that will make high CED progeny cows. 100% pigment and solid marked. CED 11.1 BW 1 WW 49 YW 74 Milk 21 MG 45 Adj. WW 587 WW Ratio 91 BW 67 WW 548 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.18 Marb 0.01 BMI$ 436 CHB$ 85 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 52K BLL 4040 KENDALL 52K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 35Z 203D LONG RANGE 141F BLL 141F LADY LONG RANGE 165H BLL 3B LADY BADGER 154E DOB: 3/5/22 Reg #44383344 Very attractive, balanced FT KNOX son out of a beautiful, long made Long Range 141F daughter that boasts a perfect udder score. Expect nothing but good docility and quality progeny. CED 5.2 BW 2.5 WW 60 YW 92 Milk 29 MG 59 Adj. WW 675 WW Ratio 105 BW 83 WW 630 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.27 Marb 0.09 BMI$ 369 CHB$ 87 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 56K BLL 4040 KINGSTON 56K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 BLL R117 RIB EYE 124E BLL 124E LADY SIRLOIN 200H BLL 37B LADY SENSATION 176D DOB: 3/7/22 Reg #44383351 A real solid cow-maker kind of bull here. Out of a stunning, beautiful Rib Eye daughter that impressed me with her picture-perfect 9-9 udder score. CED 6.3 BW 1.9 WW 49 YW 70 Milk 19 MG 43 Adj. WW 700 WW Ratio 109 BW 80 WW 648 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.13 Marb 0.18 BMI$ 376 CHB$ 88 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 1357k 58k 69k 57K BLL 7H KILO 57K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 50H BLL 3B LADY BADGER 179F DOB: 3/7/22 Reg #44374253 Dark cherry red, long made and more traditionally marked. Out of a beautiful Homeland dam with a 9-9 udder-teat score. Great maternal, BMI, CHB and growth. CED -3.1 BW 4.9 WW 62 YW 101 Milk 32 MG 63 Adj. WW 600 WW Ratio 93 BW 80 WW 560 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.49 Marb 0.25 BMI$ 439 CHB$ 142 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 58K BLL 4040 KASH 58K TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 35Z 203D LONG RANGE 141F BLL 141F LADY LONG RANGE 219H LADY VAN DAKOTA 53T DOB: 3/8/22 Reg #44383353 Calving-ease specialist that is an eye catcher. Excellent pigment, a ton of depth, square hipped, great feet and legs and highly fertile. He is set up to produce some outstanding females for your herd and his male offspring should be scale pounders as well. Dual-purpose kind of bull that can be used on heifers and cows. If that doesn’t convince you, check out his EPD spread. CED 16.3 BW 0.3 WW 57 YW 88 Milk 27 MG 56 Adj. WW 690 WW Ratio 107 BW 65 WW 635 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.23 Marb 0.05 BMI$ 434 CHB$ 91 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 69K BLL 7H KLAUS 69K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F BLL TRAVELLER 9121W 185Y BLL LADY TRAVELLER 185Y 74B LADY DIAMOND 83W DOB: 3/14/22 Reg #44378538 This 7H son has a ton of performance in his pedigree. He is stout-made with great base width, muscle, added bone and frame from a 9-year-old cow that has a 364-day calving interval; she is balanced for birth weight and performance. Dam has a 104 MPPA. With a BWR of 104 and WWR of 105 on 7 calves and a YWR of 109 on 5 calves. CED -2.3 BW 4.5 WW 57 YW 93 Milk 32 MG 60 Adj. WW 658 WW Ratio 102 BW 90 WW 681 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.48 Marb 0 BMI$ 350 CHB$ 115 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 1472k 111k 115k 72K BLL 7H KIRBY 72K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F AGA 2U BRITISHER 85Z BLL 85Z LADY BRITISHER 107D BLL LADY WARRIOR 26X 127A DOB: 3/14/22 Reg #44378669 This guy has plenty of meat and thickness. One of the deepest 7H sons that has lots of volume and rib shape. Out of a productive, functional, Canadian bred cow. If you feed cattle and performance and muscle are your game, then this is the bull for you! CED 2.4 BW 4.5 WW 58 YW 94 Milk 26 MG 55 Adj. WW 654 WW Ratio 102 BW 88 WW 674 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.44 Marb 0.13 BMI$ 407 CHB$ 121 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 111K BLL 7H KREW 111K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 23G BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 13E DOB: 3/18/22 Reg #44378270 This bull has ‘MATERNAL’ written all over him and his pedigree. Dam and grandam are beautiful, top producing cows with 9-9 teat and udder scores. Both have 102 MPPA’s. Grandam, 13E, has a WWR of 103 on four calves and YWR of 109 on two calves. CED -0.8 BW 4.3 WW 62 YW 101 Milk 37 MG 68 Adj. WW 662 WW Ratio 103 BW 90 WW 638 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.58 Marb 0.14 BMI$ 471 CHB$ 132 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 115K BLL 7H KYLO 115K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F MOHICAN BAR STAR REVVED UP 78A BLL 78A LADY REVVED UP 24F BLL 20B LADY BRIGADER 10D DOB: 3/18/22 Reg #44379046 Real powerhouse 7H son with extra growth, muscle and added length. Outstanding EPD Profile. 100% eye pigment and an athletic build. A bull that will cover some country and get your cows bred. CED 8.8 BW 1.3 WW 61 YW 99 Milk 31 MG 61 Adj. WW 642 WW Ratio 100 BW 85 WW 635 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.6 Marb 0.07 BMI$ 412 CHB$ 138 SCURRED
- 15123k 125k 126k 123K BLL 7H KERNEL 123K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 82G BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 11B DOB: 3/20/22 Reg #44378954 This 7H son is one of the most attractive bull that has the prettiest eye pigment of all the 7H sons with his dark cherry color. He has the highest Milk EPD (40) of the group. His dam is one of our favorite Masterpiece daughters that is hard to fault with her perfect udder. He and his dam made a beautiful pair. A well-balanced bull that will help make a beautiful cow herd for his new owner. CED 1.8 BW 3.4 WW 59 YW 95 Milk 40 MG 69 Adj. WW 628 WW Ratio 98 BW 89 WW 601 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.26 Marb 0.16 BMI$ 532 CHB$ 115 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 125K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 125K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E BLL 20B BRIGADER 14D BLL 14D LADY BRIGADER 188F BLL 37B LADY SENSATION 176D DOB: 3/3/22 Reg #44392775 He is good patterned, smooth-made, level topped and is an honest calf that doesn’t have a lot of holes. Don’t miss this opportunity on a polled FORTY CREEK son. Small teat size uddered cow that is very feminine. CED 6.7 BW 2.6 WW 47 YW 75 Milk 28 MG 51 Adj. WW 547 WW Ratio 85 BW 87 WW 565 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.33 Marb 0.22 BMI$ 442 CHB$ 136 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 126K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 126K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 103E LADY STANDARD 4U DOB: 3/20/22 Reg #44378829 This Red Baron son is bred to make momma cows. She has a tremendous amount of capacity and will pass the udder quality. Very strong cow family behind him. Very attractive, pigmented, deep-thick quartered female maker. CED -2.3 BW 4 WW 62 YW 102 Milk 32 MG 63 Adj. WW 575 WW Ratio 89 BW 90 WW 575 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.47 Marb 0.12 BMI$ 431 CHB$ 116 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED
- 16131k 140k 141k 131K BLL 7H KILIMANJARO 131K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 118E BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 240Y DOB: 3/21/22 Reg #44378839 Herd bull status with a high WW & WWR!! Phenotypically and structurally one of the best built 7H sons. He has a dark cherry color with a white crest. He’s eye appealing with added length and a deep hind quaetered. Out of a 6-year-old, bigger framed, Masterpiece daughter with a 371-day calving interval. She is a high performance cow with a 106 MPPA with a BWR of 105 and WWR of 108 on 4 calves and a YWR of 103 on 2 calves. CED -2.4 BW 4.3 WW 54 YW 90 Milk 24 MG 51 Adj. WW 700 WW Ratio 109 BW 90 WW 698 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.31 Marb 0.2 BMI$ 439 CHB$ 130 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 140K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 140K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 3B BLL LADY BRAVE 26X 73Z DOB: 3/22/22 Reg #44378664 He measured the highest actual weaning weight and highest gaining bull at 3.94 lbs/day from weaning. He should add pay weight and muscle to a set of calves while keeping them short marked and attractive. His 9-year-old dam is a top Sensation daughter that is long-made. She weans the heaviest calves every year. With a 106 MPPA and a 370-day calving interval with a WWR of 107 on 6 calves. He brings maternal power and performance. CED 4.4 BW 2.4 WW 62 YW 104 Milk 33 MG 64 Adj. WW 706 WW Ratio 110 BW 92 WW 712 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.22 Marb -0.03 BMI$ 395 CHB$ 93 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 141K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 141K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET BLL STANDARD TIME 743 7X BLL LADY TRAVEL TIME 7X 56B BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 217Y DOB: 3/22/22 Reg #44378665 Balanced shape and character, well pigmented, from strong cow family. Won’t hurt you anywhere you use him. 3.51lbs/day gain from weaning. CED 6.9 BW 1.1 WW 56 YW 91 Milk 29 MG 57 Adj. WW 545 WW Ratio 85 BW 90 WW 550 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.3 Marb 0.23 BMI$ 465 CHB$ 126 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 17144k 145k 148k 144K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 144K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 92F LADY WARRIOR 5W DOB: 3/22/22 Reg #44378909 He is complete in nearly every way with an extra punch of maternal heterosis. Bred for extra longevity and fleshing ability. Love this cow family! Grandam was an easy keeper and very functional female and did it till the age of 13. Same cow family as 148K. With a 3.56lbs/day gain from weaning. CED 12 BW 1.2 WW 53 YW 88 Milk 30 MG 57 Adj. WW 637 WW Ratio 99 BW 87 WW 622 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.48 Marb 0.12 BMI$ 415 CHB$ 126 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 145K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 145K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET MOHICAN BAR STAR REVVED UP 78A BLL 78A LADY REVVED UP 32F BLL 37B LADY SENSATION 129D DOB: 3/22/22 Reg #44378851 Eye catching, dark cherry, Red Baron son with great pigment. He will sire some fancy looking baldies with some growth and performance. Out of a 5-year-old Revved Up daughter with added frame and a 102 MPPA. CED 6 BW 1.6 WW 57 YW 98 Milk 32 MG 60 Adj. WW 653 WW Ratio 102 BW 88 WW 638 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.32 Marb 0.18 BMI$ 358 CHB$ 127 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 148K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 148K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 96E LADY WARRIOR 5W DOB: 3/22/22 Reg #44378962 As much top width, thickness and performance as any bull in the offering. Add weight, muscle and style while maintaining maternal integrity! Bred for longevity and fleshing ability. Same cow family as 144K. CED 6.8 BW 1.9 WW 64 YW 101 Milk 36 MG 68 Adj. WW 670 WW Ratio 104 BW 88 WW 666 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.38 Marb 0.03 BMI$ 406 CHB$ 115 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 18154k 155k 156k 154K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 154K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET BLL TRAVELLER 185Y 40A BLL 40A LADY TRAVELLER 108D BLL SA TIME 743 16X DOB: 3/23/22 Reg #44378670 Unique individual that is built solid from the ground up. A genetic treasure with dominating phenotype. He is deep-sided, with added length, extra thickness and muscle shape with a dark cherry color. Real performance, maternal strength and a well developed scrotum. CED -0.2 BW 3 WW 67 YW 112 Milk 35 MG 68 Adj. WW 633 WW Ratio 99 BW 90 WW 635 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.59 Marb 0.05 BMI$ 383 CHB$ 131 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 155K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 155K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 85F BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 3B DOB: 3/23/22 Reg #44378906 These Red Baron sons are attractive with there dark color and pigment they offer. This son has added frame and length and should be great for crossbreeding and feeder calves. CED -0.6 BW 4.1 WW 65 YW 108 Milk 38 MG 70 Adj. WW 683 WW Ratio 106 BW 90 WW 665 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.44 Marb -0.06 BMI$ 449 CHB$ 98 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 156K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 156K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET BLL WARRIOR 309 26X BLL LADY WARRIOR 26X 136A LADY RIBEYE 117R 7W DOB: 3/23/22 Reg #44378662 He packs incredible thickness, muscle, volume and fleshing ability into a moderate medium framed package. This rugged beast is sure to sire soft made big bodied cattle that push down scales. His dam is a 10-year-old sound, excellent, easy keeping cow. Very docile! CED 3.8 BW 2.5 WW 55 YW 84 Milk 23 MG 50 Adj. WW 661 WW Ratio 103 BW 90 WW 660 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.38 Marb -0.01 BMI$ 396 CHB$ 97 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED
- 19157k 161k 164k 157K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 157K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET SR CCC JAMBALAYA 1404B ET SR JAMBA DREAMGIRL 1837 SR MS RIBEYE 1405 DOB: 3/23/22 Reg #44382582 Maternal made, high volume and good looking. This sire group sticks out in terms of being massive in their makeup and EPD profile. If you like them dark, cherry red the Red Baron sire group is yours to pick from. Most consistent, overall balanced bull in terms of phenotype and genetic performance. Dam has a 105 MPPA and WWR of 107 on 3 calves. CED 10.6 BW 1.2 WW 53 YW 82 Milk 32 MG 59 Adj. WW 688 WW Ratio 107 BW 88 WW 670 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.56 Marb 0.18 BMI$ 439 CHB$ 117 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 161K BLL 7H KINGPIN 161K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET BLL 81E LADY HISTORIC 140G BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 207Y DOB: 3/23/22 Reg #44378517 This shapely rascal is ideal in terms of his length, frame, feet and leg structure. He’s round ribbed, bold bodied and has a killer look from the side. He comes together as an all-around herd sire that can move a program in the right direction. CED 7.9 BW -0.3 WW 37 YW 60 Milk 30 MG 49 Adj. WW 667 WW Ratio 104 BW 84 WW 632 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.18 Marb 0.23 BMI$ 462 CHB$ 104 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 164K BLL 7H KORBIN 164K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 44G BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 93E DOB: 3/24/22 Reg #44378380 Excellent pigment in a dark cherry red color with a square hip. He’s stylish, plus has great feet and legs. Bred to be a cow maker! CED -0.6 BW 2.9 WW 48 YW 75 Milk 32 MG 55 Adj. WW 568 WW Ratio 88 BW 82 WW 538 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.46 Marb 0.24 BMI$ 489 CHB$ 132 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 20165k 167k 176k 165K BLL 54F KOA 165K NJW 84B 10W JOURNEY 53D NJW 161Z 53D JOURNEY 54F NJW 39S 38W PRAIRIE 161Z NJW 73S 38W RIDGE 103C ET BLL 103C LADY RIDGE 12G BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 23E DOB: 3/24/22 Reg #44378265 No eye pigment but is solid red. Journey sons have exceeded our expectations for excellent breed character, fleshing ability, muscle and overall function. Excellent genetic potential. Strong maternal! CED 1.7 BW 1.5 WW 56 YW 92 Milk 29 MG 57 Adj. WW 678 WW Ratio 105 BW 84 WW 642 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.4 Marb 0.06 BMI$ 435 CHB$ 104 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 167K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 167K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET BLL STANDARD TIME 743 7X BLL LADY TIME 7X 65B BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 157Y DOB: 3/24/22 Reg #44378666 Moderate frame with unique eye pigment. High BMI and longevity in his pedigree. CED 6.5 BW 1.3 WW 47 YW 81 Milk 28 MG 50 Adj. WW 547 WW Ratio 85 BW 85 WW 549 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.29 Marb -0.01 BMI$ 442 CHB$ 98 SCURRED 176K BLL 54F KRUZER 176K NJW 84B 10W JOURNEY 53D NJW 161Z 53D JOURNEY 54F NJW 39S 38W PRAIRIE 161Z BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 94E BLOM LADY TRAVELLER 185Y 21A DOB: 3/25/22 Reg #44378826 One of the very BEST 54F sons offered. From a cow family that leaves great udders. Very productive and extremely maternally inclined. Dam has a 102 MPPA with a BWR of 108, WWR of 102 on 4 calves and a YWR of 109 on 2 calves. Last year this sire group was some of the popular groups to sell for overall performance and phenotype. Same cow family as 154K and 181K. CED -1.3 BW 3.6 WW 58 YW 86 Milk 23 MG 52 Adj. WW 639 WW Ratio 99 BW 89 WW 629 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.34 Marb 0.11 BMI$ 414 CHB$ 93 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 21177k 181k 186k 177K BLL 7H KOBE 177K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET BLL 81E LADY HISTORIC 81G BLL LADY TIME 7X 61B DOB: 3/25/22 Reg #44378445 Moderate frame, well pigmented for crossbreeding and has a great hair coat! Solid pedigree with maternal traits. His grandam was one of my favorite 7X daughters that was solid red and easy doing. CED 6.7 BW -1 WW 39 YW 58 Milk 27 MG 46 Adj. WW 573 WW Ratio 89 BW 79 WW 540 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.05 Marb 0.12 BMI$ 428 CHB$ 85 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 181K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 181K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET BLL TRAVELLER 9121W 185Y BLOM LADY TRAVELLER 185Y 21A BLL SA TIME 743 16X DOB: 3/26/22 Reg #44378658 Higher performing Red Baron son, heavier BW, WWR of a 108. He offers growth, maternal, carcass with a high BMI & CHB! Out of a 10-year-old with a 368-day calving interval and a WWR of 101 on 8 calves. Same genetic potential and cow family as 154K. CED 2.2 BW 4.6 WW 64 YW 104 Milk 28 MG 60 Adj. WW 692 WW Ratio 108 BW 94 WW 684 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.61 Marb 0.15 BMI$ 437 CHB$ 138 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 186K BLL 8300F RED HOTSHOT 186K R LEADER 6964 CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET MOHICAN BAR STAR REVVED UP 78A BLL 78A LADY REVVED UP 55F BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 17D DOB: 3/27/22 Reg #44378873 He is the darkest Red Baron son in the offering. Long bodied, thick topped, clean fronted with a moderate birth weight, high CED, BMI and CHB index. He means business! CED 11.1 BW 0.9 WW 59 YW 92 Milk 35 MG 64 Adj. WW 626 WW Ratio 97 BW 89 WW 602 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.35 Marb 0.13 BMI$ 498 CHB$ 120 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED
- 22187k 190k 191k 187K BLL 89 KAIRO 187K KCF BENNETTE ENCORE Z311 ET B VIGILANTE 89 MC PW633 VICTORIA 1220 KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 70G BLL LADY WARRIOR 26X 136A DOB: 3/27/22 Reg #44378402 Lots of performance, muscle and capacity while maintaining maternal integrity! Out of the sexiest, most moderate Homeland daughter with a 9-9 udder score. Grandam is 10-year-old. Same cow family as 156K. CED 5.5 BW 2.3 WW 54 YW 85 Milk 28 MG 55 Adj. WW 574 WW Ratio 89 BW 70 WW 538 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.48 Marb 0.11 BMI$ 423 CHB$ 121 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 190K BLL 7H KENZO 190K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 22G BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 103E DOB: 3/28/22 Reg #44378268 Very attractive 7H son that is hard to fault! These 7H sons all have big square hips and amazing bone and foot structure. This son shows as well. Not to mention his stunning, beautiful, perfect uddered Homeland daughter. Highest BMI, baldy, maternal, carcass, growth, maternal are being offered. CED -2 BW 3.7 WW 63 YW 101 Milk 32 MG 64 Adj. WW 642 WW Ratio 100 BW 88 WW 600 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.67 Marb 0.06 BMI$ 538 CHB$ 121 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 191K BLL 7H KEYSTONE 191K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 116E LADY DIAMOND 72S 59W DOB: 3/28/22 Reg #44378835 Here is a very complete 7H son. A balanced bull with breed-leading character. Lots of potential here. CED -1.3 BW 3.2 WW 52 YW 85 Milk 32 MG 58 Adj. WW 617 WW Ratio 96 BW 88 WW 602 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.48 Marb 0.09 BMI$ 416 CHB$ 110 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED
- 23195k 198k 199k 195K BLL 89 KAZOO 195K KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET B VIGILANTE 89 MC PW633 VICTORIA 1220 KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 LADY HOMELAND 136G BLL LADY DIATIME 14U 4Z DOB: 3/28/22 Reg #44378959 Here is a bull that has a lot to offer and carries himself with a lot of pride. He has an athletic build that will cover some country and get your cows bred while adding pounds and frame to a set of feeder calves. He is as long a bull as you will find and he carries great thickness. CED 2.9 BW 3.7 WW 59 YW 96 Milk 29 MG 58 Adj. WW 707 WW Ratio 110 BW 96 WW 660 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.51 Marb 0.06 BMI$ 408 CHB$ 118 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 198K BLL 54F KELSO 198K NJW 84B 10W JOURNEY 53D NJW 161Z 53D JOURNEY 54F NJW 39S 38W PRAIRIE 161Z CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 74F BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 52Y DOB: 3/29/22 Reg #44378893 This bull is complete, and he is built around longevity. His grandam, 52Y, went to heaven last summer. She passed peacefully in the hills and left us with a fancy NASCAR daughter to carry on her legacy at the 11 years of age. Strong maternal, balanced EPD profile, high CHB. He will add performance to a set of commercial cows. CED 9.2 BW 1.2 WW 60 YW 95 Milk 37 MG 67 Adj. WW 628 WW Ratio 98 BW 82 WW 600 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.47 Marb 0.2 BMI$ 413 CHB$ 133 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED 199K BLL 141F KERNEL 199K NJW 76S 27A LONG RANGE 203D ET NJW 35Z 203D LONG RANGE 141F LB 65U 22U MISS 35Z BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 62F BLL LADY TRAVEL TIME 7X 56B DOB: 3/31/22 Reg #44378878 He is very quiet and docile. A 100% pigmented, breeding piece with a large scrotum - highly fertile stud. He is as long and as thick a bull as you will find anywhere. Dam has a 107 MPPA with a BWR of 110 and WWR of 110 on 3 calves. CED -7.5 BW 4.4 WW 56 YW 93 Milk 21 MG 49 Adj. WW 662 WW Ratio 103 BW 89 WW 628 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.4 Marb -0.01 BMI$ 329 CHB$ 83 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
- 24215k 225k 215K BLL 7H KODY 215K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET BLL 81E LADY HISTORIC 114G LADY AGA STAND 137Y 4W DOB: 4/4/22 Reg #44378507 A smooth fronted, moderate made bull that offers a high BMI! CED 7.3 BW 1.6 WW 45 YW 71 Milk 29 MG 51 Adj. WW 578 WW Ratio 90 BW 85 WW 528 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.35 Marb 0.12 BMI$ 449 CHB$ 108 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 225K BLL 54F KONNOR 225K NJW 84B 10W JOURNEY 53D NJW 161Z 53D JOURNEY 54F NJW 39S 38W PRAIRIE 161Z NJW 73S 38W RIDGE 103C ET BLL 103C LADY RIDGE 18G BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 38E DOB: 4/7/22 Reg #44378267 225K is out of a beautiful Ridge daughter with a 101 MPPA and has a picture perfect, tight suspension udder. Grandam is a deep volumed, 6-year-old Sensation with a 105 MPPA and a WWR of 107 on 4 calves. With his high BMI he will be a real baldie maker! CED -0.4 BW 2.9 WW 58 YW 92 Milk 25 MG 54 Adj. WW 649 WW Ratio 101 BW 90 WW 588 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.47 Marb 0.17 BMI$ 464 CHB$ 113 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED
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BREED AVERAGES ProS 91 HB 54 GM 37 CED 13 BW -1.8 WW 62 YW 100 ADG .23 DMI 1.46 MILK 25 ME 3 HPG 11 CEM 7 STAY 15 MARB .42 YG .06 CW 24 REA .14 FAT .02 - 26CED 7 BW 1.1 WW 77 YW 125 ADG 0.3 DMI 2.05 Milk 32 ME 11 HPG 15 CEM 3 ST 20 MARB 0.84 YG 0.18 CW 31 REA -0.02 FAT 0.03 21H BLL A163 MINDBENDER 21H ProS 131 HB 70 GM 61 DOB: 3/6/20 REG: 4348045 SIRE: 3SCC DOMAIN A163 DAM: BLL MS SUN KING 2F 5 SONS SELL. Home raised herd bull phenotype that sires thick-made, well-built, easy fleshing progeny. Sons are masculine and daughters are easy keepers and will last. Feet and udder improver. High seller 2021 to Westphal Red Angus, Grass Range MT. 21H CED 16 BW -1.7 WW 70 YW 117 ADG 0.29 DMI 1.77 Milk 33 ME 9 HPG 12 CEM 10 ST 19 MARB 0.33 YG 0.16 CW 30 REA 0.01 FAT 0.03 OO5 VGW OVERTIME 005 ProS 115 HB 82 GM 33 DOB: 2/1/20 REG: 4272869 SIRE: KCC EAGER 525-715 DAM: VGW BC-DORA 1804 6 SONS SELL. Big quarter, wide top with extra growth and excellent feet. Excellent choice for Calving Ease and maternal values and will maintain impressive growth. 005 CED 7 BW 2.9 WW 81 YW 125 ADG 0.28 DMI 1.68 Milk 29 ME 7 HPG 16 CEM 3 ST 10 MARB 0.49 YG 0.1 CW 33 REA 0.1 FAT 0.01 943 VGW GLOBAL 943 ProS 64 HB 21 GM 43 DOB: 2/9/19 REG: 4142722 SIRE: RREDS PIONEER 6904 DAM: VGW SS-STAR 1348 12 SONS SELL. Performance sire! A very thick, deep, wide , high-growth sire who has proven his performance in his calves. His calves are sure to add pounds and hang a heavy carcass! 943
- 2714k 15k 14K KCC EAGER 525-715 VGW OVERTIME 005 VGW BC-DORA 1804 BLOM R240 NEW DIRECTION 11E BLL 11E MS DIRECTION 27H BLL MS CONQUEST 20D BLL 005 0N TIME 14K ProS 70 HB 66 GM 4 CED 18 BW -5 WW 52 YW 80 ADG 0.18 DMI 0.18 MILK 27 ME 7 HPG 12 CEM 9 STAY 18 MARB 0.39 YG 0.14 CW 6 REA -0.18 FAT 0.04 Sleep-all-night calving ease heifer bull. Out of the New Direction line. He’s sure to add maternal integrity. DOB: 2/26/22 REG: 4660525 BW: 68 WW: 610 205 WT: 636 205 RATIO: 92 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 97 15K KCC EAGER 525-715 VGW OVERTIME 005 VGW BC-DORA 1804 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLL A163 MS DOMAIN 7H BLL MS FUSION 12F BLL 005 ON TIME 15K ProS 102 HB 62 GM 39 CED 18 BW -4 WW 63 YW 106 ADG 0.27 DMI 0.27 MILK 32 ME 4 HPG 11 CEM 10 STAY 16 MARB 0.62 YG 0.2 CW 14 REA -0.14 FAT 0.05 Sure-fire calving ease heifer bull, out of one of my favorite cow families. An Overtime son designed to have live calves with moderate birthweights and maintain adequate performance. Impressive performance from birth-to-weaning spread. DOB: 2/26/22 REG: 4660533 BW: 65 WW: 681 205 WT: 696 205 RATIO: 101 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 100
- 2817k 21k 23k 17K KCC EAGER 525-715 VGW OVERTIME 005 VGW BC-DORA 1804 KKC DESIGN 36E BLL 36E MS DESIGN 38H BLL MS GALLITAN 36E BLL 005 ON TIME 17K ProS 87 HB 70 GM 17 CED 15 BW -2.2 WW 56 YW 82 ADG 0.16 DMI 0.16 MILK 30 ME 4 HPG 12 CEM 10 STAY 17 MARB 0.46 YG 0.19 CW 18 REA -0.2 FAT 0.03 Calving ease specialist! Very balanced, attractive, level top dark red and profiles good. Very complimentary mating sure to leave you highly productive daughters. DOB: 2/28/22 REG: 4660527 BW: 73 WW: 578 205 WT: 611 205 RATIO: 89 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 96 21K KCC EAGER 525-715 VGW OVERTIME 005 VGW BC-DORA 1804 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLL A163 MS DOMAIN 13H BLL MS CODE RED 11F BLL 005 ON TIME 21K ProS 119 HB 81 GM 38 CED 15 BW -1.9 WW 63 YW 104 ADG 0.26 DMI 0.26 MILK 31 ME 5 HPG 12 CEM 9 STAY 19 MARB 0.39 YG 0.15 CW 27 REA 0.02 FAT 0.03 Very balanced heifer bull with added length. Moderate, easy doing and designed to make females. Strong cow family with beautiful udders. With a 3.79lbs/day gain since weaning. DOB: 3/3/22 REG: 4660547 BW: 75 WW: 647 205 WT: 678 205 RATIO: 98 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 99 23K KCC EAGER 525-715 VGW OVERTIME 005 VGW BC-DORA 1804 BLOM R240 NEW DIRECTION 11E BLL 11E MS DIRECTION 24H BLL MS GALLITAN 25D BLL 005 ON TIME 23K ProS 118 HB 81 GM 38 CED 16 BW -3.5 WW 56 YW 99 ADG 0.27 DMI 0.27 MILK 28 ME 8 HPG 12 CEM 9 STAY 20 MARB 0.54 YG 0.26 CW 20 REA -0.19 FAT 0.06 Attractive heifer bull that offers sleep-all-night calving ease with unmatched form and function. He has length of body and are smooth up through his shoulders. Dam has a picture-perfect udder along with lots of volume and fleshing ability. DOB: 3/12/22 REG: 4660523 BW: 71 WW: 606 205 WT: 660 205 RATIO: 96 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 98
- 2924k 28k 42k 24K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 BROWN PACESETTER Y7170 BLL MS PACESETTER 14G BLL MS GALLITAN 36E BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 24K ProS 73 HB 48 GM 24 CED 13 BW -0.5 WW 68 YW 105 ADG 0.23 DMI 0.23 MILK 31 ME 4 HPG 15 CEM 7 STAY 13 MARB 0.54 YG 0.12 CW 15 REA -0.04 FAT 0.03 Big time birth-to-weaning growth spread. Out of a high volume cow with a very nice udder. DOB: 3/13/22 REG: 4660503 BW: 74 WW: 688 205 WT: 709 205 RATIO: 103 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 103 28K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLL A163 MINDBENDER 21H BLL MS SUN KING 2F ANGELO OSCAR 0055 ANGELO VERDALE 3014 ANGELO VERDALE 0062 BLL 21H MINDBENDER 28K ProS 137 HB 77 GM 60 CED 14 BW -1.9 WW 76 YW 126 ADG 0.31 DMI 0.31 MILK 33 ME 5 HPG 12 CEM 8 STAY 18 MARB 0.61 YG 0.12 CW 30 REA 0.12 FAT 0.03 Calving ease along with performance! Massive spread from birth-to-weaning weight. Highest weaning weight bull. Deep, thick, big middle one stout high performance bull with the
balanced EPD profile. He has 9 traits
DOB: 3/16/22 REG: 4660443 BW: 68 WW: 775 205 WT: 770 205 RATIO: 112 DAM AGE: 10 MPPA: 101 42K BECKTON DOMINOR T122 Z1 3SCC DOMAIN A163 3SCC EUCLA X723 LARSON SUN KING 016 BLL MS SUN KING 2F BLL MS GALLITAN 23D BLL A163 MINDBLOWER 42K ProS 104 HB 56 GM 47 CED 12 BW -1 WW 63 YW 105 ADG 0.27 DMI 0.27 MILK 32 ME 6 HPG 12 CEM 6 STAY 16 MARB 0.54 YG 0.17 CW 29 REA 0.04 FAT 0.04 Full brother to MINDBENDER 21H that was sold to Westphal Red Angus. We are very impressed with his first offspring. They are thick-made with lots of rib shape has maternal and loaded with performance. MINDBLOWER is bred to do the same. DOB: 3/21/22 REG: 4660483 BW: 86 WW: 692 205 WT: 714 205 RATIO: 104 DAM AGE: 5 MPPA: 106
in the top
of the breed.
- 3043k 44k 46k 43K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 KKC DESIGN 36E BLL MS DESIGN 46G BLL MS CONQUEST 20D BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 43K ProS 82 HB 43 GM 39 CED 8 BW 2.7 WW 92 YW 147 ADG 0.34 DMI 0.34 MILK 30 ME 3 HPG 13 CEM 4 STAY 12 MARB 0.4 YG 0.08 CW 26 REA 0.06 FAT 0.01 Powerful, with extra eye appeal! This Global son has extra muscle and is one of the thickest and widest-topped bulls being offered. Nearly 750lbs WW with a 114 WWR. Expect to add pounds. Highest gaining bull from weaning till now 4.44lbs/day. In the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW and ADG. DOB: 3/21/22 REG: 4660497 BW: 98 WW: 742 205 WT: 788 205 RATIO: 114 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 104 44K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 BROWN PACESETTER Y7170 BLL MS PACESETTER 15G BLL MS FUSION 28E BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 44K ProS 96 HB 34 GM 61 CED 8 BW 0.8 WW 78 YW 125 ADG 0.29 DMI 0.29 MILK 29 ME 9 HPG 14 CEM 4 STAY 12 MARB 0.69 YG 0.17 CW 39 REA 0.16 FAT 0.04 One of my favorite cow families, that have plenty of fleshing ability, easy doing, practical low maintanance females with plenty of thickness and volume. Offers growth and carcass. DOB: 3/21/22 REG: 4660509 BW: 89 WW: 660 205 WT: 703 205 RATIO: 102 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 101 46K KCC EAGER 525-715 VGW OVERTIME 005 VGW BC-DORA 1804 KKC DESIGN 36E BLL 36E MS DESIGN 30H J5 B16 ST DONNA 7123 BLL 005 ON TIME 46K ProS 109 HB 59 GM 50 CED 12 BW 0.6 WW 70 YW 116 ADG 0.29 DMI 0.29 MILK 29 ME -1 HPG 12 CEM 8 STAY 13 MARB 0.42 YG 0.19 CW 36 REA -0.07 FAT 0.02 These Overtime sons offers a lot of growth, length and have great phenotypes. Out of a beautiful Design daughter that has a picture-perfect udder with a 9-9 score. Definitely keep every heifer calf. DOB: 3/22/22 REG: 4660531 BW: 88 WW: 591 205 WT: 651 205 RATIO: 94 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 98
This is my favorite of the Mindbender sons. Dark cherry red. A powerful calf with a meaty hind quarter. He is a combination of growth, maternal, carcass and disposition in one package. He has the highest YW EPD at a 147. He is in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, ADG, CW and top 3% for GM, 7% for MARB of the breed. Expect eye appealing, growthy calves and fancy females to keep.
- 3147k 52k 57k 47K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 LARSON SUN KING 016 BLL MS SUN KING 8F SUNR GABRIELLA B406 BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 47K ProS 73 HB 30 GM 42 CED 8 BW 0.5 WW 78 YW 123 ADG 0.28 DMI 0.28 MILK 31 ME 6 HPG 14 CEM 4 STAY 11 MARB 0.52 YG 0.09 CW 27 REA 0.02 FAT 0.01 Larger framed Global son out of a big frame cow. Long-spined weaning of at 748#. Heavy steers are
Will work
on a group of moderate cows. DOB: 3/22/22 REG: 4660475 BW: 96 WW: 748 205 WT: 773 205 RATIO: 112 DAM AGE: 5 MPPA: 106 52K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLL A163 MINDBENDER 21H BLL MS SUN KING 2F BLOM R240 NEW DIRECTION 6D BLL MS BLOM DIRECTION 36F BLL MS CONQUEST 19C BLL 21H MINDBENDER 52K ProS 119 HB 43 GM 76 CED 4 BW 4.1 WW 90 YW 147 ADG 0.36 DMI 0.36 MILK 25 ME 12 HPG 14 CEM 1 STAY 17 MARB 0.71 YG 0.15 CW 48 REA 0.2 FAT 0.02
DOB: 3/23/22 REG: 4660481 BW: 94 WW: 706 205 WT: 735 205 RATIO: 107 DAM AGE: 5 MPPA: 102 57K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLL A163 MINDBENDER 21H BLL MS SUN KING 2F ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 BLL MS NEW DIRECTION 27F SAF LARKABA 132 BLL 21H MINDBENDER 57K ProS 101 HB 55 GM 46 CED 10 BW -2.1 WW 55 YW 92 ADG 0.23 DMI 0.23 MILK 27 ME 4 HPG 16 CEM 4 STAY 16 MARB 0.79 YG 0.16 CW 14 REA -0.06 FAT 0.05 Here is a nice mating: Mindbender and New
DOB: 3/24/22 REG: 4660469 BW: 85 WW: 562 205 WT: 591 205 RATIO: 86 DAM AGE: 5 MPPA: 96
Direction. This bull has the elite status for marbling with a top 3% of the breed. Highest marbling bull of the offering.
- 3259k 62k 66k 59K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLL A163 MINDBENDER 21H BLL MS SUN KING 2F HXC CONQUEST 4405P BLL MS CONQUEST 28C BLL 84X LADY EXPLORER 6Z BLL 21H MINDBENDER 59K ProS 89 HB 67 GM 22 CED 8 BW -1 WW 65 YW 101 ADG 0.23 DMI 0.23 MILK 28 ME 8 HPG 12 CEM 4 STAY 20 MARB 0.32 YG 0.17 CW 25 REA -0.03 FAT 0.04 Really nice bull with exceptional thickness. We love his dam, lots of volume and a good footed cow. You will want to keep all of his daughters with his 20 STAY EPD, top 5% of the breed. DOB: 3/25/22 REG: 4660449 BW: 89 WW: 645 205 WT: 658 205 RATIO: 95 DAM AGE: 8 MPPA: 100 62K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLL A163 MINDBENDER 21H BLL MS SUN KING 2F SUNR ULTIMATE RIBEYE 672Z SUNR GABRIELLA B406 SUNR GABRIELLA 756 BLL 21H MINDBENDER 62K ProS 61 HB 46 GM 15 CED 7 BW 0.2 WW 69 YW 107 ADG 0.24 DMI 0.24 MILK 29 ME 4 HPG 12 CEM 2 STAY 16 MARB 0.46 YG -0.01 CW 6 REA 0.07 FAT 0.01 A wide-bodied, powerful bull who will add depth and capacity while maintaining length and thickness. He has the style, shape and pounds that come from Mindbender sired calves. Take advantage of these Mindbender sons!! DOB: 3/27/22 REG: 4660447 BW: 95 WW: 685 205 WT: 707 205 RATIO: 102 DAM AGE: 9 MPPA: 104 66K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 KKC DESIGN 36E BLL MS DESIGN 61G SAF LARKABA 132 BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 66K ProS 59 HB 50 GM 9 CED 13 BW -1.4 WW 63 YW 94 ADG 0.2 DMI 0.2 MILK 33 ME 0 HPG 14 CEM 8 STAY 12 MARB 0.43 YG 0.05 CW 2 REA -0.17 FAT 0.01 Moderate-framed, well balanced bull with good depth of rib and solid hind quarter. The females will be outstanding cows with milk and longevity. He is in the top 2% for MILK and 9% for HPG of the breed. DOB: 3/28/22 REG: 4660487 BW: 84 WW: 670 205 WT: 735 205 RATIO: 107 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 103
- 3367k 70k 73k 67K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 BROWN PACESETTER Y7170 BLL MS PACESETTER 8G BLL MS GALLITAN 47E BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 67K ProS 61 HB 37 GM 24 CED 11 BW -2.4 WW 60 YW 90 ADG 0.18 DMI 0.18 MILK 29 ME 2 HPG 14 CEM 5 STAY 12 MARB 0.59 YG 0.19 CW 16 REA -0.17 FAT 0.04 Excellent maternal traits. Nice dark color, moderate frame out of a small framed, Pacesetter daughter with a perfect udder score. DOB: 3/29/22 REG: 4660499 BW: 83 WW: 630 205 WT: 692 205 RATIO: 100 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 99 70K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 BROWN PACESETTER Y7170 BLL MS PACESETTER 12G BLL MS GALLITAN 46E BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 70K ProS 102 HB 75 GM 28 CED 13 BW -3.7 WW 61 YW 99 ADG 0.24 DMI 0.24 MILK 31 ME 5 HPG 14 CEM 7 STAY 18 MARB 0.64 YG 0.16 CW 8 REA -0.17 FAT 0.04 A low birthweight, high performing, dark, Global son. Lots of middle and clean fronted. Excellent maternal traits. He has 6 traits in the top 20% of the breed for HB, BW, MILK, HPG, STAY, MARB. DOB: 3/29/22 REG: 4660505 BW: 83 WW: 658 205 WT: 721 205 RATIO: 105 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 103 73K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 KKC DESIGN 36E BLL MS DESIGN 41G BLL MS CONQUEST 21D BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 73K ProS 91 HB 69 GM 21 CED 17 BW -2.5 WW 56 YW 83 ADG 0.17 DMI 0.17 MILK 32 ME 2 HPG 13 CEM 10 STAY 16 MARB 0.44 YG 0.09 CW 12 REA 0.04 FAT 0.04 Solid, medium framed, calving ease bull with high CED (17) EPD - he’s in the top 6% of breed. High performance from birth-to-weaning with WWR 108. DOB: 4/2/22 REG: 4660495 BW: 76 WW: 668 205 WT: 747 205 RATIO: 108 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 101
- 3477k 79k 86k 77K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 BB GALLITAN 4055 BLL MS GALLITAN 23D SAF MS IZZY 012 BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 77K ProS 102 HB 60 GM 42 CED 10 BW 0.4 WW 72 YW 113 ADG 0.26 DMI 0.26 MILK 27 ME 6 HPG 13 CEM 6 STAY 16 MARB 0.63 YG 0.1 CW 21 REA -0.1 FAT 0.01 He offers marbling. Strong cow family with lots of maternal and longevity. Grandam is 13-years-old, a cow that has a lot of volume. Mindbender comes from this same cow family. DOB: 4/8/22 REG: 4660451 BW: 82 WW: 642 205 WT: 697 205 RATIO: 101 DAM AGE: 7 MPPA: 99 79K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 BB GALLITAN 4055 BLL MS GALLITAN 44E BLL MS SUN KING 016 10B BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 79K ProS 85 HB 51 GM 34 CED 12 BW 0.1 WW 68 YW 108 ADG 0.25 DMI 0.25 MILK 30 ME 6 HPG 14 CEM 6 STAY 14 MARB 0.52 YG 0.13 CW 21 REA -0.05 FAT 0.03 Growth and carcass traits! DOB: 4/9/22 REG: 4660457 BW: 83 WW: 590 205 WT: 648 205 RATIO: 94 DAM AGE: 6 MPPA: 102 86K RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 HXC CONQUEST 4405P BLL MS CONQUEST 21D BLL MS PIE CODE RED 199 9B BLL 943 WORLDWIDE 86K ProS 89 HB 58 GM 31 CED 16 BW -1.9 WW 60 YW 95 ADG 0.22 DMI 0.22 MILK 30 ME 6 HPG 12 CEM 9 STAY 15 MARB 0.33 YG 0.1 CW 23 REA 0.06 FAT 0.02 Calving ease, maternal, growth. Lighter color. He is in the top 13% for CED, MILK and CEM. Dual purpose bull. DOB: 4/15/22 REG: 4660453 BW: 80 WW: 565 205 WT: 631 205 RATIO: 91 DAM AGE: 7 MPPA: 100
- 35K40 K40 RREDS PIONEER 6904 VGW GLOBAL 943 VGW SS-STAR 1348 BROWN PACESETTER Y7170 BLL MS PACESETTER 11G BLL MS GALLITAN 41E BLL 943 WORLDWIDE K40 ProS 89 HB 44 GM 45 CED 11 BW -2.2 WW 66 YW 109 ADG 0.27 DMI 0.27 MILK 28 ME 6 HPG 14 CEM 7 STAY 13 MARB 0.53 YG 0.11 CW 26 REA 0.01 FAT 0.02 Calving ease, low birthweight with good growth and marbling. DOB: 3/26/22 REG: 4660507 BW: 75 WW: 586 205 WT: 639 205 RATIO: 93 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 96
BREED AVERAGES ProS 91 HB 54 GM 37 CED 13 BW -1.8 WW 62 YW 100 ADG .23 DMI 1.46 MILK 25 ME 3 HPG 11 CEM 7 STAY 15 MARB .42 YG .06 CW 24 REA .14 FAT .02 32H 530f f61h 902 CED 19 BW -2.7 WW 65 YW 101 ADG 0.23 DMI 1.28 Milk 28 ME 0 HPG 16 CEM 9 ST 19 MARB 0.65 YG 0.12 CW 29 REA 0.09 FAT 0.03 32H BLOM A163 DOMAIN 32H ProS 149 HB 92 GM 57 DOB: 3/18/20 REG: 4330341 SIRE: 3SCC DOMAIN A163 DAM: BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z 8 SONS SELL. Home raised out of a top pruducing Sun King 016 daughter. Attractive, added length, moderate calving ease, growth with a gentle disposition and excellent foot structure. He blends performance, maternal, carcass and calving ease, a rare combination. His first calves are impressive. You’ll be sure to see more of his offspring in the future. Feet and udder improver. High seller sold to Nels Debruycker - Choteau, MT. CED 16 BW -3.9 WW 47 YW 82 ADG 0.22 DMI 1.12 Milk 25 ME -13 HPG 2 CEM 14 ST 16 MARB 0.35 YG 0.11 CW 26 REA 0.06 FAT 0.02 530F RED U2 MONEY TALKS 530F ProS 112 HB 66 GM 46 DOB: 2/17/18 REG: 4085940 SIRE: RED U-2 RECKONING 149A DAM: RED U-2 MS DYNAMO 233B 3 SONS SELL. Great calving ease bull with moderate birth weights out of the Red U-2 program and being used heavily in the Milk Creek program. His proving himself to be a COW MAKER. Expect excellent udders, great feet, easy fleshing ability and dark red color. His offspring has explosive muscle exspression all in a moderate package. CED 14 BW -3.9 WW 60 YW 101 ADG 0.26 DMI 2.15 Milk 31 ME 6 HPG 17 CEM 8 ST 16 MARB 0.94 YG 0.01 CW 22 REA 0.21 FAT 0.01 F61H LASO STRUCTURE F61H ProS 140 HB 74 GM 66 DOB: 12/18/19 REG: 4295123 SIRE: LASO FOUNDATION D168F DAM: LASO DORY JIBA Z121F 4 SONS SELL. One of the most versatile and well made good footed bulls that offers calving ease and with his 6.26 IMF and 14.09 REA he puts together the complete package! He offers calving ease deluxe with tremendouse carcass data and performance! CED 10 BW -0.5 WW 53 YW 86 ADG 0.21 DMI 2.03 Milk 24 ME 10 HPG 8 CEM 6 ST 11 MARB 0.48 YG 0.14 CW 19 REA 0 FAT 0.04 902 JKW 902 PANCHO ProS 33 HB 9 GM 25 DOB: 2/3/19 REG: 4157494 SIRE: 5L THE REAL DEAL 1687-143B DAM: JKW 1401 MOON DOLLY 5 SONS SELL. Sires lots of natural fleshing ability and he puts a lot of rib shape with outstanding feed efficiency in his progeny. Will be calving his first daughters this spring. - 36Customer service is our top priority. We provide top service with free delivery of our bulls after final semen testing. Delivery will occur upon nice weather in April or May.
Excited to offer 32H first progeny. They are flat out good. They have the numbers, growth, maternal, soundness, calving ease, performance and phenotype to make impact in any herd. A long, smooth-headed calving ease bull. Born at 72# and a great EPD profile, he is in the top 1% for CED, top 2% for HPG and top 3% and 7% for MARB and GM. That makes this bull a super choice for heifers and to keep replacements.
- 371K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 DOMAIN 32H BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z KUHNS DEFENDER E035 VGW DEF-CHRSS 2073 VGW MT-CHRSS 1859 BLOM 32H ANGUS 1K ProS 119 HB 51 GM 68 CED 19 BW -3.2 WW 71 YW 112 ADG 0.26 DMI 0.26 MILK 28 ME 0 HPG 17 CEM 9 STAY 11 MARB 0.82 YG 0.03 CW 24 REA 0.07 FAT 0
DOB: 2/20/22 REG: 4629857 BW: 72 WW: 677 205 WT: 673 205 RATIO: 111 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 104 2K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 DOMAIN 32H BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z BIEBER CL ATOMIC C218 BLOM C218 MS ATOMIC 3H BLOM MS ULTIMATE 13F BLOM 32H HERBIE 2K ProS 146 HB 86 GM 60 CED 20 BW -3.7 WW 74 YW 124 ADG 0.31 DMI 0.31 MILK 29 ME 3 HPG 14 CEM 11 STAY 17 MARB 0.53 YG 0.09 CW 34 REA 0.18 FAT 0.02
DOB: 2/24/22 REG: 4629873 BW: 70 WW: 672 205 WT: 677
DOB: 2/26/22 REG:
BW: 76 WW: 551 205 WT: 578 205 RATIO: 95 DAM
3 MPPA: 98 1k 2k 3k
Perfect 100% heifer bull that offer calving ease on both sides of pedigree with growth and tremendous maternal characteristics make HERBIE really special. This 32H son out of a Atomic daughter is good from start to finish and his EPD’s shows it all the way threw. 70# birth and 672# WW are numbers not to overlook. This bull is impressive genetically with 14 out of the 19 traits in the top 25% of the breed in ProS 2%, HB 6%, GM 12%, CED 1%,
9%, YW 7%,
6%, MILK 17%, HPG 12%,
24%, CW 15%.
205 RATIO: 111 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 104
bull hit the ground running when he was born, lot of vigor out of a perfect udder-teat 9-9 score 18F daughter. A smooth, long made, low birthweight, Pancho son that will sire quality females.
DOB: 3/1/22
One of the larger framed Laso sons, that offers added length, growth with the highest YW 129, marbling and REA EPD. 8 traits in the top 10% of the breed for ProS 7%, GM 2%, WW 9%, YW 3%, ADG 1%, HPG 5%, MARB 5%, CW 8%. Bones is going to be a bull who delivers growthy calves and females to keep. With a 3.6 lbs /day gain.
A real herd bull prospect that is attractive and he’s a complete cow maker. Exceptional in design and phenotype. Balanced in design and represents the foundation of the Angus breed. A favorite from birth. He is stout from all angles, long-made, wide, plenty of thickness with a meaty hind quarter. Apollo weaned off at a ratio of 116 from a 2-year-old cow with a MPPA of 106. He has 10 traits in the top 22% of the breed for ProS 8%, HB 3%, CED 1%, BW 22%, MILK 9%, ME 21%, HPG 10%, CEM 2%, STAY 20%, MARB 9%.
REG: 4629871
- 384k 4K LASO FOUNDATION D168F LASO STRUCTURE F61H LASO DORY JIBA Z121F LJC BLUE PRINT 513E VGW BP-HAZEL 20100 5L HAZEL 4883-2405 BLOM F61H BONES 4K ProS 126 HB 46 GM 80 CED 12 BW -1.1 WW 74 YW 129 ADG 0.35 DMI 0.35 MILK 27 ME 8 HPG 15 CEM 4 STAY 15 MARB 0.76 YG 0.03 CW 38 REA 0.32 FAT 0
DOB: 2/26/22 REG: 4629855 BW: 81 WW: 633 205 WT: 648 205 RATIO: 107 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 103 5k 5K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 DOMAIN 32H BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z KKC DESIGN 36E BLOM 36E MS DESIGN 53H J5 Z314 PINEMARIE 7146 BLOM 32H APOLLO 5K ProS 129 HB 92 GM 37 CED 20 BW -3.4 WW 59 YW 89 ADG 0.18 DMI 0.18 MILK 31 ME -3 HPG 14 CEM 11 STAY 18 MARB 0.67 YG 0.18 CW 14 REA -0.19 FAT 0.04
DOB: 2/27/22 REG:
BW: 72 WW: 692 205 WT: 705 205 RATIO: 116
DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 106
27 REA 0.09
Dark cherry red, solid calving ease 32H son. He stamps them all the same shape and style and they are sound. Attractive with performance. This complete bull has a wealth of great numbers to build a herd. Herds are built on great females….and this bull has the top 1% Indexes for ProS, Herdbuilder and STAY. The first criteria in building a herd is getting a cow pregnant. Dante can do it, he is in the top 5% of the breed for HPG. BW: 74 WW:
613 205 WT: 639 205 RATIO: 105 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 102
- 397k 10k 26k 7K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 DOMAIN 32H BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z BIEBER FOREFRONT B281 BLOM B281 MS FOREFRONT 22H BLOM MS BLOM DIRECTION 39F BLOM 32H DOZER 7K ProS 144 HB 81 GM 64 CED 19 BW -3.8 WW 53 YW 91 ADG 0.23 DMI 0.23 MILK 25 ME 2 HPG 16 CEM 10 STAY 17 MARB 0.65 YG -0.01 CW 24 REA 0.21 FAT 0 I really like the look and quality of the 32H calves. Here is another calving-ease specialist. Dozer offers a top ProS, CED, HPG in the top 2% of the breed. He also adds great merit to his profile with strong growth EPD’s. DOB: 3/3/22 REG: 4629875 BW: 77 WW: 570 205 WT: 601 205 RATIO: 99 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 100 10K ANDRAS FUSION R236 BIEBER FOREFRONT B281 BIEBER LAURA 112W 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 MS DOMAIN 43H BAR M MS HOT STUFF 6630-1239 BLOM B281 ZEUS 10K ProS 124 HB 60 GM 64 CED 11 BW -0.3 WW 60 YW 105 ADG 0.28 DMI 0.28 MILK 27 ME 2 HPG 17 CEM 7 STAY 14 MARB 0.52 YG 0.11 CW 37 REA 0.14 FAT 0.01 Zeus
HPG. DOB: 3/5/22 REG: 4629861 BW: 78 WW: 574 205 WT: 612 205 RATIO: 101 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 100 26K RED U-2 RECKONING 149A RED U2 MONEY TALKS 530F RED U-2 MS DYNAMO 233B C-BAR EVOLUTION 107Y BLOMMS EVOLUTION 5F EURA JOAN 323-305 ET BLOM 530F TUX 26K ProS 100 HB 70 GM 29 CED 19 BW -5.7 WW 53 YW 89 ADG 0.22 DMI 0.22 MILK 26 ME -5 HPG 7 CEM 13 STAY 16 MARB 0.38 YG 0.18 CW 15 REA -0.06 FAT 0.05 TUX
BW: 72 WW: 708 205
714 205
103 DAM
come from a cow family
consistently brings in good calves. This straight-backed, smooth-lined, Forefront son will sire some pounds at weaning as well as females with staying power. He ranks in the top 1% of the breed for
is a really nice breeding opportunity. Calving ease - HEIFER BULL!! He ranks in the top 1% of the breed for CED and CEM and top 4% for BW. He offers a lot of performance with a balanced EPD profile. He is proud, thick and has masculinity and breed character. His dam has plenty of fleshing ability, volume and rib shape with a picture perfect udder. Tux and his dam was a beautiful pair all summer and a favorite. A fleshing-ability, cow-maker kind of bull that should sire high quality females and sale topping steers. DOB: 3/15/22 REG: 4629849
AGE: 5 MPPA: 100
smooth built, calving ease delight. Having an only 55# birth weight and excellent CED and BW EPD’s in the top 1% of the breed. You can expect nights of carefree sleep. Dam is a 10-year-old Sun King daughter with a great phenotype, feet and udder. She has raised herd bull after herd bull 6D, 11E, 31F, 56G, 48H, 42J with a 366 calving interval and MPPA of 102.
- 4027k 27K LASO FOUNDATION D168F LASO STRUCTURE F61H LASO DORY JIBA Z121F LARSON SUN KING 016 BLOM MS SUN KING 4A BAR M MS SEQUOIA 0111 BLOM F61H MONTY 27K ProS 108 HB 57 GM 51 CED 19 BW -6.8 WW 43 YW 78 ADG 0.22 DMI 0.22 MILK 29 ME 7 HPG 16 CEM 10 STAY 15 MARB 0.73 YG 0.1 CW 16 REA -0.1 FAT 0.01 A
DOB: 3/16/22 REG: 4629807 BW: 55 WW: 537 205 WT: 530 205 RATIO: 87 DAM AGE: 10 MPPA: 102 32k 32K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 DOMAIN 32H BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z RED LAZY MC COWBOY 26X BAR M MS DYNAMIC 4044 BAR M MS DYNAMIC 2012-1126 BLOM 32H RUFUS 32K ProS 115 HB 87 GM 28 CED 11 BW 0.6 WW 68 YW 107 ADG 0.24 DMI 0.24 MILK 26 ME 1 HPG 16 CEM 5 STAY 19 MARB 0.32 YG 0.1 CW 28 REA 0.1 FAT 0.02 If you are looking for a high-growth bull with loads of power and body dimension - here’s the one. Out of a 9-year-old high producing, bigger frame and long-made cow with a 101 MPPA. He will add pounds at weaning, pounds in the feedlot and a broody female that will stay in your herd. In the top 8% for STAY and HB 5% and HPG 3%. DOB: 3/18/22 REG: 4629813 BW: 90 WW: 685 205 WT: 682 205 RATIO: 98 DAM AGE: 9 MPPA: 101 34k 34K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 DOMAIN 32H BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z BROWN ULTIMATE X7752 BLOM MS ULTIMATE 14F PRAIRIE PRIDE ANNIE 521 BLOM 32H LEOPOLD 34K ProS 100 HB 57 GM 43 CED 15 BW -3.2 WW 62 YW 98 ADG 0.23 DMI 0.23 MILK 26 ME 3 HPG 15 CEM 8 STAY 14 MARB 0.55 YG 0.25 CW 27 REA -0.19 FAT 0.04
DOB: 3/18/22 REG:
BW: 80 WW: 710 205 WT: 725 205 RATIO: 104 DAM AGE: 5 MPPA: 103
This bull has a great disposition. He will actually find you when you step into his pen. He has a great pedigree. Out of a beautiful Ultimate daughter; they are very feminine, good footed and ideal uddered. You have to appreciate the type and kind of cattle that 32H produces. This bull has that same look and expresses the same lenght and mussle pattern of his sire. Very attractive, dark cherry red and a favorite since birth. Female-maker and a bull that offers performance!
Smaller framed, dark cherry red 32H son that is smooth-made with a small head, nice depth of rib and thickness. Calving ease HEIFER BULL!! Use on heifers with confidence. Out of a 13-year-old solid producing female. The females will be outstanding cows with milk and longevity. He is in the top 1% of the breed for HB and STAY.
- 4148k 49k 50k 48K 5L THE REAL DEAL 1687-143B JKW 902 PANCHO JKW 1401 MOON DOLLY C-BAR EVOLUTION 107Y BLOM MS EVOLUTION 26F BAR M MS DIRECT 5579-1117 BLOM 902 DIEZEL 48K ProS 50 HB 32 GM 18 CED 8 BW 0 WW 62 YW 98 ADG 0.22 DMI 0.22 MILK 26 ME 5 HPG 13 CEM 6 STAY 12 MARB 0.2 YG 0.04 CW 27 REA 0.11 FAT 0 A complete, well balanced,
quality feeder
replacement pen. DOB: 3/23/22 REG: 4629829 BW: 95 WW: 730 205 WT: 759 205 RATIO: 109 DAM AGE: 5 MPPA: 103 49K 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 DOMAIN 32H BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z 5L GRAND BEAR 205-156V BAR M MS GRAND BEAR 0145 MISS BAR M 7249-8002 BLOM 32H LEVI 49K ProS 128 HB 117 GM 11 CED 16 BW -2.7 WW 55 YW 81 ADG 0.16 DMI 0.16 MILK 24 ME -2 HPG 15 CEM 8 STAY 23 MARB 0.38 YG 0.02 CW 5 REA 0.05 FAT 0.02
DOB: 3/23/22 REG: 4629803 BW: 78 WW: 590 205 WT: 605 205 RATIO: 99 DAM AGE: 13 MPPA: 100 50K RED U-2 RECKONING 149A RED U2 MONEY TALKS 530F RED U-2 MS DYNAMO 233B ANDRAS FUSION R236 BLOM MS FUSION 2E BLOM MS BIG HORN 3C BLOM 530F MAVERICK 50K ProS 100 HB 59 GM 41 CED 15 BW -4.7 WW 47 YW 78 ADG 0.19 DMI 0.19 MILK 25 ME -6 HPG 5 CEM 11 STAY 15 MARB 0.44 YG 0.18 CW 24 REA -0.03 FAT 0.04 This
muscle, shape,
DOB: 3/23/22 REG: 4629823 BW: 86 WW: 685 205 WT: 701 205 RATIO: 101 DAM AGE: 6 MPPA: 100
highest weaning weight bull of this group. He has great depth of
and a big hind quarter. He will add depth and capacity while maintaining length and thickness. He
sire the
cattle that are in demand by
But also heifers that will shine in the
moderate, Money Talks son has an abundance of
style and thickness. He is packed full from every angle. A real solid cow-maker. His heifer calves will be heavy milking mothers with added volume and rib shape. Highest ME bull of the group very efficient! Dark cherry red.
- 4258k 60k 75k 58K RED U-2 RECKONING 149A RED U2 MONEY TALKS 530F RED U-2 MS DYNAMO 233B LARSON SUN KING 016 BLOM MS SUN KING 3A BAR M MS SEQUOIA 0111 BLOM 530F OTIS 58K ProS 113 HB 73 GM 40 CED 15 BW -1.6 WW 53 YW 92 ADG 0.25 DMI 0.25 MILK 28 ME -1 HPG 8 CEM 11 STAY 17 MARB 0.37 YG 0.17 CW 22 REA -0.19 FAT 0.02 You will like everything you see in this stout-made bull. He is solid from head to tail with plenty of length, thickness, and depth in-between. He comes from a top end cow line with his maternal granddam being consistent. Out of a 10-year-old powerful female with lots of milk and a MPPA of 103. You will love the females out of him. DOB: 3/24/22 REG: 4629809 BW: 89 WW: 672 205 WT: 690 205 RATIO: 99 DAM AGE: 10 MPPA: 103 60K 5L THE REAL DEAL 1687-143B JKW 902 PANCHO JKW 1401 MOON DOLLY ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 BLOM MS NEW DIRECTION 12E BAR M MS HOT STUFF 6630-1239 BLOM 902 KAI 60K ProS 37 HB 16 GM 21 CED 9 BW 0 WW 57 YW 94 ADG 0.23 DMI 0.23 MILK 24 ME 8 HPG 13 CEM 6 STAY 10 MARB 0.33 YG 0.17 CW 24 REA -0.04 FAT 0.04 Note the tremendous length and style in this bull with a high weaning weight. His dam, she is a long-made powerful producing cow with a MPPA of 102. DOB: 3/25/22 REG: 4629821 BW: 92 WW: 690 205 WT: 711 205 RATIO: 102 DAM AGE: 6 MPPA: 102 75K 5L THE REAL DEAL 1687-143B JKW 902 PANCHO JKW 1401 MOON DOLLY BECKTON WARRIOR Z314 N6 J5 Z314 PINEMARIE 7146 J5 87V PINEMARIE 144Y BLOM 902 VAN 75K ProS 80 HB 55 GM 25 CED 14 BW -2.8 WW 44 YW 72 ADG 0.18 DMI 0.18 MILK 23 ME 3 HPG 11 CEM 8 STAY 16 MARB 0.54 YG 0.15 CW 8 REA -0.07 FAT 0.05 Phenotypically well balanced, level topped, dark cherry red bull. Excellent maternal traits. DOB: 4/3/22 REG: 4629825 BW: 84 WW: 560 205 WT: 600 205 RATIO: 86 DAM AGE: 6 MPPA: 96
of the offering. Could be used on heifers with a strong maternal cow family of perfect leveled udders built into his pedigree. Grandam is an 11-year-old and is the mother to 32H. Should sire good females. Is in the top 4% for MARB of the breed.
- 4376k 87k 76K LASO FOUNDATION D168F LASO STRUCTURE F61H LASO DORY JIBA Z121F 3SCC DOMAIN A163 BLOM A163 MS DOMAIN 29H BLOM MS FUSION 2E BLOM F61H ORAN 76K ProS 163 HB 86 GM 77 CED 16 BW -3.5 WW 58 YW 101 ADG 0.27 DMI 0.27 MILK 28 ME 3 HPG 13 CEM 9 STAY 19 MARB 0.81 YG 0.06 CW 33 REA 0.24 FAT 0.01 Amazing EPD package with 6 traits in the top 10% for ProS, HB, GM, CED, STAY, MARB, loads of calving ease with a 16 CED, -3.5 BW. Big time carcass bull here. DOB: 4/3/22 REG: 4629867 BW: 68 WW: 480 205 WT: 574 205 RATIO: 94 DAM AGE: 3 MPPA: 98 87K LASO FOUNDATION D168F LASO STRUCTURE F61H LASO DORY JIBA Z121F PELTON WIDELOAD 78B BLOM MS WIDELOAD 36G BLOM MS SUN KING 1Z BLOM F61H BOW 87K ProS 109 HB 56 GM 53 CED 14 BW -3.9 WW 57 YW 95 ADG 0.24 DMI 0.24 MILK 30 ME 4 HPG 14 CEM 7 STAY 15 MARB 0.78 YG 0.13 CW 19 REA -0.07 FAT 0.03 Youngest
DOB: 4/19/22 REG: 4629839 BW: 78 WW: 600 205 WT: 723 205 RATIO: 104 DAM AGE: 4 MPPA: 99
YW 87 MILK 27 MG 56 REA 0.14 MARB 0.06 $BMI 368 $CHB 103 45H YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H CE 2.8 BW 4.9 WW 58 DOB: 3/3/20 REG: 44378465 SIRE: BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F DAM: YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E 17 SONS SELL. Complete outcross sire from the YV Ranch Alberta CA. First calf crop has a lot of eye appeal volume good hair, extra frame and powerfull growth with maternal traits. H/P/S: HORNED 45H YW 94 MILK 17 MG 45 REA 0.44 MARB -0.05 $BMI 382 $CHB 105 N13 PUTE NASCAR N13 CE -2.3 BW 6.4 WW 56 DOB: 8/22/17 REG: 44384214 SIRE: GAY OLYMPUS 110088 DAM: PUTE ROSA H105 5 SONS SELL. Complete outcross sire all the way from Christchurch, New Zealand bred by Brent Fisher of Silverstream Herefords. Excited to off his first progeny. They have impressive added growth and maternal traits. Complete genetic package! H/P/S: HORNED N13 YW 131 MILK 33 MG 71 REA 0.78 MARB 0.03 $BMI 280 $CHB 124 9261G MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 CE -0.5 BW 6.7 WW 77 DOB: 4/23/19 REG: 44041059 SIRE: MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 DAM: MH MISS STERLING 5136 8 SONS SELL. A thick, high growth sire that stamps his progeny with performance and tremendous growth and wide thick toplines. Expect more carcass,growth and punch from him and his offspring. H/P/S: HORNED 9261G - 44CE 2.9 BW 2.8 WW 54 YW 87 M 26 MG 53 REA 0.41 MARB 0.12 $BMI 342 $CHB 115 BREED AVERAGES New this year as an added tool for our customers! Now you can view all sale bulls on the “Private Treating” listings on www.DVAuction.com
- 4562k 63k 62K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 62K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 4B BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 38Z DOB: 3/11/22 Reg #44392776 Good length, depth, volume and thickness to this 45H son who offers calving ease. He is backed by a lot of maternal strength and should give you beautiful, baldy females and add pounds to a set of baldy steers. Dam is a 9-year-old with a MPPA of 104 with a WWR 105 on 7 calves and a 367 day calving interval. CED 11.1 BW 1.2 WW 56 YW 83 Milk 38 MG 65 Adj. WW 661 WW Ratio 103 BW 82 WW 690 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.45 Marb 0.17 BMI$ 491 CHB$ 125 HORNED 63K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 63K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 73F BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 149A DOB: 3/12/22 Reg #44392777 Here is a bull that combines a lot of good pieces. He will not only add pounds to your calf crop but is backed by a tremendous cow family. Out of a beautiful, dark, good uddered, Sensation daughter that has a 103 MPPA and a 105 WWR on 5 calves. His grandam is a solid, 10-year-old, 13U daughter that is loaded with pigment has added lenght and volume. He will satisfy the needs of the commercial man and purebred poducer alike. Very docile! CED 7.2 BW 2.5 WW 54 YW 88 Milk 39 MG 66 Adj. WW 666 WW Ratio 104 BW 88 WW 670 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.36 Marb 0.03 BMI$ 461 CHB$ 107 HORNED
- 4666k 70k 71k 66K BLL 41E KNIGHT RIDER 66K CTY BRIGADER 20B BLL BRIGADER 41E LADY KERNEL Y84 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 83E BLL LADY NORTH STAR 61U 69X DOB: 3/13/22 Reg #44378816 Larger framed with added length. Lot of growth. Will add pounds to a set of feeders. High CHB! CED -1.7 BW 3.9 WW 61 YW 98 Milk 32 MG 63 Adj. WW 685 WW Ratio 107 BW 93 WW 700 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.48 Marb 0.19 BMI$ 334 CHB$ 130 HORNED 70K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 70K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CL 1 DOMINO 789T 1ET BLL 789T LADY DOMINO 135G BLL LADY NORTH STAR 61U 69X DOB: 3/14/22 Reg #44392779 Out of an attractive 789T daughter that has a WWR of 103 on 2 calves. He has the maternal and genetics to sire fancy set of baldy calves and take your herd to the next level. CED 4.4 BW 4.2 WW 58 YW 84 Milk 29 MG 58 Adj. WW 641 WW Ratio 100 BW 88 WW 624 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.42 Marb 0.08 BMI$ 377 CHB$ 112 HORNED 71K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 71K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 7B BLL LADY DIAMORE 72S 15Z DOB: 3/14/22 Reg #44392780 Maternally bred! Out of a 9-year-old high producing cow. Top 2% for MILK. Will leave you beautiful, heavy milking replacements. Top 1% for BMI and 21% for CHB. Highest Marbling horned bull being offered in the top 6% of the breed. CED 7.5 BW 1.8 WW 51 YW 76 Milk 39 MG 64 Adj. WW 599 WW Ratio 93 BW 84 WW 620 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.19 Marb 0.36 BMI$ 484 CHB$ 129 HORNED
- 4773k 74k 76k 73K BLL N13 NASCAR 73K GAY OLYMPUS 110088 PUTE NASCAR N13 PUTE ROSA H105 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 6C BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 10A DOB: 3/14/22 Reg #44403481 Complete outcross genetics! High weaning weight, long-made, dark, cherry red bull with added growth and performance. Great EPD’s and a sound set of feet and legs make this guy a top breeding tool. One of the top NASCAR sons. CED -0.5 BW 3.7 WW 62 YW 105 Milk 26 MG 57 Adj. WW 676 WW Ratio 105 BW 90 WW 700 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.44 Marb 0.05 BMI$ 425 CHB$ 106 HORNED 74K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 74K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E BR 4W STANMORE 204B BLL 204B LADY STANMORE 122D LADY MONUMENT 98W DOB: 3/14/22 Reg #44392781 Well pigmented, thick topped, square made, structurally correct, 45H son that has a excellent pedigree and fantastic spread of EPD’s. CED 3 BW 4 WW 55 YW 80 Milk 35 MG 63 Adj. WW 650 WW Ratio 101 BW 88 WW 670 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.3 Marb 0.17 BMI$ 389 CHB$ 131 HORNED 76K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 76K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 70F BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 217Y DOB: 3/15/22 Reg #44392788 He is very attractive and stylish, fully pigmented bull. He has a pedigree stacked with generations of fantastic females; his daughters should be no different. With his low birth weight he ranks in the top 15% and should calf easy. Top 3% for BMI. CED 6.4 BW 1 WW 46 YW 67 Milk 26 MG 49 Adj. WW 578 WW Ratio 90 BW 78 WW 576 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.17 Marb 0.16 BMI$ 457 CHB$ 95 HORNED
- 4877k 79k 81k 77K BLL 7H KINGSTON 77K BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 BLL 4040 FT KNOX 7H BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 141F BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 170Z DOB: 3/15/22 Reg #44378921 Here is your opportunity to own a horned 7H son. With breed-leading growth, maternal strenght and has a superior phenotype. Sound structured and good looking, this bull will do an excellent job. CED 7.3 BW 1.6 WW 48 YW 81 Milk 26 MG 50 Adj. WW 632 WW Ratio 98 BW 84 WW 630 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.32 Marb 0.22 BMI$ 398 CHB$ 117 HORNED 79K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 79K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E BLL SENSATION 028X 14B BLL 14B LADY SENSATION 72F LADY VAN SPECIAL 68W DOB: 3/15/22 Reg #44392789 Fully pigmented, moderate 45H son. Maternal traits. Out of a high producing Sensation daughter with a 103 MPPA. She has a 105 WWR on 3 calves. CED -0.6 BW 4.5 WW 51 YW 78 Milk 31 MG 56 Adj. WW 627 WW Ratio 97 BW 88 WW 625 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.18 Marb 0.02 BMI$ 268 CHB$ 88 HORNED 81K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 81K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E BLL SENSATION 028X 14B BLL 14B LADY SENSATION 44D BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 104Z DOB: 3/15/22 Reg #44392783 Cowboy kind of bull! Well balanced, complete and solid marked with good depth and thickness from his head to his tail. He should make his progeny thick. Backed by a solid cow family. Dam a 102 MPPA. CED 2.7 BW 2.1 WW 55 YW 86 Milk 32 MG 60 Adj. WW 619 WW Ratio 96 BW 86 WW 636 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.35 Marb 0.1 BMI$ 390 CHB$ 114 HORNED
- 4987k 93k 96k 87K BLL 9261 KONG 87K MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 MH MISS STERLING 5136 BLL TRAVELLER 9121W 185Y BLL LADY TRAVELLER 185Y 54A LADY STANMORE 137Y 14W DOB: 3/16/22 Reg #44378659 Here is a big time performance and carcass bull with lots of eye appeal and extra growth. Highest weaning weight bull at 825# with a WWR 126. Out of a 10-year-old that has a 102 MPPA. His grandam is still in production at the age of 14-years with a 100 MPPA. He is in the top 1% for WW, YW, MG and REA with a high CHB. CED -5 BW 7.2 WW 75 YW 127 Milk 38 MG 76 Adj. WW 808 WW Ratio 126 BW 94 WW 825 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.89 Marb 0.1 BMI$ 354 CHB$ 127 HORNED 93K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 93K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 5D BLL LADY TIME 7X 86B DOB: 3/16/22 Reg #44392790 Maternal great. Out of a beautiful, moderate Sensation with a picture perfect 9-9 udder score. His complete and offers extra length and is a cow maker. CED 1.6 BW 2.5 WW 47 YW 70 Milk 26 MG 49 Adj. WW 638 WW Ratio 99 BW 88 WW 654 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.06 Marb 0.08 BMI$ 409 CHB$ 80 HORNED 96K BLL 9261 KRATOS 96K MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 MH MISS STERLING 5136 BLL STANDARD 13U BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 149A LADY VAN DAKOTA 28T DOB: 3/16/22 Reg #44378663 Power from a top-end cow family with added carcass value and calving ease describes this bull perfectly. He will add weight and value to your calves. His top carcass traits will also provide profitability down the line as well. His dam is a gorgeous 13U daughter with near perfect feet and udder at 10-years-old. This bull should leave you with structurally correct and highly productive females to keep your program moving forward. CED 11.1 BW 2.8 WW 57 YW 100 Milk 31 MG 60 Adj. WW 676 WW Ratio 105 BW 82 WW 690 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.72 Marb 0.13 BMI$ 372 CHB$ 134 HORNED
- 50102k 103k 105k 102K BLL 9261 KEEPER 102K MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 MH MISS STERLING 5136 BLL 20B BRIGADER 14D BLL 14D LADY BRIGADER 125G BLL 40A LADY TRAVELLER 163D DOB: 3/17/22 Reg #44378510 Very attractive Advance son that has a great phenotype. He has added length and frame with a nice square hip and will deliver growthy quality feeder calves and females to keep. Out of a fancy Brigader daughter with a perfect 9-9 udder score. CED -1.1 BW 5.2 WW 53 YW 88 Milk 29 MG 55 Adj. WW 634 WW Ratio 99 BW 88 WW 612 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.45 Marb 0.08 BMI$ 267 CHB$ 106 HORNED 103K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 103K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 42E BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 2A DOB: 3/17/22 Reg #44392798 Herd bull power! Eye appealing, that has extra length, thick quartered and mucle with a big weaning weight. He is an all-around combination of maternal and growth without having to worry about excessive BW. Heavy milking cows run in his pedigree. Dam has a 104 MPPA and a WWR of 106 on 4 calves. He is in the top 5% for MILK, UDDER and 3% for TEAT and 2% for BMI. CED 6.9 BW 1.5 WW 54 YW 79 Milk 37 MG 63 Adj. WW 663 WW Ratio 103 BW 85 WW 670 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.4 Marb -0.06 BMI$ 469 CHB$ 94 HORNED 105K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 105K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 23E BLL 40A LADY TRAVELLER 166C DOB: 3/17/22 Reg #44392797 Growth and power in a medium frame bull. Dam is a picture-perfect uddered, moderate, Sensation daughter. He is in the top 1% for UDDER and TEAT of the breed. CED 6.6 BW 2.6 WW 50 YW 67 Milk 33 MG 58 Adj. WW 658 WW Ratio 102 BW 90 WW 665 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.05 Marb 0.17 BMI$ 358 CHB$ 96 HORNED
- 51127k 128k 132k 127K BLL 124E KILLER 127K SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 BLL R117 RIB EYE 124E LADY ND DIAMOND 215T CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 69E LADY MONUMENT 98W DOB: 3/20/22 Reg #44378812 Expect great udders from this bull. On both sides of his pedigree. Maternal traits. Great baldy maker. His in the top 1% for BMI. CED 5 BW 3 WW 44 YW 78 Milk 33 MG 55 Adj. WW 578 WW Ratio 90 BW 87 WW 578 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.12 Marb 0.09 BMI$ 477 CHB$ 111 HORNED 128K BLL 9261 KRAIG 128K MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 MH MISS STERLING 5136 AGA 67X BADGER EXPRESS ET 3B BLL 3B LADY BADGER 79F BLL 302A LADY YAMPA 52C DOB: 3/20/22 Reg #44378900 Herd bull quality! He has a great phenotype with lots of rib shape, muscle and thickness. He will sire easy-keeping cattle that have the structural integrity and fleshing ability to last in any environment. Dam has a 105 MPPA with a 108 WWR on 3 calves. CED 4.5 BW 3.7 WW 60 YW 102 Milk 33 MG 63 Adj. WW 687 WW Ratio 107 BW 92 WW 675 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.37 Marb 0.15 BMI$ 272 CHB$ 109 HORNED 132K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 132K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E AGA 2U BRITISHER 85Z BLL 85Z LADY BRITISHER 179G BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 2A DOB: 3/21/22 Reg #44392800 A deep, good boned, thick made bull, you just have to like this kind! Stacked with maternal traits. CED 0.4 BW 3.1 WW 48 YW 73 Milk 23 MG 47 Adj. WW 624 WW Ratio 97 BW 88 WW 595 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.18 Marb 0.06 BMI$ 353 CHB$ 83 HORNED
- 52139k 146k 151k 139K BLL N13 NASCAR 139K GAY OLYMPUS 110088 PUTE NASCAR N13 PUTE ROSA H105 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 11B BLL LADY TIMEWAR 7X 160Z DOB: 3/21/22 Reg #44403485 A NASCAR son that has a lot of length. A true rancher’s bull that is built right and ready to go to work in any herd. Top 15% for MILK. Baldy maker! CED 0.4 BW 3.7 WW 56 YW 89 Milk 33 MG 62 Adj. WW 598 WW Ratio 93 BW 90 WW 605 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.11 Marb 0.15 BMI$ 425 CHB$ 116 DEHORNED 146K BLL 9261 KIRBY 146K MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 MH MISS STERLING 5136 UPS DOMINO 3027 BLL 3027 LADY DOMINO 94G BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 129A DOB: 3/22/22 Reg #44378612 He has that extra length that you are looking for. Level topline and fully pigmented. Offers growth and will work well on a group of Angus cows! CED 5.4 BW 3.5 WW 54 YW 98 Milk 29 MG 57 Adj. WW 618 WW Ratio 96 BW 86 WW 588 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.4 Marb 0.19 BMI$ 396 CHB$ 111 HORNED 151K BLL N13 NASCAR 151K GAY OLYMPUS 110088 PUTE NASCAR N13 PUTE ROSA H105 BLL SENSATION 028X 37B BLL 37B LADY SENSATION 176D LADY VAN DAKOTA 53T DOB: 3/23/22 Reg #44403489 Dark, cherry red NASCAR son that is moderate, deep with natural thickness and got some do-ability. Good quality uddered females in his pedigree. CED 3.7 BW 4.2 WW 45 YW 75 Milk 17 MG 40 Adj. WW 557 WW Ratio 87 BW 92 WW 558 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.1 Marb 0 BMI$ 358 CHB$ 77 HORNED
- 53166k 172k 173k 166K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 166K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 16B BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 127Z DOB: 3/24/22 Reg #44392806 He is built right and made to cover some country and get the job done. Perfect for crossbreeding. Top 5% for BMI. CED 0 BW 3.2 WW 56 YW 88 Milk 31 MG 59 Adj. WW 633 WW Ratio 98 BW 90 WW 635 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.28 Marb 0.17 BMI$ 436 CHB$ 129 DEHORNED 172K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 172K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E UPS DISTINCTION 2005Z BLL 2005 LADY DISTINCTION 31G BLL 85Z LADY BRITISHER 160E DOB: 3/23/22 Reg #44392804 A bull that has a tremendous EPD profile. Offers growth, carcass and maternal. Highest CHB bull of the offering in the top 7% and top 5% for BMI of the breed. CED 4.5 BW 3.2 WW 57 YW 94 Milk 33 MG 62 Adj. WW 674 WW Ratio 105 BW 88 WW 640 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.41 Marb 0.24 BMI$ 435 CHB$ 149 HORNED 173K BLL N13 NASCAR 173K GAY OLYMPUS 110088 PUTE NASCAR N13 PUTE ROSA H105 LBH 66T RIBSTONE 204Y BLL LADY RIBSTONE 204Y 176B LADY RANCHER 136W DOB: 3/25/22 Reg #44403493 One stylish, dark cherry red, moderate NASCAR son with a thick hind quarter. With a nice slope from his hooks to his pins. Complete outcross genetics. Expect fancy baldies from him. CED 2 BW 5.3 WW 37 YW 61 Milk 10 MG 29 Adj. WW 545 WW Ratio 85 BW 94 WW 545 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.13 Marb 0.1 BMI$ 369 CHB$ 87 HORNED
- 54180k 182k 184k 180K BLL N13 NASCAR 180K GAY OLYMPUS 110088 PUTE NASCAR N13 PUTE ROSA H105 LBH 66T RIBSTONE 204Y BLL LADY RIBSTONE 204Y 153B BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 52Y DOB: 3/26/22 Reg #44403494 Another eye catching, dark cherry red, NASCAR son. This bull has maternal power and longevity build in. Out of a 9-year-old, favorite Ribstone cow with a 102 MPPA. Baldy-female maker!! CED 0 BW 5.7 WW 47 YW 69 Milk 20 MG 44 Adj. WW 652 WW Ratio 101 BW 92 WW 650 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.48 Marb 0.03 BMI$ 339 CHB$ 93 HORNED 182K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 182K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E UPS DISTINCTION 2005Z BLL 2005 LADY DISTINCTION 14G BLL 204B LADY STANMORE 126E DOB: 3/26/22 Reg #44392803 Another Forty Creek with a really deep rib and a good look. Calving-ease specialist with a high CED is in the top 5% of the breed. Out of the smallest framed Distinction females that did a great job raising him. CED 10.6 BW 1.1 WW 46 YW 64 Milk 25 MG 48 Adj. WW 664 WW Ratio 103 BW 88 WW 625 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.15 Marb 0.33 BMI$ 423 CHB$ 118 HORNED 184K BLL 45H FORTY CREEK 184K BR 213B FORTY CREEK 234F YV 234F MR FORTY CREEK 45H YV 78B MS DOUBLE ZAM 60E BLL TRAVELLER 9121W 43Y BLL 43Y LADY TRAVELLER 217G BLL LADY SENSATION 028X 16B DOB: 3/26/22 Reg #44392805 Very attractive Forty Creek son with a big eye patch on his left eye. A deep, big topped bull with a thick hind quarter. His dam has a lot of rib shape. He will put some volume in his offspring. CED -3.8 BW 4.3 WW 57 YW 87 Milk 25 MG 54 Adj. WW 632 WW Ratio 98 BW 90 WW 592 BEERY land & livestock BI REA -0.09 Marb -0.05 BMI$ 306 CHB$ 76 HORNED
- 55192k 193k 194k 192K BLL 9261 KNUCKLES 192K MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 MH MISS STERLING 5136 UPS DOMINO 3027 BLL 3027 LADY DOMINO 126G BLL LADY DIAMOND 60U 132X DOB: 3/28/22 Reg #44378511 Excellent growth and carcass. Top 2% for WW, top 1% YW & MG, top 4% MILK, top 9% REA. Offers a high CHB. CED 0.9 BW 4.6 WW 73 YW 123 Milk 37 MG 73 Adj. WW 677 WW Ratio 105 BW 90 WW 632 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.67 Marb 0.14 BMI$ 397 CHB$ 138 HORNED 193K BLL 9261 KANSAS 193K MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 MH MISS STERLING 5136 BLL BRIGADER 41E BLL 41E LADY BRIGADER 53G BLL LADY TRAVELLER 185Y 74B DOB: 3/28/22 Reg #44378946 You will definitely find him in the pen. 100% eye pigment. He is made deep throughout. Out of a favorite Brigader 41E daughter. Top 5% for YW and top 21% for REA & MARB of the breed. Dam has a 110 WWR on 2 calves. CED 1 BW 4.6 WW 64 YW 112 Milk 27 MG 59 Adj. WW 645 WW Ratio 100 BW 92 WW 603 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.56 Marb 0.21 BMI$ 359 CHB$ 123 HORNED 194K BLL 9261 KAZ 194K MH 2239 ADVANCE 4119 MH 4119 ADVANCE 9261 MH MISS STERLING 5136 UPS DOMINO 3027 BLL 3027 LADY DOMINO 142G BLL LADY DIASPECIAL 27W 147Z DOB: 3/28/22 Reg #44378520 Eye appealing 9261 son, that is a long extended calf with a very productive 3027 mom; she is one beautiful female with a tidy udder. He should sire highly productive and attractive females. CED 4.9 BW 2.8 WW 56 YW 87 Milk 28 MG 56 Adj. WW 607 WW Ratio 94 BW 82 WW 566 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.27 Marb 0.19 BMI$ 423 CHB$ 111 HORNED
- 56197K 205K 197K BLL 124E KAPTAIN 197K SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 BLL R117 RIB EYE 124E LADY ND DIAMOND 215T CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 3F BLL 7X LADY TIME 178D DOB: 3/29/22 Reg #44378847 A very eye catching 124E son with extra muscle and a nice phenotype. High performance and maternal bred bull. Very solid, balanced EPD profile. What make this bull great is his dam. She is the highest, best, top producer on the ranch with a MPPA of 108. She has a short gestation always the first to calf. She has a WWR of 112 on 3 calves and YWR of 118. She is the mother of the 7H herd sire and PGD to the offspring being offered. Fancy females. Take advantage of this opportunity! CED 2.1 BW 4.4 WW 51 YW 82 Milk 30 MG 55 Adj. WW 669 WW Ratio 104 BW 90 WW 640 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.58 Marb 0.01 BMI$ 430 CHB$ 124 HORNED 205K BLL 141F KIMBA 205K NJW 76S 27A LONG RANGE 203D ET NJW 35Z 203D LONG RANGE 141F LB 65U 22U MISS 35Z CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 73E LADY STANDARD 8U DOB: 4/2/22 Reg #44378635 When you see him you will fall in love with his phenotype, thickness and overall muscle and quiet disposition. Younghest calf being offered with a tremendous performance and WWR of 114. High producing Sensation with a 104 MPPA and she has a WWR of 106 on 3 calves. CED -1 BW 3.5 WW 65 YW 102 Milk 35 MG 67 Adj. WW 734 WW Ratio 114 BW 92 WW 705 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.39 Marb 0 BMI$ 358 CHB$ 97 DEHORNED
- 571J BLL 7256E NIGHTCAP 1J LJS MARK DOMINO 1321 CHURCHILL NIGHTCAP 7256E CHURCHILL LADY 302A BLL 204B STANMORE 91D BLL 91D LADY CRUISER 180G BLL 185Y LADY TRAVELLER 178C DOB: 2/21/21 Reg #44288549 Calving ease specialist with a great phenotype. Should work well on heifers. CED 9.8 BW 0.8 WW 43 YW 69 Milk 33 MG 54 WW Ratio 97 BW 72 Adj. WW 586 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.23 Marb 0.19 BMI$ 279 CHB$ 120 HORNED YW Ratio 88 Adj. YW 973 25J BLL 4040 FT. KNOX 25J TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 BLL 204B STANMORE 91D BLL 91D LADY CRUISER 131G BLL 85Z LADY BRITISHER 187D DOB: 2/27/21 Reg #44288531 A calving ease option that is still masculine. Loaded with pigment. Another successful result when using FT. KNOX. His daughters are moderate with ideal udders. CED 7.9 BW 0.9 WW 39 YW 61 Milk 24 MG 43 WW Ratio 85 BW 77 Adj. WW 512 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.3 Marb 0.26 BMI$ 363 CHB$ 118 DEHORNED YW Ratio 92 Adj. YW 1023 1J 25J 34J 34J BLL 504C CUDA 34J NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET BEHM 100W CUDA 504C BEHM R294 JASMAN 102Y NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET BLL 81E LADY HISTORIC 36G BLL 204B LADY STANMORE 129E DOB: 3/1/21 Reg #44288364 He is wide bodied, stout and soft made with added carcass merit. He will keep the beef industry headed in the right direction. Lots of maternal power and a low birth weight. CED 9.7 BW 0.2 WW 62 YW 101 Milk 31 MG 62 WW Ratio 93 BW 70 Adj. WW 561 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.73 Marb 0.21 BMI$ 429 CHB$ 137 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED YW Ratio 93 Adj. YW 1037
- 5866J 95J 66J BLL 7256E NIGHTCAP 66J LJS MARK DOMINO 1321 CHURCHILL NIGHTCAP 7256E CHURCHILL LADY 302A UPS DOMINO 3027 BLL 3027 LADY DOMINO 126G BLL LADY DIAMOND 60U 132X DOB: 3/6/21 Reg #44288530 Here’s a super attractive, complete, sleep-all-night HEIFER BULL with tons of mass and dimension. CED 14.8 BW -0.6 WW 44 YW 81 Milk 35 MG 57 WW Ratio 95 BW 70 Adj. WW 572 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.42 Marb 0.39 BMI$ 383 CHB$ 139 HORNED YW Ratio 94 Adj. YW 1045 95J BLL 254G RIDGE 95J NJW 73S 38W RIDGE 103C ET NJW 139C 103C RIDGE 254G NJW 149Z 88X LEXY 139C ET BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 60E BLL LADY TRAVELLER 9121W 217Y DOB: 3/15/21 Reg #44289405 Here is a well rounded bull with plenty of gas in the tank. Loaded with pigment and out of a strong maternal cow family. Cows that have fleshing ability, volume and rib shape. CED -2.6 BW 3.3 WW 51 YW 86 Milk 31 MG 56 WW Ratio 89 BW 88 Adj. WW 537 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.34 Marb 0.05 BMI$ 446 CHB$ 86 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED YW Ratio 89 Adj. YW 986 97J BLL 504C CUDA 97J NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET BEHM 100W CUDA 504C BEHM R294 JASMAN 102Y BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 BLL 0220 LADY MASTERPIECE 132E LADY WARRIOR 148U DOB: 3/15/21 Reg #44288351 Soft made, very easy doing with lots of muscle shape and thickness along with a low birth weight. CED 7.5 BW -0.7 WW 53 YW 89 Milk 25 MG 52 WW Ratio 95 BW 78 Adj. WW 572 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.32 Marb 0.32 BMI$ 374 CHB$ 132 HETEROZYGOUS POLLED YW Ratio 93 Adj. YW 1029 97J
- 59106J 110J 106J BLL 3027 DOMINO 106J CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS DOMINO 3027 UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 BR 4W STANMORE 204B BLL 204B LADY STANMORE 189E BLL LADY TIME 7X 64A DOB: 3/16/21 Reg #44288568 Good looking heifer bull with plenty of calving ease, milk and great udders heavily bred-in. High BMI & CHB Index will sire some nice baldies! CED 11.7 BW -1.4 WW 41 YW 71 Milk 26 MG 47 WW Ratio 88 BW 80 Adj. WW 529 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.68 Marb 0.41 BMI$ 484 CHB$ 160 HORNED YW Ratio 90 Adj. YW 1005 110J BLL 203D LONG RANGE 110J NJW 135U 10Y HOMETOWN 27A NJW 76S 27A LONG RANGE 203D ET NJW 55N STARDUST 76S CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 69E LADY MONUMENT 98W DOB: 3/17/21 Reg #44289449 This guy groups length and muscle shape into a smooth package. He will sire daughters with tidy udders. CED 4.9 BW 1.6 WW 57 YW 93 Milk 43 MG 72 WW Ratio 98 BW 90 Adj. WW 587 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.25 Marb -0.07 BMI$ 396 CHB$ 90 DEHORNED YW Ratio 102 Adj. YW 1134 116J 116J BLL 311F RIDGE 116J NJW 73S 38W RIDGE 103C ET NJW 79Z 103C RIDGE 311F ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET BR 4W STANMORE 204B BLL 204B LADY STANMORE 122D LADY MONUMENT 98W DOB: 3/17/21 Reg #44289407 Here’s a long strided 311F son that has that added length and growth that will give you extra pounds in the fall. CED 3.7 BW 3.5 WW 57 YW 89 Milk 32 MG 61 WW Ratio 101 BW 87 Adj. WW 611 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.97 Marb 0.09 BMI$ 375 CHB$ 146 DEHORNED YW Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1109
- 60117J 202J 117J BLL 3027 DOMINO 117J CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS DOMINO 3027 UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 AGA 2U BRITISHER 85Z BLL 85Z LADY BRITISHER 124D BLL LADY WARRIOR 26X 108A DOB: 3/17/21 Reg #44288346 Excellent heifer bull choice. Low birth weight with some look all in a red package. One of the higher BMI & CHB bulls. CED 10.1 BW 0.4 WW 44 YW 77 Milk 29 MG 51 WW Ratio 96 BW 80 Adj. WW 577 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.5 Marb 0.38 BMI$ 470 CHB$ 141 HORNED YW Ratio 98 Adj. YW 1091 202J BLL 141F LONG RANGE 202J NJW 76S 27A LONG RANGE 203D ET NJW 35Z 203D LONG RANGE 141F LB 65U 22U MISS 35Z BLL TRAVELLER 185Y 40A BLL 40A LADY TRAVELLER 61C BLL LADY TIMEWARP 7X 114Z DOB: 3/26/21 Reg #44275109 Smooth made bull with solid red markings and good pigment. His dam has a nice, small teated udder and really milks. CED 0.5 BW 2.4 WW 52 YW 86 Milk 30 MG 56 WW Ratio 90 BW 88 Adj. WW 542 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.2 Marb 0 BMI$ 353 CHB$ 93 HORNED YW Ratio 92 Adj. YW 1023 213J BLL 141F LONG RANGE 213J NJW 73S 38W RIDGE 103C ET NJW 79Z 103C RIDGE 311F ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET BLL STANDARD TIME 743 7X BLL 7X LADY DIAMOND TIME 97C LADY ND DIAMOND 174T DOB: 3/28/21 Reg #44274108 His dam is one of the longest and prettiest cows in the herd with a beautiful udder and lots of pigment. Doesn’t matter the mating, she clicks. He will sire a top set of females or feeder cattle! CED 4.2 BW 1.3 WW 45 YW 68 Milk 24 MG 46 WW Ratio 89 BW 90 Adj. WW 535 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.68 Marb -0.07 BMI$ 431 CHB$ 110 HORNED YW Ratio 90 Adj. YW 1004 213J
- 61226J BLL 8G HOMELAND 226J KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 BLL C34 HOMELAND 8G BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 17E BLL STANDARD 13U BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 149A LADY VAN DAKOTA 28T DOB: 3/31/21 Reg #44273859 A HEIFER BULL by nature that has an excellent genetic profile. Provides out-cross genetics. Dark pigmented! CED 9.7 BW 0 WW 38 YW 54 Milk 25 MG 44 WW Ratio 101 BW 72 Adj. WW 609 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.43 Marb 0.13 BMI$ 441 CHB$ 98 HORNED YW Ratio 92 Adj. YW 1027 232J BLL 124E T-BONE 232J NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET BLL 81E HISTORIC 129G BLL LADY STANDARD 13U 52Y CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X BLL 028X LADY SENSATION 38E BLL 185Y LADY TRAVELLER 92C DOB: 4/2/21 Reg #44268228 Here is a long sided, added growth and frame, range type of bull that will add pounds to a set of feeder cattle. CED 5.7 BW 0.3 WW 42 YW 66 Milk 34 MG 55 WW Ratio 105 BW 82 Adj. WW 634 BEERY land & livestock BI REA 0.51 Marb 0.13 BMI$ 474 CHB$ 107 DEHORNED YW Ratio 104 Adj. YW 1157 226j 232J
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